131 Amazing Riddles for Kids with Answers – 2024 (2024)

The satisfaction that comes after solving a tricky riddle? We know it, and so do the kids. Riddles for kids make for an excellent game in the classroom, but they’re also a great way to boost their creative and critical thinking at home. A riddle is a kind of puzzle in the form of a question or statement. The way a riddle is worded is often meant to confuse or trick you. They’re best solved when kids are encouraged to use their imagination, and to have some fun while they’re at it. Check out the 131 riddles for kids with answers below. You’ll find easy riddles, play-on-words riddles, hard riddles, math riddles and funny riddles for a good, little laugh.

Easy Riddles for Kids

1) What can you catch, but not throw?

Answer: A cold

2) What has hands, but can’t clap?

Answer: A clock

3) I am made to absorb, and I can hold liquid even though I’m full of holes. What am I?

Answer: A sponge

4) When does achievement come before drive, goals, and pursuit?

Answer: In the dictionary

5) I get answered even though I never ask a question. What am I?

Answer: A door knock or doorbell

6)What’s really easy to get into, and hard to get out of?

Answer: Trouble

7) What’s black and white and read all over?

Answer: A newspaper

8) What has legs, but doesn’t walk?

Answer: A table

9) What kind of cup doesn’t hold water?

Answer: Cupcake or hiccup

10) I am always running, but never get tired or hot. What am I?

Answer: The refrigerator

(List Continued)

11) What has a head and tail but no body?

Answer: A coin

12) What gets bigger the more you take away?

Answer: A hole

13) I am easy to lift but hard to throw. What am I?

Answer: A feather

14) The more of this there is, the less you can see. What is it?

Answer: Darkness

15) What is as big as an elephant but weighs nothing?

Answer: An elephant’s shadow

16) What has thirteen hearts, but no other organs?

Answer: A deck of cards

Play on Words Riddles for Kids

17) I am always in front of you and never behind you. What am I?

Answer: Your future

18) What is at the end of a rainbow?

Answer: The letter “W”

19) You won’t see me at all in March, May, or January, but catch me once in June and twice in November. What am I?

Answer: The letter “E”

20) What English word has three consecutive double letters?

Answer: Bookkeeper

21) If you don’t keep me, I’ll break. What am I?

Answer: A promise

22) I’m not in Venus or Neptune, but you can find me in Mercury, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and Uranus. What am I?

Answer: The letter “R”

23) What word begins and ends with “E” but only has one letter?

Answer: Envelope

(List Continued)

24) Kids can make it but never hold it or see it. What is it?

Answer: Noise

25) Which letter of the alphabet has the most water?

Answer: The letter “C”

26) What letter of the alphabet appears at the start of questions?

Answer: The letter Y (why)

27) I sound like I could cut you, but I’m actually quite comfortable. I can be green or yellow. I can be stiff or soft. Plus, I am a friend to bugs and also bare feet. What am I?

Answer: A blade of grass

28) Mississippi has four S letters and four I letters. Can you spell that without using S or I?

Answer: T H A T (spell that)

29) You see me once in June, twice in November, but not at all in May. What am I?

Answer: The letter “e”

30) What can you break, even if you never pick it up or touch it?

Answer: A promise

31) You are always living in me. No matter how much time goes by I am still right there with you. What am I?

Answer: The present moment

32) What has lots of eyes, but can’t see?

Answer: A potato

33) A girl fell off a 20-foot ladder. She wasn’t hurt. Why?

Answer: She fell off the bottom step

Riddles for Kids (Continued)

34) I am round as a sphere but then become something else. I am also one hundred yards long, or even longer. What am I?

Answer: A ball of yarn

35) There’s a one-story house where everything is yellow. The walls are yellow. The doors are yellow. Even all the furniture is yellow. The house has yellow beds and yellow couches. What color are the stairs?

Answer: Well, the stairs don’t exist. It’s a one-story house.

36) What comes once in a second, twice in a decade, but just a single time in a century?

Answer: The letter E

37) I don’t have money, though I do have banks. I feed others, though I don’t eat. Cross me if you can, I won’t be mad. What am I?

Answer: The mouth of a river

38) I have a stem, but I am not a flower. I have a foot, but I cannot hop. Children are too young to hold me. What am I?

Answer: A wine glass

39) What’s a frog’s favorite game?

Answer: Leapfrog

40) What four-letter word can be written the same forward and backward, as well as upside down?

Answer: Noon

Hard Riddles for Kids with Answers

41) You can touch me, but I can’t touch you back. You can see me, but I only reflect you and can never reject you. What am I?

Answer: A mirror

42) What is so fragile that saying its name will make it break?

Answer: Silence

43) People buy me to eat, but I cannot be eaten. What am I?

Answer: A plate

44) The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?

Answer: Footsteps

45) What has to be broken before you can eat it?

Answer: An egg

46) I will fill a room but take up no space. What am I?

Answer: Light

47) I have seven rings made of rock and ice, but you cannot wear them on your fingers. They are way, way too big. What am I?

Answer: Saturn

48) I look like you, but I am not you. You can blow me up or find me in a wallet. Share me or frame me, both are nice. What am I?

Answer: A photograph of you

Hard Riddles for Kids with Answers (Continued)

49) I can be red or blue—I am always changing. I can ruin your day or lift you up. I am always with you except when you sleep. What am I?

Answer: Your mood

50) We come in a set. We can dash or pour. If we’re too much, the serving is ruined. If we’re held back, the course is flat. What are we?

Answer: Salt and pepper

51) I can be open or closed, or big or small. I can reveal the truth or hide it. I am almost always welcome and can spring up unannounced. Everyone has one, but not everyone shares. Laughter comes after me. What am I?

Answer: A smile

52) My name seems harsh, but I am still and silent. You are supposed to eat me, but some display me. My name is not easy to do to me because I am hard on the outside. What am I?

Answer: A squash

53) I am light and seem to have no substance at all. But even the strongest person in the world can’t hold me for very long. What am I?

Answer: Breath

54) You can play me with cards, but don’t burn me. Rest glasses on me or walk across me. What am I?

Answer: A bridge

55) I run, but I don’t walk. I drip and drop, but I can’t pick myself up. You have to consume me and sometimes I surround you. What am I?

Answer: Water

Hard Riddles for Kids with Answers (Continued)

56) It’s good to stretch me and push my limits. The more you use me, the stronger I get. When I am sharp, I at my best. What am I?

Answer: Your brain

57) A doctor drops off a young boy at school every morning before work. The doctor is not the child’s father, but the child is the doctor’s son. Explain.

Answer: The doctor is the boy’s mom

59) I’m always on the dinner table, but you don’t get to eat me. What am I?

Answer: Plates and silverware

60) I have many teeth, but I cannot bite. What am I?

Answer: A comb

61) Tom’s father has three sons. The first two are named Jim and John. What is the third one’s name?

Answer: Tom

62) I have to be opened, but I don’t have a lid or a key to get in. What am I?

Answer: An egg

63) What has many keys but cannot unlock a single door?

Answer: A piano

64) I run along your property and all around the backyard, yet I never move. What am I?

Answer: A fence

65) I am often following you and copying your every move. Yet you can never touch me or catch me. What am I?

Answer: A shadow

Hard Riddles for Kids with Answers (Continued)

66) What can you hear, but not see or touch, even though you control it?

Answer: Your voice

67) I have a head much smaller than my long neck. People who play with me pick at me and that’s fine. What am I?

Answer: A guitar

68) People have stepped on me, but not many. I never stay full for long. I have a dark side. What am I?

Answer: The moon

Math Riddles for Kids

69) Which month of the year has 28 days?

Answer: All of them

70) Which is heavier: a ton of bricks or a ton of feathers?

Answer: Neither, they both weigh the same.

71) What word contains 26 letters, but only has three syllables?

Answer: Alphabet

72) What do the numbers 11 and 88 have in common?

Answer: They both look the same upside-down and backward.

73) Four siblings stood underneath an umbrella. Two were holding dogs and two were holding cats. How did they all keep from getting wet?

Answer: It wasn’t raining.

74) If it takes 20 workers 20 hours to build a garage from start to finish. How long will it take ten workers to complete the same project?

Answer: No time. The job is complete.

75) One year has 365 days. How many seconds are in a year?

Answer: 12 (the second day of each month)

Math Riddles for Kids with Answers (Continued)

76) There are 3 apples in the basket and you take away 2. How many apples do you have now?

Answer: You have 2 apples. You took away 2 apples and left 1 in the basket.

77) I add 5 to 9 and get 2. The answer is correct, so what am I?

Answer: A clock. When it is 9 a.m., adding 5 hours would make it 2 p.m.

78) Which number stays the same no matter what number you multiply it with?

Answer: Zero

79) Kavita has 3 strawberries and 2 oranges in one hand and 2 strawberries and 4 oranges in the other. How many oranges and strawberries did Kavita have?

Answer: 6 oranges and 5 strawberries

80) Bill, Judy, and Dane attended a baseball game together and bought one ticket each. How many tickets did they buy in total?

Answer: Three

(List Continued)

81) How many times can you subtract 10 from 25?

Answer: Once. After you subtract 10 from 25 the first time, it becomes 15.

82) What are eight 8s that add up to 1,000?

Answer: 8 + 8 + 8 + 88 + 888 = 1,000

83) Rachel goes to the supermarket and buys 10 tomatoes. Unfortunately, on the way back home, all but 9 get ruined. How many tomatoes are left in good condition?

Answer: 9

84) When my father was 30 years old, I was 9 years old. Now I am 40 years old, so what is my father’s age now?

Answer: 61

85) How do you make the number 7 even without adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing?

Answer: Just delete the “S” in 7

86) What comes before 11 and after 15?

Answer: 10 and 16

Math Riddles for Kids (Continued)

87) When Rebecca was 8 years old, her little brother, Bob, was half her age. If Rebecca is 20 years old today, how old is Bob?

Answer: 16

88) What can you put between 4 and 5 so that the result is more than 4 but less than 5?

Answer: A decimal

89) How many sides does a square have?

Answer: 4

90) If 2 is company and 3 is a crowd, what are 4 and 5?

Answer: 9

91) When is 1500 plus 20 and 1600 minus 40 the same thing?

Answer: When it’s military time

92) Cindy has a very big family. She has 20 aunts, 20 uncles and 50 cousins. Each of her cousins has an aunt who is not Cindy’s aunt. How is this possible?

Answer: Their aunt is Zoey’s mom!

(List Continued)

93) Which is heavier: a ton of bricks or a ton of feathers?

Answer: Neither—they both weigh a ton.

94) Mrs. Willow has 5 daughters. Each of these daughters has a brother. How many children does Mrs. Willow have?

Answer: They have 6 children. Each daughter has the same brother. There are 5 daughters and 1 son.

Funny Riddles for Kids with Answers

95) What kind of band never plays music?

Answer: A rubber band

96) I add lots of flavor and have many layers, but if you get too close I’ll make you cry. What am I?

Answer: An onion

97) Grandpa went out for a walk and it started to rain. He didn’t bring an umbrella or a hat. His clothes got soaked, but not a hair on his head was wet. How is this possible?

Answer: Grandpa was bald.

98) What’s bright orange with green on top and sounds like a parrot?

Answer: A carrot

99) Picture this scene: You are alone in a forest and you hear a noise. You realize you are being followed. You begin to run as fast as you can, but whatever is following is getting closer and closer. How do you escape?

Answer: Stop imagining that scenario and imagine something else.

100) If you take away one hand, some will remain. What am I?

Answer: Handsome

Funny Riddles for Kids (Continued)

101) How should you satisfy your sweet tooth when it’s way after bedtime?

Answer: Eat choco-late

102) Have you ever heard the story of Goldilocks? When your shoes are off what trait do you share with the animals the girl in the story bothers?

Answer: Bare feet

103) I can travel at nearly 100 miles per hour, but never leave the room. You can cover me up, but that doesn’t slow me down. You will not know if I come only once or again and again and again. What am I?

Answer: A sneeze

104) I go around the world but never leave the corner. What am I?

Answer: A stamp

105) What is always answered without being questioned?

Answer: A doorbell

106) What two keys cannot open any doors?

Answer: Monkey and donkey

107) What kind of tree can you carry in your hand?

Answer: A palm tree

108) What two things can you never eat for breakfast?

Answer: Lunch and dinner

109) Which fish costs the most?

Answer: A goldfish

110) My teddy bear is never hungry. Why?

Answer: Your teddy bear is stuffed.

Funny Riddles for Kids with Answers (Continued)

111) Who wears shoes while sleeping?

Answer: A horse

112) Where do you take a sick boat?

Answer: To the dock-tor

113) What loses a head in the morning, but gets it back at night?

Answer: A pillow

114) What is something brown with a head and tail but no legs?

Answer: A penny

115) What happens when a sheep studies karate?

Answer: Lamb chop

116) How do you make the word “one” disappear?

Answer: Add a “G” in front and it’s gone.

117) What is it called when a dinosaur makes a soccer goal?

Answer: Dino-score

118) What kind of room has no walls, doors, or windows?

Answer: A mushroom

119) What has a neck but no head?

Answer: A bottle

120) What has 88 teeth but has never brushed them?

Answer: A piano

Funny Riddles for Kids with Answers (Continued)

121) What goes up but never comes down?

Answer: Age

122) You walk into a room that has a match, a candle, and a fireplace. Which should you light first?

Answer: The match

123) If you threw a black stone into the Red Sea, what would it become?

Answer: Wet

124) What building has the most stories?

Answer: A library

125) Why did the football coach go to the bank?

Answer: He wanted his quarterback

126) How do shells get around the ocean?

Answer: A taxi crab

127) How do you catch a school of fish?

Answer: A bookworm

128) Imagine you are trapped in a closet with a locked door. How will you get out?

Answer: Stop imagining

129) What is used by others but only belongs to you?

Answer: Your name

130) What did the sea say to the sand?

Answer: Nothing, it just waved.

131)What room do ghosts avoid?

Answer: The living room

Fun Riddles for Kids with Answers

Whether you’re working together in the classroom or at home with the kids, you can expect some bursts of satisfaction, frustration, confusion or hilarity to ensue. Although this is a list of riddles for kids, my guess is that you might have a similar reaction too.

Additional Resources

  • Teacher Intro Letter to Parents – Examples
  • 124 Good Icebreaker Questions for Students/Adults
  • 141 Fun, Weird, and Interesting Facts—2024
131 Amazing Riddles for Kids with Answers – 2024 (2024)


What can a child make but not see? ›

Kids can make it, but never hold it or see it. What is it? Noise.

How do you find riddles answers? ›

Can't solve a riddle? The answer might lie in knowing what doesn't work
  1. Identify a key feature in a pattern;
  2. Figure out where that feature appears in the sequence;
  3. Come up with a rule for manipulating the feature;
  4. Check whether the rule holds true for the entire pattern.
Mar 4, 2021

What has 5 fingers but is not alive? ›

Question: I have five fingers but I am not alive. What am I? Answer: a glove.

What has 88 keys? ›

A standard piano has 88 keys: 52 white and 36 black. But who decided this number would be the norm, and why? The king of instruments has played a significant role in music history – from concertos and sonatas, to nocturnes and trios, classical music would simply not be the same without the humble piano.

What can be touched but can't be seen? ›

Q: What can be touched but can't be seen? A: Someone's heart.

What can you catch but not throw? ›

Answer: “A Cold” or “Illness”. You can catch a cold or illness, but you cannot just throw it like any other object. This is a beautiful riddle which shows humor and the application of common sense.

What has 88 keys but can't open a door answer? ›

A piano has 88 keys and they cannot open a door. Hence, the correct answer to the riddle is a piano.

What are three things that have an eye but Cannot see? ›

A needle has an eye but cannot see. A potato has multiple eyes, yet cannot see. A hankey has a key incapable of opening any lock.

Can a child not make eye contact and not be autistic? ›

A lack of eye contact does not always mean a child is autistic.

What can make that no one can see? ›

Answer: Answer: A parachute. What is it a child can make that no one can ever see? Answer: Noise.


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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

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Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.