Amazon Country - Greenanon - Original Work [Archive of Our Own] (2024)

Chapter 1: Stranger in a Strange Land

Chapter Text

The sun rose high and hot over the humid hills and overgrowth of the lands of the Amazon Queendom, the cleared farm plots and towns islands of grass in the middle of an otherwise untamed and immense jungle that loomed at the edges like a wall, the barrier between civilization and the true wilderness.

Roads and cleared paths linked all the settlements and most of the farms like this one of course, but Dirk could hear the roars of strange beasts and smell the new scents of a world he’d never imagined as his horse clopped down the center of the cobblestone road. It was clean and well maintained, but with the trees nearly touching each other overhead it was almost like riding through a green tunnel.

He adjusted his wide brimmed hat as a ray of light poked through the leaves overhead, and frowned as he saw a wagon approaching. He’d no doubt be an odd sight here, the Amazon Queendom’s residents were a darker complexioned folk than most of the people in his own homeland, and being born farther north Dirk had a fair face and light hair to match.

He brought his horse to a halt, shifting in the saddle slightly to one side, making it easier to reach his pistol if necessary. The wagon was immense, drawn by a massive pair of draft oxen and with the cloth canopy stretching nearly twenty feet high.

What really caught his eye though, was the driver. It was a woman, he’d expected that, this was the Queendom after all, women supposedly ran things here, but while it was one thing to be told they were big, it was another thing to see it in person. She had to be at least nine feet tall, and he had a feeling that if she stood next to him, she’d be able to rest the bottom of her ample chest on the top of his head. She had dirty brown hair cut short, and a pair of muscular looking arms. Her skin was grimy, coated with sweat and dust from the road, all in all she was unlike any kind of woman Dirk had seen in his travels, and he felt nervous as she brought her wagon to a halt next to him.

“Hey,” she said with a nod, smiling, “what’s a cute little thing like you doing traveling by yourself?”

“Why’d we stop?” another woman’s voice called from inside the wagon. Another face poked out, a tanned woman with dark brown hair who looked a little cleaner than the driver at least. Her own smile lit up as she saw Dirk, and he gave her a small grin and tipped his hat politely. From the way the second amazon clambered out into the front of the wagon with the other, he quickly wished he hadn’t. “H-Hey,” she stammered, “it’s uh… odd to see a man out, not that there’s anything wrong with that-“

“Excuse her, she never learned to talk to boys,” the first one said with a chuckle. There was a lustful look in her eyes that she didn’t bother hiding, “Listen here hun, this road’s no place for a cute guy like yourself to be on his own, why don’t you hitch your horse to our wagon and keep us company for a spell?”

“I’m going in the opposite direction,” he nodded down the road, “sorry.”

The wagon driver’s face darkened, “listen here boy, I know they do things differently out in your empire, but here in the Queen’s lands? When a woman offers to do you a favor it’s best to be polite.”

He scowled, his hand drifting for the pistol, “I’m not being rude… yet, but keep poking and you’ll know when I start.”

“Maybelle!” the younger Amazon hissed, clutching her shoulder, “cut it out!”

The driver, Maybelle, smirked, and whipped the reigns of the oxen. A moment later the wagon lurched forward, and Dirk watched them, his head turning slowly as he saw them go. With a muted sigh he straightened himself on his saddle again.

It was odd, being accosted like that, he’d heard that Amazons could be rather… forward, but like their size it was one thing to be told secondhand and another entirely to experience in person.

What would have happened if I’d gone with them? A morbid part of him wondered. He chuckled, continuing on his way.

“Did you see that boy?” Maybelle laughed once they’d gone a little way down the road. She whistled, causing the younger Amazon, Cora, to look away uncomfortably. Maybelle saw it and scowled, “hey, come on, quit that, I was just talking!”

“You probably scared him half to death!” Cora spat.

Maybelle rolled her eyes, “he’s from the Empire, he’s too stupid to know he’s in any danger from the likes of us,” she saw Cora’s expression and rolled her eyes, “not that there is any danger obviously, we’re good goddessfearing women after all, but not everyone on these roads is as nice as us.”

“Maybe we should go back for him,” Cora said, peering back at the traveler, now just a dot in the distance behind them.

“Nah, let mister manly man find out for himself why boys don’t go out at night around here,” Maybelle said dismissively. A sly grin came over her features, “what do you think his co*ck looked like?”

Cora went red, “h-how would I know?”

“f*cking virgin,” Maybelle laughed, shaking her head, “look, everyone knows if a man is feisty, rebellious, that means he’s probably big, if he’s meek, respectful, you know a real traditional house husband type, it’s probably not so big.”

“That’s absurd!” Cora exclaimed, “like you could tell the size of a man’s… parts, by his personality!”

Maybelle sighed, “Cora, you’re a ridiculous girl. You’re the best with a sword or a bow in town, you brought back a King Lizard hide by yourself, and you’ve got a medal from one of Lady Griselda’s fighting tournaments, you should have a man on each arm and one with his tongue between your legs any time you want.”

Cora went red, “I-I just get nervous around them!”

“Just be aggressive,” Maybelle said, “all men, even that foreign piece of ass back there, want a woman who will pin them down and really make them feel like men, do you understand?”

“Y-Yeah,” Cora breathed, “so… do you think he’s moving into Amaya’s old place?”

“Mother’s tit*,” Maybelle said, her eyes lighting up, “you’re right! I heard it was a foreign boy that inherited, but I didn’t think he’d actually come for it!” She whistled, “straw haired guy like that? He’s going to be very popular with the village girls, goddess why couldn’t he have shown up when I was twenty?”

“Because when you were twenty you just crossed the border and clubbed men like him over the head,” Cora said, the hint of an edge in her voice.

Maybelle just smirked, “Every man I ever bedded was charmed there, I promise you that, but yeah I did have a man-club back in the day, big wooden thing, with padding around the end so you wouldn’t kill the poor things… never really needed it, but I did love carrying near the border and winking at the Imperials.”

Cora scowled, “does your father know you talk about men like that?”

Maybelle laughed loudly, “He surely does, I really ought to go see him and mother when our busy season’s over. You should worry less about how I talk to men and more about talking to one yourself without turning into a stuttering mess.”

The oxen stopped, grunting loudly and pawing at the dirt. Cora was instantly alert, reaching back into the wagon for a long spear with a strong crossbar, a hunting weapon capable of stopping a charging animal. With a flourish she leapt down to the ground, glancing around.

“What is it?” Maybelle asked, peering around.

Cora’s eyes narrowed and she saw scales and a tail slide through the undergrowth, “razorlizard,” she said, “go get your spear and circle around it.”

“I don’t pay you so I can be the one trudging through the jungle after lizards,” Maybelle said, “go kill that thing on your own, or we’ll have to talk about your pay.”

“It’s too goddess damned low as it is!” Cora protested, never taking her eyes off the jungle.

Maybelle just laughed, “for simple wagon guarding I think it’s plenty, plus you get all of my wonderful life advice for free.”

I should charge extra for having to hear her prattle on, Cora thought. With a huff she stalked into the jungle after the creature angrily, if it was foolish enough to try to take her… well she’d never found razorlizards a particularly challenging kill, but it would take her mind of things for a time.

Dirk looked at the acres of cleared farmland, an oasis of familiarity in the sea of green jungle. The herd of cattle grazing before the grand farmhouse looked almost normal… almost. As he rode up to them he was able to put their massive size into to context, these were Aurochs, massive bovines that stood from hoof to shoulder as tall as he did. Like with the Amazons themselves, he felt a twinge of hesitation, experiencing their size rather than simply being told about it.

Pull yourself together, he growled at himself, dismounting and walking up to one of the animals, if you’re going to ranch these creatures you can’t be scared of them… He forced himself to walk up to the massive herd of cattle, and he didn’t want to acknowledge the relief he felt when they didn’t posture aggressively at him. He felt the flintlock rifle across his back heavily, wondering if it would even be able to stop one of these things if it charged him, it won’t, he realized as he reached a hand out, running a hand up one’s nose, feeling the hardness of the bone beneath that fur, luckily they seem pretty tame…

“You must be Dirk Sommer,” a woman’s voice drawled behind him. He turned to see an amazon walking up to him, and he fought his instinct to step backwards as she approached him with a grin.

She was dressed in clothes that could have been his own back on his parent’s cattle ranch, woven blue pants and a leather vest over a white shirt. A sword hung at her side, and a bow and quiver full of arrows the size of short spears could be seen over her shoulders, like him she wore a wide brimmed hat, though hers was white, with small roses embroidered around the edge.

She reached him, and he held his ground as she loomed over him. She was nine feet tall at least, and while she didn’t look bulky like a man would, she had noticeable muscle on her tanned arms, visible with her sleeves rolled up. She had a sweaty earthy smell about her, the aroma of a farmhand after a long day, and her shoulder length dark crimson hair was mussed and tangled slightly, as if blown by the wind. A single pale scar traced down her cheek, marring an otherwise sharp looking face, distracting from the rich brown eyes that were taking him in as she smirked. Everything about her was overwhelming, a wall of a woman that seemed to almost assault all of his senses just by standing in front of him

“I’m Dirk,” he said, keeping his voice casual, “do you have some business with me?”

“Name’s Cassidy,” the woman said, “I worked for your Aunt and Uncle before they passed, I’ve been taking care of the place since then.”

“That a fact,” Dirk said, “don’t suppose you wouldn’t mind telling me what happened to them? The messenger didn’t say.”

Cassidy chuckled, giving him a wry grin he didn’t like at all, “Wow, just got here and already in over your head, aren’t you sweetheart?” Dirk frowned, not sure he liked a strange woman who couldn’t be more than five years older than him at the outside calling him “sweetheart,” but if Cassidy noticed or cared, she didn’t show it, “your aunt and uncle, Amaya and Markus? They were murdered, thieves took them in the night.”

Dirk felt himself tense, he’d suspected something was off, from what he’d understood his father’s brother had only been ten years older than he was, and his amazon bride a similar age. This confirmed his worst suspicions, and he mentally sighed as he wondered how this would impact his plans to settle here.

“They catch the guy- or gal I guess, that did it?” he asked.

Cassidy smiled sadly, “Afraid not, the ranch would’ve gone up for auction if the Priestess in town hadn’t insisted on sending someone to look for Markus’ relatives over the border. Being honest I’m surprised you came,” she chuckled and reached out and gripped his chin, startling him slightly as her calloused fingers ran along his skin, “most men from out in the Imperial lands… they don’t like the way we do things around here, how we like our men… tamed.”

He gripped her hand and forcefully pushed it away, causing her to laugh a little, “don’t touch me again!” he snapped angrily, “now, you’ve been looking after this place? I suppose you’ll be wanting payment of some kind?”

Cassidy shrugged, “I’ll give you the same rate I gave your aunt and uncle, which is damned decent of me.”

“Rate? As in you think you’re going to continue working here?” Dirk asked.

The amazon gave him that same smug grin that was beginning to get on his nerves, “Cute little thing like you can’t herd aurochs alone, and even with those fancy foreign weapons of yours,” she nodded at his guns, “you’re not going to keep things like Razorlizards or worse out without at least one amazon to take care of you, we really should hire another one on.”

“Jumping to ‘we’ a little fast, aren’t we?” Dirk growled. He was starting to get a feel for Cassidy, he’d been taken off guard by a woman talking to him, and treating him like this, and caught off guard again by her imposing size, but underneath it all was a personality type he’d dealt with before. “Take me to the farmhouse, let’s see how well you’ve taken care of things.”

Dirk walked through the house, feeling like a child in front of the oversized furnishings. It would have been a large home back in his native country, here it towered over him like a lord’s manor. Everything was built for a ten-foot-tall woman, any additional accommodations, a stepstool for the kitchen counters, a smaller privy, were afterthoughts. Going through the halls there was no doubt who would be the master, or rather mistress, of such a household.

He finished his tour, and walked back into the main living room, before a massive empty fireplace where Cassidy waited on a couch. Hanging over the mantle was a portrait of his uncle and his bride, the towering Amazon smiling and holding him on her knee as they posed. His uncle had been a thin man, with a balding patch and a warm smile, his aunt-in-law he’d never met, but in her towering form a kindness radiated in the way she and his uncle held each other. Atop her head was a white hat with a rose trim.

“So,” he began, looking at what he was certain was the same hat on Cassidy’s head, “all of the drawers have been ransacked, jewelry boxes were busted open, and it appears my aunt’s wardrobe was rifled through, is this what you call looking after the place?”

Cassidy’s eyes narrowed, “whoever killed them robbed them, I’ve done my best to keep anyone else out of here until now, but my house is out on the edge of the plot, I couldn’t guard it all hours of the day and get anything done.”

“That right,” Dirk said, enjoying Cassidy’s discomfort as she realized he was looking at the rose trimmed hat.

“Your aunt… she would’ve wanted me to have this,” Cassidy said defensively. Dirk just glared at her, and her face went red, “listen here,” she snarled, “you didn’t even know her, this hat-“

“Everything that was theirs, is mine now,” he said in a low voice. He let his hand rest on his pistol, a gesture that would have given any man pause.

Cassidy noticed, and just snorted, “you’re in for a hard f*cking time here if you think that pea shooter is going to make a woman take you seriously.” She reached for the hat, tipping it defiantly, “it won’t fit you anyway, it’s tailored for a woman, a real woman… if it bothers you, take the cost out of my pay.”

Dirk thought a moment, then nodded, tipping his own hat, “Fair enough…”

Cassidy sighed, “Any sane woman would have either backhanded you for that or headed for the road by now, the only reason I’m not going to do either is because of how I felt about your aunt and uncle,” she nodded at the portrait, “your aunt? That was an Amazon, a woman’s woman, she taught me almost everything I know, and your uncle? Now there was a man, he could cook a meal, stitch a wound, and play a fiddle all at the same time.”

“Can’t say I knew him well or her at all,” Dirk muttered.

“Well, you were some kind of family to them or you wouldn’t be here, so against my better judgment I’m offering to stick around,” Cassidy growled, “go get some shuteye, we rise early here.”

“I grew up on a ranch and spent eight years with the imperial army, I can get up before dawn easy,” he hefted his bag over his shoulder, “see you then.” Cassidy gave him a small smile and rose to leave as he carried his things to the master bedroom. If there was one advantage to a house built for Amazons, it was that the bed was truly massive, he’d sleep well at least.

Cora carefully wove the thread through the dried and cleaned razor lizard claws, the pair she’d taken from the dead beast were big enough to be worth taking as trophies, and she’d decided to make a necklace of them. Slowly she tied it behind her neck, letting the razor sharp claws drape across her chest.

“Still taking wagon guard jobs?” her father asked, peeking in to her room.

“What are you doing up this early?” she asked with a scowl.

Her father just laughed, “I’m always up this early dear, who do you think makes your mother’s tea?”

She stood up and walked over to the door, peering down in annoyance, “I suppose you’re going to tell me I need to find more steady work, impress a nice man?”

“You said it, not me,” Her father chuckled softly. He pushed his way in, and though she could have easily stopped him she just sighed and stepped back, you didn’t shove your own father after all… He placed a small tray of pastries on her bed’s end table, and while she wouldn’t lower herself to reach for one while he watched, her stomach grumbled slightly at the thought of scarfing them down as soon as he left. Her father had always been a fine cook…

“Amaya Northstar and her husband… their relative came to take possession of their ranch,” she said idly, “I met him on the road.”

“Oh?” her father asked with a sly grin, “handsome?”

Cora burned red, “h-he had that foreign look, yellow hair, sharp cheekbones.”

“So yes,” her father said, “maybe you could go help him settle in? If he really intends to make anything of that ranch he could use the help.” He saw her reluctant look and laughed, “oh really now Cora, what else do you have going on? We both know you don’t have any men you’re courting or a steady employer you’ve got to report to.”

Cora’s resistance crumbled, and with a growl she swiped one of the pastries off the tray, “Fine, maybe I’ll go say hello, would that make you happy?” she punctuated the sentence by taking a large bite of the pastry.

“Chew with your mouth closed,” her father said, looking up at her and making the Amazon feel like he was the bigger one in the room.

Cora huffed and stood up, grabbing her bow on her way out. Her father just watched her go, then picked up the tray with a sigh.

Everyone else has married daughters but me, he thought miserably, the way this is going mine’s going to marry her sword…

Dirk rode his horse behind Cassidy, who was atop a massive draft animal, as they herded the aurochs towards the property’s pond which served as their watering hole. It had been a few years since he’d worked with cattle, and those much smaller than the massive beasts the Amazons raised, but he’d picked it back up easily, and Cassidy proved able as well. Soon the sun was rising overhead as the pair watched their animals grazing.

“Nice roping and riding,” Cassidy said, “especially for a boy.”

“I told you I could handle myself,” he muttered. The truth was the cattle had been ornerier on the move than he’d expected, and several times Cassidy had been forced to pick up his slack. He chewed his lip as he glanced at the overgrown jungles that lined the cleared acreage of the ranch, we probably will need another hand…

“Hey!” a woman’s voice called. He and Cassidy turned to see the dark-haired girl from the wagon the day before. She was wearing something similar to what he’d seen her in the day before, a tight pair of trousers and a breastplate of some sort that molded around her ample bosom. She had one of those immense amazon bows over her shoulder, and had a spear at her side that was taller than Dirk was, but to her was probably a short hunting weapon.

“Can we help you?” Dirk called.

“I’m C-Cora,” she said, swallowing, Goddess he’s a cute one… “I uh… wasn’t doing anything today, and I heard you were taking over Amaya Northstar’s old place, so I came over from town to see if you needed any help.”

Dirk dismounted, and a second later Cassidy did too, scowling as she made brisk strides with her long legs to get in front of him. He frowned at the gesture, deliberately stepping around the amazon to meet the newcomer.

“Sure, there’s plenty to do,” Dirk said, cutting off Cassidy before she could speak, “I can pay you a fair day’s wage.”

“Boss,” Cassidy said, “A word…”

He raised an eyebrow but stepped back a few paces so Cassidy could speak with him, “I know you’ve still got it in your head that you’re top of the food chain and all,” she hissed, “but it’s not a good idea for a man living alone to be inviting strange women to hang around.”

Dirk rolled his eyes dismissively, “she’s a merchant guard, I saw her the other day, how bad could she be?” he glanced at Cora, who seemed more nervous the longer they talked.

“I’ve heard of her around town,” Cassidy muttered, “she’s one of those women who spends all day training with weapons and practically praying for a war to start, if she came at us now, I don’t know that I’d be able to hold her off while you ran.”

“I can handle myself!” Dirk said angrily.

Cassidy snorted, and her face had a tinge of anger to it, “I’ve worked for you for one goddess damned day boy and you are stressing me out more than a year of work for your aunt would.” She sighed, “fine, Cora over there probably won’t club you over the head and drag you off to a bedroom somewhere, go chat her up.”

Dirk glared at her a moment, then walked back to Cora, “Sure, we could use the help, what are you good at?”

“I can kill and clean any animal in the jungle, and during the Lizard War I decapitated one of them and kept the teeth!” Cora said excitedly.

“Hey, ease up on the blood and gore in front of the boy!” Cassidy said angrily.

Cora blushed, but Dirk raised an eyebrow, “I don’t mind, I’ve seen a few battles myself.”

Cora beamed, “r-really? I know foreign guys fight and stuff, but I’ve never-“

“We could really use a new ranch hand,” Dirk said, nodding briefly at Cassidy, who just looked at him grimly, “if you don’t have any kind of regular work, you should join up with us.”

Cora scoffed, “Look, I came by to help today, to be nice, but I’m a warrior, I need to be available in case the Lizards or the realms of Man invade, no offense.” Dirk heard Cassidy fight a snort behind him, evidently not caring much for Cora’s preferred occupation, or lack thereof. “I sometimes take merchant guard jobs,” she said quickly.

“No offense taken,” he replied. He grinned a little, causing the Amazon to blush, she must not get a lot of attention from men if a fellow like me gets her going, “what if we had a little wager?” he asked, shifting his weight slightly as he looked up into the enormous girl’s face.

Cassidy’s eyes narrowed, but she said nothing, “What kind of wager?” Cora asked, grinning, “you want to see how far I can throw a spear? Or-“

He looked over the amazon, her towering form silhouetted against the sun as he licked his lips, thinking. He knew what he wanted, a straight physical confrontation of some sort, something to prove to them, and himself, where he stood… He grinned as an idea came to him that all but screamed against his better judgment.

“Wrestling,” Dirk said finally, causing Cora’s mouth to drop open in shock.

“Nope!” Cassidy said loudly, “not happening, sorry Cora, this little guy doesn’t know how things are around here-“

“I uh… I don’t know if I could wrestle a boy,” Cora said sheepishly.

Dirk rolled his eyes, “come on, I’ve boxed and wrestled orcs hand to hand before, I’m not some delicate flower!”

Cassidy threw up her hands, “fine, I’m just going to let this one happen.” She stepped back and gestured to the pair, “Cora, don’t break anything, but go ahead and teach mister strong independent man not to run his mouth.”

Cora still seemed hesitant, so Dirk grinned, “if I win, you work at the ranch for the next month at least, if you win…” he tried to think for a moment, “I’ll give you something of mine, I’ve got a bag full of things from the Empire, surely something will interest you?”

Cora blinked, her tanned face going pale, “a-anything of yours?”

“Within reason sure,” Dirk said, wondering what had her so embarrassed all of a sudden.

“Okay then,” Cora said, taking her weapons off and laying them in the grass, “do you want to just do this right here or… or what?”

Dirk nodded, “it’ll do,” he began unbutton his shirt when he heard a loud gasp from Cora. He looked up, and she was blinking rapidly, trying not to stare as he pulled the shirt open, exposing his chest. “You all right?” he asked, tossing the shirt over his horse and taking a moment to stretch.

“Men rarely go so… unclothed here,” Cassidy said in amusem*nt.

“Well any kind of fighting sport is done shirtless back home,” Dirk said, squaring up against a beet red Cora.

That’s the first time you’ve seen a man with his shirt off in real life, a faraway part of her thought, gods look at him… She gulped, fighting the urge to flee from how awkward this exotic foreigner was making her feel! Snap out of it, she forced herself to circle him, j-just pin him and… she bit her lip as she realized pinning the man would require touching the man… Goddess, was this his plan all along?

Dirk looked up at her and tried to decide on a plan of attack. She loomed large over him, confused for now, but he had a feeling it wouldn’t last. A part of him knew this was a foolish thing to do, while it was true he had in fact fought orcs in similar settings, the biggest orcs were seven feet tall, a good two feet shy of Cora’s towering frame… and while Cassidy didn’t appear a weakling by any stretch, Cora was an even more physically impressive woman, and as she nervously took off her breastplate and laid it with her other things he could see the outline of her abs just beneath her tight undershirt.

With a roar he put all of his strength into a punch just below her ribs, the kind that would knock the wind from most men’s lungs. He felt it connect, and he heard a grunt from her, but she didn’t stumble backwards or gasp like he was expecting. He leapt back, his fists still raised as he felt doubt begin to stir in him.

“You are strong for a boy,” Cora muttered, rubbing her stomach a moment, “I’m going to have a bruise there tomorrow, I just know it!” She grinned and leapt at him, enjoying how cute his face looked when his eyes went wide like that. With a giggle she swept him up, tossing him over her shoulder like a haybale. She forced herself not to look to her side at his bottom as she prepared to slam him to the ground.

She never made it, he twisted in a way that she didn’t expect, and she turned to see him land on the ground in a graceful roll, leaping to his feet and raising his fists again. She licked her lips, he was just so… sexy, with that sneer on his face, that fiery defiant look…

“You are not like any man I’ve ever met,” she said, a little awed as she squared up with him again. She felt a warmth in her chest, not the usual cold clammy nervousness she got around pretty men, but a heated desire… a desire that she could feel between her legs.

“If you want to give up, Cassidy can start showing you around the ranch,” Dirk said with a grin.

Goddess… I need this man, Cora decided. With an uncharacteristic growl she stalked towards him, he was quick, but she was certain he didn’t have enough force to really hurt her, not unarmed anyway.

Dirk looked at the approaching wall of a woman and realized that he was in over his head in a most literal sense, her knees, he thought in a panic, a good kick might bring her down and then… then I could do something.

Cora lunged at him, and he just barely ducked out of the way before delivering the most powerful kick he could muster to the side of her knee. She was faster, and his heart stopped as her massive hand caught his boot. They made eye contact, and she gave a predatory smile as she pulled him to her, forcing him down.

He grunted with pain as his back met the ground, and blinked as his mind raced, trying to think of any way out. Whatever plans he might have been forming came to an abrupt halt as an immense pair of women’s buttocks came into view, then came down on him, crushing him into the dirt as Cora sat on his face, leaning over to pin his relatively smaller arms. He could smell her arousal through her pants, hot, musky, strong, and he panicked as he imagined her reaction when she realized the effect it was having on him.

“Oh goddess,” Cora whispered, seeing the erection in Dirk’s pants. Her mind went blank, t-that’s his… She gulped, trying to fight a shiver as he struggled underneath her, his face rubbing against a spot that was currently very sensitive. “O-One!” she managed. She took a deep breath, he was practically grinding his face against her trying to escape, and she’d already been so turned on… Get it together! End this before something happens! “T-Two-“

“Everything all right there Cora?” Cassidy smirked, enjoying the display.

“THREE!” Cora shouted, biting her lip as an org*sm rocked her body. She doubled over, just barely holding herself together as pleasure raced through her body. She wondered if the man pinned under her crotch would realize what was happening, and as the juices leaked out of her and into her underpants, she realized there was no way he wouldn’t. Goddess above… you just… on his…

Fighting the urge to whimper she slowly rolled off of him, letting the dazed Dirk gasp for air. He sat up, blinking, wondering if the previous few seconds had really happened or if they’d been some insane lewd daydream. He looked up at the towering Amazon, feeling utterly defeated, he could still practically taste her arousal as he shakily forced his way to his feet.

“Y-You win, I guess,” he stammered. You guess? She just pinned you and rode your face for the fun of it, and you’re standing here shirtless with a tent in your pants like an idiot.

“Yeah,” Cora muttered, oh goddess, he must think I’m some pervert… She bit her lip, “well uh…” the two stared awkwardly at each other a moment, “you can just forget that bet-“

“Nope, take something,” Cassidy said, startling them both. She tossed Dirk his shirt, and with a sigh he began putting it back on, “he needs this lesson.”

“You were really good for a man,” Cora said apologetically, “I’ll bet there are some girls in the village you would have been able to bring down with those moves-“

“What do you want,” Dirk muttered angrily, “I’ve got a bottle of spices from the Empire, some whisky maybe? You want to see my pack?”

Cora’s face went red, and a dumb smile came over her face, “Uhh… could I have…”

“Spit it out,” Cassidy said, annoyed, “we haven’t got all day.”

Cora gulped, and tried to give him a smile, a sexy “I’m-in-control” smile that the books all said men loved. She knew it was a bad idea before the words left her mouth, but she was still high on the feeling of riding the foreign man’s face, and her lecherous thoughts were out of control.

“I shall take as a trophy… your underwear!”

There was silence a moment, “My what?” Dirk asked incredulously.

Cassidy just burst into laughter, almost doubling over, “Oh goddess yes, the rumors said you couldn’t talk to men worth a damn, but this… I c-can’t believe this.” She kept going, struggling to stay upright as Dirk and Cora looked on.

“I’m sorry,” Cora said, looking at the ground, “that was… that was wrong, how about those spice-“

She was interrupted by the sound of Dirk’s belt buckle, and her eyes went wide as she saw his pants drop to his ankles. Slowly he lowered his drawers, stepping out of them, and then with a stony face he pulled his trousers back up. His arm jutted out, holding the blue pair of undergarments out to her. Slowly, her hand shaking, she reached out and grabbed them, pulling them to her chest like a treasured jewel.

“Come on Cassidy, we’ve got work to do,” Dirk said with a sigh.

“Uh, I know I won, but could I still come to work here?” Cora called.

Dirk stopped, looking back at the girl that had humiliated him, and even now held his underwear in her hands as a trophy. He thought it over a moment, then sighed.

“Come by tomorrow morning,” he said.

“I hope you’ve learned your lesson,” Cassidy said as the pair watched Cora leave, “I’m not just trying to demean you or whatever you think I’m about.” She nodded at Cora, disappearing towards the road, “you’re lucky she’s good natured, I was getting ready to intervene myself if things got too ugly for you.”

“Yes, I understand,” Dirk said bitterly. He had a few spots that would be sore from the bout, but his pride was the thing that hurt the most. “I just hope she’ll make a good ranch hand when she knows she can thrash me like that…”

Cassidy shrugged, “I can thrash you like that too, and I’m reasonably obedient to my boy-boss.”

Dirk smirked, he was growing to like Cassidy in spite of himself, “what do you think she wanted my underwear for anyway?"

Cassidy just chuckled, turning her horse away from Dirk’s own and refusing to answer the question.

Chapter 2: A Day in Town


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Cora laughed, easily pinning Dirk to the bed, “give it up, you’re like a field mouse caught by a cat!” Dirk struggled, looking up at the glorious naked body of the amazon as she positioned herself over him, her womanhood glistening with anticipation as her hips lowered onto his waiting erection.

“Gods,” he gasped as he felt himself enter her.

“Goddess!” she corrected, driving her hips down on his with a power he couldn’t fathom, forcing him against the mattress as her towering frame loomed above him.

He struggled, as he had that day against her in the field, all of his strength unable to move her or slow her down as she hammered down on him again and again in a powerful and steady rhythm that caused him to nearly spasm in her grip with each thrust.

“You feel good,” she teased, her face flushed as she approached org*sm.

She picked up speed, riding him with such speed that he couldn’t help but cry out in a mix of pain and pleasure as her grip on his body tightened. The force of her lovemaking was leaving him battered, and no doubt bruised, but all he could do was lay back as she continued, her sweat dripping on him as she moaned with pleasure and teasingly ran a hand through his hair.

They climaxed together, crying out as she bore down on him one final time.

Dirk gasped as he sat up in the immense bed. He blinked a few minutes, very aware of the throbbing tent in the bedsheets. Ever since that match with Cora in the field he’d been having very intrusive thoughts… evidently dreams now too.

She utterly humiliated you, he scolded himself, what could possibly be arousing about that? He shivered, and now she’s working on your ranch, and you see her every day… you see that perfect ass and a pair of tit* bigger than your head Every. Single. Day.

He’d always had nothing but contempt for men he served with who let a pretty woman twirl them around her finger, and yet here he was, having dreams about Cora throwing the door to his house open and ravaging him like a blushing milkmaid.

What DID she want with my underwear? A part of him knew what a lustful and perverted man might do with a woman’s pilfered underpants, no, he insisted to himself, it’s got to be some trophy or ritual or something, there’s no way that she’s really… with my…

He stared at the ceiling a moment.

Damn whatever deity created the Amazons, he thought with a sigh, forcing himself to get out of bed. Regardless of how many confusing feelings were stirring around in his head there was work to do.

“I need to go into Rain’s End,” he told Cassidy, strapping his pistols to his belt.

“I don’t like you going into that town alone,” Cassidy muttered.

He sighed, “I… yes you’re right, I’m meeting Cora halfway down the road.” As much as it pained him the lesson from a few days prior had sunk in, and while by all accounts Rain’s End was a relatively peaceful community, he didn’t relish the idea of exploring an entire town of women Cassidy and Cora’s size on his own.

“Glad to see you’re learning how things are done around here,” Cassidy said with a smile, “but remember, just because you’re a man, don’t let anyone give you less than what’s yours.”

“You’ve spent the last week telling me the opposite, now you want me to stand up for myself?” he asked with a frown.

Cassidy bit her lip, “I guess you’re not as much of a… well you’re not a meek guy, that’s for sure, your uncle sometimes let the girls in town run roughshod over him.”

“I just need to settle some things at the bank,” he said with a small smile, “it should all be pretty cut and dry but… I’ll try not to let anyone talk over me.”

“Smart boy,” Cassidy said, tipping her hat.

“Put the aurochs away if I don’t make it back before sundown!” he said as he mounted his horse.

The edge of the ranch was a wall of dense jungle, with scorch marks along the border that suggested regular slash and burn campaigns were needed to keep the vast expanse of cleared grazing grass free of the overgrowth. As with his arrival, the trip onto the road leading to town was almost like descending into a green tunnel, the thick tree canopy allowing only muted sunlight through.

Cora sat on her horse, watching Dirk approach on the road. She smiled and waved, and he gave her that same small upturned grin he always did and returned the gesture as his small horse got closer. In spite of the awkward beginning, he’d quickly moved on, and after a few days it was almost like she was a normal hired hand…

Okay… so he’s got a thick skin, that’s good for a woman like you, Cora thought. She’d been given sour looks by plenty of men she’d fancied over the years, a stray comment of hers earning her the cold shoulder for reasons she didn’t understand until embarrassingly long times later. Men in the Queendom didn’t like to hear about battles, or skinning a sabretooth after a hunt, and it seemed like she couldn’t even say a man had nice shoulders without him taking it the wrong way…

Dirk… well, we couldn’t possibly have gotten off to a worse start than we did, she thought, her face going red, and he’s still talking to me every day… Goddess bless foreign men! Idly she wondered if all of his underwear were like the simple blue dyed pair she now possessed, one which she often found herself pressing to her face as she enjoyed herself before bed… Get yourself together, she scolded herself as he got closer, say hello!

“G-Good morning handsome!” she said.

He stopped, raising an eyebrow, “good morning, Cora,” he said with a smile.

No dirty look, no disgusted expression… You’re on a roll Cora, “So uh, what business do you have in town?” she asked, nudging her horse to follow his. It was an almost comical sight, the massive draft animal with the amazon towering in the saddle following behind the smaller man on his horse.

“Just some financial matters my aunt and uncle left behind,” he said mildly, “you can wait outside the bank if you want.”

“Stop,” she whispered suddenly,

Dirk looked back at her, but pulled his reins, stopping his mount, “what?” he asked in a hushed tone.

“There’s a goldscale right up ahead,” she muttered, looking down the road.

Dirk peered down the overgrown jungle path, and spotted a glimmer of something, in the trees maybe a few hundred yards away. He felt his heart leap as it moved, shaking the trees slightly, it was big, bigger than the elephants he’d seen in circuses back home, and as he saw a lizardlike head emerge from the treeline, his gaze was drawn to the rows of razor-sharp teeth as long as his forearm.

“Don’t make any sudden movements,” Cora said in a hushed tone, “it’s faster than a horse on the charge… goddess, I’ve never seen one this close to town before!”

“Anything magical about it?” Dirk whispered as he slowly reached for the rifle across his back, “force fields, mind control, anything like that?”

“Nope,” Cora said, reaching for her bow, “it’s big, it’s got scales hard enough to turn a spear, and it can snap an amazon in half with one bite, it doesn’t need anything else.”

“All right then,” Dirk breathed, “I’m going to dismount-“

“It’s going to charge if you do that,” Cora said quietly, “the scales are a little thinner right around the calves, if I can hit one it should slow down, as soon as I loose my arrow I want you to run-“ Her eyes went wide as she saw Dirk was already shifting in his saddle. There was a terrible roar that rattled her eardrums the moment his foot touched the ground.

The goldscale emerged fully from the brush, standing twice as tall as Cora, a massive tail trailing behind it, shimmering as the creature stomped forward, the vibrant coinlike scales glittering as it charged. The ground shook with every step it took, and Cora leapt from her own saddle, drawing an arrow and panicking as she tried to line up an impossible kill shot against such a creature.


The gunshot echoed through the trees, and the sound of startled birds taking flight replaced the terrible lizard’s roar for the split second it took before it thundered to the ground, the momentum sliding it forward until it was only a few dozen yards from where Cora and Dirk stood.

Cora’s mouth hung open, and she slowly turned to see Dirk lifting his gaze from his flintlock’s sights, the milky white smoke curling in tendrils as it rose from the barrel into the humid air.

“Right between the eyes,” he said with a grin.

“I-I had no idea that the realms of man had such powerful weapons,” Cora said, stunned.

“Not everyone carries one like this,” Dirk said, slinging the rifle back over his shoulder, “my role in the Imperial Army was anti-mage countermeasures and special threats, we all carry rifled guns, with Dwarven forged barrels so we can load a bit hotter… much more powerful and accurate than the smoothbores most of our army uses.”

He just killed a goldscale on his own… Cora thought, her heart pounding, I NEED this man…

“So what did you do, when you were a soldier?” Dirk asked.

Cora snapped out of her reverie, “Oh uh… well I was conscripted actually, when we fought the lizardfolk I was in Lady Griselda’s guard… I fought in two battles though, and I killed one-“

“Yes, decapitated him, right?” Dirk laughed at her blush, “I take it most men in the Queendom don’t take well to violence?”

“No, a man should never have to worry about that sort of thing, his woman should protect him!” she said hesitantly. She glanced at the hole right between the monster’s eyes, and began to wonder. Like most amazons, she imagined the world governed by men outside their realm to be a sad and brutal place, where the poor things struggled to keep themselves and their small wives and families safe in a world set against them. What were things really like out there? Without Amazons to rule and guide?

With a sigh she set about collecting a few of the creature’s teeth, “What are you doing?” Dirk asked.

“You’ll want these, for your necklace,” she explained.

He frowned, “I’m not sure I follow.”

“On holidays and special occasions, you’re supposed to wear something from the biggest beast you’ve ever killed,” she explained, “it goes for men too, although… well obviously not many men have anything… or at least anything like this. A few of the feistier men sometimes have razorclaw teeth from hunts with their half-sisters, but most men give up on that kind of thing by your age…”

He frowned, looking at the massive fangs, “I’m not sure that’s going to fit on a necklace,” he chuckled.

She shrugged, “you need to wear it on something, let me take care of it…” she had a blush, imagining giving Dirk a vest displaying the two long teeth, and it would be cut thin of course, making sure to show off those pecs of his- she caught Dirk looking at her and gulped.

Gods above, the woman is ogling me, he thought wildly, he’d had plenty of women display an interest in him, to be sure, but he’d never had one just so brazenly lusting after him like this. He forced himself to calm down, looking up at Cora’s massive form and trying to put the idea that she could easily just take him out of his mind. What… what would you want, if you were a nervous man caught staring up a girl you liked? His mind raced, and finally instinct kicked in and overruled thought.

Cora’s blush deepened as Dirk smirked and winked at her, and she suddenly had a vision of herself simply lifting him bodily off the ground, tearing his pants off and pressing him against one of the thick trees that lined the road. She stood up, giving him a good view of her physique as they stared at each other, the silence thick enough to be cut by a knife.

“W-We should get into town,” Dirk said finally, an uncharacteristic waver in his voice. He mounted his horse, and a moment later Cora did too, following behind him in silence.

D-Did he want me to do it? She wondered, she’d never been good at reading men’s signals, and a man like Dirk wasn’t even sending the normal signals a man was supposed to send! W-What if he thinks I don’t like him now because I didn’t jump him? Goddess help me understand men!

Dirk was similarly thinking of the moment they’d shared, She was just about to do it, she’d have jumped me and ridden me right here in the road! His manhood throbbed at the idea, even as he felt a hint of panic somewhere within him. He shot a glance back at the towering amazon, who didn’t meet his gaze, deliberately looking at the foliage around them. sh*t, look at you, he thought with a chuckle, the great mage killer and fastest draw in your unit, and you’re scared of being alone with a woman… He chewed his lip, thinking. In hindsight it was probably for the best that the first two amazons he’d met in this country had been Cassidy and Cora, who, whatever else, seemed decent enough. He shot another glance at Cora, admiring the way her hips swayed in the saddle, and he felt himself flush slightly.

Rain’s End wasn’t a large town, with a main street lined with buildings and houses beyond, it reminded Dirk almost of Imperial frontier towns in the layout, but that was where the similarities ended. The buildings themselves were immense, no doubt sized for a ten foot tall occupant, and they were made of a polished stone in a style that would have been considered antiquated back at home, pointed towers arches prominently featured.

From what Cora had told him, Rain’s End was a hub of sorts for the population of Amazons, and normal humans, that lived spread out across the countryside, living on farms, ranches, and dwellings carved out of the jungle like his own oasis of grazing land. What surprised him was the relative scarcity of the Amazons themselves, they made up maybe half of the people he saw, the towering women looming over a throng of mostly normal sized women, and a scant few men, often visibly accompanying women or Amazons.

“I thought there’d be more people like you,” Dirk said as they moved through the streets, “this is the Amazon Queendom, why aren’t there more Amazons?

“Rain’s End actually has a more than some places,” Cora said with a smile, “the little sisters-“

“Little sisters?” Dirk asked, raising an eyebrow.

“You know, women your size,” she explained, “anyway the little sisters and the men make up about half of the Queendom, Amazons only have daughters, so obviously for that to work we need the little sisters to be out there having sons, right?”

“Or you could kidnap men, you know like you’re famous for,” Dirk said, with a smirk.

Cora huffed and rolled her eyes, “yes husband-raids into the realms of man used to be common, but they’ve been outlawed for decades now, we have a treaty with your empire and everything!” She smiled as she looked out at the crowd, “the Little Sisters and the Men are protected and guided by us, it’s not the horrible slavery that your kings say it is!”

Dirk nodded politely, looking around. He’d seen his share of exotic places in the Empire’s army, and regardless of the culture or race involved a lot of places had a sort of structure you could pick out if you looked. From what he could see in the market stalls, and the women lounging in shop doorways, the “Little Sisters” were mostly merchants and tradesmen, tradeswomen rather, and while some had men with them it was clear who was directing business.

The Amazons all seemed to be carrying weapons, and some even had armor, on one end of the street a small arena was cleared and a pair were dueling with practice swords while a small crowd that seemed an equal mix of Amazons, Little Sisters, and Men looked on and occasionally cheered. His attention was briefly torn from the spectacle by a man crying out in surprise a few yards from them, stumbling as he tripped on a loose cobblestone, the numerous heavy boxes he’d been struggling to carry threatened to tip over. An amazon, only eight feet tall but with a deep black almost blue hair quickly stepped in, catching him with a smile.

“I’ve got you!” she said, easily hefting the boxes he’d struggled with under one arm, “where are you going sweetie?”

The man blushed, “j-just to my home,” he stammered, looking up at the immense woman, “it’s about a half mile from here-“

“A half mile? With all this?” the amazon laughed, “look, why don’t I carry this stuff for you, and we can talk on the way?”

The man sheepishly agreed, and then began walking again, the Amazon behind him easily carrying the burdens he’d struggled with. Dirk watched the scene play out curiously, while the man initially seemed concerned, by the time he passed out of sight he was laughing at the towering woman’s comments and seemingly growing friendly with her.

“The bank is this way,” Cora said, stopping to tie their horses to a public hitching post. Dirk dismounted and followed her on foot. Without the extra height of his mount, the towering forms of the Amazons walking the streets were even more apparent, and he unconsciously tailed Cora closer than he otherwise would have.

Even with Cora walking with him, plenty of Amazons and a few of the “little sisters” let their gazes linger on him. Dirk understood somewhat, he was very visibly foreign, even with his tan his skin was lighter than most of the people’s here, and his blond hair further set him apart. Still, it was more than his exotic nature that was drawing eyes to him, and a few of the Amazons winked at him, and one particularly tall one, nearly ten feet tall and with a very low-cut shirt, actually blew him a kiss as they passed.

It's like I’m carrying a jug of moonshine through the barracks, he thought wryly, and everyone wants a drink…

“Hey outlander, how about we show you the local sights?” one of the tall woman’s friends shouted. The rest of the group of five Amazons leaning against the outer wall of what looked to be a tavern joined in, calling a few quick taunts and laughing. “Come on strawhead, I want to see if it grows yellow all the way down!”

Cora scowled, “Hey! f*ck off!”

“Aw come on Cora, we’re just having a good time,” the tallest one said, slowly walking to block Cora’s path. “Seriously, who’s the new boy?”

“I’m here to claim my Aunt Amara and Uncle Markus’ estate,” he said loudly, drawing the group’s attention away from Cora. “I’ve hired Cora on and we’re in town on business, and unless you lovely ladies work at the bank, none of it’s with you.”

The group giggled at the “lovely ladies” remark, and he wondered if he’d erred in picking what he thought was a polite expression. He didn’t like how they were casually circling him and Cora…

“Out of the way Kate,” Cora said, squaring up against the taller Amazon, “or do you want to walk away bruised up like you did at the tournament last year?”

Kate’s smug smile disappeared, replaced by a hostile frown, “You can’t just drag a fine piece of foreign ass through town without introducing him Cora,” she glanced around the other amazon down at Dirk, who defiantly glared back, “besides, maybe he wants to meet someone who can really show him a good time, instead of someone who’s never even touched a co*ck before-“

“I-I have too!” Cora lied, going red, “Listen Kate, if you want to fight, I’ll meet you in the arena any time you-“

“She’s really more about playing with her sword than with others,” Kate said with a smile to Dirk, “they call her Cora the co*ckless, I’m surprised you’re walking on the same side of the street as her.” She nodded to her friends, “We’re more the social type, and I think a man like you deserves a good time instead of listening to some swordbride go on and on about the different types of arrowheads. What do you say cutie? Want to come in and have a few drinks with us?” the Amazons who had encircled them chuckled, hungry looks in their eyes.

Dirk looked the towering woman in the eyes, “I’m spent, Cora f*cked me silly and I honestly don’t know if I can handle any other girls or drinks right now, sorry.”

It was like he’d dropped a glass vase, every one of the Amazons looked suddenly embarrassed in spite of their lewd words a few moments before, some looked shocked. Cora’s face was completely red, and she looked like she’d have preferred to simply fight their way out. Silently, she grabbed his hand, pushing their way past Kate, who just stepped aside, watching them go.

“W-What was that?” Cora whispered as soon as they were a good distance away.

“I got tired of them making fun of you,” he said, “what, it’s not like it was polite conversation.”

“You sounded like a man from The Silver Tongue!” she said, embarrassed, though a small smile was forming on her face.

“The Silver Tongue?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Umm…” Cora just pointed to a building as they passed, an upscale wooden structure that stood out from the stone buildings and had several men lounging around in front. They were wearing some of the most unusual things Dirk had ever seen, shorts that ended well above the knee, and shirts so tight they couldn’t be any good for labor, and the colors seemed so bright… Several of them winked or waved at Amazons or smaller sized women who passed by, exchanging winks and flirtatious comments.

His face paled as he realized exactly what trade those men were in, “b-by the gods,” he muttered, “is that one dressed like the emperor?” a man in a long red robe and with a facsimile of the imperial crown chatted up a woman who seemed near paying for his… services.

“It’s a service they offer, a sort of roleplay where you conquer the foreign king… His uh… hair is dyed,” she said, pointing to the other “blond” man, “I think you might be the only real strawhead around here.”

Dirk quickly regained his composure and shot a grin at Cora, “and how would a woman like you know that?”

Cora’s face went red again, “I-I’ve never spent a penny at the Silver Tongue, I swear! I’ve just… heard from others that have!”

Dirk chuckled, enjoying how flustered she got as the pair finally reached the large domed building that read “Rain’s End Bank and Notary.”

Dirk sauntered in to the main office, and while the door to enter was a good twelve feet high, he found a very human sized desk inside waiting for him. A brown-haired woman in her thirties or thereabouts glared at him with steely eyes as he sat down, siting level with her. After the trip through town, it didn’t surprise him to find a “Little Sister” running the bank, and her sharp glance and the way she prepared her papers reminded him of the moneylenders he’d encountered in his own land.

“Dirk Sommer,” he said, reaching out a hand. The woman raised an eyebrow, and hesitantly took it as they shook. Lots of calluses on that palm for a banker, he thought idly.

“I’m Samantha Hardstone,” she said coolly, “I suppose we should cut right to business, your aunt and uncle’s account was placed on hold while the unpleasant matter of their deaths was dealt with-“

“Their murders,” Dirk corrected.

“Yes… that,” she muttered, “unfortunately they had fallen behind on their loans, there is quite a large debt accumulated on that ranch, but the sale should still earn you an ample sum, with your signature we can start-“

“I don’t intend to return to the Empire,” he said firmly, “my intentions are to operate the ranch as my Aunt and Uncle did, how far behind were they on these payments?” Hardstone gave him a slightly smug smile and slid a sheet across the table to him, but the look of superiority was wiped away as he just nodded, “I’ll have Cora bring it by before the end of the month, do you take Imperial gold?”

“Are you saying you have forty thousand thalers-“

“I am,” Dirk said casually, “I didn’t have a lot to spend my pay on in the service, and I cashed out all of my accounts when I left for here.” He didn’t let it show, but he was feeling a little uneasy about the whole thing, the sum would be nearly two thirds of his savings, with the remainder needed to pay Cora and Cassidy until the Aurochs themselves could turn a profit. You’re stuck in it now, he thought to himself, it’s make it here or go back with nothing…

“And you wish to stay here? In Amazon lands?” Hardstone asked, her cold eyes gleaming a moment, “I imagine it must be quite the… acclimation, for someone from the realms of man.”

“I’m making do,” he said with a nod.

She sniffed, “Amazons no doubt followed you through town like chickens after feed, dumb brutes most of them, picking fights with each other over pretty faces or harassing men and women trying to get an honest day’s work done…”

Dirk couldn’t help but smirk, she wasn’t far off, “out of curiosity, who do you think you’d have sold the place to?” he asked.

She chuckled, “I can’t say, but I’m sure he’ll introduce himself at some point and make an offer in person.”

Himself? Not an Amazon or a regular woman then… odd. He didn’t expect a lot of other male entrepreneurs in this part of the world. He thanked Hardstone and turned to leave, thinking over what he’d learned, so Uncle Markus, who else was interested in you and your wife’s land? He wondered, the way that Hardstone had immediately presented a plan for him to sell made him suspicious, was someone interested in it enough to kill you for it? He unconsciously ran a finger along the handle of one of his pistols as he walked out of the bank, and he chuckled as he realized the lone Amazon out front hadn’t even bothered to take it from him before ushering him right in.

“Everything work out well?” Cora asked, smiling eagerly.

“Well enough,” he muttered, looking up at the sun’s descending position in the sky. The trip into town had taken longer than he’d expected, and after the bad financial news he felt the need to take up a little… recreation.

“Is there any place around here I can rent a room?” he asked suddenly, “ideally someplace with a friendly barkeep, maybe some music?”

“One room for the night,” Dirk said, reaching up to the countertop that came up to his chin and slamming a pair of coins on it.

“Judging by the cute boy on the coins you’re the foreign lad that’s got the town abuzz?” the innkeeper asked, eying his imperial currency. She was a little shorter than Cora, probably not quite hitting nine feet in height, but with her stocky build and ample bosom she still cut an imposing figure, and he had no doubt the matronly looking woman could easily toss him over her shoulder if she put her mind to it.

Dirk fought a chuckle even as he looked up at her, he’d never heard of the emperor referred to as a “cute boy.” He thought back to the fellow at the Silver Tongue who’d been dressed as the monarch, and briefly wondered about the apparent Amazon fascination with the man.

“Will that be one bed or two?” the amazon asked, grinning at Cora, who blushed at the implication.

“I uh… live in town,” Cora explained, “s-so-“

“One,” Dirk said. He glanced up at Cora and felt his heart pounding, last chance to send her home, go any further and… well that’s a ride that’s getting finished once it starts, one way or another…

He took a minute to take in Cora, she had a bit of sweat and grime on her from their travels and spending most of the day outside in the humid jungle air, her hair was mussed and some parts of her clothing stuck to her massive frame, giving him a better look at those massive breasts that constantly hung just over his head. He realized he’d already made his decision.

“Cora,” he said, “can you help me with my things?”

She raised an eyebrow, “you’ve just got the one saddlebag-“

“Girl,” the innkeeper said sternly, leaning over the counter, “did your father never teach you any manners? If a man asks for help carrying something you goddess-damned well help him carry it!” Cora squeaked in embarrassment, then all but sprinted for the door, “Sorry about her,” the amazon behind the counter said mildly, “these younger girls… they just don’t treat men right.” She looked down at him and gave him a small smile, “if you want, you could just forget the room rental and stay with me and I’ll show you how a real Amazon takes care of a man.”

Dirk glanced towards the door where Cora was stumbling back in, carrying his saddlebag which looked almost comically small in her hands.

“I’ve got it!” she called nervously.

He just smirked, letting the older Amazon’s offer hang in the air as he gestured for Cora to follow him up the inn’s stairs.

“Okay, here you go,” Cora said, leaving his saddlebags on the amazon sized bed, “Is there anything else before I-“

Dirk locked the door, staring at Cora with a smile. Obviously locking a room with a woman alone wasn’t something he’d have ever normally done, but when that woman was nine feet tall and had already proved she could tie him in knots if she wanted… well, it sent a different message.

Cora looked at him a moment, stunned, then gulped, “D-Dirk, you-“

“Locked the door,” he said, taking his hat off and hanging it on the bedpost, “now I did say to those women in town that you f*cked me silly, and I don’t want to be made a liar…”

Cora’s face went red as the pieces fell into place, “O-O-Okay…”

There was a moment of silence as the two stared each other down, then with a lustful growl Cora pounced, closing the distance between them instantly as she lifted him bodily, planting a rough kiss on his lips. His eyes went wide as her tongue forced its way between his lips, forcing his own down as she roughly explored his mouth. With a turn she tossed him on the bed, a fiery look in her eyes.

“You are mine!” she grinned, pulling at his pants. He took her message and quickly started unbutton his shirt. He yelped as she reached for his underwear next, almost ripping them as she violently tore them down his legs, stopping for a moment to admire them and press them to her face before tossing them against the wall with his trousers.

“What is so interesting about my drawers?” he laughed, tossing his shirt away as Cora began pulling her own off.

“They smell like you you beautiful little flower of a man!” Cora groaned. She grinned suddenly, “I want those ones too, I’m starting a collection.”

He was about to reply when Cora’s shirt came the rest of the way off, causing his eyes to go wide as he took in the sight of a pair of enormous breasts bouncing free. He’d seen his share of women’s bodies, but never anything like this, at her size she was just overwhelming, looming over him with a predatory smile on her face. She had a visibly muscular body, with abdominal muscles nearly as prominent as his own, yet she still had plenty of feminine curves, and all of it was… big.

Her pants and underwear came down next, revealing a toned pair of legs, each one nearly as thick around as his torso. He felt his breath catch as he saw the patch of rich dark hair just above a glistening womanhood that seemed to beckon to him.

Cora climbed onto the bed, an electric air of nervousness and anticipation emanating off her as the bed creaked beneath her massive frame. She seemed to stare in awe at his erection for a moment, then with a hungry look she climbed on top of him. With a growl he gripped her arms, meaning to flip her over and mount her, but she pushed back, giggling and holding him in place.

“Down boy!” she teased, easily pinning him beneath her.

With a frustrated growl he stopped struggling, realizing that there was no way he would be able to get on top of her. He waited a moment for her to mount him, but then his eyes went wide as she began crawling further up his body.

“Wait, what are you-“ he gulped as he saw her hips lift, positioning to come down on his face, “w-wait, Cora I don’t, I’ve never-“ his protests were drowned out as Cora brought herself down on him.

“Oh goddess,” she moaned, “yes… use your tongue!” her powerful thighs clamped on either side of his head, holding him in place and giving him no choice but to keep going. Her skin was soft, warm, and he felt like she’d sealed him off from the world, replacing it with herself.

Dirk’s senses were overwhelmed by the powerful musky aroma of her juices, and he struggled to keep licking her as he fought for air. His tongue finally found the small pearl of her womanhood, and desperate for breath he licked at it with all of his might.

Cora gasped, her eyes went cross eyed, and for a moment Dirk thought the muscular thighs on either side of him were about to smash his skull to pulp as a flood from her opening all but drowned him. Finally, just before true panic set in, Cora rolled off his face, letting him inhale sharply as he felt the wetness covering his face begin to cool in the absence of her warm embrace.

“That was great,” Cora said dreamily, reaching over to ruffle his hair. She giggled, the other girls down at the arena are right, there is something special about seeing a boy covered in your juices after he licks you off…

“Good,” he replied, still a little stunned, “you’re the first woman I’ve tasted… down there.”

Cora growled, there was something so wonderful about hearing that, and with a giggle she turned over, pinning him to the bed again, “ready for the next part?”

He tried to give her a brave smile while fear and anticipation battled in him, “let’s go!”

She leaned in close, smelling the scent of herself on his face and giggling, “you’re not going to walk straight for a week.”

The barkeep slowly cleaned a glass as she heard a rhythmic thumping from the room just above, smiling smugly, it seems that girl was able to give the foreigner a proper Amazon welcome after all…


Our protagonist learns more about his new home and gets his first taste of what taking an amazon to bed, or rather being taken to bed, is like.

Chapter 3: Trouble Wears Black

Chapter Text

“Mmmm…” Cora moaned as she hugged Dirk’s smaller form against herself, slowly running a hand through his hair. He felt like a stuffed animal, and a part of him wondered if he’d be able to break her embrace if he tried. From the way his joints cracked as she squeezed him close again, he knew the answer was no. Both of them smelled of sex and sweat, and he’d found himself with his face between her thighs again, leaving him completely coated with the scent of her womanhood, still strong in his nostrils and on his tongue.

“Can I get up now?” he asked with a smile.

“No,” she muttered, enjoying the small struggle he attempted in response.

He glanced outside, where the sun had gone down and stars shined over the dim glow “come on, the night is young do you really want to spend the whole evening in the bedroom?”

“Yes,” she replied, that goofy grin still on her face.

He grunted as he put all of his strength into budging the Amazon’s arm, then giving up with a sigh, “seriously, I need to wash up, I can’t just go down there smelling like your-“

“Why not?” she giggled, “it’ll keep the other girls off you and let everyone know who you belong to.”

He raised an eyebrow, “Oh, I belong to you now do I?”

Cora finally released him, sitting up and stretching in the bed as she got up, giving him a view of her perfect behind as she reached for her clothes. She got dressed, giving him a lustful look as he got up and walked to the room’s wash basin, slowly cleaning his face with the provided soap and water.

The reality of everything was slowly starting to sink for Cora, you slept with Dirk, she thought, still not quite believing it, he’s a foreign guy, in Amazon lands without any female relatives or anything to take care of him… he’s going to want you to put up some kind of commitment now that you’ve… lain together. She sighed, trying to think of how to explain to Dirk that she didn’t have much in the way of money or standing…

“So… what kind of dowry amount are you thinking you’d like?” Cora said hesitantly.

His heart stopped, “Dowry? I’m not sure I understand-“

“You know, the wedding gift, something to show I can support you… I guess since you’ve got the ranch already it’s not as important, but-“

“Wedding!?” his voice caught in his throat, “Uh… Cora, I-“

“Don’t worry,” Cora said reassuringly, “I’m not the kind of Amazon who’s just going to use a man and toss him out, I’ll-“

“CORA!” he almost shouted, “it’s fine, really, we had a good time, and I like you and all, but… let’s just slow down on things, okay?”

She blinked, confused, “Uh… okay…” she took a breath, trying to hide her relief. She wanted Dirk, true, but she’d imagined a… longer courtship in her fantasies, regardless of how enjoyable simply taking the pretty foreigner had been.

Dirk finished washing up and sighed, feeling fresh enough to go down the stairs. He walked over to the bedpost and retrieved his hat, fixing it back on his head with a smile.

“You ready?” he asked, nodding at Cora.

She beamed as the two of them left to go join the raucous crowd downstairs.

In contrast with the day’s crowds, the tavern was filled almost entirely with Amazons, with a handful of men and the Little Sisters sprinkled among them. Music was being played from somewhere, a fiddle, and as it got faster, he heard a man’s voice singing, and as he and Cora took seats at a table that came up to his chin, they began clapping in time to the song and some even joined in.

Farewell to your bricks and mortar, Farwell to your dirty lime!

Farwell to your gangways and your gangplanks and to hell with your overtime!

Dirk could see the singer now, a man about his age in a black wide brimmed hat, the same as his, with an ebony-colored shirt and trousers tailored with silver trim that glinted in the low light as he danced skillfully across the bartop, the only place a normal sized man could be seen by all the tavern’s patrons. The outfit was also trimmed tight, and Dirk frowned, wondering what material it was that clung to his legs but allowed such movement.

For the good ship ragamuffin, is lying at the quay!

For to take ol’ pat, with the shovel on his back, to the shores of Botany Bay!

At the last line almost all of the amazons in the bar, Cora included, joined in, clapping and cheering wildly at the man’s flamboyant dancing and playing as he pranced like a gazelle before them. Dirk was able to get a better look at him now, he had a handsome face and a short-trimmed beard as black as his shirt, with steely blue eyes that caught Dirk’s own, causing the man to smile and tip his hat.

He looks like the fellow they cast as a demon in cheap morality plays, Dirk thought, politely returning the gesture.

The man leapt off the countertop gracefully, bowing to the assembled Amazons as he placed his fiddle in a small case proffered to him by one of the watching women. Several begged him to sing another song, and from the look in their eyes many would have loved to see a more suggestive dance, but he gave them a flirtatious smile and a few winks before waving them away.

Dirk felt himself tense as the strange man began walking towards them, judging from the hat and clothes compared to the natives, he was probably another citizen of the Empire rather than a local, and oddly a pair of Amazons got up with him, following just behind him like guard dogs, scanning the crowd of their fellows as the dark clothed stranger came to their table.

“I’d heard there was another foreign man in town,” he said with a gleaming white smile that didn’t reach his eyes, “Tom Cat, of Cat’s Auroch Ranch, at your service.”

He offered his hand, and Dirk took it, “Dirk Sommer,” he said, feeling the strength in the other man’s grip.

“Yes, I’d heard you would be coming some months ago when your aunt and uncle passed, tragic thing that,” he said without a hint of sympathy, “you know I was actually on the verge of conducting some business with them before all the unpleasantness,” he continued, “I was hoping that, while both of us are in town, we might pick it back up…” He glanced at Cora, “would you mind letting us boys talk alone for a bit?” He made a quick gesture and his own two following Amazons nodded, walking back to the bar.

Cora looked at him curiously, but he reached into his pocket and handed her a coin, “can you get us some drinks?” he asked. She shot another glance at Tom, but nodded, getting up and leaving the two men alone.

“Whew,” Tom chuckled as they left, “I always feel so on guard around them, you know? Suzette and Flora there are my hired hands, and they’re good women, but hell if I don’t feel their eyes on my ass every time I wear an outfit like this,” he gestured down to the trim black clothing he wore.

“Then why wear it?” Dirk asked in a neutral tone.

Tom just chuckled, “you’re new around here yet, a man can still be rich and powerful even in the Amazon Queendom, but you’ve got to know just how to do it… be nice, give the big ladies what they want, or what they think they want anyways.”

“By prancing around like a fool and acting like eye candy?” Dirk asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Dirk my friend,” he chuckled, “if someone came in here looking to harm me, every woman in this pub, hell this whole town, would draw their weapons and gladly kill or die to keep little old me safe, a good chunk of them think they’re in love with me despite the fact that we’ve never said two words to each other.” He shot a wink at a staring woman over Dirk’s shoulder, and the Amazon sitting across the room looked away with a blush. “You might try being nice too…”

Dirk looked over at Cora, who was discussing something with the barkeep, something embarrassing by the look on her face, “I’m doing okay,” he said defensively.

“Ah, well let’s talk about that,” Tom said, “I understand you inherited the old Northstar ranch, and a friend of mine at the bank tells me you even brought all the loans on it current.” He chewed his lip, “that had to be a hefty investment, one maybe you might regret… so I’m going to give you the same offer I gave your aunt and uncle, sell the land and the aurochs to me, I’ll pay you whatever you can get it all appraised for, plus…” he paused, “ten percent, sound good?”

“I think I might put down roots,” Dirk said dismissively, “it’s a kind offer, but I don’t have much back in the Empire waiting for me.”

“Roots,” Tom snorted, “there isn’t room around here for two men running ranching operations, let me tell you this now, in five years’ time I’m going to have my brand on every auroch sold out of this duchy, and I have a feeling that as these Amazons get closer with our own government back home, people back in the Empire are going to start getting a taste for exotic meats. It’ll be real money, the kind you start a legacy on. You really want in I’ll keep you on, but I’m buying it, and I’m running it, fifteen percent over value, final offer.”

“Pass,” Dirk said, staring him in the eye.

“You might think you’re a hardened type,” Tom said, any friendliness leaving his voice, “but in Amazon country different games get played, and there are dangers you don’t see until they’re right on you. Your aunt was tough, your uncle was smart, that wasn’t enough, was it?”

Dirk’s eyes narrowed and his voice grew cold, “what exactly are you implying Tom?”

Tom just grinned, “I’m guessing you were in the army, going by the guns my girls say you’ve been carrying around everywhere, care to guess my occupation back home?”

“Outlaw?” Dirk said, causing him to grin, “going by that holdout pistol in your jacket there,” he nodded.

“Very good,” Tom said, the smile never wavering, “my point is, I have a tendency to get what I want… one way or another.” He grinned and looked at Cora, who was beginning to walk back towards them, “I think I might have to lure that one away from you, I like the way she walks.”

Dirk’s fists clenched, “business and threats are fine, but if you keep talking about Cora we might have to step outside.”

“Everything okay here?” Cora asked, placing a pair of drinks, one amazon sized, and one a smaller pint-sized cup, on the table.

“Cora,” Tom said, a wicked grin on his face, “how would you like to work for a man that’s got twice what your current employer does, twice the aurochs, twice the pay, twice the…” he winked at her, causing her to bite her lip and look at Dirk, “well, I’m sure you know.”

Dirk slid out of his chair and stared at Tom, “get up,” he growled.

Tom couldn’t help but smirk, “really Dirk, that’s not how men settle things here.”

“I don’t care how men settle things here,” Dirk snarled. The bar was starting to go quiet, watching the two men. Instead of the usual anticipation and tension that would fill the air back in the empire, the atmosphere was… amused, almost giddy. Cora seemed a bit nervous, but held her tongue as grinning amazons began whispering amongst each other.

Tom looked around, and with a sigh slid out of his own chair, “Dirk,” he hissed in a low voice, “if you really feel like fighting at the very least let’s go somewhere private, I mean it when I say this isn’t how men settle things here!”

Dirk frowned, but relaxed slightly, then felt his blood run cold as he saw Tom reaching into his jacket, where he knew the holdout pistol was hiding. Time seemed to slow as he closed the distance between them, and he had just enough time to see Tom’s look of surprise as his fist connected with the other man’s jaw.

Time sped back up as Tom stumbled backwards, if nothing else the man could certainly take a punch, and instead of shock and pain on his face raw anger filled it as he squared up against Dirk. In his hand, drawn from the jacket, was a simple pocket watch, and Dirk’s eyes went wide as he realized the man hadn’t been reaching for a gun at all.

Dirk didn’t have time to apologize as Tom snarled and leapt at him. For all of his play at being a fop and a pretty face for the amazons, Tom was fast and he was stronger than he looked, and although Dirk was able to stumble out of the way of his first few blows soon he felt a powerful punch land on his gut, causing him to sputter as he raised his own fists.

The Amazons watching had gone absolutely wild, and while Cora and Tom’s two hired hands tried to run forward and separate them, the crowd of Amazons in the tavern swarmed forward, laughing and holding all three of them back to make sure the rare, and to them enthralling, sight of two men fighting continued uninterrupted.

“Tear each other’s clothes off!” one drunk amazon slurred, and a cheer of agreement went up from the crowd.

Gods above, they’re getting off on this! Dirk realized as he and Tom circled each other. He didn’t have time to think on it further as Tom came at him again. The man was fast, and the Amazons were rapidly forming a ring around them, preventing either from maneuvering much. Wolf whistles howled and the crowd was laughing and clapping with each blow.

“STOP THIS AT ONCE!” a booming woman’s voice called.

Dirk and Tom stopped their brawl, and the crowd that had been enjoying the spectacle went silent. A group of four heavily armored amazons walked in, decked out in steel plate armor that clanked as the burly women cleared a space. Behind them another amazon, this one an older looking woman with streaks of grey through her dark brown hair, slowly walked in and observed the room. She was wearing a dark green dress, with a slight metallic sheen to it, and while a sword hung at her hip it was bedecked in jewels and clearly decorative.

No one spoke, until Tom suddenly fell to a knee, smiling through the blood that ran from his nose, “L-Lady Griselda, s-such a rare treat to see your radiant face in town-“

“And what’s that running down your face Thomas?” Lady Griselda asked with a smirk. She stepped forward, kneeling down and taking Tom’s face in her hands while he winced, he’d taken a few good hits from Dirk. “You look terrible darling,” she said, standing up and glancing over at Dirk, who stood defiantly.

“Bow!” Cora hissed, having worked her way through the crowd to him.

He sighed, getting to a knee, “Ma’am… My Lady,” he said.

“You get two cute men in one tavern and they fight like roosters,” Lady Griselda joked, causing the tavern full of amazons to laugh nervously.

“Lady Griselda,” Cora said suddenly, stepping forward, “D-Dirk doesn’t know our laws yet, he only just got here-“

Griselda chuckled, “I hardly think he needed to be told not to start a brawl in public, that seems to me to be a fairly universal understanding, even in men’s realms.” She seemed to pause a moment, “you’re the boy inherited the Northstar estate,” Griselda mused, the towering noblewoman looked down at Dirk and frowned, “My deepest condolences, my women did all we could to find your family’s killers…” She huffed, “I do wish we could have met under better circ*mstances.”

“H-He hit me first my Lady,” Tom said quickly.

“There was a misunderstanding,” Dirk growled, shooting an angry glance at Tom.

Griselda ignored him, looking to Cora with a smirk, “why Cora, I haven’t seen you since the war, are you escorting our new foreign man about town?”

“I uh… have been helping him get settled into his new land,” Cora said slowly.

“A fine job you’re doing,” she said, rolling her eyes as she looked at the two bloodied men before her, “and the rest of you, two men start beating each other senseless, and half of you start cheering and I’ve no doubt the other half had your hands down your pants at the spectacle!” She scowled, causing the assembled amazons to look away in shame.

“Do you want me to arrest them, Lady Griselda?” one of her guards asked, stepping forward, “we can go to the guard station and get some man sized chains…”

Griselda waved dismissively, “no no, they’re just men after all, there’s no need to be so harsh… Compliance ribbons, two days.” She smiled, “I think that will go farther to making sure these two don’t quarrel again, it won’t do to have a pair of comely men spoiling each other’s good looks after all.”

Tom sighed, “I applaud your wisdom and mercy Lady Griselda.”

She shot Tom a strange look, halfway between annoyance and affection, “Tom, you’re a pretty man, but I’ve seen prettier, so don’t try your tricks with me.”

Tom smirked, the subservience gone, “Yes Lady Griselda.”

She sighed, “name your keeper.”

“Suzette,” Tom said, pointing behind him.

“My lucky day,” the amazon said with a smile, walking forward to where one of the guards handed her a small pink ribbon.

“It’s only for two days,” Tom said with a flirty grin as she knelt down to tie it around his neck, “I’ll still be your employer when they’re up, remember that.”

“Oh, I will,” Suzette said, shooting Tom’s other hired helper, Flora, a grin, “come along Tom, your next dance tonight is a private one.”

Tom scowled, but stood up to follow the pair as they left. The guards parted to allow them near the door, and Griselda watched him go, shaking her head.

“Now then, Dirk, was it?” she turned to him, “I why did you hit him? Jealousy?”

Dirk raised an eyebrow, “I… thought he was going to draw a gun my lady,” she’s talking to me like I’m a wayward child, not a man who she found in the midst of a street brawl. From the way Griselda’s eyes sparkled with amusem*nt, he almost wished he could have traded her for the screaming and swearing guards that would’ve broken up a fight back home.

Griselda co*cked her head, then laughed, a few other Amazons joined in, causing Dirk’s face to go a little red, “that’s really not how men are here darling,” Griselda said, stroking his cheek in a way that felt inappropriately intimate. “Tom is a flirt but he’s otherwise a well-adjusted male, he’s not going to shoot you.” She looked disapprovingly down at his own weapons, “there is no law against it, but you don’t need to be carrying those around town… if you have problems there are plenty of Amazons who will gladly come to the aid of such a… nice lad in trouble.”

“I’ll bear that in mind,” Dirk said in what he hoped was a polite tone. You can have my pistol when you pry it from my cold dead hand…

“Now then,” she said as her guard brought another of the pink ribbons forward, “who do you want to be bound to for the duration of your sentence?”

He frowned, “I’m not sure I understand-“

“Just select an Amazon or a Little Sister you trust,” Griselda said dismissively. She grinned a little, “unless of course you haven’t met anyone like that yet and would prefer to simply let me tie it… it could be interesting?”

“Cora,” he said without hesitation.

She stepped forward, taking the pink ribbon from the guard, “just hold still,” she said. He sighed as he felt the soft fabric of the ribbon go around his neck, he wasn’t sure what this was, but Cora seemed used to it. As soon as she finished tying the knot he felt a quick familiar electric tingle down his back.

Magic, he realized with a sigh, should have known… He tried to gauge the spell, while not a magician of any sort himself, he was familiar enough with the arcane to parse schools and types of magic, having been expected to protect his military unit from them. This one was unfamiliar to him, but fortunately didn’t feel particularly strong.

“I must say Cora, I’m glad you finally got over your fear of men,” Griselda joked. Her guards laughed and Cora blushed, but smiled, “take young Dirk here to his room and see he doesn’t cause any more trouble.”

“Yes Lady Griselda,” Cora said, standing up to her full height. “Come on Dirk, follow me!”

He felt himself stand up against his will and his eyes went wide, “what is-“

“Say goodnight to everyone,” Cora said with a giggle.

He pirouetted and took his hat off in a deep bow, “Goodnight ladies,” he said, blinking with surprise as he did so. The reaction from the crowd was muted in the presence of the noblewoman, but there were plenty of smirks and a few giggles as he turned again to follow Cora up the stairs.

“Now then,” Griselda said with a sigh, “someone bring me an ale, imported!”

“Cora, what is this thing?” Dirk asked, running a finger along the pink ribbon as they stepped into the bedroom.

“Compliance ribbon,” she said, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world, “it’s uh… kind of a punishment for boys who get too rowdy, if you get sentenced to one you get to pick who ties.”

“What exactly does it do?” he asked, he pulled at it, but though his fingers found the knot he just couldn’t bring himself to untie it somehow… enchanted so I can’t remove it, he realized.

“Dirk come take off my boots,” Cora said with a giggle. She sat on the bed and watched as he was compelled to walk to her, kneel, and begin unlacing her boots for her. A moment later he pulled them off, one after the other.

“Mind control?” he asked with a sigh.

“Yes, the priestess here in town enchants them for the guards and sometimes for women who want one for their husbands,” Cora grinned, “it’s not a very strong spell, I can’t make you hurt yourself, or do anything you really don’t want to do, and if I try to hurt you it’ll fall off right away, but other than that yeah, you’ll be compelled to obey whoever tied it, in this case me, now take my socks off next.”

He gave her an annoyed look as he slowly rolled her socks down next, the pungent odor of her feet filling the room after a day of travel and errands in town. She wiggled her toes, and giggled at his reaction, slowly she raised her foot up to his face, and with a playful pinch she pressed his nose between her toes before lowering it down to his hands again.

“Rub them!” she ordered.

“This only lasts two days right?” he asked, beginning to give the best foot massage he could.

Cora moaned in pleasure, letting herself fall backwards onto the mattress while he worked, “two days and you’ll be able to pull it right off,” she promised, “the most Griselda will even allow is five, also it won’t let you spit, drink liquor, or swear.”

“Well son of a biscuit,” he said, annoyed at how his language changed somehow by the time he spoke, “this gods blessed ribbon is all I need…”

“You got off easy,” Cora said, sitting back up, “Lady Griselda doesn’t like men who… act out like that, two days with a compliance ribbon for a public brawl is honestly a sentence I’d be happy to get, it beats jail.”

“Do you end up there often?” Dirk asked curiously.

Cora blushed, “maybe once or twice,” she said defensively. She scowled at his amused expression, “I’m not the one being punished today, keep rubbing those feet!” She grinned as he was compelled to do so, “now give them a little kiss!”

He rolled his eyes, but felt his neck bend against his will bringing his lips to her toe, giving it the slightest kiss before looking back up at her, “You know what Tom said goes for you too, I’m still going to be your boss in two days when this comes off.”

“Two days is a long way off,” she said dismissively, “what did Tom say to you that got you so worked up anyway?” she blushed, “w-were you two really fighting over me?”

He gave her a wry grin, “he was poking at me with what he said about you, but honestly… I think he all but said he killed my aunt and uncle.”

Cora froze, “that’s… that’s a very serious thing to claim,” she said hesitantly, “Tom is well liked around here, he’s wealthy, handsome, and every woman wants him… he’s a foreign man, like you, but you should be careful about saying that unless you have proof. What did he say exactly?”

“Just stuff about how they weren’t able to make it out here,” Dirk explained, “also he’s out to buy the ranch, has been for some time apparently, I’m pretty sure he was a killer over on our side of the border… when did he get here exactly?”

“I’ve heard about him for the last two years or so,” Cora said, “but I don’t really know, he got in good with Lady Griselda and the temple priestess, I think he’s the only man she will willingly talk to…”

Dirk chewed his lip, rubbing Cora’s feet as he tried to think of how to deal with the situation, finally he pushed it from his mind, focusing on the amazon who now apparently commanded him for the next few days.

“Since I’m stuck in this ribbon, I guess I can’t say no to anything you ask,” he said to Cora, a grin crossing his face.

“It would be a horrible breach of your trust and a sin against the goddess to take advantage of you like that,” Cora said smugly, knowing full well what he wanted.

“What if I said it’s okay?” he said, trying to keep from sounding too eager.

“Goddess you foreign men are insatiable!” Cora giggled, pulling her own clothing off, “were you this forward with women in your home country?” She licked her lips, “tell the truth.”

He scowled as the ribbon forced him to answer, “no, I had women I was with there, but I never wanted them like I’ve wanted you.”

“Keep going,” Cora said, her face flushed as she stood up, once again naked.

“I don’t think I can go back to my own country’s women after lovemaking with an Amazon,” he answered truthfully.

Cora squealed with delight, scooping him up in her arms easily and tossing him to the bed while she crawled over him like a tiger stalking prey, “you are saying all the right things… tell me how does it feel to be tamed foreign boy?”

“I…” even with the compulsion he wasn’t really sure how to answer that, “I’m not tamed yet!” he finished, shooting her a defiant grin. It was wiped from his face with a gasp as she bore down on him, forcing him inside herself with a rough thrust that drove him against the mattress.

“Let’s fix that!” Cora teased, raising his hands over his head as her powerful form began to grind against him. Dirk looked up to see a pair of massive bouncing breasts, shifting up and down in a steady rhythm as she began to ride him, a blissful expression on her face as her hips forced themselves against the smaller man.

Dirk had no choice but to lay back and watch as she rode him, easily keeping him in place while she brought herself down on him again and again. He grunted and gritted his teeth in pleasure, and the way he fought to keep his expression straight just seemed to encourage her as she picked up speed.

Finally, she went rigid on top of him, crying out as she climaxed, a split-second later Dirk felt himself pushed over the edge, his hands immediately going to those wide rounded hips the moment she released him from her grip. With a final groan while she looked down on him, they were finished, and the two panted there a moment as Cora rolled off of him.

“Gods, how do the men walk around every day in this country,” Dirk muttered, looking at the ceiling, stunned and feeling sore from the ruthless pounding of Cora’s hips against his own.

“Goddess,” Cora corrected with a giggle, “we worship the Goddess here…” she frowned, I wonder if he’ll want one of those Imperial priests if we get married… isn’t the man supposed to work out details like that? She pushed it from her mind, “go get some damp cloths and clean me,” she ordered.

Without a word Dirk leapt out of bed, going to the wash basin and immediately setting to the task, returning to her and slowly running the damn cloth between her legs. She shivered, sighing with relief at the clean feeling as the sweat, juices, and cum were mopped away as she folded her hands behind her back.

“That’s nice,” she sighed, letting him begin to mop up some of her sweat with another rag, “there’s something so wonderful about being tended to by a man afterwards…”

“Don’t get used to it,” Dirk said with a smirk, pointing to the ribbon, “two days, remember?”

“I’ll bet I could get you to do this without that,” Cora said casually, “maybe next time you should use your tongue?” She couldn’t help but laugh at the look of distaste that crossed his face, “sorry, couldn’t help myself, it’s one of those things the men do in uh… some risqué literature I’ve read.”

“If we’re on the topic of mouths, maybe next time you could use yours?” he said, pulling the wash rag away when he was satisfied Cora was thoroughly “freshened.”

Cora looked at him, confused, “what, like use my mouth on your co*ck?”

Dirk nodded, giving her an odd look, “do girls not do that here?”

“It’s uh…” she chewed her lip, looking for the words, “a lot of amazons say it’s kind of dirty, I guess? Or like you’re letting the man be in charge… I mean some women do it obviously…” her eyes went wide, “I’ll try it for you, if you want-“

“Don’t worry about it right now,” Dirk said, trying not to laugh. Some of the strangest things are different here…

As they paid their tab and left the inn the following morning Dirk scowled, seeing Tom and his pair of Amazon lackeys lounging by where their horses were tied up. Tom still sported the same pink ribbon around his own neck, and from the way Suzette and Flora smirked at each other he’d had a very similar evening.

“Tom,” he called, catching the man’s attention and trying to control what was sure to be an awkward conversation.

“Tom, be polite,” Suzette said with a grin.

Tom rolled his eyes, but gave Dirk a smile and tipped his hat, “what can I do for you on this fine day?”

“I think you’re a rotten son of a biscuit,” he said, fighting annoyance as the ribbon prevented him from using the words he wanted, “but… I need to apologize, I sucker punched you and that was a low thing to do.”

Tom glanced at Cora, “did you make him say that with the ribbon?”

“Dirk, tell Tom if I compelled you to apologize,” Cora ordered.

“She did not,” Dirk said truthfully, earning him a raised eyebrow and a nod from Tom.

“Very well,” Tom said mildly, “if we should ever end up drawing on each other Dirk, I’ll do you the kindness of letting you see it coming, face to face as we would back home.”

“Enough of you boys puffing your chests at each other,” Suzette said, pulling Tom’s hat off and ruffling his hair. From the look on his face this wasn’t behavior he would normally tolerate from his pair of Amazonian hired hands, but he just smiled and let it go on. “Come Tom, while you are under my command, I will at least dress you properly, let us go to the tailor,” she beckoned him with a finger and he followed behind her and the other amazon, sparing one quick look back at Cora and Dirk.

“Give my regards to Cassidy,” he said with a sly grin, “tell her I miss her.”

Dirk raised an eyebrow, “I’ll be sure to,” he replied as Tom was led away.

Chapter 4: Range War


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Cora had insisted Dirk share a saddle with her on the way back to the ranch, something he wouldn’t have normally agreed to, but with the compulsion ribbon around his neck he couldn’t refuse her. So here he was, sitting in front of her like a child while her breasts rested on the top of his head, jiggling slightly up and down with her massive horse’s footsteps. His own much smaller beast was following behind, tied to Cora’s saddle, with his hat sitting atop it.

They emerged from the canopied jungle road and into the open grazing expanse of the ranch. Cassidy had the herd of aurochs in the fields, and waved at them as they approached. Her massive horse thundered down to where they were, and she gave Cora an odd look when she saw Dirk in her arms.

“Well what do we have here?” she said with a smug grin, “Is my boy-boss sick, injured perhaps? You look positively proper riding in front of a woman like that.” Her grin faltered as she saw the pink ribbon around his neck, “Is that-“

“A compliance ribbon,” Dirk said with a sigh, “I… got into a fight in town.”

Cassidy gave Cora a dark look, “next time I’ll take you in then… I’m guessing Cora got to tie that ribbon?”

“Y-Yeah,” she stammered, not meeting the other amazon’s eyes.

“How long is it on?” Cassidy asked with a sigh.

“Until tomorrow night,” Dirk said with a shrug, “all things considered it’s not the worst punishment I’ve ever had for getting in a fight.”

“Get out of Cora’s lap and come help me get the herd back to the pens,” Cassidy said, eyeing Cora suspiciously, “As for you,” she said, glancing at the other amazon, “I think I saw something moving down on the south end of the ranch, could be a lizard of some kind, can you go take a look? I’m no good at tracking those things.”

Cora brightened and nodded, “sure, I’ll meet you two later!”

Dirk slid out of her saddle, grunting from the long drop. He walked over to his own mount, and eagerly put his hat back on before swinging up onto the horse. He gave Cora a quick nod as she rode away, then brought his horse alongside Cassidy’s own.

“Did she take advantage of you with the ribbon?” Cassidy said in a quiet voice.

Dirk frowned, “What-“

“Did she force you to do anything sexual,” Cassidy hissed.

“She didn’t force me, no,” he said, a little amused, “I was under the impression that she couldn’t?”

“She couldn’t directly order you to against your will, but…” Cassidy scowled, looking for the words, “she could have set up a situation where you… maybe didn’t know what you wanted and used the ribbon to-“ seeing Dirk’s amused expression her nostrils flared, “Wipe that stupid f*cking grin off your face,” she snapped, “I…” she sighed, “I don’t know Cora that well, and…” she sighed, “I’m trying to look out for you, okay?”

Dirk wanted to retort that he could look after himself, but instead frowned, then nodded, “She certainly… enjoyed the ribbon,” he said with a smirk, “but I was willing enough.”

Instead of the relief he’d hoped to see on Cassidy’s face there was just an annoyed sigh, “I suppose you’re a free man, unmarried, Cora’s not the worst woman I’ve seen a man throw himself under.”

Dirk thought back to Cora’s odd “marriage proposal” after they’d first lain together, men here typically rely on Amazons to protect and provide, he realized, I suppose in the same way I wouldn’t want to see a woman throw in with a wastrel back home they don’t want men doing so here…

He briefly wondered if Cassidy harbored feelings towards him too, she certainly enjoyed eyeing him up when she thought he wasn’t looking, but almost every woman here did. Then again, she seemed to view him as a wayward fool more than anything…

“Cassidy,” he said, remembering something, “Tom sends his regards and says he misses you.”

She froze, an odd look coming across her face, then a grim frown, “T-Thanks,” she managed, blinking a moment. She breathed out slowly, “come on, let’s get to work…”

He watched her go a moment before following, now what was that about? He wondered. Tom struck him as the type to flirt with every woman in town… What would be between him and Cassidy to garner a reaction like that from a simple greeting?

The three of them worked through the day, herding the aurochs into their pens and then setting feed and water for them. By the time the sun was beginning to drift low in the sky they were all tired, covered in sweat, and hungry. They were all standing in front of the farmhouse, using the yard’s water pump to fill canteens and sating their thirst.

“You know what else we could use on this ranch?” Cora said wistfully, wiping sweat off her brow, “a full time cook.”

“Your dad still packs you lunches, what do you need a cook for?” Cassidy laughed.

“We can’t afford a cook,” Dirk said, “not now anyway.”

“You know on most of the ranches around here the men cook,” Cassidy said, hands on her hips.

“Most of the ranches around here don’t have the man roping, riding, and fixing fences all day either,” Dirk replied, taking a swig of water, “and also since it’s my operation-“

“Dirk, make us dinner,” Cora ordered with a grin.

He scowled as he felt himself being compelled to obey her again, walking into the farmhouse. The two amazons followed after him, kicking their boots off as Dirk walked towards the kitchen.

“You’re really going to do this?” He asked, pausing, “make me cook for you?”

“It won’t hurt you to act like a man for an evening,” Cassidy said with a smirk.

He rolled his eyes but walked into the kitchen and began washing his hands in the basin. He glanced around at what he had on hand, mostly dried meat, some root vegetables… With a sigh he began tossing things into a large pot, figuring that he could at least make the two women a stew. He noticed his bottle of spices, a mix of crushed peppers and garlic, as the mixture began to boil, he liberally sprinkled from it before preparing a trio of bowls.

While Dirk prepared dinner, the two Amazons relaxed in the farmhouse’s living room, watching the sun set outside. The furniture was mostly in their size, although a comfortable looking easy chair that would have fit Dirk was set by the fire, a lingering reminder of the deceased man of the house.

“So Cora,” Cassidy said, leaning forward a bit in her rocking chair, “what exactly is your intent with our fair employer?”

Cora started, “I uh…” she cleared her throat, “well we’re kind of…”

“I know very well what you’re doing now,” Cassidy scowled, “what I want to know is where you intend to take it.”

“I’m not sure exactly,” Cora said, biting her lip, “Dirk… didn’t want to talk about marriage.”

“You proposed?” Cassidy asked, a little shocked, “girl whatever else might have happened, it’s been a week.

Cora blushed, “I-I didn’t want to him to think I was going to f*ck-and-forget!”

Cassidy sighed as she leaned back in her chair, “I talked a bit with Dirk’s uncle Markus about such things when he was alive, in their Empire men tend to be the ones who give the gifts and have to provide some kind of proof of intentions like that, Markus even proposed to his aunt Amaya if you can believe such a thing.”

Cora blinked, imagining Dirk presenting her with… what would a man give a woman as an engagement gift? A new sword? A fine necklace? No… she imagined Dirk presenting her with a set of wedding armor, all full plate, jeweled, with a helm too, and maybe if he really spent wildly a lance, with real silver trim around the guard… She couldn’t help but giggle at the whole idea, it was so absurd!

Another thought occurred to her as she looked at the portrait of Dirk’s aunt and uncle, which still hung proudly above the fireplace, “Did you and Amaya… share Markus?” she asked quietly.

Cassidy was quiet a moment, “No,” she said finally, “foreign men don’t tend to take multiple wives or lovers aside from the one wife they do take, from what I understand once they are married it’s usually seen as somewhat scandalous to pursue other women and extremely so to be with more than one woman at a time.”

“Really?” Cora asked, raising an eyebrow, “I don’t know if it’s all foreign guys, but Dirk definitely isn’t… prudish.”

“By our standards they seem practically lustful,” Cassidy chuckled, “but keep in mind, it’s half men and half Little Sisters out there, it’s not one man for every Little Sister and two Amazons like it is here.”

“I guess they’d have no need to do multiple marriages or studding…” Cora mused.

“I wouldn’t call it studding, not in front of Dirk anyway,” Cassidy said, amused, “Markus always found the term offensive for some reason, and I don’t think he had eyes for anyone but Amaya.”

Having a man all to my own… it was an interesting prospect, not entirely unheard of, but usually reserved for certain social classes. The queen has two husbands all to herself, Cora thought, but then she’s the queen… It would be odd, being married and not being able to offer a husband to help friends with their… needs, but then again her own father had only ever taken her mother to wed, and while there had been a few times over the years where family friends had stayed the night with her father, always with mother’s blessing of course, it had been a rarity, and unlike most amazons Cora didn’t have any half siblings that she knew of.

“I’ve got one question, before we let this whole thing drop,” Cassidy said, her voice going a bit low and glancing to the kitchen to make sure Dirk wasn’t listening, “and that I asked this never leaves here…” Cora raised an eyebrow, but slowly nodded, “Dirk… down there, is he shaved or does he let it grow wild?” Cora stifled a giggle, the Cassidy scowled, “no, actually don’t answer, it was a foul thing of me to ask.”

“Dinner’s ready,” Dirk called, ending the discussion of foreign men and their courtship habits.

The two got up and went to the farmhouse’s dining room, where Dirk had steaming bowls of soup ready for each of them, along with glasses of water and even some wine he’d gotten from somewhere. Silverware was arranged, spoons, and cloth napkins, all in a manner that he’d learned from officers during his time in the military. As a final touch a pair of candles burned on either side of a small oil lamp, providing a pleasant flickering light for them as the sun dipped over the horizon.

“Goddess Dirk,” Cassidy breathed, impressed, “this all looks great!”

Cora just stared at the immaculate place setting, “I-I just said to make dinner!”

“This is me making dinner,” he grunted, climbing up into the raised seat that had been his uncle’s. It was a little embarrassing, using a high seat like this, but the other option was using an amazon sized chair and having his chin barely stick over the top while trying to eat his stew.

Cora slowly took a spoonful of the meal and her eyes went up as it entered her mouth. The beef, vegetables, and broth swirled in her mouth, their own flavors amplified by the strange foreign spices Dirk had added. She blinked a moment, then took another bite, parsing the taste.

“This may be the best soup I’ve ever had,” she said in awe.

“Throw a man in a kitchen and out comes a meal I guess,” Cassidy said, enjoying Dirk’s annoyed glare.

“Everyone in the imperial army spends some time preparing meals when we’re in camp,” he said, “you do a bad job, you’ll get a dozen angry lads looking to take it out on you.” He took a sip of the wine and frowned, it wasn’t great, but it was all he’d found in his uncle’s cellar. “Don’t get too used to this, once this ribbon comes off-“

“You’re really never going to cook for us?” Cora asked smugly, “but you’re so good at it, and men look so good in kitchen aprons…”

Dirk leaned back a moment and gave her a small smile, “we’ll see, I suppose it’s not good for us all to be eating nothing but dried meats and hardtack…”

“Now he’s even looking after us, that fatherly instinct is kicking in,” Cassidy teased, “making us eat right, soon he’ll start sewing up our shirts.”

“All right, next joke about me being a housebound man earns the privilege of shoveling out the stable,” he said, crossing his arms.

Cora and Cassidy smirked, exchanging glances, but the teasing did stop. He didn’t want to admit it to them, but a part of him was pleased they’d liked the meal he prepared, and without being prompted he collected their dishes, bringing them back into the kitchen for cleaning.

“I’m heading back to my place,” Cassidy said, stretching, “thanks for dinner Dirk, we really need to do this more often.” She saw his rolling eyes and chuckled, “tell you what, I’m not such a woman’s woman that I won’t make you a meal sometime, your uncle actually had a recipe book I’ve made a few things for myself out of.”

“Do you still have it?” Dirk asked curiously.

Cassidy paused a minute, “I had been borrowing it when… when everything happened,” she said quickly, “I’ll see you two tomorrow morning.” She left, her steps a bit more brisk than usual.

Cora looked out at the darkened night, and the moon overhead, then sighed, “I’ll see you Dirk-“

“You’re not going all the way back to town this late,” Dirk said, “you’re staying here.”

Cora grinned, “I… I kind of hoped you’d say that, but I didn’t want to impose.” She closed the door, looking down at him in the soft glow of the oil lamps he’d lit.

He glanced around at them, “you know in the empire, in the bigger cities, they’ve got gas pipes to a lot of the houses, everyone has gaslamps any time of day or night that they want them.”

“Tell me more,” Cora said, sweeping him up in a bridal carry and causing him to start with surprise as she cradled him, setting herself back down in the chair she’d been in before as she slowly ran her hand through his blond hair.

“Uh…” he wasn’t used to being held, snuggled, like this, it was throwing him off, “well, in the capital, in Camford, they’ve got hot and cold running water, no magic needed!”

“No!” Cora gasped, “do they heat it with a massive bonfire somehow before piping it out? Our capital has piping for water too, but… hot running water? Without any magic? It sounds fanciful.”

“I’ve bathed in it myself,” he replied, conscious of how her massive hand cupped his buttocks.

“I can’t make water hot without magic,” Cora said in a low voice, “but I couldn’t help but notice that there is a tub upstairs, I could drag some logs under the boiler and light them, if you wanted a hot bath that is…”

“Yes, there’s a nice privacy screen in there too,” Dirk said, enjoying her scowl at the idea. It was odd, teasing a woman about withholding himself, but he was picking it up quickly.

“You’re still wearing that ribbon, I could make you soap yourself down while I watch,” she said with a grin.

“Do it then,” he retorted, meeting her eyes. He decided to go for a rather underhanded blow, “keep in mind, I might meet your father someday.”

Cora’s face paled, then she scowled, “Like you’d really tell my father about what we get up to-“

“Yes Mister Cora’s dad,” he said in a mocking voice, “she told me in this country you have to let the women see your privates for inspection, she’s so good to me-“

“Stop that!” Cora snapped, “you will not tell my father I treat you badly! Even as a joke!”

Dirk fought a laugh, “Cora promised me she’d take care of me when we went to that inn, she beguiled me-“

“Quit it!” Cora insisted again, “Dirk, he’ll paddle me silly if he thinks I’m taking advantage of some foreign boy!”

Dirk couldn’t hold it back, and burst into cackling laughter in her arms, “your father, he paddles you?”

“Well no,” Cora said defensively, “I mean… he would though, if he thought I was doing such evil things to men.”

“And you would just let him?” Dirk asked, mirth giving way to genuine curiosity.

“Well yeah,” she said, confused, “I mean I guess I’d try to get away, but it’s not like you can raise a hand to your own dad…”

Dirk looked up at the immense woman snuggling him against her chest and considered this, “I’ll tell him you’ve been kind,” he said finally, “I think I’d like to meet your parents one of these days.”

“My mom wouldn’t really approve of that kind of thing either,” Cora muttered, “she’s a merchant, travels a lot, father manages the store when she’s away.”

“What trade?” Dirk asked, curious.

“Leather armor and garments,” Cora replied, “mother travels far and wide, so it’s often just father and I at home… his village was far to the south, she met him back during the last Lizardfolk war, it seems every generation has one, and she decided to take him back with her.”

Dirk nodded, thinking over the information, so she respects her father… and seems to think her mother does too, in spite of their meeting.

“Dirk” Cora asked, watching the flickering lantern, “why did you want to come here? If you don’t mind my asking… you seem like the kind of man who can take care of himself, why come to a land ruled by women like me?”

He looked at the lantern with her a moment, the flickering flame the same in their eyes as he gathered the words, “my parents were ranchers,” he said finally, “and those days on our ranch were some of the happiest and most peaceful of my life… when I heard I’d inherited a ranch of aurochs… well I couldn’t help but set out straight away, I told the army I was done and I saw a chance to make the life I remembered my family having.”

“What happened to them?” Cora asked.

“Same thing that supposedly happened to my aunt and uncle,” he sighed, “I went to town to sell some cows, I came back to smoking ruins and dead bodies… I joined the Imperial Army the next week, I was sixteen.”

Cora hugged Dirk close unconsciously, “I’m sorry to hear that… you’re in the Queendom now Dirk, you’ll always be taken care of now…”

He frowned, wanting to say something about how he’d learned to take care of himself over the years, but he just let Cora hold him by the fire. It was an odd sensation, and while Cora had been aggressive and domineering in the bedroom, and occasionally outside of it, he’d never really felt that she was in control as much as he did in this moment, with his head nuzzled against her ample chest, holding him close to her. To say it was an unfamiliar feeling was an understatement, and he stared at the fire, feeling a strange sense of warmth and safety he wasn’t sure he’d ever experienced before.

Without a word Cora got up, carrying him upstairs to the bedroom. She didn’t even have to ask if he wanted her in the master bedroom with him or in the guest suite. She laid him down, and admired him as he began to undress down to his underwear, his normal sleeping attire, while she did the same. He walked towards the bed, but then started in surprise as she swept him up, delicately laying him across it while she looked down on him, grinning.

“So… what do you think?” she asked quietly, “would you like to do this… more?”

“I don’t follow,” he said, admiring her toned body in the flickering lamplight.

“You and me,” Cora said slowly, “whatever we are now… I think you’re the only man for me Dirk.”

He chewed his lip, he’d let plenty of love struck women down easily back home, but this one was more complicated, more difficult… he wasn’t sure he wanted to “let her down.”

“What do you think being with me would look like?” Dirk asked finally, “if you think I’m going to do the house husband thing like I did tonight, if you think I’m going to let you run my business and curtsy when you come in… that’s not the kind of man I am, or ever will be.”

Cora looked away a moment, “I… I’m starting to think I might not want that kind of man anyways,” she said finally. She grinned and climbed into bed with him, pulling the covers over them and bringing him close with her strong arms, leaving Dirk to feel like an oversized stuffed animal as she squeezed him.

“Now one last thing,” Cora whispered in his ear as her arm snaked low on his body, “to help you sleep…” she giggled as her hand dipped under the waistband of his underwear, her large fingers curling around his manhood. She gave a pleased giggle as she found it erect.

“Cora,” he gasped as she slowly began to stroke, “y-you’re going to make me mess those-“

“Good,” she giggled.

He groaned and squirmed as Cora ever so slowly continued to stroke him, holding him in place against her easily while her hand worked. He felt her hot breath in his ear, and while he couldn’t turn to see them he was sure there was a mischievious excitement in her eyes as she steadily pumped her hand against him, forcing him closer to climax.

“Come on,” Cora teased, “stain your drawers!”

“W-Why?” he managed, gritting his teeth as he bucked feebly against her massive form, trying with all of his might not to let himself go over the edge.

“It’s so dirty,” Cora said, biting her lip as she watched him struggle, “I just love the idea of a poor man who just couldn’t control himself!”

“You are aroused by the strangest things,” he gasped, closing his eyes and gritting his teeth as Cora ever so slightly picked up her speed.

“Yes, I’m a pervert,” Cora giggled, “plenty of other boys have told me so.” She grinned with satisfaction as she felt him spasm one final time, a thick warm goo shot between her fingers as he came with a low growl, fulfilling her wish and staining the underwear he was wearing with his seed as she continued to milk it out of him.

Dirk panted, feeling the resistance drain out of him with his org*sm, the wetness in his crotch quickly cooling as Cora’s hand slipped out. Her arms snaked around him again and pulled him tighter, and he realized with a sigh that he’d likely be forced to sleep in this state.

“The way you are going through my underwear, I wont have any left,” he said quietly, smirking.

“I’ll buy you new ones,” she murmured sleepily, “from the same place those men at the Silver Tongue get theirs…”

Dirk’s heart leapt a moment at the idea of wearing something like that, even underneath his clothes. He was about to ask her if she was serious, but she was already snoring. He chuckled to himself, then before he knew it, he was asleep too.

The sound of thundering hooves and panicking cattle caused Dirk’s eyes to shoot open, “Cora!” he shouted, startling the Amazon awake, “something’s wrong!”

The pair threw their clothing on, running to the farmhouse window that overlooked the auroch pens. Beneath the light of the full moon, they could see the animals running in different directions, released from the pens and now stomping across the fields.

On a pair of massive draft horses, a pair of amazons rode, armor clinking and painted war masks obscuring their faces. Dirk watched, enraged, as the two made it to the next pen, pulling the gate open and then loudly slapping the flat of their swords against their breastplates, startling another group of his aurochs into flight.

“Peas and carrots!” he swore, not even having time to be angry at the ribbon that wouldn’t let him cuss properly. He sprinted across the bedroom, sweeping his rifle up from it’s spot leaning against his wall. He tried to buckle his gunbelt on as he bounded down the stairs, Cora on his heels.

“Let me go first!” she shouted, pushing her way past him. He wanted to argue, but Cora was already in the yard, screaming a battle cry as she charged one of the vandals.

The other one was circling back around as the aurochs bayed chaotically behind her, and Dirk could see a fearsome enraged face carved on the front of the war mask as she regarded him. With a snarl he co*cked his rifle, and the figure hesitated.

She doesn’t want to hurt me because I’m a man, he realized, fighting a chuckle. He lifted his rifle as the masked amazon fought with her upbringing for a moment.. The masked woman looked at him a final time, then turned to ride towards Cora. Now she’s completely writing me off, he thought angrily. He sighed, then fired, the loud crack of his rifle spooking even more of the unpenned aurochs who were now running towards the jungled edges of the property. The amazon he’d been aiming at cried out in pain, blood trailing from her leg and down the side of her horse. Sloppy shot, he scolded himself.

“Get back here you fatherless animals!” Cora screamed, chasing the two fleeing bandits on foot. With a scowl she brought herself to a stop, realizing that the pursuit was pointless, the two women were gone. She glanced back at Dirk, who was mounting his own horse and galloping towards her.

“We’ve got to get the herd penned up again, come on!” he shouted.

Cora nodded, running to the barn where her own mount was waiting. A moment later she joined Dirk, riding in circles around the panicked cattle and herding them back up, driving them slowly towards the pen.

“Where’s Cassidy?” he shouted over the din of the still restless animals, “there’s no way she didn’t hear that!”

“What if they… got her?” Cora asked hesitantly, hefting a large spear over her shoulder.

Dirk felt his stomach lurch at the idea, “come on,” he muttered, leaning low to lock one of the cattle pens before turning his horse towards the northern edge of the property. Cassidy’s cabin wasn’t nearly as large as the main house, but it was well constructed and had a small well out front and an outhouse around back. The windows were dark when they got there, and Dirk leapt out of his saddle, running towards the door.

“Cassidy!” he shouted, pushing the amazon sized door open and holding his pistol in front of him, “where are you?” he quickly found one of her lanterns and lit it, looking around the cabin in a panic. He frowned, Cassidy wasn’t in her bed, and there wasn’t any sign of a struggle either.

“Her horse is gone!” Cora said, standing in the doorway.

Dirk was quiet a minute, then sighed, “Come on, let’s ride the perimeter, I’m pretty sure I saw a few of the aurochs on the edge of the jungle over here.”


“She’s not here,” he said, “we’ll deal with this when we see her again.”

The pair rode the perimeter, occasionally driving lone or small groups of aurochs back towards the barn. In the light of the moon it was easy enough to see, though the jungle still loomed ominously.

“Look,” Dirk said, pointing to a group of maybe five aurochs that were milling just on the edge of the tree line. He frowned, they were circled, their horns out, and the beasts snorted and bellowed under the stars as they approached.

“Dirk!” Cora said in a panic, “if they’re like that then that means-“

There was a serpentine hiss as the first razorlizard leapt from the forest, nearly a dozen of its fellows on the trail as their long claws glinted in the moonlight. Cora dismounted and ran forward, spear in hand. Dirk’s rifle cracked, sending one of the oncoming creatures sprawling in the dirt, and following Cora’s lead he dismounted, slinging his rifle over his back and drawing his pistols.

One of the beasts saw him and screeched as it charged, low to the ground like a timberwolf, the terrible claws clicking as it readied to leap. The hiss turned into an almost canine yelp of pain as the gunshot brought an end to the attack, but rather than scaring the rest of the pack off it almost seemed like they were more interested in him now, and several veered off from Cora.

I should have spent the money for a pepperbox gun, he thought miserably, holstering his pistol and holding his second up as he drew a long knife from his belt, skillfully tossing it upright and catching it by the handle.

The next lizard began to run at him, and he leveled his pistol at it, co*cking and aiming in one smooth motion. Out of the corner of his eye he realized one of the things had circled Cora, reading to leap at her even as she speared one through the eye with a triumphant scream.

Without thinking he swiveled away from his own attacker, squeezing the trigger and catching the beast leaping for Cora’s back in midair, causing it to cry out in anguish before tumbling to the dirt.

“AH!” he screamed as white hot pain lanced through his stomach as the razorlizard’s leaping charge caught him. He grunted as he was pinned to the ground, agony spreading from his lower body as the beast raked him with the claws of its feet. He turned his head, just barely avoiding snapping jaws that darted down at his face. With a snarl he brought the knife up, stabbing into the animal’s sides again and again until it crumpled over him, their blood mixing in the grass as he panted, choking for breath. The world began to fade, and he struggled to keep his eyes open.

“Dirk!” Cora screamed, running to where he lay in the dirt. Another lizard tried to get between them, claws shining menacingly as it readied to leap, but a massive arrow caught its midsection, causing the creature to yelp in pain and stagger away, the massive arrow causing it to drip a trail of cold blood.

“Cora!” Cassidy shouted, readying another arrow as she ran up, “get to Dirk!”

The remaining lizards evidently weren’t prepared for a second amazon, and with yelps and shrikes they ran back into the jungle, their chattering clicking cries echoing into the night. With a grunt Cora hefted the dead monster off of Dirk, her eyes going wide as she saw the deep cuts along his body.

“Where were you!?” she shouted, turning to Cassidy, tears going down her face.

She got a slap in response, light, but still painful, as Cassidy scowled, “he needs a magic healer,” she snapped, “otherwise he’s not going to see sunrise, mount up and get him to the priestess now!

Cora glared at her, then nodded, hefting Dirk’s limp form over her shoulder as she ran for her horse.


Next chapter we meet the priestess, if anyone's got any burning setting/lore questions you can ask them in the comments and if it's not a major plot point or something I'll answer as best I can.

Chapter 5: The Priestess

Chapter Text

Dirk’s world went in and out, he was aware of Cora carrying him, sobbing and saying prayers to the gods… no, the goddess? He was a limp doll in her hands when she kicked the door of the temple open, and when the skull faced figure in the robe came towards him, he realized this was it, the end… the world went black.

Dirk turned in his bed, enjoying the warmth. With a smile he reached for Cora, then frowned, opening his eyes and realizing he was alone, and he wasn’t in his own bed. The events of the night before came roaring back, and he gasped, throwing the blankets off and looking down at his body. Scars crisscrossed his stomach, thin white lines where the razorlizard had sliced him open, a few smaller wounds were held closed by mundane stitches, evidently there hadn’t been magic to spare for some of them.

He looked around, he was in an amazon sized bedroom, with stone walls and light streaming in from an open window. He reached up to his neck and realized the compliance ribbon was gone, and as he tried to move, he suddenly felt a weakness in his extremities, and with a groan he laid back down, staring at the ceiling.

The door opened, and instead of an amazon, a lone man entered, with dark hair and the olive skin most of the locals had, “Good morning Dirk,” he said, bringing a tray of fine looking pastries and sausages in and setting them next to him.

His mouth watered, and he reached for them, the savoring taste chasing away his weariness as he at the provided meal.

“You’ve got my name,” he said between bites, “mind if I get yours?”

“I’m Theo Spearwall,” he said with a smile, “I believe you’re familiar with my daughter, Cora?”

Dirk nodded, “so you’re her father then?”

“Yes, the priestess summoned me last night to stitch your smaller wounds up and care for you while she applied her magic,” he explained, “it’s been some time since I’ve stitched anything but shirts, but a good man’s hands heal, or so the priestess says.”

“Thanks,” he grunted, forcing himself to sit up, “where is Cora? Is she okay?”

“I had her mother drag her home,” Theo explained, “physically she’s fine, but she was simply a mess.”

“Where am I exactly?” Dirk asked, looking around. On one wall a portrait of a winged woman with a sword stood, men, women and amazons under her protective gaze.

“The temple of our goddess Diana, in town,” Theo explained, looking at the portrait. He frowned a moment, “I’m going to warn you, an… unconsecrated man is typically not permitted here.”

“I have no idea what that means,” Dirk said in a tired voice, “you’ll have to forgive me, I’m not familiar with your faith’s customs.”

The door to the room swung open, and Dirk turned to see an amazon, though an extremely short one at only seven and a half feet tall. Atop her head was a horned skull, the bottom half removed allowing her to wear it as a hat, the bleached white contrasting sharply with the long black fur robe she wore. She tapped a long wooden staff along the floor as she walked in, and Dirk saw it was carved with motifs of women wielding swords, leaping razorlizards, and at the top a bust of the same woman from the painting, their goddess, Diana. From the outfit Dirk had expected an aged crone, but the woman, girl really, had remarkably smooth features, and was at least a few years younger than either him or Cora. While she towered over him, she was remarkably petite by Amazon standards, and lacked the muscle or perennial sword and scabbard most of them carried.

“Well?” she asked, putting a hand on her hips, “is he recovered?”

“Yes priestess,” Theo said, bowing deeply, “if you are up to it, I’d recommend on additional healing spell to make sure there are no infections or complications-“

“The goddess will provide this blessing,” she said, looking away from him imperiously.

“Uh, hi,” Dirk said uncomfortably, “thank you for-“

“Theo my brother,” the priestess said, refusing to make eye contact, “explain that I do not speak to unconsecrated males.”

“Priestess, Cynthia,” Theo said hesitantly, “given his lack of knowledge of our customs, perhaps an exception can-“

“I made enough exceptions when I took him in and healed his wounds,” the priestess scoffed, “and Theo, you should know better than to call me by such an informal name, particularly in front of an infidel!” she scowled, “I should have you paddled for this!”

Theo frowned, “very well Priestess Cynthia, far be it from me to question the wisdom of a priestess, but I’m sure your mother would be interested in hearing why you had such a dear family friend paddled.”

The priestess went pale, and cleared her throat, “G-Go my brother, I shall overlook this transgression for now…” she looked at dirk and scowled, “and I suppose I can lower myself to speak to this… man.” Theo nodded and gave the priestess a smirk as he left. It was an almost comical sight, the small man apparently unnerving an amazon, and a priestess no less. As soon as he left the towering girl sighed and walked over to a chair near Dirk’s bed, having a seat.

“I’m sorry if I’ve offended you somehow,” Dirk began.

“Hold still,” she said in a cool voice. She held out a hand, and a blue glow covered Dirk’s body. He breathed out slowly, some of the aches and weariness vanishing as the magic flowed through him.

“Thank you,” Dirk said, flexing his hand and making a fist, “that feels… great.” He’d only rarely had magical healing applied to him, the sensation was odd, like warmth spreading through your body after a cold day…

“Oh, now you express thanks?” she scowled, “why did you not come to me when you first arrived you ungrateful sot of a male?”

He blinked, “e-excuse me?”

“I paid the messengers to find you, Markus and Amaya’s last living relative, it was not a cheap nor easy thing to accomplish!” the priestess exclaimed, “it is because of me that you have that land, and let me tell you it grieved me to let a male, an unconsecrated male, inherit such a prize, but it had to be done!”

Dirk thought it over, “I… I’m sorry, I suppose you’re right, I thought it was just a formality of sorts-“

“No, I had to fight to get you what is yours,” Cynthia said angrily, “every seat of worldly power said to simply have the land auctioned away, but I stood before Lady Griselda herself and told her she would send the messengers or answer to the priesthood! I told the little woman at the bank that the goddess was beyond money, why Thomas and I worked so hard to-“

“Tom?” Dirk asked, confused, “you mean he was the one who put you up to it?”

She seemd a little offended, “Nobody put me up to anything, but…” she blushed, “Tom, er, Thomas, reminded me of my duty in the face of an injustice about to be performed, and…” she bit her lip, “s-some of my paritioners are uh, too familiar with me, since I was raised here, and I am younger than the priestesses they are used to, my authority needed to be asserted!”

Dirk nodded politely, a picture starting to come together, small for an amazon, new to the job, and everyone pushing you around… along comes Tom with some “encouragement” and suddenly you’re standing up to Lady Griselda and everyone else to keep my ranch from being sold until I got here, but why Tom?

The priestess was silent a moment, “I trust you know your aunt and uncle’s killers were never found?” she said quietly.

“I’ve got my own suspects,” he growled.

The priestess just huffed and rolled her eyes, “I understand your concern, but this is woman’s work,” She gave him what was supposed to be a warm smile as she ran her hands through his hair, “I’m going to find out what happened to them, even now I’m getting closer! You just relax… find yourself a nice girl to marry, stop concerning yourself with women’s work or you’ll be back here again and again until one day I’m not fast enough in healing you!”

He scowled and shifted in bed, his eyes rose and he looked down, realizing that something was on his manhood, and it wasn’t his drawers. He lifted the blanket and blanched, seeing the silver device covering him, a small curved cage that seemed to wrap around his member, with a small lock dangling from it.

“What exactly am I wearing?” he asked, trying to remain calm.

“Your chastity device of course,” Cynthia said calmly, “after we healed you up, I noticed that your drawers had stains from your seed, obviously you’re having trouble controlling your male urges so I took the liberty of fitting you with one while you were asleep.”

Dirk blinked as the implication set in, she saw stains from when Cora… he sighed, “could you please remove it?” He couldn’t help but notice she’d also taken the liberty of shaving his hair down there.

The priestess just smiled smugly, “it’s good for you, it will help you focus and direct your energies towards more useful endeavors, when men are allowed to simply abuse themselves at will their thoughts become clouded and they get all manner of strange ideas! You might finally settle down if we keep that on you for a few weeks, just tell me who should keep the key and we can set up a schedule for your ah, release and-“

“I’d prefer to just go without it,” Dirk said, fighting to keep his voice level.

Cynthia stared at him a moment, then finally she sighed, “very well,” she reached into her pocket and pulled out a small key, “by all rights I should give this to a wife or fiancé of yours to make the decision,” she said, but without any reluctance she handed the key over, causing Dirk to sigh with relief. “It would be good for your health and mental state,” Cynthia continued as he reached under the blankets to unlock and remove the device, “if you ever change your mind, I’d be glad to…” she grinned, “assist you.”

I’ll bet you would, Dirk thought wryly, “did you have to shave my…” he pointed down at his now hairless crotch.

“I just decided to do that as a little treat for any special women in your life,” Cynthia said with a smug giggle, “I almost pierced your ear, but I didn’t want to go so far without your permission… I can do it now if you’d like,” He tensed as she pulled the blanket back, looking over his naked body and not bothering to hide her admiration of his toned physique.

“What are you-“ he began, then tensed as he felt the familiar vibration of magic as the priestess ran a finger along his right shin, causing him to wince slightly at the small stinging feeling as her probing magic tendrils found an existing enchantment.

“Stop that squirming, I need to make sure the magic didn’t cause any unwanted side effects.” She frowned, “While Theo was stitching you up, I couldn’t help but notice this,” she said, curiosity creeping into her voice, “I so rarely get to examine foreign men, other than Tom of course, and he doesn’t have anything like whatever you’ve got on your bone here…”

“There’s a rune carved on my shinbone yeah,” Dirk said, pulling the blanket back up and causing the priestess to scowl, “it clouds seeking spells, makes it so an enemy mage has to see me to fry me with a fireball or whatever he’s going to do.”

“That must have been very painful to have applied,” Cynthia mused, stroking her chin thoughtfully, “how cruel things must be for men in the outside world, to have to do such things to survive…”

Dirk didn’t bother to tell her he’d been completely knocked out during the procedure, the Imperial Army always provided ample whiskey and sleeping draughts for anti-mages who were to undergo bone runes, and the finest magical healing after the fact.

“Well you don’t need to worry about anything like that now,” Cynthia said, beaming, “you’re under the loving care of the goddess while you recover your strength.” She paused, biting her lip, then smiling, “We just need to pass some time until Cora returns to retrieve you. Obviously you are unconsecrated, and an infidel, but I think that once you’ve heard some of Diana’s words of wisdom you might be interested in changing that!” Cynthia produced a large volume from somewhere, leatherbound and with a gold motif of a woman with a sword stamped on the front of it.

Dirk tried to fight an annoyed grunt as he recognized the telltale signs of a religious volume, “oh no, you really don’t have to-“

“In the beginning,” Cynthia began, opening the book, “The goddess looked upon the jewel of creation…”

Cora’s father knocked on her door, startling her from her restless sleep. She bolted up, her mind instantly going to Dirk and wondering if he was okay. She threw the door open, looking down at her flustered father, who hadn’t expected her up so quickly.

“Is he-“

“He’s awake and fine,” Cora’s father said, “he’s ready for you to take him home any time.”

Cora nodded, “I-I’ll never let him get into danger like that again, I’ll keep him-“

“Cora,” her father said in a low voice, startling the amazon, “I suggest you rethink those sentiments-“

“B-But he got hurt!” Cora stammered, “men shouldn’t-“

“Cora,” he said sternly, looking up at her and putting his hands on his hips, “do you think I liked seeing you march off to war?”

“Well no, but that was with the lizardsfolk, we had no choice, they were eating people and-“

“And how would you have felt if I’d hidden you away somewhere, kept you from the war?” he asked, “to keep you safe of course.”

“That’s different!” Cora said, “I’m an amazon, a woman, it’s my place to fight, it’s always been my place to-“

“Well, it was always his place to until he came here,” Theo said, a little harshness coming into his voice, “keep that in mind before you decide you need to turn him into a house husband to keep him safe.”

Cora paused, then nodded, “I… thank you father… I just don’t like the idea of my man in danger.”

“He’s your man now, is he?” her father said, grinning slightly, “you know Cora, I am not a warrior, but I met your mother on a battlefield, stitching wounds as it happened, men are not so weak that we cannot comprehend danger.”

Cora frowned, “I thought she kidnapped you?”

Theo stared a moment, “that was an off color joke I made after too many ales girl,” he sighed, “go get your… friend, from the temple, no doubt an outlander has had enough of the priestess by now.”

Dirk groaned as the priestess opened another book, adding to the pile that had accumulated on the end table next to his breakfast tray, “So you see, it was not that the goddess condemned men,” Cynthia explained, “she loves them and wants to protect them, and created the Amazons to do so! Your ideas on our faith are mostly-“

“Priestess,” he said in the most respectful tone he could manage, “it seems a fine faith, but I’m not looking to join any congregations right now-“

“The goddess protects all good men and women, even infidels,” Cynthia retorted, “and since by her divine power I saved you, I feel it is appropriate for you to hear some of her words.”

The door to the room opened, and Cora stepped inside smiling, “H-Hey,” she said weakly, “I’m here for Dirk? I’ve got your horse saddled up outside.”

The priestess frowned, “Cora, we were just getting to the important parts of the holy-“

“We really need to get back to the ranch,” Cora said as Cynthia stood up. She towered over the priestess easily, and Dirk could see a sudden nervousness in her eyes, and wondered what the history between the two women was.

“C-Cora, I’m the priestess so… at the very least you should let me ceremonially consecrate this male!”

Dirk started, he still wasn’t sure what exactly that entailed, Cora had an annoyed look on her face at the mention, “We don’t have time for that Cynthia,” she lightly pushed the smaller amazon aside, causing her to fume as her eyes flashed with magical light a moment.

Priestess Cynthia!” she snapped, stamping her feet in a gesture that made her look more impudent than imposing, “you can’t just treat me like when we were kids Cora! This is an important office!”

Cora smirked, then playfully patted the shorter amazon on top of the dinosaur skull hat, “of course Cynthy, we all love having you as our priestess.”

Dirk felt the telltale tingle of magic in the air, elemental, fire or lightning, projectile- his training kicked in and he looked for cover, as a blue flash raced across Cynthia’s eyes… but then they cleared, and she just scowled, tapping her foot angrily.

“Go then!” Cynthia spat, “I-I’ll remember this though Cora! I need a show of respect!”

Cora just rolled her eyes, and Dirk sighed, she did save your life, he thought tiredly, “What if I come back for this… consecration at another time?” he asked, causing the priestess to look up excitedly.

“Dirk, you don’t’ have to-“ Cora started, but Cynthia all but bounded past her, leaning over him eagerly.

“Y-Yes of course,” Cynthia said, “I umm…” she cleared her throat, collecting herself, “I would be happy to welcome this male to our community and bless him in the name of the goddess at more convenient time, please bring him to me the next time he is in Rain’s End.”

Cora had an amused look on her face as Dirk slid out of bed and began getting dressed. For her part Cynthia seemed positively glowing, and she had a flushed and giddy look to her as she led them out of the temple.

“What exactly is this consecration ritual?” Dirk said as they reached the road, heading back towards the ranch.

“Oh, you don’t know?” Cora teased, “you seemed so eager to volunteer for it back there.”

“She saved my life,” he said defensively, “and she seemed so… eager, it felt wrong to give her nothing… now what exactly am I doing?”

“Whatever she wants,” Cora laughed, causing him to frown, “well, to be exact she will bless you with the goddess’s protection, and then you will perform an act of submission to her of her choice.”

He blanched, wondering what he’d just agreed to, “even… intimate stuff?”

Cora shrugged, “if she wants, it’s not at all unheard of… particularly for an unmarried man like you… but Cynthia’s a pushover, if you don’t want to do something dirty for her, she’ll just ask you to sweep or something…” an amused look came over Cora’s face, “I wonder if she would ask you for that…”

“You seem very nonchalant about another woman potentially having me for herself,” he commented, raising an eyebrow.

Cora smiled and blushed, “I could see myself sharing you someday,” she giggled at how he was taken aback, Cassidy had been right, foreign men really did have some odd hangups, “don’t get the wrong idea,” she continued, “that’s not a license to flirt with any woman who strikes your fancy.”

He shook his head with a smile, there are enough pitfalls I’m trying to navigate without trying to romance or bed another of these women… and besides I don’t know how I’d handle two.

Cassidy was waiting for them in front of the farmhouse, a grim expression on her face, “I rounded as many as I could back up,” she started as she walked Dirk dismount, “we’ve only lost three head, and one was from razorlizards so we can salvage the meat-“

“Where were you?” Dirk asked, trying to keep anger out of his voice. Behind him Cora gave Cassidy a stony look as well.

“I got restless,” Cassidy said hesitantly, “so… I got my bow and went hunting, I came back from the jungle just as the lizards were on you and Cora.”

“You went hunting at night,” Dirk said, looking up at the nine-foot-tall woman and forcing her to keep eye contact with him.

“It was a full moon,” Cassidy said defensively, “there was plenty of light…”

Dirk glanced back at Cora, and from her expression she didn’t believe the other Amazon any more than he did, but at the same time…

She showed back up when it counted, he thought with a sigh, and she’s had the run of the place for the last day… if she was one of the vandals she could’ve done… something. There was tension in the air as he tried to decide what to do. He stole a glance at Cassidy’s leg, no bullet wound there, but you only shot one of them… She didn’t seem to react, and he finally nodded.

“Don’t let it happen again,” he growled, “come on, there’s plenty of work to do around here…”

The rest of the day was awkward, Cassidy attempted to make jokes and smalltalk, but while Dirk and Cora would politely laugh and reply, the sentiment didn’t reach their eyes. Suspicion hung heavy over the three of them, and Cora and Dirk felt an odd sense of relief when the day’s chores were done and Cassidy rode back to her small cabin with a wave.

“Let’s talk about the elephant in the room,” Dirk drawled, beckoning Cora inside instead of seeing her off.

“Yeah,” Cora muttered, “I… I don’t know what to think.”

The two of them walked into the living room, and Dirk sat on the small man-sized easy chair while Cora took up the enormous rocker across from it. Dirk sighed, looking out at the ranch as the sun began tracing low in the sky.

“So we had two attackers,” he said finally, “I got one in the leg… is there any other magic healer besides Cynthia around here?”

“Not that I know of,” Cora replied, “anything that’s not life threatening you usually have to just use normal first aid for, the next temple isn’t for at least a day’s ride from Rain’s End, Cynthia might have her head in the clouds, but she wouldn’t have healed a wound from a mannish weapon that same night and told no one.”

“So the one I shot will still have a bullet wound in her calf,” Dirk said, chewing his lip, “so that one’s not Cassidy, unless she learned healing magic when we weren’t looking…”

“The other one couldn’t have been her either,” Cora said quietly, “she was big Dirk, maybe eleven feet tall, I don’t even know any other amazons like that.”

Dirk thought it over, “fine, so Cassidy isn’t one of our cattle rustlers,” he said, “but she still vanished right when they showed up…”

“She’s a spy maybe?” Cora asked, “maybe someone-“

“It’s Tom,” Dirk said, irritated, “this is exactly the kind of thing that happens during land grabs over in the Empire, the petty vandalism is the first step-“

“You almost died!” Cora cut in angrily.

“That wouldn’t have been his… or his people’s fault,” Dirk muttered, “he can hardly be blamed for the razorlizards.” He sighed, “if he wanted to get rough he could have sent more than two, he could have ordered them to set fire to the house while we were in it, even the two that did come ran rather than fight us… No, that wasn’t meant to kill anyone, he wants us hurt, bankrupt, but he can’t buy it off the dead.”

“He could get his hands on it if he…” Cora gulped, “well if you…”

“I don’t know,” Dirk said quietly, “he apparently had some hand in getting Cynthia to send the messenger out, for some reason he couldn’t get this ranch after my aunt and uncle’s death…” he swore angrily under his breath, “this is not my area of expertise,” he said finally, “I feel like I’m stuck in a chess game and I don’t even know what color pieces are mine.”

“That’s the game with the little carved king and queen, right?” Cora asked.

Dirk chuckled, “yes, that’s the one… Cora, would you mind staying here with me for a few nights? It would make me feel… safer.” When he said that last bit a warm grin spread across Cora’s face, and he coughed uncomfortably, “I mean, that is to say it would be nice to have another pair of eyes and hands if-“

He was cut off as Cora swept him up, “I’ll keep you safe,” she said, leaning over to plant a surprisingly tender kiss on his face, causing him to blush from the unexpected affection.

Gods above she really is taming you, he thought wryly, feeling himself unconsciously leaning into her embrace as she carried him up the stairs. He had mixed emotions on the realization, this didn’t feel bad, but at the same time… being carried about like a blushing bride wasn’t where he’d seen himself ending up when he’d set out for the Amazon lands, and that sentiment was made stronger as Cora began slowly stroking a hand through his hair as she brought him into the bedroom.

She laid him on the bed, another thing that was becoming familiar, and she looked down at him with a grin, hands on her hips. He smirked and started the familiar ritual of unbuttoning his shirt while she looked on, enjoying his own look at her body as it was revealed bit by bit as her own clothing came off.

“Oh goddess yes!” Cora laughed, seeing his pants came off, “no underwear and you’re shaved?” The bed rocked as Cora climbed on it, looking down at him fascinated as she got a better look at his now bare manhood, licking her lips with glee.

“The Priestess evidently did some landscaping while I was out,” he sighed, letting her enjoy it, “she also put a… device on me.”

“Oh goddess, she didn’t,” Cora said, eyes wide, fighting laughter, “a chastity cage!?”

“She saw stains on my underwear and decided I was having problems controlling myself,” Dirk said, giving her an accusing glare while she fought laughter. “Is that sort of… restraint, typical here?” he asked, trying to keep concern from his voice.

“No,” Cora giggled, enjoying his discomfort, “not for the last century at least. Priestesses tend to get strange, and Cynthia was strange before she became a priestess… she probably read a bunch of nonsense in an old book at the temple and took it at face value. Personally I’m glad she let you out, your tongue is talented but this…” she gripped him, grinning as his member looked prominent even in her large hand, “this is too much of a thing of beauty to lock away!”

He groaned and arched his back as she slowly began to stroke up and down, “I-I’m glad you agree!” he stammered, giving her a grin.

“I think I want to try it,” Cora said slowly, licking her lips, “that er… thing you asked for.”

His eyes went wide and he couldn’t help but smile, it hadn’t been a great day but this was a wonderful way to end it. Cora loomed over him slightly, pressing him down firmly into the bed with her free hand as she looked at his manhood, seemingly preparing herself for the act.

“Y-You don’t tell anyone I do this though, okay?” she said, “like… I’m happy to er… try this, but maybe don’t tell anyone that I used my mouth on a man like this?“

“I won’t!” he laughed, “is it really so taboo here?”

“Some people kind of think it means your man… has you on a leash?” she explained weakly.

Dirk couldn’t help but smirk imagining himself leading the towering amazon on a leash a gold collar around her neck. As much fun as it was letting her ravage him, there was an appeal to that idea too…

That’d be one hell of an uphill battle, he chuckled to himself, she won’t even let you be on top, let alone put a collar on her.

His thoughts were cut off as Cora’s lips descended on him, causing him to gasp as her head bobbed up and down, her tongue sliding along his length and wetting him. The sensation was incredible, and he felt her free hand again come up to hold him in place, covering an impressive portion of his torso as her mouth kept going.

He looked down and caught her staring at him, an amused look in her eyes as she observed his reaction, with a hint of a smirk she bobbed her head up and down again, up and down, a smooth rhythm accompanied by a powerfully large and teasing tongue that snaked over his manhood, teasing sensitive spots while those amused eyes watched each reaction.

“Cora,” he moaned, “I’m going to…”

She wasn’t listening, bobbing her head faster on him until he felt a final twitch and began spasming, spraying his seed into her mouth and causing her to cough slightly, pulling back and finishing him with her hand as she blinked, licking her lips and tasting the new flavor in her mouth. After a moment’s hesitation, he watched her swallow.

“What a strange taste,” she giggled, looking back to him. He watched, awestruck, as she licked a bit more off her hand, “I think I like it…”

“There’s plenty more where it came from,” Dirk said with a grin, putting his hands behind his head.

“No,” Cora said, smirking as she wiped the rest of his spent seed across his stomach, “I think that since I did such a debasing thing for your pleasure, I need to put you back in your place.”

“My place?” he laughed, already growing hard again as she climbed over him, “and what would that be?”

“We both know the answer to that,” Cora growled, looming over him as she curled her fingers in his hair, pulling just softly enough not to hurt as she brought him up for a forceful kiss. She broke it with a gasp, looking down at him with an animalistic lust, “I think I want to get rough,” she said with a predatory smile.

“You’ve been gentle up until now?” he asked, a mix of amusem*nt and panic in his voice.

“Maybe,” she teased, pinning his arms at his sides as she lowered herself onto an erection that had revived at the prospect. He felt the first buck of her hips like a cannon, sending him hard against the mattress as she began riding him, the rough powerful motion making Dirk cry out in ecstasy as she took him.

Chapter 6: Consecrated


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Dirk’s legs felt a little wobbly as he walked out of the farmhouse towards his horse, Cora following after him with a dreamy look on her face. It had been a good night, and thankfully peaceful once the two had fallen asleep.

Cassidy was already up, waving at them as they walked up, “so boy-boss, what’s on the agenda for today,” she drawled, seemingly forgetting the awkwardness of the previous day.

Dirk almost wanted to lie and tell her he was going to town, but he sighed, “Cora tells me Tom’s ranch is just a two hour’s ride from here, I think it might be worth going over there to see if he heard anything, maybe the vandals hit him too.”

Cassidy stared a moment, then slowly nodded, “right… I’ll hold down the fort here.”

“Glad I can count on you Cassidy,” Dirk said mildly, walking to the barn with Cora behind him.

In the flatter parts of the empire Dirk supposed he would have been able to see Tom’s land from his own, as it was in the thickly jungled countryside of the Queendom, it took two hours through the serpentine green passageways winding through unseen and overgrown hills and valleys before a clearing opened up, another vast island of grass in a sea of greenery and vines.

Tom’s auroch herd was larger than his, Dirk noted with a scowl, he hadn’t been lying about that it seemed. For some odd reason Dirk did feel a bit of satisfaction seeing that Tom’s farmhouse wasn’t as nice as his own, the structure was serviceable of course, and seemingly built in Amazon size, but where the home Dirk inherited from his aunt and uncle was two stories and had a broad first floor for entertaining, it seemed Tom’s was a more private residence, squat and rectangular, with roof only slightly sloped. Alongside it were four cabins, housing for his ranch hands.

A pair of amazons spotted them quickly and rode out ahead of the rival herd of aurochs to meet them. Dirk couldn’t help but notice one of them, a round faced woman with short cut red hair, seemed to be much bigger than the average amazon, probably eleven feet by his guess. The other he recognized as Flora, one of the two that had accompanied Tom into town when they’d last seen each other.

“What business have you two got here?” Flora asked, resting a hand on her sword pommel.

“We had some bandits hit our ranch last night,” Dirk said, “in the spirit of community I decided to come see if my good friend Tom was okay.”

Flora couldn’t help but smirk at the “good friend” remark, “Atla, you want to bring these two up to speak to the boss?”

“Tom’s not out in the fields?” Dirk asked, raising an eyebrow.

“He can ride with the best,” Atla said, glaring daggers at Cora who returned the angry look, “but he’s up tending to the house, like a proper man,” she grinned as she led the pair up towards the farmhouse “Tommy serves us a home cooked meal every night, how well do you eat over at the Northstar place?”

“Dirk is a great cook,” Cora replied, casually tapping a finger on her own sword pommel, “don’t worry about us.”

Dirk’s mouth quirked in amusem*nt as they came upon Tom, leaning in a rocking chair with his fiddle in his hands, singing slowly, “a holiday, a holiday, the first one of the year,” he sang, “Lord Donal’s wife came into the church, the gods word for to hear…

He paused, giving a friendly smile as he saw Dirk and Cora approaching with Atla, “Why Dirk Sommer, I heard you got hurt, I’m glad you’re on your feet again, that Cynthia is a miracle worker, isn’t she?”

“That she is,” Dirk said, dismounting.

Behind him Cora did the same, and Atla walked ahead of them up onto Tom’s porch, causing the floorboards to creak under the massive Amazon’s weight. With a smug look she leaned against the wall of the house behind her boss’s chair and nodded politely. She stood over the grinning Tom like a looming gargoyle, a massive colossus of a woman who loomed a full head taller than Cora, a sword on her hips that looked like it was nearly as tall as Dirk himself.

Dirk saw another Amazon, seated in a chair with her leg raised and wrapped in bandages, sitting at the far end of the porch, Suzette, Tom’s other guardian when they’d gone into town.

“Oh,” Dirk said almost mockingly as they stepped up under the shade of the porch with the others, “did something happen to your leg?”

“I slipped while hunting and fell on my own spear,” Suzette snapped, glaring back.

He smirked at her, causing her to scowl, before turning back to Tom, “I don’t suppose you would know anything about the trouble we had a few nights ago?” he asked in a low voice.

Tom chuckled, and behind him Atla just smirked, “Of course not Dirk,” he lied, “I don’t know anything about it, I’ll be sure to have one of my girls stay on lookout though. You know if it’s all too much, my offer to buy still stands…”

Dirk spared another glance at Suzette, with her wounded leg propped on an ottoman, “Right… well I hope those that came learned their lesson, or next time they might not come back, who knows maybe we might come over to their place and start tearing things up, raising a little hell…”

Tom’s face grew serious, “None of the people who were at your ranch tried to kill you, be careful you don’t turn a range war into a real one.”

“I’m not some backwoods farmer or a greenhorn out of the city,” Dirk snapped, “this land baron stuff isn’t going to work on me and Griselda’s not out here to make us play nice, any more fooling around?” he gestured at Suzette, with her wounded leg still propped up, “then my aim might start getting better.”

“Fair enough,” Tom growled, “would be a shame if someone got hurt…” The smile returned and Tom softened, “I was actually quite upset to hear about your encounter with the razorlizards, the animals here are a lot more dangerous than they are back in our home country, I’m glad you recovered.”

“I’ll bet you are,” Dirk snarled.

Tom raised an eyebrow, “Believe what you want,” he said finally, “a real man defeats his rivals, but wishes them well otherwise.”

“A real man better not be making that same scalloped potato dish for dinner,” Atla muttered behind him, causing Suzette to snigg*r until Tom shot her a quick look. He leaned back at Atla, staring down the woman who stood almost twice his size.

“I’ll have you know it’s chili,” Tom retorted, amused. He regarded Dirk a moment, then stood up, “wait here, I’ve got something of yours.”

Dirk shot a look back at Cora, who shrugged. They waited awkwardly, not saying a word to either Atla or Suzette. Finally, Tom returned, stepping out of his house with a tattered leather bound book. He stepped towards Dirk, handing it to him.

“What is this?” Dirk said, frowning as he thumbed through the pages, they were handwritten in ink, “two cups sugar… heat forty five minutes?” He flipped the cover back over, reading “Markus Northstar” scrawled across the top. “Was this-“

“Your uncle’s,” Tom confirmed, “knowing your way around a kitchen can get a man pretty far here, I owe a lot of success to that volume.”

“I’d have quit this place a year ago if not for the food,” Atla agreed, and Suzette chuckled and nodded, she licked her lips and looked down at Tom, “and other benefits…”

“Where did you get this?” Dirk asked, an edge to his voice.

“Your relatives and I weren’t friendly,” Tom said, “but we did have a friend in common who passed it along to me.”

“And when did you last see Cassidy?” Dirk asked, meeting the other man’s eyes.

“A gentleman never tells,” Tom replied, “but…” he chewed his lip a moment, and an uncharacteristic look came over his face, concern, “if you get the opportunity, maybe make her your uncle’s cinnamon rolls, they were… they are her favorite.”

Dirk scanned the other man for mockery, and was surprised to find none. He slowly nodded, tipping his hat slightly as he turned back towards his horse, the recipe book tucked under his arm.

“So what do you think?” Cora asked as they rode back to their own ranch.

“There’s something between Cassidy and Tom,” Dirk replied, looking at the recipe book in his hands, “and for some reason that bastard actually cares about her, whatever is going on I don’t think she’s a hired spy…”

“But we still can’t exactly trust her,” Cora finished, nodding.

Dirk sighed, looking down the dirt road as he thought, by all rights I should just fire her and not worry about this anymore… but… he swore under his breath, he liked Cassidy, he liked the way she always looked out for him, annoying though it could be, and he didn’t want to believe she’d be in a plot against him like this.

“Cassidy stays,” he said quietly, causing Cora to frown a moment. He sighed, seeing her expression, “for now anyway…” He looked back at her, “would you mind moving into the farmhouse with me? For the foreseeable future I think I’d like to be close to you.”

Cora’s eyes lit up, “y-yes, of course Dirk! I’ll tell my parents, I’m sure they’re happy to see my finally leave my childhood bedroom…” she giggled, biting her lip in excitement.

The next two weeks were a blur of work and exhaustion, as the wet season wore on rains pelted the ranch, and Dirk was forced to spend several days with his two Amazonian ranch hands replacing fenceposts on the edges of the jungle that had become loose and nearly washed away. In the muggy heat Dirk often found himself soaked with sweat, his sleeves rolled up and his skin tanned a darker shade than it ever had back home. In such conditions he would find himself sitting on a hillside, catching his breath after a long day of physical labor that left him drained, even as Cora and Cassidy carried on roping, riding, and fencing long after he’d been spent.

Cassidy seemed to sense the suspicion towards her, and alternated between cold and distant, and overly friendly, joking with the pair and trying to take on extra work, as if to win them back over. Finally, after days of this, they’d settled into something resembling normalcy, and while his doubts lingered, he, Cora, and Cassidy were able to share meals at the farmhouse at the end of the day again, laughing over the shared jokes and comradery that blossomed from shared labor.

“Saddling up to head into town again?” Cassidy asked, chewing a piece of hay and leaning against the expansive barn while she watched Dirk and Cora preparing to leave.

“I’ve got business with the bank and with the temple,” Tom said with a shrug, “that and Cora’s got to go get the rest of her things since she’s going to be living here now.”

“Should I start hacking trees down to build her a cabin of her own?” Cassidy asked with a teasing smirk.

“Won’t be necessary,” Dirk replied, returning the grin, “I’m sure you’re going to lecture me on how improper it is.”

“I just assumed you were going to temple to pre-emptively ask the Goddess for forgiveness,” Cassidy said with a shrug, “that, or write your old priest and tell him, or her to get your faith’s blessing,” she thought a moment, “who talks to your gods for you in the Empire anyway? Do you have men tending the temples back there too?”

“Whoever’s best for it,” Dirk replied, “or so they say.”

Cassidy’s face grew serious a moment, “are you… sure you trust me here alone?”

Dirk looked up at her a moment, the light of the sun was blocked from her eyes by his deceased aunt’s rose trimmed hat, “I trust you enough,” he replied finally, “don’t make me regret it.”

“You won’t,” Cassidy said with a sincere nod, “you and Cora have a nice trip into town…”

Dirk nodded and tipped his hat as he swung into the saddle.

“So, you can handle dealing with Hardstone for me?” Dirk asked.

“All I’ve got to do is give her the money, right?” Cora asked, padding the small coin purse at her side.

“Also ask her for a copy of the loans my aunt and uncle took,” Dirk said, “I’m curious as to how they owed so much money against the ranch in the first place, we aren’t getting rich out there, but even with Tom’s ladies paying us a visit we’re turning a profit… why’d they mortgage it? And for that matter where did that money go?”

“I’ll do my best,” Cora said uncertainly, “but I’m not great with money stuff.”

“Don’t worry about,” Dirk said dismissively, “if Hardstone gives you trouble… well you’re twice her height Cora, use it to your advantage.”

“I can’t just tear up the bank Dirk,” Cora giggled.

“I mean just be firm,” Dirk said, chuckling himself at the idea of Cora lifting Hardstone’s desk overhead, turning the little woman’s sour expression to shock.

“So, you’re expecting to spend the whole day with Cynthia?” Cora asked.

“For as long as she wants,” Dirk sighed, “she knows something about all of this too, and if I’ve got to go get consecrated anyways I might as well try to get it out of her.”

Cora bit her lip, fighting a laugh, “Well uh… you could always do something to make her really happy with you…”

Dirk shot a look back at her, “so you’re really telling me if her demand is that I lay with her, you’re fine with that?”

Cora shrugged, “Cynthy got even less attention from men than I did growing up, she’s so strange sometimes, and she’s so tiny… We used to tease her that she was just really one of the Little Sisters even.”

Dirk rolled his eyes, only in the Queendom is a seven and a half foot tall woman “tiny…”

“It’s really good she turned out to have magic,” Cora continued, “otherwise I don’t know what she would have done… she mostly read books and avoided swords and spears.”

“I know the type,” Dirk said with a nod, it almost sounds like the poor girl would have been better off in the Empire… Amazons don’t seem to have a lot of room for ones that don’t fit the mold.

“I guess what I’m saying is, if you made her happy I could approve of that,” Cora said finally.

Dirk blinked and shook his head, fighting a laugh. Every time he thought he was getting used to how things were here, there was one more bee in the hive…

Cynthia eagerly threw open the arched doors to the temple as they approached, “Y-You came bac-“ she cleared her throat and collected herself, “I see the infidel male has been brought to me,” she said, looking up at Cora and nodding.

“Yes, he’s all yours for the day, I expect him back fully blessed and consecrated, shine his shoes too,” Cora said with a smirk.

Cynthia’s face went red, “C-Cora, you have to take this seriously!”

Cora was about to say something, but Dirk shot her an annoyed look, and she sheepishly bit her lip and nodded, “Yeah… sorry,” she muttered, “take good care of Dirk okay? He’s very important to me.”

Cynthia spared a grateful glance at Dirk, “the goddess cares for us all,” she said imperiously, or as imperiously as she could manage to Cora, who stood nearly two feet taller. With a flourish of her ceremonial robe she grabbed Dirk’s hand, and he grunted as she pulled him into the temple, her bleached skull hat shining brightly in the morning sun as she led him inside. Cora waved to Dirk one final time as Cynthia flicked her wrist, a blue glow enveloping the doors as the magically slammed shut.

Cynthia giggled excitedly as she turned around, looking down at Dirk, “I’m really glad you decided to return,” she said, never letting go of his hand as she pulled him in.

“I uh, said I would,” he replied, trying and failing to pull his arm back. She kept a firm grip on his hand, making him feel almost like a child as even this smallest of amazons casually led up him to the altar of her temple.

“Now just stand right here,” she said, firmly placing him in the middle of the raised platform before the rows of seats.

Dirk looked down at the temple, the main room seemed almost the same as the ones back in the Empire, A painting of the goddess Diana hung large against the back wall, and the widows, while not stained glass like he was used to, were wide and arced, letting ample light into the building.

“Let’s get the first part out of the way,” Cynthia said, holding out her hand. Dirk felt the tingle of magic in the air as her staff flew into her waiting fingers, and with a smile she held it high, “I, Cynthia Highrock, priestess of the great and benevolent goddess Diana, do hereby ask for her cleansing blessing upon this male!” Her staff shone, and Dirk flinched a moment as a light seemed to envelop him, “Let all demons be cast out!” she shouted, her voice beginning to echo as her eyes glowed and magic filled the air, “let all curses be lifted, let this man serve your will and bring your light and peace to the world!”

Dirk felt himself lift off the ground, and blinked as he felt the magic run up and down his arms, definitely divine magic, he thought, his mind racing, what is it- He gasped as he felt his arms stretch out from his body, a sense of peace flowing through him for the briefest moment before he slowly descended back to the ground. His feet returned to the stone altar while Cynthia looked on, beaming.

“How do you feel?” the priestess asked, removing her ceremonial skull helmet, revealing a short cut bob of dark hair.

“Good,” Dirk muttered, looking at his hands, flexing them slightly. It was hard to describe exactly how he felt, almost like he’d just gotten up from a lengthy sleep, or that first day of full health after a long sickness.

“It’s truly not too different from a blessing you could get from your own priests in the Empire,” Cynthia admitted with a blush, “I’ve studied some of your foreign gods, they seem… noble enough,” she said, “now, you must know what comes next?”

He pursed his lips and nodded, “an act of submission?”

“Very good,” Cynthia said with a grin, “Now…” she bit her lip, walking up to him a moment with a certain sway to her hips until she was looming over him, hands on her hips, “what would be a good demand to make of you?”

Dirk thought a moment, then gave her a grin, “I guess… I would be willing to do anything you desire Priestess.”

Cynthia squeaked excitedly, “Uh…” she cleared her throat, “w-well Dirk, y-you could of course sweep the temple chimney, or perhaps re-cushion the front pews…” she licked her lips, taking a breath, “or please me as a man does to a woman?”

She’s giving me ways out, Dirk thought with a chuckle, with a sigh he made his decision, “I’ll take the last one.”

Cynthia’s eyes had that blue glow to them, and Dirk suddenly felt nervous as magic filled the air again, “just to be clear,” Cynthia said, her face flushed and smiling as her hair blew slightly in a non-existent wind, “this is your last chance to re-cushion that pew.” When he just grinned at her in response she squealed in excitement, then she held out a hand as she harnessed the power she’d filled the room with.

Dirk almost cried out in shock as he suddenly lifted off the floor again, his shoes, socks, pants, shirt, hat, and everything else on him flew off his body, instantly stripping him in a split second as Cynthia’s invisible telekinetic tendrils went to work.

Telekinesis, Dirk thought, his old army training kicking in, deploy explosives to disrupt thought pattern- He shook his head and forced it away, trying to keep a smile on his face and let himself enjoy the moment.

Cynthia growled lustfully, and he felt himself pulled through the air until he was just in front of her, “Yes what a wonderful specimen of a man,” she said, tracing her hands over his chest and the slowly down, skipping her fingers down his abs playfully until she reached his crotch, and then finally wrapping her slender fingers around his manhood, rapidly rising from her attention and giving a quick tug, “a good size too, yes this will be a fine offering to your priestess!”

“Does your goddess approve of using your powers like this?” he teased.

His answer was his body jerking through the air, turning about so Cynthia could deliver a hard spanking to his ass, causing him to grunt in surprise, “Firm…” she giggled, “and yes Dirk, Diana not only approves, there are several holy scriptures available only to priestesses on such applications of her gift!” she twirled her finger and Dirk slowly rotated back around to face her, slowly descending to the ground as she draped her arms around him, pulling his naked form close so she could look down at him.

Dirk’s heart was pounding, he’d expected something like Cora’s almost animalistic mounting, albeit less intense, this was something else though… The light of magic was shimmering in Cynthia’s eyes as leaned down for a rough kiss, cupping his bottom and squeezing roughly, enjoying him as she moaned with lust.

“When they told me I had the gift of magic, I was so happy Dirk,” she cooed, “I rubbed myself raw that first night thinking of all the amazing things I was going to learn to do with it!” she tossed him over her shoulder with a grunt, slapping his bottom again for good measure as she practically skipped towards her bedroom in the building’s rear, “I know so many things now…” She shoved the door open with her shoulder, grunting as she heaved Dirk onto a wide Amazon sized featherbed.

Dirk managed to flip over, looking up in awe as Cynthia began throwing her ceremonial robes off, revealing a soft and slender physique. Unlike the other amazons she didn’t have the sharp muscle tone on her arms from hours of swordplay, and as he looked down her body he caught sight of her womanhood, shaved as bare as his own nethers.

Despite her more feminine appearance as her seven and a half foot form climbed over him, pinning him down, he was reminded that she was very much still an amazon.

Her grip on his wrist was strong as she held it away from his body, enjoying another rough kiss, “fight it!” she said in a lustful tone.

“What?” he asked, frowning.

“Try to throw me off of you! Come on, do your best!” she pleaded.

He growled and pressed back against her, his arms shaking with exertion as he just barely forced her up. Cynthia grimaced, gritting her teeth and grunting as she tightened her grip on his arms, slowly but surely forcing them back to the mattress and to his sides. Dirk tried to twist out of her grip, but her legs came up on either side of his body, pinning him in place.

“Yes!” she crowed, “that’s it, fight back, lose!

He realized that even against this smallest of amazons he was losing the contest of strength, he almost howled in frustration as, with his veins popping in his arms and his face red, he was slowly but surly pinned in place beneath Cynthia. He exhaled sharply as his muscles gave out, going limp and feeling jellylike as she cackled at her victory.

“That’s right,” she panted, her face flush, unlike Cora it was clear that, in spite of his defeat, she’d had to work for it at least, “accept it, you’re mine!”

Even a “small” bookish Amazon can overpower me, he realized, feeling a bit awed, he wondered just how much Cora had been going easy on him that first day when they’d wrestled.

“Now to claim my prize,” she groaned, slowly releasing his tired arms and climbing up his body. Her glistening womanhood hovered over his panting face, and without giving him so much as a warning she came down on him, her womanhood smothering his face as she ground against him. As he stuck his tongue out to begin licking at the flooding opening above he felt her fingers curl tightly in his hair, pulling him close and grinding him against herself.

“I did it,” she giggled, “no magic, no powers, I just… took you, like a real amazon!” she shivered, enjoying the sensation of his face against her most intimate place. “Oh goddess, imagine if I had used my powers too… you wouldn’t stand a chance!” she giggled, looking down at his face, now wet with her juices. She smiled as he made eye contact, “there are so many things a priestess like me can do to a man she fancies,” she said huskily, grunting as another wave of pleasure shot through her, “I could make you climax in your sleep thinking about me,” she bit her lip, “cast a charm to make my womanhood taste like the finest and sweetest thing you’ve ever had, I could simply wave a hand whenever I felt bored and send you to paradise, doubling over as you pleaded for mercy!” She moaned again, her legs clamping down on either side of him as she rode his face to org*sm, “yes!” she howled, “completely and utterly defeated, mine!” she spasmed a final time, and Dirk did his best to keep up his motions before she finally rolled off of him, spent.

She slowly pulled him close to her in the bed, a dreamy expression on her face as she stared at the ceiling, “I’m sorry if I said some things that were… strange,” she said quietly.

“It’s fine,” Dirk assured her, “I’m getting used to some… unconventional stuff.”

She leaned over him again, running her hand through his hair, “no, I… I really enjoy dominating a male, on so many levels…” she sighed, “thank you for indulging me.”

“It was my pleasure,” he said, looking down at his unattended erection and hoping she would take the hint.

She spared a glance down his body, then looked back to him with a mischievous look. She casually puffed her cheeks and blew once, like she was putting out a small candle. His eyes went wide and he felt a wave of bliss crash down on him as he instantly reached org*sm, his hips bucking the air and swearing in surprise as his seed sprayed across the bed. It was an intense, lasting nearly a full minute as he twisted and spasmed while Cynthia looked on, giggling.

“Wow,” he breathed as it finally subsided, “you weren’t kidding about the magic…”

“No, I really can visit you in your dreams and make you mess your bed if I want,” she teased, “one of the priestesses who taught me magic claimed she could bring her husband to org*sm with a thought from up to a mile away…” Cynthia sighed, a dreamy look on her face, “could you imagine?”

Dirk gulped, not sure whether the idea thrilled or terrified him.

“Want to see another trick?” she asked, grinning. She held her finger up to him, crooked, slowly she straightened it, and as she did he felt himself growing hard, his manhood pointing straight up with her fingertip.

“I’ve never heard of an imperial mage doing that,” he chuckled.

“Now go back into the other room and find your clothing,” she ordered, standing up, “we do have a few other matters to discuss…” She casually looked down at his revived erection and gave a wry grin, “oh, why not, one more real quick!” she puffed her cheeks and did that tiny blowing motion, causing him to writhe in pleasure while she burst into laughter, watching.

“Come back here,” Cynthia said, leading Dirk, now dressed and cleaned up somewhat, through a back hallway in the temple and to a small office.

Books were stacked neatly above a piece of furniture that towered next to Dirk, but to an Amazon was a simple writing desk. Cynthia sat in a small chair with a sigh and gestured for him to approach her. Slowly she put a hand on his shoulder, and he frowned as she pressed down, gently forcing him to a knee. He watched, confused, as she kicked off her shoes, placing one of her feet in his waiting hand.

“A foot rub would be lovely,” Cynthia said, not so much as a request as an order.

You’re hers for the day, he thought with a sigh, starting to press his fingers against her soles in a way he’d found Cora enjoyed.

“Oh that’s nice,” Cynthia moaned, “now… on to more serious things…” she sighed, “I want you to know I am serious about pursuing justice for your aunt and uncle, so I’m going to share a few things I’ve found… but you must keep them secret!”

Dirk’s ears perked up, “of course!”

“And I don’t want you to blunder into a dangerous situation trying to solve this yourself!” she warned, “this is the Queendom after all…” He nodded, biting his tongue, and she continued, “as part of my duties as Priestess I prepare burials and funerals, as such I am aware of how your aunt and uncle were killed.”

His heart leapt, “what weapons were used? Anything odd?”

Cynthia sighed a moment, “I don’t want to get into the grisly details in front of a man, but while most of their wounds were from swords and a few arrows, each of them had been hurt with a gunpowder weapon, much like the ones you carry.”

Dirk snarled, “Tom…”

“No, Thomas is innocent,” Cynthia insisted.

Dirk sighed and stopped rubbing her feet, “I know he’s good looking and he’s charming, but-“

“He did not kill your aunt and uncle,” Cynthia said firmly, “the night they were attacked he was with someone else, someone I trust to tell the truth of these matters.”

“Who!?” Dirk asked angrily.

Cynthia shook her head, “I learned where Thomas was that night from a very guilt ridden member of my congregation, who confessed the matter to me in confidence.”

Dirk sighed, “fine…” I have a feeling I know who that might’ve been… He thought a moment, “are there any Amazons that use guns?”

Cynthia shook her head, “most warriors here prefer more traditional weapons, not to mention that…” she smirked, “well Dirk, most of the girls here have hands a little to big to use your boomsticks properly.”

He chewed his lip and nodded, it made sense, “Thank you Priestess Cynthia, is there anything else I can do for you?”

“Just relax there until Cora returns,” she said, pulling a large sheath of papers off the top of her desk as Dirk resumed rubbing her feet. She glanced at him and smirked, then wrote something down.

He glanced at the folder, then frowned as he saw “DIRK SOMMER” written across the outside, “what’s that folder?” he asked suspiciously.

“My matchmaking files,” Cynthia said casually.

“What!?” Dirk asked, “why do I have one?”

“I keep a dossier on all the unmarried men of age in Rain’s End and the surrounding communities,” Cynthia said with a shrug, “once upon a time it was the role of the priestess to plan marriages for such wayward men, obviously we’re now much more… respectful of men’s wishes.”

He fought a snort, from his place on his knees, rubbing her feet, he didn’t feel particularly respected… even if a part of him didn’t exactly mind it.

She just rolled her eyes at his reaction, “I wish for men to embrace their proper roles, that doesn’t mean I want your lives ruled without your consent. I simply keep these files on marriageable men and try to… push them towards good matches, from there I am hands off!”

“Let me see mine,” Dirk growled, slowly lowering her foot.

Cynthia burned red, “No! Absolutely not, you’re just an impudent male and- HEY!” Dirk was too quick, managing to leap at the folder and get it from her before she wrapped those strong arms around him, pulling him roughly into her lap.

“Best matches,” he read a few sentences from each entry, ignoring her protests as she tried to get it from him, eagerly he scanned the page.

Cora Spearwall – good chemistry, poor ability with native men, foreign male a plus?

Dirk nodded, that one made sense, he kept reading.

Cassidy Clearshot – protective, loves doting on men, already familiar with

Lady Griselda – needs a new husband, could show Dirk the best of the Queendom, could improve diplomatic relations, NOTE: Check if Dirk has noble heritage

Priestess Cynthia – obviously Dirk would make an excellent temple boy and husband for me, while impious he does seem to enjoy-

“I can’t help but notice that last one is in fresh ink,” Dirk said with a chuckle as the amazon finally forced the folder away from him. He looked up at the other folders, then frowned as he saw one was noticeably thicker than the others, “who’s is that?”

“Oh that’s Thomas’s,” Cynthia said with a scowl, replacing Dirk’s folder higher where he couldn’t reach it, “he has… many women interested in him.” She forced him out of her lap and crossed her arms as she stood up, looming over him with an annoyed grimace, “these files are mine, and therefore sacred! No more reading them!”

“Sacred,” Dirk smirked, “got it.”

Cynthia huffed, “I don’t understand you, sometimes you are the most wonderful and respectful man, and sometimes you are just the most impudent fool of a male I can imagine!”

Cora led Dirk’s horse up to the temple, smiling as she saw the pair waiting for her outside, “Is Dirk a proper Queendom man yet?” she asked.

“No,” Cynthia said, ruffling his hair affectionately before giving him his hat, “but he’s getting there. Consider him to be carrying the blessing of the Goddess.”

Cora gave him a knowing smile, and he sighed and nodded in a silent confirmation of her suspicions as he placed his hat back on his head. He climbed back in his saddle and tipped his hat one last time to Cynthia as he and Cora turned to go.

“So how did things go?” Cora asked with a giggle, “did she do anything to you I haven’t yet?”

“You can ask her,” he retorted, shooting her a grin as they reached the jungle roads heading out of town.

Cora’s face turned serious, “did she tell you anything useful? About… who might’ve killed your aunt and uncle?”

“Yeah,” Dirk said, thinking on an old recipe book that now sat on his nightstand at home, “but I’m going to need to confirm some of it myself I think… Cora, is there anyplace around here where a man could buy cinnamon?”


Over 1000 views, thanks everyone!

The song Tom is singing this time as they approach is a variation of the English folk song Matty Groves.

Chapter 7: Dreams of the Past


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Tom Carlyle breathed slowly, the ragged wet feeling of his wound sending daggers through his chest as he stumbled down the road. The gunshot had torn straight through the hide vest he wore, and the rest of the gang had scattered, leaving him for dead as the law had pursued him towards the Amazon Queendom’s border. His pistol was tight in his grip, his arm swaying as he scanned the jungle. He knew those things were tracking him, those gigantic lizards with the terrible clicking claws. He’d shot one already, and the rest chittered from the lush greenery, mocking him as they waited for his wound to take him.

Beads of sweat rolled down his forehead as he looked around at the alien landscape, realizing he should have never left the empire. The Queendom’s border was desolate, sparsely populated, the Amazon town he’d often heard rumors of was too far away to reach on foot for a man with his wounds, but it had been his only choice to escape the soldiers pursuing him. He’d die in the dirt on this road sooner or later, then he’d be dinner, a fitting end to a miserable life marked by banditry and scrabbling for survival.

He tumbled into the dirt, his vision fading. The lizards hissed happily and darted out of the brush, Tom couldn’t bring himself to care, and just stared with half dead eyes.

He breathed in excitedly as he saw a massive arrow, nearly as tall as he was, spear one of the creatures through the midsection. With an angry screech the rest fled as a massive hulk of a woman blocked out the little sun that broke through the trees.

A woman’s face leaned down to him, dark crimson hair framing a tanned face that would have been angelic if not for a small scar across her cheek.

She smiled, “Hey, just relax, I’m going to take care of you, okay? I’m Cassidy.”

“Tom,” he rasped as she helped him to his feet, “Tom… Cat.”

“Odd name,” Cassidy said, gently helping the foreigner hobble over to her horse, “cute though…”

In spite of his injuries Tom laughed, “n-not as cute as you,” he managed as the massive woman steadied him in front of her in his saddle. He blinked as she rested her massive chest on top of his head, “am I hallucinating, or are you… really big?”

“New to the Queendom are you, Tom?” Cassidy laughed, “hold on as best you can, I’m going to get you into town so the priestess can heal you up!” Her arms circled around him, holding him steady as the massive draft animal galloped them towards Rain’s End.

Cassidy groaned as she sat up in bed, a light headache a sign that she’d overindulged on wine the night before. She sighed as she looked out the window, realizing she’d need to get up and simply work through the misery.

Tom, she thought, remembering those early days when she’d first found him on that road, half dead… where did it all go so wrong?

Dirk rode the border of his father’s ranch in the Empire, admiring the way the cows crossed the vast fields towards the crisp clear water of the stream that separated them from their nearest neighbors. He whistled a tune under his breath as he enjoyed the paradise of his youth, a carefree place…

“So this is the Empire,” Cynthia said, startling him so badly he nearly fell off his horse. “I’ve got you!” she giggled, catching him as his horse seemed to vanish. She glanced over the prairie and frowned, “that grass looks awfully brown… and it’s so cold here!” she shivered.

“W-What are you doing here? You weren’t on my family farm growing up!” he protested.

“I’m practicing my dreamwalking,” Cynthia explained, “it’s a lot easier with someone you’ve been intimate with, so I hope it’s all right if I pop in while you’re sleeping sometimes.”

“Do I have a choice?” he asked skeptically.

Cynthia huffed, “look, you won’t even know I’m here most of the time, males probably spend all of their time dreaming about their favorite women so obviously I’d be in your sleep to begin with,” She looked around, “hey, where is Cora anyway?”

As if summoned by his subconscious a towering version of her appeared, “Hi Dirk,” she said, eagerly holding a collar and leash. The dream version of Cora was at least a foot taller than the real one, and was wearing a shining black corset and leather boots that came nearly up to her knees.

“Interesting,” Cynthia said, slowly lowering him to the ground, “see Dirk, this is your mind speaking to you, telling you what you want, as the person responsible for your spiritual welfare-“

“Dreams don’t mean anything,” Dirk protested, but he was undercut by Cora snapping the collar around his neck, pulling the leash and drawing him to her side.

“I disagree,” Cynthia laughed as a bed appeared in the middle of the vast field, “oh wow,” she said, her smile broadening, “if this goes much further Dirk, you’re going to have to change your bedsheets! You know the chastity cage could have prevented-“

Dirk blinked sleep out of his eyes, stretching and feeling the loose grip of Cora’s arms around him. He looked over at her and then out the window. For a moment he rolled his eyes and sighed, remembering the fleeting details of his dream. A part of him wondered if Cynthia was really visiting his dreams, or if he was simply dreaming about her, he was certainly still aroused…

He bit his lip and looked at Cora, still sleeping peacefully with a smile on her face. A devious idea struck him, and he slowly moved his way down her body and under the blanket. She stirred, and he paused, making sure he didn’t wake her. As usually she slept in her underwear, and he slowly slid her cotton panties down, staring at her womanhood as he prepared to wake the enormous woman in a more pleasant way than simply shaking her shoulder.

Cora felt a warmth between her legs, then the soft pleasant sensation of a man’s tongue. She groaned, arching her back and letting her powerful thighs close around the object of her desire, trapping him in place as her senses came into focus, pleasure rising in her lower extremities as the sunlight crept over the jungle trees outside.

“Mmm… keep going,” she murmured, still half asleep.

Her hips began to rock in time with the tongue between her legs, lightly at first, and then more forcefully. Her eyes shot open as she realized what was happening, and she grinned as her hand shot below the blanket, grabbing the back of Dirk’s head and grinding him roughly against her sex.

“Well good morning sunshine!” she groaned happily.

Beneath the blankets Dirk was quickly learning that teasing an Amazon awake in such a fashion was a lot like teasing a tiger with a slab of meat, and he’d just been pounced on. Her legs curled around his head, forcing his face deeper into her womanhood and cutting of his air as he struggled to bring her to climax. She moaned and squealed excitedly, her face a broad grin as she looked down the blanket at the small lump of Dirk’s had, moving in a rhythmic motion as he fought for breathe between her thighs.

“Yes!” she sighed, almost laughing as her climax came, grinding him as hard as she could against herself as Dirk was held in place for the final few moments of bliss. “Whew,” Cora said finally, releasing dirk from her vice-like thighs, “what a way to start the day!” she lifted the blanket, giggling at his dazed expression and glistening face, his hair was a little moist, and the smell of her womanhood billowed up from beneath the comforter. She bit her lip, taking in the sight of her man with a fresh layer of her juices on his face, wonderful, she giggled to herself, just wonderful!

“Glad you enjoyed it,” Dirk said, crawling up her and letting her muscular arm pull him close in an embrace against her chest.

“Any chance we could make that my regular wakeup call?” Cora asked, a devious grin on her face.

Dirk just laughed, “you wish, come on it’s time to get up.”

Cora groaned, stepping out of bed as Dirk walked into the privy to use the wash basin, Cora raised an eyebrow, “you’re washing up at the beginning of the day?”

“I don’t want to talk to Cassidy with my face smelling like your c*nt,” Dirk replied, splashing water over himself. Cora gasped, then giggled. Dirk paused and looked at her, “What?”

“Sorry,” Cora said, biting her lip, “it’s just so… vulgar, to hear a man say that word.”

“c*nt?” Dirk asked, raising an eyebrow, “you’ve heard me swear before.”

“Yes but a man saying c*nt is so much dirtier than a normal swear,” she giggled, “it’s the kind of language you hear down at the Silver Tongue.”

Dirk co*cked an eyebrow, “you sure know a lot about what goes on in there for someone who’s never been,” he laughed, enjoying the huff and embarrassed expression the remark elicited, “if you love hearing men say c*nt so much there are some laborers back in my country that would drive you wild.”

“Say you love my c*nt,” Cora said suddenly, her voice breathy.

Dirk finished washing up and then put his hands on his hips, staring at her and making eye contact, “Cora, I absolutely f*cking love your c*nt, I can’t get enough of it, it’s the best c*nt any man has ever had.” He was almost laughing at the last part, but from the lustful look Cora was giving him, she wasn’t in on the joke.

“Can we-“ she began, but he held up a hand.

“We really need to get up,” he said with a sigh, it was a tempting offer… “Tonight though,” he said with a grin.

“Do you want your hat?” Cora asked, taking it off the hook and offering it to him as they reached the farmhouse door.

“Not today,” he said with a sigh, instead opening a small storage closet and fishing out a white kitchen apron.

Cora’s eyes bulged, “No way… you’re going to-“

“Make breakfast for my girls,” he said, looking up and giving her a wink. “Start the day’s chores, then bring Cassidy up here when the sun’s all the way up.”

Cora nodded, then leaned down to kiss his cheek with a giggle, “I suppose I shouldn’t get used to it?” she said, admiring the sight of him as he tied the back of the apron.

“Damn right,” he growled as she walked out the door.

With a sigh he went to the kitchen, tossing a log under the stove and starting to light it. While it warmed the attached oven, he walked to a small shelf and pulled the leatherbound volume of his uncle’s recipes off of it. The cinnamon rolls had evidently been a favorite, going by the way the corner of the page was slightly frayed. A few notes were written in the sides, tips about potential substitutions.

Cinnamon can be replaced with clove, nutmeg, note: cardamon is a NO, made Cassidy sick, Amaya refused to eat-

He chuckled, thumbing through the book. It seemed that almost all of the recipes contained some amusing note or anecdote about his late Aunt, and more than a few included Cassidy. He glanced around the kitchen, and felt a little closer to the man.

They had a life here, he thought, they were happy… it made him think of his own parent’s ranch, and how his own adolescence had been cut short by brigands. He sighed and pulled a mixing bowl from the cupboard, no time to linger on the past, he told himself, there’s one part of that life still standing, and you need to ask her what happened.

The smell of baking pastries soon filled the kitchen.

“Dirk’s in an apron,” Cassidy asked skeptically as the pair walked to the farmhouse, “cooking us breakfast? Did he hit his head or did he mess up bad enough to earn another ribbon?”

“No ribbon,” Cora swore, “he just insisted.

“Well I’ll have to see this for mys-“ Cassidy paused sniffing the air. Cora looked at her with a raised eyebrow, but Cassidy ignored her, following the scent into the dining room.

“Breakfast is served,” Dirk said quietly, placing a tray of fine looking cinnamon rolls on the table as the two towering amazons looked on. He’d set out plates and silverware, and he climbed into his raised seat at the massive table while gesturing for the pair to eat.

Cora sat close to Dirk, and Cassidy slowly served herself one of the cinnamon rolls, then slowly, hesitantly, lowered her fork in. She raised it to her mouth, as if she couldn’t believe what she was seeing, and then placed it in, chewing slowly.

She swallowed, and then looked up at Dirk and Cora, her face a mix of emotions, “they’re just like his,” she said softly.

“I got the recipe book from Tom when we visited him, odd that he’d have it,” Dirk said in a low voice. He looked down at his own plate, chewing his lip a moment before continuing, “Where were you the night my aunt and uncle died Cassidy?”

Cassidy’s eyes welled with tears, and shakily she put the fork down, the soft *clink* against the plate punctuated the silence just before she burst into sobs. Cora glanced at Dirk uncomfortably, but he just stared, letting the amazon cry while they looked on.

Finally she managed to collect herself, her eyes red as she sniffed, “I was…” her lip quivered, “I was with Tom, okay? At his ranch… I sometimes snuck off to spend the night with him.”

“Why?” Cora asked, stunned, “what business could you have-“

“I love him,” Cassidy said quietly. Seeing their looks she sighed, “I know what he’s like, he wanted this land even when your aunt and uncle owned it… and…” she took the hat off, Amaya’s hat, and fingered the rose trim a moment, “I loved your aunt and uncle too, they were my family… and I just hoped that maybe it would work out.”

“Cassidy, he’s manipulative, he uses women, he-“ Dirk started, but he was cut off as Cassidy groaned.

“I know what he’s like,” she growled, “I… I was with him when he first came to the Queendom, I protected him from the other women and helped him get on his feet, I saw him learn how things were here and I saw how he found ways of getting what he wanted… but he was never like that with me,” Cassidy wiped away another tear, “he always said he owed honesty to me, since I saved his life…”

“And did he send the people that killed Amaya and Markus?” Dirk asked, looking up at her impassively.

“He swears he didn’t,” Cassidy said, wiping her nose a final time, “but… I don’t know if I believe him.”

“So where were you the night his women loosed our aurochs?” Cora asked, crossing her arms.

“I was going to sneak to his place,” she admitted, “like I used to… but I lost my nerve, I came back and found you and all of the razor lizards… I did my best to help…” she sighed, “I suspect you’ll want my cabin’s keys after we’re done here? If it’s all right I’d like to finish this cinnamon roll… I never thought I’d taste these again.”

“Keep them and have a second helping,” Dirk said, giving her a small smile, “my aunt and uncle probably wouldn’t want you thrown out… and I don’t either.”

Cassidy blinked, then smiled, nodding, “O-Okay then…” she bit her lip and sniffed a final time, “goddess it feels good to get that all out…” she looked up at Dirk, “do you think Tom… do you think he did it?”

“I don’t know,” Dirk admitted with a sigh. He forced a smile, “I dirtied the whole kitchen figuring out how to make these things, let’s enjoy them.” With that he cut a piece of his cinnamon roll, enjoying the flavor as it melted in his mouth.

Things in the ranch settled into a routine, Dirk and his two Amazon ranch hands bringing the ranch fully up to peak operation. The work was hard, and the days were long, hot, and humid, sometimes Dirk could swear the very air was water as sweat made their clothes stick to them and the stink of the herd of aurochs hung in the air.

Rain was common that time of year, sometimes a pattering mist that went all day, sometimes a downpour lasting a quarter hour or less that felt as though someone had just dumped a bucket over a man’s head. The real problem with the rain was that it was never intense or long lasting enough to justify simply taking a day off from work, as he’d been used to in the more temperate climes of his parent’s farmstead.

For this reason, when the powerful thunderstorm finally arrived, a roiling thing that caused the trees to sway in a slow circular motion, Dirk was glad. He tried to fight a happy sigh as he looked out his bedroom window, watching the endless angry grey sky, holding a cup of warm coffee in his hand. He spied the soft glow of Cassidy’s cabin on the edge of the property, and raised his cup to her in a mock salute to their day off.

“So, what do you want to do since we can’t get any work done today?” Cora asked in a sultry voice.

He glanced back at her, then back to the window to hide his smirk, “I think I’ll try my uncle’s soda bread recipe…” he saw her frustrated growl in the reflection of the window and chuckled, teasing amazons was a dangerous game, but one too amusing to pass up when the opportunity struck. He sipped his coffee slowly, pretending not to notice that she was watching, just waiting for him to put the hot beverage down so she could throw him to the bed.

“The coffee here is so much better than it is at home,” he said, almost putting it down, and seeing Cora tense with a smile on her face, he brought it back to his lips, taking another sip. “I think it’s because it grows here, in the Empire we have to import it…”

“Put the damn cup down!” Cora snapped, startling herself, “I mean… uh, hey Dirk, come over here a second.”

“I’m just enjoying my coffee,” he said in a low, smug, tone, “it would be downright irresponsible to come over there and roughhouse with you while carrying something so hot in this fragile mug.” He took another long, loud, sip for emphasis.

Her nostrils flared and she stood up, walking across the bedroom and looming over him, her massive breasts hovering over his head as she licked her lips. He stood his ground, even as her footsteps rippled his coffee.

“Am I going to have to drag you to bed?” she asked in a teasing tone, “look outside Dirk, it’s raining aurochs and goldscales, this is a day made for spending in bed.” She thought a moment, then grinned, “what if… and this is another one that does not leave our bedroom, what if I let you be on top?”

Dirk’s ears perked, and he put the coffee cup down on a nearby nightstand immediately, “Done,” he said with a grin, reaching up to unbutton his shirt.

Cora grinned, following his lead, and soon she was naked, laying back in the bed and waiting for him. He climbed up onto the bed slowly, taking a moment to admire the landscape of Cora’s body, her massive breasts, the ridges of her abs, her thick thighs that had so often and so easily imprisoned him against her sex, a sex that was waiting for him, glistening as her hand came down, rubbing slowly.

“Well?” Cora teased, “come on Dirk, you’re always fighting to get up there, now show me what you wanted to do!”

“Just planning my attack,” he said, crawling up her body.

Cora bit her lip, “this isn’t such a bad idea, it’s nice to see you at a different angle…” she leered at his physique, admiring his own chest almost as much as he stared at hers, then letting her eyes trace downward to his manhood, hard, ready… She giggled as she saw where tufts of his blond hair had grown back around it, I wonder if he’d shave there again? She wondered; I’ll have to ask Cynthia if she could convince him…

Her thoughts were interrupted as he entered her, causing her to gasp as his small body mounted her own. She sighed, leaning back as Dirk thrust into her, folding her arms behind her. He was certainly a good size, by Amazon standards, and she bit her lip, stifling moans as he placed his hands on her sides for balance.

Give her your best or she’s always going to want to ride you, he thought, grunting as he gave her as much force as he could, driving into her with all of his might.

“That feels nice,” Cora sighed, enjoying the more relaxed, slower lovemaking than she was used to. She reached up and stroked his hair, enjoying the way his face contorted in exertion. “Come on, keep going!” she said, encouraging him.

Dirk’s teeth were gritted as he summoned more strength, driving at her with as much force as he could, spearing her with his manhood as sweat began to bead on his forehead. He was glad to see Cora arch her back, her fists gripping the bed slightly, but at the same time…

She’s enjoying herself, but this is a gentle lovemaking for her, he realized. He wasn’t sure whether to laugh or cry, I’m giving this more effort than I’ve given any three women and she’s finding it relaxing…

“I’m almost there,” she panted, her hands coming up to his hips as he continued to thrust into her. She grinned and looked him in the eyes, “mind if I help you over the edge?”

He nodded, panting as he felt her grip on his hips tighten. Suddenly she was rocking his hips with her hands, groaning as she added her own strength to his. He winced slightly as she squeezed him, an animalist growl echoing from somewhere in her throat as she slammed his groin into her own in a fast, repeated motion that brought them both to climax, shouting in time with the thunder outside the window.

Dirk collapsed on top of her, panting with exhaustion, covered in sweat. Cora just hummed happily, letting her hands cup his firm bottom and hold him against her while she basked in the afterglow. Dirk looked at her pleadingly, desperate to see how he’d performed.

“I liked that,” Cora said with a nod and a smile, “it’s nice to let the man do the work for a change…”

“Y-Yeah,” Dirk breathed, feeling her hand come up and run through his hair.

Later in the afternoon the pair of them were in the living room, with a small fire going to push back the gloom of the thunder and rain outside. Dirk was at the table in his raised seat, taking the opportunity to finally look over the papers Cora had retrieved from the bank in detail. For her part Cora was relaxing in the rocking chair, reading over a military history of The Empire that had belong to Dirk’s uncle.

“Dirk,” she asked hesitantly, “what are cannons?”

“Think like my guns, but bigger,” he said, frowning as he looked through the loan documents.

“How big?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.

“They’re pulled by horses,” he explained, “they shoot pretty far, we use a lot of them because we don’t have as many mages as a lot of our enemies.” Cora nodded, intently studying the volume with renewed interest.

His eyes narrowed as he scanned the loan document, secured interest in land, in aurochs, and other equipment… the next line item gave him pause, digging equipment, thirty thousand thaler interest… He looked up, blinking in surprise, what kind of shovels cost thirty thousand thalers?

The door barged open suddenly, startling both of them. Cassidy trudged in, dripping wet as the wind blew around her and fought against her attempts to force the door closed. With a sigh she removed a soaked poncho she’d thrown on, and hung her hat on a hook on the wall.

“Thought I’d come see what you two were doing,” Cassidy said, “not much to do down there by myself…”

“Cassidy did my aunt and uncle ever have any plans to expand?” Dirk asked, “something they’d want to spend big money on?”

“How much?” Cassidy asked, “for a few thousand thalers we could probably hire the help to burn back some more jungle, the property you own actually extends about another mile west.” She thought a moment, “they did say something about putting more wells in out that way for water.”

“Wells?” Dirk asked curiously, “with how much rain and how many streams there are out here I’m not sure why they’d need them.”

“They bought some kind of dwarven digging machine for the job,” Cassidy said with a shrug, “it was your uncle’s idea, he sent for it and they even paid top coin to have it brought here over from the Empire.”

Dirk’s eyes went wide, “what did it look like?” he asked suspiciously.

“It was as tall as an Amazon and it had big wheels made out of some kind of black spongy stuff,” Cassidy said, flopping into a rocking chair across from Cora, “a big shovel on the front of it too. When they used it it stank, just belched this foul black smoke that would make the Aurochs all go to the other end of the pen, and I wanted to go with them. They dug that well out on the eastern fence with it, and I didn’t see it after that.”

“That’s a dwarven mining machine,” Dirk said, almost leaping out of his raised seat, “the cost to buy one… let alone have it brought here…” he shook his head in shock, “where is it now?”

Cassidy chewed her lip, “I uh… don’t really know, they didn’t keep it in the barn, and I never used it… maybe it’s still out in the uncleared patch out west?” She shrugged, “or the killers could’ve taken it, but I don’t see how you’d keep that thing hidden if anyone from town saw it, there’s nothing like it out here.”

Dirk looked outside at the storm, finally starting dissipate as the pitter patter of rain gave way to smooth waves of grey overhead. Slowly he slid out of his seat, walking to the window and looking out the window at the western edge of the property, where the jungle loomed overgrown and wild, still swaying in the high wind.

“We’re going out there as soon as the rain stops,” he decided.

The three of them trudged over the muddy ground towards the wall of greenery that separated their ranch from the wilds. The air was thick, humid, and surprisingly chilly as the storm moved out. Dirk felt the first shiver the wind had given him as he trudged along the edge, his feet making squishing sounds in the wet soil as he looked for a path.

“Do you really think they had some kind of path or something?” Cassidy asked uncertainly, “I never knew anything about it and I was working the ranch almost every day…”

“It wouldn’t have to be too large,” Dirk said, “just enough to wheel that thing to… wherever.” He sighed, “also Cassidy, I’m sure they knew about you and Tom, they weren’t fools… maybe they didn’t want you telling him something.”

Cassidy looked at the ground, but gave a sullen nod.

“Look here,” Cora said excitedly, pointing to patch of grass and shrubbery that, while overgrown, wasn’t nearly as tall or thick as that around it. She drew her sword and began hacking a small path for them, clearing the spindly jungle trees and drifting vines as he and Cora followed behind.

“Do we have to worry about razorlizards?” Dirk asked, resting a hand on his pistol and peering into the thick brush.

“Those things usually lay low for a while after it rains,” Cassidy said, “and with it being this cool they’d be so sluggish you could bop them over with your fists if you wanted.”

“They can’t handle a chill?” Dirk asked curiously, looking up at the grey clouds. There was a little nip to the air of course, but it would still be positively mild weather in many of the places he’d been in the Empire.

“Not even a little,” Cora said with a grin, “probably why most of your mannish realms don’t have them. Cynthia says it’s something in their blood, like they can’t keep it warm or something…”

They trekked another half hour through the dripping wet jungle, until finally the vegetation thinned a little. Dirk saw a number of trees that had clearly been cut down, and even a stack of logs, now overgrown with weeds and vines, laying as if in preparation for use. In the middle of this clearing stood a bronze machine covered in gears and pipes, a massive shovel affixed to the front of it. From the way grass grew around the thick black wheels it hadn’t been moved in some time.

“Well there’s your digging machine,” Cora said, looking at it, impressed, “how does it work?”

“It’ll burn things, wood, coal, spirits maybe,” Dirk explained, “then it…” he struggled for the words, he knew little about machinery, “it makes gears move and they move other gears, and it digs.”

“Sounds too complicated,” Cassidy muttered, “why not just use a normal shovel?”

“Trust me these things will put a dozen diggers to shame,” Dirk said, walking around it. He glanced a little further and saw a trio of massive pools of water, no pits, they were pits he realized, and they’d been filled with water by the rain. “What were they digging for out here?” he asked, walking over to them slowly. Cora and Cassidy followed him, and the three of them looked down into the murky pool.

The sun broke through the clouds then, the first sign of it since the storm had begun in the early morning. As the rays hit the water they penetrated through the silty water and caught something on the bottom of the pool, something that glimmered on contact with the bottom of the pits that the machine had been used to dig months prior.

Dirk felt his breath catch, and he blinked several times, making sure he was seeing what he thought he was seeing.

“I-Is that,” Cassidy started hesitantly.

“Cora, Cassidy,” Dirk said in a hushed voice, “that’s gold.


Gold everyone! Sweet beautiful gold! Thanks for all the reads, kudos, and comments, see you next episode!

Chapter 8: Motherlode


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“You’re rich,” Cora said in awe, looking down into the pit, “richer than Lady Griselda even…”

“Who knows how far the vein goes but…” Dirk whistled, “it certainly does look impressive.”

Several days had passed since the discovery of his aunt and uncle’s apparent gold digging operation, and he and Cora had taken a break from the day to day work on the ranch to come back into the jungled part of the property to inspect it again while Cassidy penned the aurochs. The pits had drained somewhat, letting the pair see the glimmer of gold at the bottom, and it seemed there was a lot of gold too…

He felt somewhat numb to it still, the idea that this was his still hadn’t registered. Dirk hadn’t been a poor man of course, but they were looking at a level of wealth that, as far as he knew, was only in the realm of the nobility and the wealthiest merchants.

He looked up at the digging machine, in spite of their best efforts they hadn’t been able to start it. Cora and Cassidy knew next to nothing about machinery, and Dirk’s own knowledge extended about as far as seeing similar devices used. He’d pried open the side of it and had been greeted with a labyrinth of brass piping and gears, and with a scowl he’d immediately placed the panel back on as well as he could, realizing he was fully out of his depth.

“Let me get some of this,” he said, walking over to the pit and grabbing a bit of rubble with gold veins spidering through it. He placed it in his pack and buttoned it shut, “if I could find someone I could trust to look at it, maybe we could get an idea of the purity… or where we start with this.” The ground was still damp from the rainstorm a few days earlier, the always humid jungle meant soil never truly dried, and he wondered how the gold could be effectively mined.

Then of course there was the matter of what the discovery meant, someone had known about this gold, he was sure of it, and that someone was behind his aunt and uncle’s murder.

Tom? He’d thought for a while on that, it would be easy enough to pass his gun off to someone else, the men in these parts weren’t accustomed to violence, but they could certainly still pull a trigger… But why bother with the trouble?

“Come on,” Cora said, waving to him and interrupting his thoughts, “let’s head back and wash up…” she smirked a moment, “unless you’d rather stay out here and get dirtier?”

He blinked, looking up at the towering woman who was now giving him a lustful look, these women are insatiable, he thought for the millionth time, wondering how to put off the offer even as his manhood stirred in his pants.

“Come on,” Cora teased, “I’ll press you against a tree and… we’ll go from there.”

“I don’t think so,” he said, with a smirk, “we’re both tired and filthy from the day’s work-“

He was cut off as Cora bodily picked him up, her hands under his arms as she lifted him high. He stared in shock as she buried her face in his shirt, taking a long whiff of his sweaty clothing, grinning up at him lustfully as her thumbs rubbed themselves over his chest, enjoying the tension of the muscles there.

“I don’t mind a dirty man,” Cora breathed, “honestly I kind of like it… your clothing smells so good after you wear it while working.”

“Yes, I’ve noticed my drawers sometimes go missing from my laundry,” he teased.

“I kind of like your socks too,” Cora giggled.

Dirk’s face went red, “you’re joking?” Cora returned his blush, and her smile wavered a little, but she didn’t deny it. He couldn’t help but laugh, “Fine, I guess you’ve cornered me all alone out here, have your fun.” He winced as her smile widened and she reached for his collar, “but don’t rip my clothes-“ he added quickly, causing her to huff in annoyance.

“Then get them off!” she said, setting him down on the moist ground again.

He didn’t need to be told twice, and by the time he’d folded his shirt and pants on the driest rock he could find, Cora had already stripped herself, casually throwing her own clothing over a nearby tree branch.

Her body glistened with sweat as she walked towards him, her bare feet squishing against the moist ground as she circled him like a lioness. A finger traced through his hair, and she giggled at his tense reaction, enjoying how he was waiting for her to pounce on her prey.

“There is something… wild about this,” Cora said in a husky tone, “two of us, naked, in the jungle…” she walked around to stand in front of him, her massive breasts heaving over his head as she tossed her hair over her shoulder.

There certainly was something animalistic about the whole thing, Cora was drenched in sweat, her feet muddy, and her hair mussed. Her body glistened slightly in the late afternoon sun, catching the light on the lines of her muscular form and reminding him of just where he stood in the natural order here.

“Just imagine,” Cora giggled, “before civilization… it was just us Amazons, the jungle, and men we liked…” she licked her lips, closing the small distance between them with a single step, “do you think you’d have made it far?” she teased, pressing his face into her stomach while her breasts loomed over him, “running from me?”

“M-Maybe,” he said, very aware of the stiffness between his legs as her sweat ran drown his face. He could smell her this close, the raw earthy scent of her salty sweat quickly coating his face and stinging his eyes slightly. He suddenly wanted to breath it in, it was intoxicating as it mixed with another familiar smell wafting up from the small forest of hair between her legs.

“No,” Cora said firmly, lifting him up and eyeing his erection with a smile, “you’d be mine in minutes.” He grunted as she pressed him roughly against a tree that was thicker around than he was, the smooth papery bark feeling surprisingly good as it slightly scratched his back. “You’d run, and I’d just snatch. You. Up.” Cora said, moving closer to the tree she’d pinned him against, “and then I’d press you against a tree just like this one, and…”

With an animalistic moan she impaled herself on him, thrusting and pressing him into the tree and holding him in place. He couldn’t help but return the cry of pleasure, feeling the strong steady rhythm of her hips pressing against his. He wrapped his legs around her back, and she increased speed as she held him above the ground, pinned to the tree.

He winced in pain slightly as Cora kept up her efforts, one of her hands reaching down to cup his bottom with a guttural growl as he was brutally f*cked against the tree trunk. He wrapped his arms around her back next, clinging to her as she picked up speed.

Her sweat coated him, dripping off her flailing hair as she leaned her head back, crying out happily with each powerful thrust. The rich ripe scent of the enormous woman mixed with the humidity and smells of the jungle, clouding his senses and letting instinct take over, something which, by the way Cora was all but snarling with glee, had already happened to his partner.

They climaxed together, filling the jungle with their mutual shouts and causing birds to take flight as they drowned out the other cries and calls around them. Dirk went limp, and Cora’s arms shook slightly as she slowly lowered him back down to the moist soil, letting him sit tiredly against the tree trunk he’d just been taken against.

“f*cking a man naked in the jungle,” Cora panted, sitting down next to him a moment, “that’s one fantasy I never thought I’d get to fulfill…” She wiped a bit of sweat off her forehead, and with a grin wrapped an arm around him, pulling him into her side.

“Glad to help,” Dirk breathed in a tired voice, “I can’t say I ever thought I’d have something like… that, happen to me, but…” he grinned, “I loved it.”

“And just imagine,” Cora teased, running her finger up his naked thigh, “after I took you against a tree, I’d carry you back to my cave over my shoulder, and you’d spend the rest of your days cleaning and cooking my kills, raising my daughters, tending to my every need…”

“Well unfortunately our ancestors decided to build houses and work the fields,” Dirk said, forcing himself to stand up and shakily walk over to his clothes. As he buttoned his shirt back on he saw Cora following his example, scowling as she realized she’d thrown her own clothing into the mud in her haste to take him.

“While we’re on the topic,” Dirk said as the pair began walking on the overgrown path back to the cleared areas of the ranch, “what other wild fantasies do you have left that we haven’t done yet?”

Cora bit her lip, “the emperor,” she said, causing Dirk to stop and whirl around.

“You’re joking?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.

“I want you to dress like your emperor and let me uh… conquer the Empire?” she asked weakly.

“I don’t look anything like him,” Dirk protested.

“You’ve got those Imperial features!” Cora protested, “and the hair!”

“I’m fairly certain dressing up as the emperor and feigning defeat like that is some kind of treason,” Dirk said struggling to keep himself from laughing.

Cora’s face burned red, “he’s handsome!” she said, “and there’s the whole idea of it, the great mannish leader, kneeling at your feet!”

The emperor is nearly fifty, why does every Amazon fall head over heels for a portrait of the man? Dirk wondered, walking back to the ranch ahead of her. He chewed his lip, it would certainly be humiliating to see such disrespect for the man… Dirk thought a moment, while he had nothing against the emperor, a smile formed on his face as he realized that his patriotism was perhaps not so strong that he objected to letting Cora play “conquer the realms of men” with him. Now where would I get a royal robe around here?

Dirk heard the cannon’s firing, pounding at the enemy position as he crawled through the muck on the far edge of the battlefield. His head was buzzing the elves had a mage nearby, fireballs, lightning, and those shrinking spells… he shivered, the knife eared bastards had a sick tendency to quite literally crush their enemies underfoot.

But not today… he leaned up over the small irrigation ditch he’d crawled nearly a mile through, scanning the elven lines. This group were supposedly bandits, condemned by the Elven leadership, but they certainly had the orderly ranks and practiced maneuvers that suggested they were regular military. He scowled as he saw the mage, wearing an ornate robe and standing behind the soldiers, waving his hands and chanting as a shimmering shield protected the elves from the rain of cannonballs from the human line.

He stared through the scope on his rifle, frowning as he tried to determine if he was close enough… he’d need to get out of here in a hurry once he fired, the elves would be quickly scattered by volleys of musket and cannonfire once that mage was taken out, but he’d still be here, far from his own lines and easy pickings for an elven archer or swordsman. He weighed his options, he was coated in mud and bits of grass, camouflaged well enough… but elves occasionally placed wards near their flanks which could detect approach.

This will have to do, he lined up his shot, seeing the sneering face of the enemy mage as the elf began a spell to call hellfire down on the Imperial ranks.

“Hi Dirk,” Cynthia said cheerfully, looking down from the edge of the irrigation ditch.

Dirk’s heart leapt, and he stared up at her in shock, “Cynthia get down!” he hissed, reaching up and tugging at her black ceremonial robe.

“Dirk it’s just a dream, I wasn’t here,” she tried to explain, looking out at the elves.

“If I don’t land this shot, everyone in my unit is dead!” he snarled, trying to aim again. He swore as he realized they’d noticed Cynthia’s towering form, and the elven mage turned toward him, throwing a fireball that caused the rune in his shin to sting as it went wide, the targeting spell thrown off by the protective enchantment.

“This is it,” he said, his heart pounding as he took a knee, “they saw me, I can’t get out but I can still save everyone-“

“DIRK!” Cynthia snapped, “it’s a dream!” she lifted a finger, pointing up and seemingly levitating him up out of the ditch. She looked him in the eyes, slowly stroking his cheek a moment as he was suspended in midair in front of her.

He breathed out slowly and nodded, “right… sorry.”

“Don’t be,” Cynthia said, casually looking over at the charging elves, “a memory of a difficult or stressful thing can make dreams harder to discern…” she pursed her lips, “what happened here Dirk? Did you… did you defeat these creatures?”

“I did,” he sighed, “but the elf got off a volley of spells on our lines… I’ve always wondered who might still be around if I’d taken the shot a second earlier.” He looked at the hate filled mage, fire in his hands and a wicked laugh on his lips, “this dream just comes sometimes…” he grinned weakly, “guess it won’t be a restful night.”

Cynthia nodded solemnly, lowering him to the ground and looming over him, “you can’t change what happened… but for tonight, let me deal with them, okay?” she gave him a small smile and stroked his cheek a final time, and he felt the same sense of peace he’d had when she’d blessed him in the temple weeks ago.

She strode out to the elves, flourishing her staff in front of her, “In the name of the Goddess Diana, you will leave this place!”

“You will burn human!” the elf snarled in response as fire flew from his fignertips towards her.

“You are but an illusion, a bad memory,” Cynthia said, an uncharacteristic steel in her voice, “go lie down with the rest of the bones and leave this man at peace!”

“You didn’t stop me in time,” the elf laughed, looking around Cynthia and meeting Dirk’s eyes, “every single one of those men I burned alive, you might as well have done it yourself-“

Cynthia’s eyes flashed blue, and the elven soldiers around the mage vanished. She slowly stepped forward, and the mage’s eyes went wide as he found himself backpeddling, tripping over his robes as Cynthia raised her staff over him, channeling magic as the cannon shells burst around the two, obscuring Dirk’s vision.

He blinked in awe as the smoke drifted away, leaving only Cynthia standing amid an unmarred field. She turned to him and smiled, casually walking back to him as the sounds of battle faded, replaced by birdsong.

“You will not dream of him again,” Cynthia said. She waved a hand and Dirk was clean, wearing new clothes, his weapons gone as she helped him up out of the ditch.

“Thanks,” Dirk said, still a little awed, “I… I guess I was holding onto some things.”

“You still are, and will,” Cynthia said quietly, hugging him to her towering form gently, “I just stopped you from tormenting yourself with them.”

They were quiet a moment, “thanks” Dirk said finally, “it’s… it’s odd having so many people looking out for me around here… I’m used to being the one people ask for help…”

“Males are to be protected and guided, so sayeth Diana,” Cynthia said hesitantly, “but…” She chewed her lip a moment, “you have confused me greatly,” she said finally, “you are strong, brave, and while some would say you spit in the Goddess’s eye by rejecting her blessing… I can’t see it, for you these traits are the goddess’s blessing.”

“Uh… thanks,” Dirk said uncertainly.

“For this reason, I’m going to speak to you the way that I would speak to a warrior, which you are,” Cynthia said sternly, turning to look down at him, “it is not a sign of weakness to seek aid, particularly with matters such as this,” she glanced at the fading battlefield, “if your dreams trouble you again, come to me. My help will be given freely, male or no.”

“Thanks,” Dirk said, nodding with a sigh. For a moment they were quiet, Cynthia slowly traced a hand around his shoulder, hugging him close to her again.

“So, believe it or not, I’m not just here to let you dream about my beautiful face,” she said finally, smiling and separating from him.

“Oh?” Dirk asked, sitting on a comfortable chair that seemed to spring up from the ground to meet him.

“There was a merchant in town that I thought would interest you,” she said, leaning back into her own chair, which miraculously appeared. Dirk raised an eyebrow as he saw her seat seem to lift higher, slightly above and to the side of his. She rested her bare feet in his lap, snapping her fingers casually and pointing to them.

With a sigh he began rubbing them, causing her to shift and sigh, giving him a smug grin, “what kind of merchant?” he asked, working his thumbs slowly up and down her soles.

“A dwarf, if you can believe it, I thought you might want to buy more of that powder that makes your weapons work,” Cynthia said mildly, enjoying the foot massage as she closed her eyes a moment, content.

Dirk’s heart leapt, a dwarven merchant? Here? He certainly could use more gunpowder, it was hard to come by in the Queendom, but more importantly a dwarf might know a bit about digging machines and mining…

“I can tell you’re excited!” Cynthia laughed, reaching up and squeezing his nose with her toes playfully. “He is just the oddest little fellow, so angry and standoffish, I just wanted to feel his beard-“

“Do not play with a dwarf’s beard,” Dirk said, fighting a laugh, “it’s very offensive.”

“I’m far from the only one that wants to,” Cynthia said dismissively, “and he’s even angrier when he gets worked up, threatening to blow us up and stamping his feet…” she giggled, “I don’t think he’ll stay very long, you should come tomorrow to see him!”

“I’ll be sure to do that,” Dirk said, standing up expectantly and letting her feet slide out of his lap. He put his hands on his hips and looked around, “When… when do I wake up?”

Cynthia shrugged, appearing behind him suddenly and rubbing his shoulders as she stood over him, “if you really make an effort you can wake up whenever you want, but…” she grinned, “we could take this dream in a different direction too.”

They were suddenly standing in the middle of an ornate bedroom, with an amazon sized four poster bed and a roaring fireplace in front of it. Over the mantle a pristine portrait of the goddess Diana hung, only instead of the usual stoic or sympathetic look, she was painted giving a lustful smirk and a wink. Dirk started as he realized he was naked, and he whirled around to see Cynthia was naked too. She reached down, gripping his manhood, stroking him slowly and squealing with delight as she felt him harden at her touch.

Dirk spared a glance at the goddess and cleared his throat, “do you really want to do this while your goddess is watching?”

Cynthia shot a glance at the portrait and giggled, “It would be heretical to hide from her gaze!” She shoved him to the bed, causing him to grunt as she climbed on top of him. “Don’t your Imperial gods see everything?”

“The priests say they do,” Dirk said hesitantly.

“Well then they’ve all seen men and women in bed before,” she said impatiently, “now imagine me bigger!”

“What!?” he asked, “why?”

“We’re in your dreams!” Cynthia said, exasperated, “you can make me look like anything!”

“You can’t-“

“I have some power here but it’s your dream,” she growled, pinning him down, “now I’ve been a seven-and-a-half-foot weakling for my entire life, I want to be big Dirk! Just this once! I can be anything here, you just have to dream it!”

You’re still pretty big by my standards, he thought, fighting a laugh, but he started to imagine it, focusing his will on giving Cynthia the look she wanted.

Her eyes went wide as she saw him getting farther away, smaller, beneath her, “Yes!” she squealed, “more!” she looked down at her chest in shock as her breasts suddenly expanded outward, jiggling into massive pillows the size of watermelons as she kept getting taller.

“I’m making some other changes too,” Dirk said with a grin, grunting as her weight increased.

“W-Wow, I think I’m bigger than any amazon there’s ever been,” she giggled, hearing the bead creak underneath her. She had to be a good twenty feet tall, almost touching the high ceiling of the room. A second later the bed collapsed, the legs folding outward as the mattress crashed to the floor under Cynthia’s increased weight. Her newly expanded assets jiggled from the impact, and Dirk wheezed as nearly a thousand pounds of woman pressed down on him.

“Just imagine that you’re fine,” she said dismissively, and a moment later he blinked and realized he was, she was still heavy, but somehow not crushingly so.

He watched, awestruck, as she began to grind herself over his entire body, placing her hands on the stone wall for balance. The wet opening was impossibly large, and as he felt it over himself he wondered if she could even feel him inside her, still the silky smooth feeling of her womanhood felt fantastic, and he groaned as the enormous priestess worked her hips over them.

“Bigger,” she moaned.

“What!?” he exclaimed, “b-but your’e already!”

Bigger!” she demanded, looking down at him with a mad grin on her face.

She gasped in pleasure as she expanded again, the stone walls of the bedroom creaking and then crumbling away as she pushed against them. With a crash her head burst through the roof, revealing an endless grey sky overhead. Dirk watched as her womanhood grew with her, his eyes wide as it neared his own size and rubble from the destroyed room crumbled around him.

A set of fingers the size of the bed itself scooped under him, slowly raising him up to Cynthia’s flower, now large enough to easily swallow him up, something that it was looking forward to going by how it glistened with anticipation.

He felt those soft lips envelop him, driving him up and into the darkness of the enormous priestess as she laughed overhead, the pleasure racing through her body as her dripping c*nt swallowed him alive.

“YESSS!” Cynthia cried one final time as Dirk’s world went black.

Dirk gasped as he sat upright, suddenly very aware of a warm wetness between his legs. He threw the blankets off and sighed, chuckling slightly as he saw the stain on the front of his underwear. Next to him Cora stirred, glancing over at him. Her eyes went wide as she saw that he’d sprayed seed across his undergarments, and she grinned.

“Wow, couldn’t even wait for me to get up, could you?” she teased, “have any interesting dreams about me?”

“Cynthia actually,” he said, and from her scowl he knew that whatever “understanding” Cora had regarding the priestess, that had been the wrong thing to say. He held up his hands defensively, “no, I mean she was actually in my dream, she calls it dreamwalking, she shows up some nights, usually just for a few seconds to say hello and then she’s gone!”

“Well you tell her that your morning wood is mine,” Cora said, running a hand through his hair, “if she wants it she can come over here and have what’s left after I’m done!”

“You can tell her yourself if you want,” Dirk said, getting out of bed and reaching for his pants, “we need to go into town.”

“What for?” Cora asked, stretching.

“Cynthia says there’s a dwarven merchant in town, maybe we can ask him if he knows anything about fixing a digging machine,” he explained, “or even using one...”

“A dwarf!?” Cora asked excitedly, “a male one?”

“Yeah,” Dirk said, “why?”

Cora bit her lip, “I’ve never seen one, but I hear they grow long soft beards you can run your hands through?”

I’m starting to understand why there aren’t many dwarves in this part of the world, Dirk thought wryly as he buttoned up his shirt.

The dwarven merchant was operating out of a small smithy in the town’s market, a large wagon parked around back with a surprisingly normal sized pair of oxen grazing from a trough. The smithy itself wasn’t anything different from what Dirk would expect at home, save for the increased size to fit an amazon customer base. Curiously there didn’t seem to be any amazons present when they arrived, and as they went inside Dirk saw that the blacksmith was one of the few trades in town mostly being operated by men such as himself, rather than the Little Sisters. Burly types that could have been in any shop back in his homeland were pounding horsehoes, preparing steel arrowheads, or putting the finishing trim on massive suits of armor, fitted for an Amazon wearer.

In the corner, a squat square shoulder figure swore angrily, hammering away at a project the pair of them couldn’t see.

“Bend yah beardless bastard,” he shouted suddenly, hammering at the piece and sending a clang through the workshop as sparks flew, and the other smiths looked on in awe. He turned around a moment later, tongs holding a small curved piece of… something. “I told ye I could get yer furnaces burnin’ hot enough!” he crowed, causing the smiths watching to clap in appreciation.

He would have come up to Dirk’s chest at most if they stood next to one another, and he had a shining bald head that reflected the light of the forges as he walked to a table arrayed with other items. His beard went down to his chest, a flowing red beast of a thing that seemed to connect with the hair running up the sides of his face and around the back of his head. His arms were thick, as was his middle, and Dirk had a feeling that he’d surprise even an amazon with the strength in those hands.

Dirk watched as the dwarf placed the piece among a large assortment of others, springs, small gears, and a long barrel that Dirk recognized as being of the same style of make as his own rifle. The dwarf noticed them then, lifting his goggles and scowling.

“I’m happy tah see an Imperial face around here strawhead,” the dwarf called, nodding to him, “not sure why yer traveling with one o’ them…” he gestured to Cora.

“It’s the Amazon Queendom and you’re shocked to see an amazon?” Dirk asked, taking the dwarf’s gloved hand and noting the strong grip, “Dirk Sommer,” he said with a smile.

“Argus Hammerfist,” the Dwarf said, “and my business in these parts is mostly with the men like these lads,” he jerked a thumb at the smiths, “they’re lettin’ me stay in exchange for some pointers, then o’ course there are the little lasses, the normal ones, they’re nay so bad…” he looked up at Cora and spat, causing her to frown, “but the lanky lasses? No respect for personal space or a good beard, I went tah get an ale at their tavern the night before last and I haven’t had my arse pinched that much since I fell asleep on the beach at Crabclaw Bay!”

“Cora’s all right,” Dirk said, hands on his belt.

“She’s thinking about touchin’ my beard right now!” the dwarf said, pointing an accusing finger up at her.

Cora’s face went red, “I uh…” she cleared her throat, “I-I won’t touch it, I swear,” she said, holding up her hands defensively, “next girl who comes in here that does I’ll knock her out, I swear on my father!” The dwarf peered at her suspiciously a moment, and the amazon chewed her lip, “s-sorry if I was staring, I’m not good around good looking men… except Dirk here… we just really need your help, you dwarves are smart right?”

Argus chewed his lip a moment, grumbling, then smiled, “well, I am good looking,” he said with a laugh, “’spose I can’t blame a lass fer noticin’, but I’m nah smart, I’m clever true, but a smart dwarf wouldn’t be in such a land peddling things so few buy here.”

“And what if I might have work for a dwarf like yourself?” Dirk asked, “I need a machine worked on, and maybe some other things too.”

Argus snorted, “it would have tah be something pretty special tah keep me here past the end o’ this week lad.”

Dirk looked around at the smiths, who had mostly gone back to work. He gestured for the dwarf to follow him out the smithy’s back door, and with a curious look the dwarf followed him and Cora into the alley behind the workshop. Dirk glanced around to see if anyone was watching, and when he was sure the three of them had a reasonable amount of privacy he unbuttoned the button on his pack, reaching in and pulling out the rock with the shimmering gold deposits riddled through it.

The dwarf’s eyes went wide, and he reached out and snatched the rock, producing a small loupe from somewhere and affixing to his eye as he eagerly scanned the shimmering veins of the precious metal.

“Well?” Dirk asked, “would that be sufficient to interest you?”

Argus nodded, “aye lad,” he said with a grin, “that’ll do it…”


apologies for forcing you to suffer through my attempts to write an accent, hope you're liking the story so far!

Chapter 9: Wedding Bells


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Cora grunted in annoyance as her head bumped the ceiling, the attic room the dwarf was staying in was notably not designed for amazon dimensions, and in truth was probably the first room Dirk had seen in this country that wasn’t. The amazon herself sat cramped against a sloped wall, scowling as the dwarf lit a pipe, puffing it slowly while he looked at the lump of rock and the gold running through it.

“And there’s more?” Argus asked, glancing at Dirk.

“A lot more,” Dirk said with a smile, “ I don’t know the first thing about mining, but from the cursory dig we’ve done I think there’s a lot of potential in that ground.”

“Uff,” the dwarf muttered, “in this country? With all tha’ rain? It won’t be easy… we’ll need pumps, it’ll be beyond my skill alone, but I can find some of my clansmen that can help…” he sighed, “we can rope in some goblins too, don’t let them design anything unless you want it to blow up, but maintaining what you’ve already got? Aye they can do tha’ well enough.”

“That’s getting ahead of things,” Dirk said with a nod, “but I like the sound of it…” he paused a minute, “I feel like I should warn you, there’s a bit of danger attached to this, someone else knows about the gold, and I think they killed my aunt and uncle for it… if we go forward, they might come at us again.”

The dwarf just laughed, “tha’ makes the whole thing even better! ‘tween you me and the biggun’” he jerked a thumb at Cora, “I think we can take anyone who comes fer us.”

He’s more confident than I am, Dirk thought, but he gave the dwarf a smile anyways.

The small attic door opened, and one of the smiths from earlier walked up the stairs, a tray of tea and biscuits in his hand.

“Hey!” Cora barked, grunting in pain as her head hit the ceiling again, “why isn’t this room sized for amazons?”

The smith glared at her, “Miss, our personal quarters are for us, frankly if not for Argus there inviting you in, we would not allow you back here at all.”

“Odd to see a trade without any of the Little Sisters or the Amazons in it,” Dirk commented.

“Blacksmithing is mostly a man’s trade, even in the Queendom,” the smith explained, “it’s one of the only things you can do if you don’t want to spend your life following one of them around.” He nodded at Cora, who frowned, but didn’t respond.

“It’s why I stay with these lads,” Argus explained, “ya humans already build things a wee bit too big for the likes o’ me, but the Amazons and their furniture? Just a nightmare! These boys ‘ere? They always have what I need in a size I can use.”

“I don’t have a smaller bed in my farmhouse,” Dirk mused, “but what if I got a stepstool or something?”

“If there be gold on the land, I’ll make due,” the dwarf nodded.

“I’ll be in touch,” Dirk said, shaking Argus’ hand a final time.

“Hope you didn’t clear the dwarf out of all of his gunpowder,” Tom said, tipping his hat with a smug grin as he saw Dirk and Cora leaving the smithy, “I need to refill my own stockpile and it’s so rare that anyone selling it comes through here.”

“What’s a fellow like you need powder for?” Dirk growled, “don’t you have your bully girls to do your dirty work?” As if summoned by his remark Flora and Suzette walked around the corner, standing behind their boss, grinning at Cora and resting hands on their sword pommels.

Tom glanced at Cora behind him, who scowled in return, causing Tom to chuckle, “seems like you’ve picked up at least one of your own Dirk… In any case Lady Griselda’s in town for some reason, I saw her by ale house… let’s just keep peaceful so we don’t end up in ribbons again.”

Dirk looked at Tom a moment, then smiled as he had an idea, “you know Tom? I’m tired of it all, I think I’d like to talk about selling the ranch.”

Tom blinked, “I’m not sure I get the joke,” he said slowly, crossing his arms.

“No Joke,” Dirk said, “I just… wanted to hear your offer again.”

“Fifteen percent over market value,” Tom replied, raising an eyebrow, “Dirk, if you really wish to discuss business there’s a wonderful café just down the street that can seat all of us.”

“Oh, I don’t know,” Dirk said mildly, “I just have one little thing I’d want…” he looked Tom in the eyes, “there’s an uncleared patch of land my aunt and uncle owned with the ranch, on the western side… I think I’d like to keep that part, just put a little cabin on it and retire. Other than that, I think I could sell… what do you say?”

“Dirk!” Cora said, annoyed, “you’re not going to sell the ranch, not after all we’ve-“ he held up a hand, silencing her as Tom studied him.

Tom looked back at his two Amazon lackeys, then back at Dirk, incredulous, finally he smiled, “if you’re serious Dirk yes, you can absolutely keep that part of the plot, I’d love to have you as a neighbor once all this… competition, is behind us! I’ll help you clear it myself if you want! Let’s go down to the bank and draw up the papers today if you’re serious!”

He doesn’t know about the gold, Dirk thought, smiling, while there was a hint of suspicion in the other man’s eyes, there was also a genuine eager hope, well, time to crush that!

“I change my mind, sale’s off,” he said with a shrug.

Tom scowled, “well easy come easy go I suppose, was there any point to that or do you just enjoy dangling what I want in front of me?”

“I do enjoy it,” Dirk admitted with a laugh. He walked past Tom, Cora following him, confused. He paused a moment, then fished a coin out of his pocket, handing it to Tom, who looked at him with a raised eyebrow. “Go buy Cassidy some flowers,” Dirk said, “she misses you too.”

Tom looked down at the coin a moment, then smiled, sticking it in the front pocket of his tailored jacket, “You don’t buy a woman flowers here Dirk, typically she… well I’ll find something that sends the same sentiment, thank you.” Dirk nodded and walked by him, and Tom turned to speak once more, “You know Dirk, I’m not a good man, but… I didn’t do it; kill them I mean.”

“I know Tom,” Dirk said with a tip of his hat, causing the other man’s eyebrows to lift in surprise as he walked away.

Hardstone had her ever present sneer on her face as Dirk and Cora walked in to her office, and while the amazon guard outside had allowed him to take his pistols in, Cora had been disarmed, and stood scowling against a wall.

“Mister Sommer,” she said coolly, “your next payment isn’t due for another forty five days, unless you’d like to-“

“I’m going to be selling off part of my herd soon,” Dirk said, “maybe a quarter of my aurochs, the loan agreement says you need to be notified for a move like that?”

She blinked, “err… yes, due to our secured interest we would… what necessitates the sudden need for gold? We could always extend your loan-“

“No,” Dirk said, cutting her off, “cash flow is fine, I’m just hiring on some additional hands soon.”

Hardstone’s eyes narrowed, and she withdrew a small paper from her desk, quickly scrawling something across it, “it seems a foolish business decision to cut the size of your herd while bringing on more employees…”

Dirk didn’t respond, just staring at her while she completed the paperwork. She didn’t waver a bit under his gaze, and when she slid the form across to him authorizing the sale, she gave him a steely look that he was used to seeing on soldiers.

“Let me just go add this to our master ledger,” Hardstone said, “wait here, if you would.” The woman shot a glance at Cora, quickly scurrying out of the room.

The pair waited, and Dirk sighed, wishing he’d inquired with Argus about a pocketwatch, dwarves usually sold such things and as the silence grew deafening, he envied the timepiece he’d seen Tom with the first night they’d met.

“How long does it take to scribble down a ledger entry?” Cora muttered finally.

“Let’s find out,” Dirk growled, standing up from the chair and walking towards the door. Just as they reached it the door swung open.

Hardstone was there, her hair a little frayed as she smiled at them sweetly, “Sorry for the wait, there was a ah… important client matter.” She handed the note authorizing the sale to Dirk, then gave an uncharacteristic smile, “My apologies for the whole matter, if you two wish to go to the tavern you can put your first two drinks on my tab.”

Dirk shot Cora a glance, and she grinned and shrugged, “Maybe we will,” Dirk said, “pleasure doing business with you.”

“Are we going to go claim our free drinks?” Cora asked as Dirk mounted his horse.

“Maybe later,” he muttered, something about the whole interaction with Hardstone had felt… off… “I’d like to go see Cynthia,” he decided, “since we’re in town anyway.”

“Getting closer to the priestess, are we?” Cora teased.

Dirk frowned and turned in his saddle to look at her, “yes, we are, is that…” he licked his lips, looking up at the massive woman and trying to decide exactly how to parse the situation.

Cora raised an eyebrow, and then slowly smiled, “Cynthy isn’t the worst person to share a man with,” she said, trying to ease Dirk’s tension, “you can have up to two Amazons for wives and one Little Sister, if you wanted,” she said, enjoying the flustered look on Dirk’s face, “any more wives than that and you’ll have to start getting special permissions… but that would probably be easier if one of them was a priestess.”

Dirk’s eyes went wide, “more wives-“ he blinked and cleared his throat a moment. She sounds far too excited about the idea…

His admittedly nebulous plans for the future had always included a wife at some point, that was what a man did when he put down roots, he found a good woman, or so his father had said…

And hasn’t that been hard, he thought, chuckling over his romantic failures over the years, at least it was… he glanced at Cora, here the good women find you… and Cora certainly was a good woman, for him anyway, thick skin, pleasant to converse with, and… how does one propose to an Amazon exactly? He wondered, or do they do it to you here? Cynthia would know… then again, asking her might just be doubling my trouble. He smiled and sighed as he saw the temple of Diana come into view.

“Ah Cora, Dirk, welcome,” Cynthia said, standing at the entrance of the domed temple, “Cora, men’s hours extend for another quarter of an hour, if you wouldn’t mind waiting out here…”

“Right,” Cora said, dismounting and leading both of their horses to a hitching post, “just come get me when they’re over.”

Cynthia nodded and led Dirk in through the double doors. Today there were maybe a dozen men, variously praying, reading, and a few even talked in hushed tones. They shot Dirk a glance as he entered, and the whispers intensified for a moment, before subsiding again.

“What are men’s hours?” Dirk asked curiously.

“Times when only men may enter the temple,” Cynthia explained, “aside from the priestess of course. It is customary to hold them on the second to last laboring day of the week.” She brought Dirk to a small table where a jug of wine and some bread waited. While he watched Cynthia cut him some, buttered it, and poured him a small cup, handing it to him.

Not wanting to offend custom, he took them, looking around, “it certainly seems to bring men in…” why does a faith that places women over men like this have hours only for men? He wondered.

As if reading his thoughts Cynthia smiled, “it gives men their own space, to discuss their own affairs, such that they have them… if there is a man who finds himself troubled by an Amazon or a Little Sister in a way that he cannot solve on his own… an overzealous courtship, for example or…” she sighed, “well I won’t darken the day with details, but there are Amazons who do not treat men or Little Sisters appropriately, and it falls to me to hear such pleas for aid.”

Dirk nodded, taking a bite of the bread and saying nothing. He thought back to the smithy, how the men had seemingly found a sanctuary of sorts from the world run by the Amazons outside. As he sipped the wine, a sweet vintage of little potency, he thought on the men he saw here. He followed Cynthia and sat down in a corner of the room where a large amazon sized wooden chair waited, along with three man sized ones, far enough away from the rest of the men praying and speaking that nothing they said could be overheard.

“I try to give the dear males some space,” she explained, “I studied under a priestess in a larger city to the south, does the Empire know of Dry Earth? It’s much larger than Rain’s End… at any rate while I studied magic there, I saw how other priestesses conducted their men’s hours, always walking along and listening in… and I didn’t care for it. I usually just read treatises or scripture over here unless one of them needs to speak with me.” She lifted one of the books to show Dirk, then grinned, “this one here is actually one I wanted to show you, it’s an essay on retaining a man’s vital essence, see if you would just let me put your manhood in chastity for a month, you would see-“

“I think my vitality is as good as it’s going to get,” Dirk said, biting back a laugh. Cynthia was odd, even for an amazon, half the time she’s the most reasonable one I’ve met, the other half she’s insisting my co*ck needs to be caged for my health… He raised an eyebrow, “and if you got your way, wouldn’t that mean the end of popping in to my dreams to… have fun?”

Cynthia scoffed, “please Dirk, I didn’t say anything about wearing a device to control your tongue or your fingers!”

Dirk rolled his eyes and took another sip of his wine, just ask her, he told himself, “Cynthia, what would a man need to do to get married to a woman in this country?”

Cynthia’s mouth dropped open, then she had a dreamy grin on her face, “you and Cora, right?”

“Anyone,” he said tersely, “what is the procedure, do I buy her a ring, does she buy me a ring? I assume you officiate-“

“Oh of course,” Cynthia giggled, suddenly seeming like a schoolgirl in a candy shop, “well, typically an Amazon or a Little Sister proposes to a man she likes, then gives him some manner of gift, usually something worn to signify the engagement.”

“Suppose I gave her a ring,” Dirk asked, “would that cause any kind of… issue?”

Cynthia thought a moment, “men proposing isn’t entirely unheard of, but it’s usually a sort of uh… statement.”

“Oh what?” he asked with a sigh.

“That the er… woman in question is dragging her feet,” Cynthia explained, “Cora’s always had a reputation of being bad with men…” she giggled, “oh it would be hilarious, she’d never live it down! You should do it, propose to Cora, do it somewhere public!”

A bell rang then, signaling the top of the hour as the men in the temple looked up, realizing their time of reserved temple use had come to an end. They slowly got up, finishing their conversations as they filed out, a few nodded or said parting words to Cynthia, who smiled and nodded in return. Cora walked in past them, walking to the corner where Dirk and Cynthia sat as the last of the men filed out.

“So, how’s it going Cynthy?” Cora asked, nodding.

“It’s Priestess Cynthia!” she snapped, standing up angrily and stamping her feet as Cora chuckled and towered over her.

“Hey, relax,” Cora said, holding her hands up, “Dirk and I just thought we’d come by and say hello! What’d you guys talk about while I was outside?”

Cynthia sniffed, then gave a smug smirk, “Oh don’t worry, you’ll know soon enough!”

Cora raised an eyebrow and looked at Dirk, but he didn’t meet her eyes, “come on, tell me!” she said, irritated.

“No, what a man confesses to a priestess during men’s hours is between him, her, and the goddess,” Cynthia replied. As if she couldn’t resist the urge she stuck her tongue out next, a juvenile gesture that caused Cora to roll her eyes.

“Do you want me to drag you to the arena in town, like when we were kids?” the bigger Amazon asked, crossing her arms.

“Cora-“ Dirk tried to cut in, but Cynthia’s eyes were already glowing blue.

“I’m warning you Cora, things have changed, I have unlocked the secrets of the universe!” Cynthia gestured and the chairs around them glowed blue, beginning to levitate.

Cora snorted, “please Cynthy, you’ve had your magic for like three years, you probably can’t even throw a fireball.”

“Cora, she’s actually pretty impressive,” Dirk warned, “I’ve seen a lot of mages and-“

“Apologize now Cora,” Cynthia said, flourishing her robe dramatically as her eyes glowed that same shimmering cerulean, “or I will bring you to your knees!”

“Go for it, I’ll bet I’m stronger than your tele-whatever,” Cora retorted, co*cking her head.

Cynthia raised a single hand and snapped her fingers, Cora’s eyes went wide, and her knees shook as an expression that was very familiar to Dirk came over her face. She grunted and swayed slightly, then panted as she steadied herself.

“W-What the hell!?” she breathed, “try to toss me with your mind like an honest battlemage!”

“No,” Cynthia retorted, snapping her fingers again and causing Cora to mewl in pleasure as she fell to her knees.

“N-Not like this,” Cora begged, “not in front of Dirk!”

“Oh look, the great Cora is at her knees before little Cynthy,” Cynthia teased with a smile, “Dirk what do you think, who’s winning?”

“Uhh…” he was stunned, watching the “battle” and feeling himself grow hard as Cora panted, trying to catch her breath.

“W-Wait C-Cynthia, what about all the times I stopped other girls from picking on you?” Cora whined as Cynthia raised her hand to snap again.

Cynthia stopped, considering it, then giggled, “you did keep a lot of the other girls away, but you also called me itty bitty Cynthy!” she snapped her fingers a final time, sending Cora to the floor, writhing in pleasure as org*sm rocked her body for several minutes.

“I-I’m sorry I was just a girl, we all were!” Cora pleaded, panting with exhaustion as the wave of bliss finally ended. As her senses returned, she scowled and she sat up, looking angrily at Cynthia, “w-why don’t you just use fireballs like normal mages!?”

Cynthia spared a glance at Dirk and smiled, but said nothing, she can probably manage a pretty good fireball if she gets worked up, Dirk thought, and an odd part of him wondered exactly where Cynthia stacked up to the mages he’d fought over the years.

“What, you want to try next?” she grinned, giving Dirk a predatory look.

Dirk’s eyes went wide, and he sprinted, diving behind a column in the temple just as the air tingled again. The hair on the back of his neck stood on end, and he realized he’d just barely avoided the spell, if quick pain in his shin was any indication, whatever spell Cynthia used for her fun contained a tracking element.

“That damned rune,” Cynthia muttered, confirming his suspicions, “come out Dirk!” she teased.

“These are my last clean underwear!” he called, fighting a laugh as he hid behind the column, I need to buy more, he thought, annoyed, it seemed that he went through them awfully fast in this country…

“I’ll let you take them off, if you come out!” Cynthia giggled. She raised a hand and a massive bar locked the temple doors, assuring their privacy.

Dirk chewed his lip, considering his options, suddenly he heard Cora shout, “quick Dirk, I’ve got her!”

His head darted out, and he saw Cora had gotten behind the priestess, visibly lifting the smaller Amazon up and laughing as Cynthia screamed insults and kicked her feet.

“Put me DOWN!” she ordered, “oh you’re going to get it now Cora, nobody-“

Dirk darted out, running at her, not really sure what his plan was. Her eyes lit blue, and he felt the familiar pins and needles feeling.

Telekinesis, use loud noises or bright lights to disrupt, he thought automatically, and without thinking his arm shot out, pushing the now empty wine jug to the floor, where it clanged loudly. Cynthia blinked in surprise, startled, and the blue glow disappeared from her eyes. Before she could refocus her thoughts, Dirk was in front of her, and he reached up and with a snap of his fingers flipped the tip of her nose.

“Bang,” he said with a smirk, “if this were a real fight, you’d be dead and I’d be reloading my pistol.”

Cynthia scowled as Cora slowly lowered her, “well if this were a real fight, I’d have shot Cora with lightning instead of sending her to heaven,” the priestess retorted. She looked down at Dirk, then up at Cynthia, “although I must admit, you two work really well together…” She put her hand on Dirks shoulder, “I’ll be waiting for news of that thing we talked about,” she gave a wink and Dirk had to fight to keep himself from laughing as Cora’s eyes narrowed.

“I’m going to figure out what’s going on here,” Cora said, “and when I do-“

“I’m sure you’ll be very happy,” Cynthia said smugly. She clapped her hands, “You two came all this way, I’ve some dried meats and fresh vegetables from the temple gardens, let me prepare you two something to eat for coming all this way!”

“Seriously, what were you and Cynthia talking about?” Cora asked as the pair rode away from the temple.

The two of them had enjoyed a long late lunch with Cynthia while the two amazons had regaled Dirk with embarrassing stories about one another, and themselves, from their childhood. Finally, Dirk and Cora had decided to leave, wanting to get back to their own ranch before dark.

“Don’t worry about it,” Dirk said, “I’ll tell you later,” when I’ve figured out what size ring you wear… he frowned, Argus, he decided, a wedding ring for an amazon sounds like a job for a dwarf…

“W-Wait!” Hardstone panted, shoving her way past other women her own size and causing an Amazon to grunt as the small banker fought through the street to get to Cora and Dirk.

Dirk frowned, “Miss Hardstone?” he asked.

“Y-You never went to the tavern to get your drinks?” she said, panting a moment and giving them a weak grin.

Dirk glanced at Cora, who shrugged, “I’m sorry but we were at the temple, and the afternoon grows late. We’ve got to be going, perhaps next time?”

“I insist!” Hardstone said, moving in front of them, “forget the ales, let me pay the barkeep to open a bottle of fine wine, an imported one from the Empire, in honor of my good friend Dirk Sommer!”

Cora’s frown deepened, and she looked at Dirk, an almost imperceptible nod passing between them as they silently agreed that this was too suspicious to ignore.

“Any reason you want me to stay in town Hardstone?” Dirk asked, eyes narrowing as Cora dismounted, moving around to the other side of the woman.

Hardstone looked up at Cora, and the nervous look disappeared, replaced by a limber look that most people wouldn’t notice.

“I just wanted to be sure to stay on good terms with my best customers,” she said sweetly, seemingly unbothered by the nine-foot-tall woman behind her or the armed man in front of her.

“Did you do something to our ranch?” Dirk growled, “if Cassidy is hurt you’ll wish-“

“Of course I’ve done nothing to your ranch,” she said, “why, I’ve been here in town all day, the same as you…” She looked like she was about to say something else, but trumpets blared somewhere down the street. She gave them one final look as the crowd on the street began to murmur and look excitedly, and as their eyes locked Dirk felt like a fly caught in a spider’s web.

He tore his eyes away from her and looked down the street, seeing two rows of armored amazons marching along the street, horns blaring while the leaders shouted to make way. In the back, atop a brilliant white draft horse, rode Lady Griselda. She was a common enough sight in town that most people were used to seeing her, but they’d never seen her like this, in a brilliant silver armor polished to the point where the buildings around her were reflected in the exaggerated breasts molded into it. A long red cloak trailed behind her, and atop her head was a small brass circlet with set in rubies to match it.

Everyone on the street was gathering around, silently whispering as the trumpets came to a stop and the guards cleared a space before Dirk, Cora, and Hardstone. The smaller woman gave him one last wink, and chuckled as she stepped away from the pair.

The rattle of armor broke the silence of the crowd as Griselda dismounted, looking around with a smile, her hand resting on the pommel of an ornate sword set with yet more rubies. With a smile she nodded at the assembled crowd, then her gaze landed on Dirk.

“I’m sure you are all wondering why I have appeared in such finery,” she called to the crowd, taking a confident step towards Dirk, her hips swaying slightly, “rest assured you haven’t forgotten my birthday or some holiday…” the crowd chuckled slightly at the joke, but Dirk and Cora didn’t laugh, a mutual tension rising between them. “There is another cause for celebration however…”

The crowd murmured louder, speculating, I don’t like this one bit, Dirk thought miserably as the towering woman took another few steps forward, looming over him in her gleaming armor. Part of him wanted to reach for his pistol, and another part of him realized that this was a far different kind of danger, the kind a man couldn’t shoot his way out of.

“I, your beloved liege lady, have found love!”

There was stunned silence a moment, then clapping and cheers from the crowd. Dirk scanned around, looking for the lucky man, although a part of him already knew somehow what was coming.

Lady Griselda knelt before him, and one of her guards appeared with a wide brimmed hat in his size, with elaborate gold trim, along with a necklace of silver with rubies matching the ones in Griselda’s circlet. Griselda took the offered items from the guard and held them out to Dirk, and a distant part of him bemoaned the fact that it truly was a nice hat…

“Dirk Sommer,” she said, a smile on her face, “would you do me the honor of becoming my husband?”


Looks like our boy is in it now, see you next time!

Chapter 10: Terrible Truths


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Dirk looked at the kneeling noblewoman, his mouth dry as he tried to think of any socially acceptable way to say no. Back in the army he’d rubbed elbows with a few members of the nobility, and while many of them were brave and even decent enough, their ways could be confusing, in particular what they thought of as slights worth fighting over…

For Griselda’s part, he knew there was no way to turn down a public marriage proposal like this without grievous insult, and in fact from the knowing look she was giving him it had been her intent. From the crowd Hardstone smirked triumphantly, having distanced herself from Cora as the commotion had begun.

For her part Cora was shocked, her face white as she struggled to comprehend the scene playing out before her, Griselda and Dirk? Love!? It was all theater of course, most of the Queendom’s noblewomen simply picked men they fancied for marriage, ideally men who fancied them back… but if a landed, wealthy and powerful Amazon turned her sights on a mere man in the Queendom… Cora’s fists clenched, this isn’t right! You can’t just… you can’t just march down here and make a man marry you!

And yet here she was, and if Dirk refused outright… One way or another it would be trouble.

Cora stepped forward, “Lady Griselda,” she said, keeping her voice level, “perhaps you and Dirk should withdraw to discuss your proposal terms in private?” The noblewoman’s gaurds tensed, and her own eyes narrowed as she looked at her former guard. Cora tried to relax her stance, and found she couldn’t do it, a new type of tension began spreading through the crowd. For better or for worse, this situation had now put her in the spotlight as well.

Can I take her? Cora wondered, almost all young amazons would ponder that about their commander during the Lizard war, she’d been picked to be in Griselda’s own guard because of her skill with a blade, but the older Amazon had been truly terrifying when they’d reached the enemy… it’s been two years, you’ve gotten better, she assured herself, but it was a silly thing, Griselda had half a dozen guards with her, to say nothing of the repercussions of crossing blades with a member of the nobility in the street.

“Very well,” Griselda said, a forced smile on her face as she stood up, “clear the tavern, my fiancé and I must discuss our engagement!”

Dirk’s stomach fell, she’s already introducing me as her fiancé?

Cora grabbed his hand and looked at him, giving a reassuring nod as the guards led the group to the tavern, which had people filing out as the commoners gave their liege lady the privacy she’d requested. With a huff Lady Griselda walked behind the now deserted bar, grabbing a bottle of a rich brown liquor, as well as several cups. Stalking to a large table in the center of the room she poured three glasses, setting them at places while she waited irritably for Cora and Dirk to seat themselves. Dirk scowled as he climbed into the raised chair, as always feeling almost like a child as the table rose too high against his chest.

“You’ve got some nerve, to publicly confront me like that,” she said sharply to Cora as the other amazon sat down.

“Lady Griselda,” Cora began, “I-“

“Stop,” Griselda growled, “you’ve ruined my grand proposal, if you believe yourself to have some claim to Dirk’s hand the proper thing to do was approach me afterwards, not as I was giving it.”

“Excuse me,” Dirk said, trying to be heard while the two Amazons discussed his fate, “Lady Griselda, I mean no disrespect, but I don’t-“

“It’s done,” Griselda said, glaring at him, “I’ll be sending out the engagement announcements as soon as I return to my castle.”

Dirk sighed, “Don’t’ make me say it…”

“Say what my love?” Griselda asked mockingly.

“I don’t want to marry you,” Dirk said, a little angry that she was forcing it out of him, “I refuse!”

“You can of course refuse,” Griselda said sweetly, “but… well things could be made difficult if you did.”

“Are you threatening me?” Dirk asked, glaring at the two guards by the door, “a lot of people have regretted doing that…”

“Yes, you’re quite a good shot with your little thunderstick,” Griselda said dismissively, “and we both know you’d never do it. Think of what could happen to Cora here?” she nodded at the fuming amazon, “or your other hand Cassidy, that irritating little priestess you’ve taken up with, or even your friend Tom…”

Dirk snorted at that last part, silver linings I suppose.

Cora slammed her hands on the table, standing up, “you brotherf*cker!” she snarled, “Griselda he said no, get over yourself and let it go!”

“Language Cora,” Griselda said mildly, “there’s a man present after all… and this is more than a matter of mere ego.”

“You won’t get away with this,” Cora said angrily, “Cynthia will never allow it-“

“Cynthia…” Griselda muttered, “oh rest assured I’ll have my own priestess officiate when the time comes, that little mouse has already set me back enough.”

“Set you back?” Dirk asked, scowling a little as the pieces came together, “whatever could you mean?”

“Since you have both forced me to such drastic measures, I suppose we should simply be forthright with each other,” Griselda said with a smile, “we will be combining our respective holdings once we’re married, land included.”

“You’re taking mine you mean, I doubt I’ll get the run of yours,” Dirk said darkly, “and what use does a noblewoman have for cattle?”

“Little, but there’s more than aurochs on that land,” Griselda replied, “and what’s there should have been mine.” she scowled, “it should have passed to me after your aunt and uncle had their unfortunate ends, they had no Amazon heirs nor Little Sisters, but that little priestess of ours insisted that your uncle Markus had family in the Empire, and… well here we are.”

“And what part did you have in their unfortunate end?” Dirk inquired, crossing his arms.

Griselda sighed, “oh that… you might say I have a partner in this whole matter, and she felt more direct means were needed to secure things. I didn’t approve of what happened, but…” she shrugged, “it did happen, and I had to make the best of it. I had hoped to see things done more peaceably with you, and so we waited to see if you would bankrupt yourself, or if Thomas would drive you away, but unfortunately you’ve proved rather capable for a male.”

Partner… Dirk frowned, “tell Hardstone to sand her pistol grip, her hand’s far too calloused for a banker.”

Griselda smirked, “you can tell her yourself, we’ll all be seeing a lot of each other as the mine is developed, she’ll be taking her share of course.”

“You’re both already rich!” Cora almost shouted, “why are you doing this? I looked up to you Griselda, you were my hero!”

“Hardstone is simply greedy,” Griselda muttered, “a poor trait in most but a fine one in a banker… I need that money for other things girl, things that I don’t have the resources to do on my own.”

“Bigger castles, deeper moats?” Dirk asked, “yes, that justifies murder doesn’t it?”

Griselda’s eyes narrowed, “this nation sits between a powerful mannish empire to the North, and a vast and unspeakably evil realm of lizardfolk who will gladly dine on the flesh of every Amazon, Little Sister, and Man in the Queendom if they sense even a moment’s weakness. Nobody here wants to focus on the future, they feel strong now, so it’s a mirage, a dream. I’m not so foolish, that money won’t buy deeper moats and bigger castles, it’s going to buy machines, it’s going to buy guns, it’s going to buy lessons from people who can teach us how to make our own!”

“What kind of blessing do you think the Goddess will give us if we build all of that on murder and treachery?” Cora asked, blinking away a tear while her face contorted with rage, “what does being an Amazon even mean if your dreams come to pass?”

“There have to be Amazons for being an Amazon to be about anything,” Griselda snapped, “that gold is a blessing from the goddess, a message that I am doing the right thing, whatever it costs.”`

“So that’s it then, I’m a trophy and you’re taking my gold?” Dirk asked bitterly.

Griselda sighed and gave him a sweet smile, “don’t make it sound so terrible, I will of course let you and Cora here continue your dalliance. I don’t think marriage for you two is in the cards, it’s somewhat out of fashion for ladies in the nobility to share husbands you understand, but Cora you can become a palace guard. It will be almost like the war again; you and Dirk can spend whatever time together you wish.”

“How generous of you,” Cora spat.

“It is,” Griselda said in return, eyes narrowing at Cora, “if not for your service to me against the Lizards, I’d simply tell you that were never to see him again.”

“And you think I’d obey such an order?” Cora asked, her voice rising.

“You’re not bad with a weapon Cora,” Griselda replied, “but the key to living long as a warrior is knowing your limits.” She turned to Dirk, “you may think me cruel, but I think in time you will learn to accept me as your wife, and I’ll do you the favor of breaking you of these unseemly habits and manners.” She gave a warm smile that sickened Dirk, “my first husband wasn’t a man I wanted to marry, but we did find affection for one another in time… when they told me he could not give me daughters so many in my court said to leave him, but I couldn’t do it…” she sighed wistfully, “he made me the woman I am today, and I think in time you and I might understand one another similarly.”

“If he made you this, he must have been a real son of a bitch,” Dirk growled.

Griselda’s nostrils flared, and in a blink, she’d risen from her seat and reached him. Her gauntleted hand grasped Dirk’s throat, easily lifting him from his seat as he coughed, his legs kicking. Cora shouted and drew her sword, and Griselda’s guards, who had stood at the edges of the room, drew their own weapons, rushing forward and surrounding the three of them.

Dirk’s vision was growing spotted, and for a moment he wondered if Griselda would simply close her fist, crushing his windpipe. The fire in her eyes dimmed somewhat, and with a scowl she released her grip, lowering him to his seat. Cora and the guards relaxed as Dirk coughed, rubbing his aching neck.

“You will learn respect,” Griselda promised, “now go back to your ranch, rope your aurochs, and ride your horse, but do not touch an ingot of my gold… I’d like to just have you locked in my palace, but this is all going to be proper, we will marry on the solstice at the end of the rainy season, and until then we will dwell apart.”

Fat chance I’ll be in this country then, he thought angrily, Cora can come over the border with me… Cassidy too, the Empire will-

“I will of course have some of my finest women on your ranch at all times,” Griselda said with a smirk, “to protect my loving fiancé until our nuptials. You and Cora will stay there until we’re ready to be married… and should you think of slipping away…” She glanced at Cora, “just remember what you might be leaving behind.”

“Of course,” Dirk sighed angrily. Well, at least that’ll keep Tom away… you’re going to regret giving me this breathing room…

“Go my future husband,” Griselda said mockingly, “enjoy a few more weeks of freedom before I break you in.”

With a scowl, and still rubbing his neck, Dirk slid off the chair. Cora glared hatefully at Griselda, then sheathed her sword, following him out. The pair heard the clanking of steel behind them, and turned to see that four of Griselda’s guards had started following them. One of the amazons, a dark-haired woman just nodded at Dirk grimly, and as the pair mounted their horses the guards did as well.

They better not expect to stay in my house, he thought angrily.

As it happened the four guards, who were joined by two more later in the evening, had erected a small camp near the entrance to the road leading up to the ranch. At least two were watching his ranch house at all times, full plate armor gleaming in the setting sun and long Amazon bows across their backs.

“This isn’t right,” Cassidy muttered, staring out the window at one of their jailors, “she can’t do this… she-“

“We’ll figure this out,” Dirk said, clenching his fists, “Cynthia will help, it’s just a matter of when she pops into my dreams again and then I can explain everything.”

“I can’t believe Griselda is doing this,” Cora said numbly, looking outside at the guards, “I… I looked up to her, when she said I was to join her personal guard in the war, it was the happiest day of my life…”

“Bad people sometimes fight for good causes,” Dirk muttered, “trouble is you still have to live with them after you win.”

“So, she… she killed Amaya and Markus?” Cassidy asked quietly.

“I’m pretty sure Hardstone pulled the trigger on that, in more ways than one,” Dirk said miserably, “but the two of them are working together, yes.”

“I’ll see both dead yet,” Cassidy snapped, pounding the table.

“If we could get back to the Empire we’d be safe,” Dirk said, looking at the walls of jungle at the edge of his land, “I won’t lie and say I’ve got money or power back there, but I am a citizen and a veteran, they’d never let Griselda touch us, even if it meant calling up a whole division to keep her on her side of the border.”

“Anything there built for a nine-foot-tall woman?” Cassidy asked, raising an eyebrow.

Dirk sighed, “no… not anywhere outside of Camford I’d guess, and not much there either.” It was a foolish plan, Cassidy and Cora could never live full lives there like they deserved… and he couldn’t bear the thought of leaving them behind either. One way or another, Griselda would need to be dealt with.

“I’m heading back to my cabin,” Cassidy muttered, “I don’t suppose we can trust these gals in the metal suits to do any actual work?”

“You can ask but I wouldn’t count on it,” Dirk replied, sighing as she left, “see you in the morning.”

“Yeah,” Cassidy growled, “see you…”

Cora gave one final bitter glance at the women outside, one of them broke off, shadowing Cassidy as she flipped them a middle finger salute as she walked by. With a huff Cora drew the curtains on the window, a seldom needed gesture in the privacy of their country estate. She crossed her arms, sighing in frustration. Dirk slid off his chair, walking across the room and reaching up to put an arm on the massive woman’s back. She started a moment, then turned to him and gave a warm smile.

“It’s going to be okay,” Dirk said quietly, he sighed and gave her a small grin, “do you want to know what I needed from Cynthia?” he asked.

Cora raised an eyebrow, “I don’t see what it matters now, but… sure.”

Dirk got on one knee, bringing his height comically low to the towering Amazon, and he craned his neck to meet her confused look.

“Cora, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

She blinked, then smiled, a giddy look coming over her as she seemed to melt, “t-that’s what you wanted to know? How we get married here?”

“I didn’t hear an answer,” Dirk replied, looking up at her, “and my neck’s starting to hurt…”

“It’s yes you idiot!” Cora said, giggling as she wiped tears from her eyes, “b-but…” she frowned, “c-can we say I asked you?”

“Absolutely not,” Dirk laughed, standing back up, “you’ll own up to the fact that a man asked you to marry him.”

“Fine,” Cora said, crossing her arms, “what did you get me as the gift?”

He paused, “well traditionally in the Empire a man gives a woman a ring… but I don’t… I was going to get one!” he protested.

Cora gave a sigh of false exasperation, “you’re lucky I love you enough to say yes anyways.” She swept him up, tossing him over her shoulder where he landed with a grunt, then a yelp as her hand reached up to give his bottom a firm squeeze.

“W-What are you doing?” he managed.

“You’re still giving me something,” Cora giggled, gently pushing the bedroom door open with her shoulder.

As he felt the familiar sensation of being tossed to his mattress, he quickly reached for his belt, trying to undo his pants as he saw Cora’s shirt come off. By the time their pants and undergarments were laying in a discarded pile against the wall he was rock hard, ready for whatever Cora wanted from him. He took a moment to look at her, in all of her over nine feet of glory, trim muscles and dark hair against her tanned skin, her breasts heaving as she licked her lips, trying to decide how to start.

“Lay back,” she ordered.

He complied, leaning his head back on the pillow as she crawled onto the bed. At first he thought she was preparing to mount and ride him, a tantalizing thought, but he watched her continue to climb over him, reversing herself until she was looking down the bad over his body. A shadow fell over his face as the amazon mounted it, and a moment later the two familiar walls of her thighs were on either side of him as her bottom descended, muffling him as she adjusted herself with a contented sigh.

“That’s a good boy,” she breathed, feeling his tongue dart up and begin to lap at her womanhood. She leaned over, letting her hands rest on his body as he worked, squeezed by her thighs as she reached down, toying with his manhood idly.

“Oh, should I do more with it?” she teased, gently twirling her finger around it slowly. Dirk’s muffled response was cut off as she ground herself against him, moaning as his struggle only turned her own more. With a giggle she spat into her palm and reached for him again, slowly stroking him and enjoying the sensation as he licked faster, tantalizing her as she pumped her fist up and down.

Dirk’s world was the small space between her thighs, her ample bottom weight down on him while he struggled to lick at her dripping lips, the thick musky smell filling his senses as the Amazon’s thighs tightened their grip on either side of his head.

“That’s it,” Cora said, “earn yourself a wife boy,” her hips shifted, driving her groin down on him and pressing against the mattress hard as she began to climax, coating Dirk’s face in her juices and laughing with joy as she watched his manhood begin to spurt in her palm. She pumped her fist faster, and bit her lip as her eyes rolled back in her head, whether it was from lack of air, or simply the waves of pleasure roiling over his taut body as she played with his manhood, the result was the same, Cora saw heaven, and a moment later, collapsed, limply rolling off Dirk so as not to crush the poor man. She looked at the seed he’d sprayed on her palm, and slowly licked at it, realizing she’d come to enjoy the taste.

“A-And you say you never used your mouth on a woman before coming to this country?” Cora breathed.

“Nope,” Dirk replied, panting as his damp face began to dry, “co*ck only…”

“Maybe you’re not the sort of man who tends house,” Cora giggled, shifting and righting herself against him, “but you definitely picked up at least one skill that every Amazon wants her husband to know.”

“Please,” Dirk laughed, “I’ve become great at baking too.”

Her arm snaked around him, pulling him close as she cradled his body in the bed, her other hand grabbed at a blanket that had been thrown askew and slowly pulled it up over them, sealing him warmly against her. Dirk felt Cora’s chin on the top of his head, and her arms around his body, and in spite of everything else, felt content.

You’re really going to marry a nine foot woman who can tie you in a knot, he thought, fighting a chuckle as he heard Cora start to snore, if you ever told me this was where I’d end up, let alone happy about it… he sighed, leaning back into Cora’s embrace and closing his eyes, letting sleep take him next.

Dirk stood in a rank with the other soldiers while the drill sergeant walked down the line. He was dressed in a crisp white shirt and blue coat, the standard Imperial army uniform, with his rifle at his shoulder. He mentally breathed a sigh of relief as the man passed, then tensed as he heard the man swear angrily.

“What in the name of the gods is this!?” he asked, pointing to the seven and a half foot woman in the ceremonial robe.

“Oh uh,” Cynthia shrugged, “sorry sir, I’m looking for Dirk Sommer?”

“Cynthia you’re going to get me in trouble!” he hissed as the sergeant turned to him angrily. He blinked a moment, then the other soldiers vanished as he realized nothing around them was real.

“You’re getting better at recognizing your dreams,” Cynthia said with a smile, “I wanted to come talk to you about your uh… engagement,” she bit her lip a moment, “Griselda isn’t a bad choice of a wife, but was she really who you were thinking about earlier?”

“No,” Dirk said bitterly, “I’m actually really glad to see you, I need your help Cynthia. Griselda’s forcing me to marry her, she’s got soldiers all over my ranch to keep Cora and I from leaving, and she’s the one behind my aunt and uncle’s murder.”

Cynthia blinked, “T-Those are some very serious accusations,” the priestess said. She waved a hand and the pair of them were suddenly in a facsimile of the temple in Rain’s End, and Cynthia sat in one of the pews, gesturing for him to sit beside her, “please, tell me everything!”

Dirk sighed and began regaling everything that had happened. As she listened, Cynthia’s face went from shocked, to horrified, and finally to outraged.

“T-This is unconscionable!” Cynthia stammered, “I can’t believe a member of the nobility would do this!” She huffed, “I’ll call down the wrath of the goddess on her, I’ll get other priestesses, I’ll-“

“Cynthia!” Dirk said, “I’m glad you can help, but… be careful, I think Griselda will see you coming somehow… don’t make a move on her until you have a sure thing.”

Cynthia nodded, “right… I suppose you are more familiar with violence than I am… male or no.” She gently stroked his face and scowled, “I’m not going to let her have you, the Goddess stands with you Dirk, fear no darkness and do not despair!”

He sighed and smiled, “Thanks… it really is something having people to lean on here.”

“I’ll go to Thomas,” Cynthia muttered, “he’s a cunning type, he’ll know what to do!”

“Tom!?” Dirk exclaimed, “Cynthia, he might not be the murderer, but I don’t know if it’s a good idea to involve him.”

“I find your little rivalry with him adorable,” Cynthia giggled, “of course the two pretty men in town just have to feud, it’s like something out of an comedic play, but you’re not in a position to turn away anyone who might be able to help.”

He rolled his eyes, “fine, go ask, but I doubt the man will do more than laugh at my predicament.”

“People might surprise you,” Cynthia said with a wink, “now, what to do with you with our limited time left…”

“Let me enjoy a peaceful night’s sleep in the arms of my fiancé?” he asked with a weary smile.

“Hmm… no,” Cynthia said, watching as his neck craned more, looking up at her as his height seemed to dwindle. She put a hand over her mouth, hiding a giggle, “you’re so cute!”

“Are you-“ he began, blinking as Cynthia got bigger before him… no, he looked down at the ground, rising up to meet him, Cynthia wasn’t growing… “you’re shrinking me!?”

“Keep going,” Cynthia said, looming over him eagerly, “just imagine yourself smaller!”

“It’s my dream,” he said, crossing his arms and trying to stop the shrinking, he grinned as it slowed slightly, “I don’t feel like being even smaller!”

Cynthia leered at him and smirked, “yes you do, imagine yourself getting smaller Dirk, just think of yourself as a mouse, no an insect, nothing but a little thing scurrying at my feet.”

He blinked as his gaze fell lower, “w-wait, no I don’t want this!”

“Smaller,” Cynthia repeated, “that’s what’s happening, just keep focusing on it, your body dwindling away, start embracing it, being tiny…

He gasped as he made eye contact with Cynthia’s knee, “how are you doing this, you said it was my dream?”

“It is,” Cynthia said with a grin, “I’m just persuading you.” She knelt down, looking at his dwindling form with lust in her eyes, “you’re letting yourself become small because you trust me, and you know it’s going to be very fun once you’re a plaything in the palm of my hand.”

He gulped, there wasn’t any point in lying, a part of him had truly come to enjoy letting these women take charge. Letting Cynthia casually reduce him to bug size in his own dream was just the latest sexual adventure, and he wondered exactly what she intended to do, and where she intended on stopping.

“Now you’re getting to a size that’s getting harder for you to comprehend,” Cynthia said, “so just focus on the sound of my voice, relax, and let yourself keep getting smaller.” She knelt down, gently curling her fingers around him, lifting him up slightly like a doll and bringing him close to her face, letting him feel her warm breath, the humid air ruffling his bangs slightly. “Keep focusing on me,” she continued in a slow calm tone, “smaller Dirk, you are small, you’ve always been small, you’ve always looked up at Priestess Cynthia like the messenger of a goddess she is.”

Dirk’s eyes were wide as Cynthia’s palm opened, and he found himself standing in it, watching as it expanded around him like an open field. She was a towering colossus as he was reduced to the size of a grain of sand, if that, and he found himself gazing up at her, an almost worshipful expression on his face.

“And here we are,” Cynthia said, her soothing tone vanishing as her familiar manic expression returned, “wow! See, that’s the power of imagination, you’re… you’re a speck!” she giggled, causing him to fall over as the world of her palm quaked.

“B-Be careful,” he shouted.

“Don’t yell, it’s a dream silly I can hear you just fine,” Cynthia said, closing one eye and hovering her other overhead. Dirk looked up to see a massive brown iris and deep black pupil hovering over him like a thunderstorm. “Believe me when I say this is really impressive dreamwalking,” Cynthia said, “you can do anything in a dream, true, but messing with things too much makes them unstable, then poof, you’re awake!”

“Great, are you going to give me another talk to help me focus on getting big again?” he called.

“No, absolutely not speck!” Cynthia laughed, “this was probably easy for you because of the metaphorical implications! Metaphor is very powerful in dreams you know.”

“Like what?” he called, causing her to scowl.

“I said you don’t have to shout!” she said irritably, “but you’re a man in danger, and you’ve come to me, a beautiful messenger of the Goddess who you trust, you’re putting yourself in my hands, acknowledging your place, doesn’t it just feel wonderful!?”

He rubbed his temples and let himself fall backwards, sitting on the open expanse of her palm, “sure Cynthia,” he chuckled, “so how does this dream end?”

“Don’t worry, it won’t hurt!” Cynthia said cheerfully. He looked up, then his mouth fell open as he saw her finger, thick as a castle tower and as long as a mountain range, coming down towards her palm where he waited.

“Wait, what are you-“

“And the ant goes squish!” Cynthia laughed, pressing her finger against her hand and grinding his tiny form out of existence.

Dirk sat up in bed, blinking as he felt pleasure rock through his body, “Oh gods,” he moaned, feeling the warm spray of his seed against the bedsheets. He fell back a second later, spent, well she was telling the truth, he thought wryly, it certainly didn’t hurt…

Cora leaned up, a tired look on her face. She frowned as her hands brushed his damp crotch, “did Cynthia do this?”

“Yes,” Dirk said, meeting her eyes with a smile, “she’s going to do what she can for us, I can keep talking to her in my sleep if we need to get messages out to anyone.”

“Glad to hear it,” Cora said, pulling him close again, “but she should really come out here and change the sheets if she’s going to make a habit of this.”

In a few moments they were asleep again, enjoying the brief respite from their troubles in one another’s arms.


and so the mystery is solved! Now how do our heroes get out of this one? Thanks for reading and see you next time!

Chapter 11: Run Through the Jungle

Chapter Text

The most bizarre thing about their “house arrest” of sorts, was that the three of them still got up each day to tend to the ranch. As Cassidy had suspected, the queen’s guards didn’t care to lift a finger to help them, standing a few dozen yards back from them as they went about the day’s work, mounting up their own horses to occasionally follow Dirk, Cora, and Cassidy into the fields. The guards themselves seemed to be in a constant rotation, and it was a different group of women who were watching them every day, with several keeping tabs on them as they worked, and another small group camped by the entrance to the road.

Days passed, and in a bizarre way it was almost a reprieve from everything, in this captivity was a certain release from troubles that had followed Dirk since he’d arrived. One evening, as the sun went down and he watched Cassidy and Cora herding the aurochs into their pens, he wiped sweat from his brow and looked over his land, genuinely pleased with himself and his hands. It was fouled by the glinting of the rich red jungle sunset on the silver armor of Griselda’s soldiers, and with a scowl Dirk promised himself he'd have this again one day without them.

“Okay where are you Cynthia?” Dirk asked with a sigh as he looked around the labyrinth of oversized couches, beds, and countertops. All of them were amazon sized, as high as his neck and made of a coarse fabric. “Come out, there’s no way this isn’t a dream.”

“Correct,” Cynthia said, causing him to whirl around and see the smiling priestess sitting on one of the overlarge pieces of furniture. She leapt off it, standing over him and ruffling his hair with her hand as she looked around, “hmm… big furniture, this is obviously a metaphor for how uncomfortable and out of place you sometimes feel in the Queendom…”

“I have a man-sized chair at my house to comfort me,” he replied, fighting the urge to lean into her hand as she gently scratched his scalp, “has anything changed? Can your faith help me at all?”

“Faith can help anyone,” Cynthia replied, “but…” she bit her lip, “Griselda knows I won’t do what she wants, and she’s shut me out as best she can. She’s got a cousin who is a priestess at a temple a few days from here, and I’m guessing that’s who she’ll have officiate this abomination.”

“Does Griselda have a liege we can appeal to?” Dirk asked, “surely someone has authority over her?”

“I’ve already written the Queen herself,” Cynthia replied, “but…” she sighed, “I’ve only been a priestess a few years, the amount of weight my words would have against Griselda’s… She has friends at court, I don’t.” She shook her head, “I’ve mostly concerned myself with spiritual matters until this… it seems I made a mistake.”

“If you could get the Queen’s attention, would she stop it?” Dirk asked.

“Oh, she’d all but have to!” Cynthia nodded, “even if she didn’t believe you about the murders, simply appearing before her and saying you didn’t wish to marry Griselda would put the entire matter on hold and cause quite the scandal.”

“The Queen it is then,” Dirk muttered, “how far away is the capital?”

“At least a week of travel,” Cynthia said, “but Griselda’s domains end about two days south from here, beyond that she’s not going to be able to pursue you.”

“Cora will need to come with me,” Dirk muttered, “Cassidy too maybe…”

“Cassidy will likely go into hiding more… locally,” Cynthia giggled. “Thomas is up in arms over the whole thing, he’s already making plans to get you off that ranch, and I imagine Cassidy would rather stay somewhere with him.”

“Tom just wants my grazing land,” Dirk muttered, “but any port in a storm I suppose.”

“That’s the spirit, now let’s try something new,” Cynthia muttered, gripping the top of his skull as she focused.

“What are you doing?” Dirk asked, he felt… funny, warm, like he’d just dipped into a sauna on a cold day.

“I’m trying to find Cora,” she explained, “dreamwalking is a very personal thing, you can only do it with people you are close to… I’ve been told that if the dreamer is sufficiently close to someone the dreamwalker can also use their relationships to… Yes! I think I’ve found her!”

The world began to fade as he and Cynthia dissipated into the realm of dreams.

Cora shouted a battle cry as she charged at the dragon, hefting her massive shield to block the massive stream of flame that erupted from the beast’s maw as it reared up over her. The dragon snarled hatefully as Cora struggled to hold the shield in place, until finally it was nearly molten and cracking as the dragon’s fire faded, exhausted.

She grinned at the dragon’s fear as she threw the ruined shield away, drawing her sword, “time to cool off,” she said, plunging the blade into the soft unprotected underbelly.

The dragon roared a final time, then keeled over, dead. Cora casually pushed her perfect bangs out of her eyes as the light caught her shimmering armor. With a confident strut she walked towards where Dirk was chained to the wall, hacking through the rusted iron with a single swipe of her blade and letting him free. The sliced chain clanged slightly against the collar Dirk wore, the only item of clothing aside from a brightly colored codpiece the wicked dragon had forced him into, exposing his chiseled chest and abs, slick with sweat from the heat of the beast’s fire.

“That was amazing!” he said with a grin, leaping up into her arms.

“All in a days work for the greatest Amazon warrior,” Cora said with a grin, “now give me some sugar boy!” she leaned in to kiss him, and he eagerly returned it as she held him close, lifting his feet off the ground as they embraced.

“Wow,” Dirk said, clapping slowly from his seat on a nearby rock, “that was quite the show.”

The “Dirk” in Cora’s arms vanished, and she blinked, looking to him and suddenly feeling more… lucid. Her face went red and her shimmering armor and fine sword disappeared, replaced by a plain shirt and trousers like she’d wear every day.

“Y-You’re the real Dirk, aren’t you,” Cora said, blinking away confusion, “and this… this isn’t the ranch-“

“It’s a dream!” Cynthia said, appearing next to Cora, although Dirk couldn’t help but notice the “diminutive” Amazon priestess was now Cora’s own height.

Cora noticed too, “hey, Cynthy come on you’re not this tall!”

“It’s a dream Cora,” Cynthia said dismissively, “you can look like anything you want.”

“And by the way, what in the name of the gods was I wearing back there?” Dirk asked, fighting laughter.

“H-Hey that was a private fantasy!” Cora stammered, while Dirk smugly looked up at her, arms crossed.

“Dirk don’t mock her,” Cynthia said, “I’ve seen what Cora looks like in your dreams after all.”

Cora’s eyes went wide, and her embarrassment was replaced by a smug grin, “really? Spill Cynthy!”

Cynthia just snapped her fingers, and Cora was suddenly growing taller, looming closer to eleven feet tall than her usual nine, and her clothes had become a black leather corset. A pair of shining thigh high boots accented the outfit. Cora looked down, eyes wide, a mix of surprise and glee on her face as she admired Dirk’s fantasy idea of her.

“What kind of outfit is this?” she asked, starting slightly as a collar and leash appeared in her hand.

“Tell her Dirk,” Cynthia laughed.

Dirk sighed, “there are… institutions, like the Silver Tongue in the Empire, and uh… I’ve seen women outside them that wore something like that.”

“And I’m sure you’ve never been in one, right?” Cora taunted, putting a hand on her ample hip, “I mean a man who has taunted me for months about The Silver Tongue would probably never go into… Goddess what would you even call such a place, the Shiny Clam?”

“I’ve just passed by them and heard rumors, I swear,” Dirk said, chuckling as he realized how many times Cora had told him something similar.

“I’m going to leave you two to it,” Cynthia laughed, swaying her hips as she walked away, “Dirk, I’ll keep you updated on things, be ready to move at any time.” With that she vanished, leaving Dirk standing nervously before a towering Cora, who was grinning down at him and fingering the leash and collar in a way that aroused and terrified him at the same time.

“Now Cora, let’s be careful with that-“ he started, but like lightning Cora was on him, and he heard a *click* as the steel collar snapped closed around his neck. He grunted as the massive amazon jerked the leash, causing him to stumble towards her.

“Good boy,” she growled, “kneel, kiss those boots!”

Dirk fell to his knees, the collar tight against his neck as he placed his lips on Cora’s black leather footwear, the bitter taste lingering on his tongue as she giggled overhead. He felt cold suddenly, and he realized she’d somehow caused is own clothing to morph into the skimpy undergarments he’d worn in her fantasy a few moments ago.

“Now work your way up,” she ordered, pulling on the chain and slowly forcing his mouth up her leg. He kissed all the way, crossing from her tall boots and onto the soft tanned skin of her thigh. Another tug of his leash and he was on his feet again as the corset vanished, standing before the Amazon’s waiting lips, all but dripping in anticipation of his tongue.

Another tug of the chain and his face was buried in her c*nt, the wet juices running over his face as he lapped at her eagerly. Overhead she moaned, enjoying how the extra height of his dream version of her let him pleasure her while they both stood up.

Both of their clothes vanished, and he was naked as she lifted him bodily, slamming him onto a bed that seemed to spring into being out of the ground. He cried out in surprise as he hit it, and Cora leapt on him, not caring for his comfort as she roughly pinned him down and thrust her hips down on him with enough force to leave a bruise.

“CORA!” he gasped, feeling the mix of pleasure and… not pain exactly, you didn’t feel real pain in dreams, but it was like pain’s distant cousin, a weird mix of pressure and discomfort that didn’t carry any sharpness to it.

“That’s it, scream my name!” she laughed, riding him roughly and pulling his face into her immense chest.

If he was able to shout it again, she didn’t hear it, Dirk muffled by her chest and quickly losing control of his higher thoughts as his eyes rolled back in his head. She was unstoppable, a storm roiling his seas while he struggled to breathe.

“Come on, scream it one more time,” she growled, “you’re mine Dirk, tell me who you belong to!”

“Cora!” Dirk shouted, springing up in bed and moaning as he felt his org*sm descend on him from nowhere like a summer rain.

“Mmmm…” Cora moaned, a smug grin on her face as her body writhed too, almost like she was stretching as her own eyes slowly opened, “so you really were in my dreams, neat,” she murmured, flopping back on her pillow with a smirk.

“Yeah,” he said, leaning back and feeling her arms curl around him, drawing him to her. “So… a hammock style set of underwear huh?”

“A black corset and leather boots huh?” Cora retorted, giggling and ruffling his hair

Dirk scowled as he saw two of Griselda’s guards escorting a wagon up to their farmhouse near the end of the day’s labor. They hadn’t been allowed to leave so far, and nobody had come for them until now. His annoyance turned to surprise as he saw Argus at the reigns of the wagon, minding his oxen as one of the soldiers approached him.

“You there,” she called to Dirk, “Lady Griselda has sent this dwarf to examine this land for… future developments.”

“Yes, the gold, everyone knows you fool,” Dirk muttered, rolling his eyes at the amazon soldier’s look.

“If you were not the lady’s betrothed, I’d discipline you for lack of respect,” the guard snarled, “keep up that attitude and I might anyway… see that the dwarf is given food and whatever else he needs.”

Dirk glanced at Argus, then shot angry glares at the soldiers as they smirked at him, walking back to their small camp at the entrance to the road.

“Ai thought those bitches would ne’er leave,” Argus muttered, climbing down from his wagon.

“So Griselda sent you out here to survey the land?” Dirk asked, “where does that leave us?”

“She hired me because there are nah many dwarves nor men who know mining about,” he muttered, “and she didn’t know you’d seen me I reckon…” he spat angrily, “I’m with you, if’n yah worry about it, the priestess explained the situation and your plight fills me with rage!” he clenched his fists and muttered curses in dwarvish under his breath, “this Griselda, she digs too greedily and too deep! We’ll have ye out of here by the underfather, or you ken write mah name in your grudge ledger.”

Dirk blinked, “Well then,” he said, smiling slowly, “welcome to the Northstar ranch…”

“It seems a nice place,” Argus said, nodding and looking around, “peaceful… I dinnae suppose you’ve a basem*nt in tha’ house of yours?”

“We’ve got a cellar yes,” Dirk replied, “not much down there but preserved vegetables though.”

“Haul a mattress down there and I’ll move mah things in,” Argus nodded, “we need to talk, inside… away from prying ears.”

“Dirk,” Cassidy called, riding up to him, “what’s going on? I saw the soldiers come up and…” She spotted Argus and grinned, “well who’s this fellow? I like the beard.”

“Hands. Off.” Argus said firmly, pointing a gloved finger.

“We’re not supposed to touch it,” Cora explained, riding up to her, “Hi Argus, nice to see you again!”

“Ach, the nice one, and a fine hello to you too lass!” he said, smiling.

“The nice one?” Cassidy asked, raising an eyebrow.

“I guess a lot of women in town were a little… handsy,” Cora explained.

Cassidy sighed, “yeah that sounds like Rain’s End… let’s get this fellow settled in.”

Once Argus had moved his things in, the four of them were gathered around Dirk’s living room while the dwarf struggled his way into Dirk’s own easy chair. He glanced out the window, noticing the bored guard was a hundred or so yards away, unlikely to over hear them. Dirk looked for a place to sit, and then grunted in surprise as Cora’s hands snaked under his arms, lifting him up and setting him on her lap as she relaxed in the amazon sized rocking chair.

“Your priestess friend has been busy on your behalf,” the dwarf muttered, reaching down to a drinking flask at his hip. He took a quick sip, sighing contentedly, and continued, “we think we’ve got a way out for yeh, if yah want it.”

“I don’t see that we have much choice,” Dirk said with a sigh, leaning back and letting Cora’s massive breasts overhang his head slightly.

“So tonight you’re going to get raided by bandits again,” Argus explained, “they’re from-“

“Tom and friends,” Dirk sighed, “and what is that going to cost me?”

“Between you an him that is,” Argus shrugged, “your part is to tie that fool dwarf Argus up and then steal fireworks from his wagon, they’re in the back, the fuses are already set. You’re an Imperial, so I assume you know their workings?”

“Well enough,” Dirk replied.

“’Tween the explosions and yer friend raising hell down by the road, it should be easy enough for you two to slip down to the other cabin,” Argus explained.

“Cassidy’s,” Cora nodded, “but that’s pretty far from the road-“

“There’s a hidden trail behind it,” Cassidy said sheepishly, “it goes through the jungle and onto the main road about a half mile down.”

“What!?” Dirk exclaimed, “you could have told me-“

“Only Tom and I know about it,” Cassidy said defensively, “we cleared it together so we could uh… meet discretely.”

“Oh, a romance trail?” Cora giggled, causing Cassidy’s face to go red.

“The fancy fellow in black just said there was a trail,” Argus said, holding his hand up, “I’ll nah judge what it’s for.”

“Then we beeline straight south to where the Queen is,” Dirk realized.

“An’ from there I imagine things’ll start to work more in yer favor,” Argus agreed with a smile, “now, can a dwarf smoke in ‘ere or is this the kind o’ place where I should take it outside?”

“H-Help!” the guard by their house rasped as Cora tightened the sleeper hold. A moment later she went limp, and Cora dropped the armored woman to the ground with a clatter.

“Griselda would have had me whipped if I was so sloppy on guard duty,” she muttered, waving for Cassidy and Dirk to follow her outside into the cool night air. She quickly checked the woman’s pulse, she’d wake up with a brutal headache, but hopefully no worse for the wear.

Dirk spared a glance back at the dwarf, who was tied up and laying across the floor atop some blankets, “are you going to be alright?” he asked hesitantly.

“Lad I’m just goin’ to go back tah sleep, the knots are convincing enough,” he laughed, “go on, I want tah see the fireworks show before I nod off.”

Dirk nodded as he stalked up to the wagon, “Cassidy, go back inside and get a lit candle, but stay back until I tell you.” From down the hill he smirked as he heard shouting and the clangs of steel as Tom’s hired hands began met the guards at the road. They wouldn’t last long without help of course, Griselda’s soldiers were well armed and armored, but they were about to have quite the distraction in their favor.

“Stick them into the ground,” Dirk hissed, preparing the flint as Cora planted the rockets facing upwards. He grinned as he saw the dwarf had prepared nice long fuses, ample time for them to get away. Cassidy handed him the candle, and he scurried down the line of rockets, lighting each one before tossing it away and waving eagerly to the amazons, “come on!”

They ran for their horses, climbing into the saddles and taking off at a full gallop down the range towards Cassidy’s cabin, “keep a grip on your reins!” Dirk shouted as the first rocket hissed into the air. The large blue skyflower burst overhead a second later, and he heard the whinnying panic from Cora and Cassidy’s massive horses as the amazons struggled to keep them under control. His own mount, well used to explosions, carried on without missing a beat.

They reached Cassidy’s cabin, and a familiar figure was waiting next to it, a small lamp in hand as he watched the firworks bursting one after another overhead.

“Dirk,” Tom said, tipping his hat with a grin, looking positively sinister in the low light as he climbed into his own saddle.

“I’m guessing I’m paying dearly for your assistance?” Dirk muttered as Tom waved them back to the brush behind the cabin.

“Hey stranger,” Cassidy called, riding up alongside Tom before he could respond. Tom started as she leaned over, embracing him from her own saddle and roughly kissing him, throwing the man’s calculated smug smirk into disarray as his hat nearly tumbled off his head.

They parted a moment later, and a flustered Tom straightened his hat, “H-Hey Cass, good to see you too,” he stammered. He turned to Dirk and cleared his throat, “I’ll be sending my women over here to make sure your cattle are cared for while you’re… away. You definitely owe me for this Sommer,” he chuckled and shook his head, “I can’t believe there was gold on this land… and I was feuding with Markus and Amaya over gods damned aurochs…” he sighed, “that’s life I suppose… you can pay me back with the money you pull out of this place someday.” He spared a glance at Cassidy, “I think I’ve got back the most valuable thing over here anyways…”

“Mighty decent for a bad man Tom,” Dirk teased as the other man led them to an overgrown trailhead just behind Cassidy’s home.

“Decent nothing,” he snorted, “it sets a bad precedent to sit on my hands while another handsome Imperial boy gets married off against his will, sooner or later one of these women might take a look at old Tom and think she can pull a Griselda on me, that Hardstone woman is probably already thinking about it.”

Tom led them through the thick underbrush, the trail was only barely wide enough for the amazon’s horses, and bits of branches and leaves often brushed against their sides as they hugged their saddles. The fireworks in the distance had ceased, as had the sound of shouts and clanging steel.

“You think your girls are okay?” Cassidy asked Tom quietly.

“They’re all cunning types,” Tom said, chewing his lip, “they knew our game here, cause a ruckus and get out… I’d think with all that steel weighing Griselda’s people down mine should have been able to make a break for it once the fireworks went off…” He sighed, “t-they’re just hired muscle, part of the territory includes risk.”

Dirk couldn’t help but notice the relief in Tom’s expression as the hidden trail let out on the main road, revealing a trio of masked amazons waiting for them. The other man’s smile returned to it’s usual smug state as he waved them over, and the masks came off revealing Flora, Suzette, and Atla all smiling, though Tom winced slightly as he saw a blood running from a cut on the biggest Amazon’s arm.

“It’s just a scratch,” Atla reassured him.

“I’m sewing that up as soon as we get back,” Tom muttered, “and you’re going to sit still for it this time!”

Atla scowled, a comical sight as she almost seemed afraid of the man nearly half her size, “yes boss,” she muttered.

“You want me to tie her up for you?” Cassidy teased, “I’m pretty good with knots, remember Tom?” he just scowled and the other three amazons smirked, enjoying their boss’s discomfort.

“head south on this road about two hours,” Tom said, turning to Dirk and Cora, “there’s a large rock on the side of the road, it looks kind of like a dog from the right angle, when you see it go perpendicular to the road into the brush. You’ll find a small cabin with dry food and a straw bed. You can rest up, fill up on provisions, and then start working your way to the capital.”

“What an odd thing to know about Tom,” Dirk said with a smile, “why would an honest ranch owner need such a place?”

“Because he doesn’t like to pay taxes on his liquor or things he imports from his home country” Tom replied, rolling his eyes, “and I know exactly how much is there Dirk, so don’t go helping yourself and thinking it’s free,” he tipped his hat and grinned, “Cassidy darling, I understand if you want to go with them, but I think in the wide acreage of my ranch we could keep a gal hidden…”

“One of these days I want you to kiss me in public, after all of this sneaking around,” Cassidy chuckled, turning her horse to join Tom and his women, “take me home then scoundrel.” She shot Cora and Dirk one last nod and smile as they group left, heading back in the direction of Tom’s ranch.

“Let’s get on our way,” Dirk said quietly to Cora, spurring his horse down the dark road.

The cabin was easy enough to find, if it could be called a cabin. The ramshackle structure was obviously seldom used, but far enough from the road not to be seen in the thick jungle. By the time he and Cora reached it, the exhaustion of the night was beginning to wear on both of them, and as they forced their mounts through the overgrown brush, they were on the verge of collapsing in their saddles.

Dirk was vaguely aware of Cora lifting him bodily out of his, chuckling softly as she threw him over her shoulder, “Shh…” she said, tying their animals up with her free hand, "just let me take care of this."

She slowly pushed the door open, revealing a multitude of glass jars full of a clear liquid that was almost certainly Tom’s moonshine, along with a ratty looking straw mattress in the corner. Gently she laid Dirk down on it, then a moment later collapsed onto it herself, smiling as her arms slowly circled around him, pulling him close to her. It may have been a dilapidated cabin and a burlap sack stuffed with straw, but as they drifted off it was as comfortable as any bed Dirk had ever slept in.

Chapter 12: Difficult Decisions


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Griselda is so angry with you,” Cynthia laughed, sipping her tea as the pair of them sat before a calm sea, watching the ships sail just offshore. “She’s got her soldiers searching everywhere, she sent some out to Tom’s place even, but I guess after a few hours he was able to talk them into leaving. I think she knows he was in on it, but he’s been strutting around town and flirting with people, rubbing it in her face!”

“That’s Tom all right,” Dirk laughed, sipping his own small saucer and looking out at the waves. He sighed, the roads had been thick with soldiers the last several days, and he and Cora had contented themselves with remaining in Tom’s hidden cabin, soon or later there would be an opening…

“I was right about that other priestess by the way,” Cynthia said, “her cousin just showed up ‘to visit’ last night. If she finds you again, she’ll probably march you to an altar right away.”

“Then I won’t be found,” Dirk replied, “she can’t keep her people patrolling the roads like this forever, sooner or later they’ll slip up and Cora and I will be gone.” He thought a minute, “any word from Argus?”

“He’s still out at your ranch,” Cynthia explained, “it looks like Griselda still wants him to start work on the mine, such that he can… I suppose that’s the one thing you and her both want, but her guards aren’t letting him see anyone, I think she’s suspicious of him but still needs him too much to replace right now.”

“He’s safe enough for now then,” Dirk muttered, “anything else?”

“Cora’s parents are worried sick about her,” Cynthia said, “I’ve been trying to assure them that she’s okay, but obviously I can’t exactly tell Theo where his daughter went off to.”

“We’ll have to apologize when it’s all over,” he sighed, “there’s no helping it.”

Cynthia looked like she was about to say something, then frowned, “s-something’s wrong!”

Dirk’s eyes went wide as the calm sea they were in front of quickly turned into a frothing spray, dark clouds forming overhead. He reached for a pistol that appeared at his side instantly, and he scanned for threats as he felt the sudden incomprehensible trepidation of a nightmare.

“What’s going on!?” he shouted.

“S-Someone’s cutting our dream thread!” Cynthia shouted, her voice distorting as her eyes went wide with shock, “Dirk, you’ve got to-“ she screamed in pain and suddenly vanished, seeming to split apart like frayed fabric as threads of her flew away into oblivion.

Dirk whirled around as something dove out of the clouds to pursue him, with a scream of terror he fired his pistol, bracing himself for it to be upon him.

Dirk gasped as he sat upright, panting as a cold sweat covered his body. Cora stirred, glancing up at him as she stretched and yawned.

“Cynthia stop by for her usual naughty dream?” she asked.

“No,” Dirk rasped, still a little shaken. He’d been in battles before of course, but the raw primal fear of a nightmare was… it was something else entirely. Cora seemed to notice his discomfort and sat up, putting an arm around him.

“Hey,” she said quietly, “seriously, what’s wrong?”

“Something kicked Cynthia out of my dreams,” he growled, forcing the icy feeling of his fear down and standing up to reach for his clothes, “she said something about Griselda bringing another priestess in, maybe she did it?”

“Maybe,” Cora nodded, “I think… maybe we’ve lingered here too long, should we start on our way?”

“Yeah,” Dirk sighed, “through the brush if we can’t use the road… here’s hoping the razorlizards will have the decency to warn us before leaping.”

“Stick close to me,” Cora replied, “they’re usually alone and they’re usually reluctant to attack amazons without a pack.”

“And I’m not an Amazon,” Dirk muttered, I guess I’ll train the beasts to fear guns…

“Hey,” Cora giggled, climbing over him, “you just need to smell like me, that should be easy, I’m nice and sweaty from spending days hiding out here…” she smirked at his grimace while she loomed over him, “oh come on, you love it.” He watched as she slowly slid her brassiere off, tossing it away and letting him see her breasts tumble free. “Just think, if you had an amazon’s scent on you, they’d probably leave you alone…”

“And how would I-“ he was cut off as Cora pressed herself down on him, burying his head in her chest, her cleavage wrapping around him and soaking his face with the sweat and grime of two days of hiding in the jungle as she squeezed him close, laughing at his feeble attempts to push her away and free himself. The worst part is she was right, he did love it, something about the ripe earthy smell of Cora’s sweat just drove him wild, and when he gasped for air as she pulled back, she could feel the hardness rising between his legs as her massive body pinned him down.

“Look at that,” Cora laughed, seeing his dazed expression and his hair slick with her sweat, “yep, no razor lizard would dare come near you now, you definitely smell like you’re mine.” She lifted her arm casually, sniffing her armpit and wrinkling her nose, then looking down at him with an evil grin.

“Cora!” he started, “don’t you dare-“

“Come on, you want to be safe from lizards, don’t you?” she taunted, slowly lowering her pit towards him. Dirk’s eyes went wide as he saw the stubbled skin ominously descending on him, and he managed to lift his arms up, catching her tricep and struggling as she giggled, trying to force it her sweaty pit into his face.

“Come on Dirk!” she said, smiling through gritted teeth, “Just… give… up!”

His strength failed and his yelp of surprise was cut off as Cora’s armpit covered his face, causing him to flail a moment while she laughed, pressing down and rubbing her sweaty pit across him. She let up after a moment, fighting to keep her face straight as he glared daggers at her.

“There you go, you’re lizard-proofed,” she teased.

He rolled his eyes, “and you wonder why you didn’t have luck with men before you met me.” He grinned up at her as he reached down, pulling his pants along his legs and finally kicking the way, “well come on then!”

Cora grinned and reached down to slide her own underwear down, and a moment later he felt her legs plant on either side of him, slowly sliding down his manhood as she positioned herself. The first thrust of her hips hit him like a cannon as always, driving him against the rough fabric of the hay mattress as she began to ride him.

“Whew!” she laughed, smelling the odor of her pit on his face as she pinned him down, “I really got you good!” He couldn’t respond so she just grinned, teasing him more, “you probably love that don’t you? Smelling like an amazon’s pits, you love anything that reminds you you’re mine!”

Can’t argue with that, he thought, gritting his teeth as her hips picked up speed. She seemed to sense his unspoken agreement, and gave an animalistic moan as she enjoyed the thought.

“I should send you into town after you use your tongue on me,” she growled, “just coated in what my c*nt gives you, everyone will know what you’ve been doing, who you’ve been doing it to…” She grunted as she bit her lip, imagining it.

Dirk gasped and reached up, gripping the sides of her arms as he began to spasm in pleasure, Cora looked down in surprise, her mouth open, “WOW! You really like the idea huh?” she gritted her teeth and started riding him faster, “keep it up for just another second for me!” Dirk’s eyes all but rolled back in his head as he struggled to control his body against Cora, racing to reach her own climax as Dirk’s ended.

“And… Yes!” she groaned, squeezing him like a bear and causing his back to pop as he went limp in her grip.

As always after lovemaking with Cora, he needed a few minutes to get his bearings, blinking as the jellylike feeling slowly left his limbs. She sighed and stood up, letting him see her towering form as she knelt down to get her clothes, slowly getting dressed again. She spared a glance down at him an smiled, enjoying the naked man’s look of near paralysis after a round with her, and the awed stare he gave her legs.

You’re mine Dirk, she thought affectionately, Griselda can go to hell, she’ll never have you!

Dirk and Cora slowly traversed the edge of the road, ready to dive into the brush at the first sign of anyone approaching. The day was warm, and the humidity meant they were both quickly coated in sweat, their clothes sticking to their bodies like they’d just crawled through a riverbank.

Cora stopped suddenly, and Dirk raised an eyebrow, “what?” he asked quietly.

“Do you hear it?” she asked softly.

He craned his neck, realizing how quiet the jungle had become, “I don’t hear anything,” he replied, reaching for his pistol nervously.

“That’s just it,” Cora muttered, “you ever hear the jungle quiet?”

“Nope,” Dirk nodded. His eyes went wide as he caught a glint of metal down the road, “Cora!” he hissed, pointing to it.

Her head whipped around, and she froze. For a moment neither of them moved, then slowly, uncertainly, the pair crept forward. The steel did indeed belong to one of Griselda’s guards, so far down the road she could barely be seen from where they’d first noticed the glint of metal, but rather than a group on patrol, they came across four of the women, lying motionless in the road.

“What the hell happened here?” Dirk asked, co*cking his pistol as he slowly walked forward with Cora, scanning the treeline.

Cora drew her sword, kneeling over the bodies. The women had surprised looks on their faces, and the wounds varied, some had scratchmarks across their steel breastplates, others had sword wounds, and Dirk grimaced in distaste as he saw a ring of jagged teethmarks on one amazon’s exposed arm.

“I know what this is,” Cora said, her face going white.

“What-“ Dirk was cut off as she swept him off his feet, causing him to wheeze as the air was knocked from his lungs and Cora dove into the foliage on the side of the road. Before he could ask her what was going on her massive hand clapped over his mouth and she hugged the smaller man close, keeping him quiet while she just pointed to the road.

There was a hiss, then a click of claws almost like a razorclaw, but different somehow, muted. From the other side of the road, out of the wall of vegetation, a thing from a nightmare crept forward. It had to be at least half a foot taller than Dirk himself, covered in dark green scales and walking upright like a man, a thick tail swishing behind it almost like a cat’s when watching a mouse. The hands had only four fingers, but inch long claws protruded from each point, and a snakelike tongue flittered out of its mouth as it tasted the air. For a tense moment Dirk was sure it would jerk it’s terrible yellow eyes towards them, give a scream, and leap into their hiding place, claws flashing… but evidently its senses weren’t as sharp as it’s wild cousins, and with a hiss it stalked over to Griselda’s dead amazons, pulling a serrated knife from its belt. From the trees behind it three more of the creatures appeared, long swords dangling from their belts as they hissed back and forth to one another in an unknown tongue.

“I can’t watch this again,” Cora whined, squinting her eyes shut.

Again? Dirk’s eyes went wide, the war… she must have seen this in their war with these things. He realized what the creatures wanted with the dead as soon as the knife had come out, but as the Lizardman knelt down he felt he couldn’t look away from the grisly scene.

He felt Cora’s hand slip off of his mouth, and he looked back at her, a pit forming in his stomach as he saw the faraway look as her hand drifted to her weapon. He’d seen it before, he’d had it before, Cora was slipping into instinct, and he slowly nodded as the same numbness filled him. He leveled his pistol at the lizard that was now cutting a slice of meat from its kill.

*CRACK* the gunshot startled the creatures, an unfamiliar and unexpected thing in this part of the world. The Lizard screeched angrily, twirling as it fell into the dirt, twitching, the butcher’s knife still in a clawed hand.

“AAHHHHH!” Cora screamed defiantly, a strong harsh battle cry unlike anything Dirk had ever heard out of her before. She thundered past him, her sword flashing as she leapt at the creatures.

They were large things, each of them taller than Dirk by a head, but Cora loomed over them menacingly, and they screeched in fear as her sword came down on one, nearly splitting in two from the force of her blow. The other two turned to flee, tails rigid as they threw their swords away, Dirk leveled his second pistol and another gunshot rang out, causing another to tumble forward as he holstered his gun, unfurling his rifle next and co*cking it as he strode forward in a controlled steady stride. Cora was not so calm, the final lizard had retrieved its blade, and was now hissing madly as it hacked at the amazon, forcing Cora to deflect each blow as sparks flew through the air. Finally, she brought her fist around, striking the creature in the side of the head and causing it to stagger, then grunting with exertion as she brought her sword up, stabbing under its ribs with enough force to lift it off the ground, limbs flailing for a minute before it went limp.

With a sigh Cora flicked her wrist, pulling her sword free and letting the corpse fall to the ground. Dirk spared a glance at her, and they made eye contact for a moment as Dirk slowly walked towards the second creature he’d shot. It was still alive, flailing slightly as it tried to make the tree line.

“Do these things take prisoners?” Dirk asked, putting his boot on the lizardman’s back and pinning it in place.

“They take you alive sure,” Cora spat, “but you’re not a prisoner, you’re rations.”

Dirk sighed, nodding as he drew a knife from his belt, kneeling over the creature as its serpentine eyes went wide one final time.

When the deed was done, he stood up, smelling the lingering smell of gunpowder on the air, closing his eyes and listening to his own heartbeat. He breathed out slowly, willing himself to calm down as he opened his eyes again, turning to Cora.

“You okay?” he asked quietly.

“Yeah,” Cora said, scowling as she knelt over the dead lizard, “I was really hoping to never see these things again…”

“I can see why” Dirk muttered, coming to her side. He looked down the deserted road, “I guess we won’t have to worry about Griselda’s people from here on out…” He frowned, “what are these things doing here? I thought their realm was on your southern border?”

“They have ways of moving through the jungle,” Cora muttered, “to hear the priestesses tell it, this whole land was theirs once, they hunted and ate humans for sport until the Goddess Diana empowered the first Amazons, who then carved our Queendom from their clutches… they have altars, places of power in the deep brush we don’t know about, even after all of this time. They had ways of moving between them, magic…”

“Teleportation,” Dirk mused, “I’ve heard of it on a small scale, individuals of particular power can do it… you’re saying that these four used it to get here?”

“I don’t know the first thing about spells and rituals,” Cora replied, “I just know that sometimes they’d have one of those damned stone altars in the brush and we wouldn’t know it was there, and then thirty of the hissing brotherf*ckers would be behind us…” she looked around at the jungle, “it’s possible there’s still one out here somewhere, forgotten by time until now.”

“How many could come through it?” Dirk asked hesitantly, “are we talking dozens, or…”

“Half of their army retreated through one when we were besieging one of their cities,” Cora replied, her face white, “if they’ve got mages to power them, I don’t know if there’s a limit. Dirk… these uniforms… they’re from a caste of these things, the butchers…”

“Seems fitting,” Dirk growled, glancing at the knife with disgust.

“You don’t understand, they go behind the main force, to uh… dress the meat… this means there’s a much larger force of them out here somewhere, we’ve got to warn Rain’s End!”

“Cora, we can’t,” he muttered, chewing his lip as he stared at the dirt, “we’re wanted there… I don’t feel like leaning on Griselda’s good will even if we’re warning about an attack.”

Cora was quiet a moment, “she wants you,” she said finally, “I could go back, the lizards will mostly be moving through the brush… I’ll bet I can get there before them.”

Dirk felt his heart skip a beat, “y-you can’t,” he said, “I need you with me.”

She paused, looking to him, a sadness starting to fill her face, “Dirk… everyone I know lives in Rain’s End, if the Lizards take it unawares…” she looked down at the dead soldier with the bite mark on her arm, and shuddered, “I can’t just leave them to die.”

Dirk nodded, numb. His face felt wet, and he wiped it, aware dimly that it had nothing to do with the heat. He blinked a few times, then sighed.

“You can go,” she said quietly, “keep going, find the Queen, she won’t let Griselda have you no matter what happens in Rain’s End… You’ll be free.”

“But…” he looked down the road, the southern route free and open, seeming to beckon to him. He looked down, sighing, “I can’t just leave you like this, I love you, let me come with you and we’ll settle this some other way, I don’t care if I’ve got to shoot my way out of my own wedding, we’ll beat her somehow, we’ll-“

“Dirk!” Cora snapped angrily, “Just… Just this once, please let me protect you, the way an Amazon does for her man… I love you…”

“And do you think I don’t love you?” he asked, looking up at the towering woman, “do I not get to protect you too?” He smirked at her troubled expression, “come on Cora, I thought we were past this…”

She blinked away a quick tear and giggled at the way he was looking up at her, a defiant grin on his face even as she loomed over him, “I’ll tie you to your horse,” she threatened.

“I’ll chew through the rope.”

“I’ll break your legs and tie you to your horse,” she said, sheathing her sword and crossing her arms.

“I’ll crawl,” he retorted.


“Face it Cora,” he said, cutting her off, “we’re going back together.”

“Yeah,” she sighed, smiling weakly, “I guess the trade off for a man I can talk to is one I can’t leave behind… huh?” She moved towards him, lifting him under her arms as they embraced. Tears streamed down her face a minute, “Dirk… if we’re really going back, this could be it for us…”

“I can’t think of a better way to go out,” Dirk said, giving her a small smile as she hefted him in her arms, “dying defending home and hearth.”

And it was his home now, he realized, as much as it was Cora’s. He’d grown enchanted with this lush and green land, and for the first time since he’d lost his family all those years ago, he found that his thoughts drifted to people he truly cared about. Somehow, he’d fallen into a new family of sorts without even realizing it.

“All right,” he sighed, looking over the dead lizardmen, “Cora… grab one of those for the road.”

The journey back was solemn, and they kept their horses at a quick clip. They were about an hour away from Rain’s End when the first group of patrolling guards spotted them, scurrying to surround them, swords and pikes at the ready.

“Dirk Sommer, Cora Spearwall, you will come with us immediately!” the guard captain shouted, readying a bow in case they ran.

“Oh of course,” Dirk said with a smirk, shooting a look at Cora, “I came all this way to visit my beloved Lady Griselda, has she missed me so much?”

The guard captain’s brow furrowed, “V-Very well, dismount and let us lead you.” The amazon looked at the covered carcass on the back of Cora’s horse and frowned, “what’s that?”

“A gift for my fiancé,” Dirk growled, leading his horse by the reigns as the Amazons escorted them towards Griselda’s fortress, a towering circle of stone just outside the city walls.

Griselda was waiting for them at the gate, to the stone ring fort, the tower of her personal residence and keep looming over them as the amazon noblewoman strutted forward. Today she wore the same fine green dress Dirk had seen her in during his first night in Rain’s End, complete with the bejeweled ceremonial sword, glittering slightly in the sun.

“Oh look, my wayward fiancé has returned,” she said mockingly, “I’m glad you and dear Cora finally came to your senses… Still, I’ve decided to move our nuptials up a little.” She gestured to another woman, easily ten feet tall and bearing a familial resemblance to Griselda, but also in an outfit similar to Cynthia’s own ceremonial attire, complete with a lizard skull hat, though of a horned variety that Dirk didn’t recognize.

“Pleased to meet you,” the new priestess said, looming over him with a smug grin, “I’m Griselda’s cousin Isabelle, I will be officiating your wedding…” she shot a wicked grin at her cousin, who nodded, “Perhaps you and I might grow to know each other better while I am here,” Dirk fought the urge to flinch away as the woman traced a finger along his jaw, “it’s so sad how many men get cold feet before a wedding,” she sighed, “I’ll prepare a more powerful compliance ribbon for you, to keep another runaway groom situation from happening…”

“That all sounds lovely,” Dirk said, a hint of sarcasm creeping into his voice in spite of himself, “but I brought Griselda a little wedding gift, something I think reflects my feelings towards our wonderful engagement.” He nodded back at Cora, who pulled the cloth covering off the dead lizardman, causing the assembled amazons to recoil in horror at both the sight and smell of the corpse.

“Where did this creature come from!?” Griselda hissed, her hand unconsciously going to the ceremonial sword at her side.

“We’ll tell you all about it,” Cora replied, “but in the mean time? You might want to call up your levies and arm the militia.”


We're moving into our final act, hope you've all been enjoying so far!

Chapter 13: Taking the Stage


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Dirk sighed as he looked down at the scurrying amazons and others below, all looking small from the height of Griselda’s personal tower where he’d been locked. The tower itself wasn’t particularly tall by Imperial standards, maybe four Amazon sized stories. To her credit, it was the finest jail he’d ever been in. Instead of the dungeon Griselda had ordered him imprisoned in her personal quarters, a lavish master, or mistress rather, bedroom with an elegant four poster bed, soft couches, a writing desk too tall for him to sit at, and to top it all off a luxurious meal of auroch steak, fresh greens, and even a freshly baked sweetroll from the kitchens.

The news of a potential attack by Lizardfolk had stunned and frightened the town, and while he hated the woman immensely, Dirk had to admit Griselda had quickly and effectively rallied the people. Soldiers had been sent out into the countryside to bring everyone on the outlying settlements into town, and scouts deployed to try to find any sign of the potential Lizardfolk army. Below civilians were being herded towards the ring fort, filling the massive courtyard. Most of them were normal sized humans, it seemed that the Amazon population of Rain’s end was quickly arming itself and reporting for soldiering duty, and even a few of the Little Sisters and men held hunting spears and bows as they stood in the shadows of the larger women.

I should be down there, he thought angrily, not cooped up in here like… he blinked, like a captured princess in a fairy tale, gods that’s exactly what you are, aren’t you? He couldn’t help but laugh at the thought.

Griselda stood before her women in her finest armor, a pair of her finest guardswomen at her side as she strode through the courtyard, observing the preparations. Most of the children and infirm would be safely inside the fortress, the yard itself would be filled with able bodied men and little sisters, bolstered by a skeleton force of Amazons in the event that some of the enemy slipped by them and reached it.

At her side was her cousin Isabelle, and standing not even at her shoulder on her other side was Cynthia, “I can’t believe you’re doing this!” the relatively small priestess spat angrily, “Dirk and Cora came back here to warn you, and you’re going through your wicked plan anyway?”

“Wicked plan?” Isabelle laughed, saving Griselda the trouble of a reply, “girl, he’s being married off to the most eligible woman in the Queendom, if anything this is a great boon for him.”

“You know as well as I do that Dirk does not wish to marry her!” Cynthia retorted.

Isabelle rolled her eyes, “Cynthia this is a man, he has no idea what he wants, and what he wants isn’t nearly as important as what is good for him.” She shared a smirk with Griselda, “I can see why you didn’t want this whelp officiating things.”

“Indeed, Cynthia has been quite the little thorn in my side,” Griselda chuckled, giving a cool gaze to the younger priestess, “it seems she’s filled her head with nonsense as of late… too much time listening to them prattle on during those temple men’s hours I assume.”

Cora walked up to the trio, her brown hair billowing slightly in the wind as she held a helmet tucked under her arm. She hadn’t worn plate armor since the war, but she’d found it easy enough to get used to again. At first when they’d returned, she expected Griselda to lock her up in a dungeon somewhere, but instead Griselda had dressed her in steel and set her to tasks, almost like they’d picked up where they left off the last time they’d fought the Lizardfolk.

“Units have been organized,” Cora said, “Kate’s leading your cavalry, they’ve armored up and await orders. The first scouts are expected back soon, we should have an idea of numbers with enough time to move into positions in town, if you wish, or if you think they are too many we can simply defend the fortress.”

“Excellent,” Griselda said with a nod, “it’s so nice to have you back at my side where you belong Cora.”

Cora just gave her a stony glare, “when the lizard thing is over, you and I are going to settle up.”

Cora and Isabelle looked at each other and then laughed, “Oh to be young and dramatic again,” Griselda sighed, letting her laughter fade, “No Cora, you’re going to report to my castle for guard duty every day from now on. I believe having you close will help assure my new husband’s obedience.”

“Just tie a ribbon on him and never undo it,” Isabelle muttered.

“That’s monstrous!” Cynthia gasped, “I-I can’t believe a priestess of Diana would even suggest such a thing!”

“Grow up dear,” Isabelle said, rolling her eyes, “the Goddess made men to serve, it’s her will.”

“I will see to it the Queen has you both jailed!” Cynthia vowed, “the goddess herself will strike you down for this… this heresy!

“I have your own notes saying that young Dirk and I would be a good match,” Griselda laughed, “go ahead, cause me scandal if you want, but it will take years to convince the queen to annul a noblewoman’s marriage, and by that time…” she grinned, “I think I will have young Dirk well in hand.”

“If your priestess is too soft to allow proper discipline of a man, I’ll assist you with that,” Isabelle chuckled.

Cynthia was about to say something, but Griselda held up a hand, “enough about men’s matters,” she barked, “you two are the only spellcasters we have, find some common ground… when the lizards are on the prowl all disagreements should be forgotten, lest we all end up roasting on a skewer.”

“Then let Dirk come out here and fight with us,” Cora said angrily, “he’s a specialist in fighting mages and in case you didn’t notice, we only have two!”

“The girl and I will be more than enough,” Isabelle replied with a dismissive wave.

“I won’t see my future husband on a battlefield,” Griselda said sternly, “it’s bad enough that we’ve got a good chunk of Rain’s End’s male population out here with short bows, if I had a larger fortress, I’d have them safely away as well.”

“And the Little Sisters I presume as well?” they turned to see Hardstone walking towards them. Instead of her usual dress she wore riding trousers, with a jacket almost in the style of Imperial military, but with a lace trim accentuating the black, matching a short-brimmed hat that rested on her head. The greatest difference from her normal attire was the pair of pistols on her belt. She smirked, seeing Cora’s angry glance, and despite the fact that all of the other four women stood nearly double her height Hardstone didn’t seem to flinch, “Do you like them Cora?” She expertly drew one of the pistols, tossing it in the air and catching it with a flourish, spinning it once before holstering it again, “pepperbox style revolving guns, from the Empire… much nicer than those service pieces our dear Dirk prefers.”

“And I see you know how to use them,” Cynthia said, eyes narrowed, “I’m sure you demonstrated these weapons for Dirk’s aunt and uncle, right?”

“I haven’t the foggiest idea what you mean,” Hardstone said dismissively, “Lady Griselda, I’ve organized the Little Sisters and the men as best as can be done. If any of the attackers detach from the main force, I’m confident we can handle ourselves.”

“I should have guessed you’d be commanding the smaller citizens,” Cora said, crossing her arms.

“And a small force of Amazon militia… Who else but a trusted and beloved member of the community?” Hardstone asked, smirking as she turned to leave.

“She’ll get hers too,” Cora muttered angrily.

“Enough of that talk,” Griselda snapped, “attend to your duties, and…” she grinned smugly, “Cynthia, I believe there’s time… go and give Dirk the usual pre-wedding bathing and blessing, I’ll want my groom ready as soon as the battle for Rain’s End has been won.”

Cynthia’s eyes bulged, “you’re out of your mind if you think I’ll-“

“I’ll do it,” Isabelle chuckled, “it would be good for the pretty little foreigner to feel a woman’s discipline beforehand anyways…”

Cynthia scowled at the pair, “you won’t, I’ll attend to him.” With that she stalked away towards the tower. Griselda and Isabelle just laughed, turning their discussion to plans for the defense of the city.

Dirk’s staring out the window was interrupted by a knock at the door, then a key in the lock. He turned, ready to give his best dirty look to whoever was coming in, but softened as he saw Cynthia, her face grim, as a single armored guard followed behind her, helm shuttered.

“Hi Dirk,” she said quietly, giving him a small smile.

“Cynthia,” he nodded, “is… is everything going well out there?”

“As well as can be expected,” she sighed, “I believe our dream link was probably cut by one of the lizard’s mages, they wouldn’t want anyone using dreams to call for help…”

“It’s good to see you again anyways,” he said with a sigh, “I don’t suppose you’re just here to check on how I’m doing?”

Cynthia pursed her lips, “Griselda wants a pre-wedding bath and blessing for you.”

Dirk raised his eyebrows, “she seems a little overconfident in her victory.”

“My original intent was simply to not do this and tell her I did,” Cynthia said with a sniff, “but I had a better idea…”

The guard next to her removed her helm, revealing Cora’s smiling face, “Hey Dirk,” she giggled, “I’m here to scrub you down.”

His eyes went wide, and he grinned, “do you really have time for this!?”

“Not a lot,” Cora admitted, quickly starting to strip the armor off as she walked in, “but how long do you think I’m really going to need?”

Cynthia smirked and followed behind Cora, tossing aside her own ceremonial robe and revealing the tunic underneath. Dirk raised an eyebrow as he saw Cynthia begin unbuttoning her own underclothes.

“Uh, are you staying?” he asked curiously.

“I told you, we don’t have a lot of time,” Cora said with a grin, “So I asked her to help.”

“You know there was a time, in this Queendom, long ago of course, when priestesses had right of first night with men getting married,” Cynthia said, a teasing smirk on her face as her shirt came off, revealing her slim form.

“Right of first night?” Dirk laughed, tossing his own clothing away as the pair of Amazons stood over him, naked, “you’re joking?”

“Not at all,” Cynthia giggled, “between you and me, the ceremonial bathing is not in our scriptures, I’m not sure when it started but I imagine it was a priestess wanting a… closer look at a soon to be groom, and enough of them repeated it that it became tradition.” Cynthia glanced at a large brass washtub in the corner of Griselda’s room, big enough for an Amazon and the size of a spa for Dirk. With a wave of her hand water flowed up from the piping, and with another wave it steamed slightly, instantly heated to a comfortable temperature. “So many men get nervous about it,” she giggled, “but we don’t even stay in the room usually, we just say a prayer for you, heat the water, and leave…”

Cora lifted Dirk up, carrying him bridal style to the tub with a wicked grin on her face, “do you have any of that special soap?”

“It’s sacred soap Cora!” Cynthia said, exasperated, “it has a recipe in the Commandments of the Goddess and everything!” She walked to the side of the tub, where a small tray of plain looking pink flakes waited. With a flourish she poured them into the bath, causing it to fizz and bubble as Cora slowly lowered him in.

Dirk couldn’t help but gasp as the warm soapy softness of the water submerged him. Whatever was in the soap caused his entire body to tingle like a sleeping limb, but with more potency… he gasped as his bottom sat on the floor of the washtub, the sensation of that slight contact rocketing through his body almost like…

“This soap dramatically increases a man’s sensitivity,” Cynthia explained, moving behind him to massage his shoulders as Cora knelt in front of him, giving him a generous view of her ample chest as she slowly gathered a handful of it, rubbing it down his leg and causing him to moan as his nerve endings lit up.

“W-What exactly is this soap used for?” Dirk managed, struggling to keep himself together as Cynthia cupped her hands, pouring some of the enchanting mixture over his head.

“Wives are typically given some as a wedding gift,” Cora said with a wink, “to help keep their new husbands clean.”

“Gods, Dirk moaned, sinking into the water as Cynthia slowly began scrubbing his hair, rubbing the mixture in and sending waves of pleasure through his body. He thrashed slightly, but Cynthia easily held his shoulders in place, and Cora had his legs just the same, reducing his struggle to a few mere ripples in the water.

“I wonder what it feels like,” Cora laughed, enjoying the way Dirk struggled, his eyes rolling back in his head as the pair kept scrubbing his body with the electrifying suds.

“Like his whole body is as sensitive as his manhood,” Cynthia laughed, enjoying the way Dirk struggled to speak as the two enormous women scrubbed every inch of him, “there is nothing more fun than watching a man struggle to control himself…” She placed a hand under Dirk’s chin, lifting it up and forcing him to look at Cora’s smiling face, her breasts slightly damp from the water as she finished scrubbing him.

“Now to clean that last part,” Cora said with a wink, reaching her hand under the water to grab his erection.

If their touches before were electric, having his most sensitive place touched like this was like a lightning storm, and if not for Cynthia holding him in place, he’d have flopped like a fish right out of the tub. He gritted his teeth as he was forcefully held in place by one amazon as the other slowly, steadily, pumped her hand up and down beneath the water.

“Gods help me,” he moaned, struggling to keep his eyes from rolling back in his head.

“Keep it slow Cora,” Cynthia warned, “he’s so sensitive he could go mad if you pick up your speed too much!”

“Really?” Cynthia asked, awed as she watched Dirk’s face contort in pleasure.

“Yes the poor man’s mind would crack like an egg,” Cynthia teased, leaning close and letting him feel her hot breath in his ear as Cora continued her work, slowly sliding the soap slicked hand up his shaft again, “look at them Dirk, imagine just seeing those massive breasts of hers right as everything went hazy, you’d think you were staring at them for a thousand years, but it would just be a second!”

Dirk cried out in pleasure so strong it felt like agony, spraying his seed into the warm water as the sight of Cora’s smiling visage was burned into him, for a moment all he could think about was that looming amazon, her beautiful smug smirk, her heaving chest hovering just in front of his face…

With a long gasp he was back to reality, the effects of the soap gone, leaving him floating in a normal tub of bathwater. He panted a few minutes, weakly collapsing against the back of the tub as Cynthia slowly rinsed the rest of the enchanted soap out of his hair.

“T-That wasn’t a thousand years,” Dirk said with a weak smile.

“No, it’s just a load of auroch dung that we priestesses tell males to scare them about this stuff,” Cynthia giggled, watching the last of the soap flakes dissolve.

Cora walked around the side of the tub, lifting him out slowly as Cynthia approached with a towel. He felt his feat touch the cool stone of the room’s floor, and Cora came around behind him, slowly using the towel to dry him off.

He heard a small click and his eyes shot to Cynthia, who was approaching him with a straight razor and kneeling down, “W-Wait! What do you think you’re doing!?” he exclaimed.

Cynthia bit her lip, looking at his groin nervously, “I uh… just thought I’d shave the hair off again?” she said weakly.

“No!” he said, a little more forcefully than he intended, “t-that is to say I prefer it uh… ungroomed.”

“But it looks so nice bare!” Cynthia pouted, “come on, it’ll only take a-“

“Cynthy, ease off,” Cora warned. Cynthia pouted a moment, but flicked the straight razor closed, leaving it on the nearby sink counter. With a sigh Cora walked back in front of Dirk, letting him see her naked one last time in all her glory before reaching for her clothes, “did you enjoy getting cleaned up?”

“Best bath I’ve ever had,” Dirk muttered dreamily.

“We figured we’d give you one last nice thing before… everything got difficult,” Cora said softly, “we will get you out of here… I promise.”

“Come on,” Cynthia muttered, “I’m sure Griselda will expect us both back soon…” she sighed, “the goddess will come through for us, I just know it.”

Tom strutted in front of the gathered Little Sisters and men, Cassidy at his side and his three ranch hands following behind them, bows and spears at the ready. He smirked as he heard one of the women wolf whistle at him, and swayed his hips a little wider as he walked, tipping his hat and causing the rhinestones that ringed the outer edge of the white headpiece to glimmer slightly. He’d chosen a white silk suit to wear to this outing, his four pistols resting in a brace across his chest that clashed with the brilliance of the sparkling stones that lined the trim of the outfit.

“Fine day fer a battle,” Argus muttered, walking behind him, “and these lasses insist all the men stay back ‘ere like a bunch o’ children…” he spat angrily, “it’s a damn shame.”

“Suits me fine,” Tom muttered, “I don’t mind plugging a few of these lizard bastards if they get this far, but I’ve had more battles than I care for in life already.”

“Where’s yer Imperial pride?” Argus asked, a little shocked, “ain’t yeh the people what declared you’d unite all of mankind unner one banner!?”

Tom just laughed, “I’ll let the emperor figure that one out, seems he’s doing just fine without my help.” He looked to Cassidy a moment, “you’ll watching my ass during this whole thing, right?”

“The way you’re dressed everyone’s watching your ass,” Cassidy joked, leaning over slightly to pinch the man’s bottom, an easy feat with the close tailored pants he’d chosen. The three other amazon ranch hands chuckled, nudging each other and whispering jokes under their breath. Tom just shrugged and leaned into Cassidy’s embrace a moment.

“There you are,” Hardstone muttered angrily, marching up to the group, “why are you not in your position?”

“Nobody’s even spotted the enemy yet,” Tom said, annoyed, “let me walk with my girls…”

Hardstone’s eyes narrowed as she took in Cassidy, “you’re Sommer’s other ranch hand,” she muttered, “Lady Griselda was looking for you…”

“She’s my ranch hand right now,” Tom replied, squaring up across from Hardstone, “so whatever you think she needs to be questioned over, why not ask me?” at the challenge in his voice, Atla, Suzette, and Flora stepped forward, hands on their weapons and murderous looks in their eyes.

Hardstone to her credit didn’t flinch, “do those guns of yours even work Tom? Or are they for show?”

“I shot my first man at fourteen rich girl,” he replied with a nod, “I didn’t pick them up as a hobby.

“Have your people lined up near the front gate,” Hardstone spat, “Griselda’s going to march out with the Cavalry and she wants a crowd cheering…” she looked with distaste at Tom’s clothes, “did you have to dress like a ten thaler whor*?”

“I could’ve dressed nicer but I didn’t want to price you out,” Tom said with a wink.

“You’re the most disgusting man I’ve ever met,” Hardstone growled, “be there or Lady Griselda will have you whipped when this is all done, and don’t think your smooth tongue will get you out of it.”

She stalked off angrily, leaving a scowling Tom, his amazons, and the dwarf, “be careful with tha’ one,” Argus muttered, “she’s nah likely to let us all slide if she thinks she can bite at us.”

“I’ll think of something,” Tom muttered, waving dismissively as he traced an arm around Cassidy’s waist. He sighed and looked up at the tower where Dirk was imprisoned, now why did you have to go and come back? He wondered, if someone sticks their neck out for you don’t find a new chopping block… He felt Cassidy’s hand on his shoulder and looked up at the towering redhead, getting a wink and a smile from her, which he returned, then again… maybe there are things in this world worth risking your head for...

“Scouts report a force of one thousand lizards moving directly from the south,” the armored squire told lady Griselda with a nod. The young Amazon couldn’t be more than in her late teens at most, and hadn’t even finished her growth yet, standing only seven feet tall. Still Griselda nodded, letting the girl run to the other younger Amazons near the rear of the column.

“What do you think Cora?” Griselda asked, shifting in her saddle to look down at the other Amazon. Cora was at her side, in full plate, a pike in hand at the front of another rank of amazons, awaiting orders.

“You’re the liege lady and commander,” Cora said as neutrally as she could, “I’m just a lowly soldier.”

“Indeed,” Griselda muttered, “we’re four hundred strong, with two spellcasters, I think I would like to chance meeting them in town. Lizards can be tenacious, but against full armored Amazons they’ll break, particularly in close fighting.” She raised her hand to signal the column, “Amazons, advance!” her horse trotted forward, and steel clanged as the women warriors marched out behind her.

Nyss’s slitted eye stared through the spyglass as his tail flittered impatiently behind him. His tongue darted out, tasting the oily, aggressive scent of humans, and the Amazons in particular. His long mouth turned in a smile, exposing his teeth as he fell to all fours, scurrying back to his soldiers.

“What iss it?” Thoth, his second in command hissed, “are the humansss aware of our approach?”

“Yess,” Nyss replied, “they go to meet the ssouthern force, thinking it is the whole, when it is only half our numberss…” he stood upright, letting the mass of slitted eyes hidden in the brush see him, “humanss put their sstrength in these massive femaless, but you will find that their disscipline will quickly break if you threaten the littler oness, their males, the smaller females, the children…” rasps and clicking excited claws echoed in a semblance of applause as Nyss placed a hand on the hilt of his own sword, “the elderss say that human iss too rich a meat for uss? That we may not dine on the finest flesh, lest we incur the wrath of thesse apes and their queen… today we remind them of their place on the food chain…”

Cackles of encouragement, clicking claws, and triumphant hisses echoed, and he basked in it for a moment. This meat raid would bring enough of the long pig back for his clan’s next five feast days, the elders would look like the flake-clawed fools they were, and the humans would again learn to fear the jungle. Today would be glorious, he gestured for the other four mages in the company to come forward, with a flourish a ball of roiling fire appeared in his clawed hand.

“Ass soon ass the otherss make contact with their main force, we will attack the fortresss and dine on the flessh of their loved ones!”

The lizards poured out of the jungle, a stream of hissing teeth and claws, dull iron armor clattering as they formed their ranks in the town’s square across from the amazons. Clawed hands hurtled spears, bowstrings twanged, and pointed projectiles rained down on the amazon line as they raised thick steel shields to protect themselves.

“They’ve learned a lot it seems,” Griselda muttered, holding out a hand for her lance, “they’re trying to give cover while the rest form a pike wall, look!”

Cora nodded, gripping her sword tightly. For a moment she thought of simply plunging it into Griselda’s back, but…

No, Cora thought miserably, she put me here because she knew I wouldn’t… it would doom our defense. She sighed, looking at the enemy lines and feeling her heartbeat pick up at the sheer number of lizards. She’d been conscripted in the tail end of the last war, the Lizards had already been nearly defeated, and she was used to panicked wave tactics, terrifying, but ultimately no match for disciplined Amazons. Seeing her enemy lowering spears and advancing steadily both humanized them, and made them more intimidating.

“Give them a few arrow volleys,” Griselda ordered, “as soon as the front rank starts to waver, I’ll personally lead the charge.”

Sparks crackled in the air around them suddenly, startling the horses and causing some of the amazons to jump in surprise. It passed, and they quickly reformed their ranks, groups of their own archers sending projectiles back to the enemy, the immense amazon bows impaling the scaled invaders.

“They’re starting to bring magic down on us,” Cynthia said, gritting her teeth as she focused on deflecting enemy spells.

“Goddess, they’re strong…” Isabelle muttered, blinking and wiping sweat from her brow as she lifted her hand again, muttering another invocation, “there are three… no four of them.”

Cynthia’s eyes went wide as she saw a shield she’d made in midair crack as a lightning bolt descended on it from a clear sky, “I-Isabelle, they’re good, what do we do?”

“Hold the line girl,” she hissed through gritted teeth, “just keep anything from hitting our soldiers and we’ll win this with steel.”

“My thoughts exactly,” Griselda muttered, readying her lance, “prepare to sound the charge-“

Isabelle screamed in pain suddenly, a red bolt of fire spreading across her robe as she struggled to put it out. Cynthia whirled around and with a flick of her wrist the flames were out, but the damage was done. A series of fireballs rained down on the unprotected Amazon line, and with screams of pain the immense women were forced back, hefting their shields uselessly as the green horde chittered and hissed excitedly at the smell of cooking meat. Cynthia muttered a quick prayer, holding her hands up and renewing the shield, watching as ripples spread across the air where enemy spells attempted to rain down on them.

“Get up!” Griselda shouted at Isabelle, looking with snarling features back at the lizards, “we need to-“ her eyes widened as she looked back at the fortress, seeing the wave of green scaled monsters surging out of the trees, weapons high as they ran towards her walls, where the civilians were... “Goddess no,” she whispered, “Cora, prepare to sound retreat-“

“We can’t!” Cora hissed, drawing her sword, “they’re closing on us!”

It was true, the lizards were now marching in a decent lock step down the main street of the town, pikes lowered as more arrows and spears arced overhead from their rear ranks. Cynthia buckled under the weight of another salvo of spells, the sky rippling with lightning as she did her best to hold back assaults from multiple lizardfolk mages.

Griselda looked at the fortress, then at the enemy, and sighed, “we have no choice, we will charge and try to disburse them as quickly as possible.”

Cora nodded, grim as the front ranks clanged, battle cries echoing out as the two forces reached one another and steel began flashing between the two sides as the melee began in earnest.

“I-I can’t hold these spells by myself!” Cynthia whimpered. She shot a glance back at Isabelle, who was just struggling to her feet. With a grunt the other mage managed to channel her own power towards holding back the enemy spells with her, but they were still outnumbered and soon to be overpowered.

“Hold the line!” Hardstone shouted as Amazons on the wall of the fortress fired arrows down into the advancing mob. There was a flash of light, then a wave of heat that blew her hair back as the gates collapsed inward. She drew her pistol, eyes wide as she saw the snapping jaws of the lizard folk rushing at her, their blades flashing.

“HEY YOU!” Argus shouted, “CATCH!” a small clay pot hurtled overhead, a fizzing fuse on the end, there was a clank as it landed in the midst of the lizards, then a second explosion rang out, an orange-yellow mushroom shaped plume that send the creatures screaming in pain as they were tossed about.

The dwarf was at her side suddenly, a group of women and men with spears behind him as he hefted his axe. From on top of the wall Tom shouted, firing his pistols at the few lizards who were trying to crawl away from the crater where Argus’s bomb had gone off. On either side of him Cassidy and his ranch hands loosed their massive arrows, breaking the charge completely as groups of men and Little Sisters scurried to pile boxes and debris in front of the now opened and exposed gate.

“Tha’ won’t hold them for long,” Argus shouted, “they’ve got a mage out there with ‘em!”

“Use another bomb on them!” Hardstone said, looking down at the dwarf eagerly, “we’ll take fire true, but if you keep tossing those-“

“How many underfather damned bombs do yah think I carry woman!?” Argus spat. He shook his axe, “I’m down tah this an mah blunderbuss!”

From up on the wall Tom cried out in pain, and a moment later Cassidy was carrying him down the stairs into the courtyard while he held a hand on a bleeding shoulder.

“f*ck!” Tom shouted angrily, “f*ck f*ck f*ckKK!!!”

A pair of men ran up to top, bandages ready, as Cassidy slowly lowered him down. Hardstone and Argus followed them, and Argus scowled as Tom moved his hand away from his shoulder.

“It barely nicked yah, I’ve had worse cuts shaving mah head yah blubbering baby!”

“It doesn’t hurt,” Tom said, snarling angrily and gesturing at the spreading red stain from the shallow cut, “this is a gods damned silk shirt! It’s ruined!”

Cassidy stared at him a moment, then burst into laughter, causing him to grunt as she picked him up in a powerful embrace. He grunted as she squeezed him, then swayed slightly, steadying himself as she put him back down.

“Get back up on that wall!” Hardstone ordered, but as soon as she said it a trio of lightning bolts cracked down, blowing chunks of stone everywhere and causing rubble to rain down on them as the enemy mage forced their Amazon archers to abandon their positions.

“No dice,” Tom muttered, “we can’t hold any position for too long with that mage out there, we need a plan to deal with him or we’re just picking which part of the fort to die in.”

Hardstone looked at him, then at the gate, the pathetic pile of rubble and debris their only defense as a handful of Amazons stood amidst smaller men and women, bows and hunting spears ready as they braced for an inevitable assault.

“Goddess damn all of this!” she swore, “Thomas, you’re in command!” before any of them could reply, she sprinted in the direction of the tower.

Dirk closed his eyes, feeling the tingling on the back of his neck. With little else to do while his friends fought for their lives, he’d sat, cross legged, in the center of the bedroom. The sounds of battle from outside were a distant distraction as he focused on that magic sense, his shin occasionally throbbing ominously as spells were cast outside. It was difficult, and required concentration, but an experienced Imperial anti-mage could guess distance and direction of spellcasting…

His eyes shot open as he heard the lock on his door click, and a moment later it swung open. Hardstone walked in, a stern look on her face as she tossed his rifle, pistols, powder horn, and bag of shot in front of him. They made eye contact a moment, and then he smirked.

“Can I help you Hardstone?” he asked.

“Can you?” she repeated back at him, “or am I just a fool woman grasping at straws?”

“There are four mages in Rain’s End,” he said calmly, “three are using standard elemental magic, the fourth I think is attempting to perform necromancy, but I can’t be sure. There is a fifth mage, primarily using elemental magic, just beyond this fortress. He’s in the jungle but he will be close enough to have line of sight on what he’s attacking.”

Hardstone sighed, “come on then.”

Dirk grinned smugly, standing up and reaching for his weapons, feeling the comforting familiar weight around his waist and across his back as he slung his rifle over his shoulder. Next he retrieved his hat from the bed, setting it on his head and turning to face hardstone, a grim look on his face as he followed behind her.

As he heard the shouts, clattering steel, and explosions outside he couldn’t help but smirk, thinking of something the drill seargant had used to say during his training, war’s a play and the soldiers are extras, but to the bastards you kill you’ll always be playing the lead… he pulled his rifle from its scabbard as he walked into the chaotic courtyard behind Hardstone, it’s showtime…


Play your favorite battle music over the next chapter I guess. Thanks to everyone reading so far, hope the ride is enjoyable as we enter the climax.

Chapter 14: A Sharp Rifle


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Griselda’s massive draft horse thundered down on the lizards, her lance skewering them as the hissing mob parted. Her battle cry thundered over them, the cavalry behind her amplifying her shout as she swept the enemy before her. In spite of all the thunder and glory it was a desperation move, and as the lizards scattered in her wake, they quickly reformed their ranks, scurrying to restore order as Griselda led her column of horsewomen down an alley between buildings.

It had been a desperation tactic of course, scattering the lizards and allowing the Amazons to break up, becoming less of a target for spells. Griselda glanced back at Cynthia, unconscious and splayed across the back of her saddle like a deer after a hunt, it had been all she could do to grab up the smaller mage when her stance had wavered under the weight of the incoming magical attack. For her part, Isabelle had gone with the foot, and as much as Griselda had wanted to keep the mage at her side, she knew that Cora’s squad would need her more.

She sighed angrily as she brought her horse around, readying her force for an attempt at hit and run charges throughout the town as the lizards advanced, breaking off to fight the amazons piecemeal. She spared one final glance back at the fortress, every Amazon instinct told her to charge back there… but it was just what the lizards wanted. All she could do was pray that the skeleton force and the Little Sisters in the fortress could hold out.

Men of Camford stop your dreaming! Can’t you see their spearpoints gleaming?” Tom’s voice bellowed as he sang, firing his pistols over the flimsy barricade as the lizards surged forward again. The silk white shirt was covered in a mix of blood from his cut and black powder stains, and the lyrics to his song were drowned out by the war cries of the four amazons around him, loosing arrows along with the rest of the militia as they struggled to hold back the tide.

There was a flash and fireballs blew apart a row of boxes and debris just to Tom’s left, causing the Little Sisters defending it to fall back, arms in front of their faces to shield from the heat as the Lizards cried out in hissing triumph.

“We’re being blown to pieces!” Cassidy snarled, letting her bowstring twang as another spear sized arrow launched into the enemy ranks. The lizards were gathering for another charge, it would no doubt come with a new wave of spells, sweeping their meager defenses away like a sandcastle before the tide.

“Hold!” Hardstone shouted, a pistol in her hand as she scurried up alongside Tom, scanning the battlements.

“Nice of you tah rejoin us,” Argus scowled, hefting his axe in his hand, “were yah using the little girl’s room!?”

“Just hold,” Hardstone muttered.

Tom glanced at the woman’s gunbelt and raised an eyebrow, “I notice you’re missing one of those fancy pepperbox guns.”

“I’m a banker, I don’t mind loaning things,” Hardstone snapped.

Dirk twirled the pepperbox revolver once, twice, then holstered it, pleased he had a good idea of the weight. Four shots in a single gun had seemed rather decadent for a sharpshooter, but at the same time he felt he’d make better use of them than the little woman would.

For now though, he gripped his rifle as he crept along the abandoned walls, approaching where the gate had been. Breathing out slowly he poked his head just slightly over, peering down at the gathered lizards.

No, you won’t be with them will you, he thought, setting the barrel of the gun on the stone to steady it as he peered down the sights. He looked beyond the gathered lizards to the jungle behind them, you’re probably the type who likes to come out, do your spell, and then go back out of range of the arrows… he smirked as he saw a trio of lizards slowly walk out of the shrubbery, the center one wearing an ornate feathered headdress. If there was one constant across all cultures, it was that magic users loved wearing things that made them stand out. Dirk licked his lips and slowly co*cked the gun, enjoying the soft click as he readied it to fire.

Nyss readied the fireballs as Thoth looked on, hissing smugly as he imagined the humans roasting alive behind their pathetic barricade. The orbs appeared in air as the lizards below cheered and clacked their claws, readying for the final charge and the feast that would follow.


Nyss’s head jerked backwards, exploding outward as the lizard mage toppled over. Thoth blinked, it had happened so fast it took a moment to register, he looked up, scanning for any sign of a human mage as panic welled within him, what kind of mage could be so powerful as to strike a foe dead without warning like that!?

The soldiers paused, looking up, stunned as he was, as the summoned fireballs fizzled out pathetically. A cheer went up from the human ranks, and then a rain of arrows renewed, causing hisses of pain and confusion as their ranks faltered, falling back.

Got you, you bastard, Dirk thought with a grin as he stood up, sprinting across the walls for the stairs. As he ran, he poured more powder down the barrel, leaping down the last few steps as he pulled the ramrod free from its housing, stuffing a new lead ball down the barrel in a smooth and practiced motion. Whippings for the man who fires less than three times a minute! he breathed out, forcing the memory of his drill sergeant away again as he focused on the task at hand.

“Now that was some shot,” Tom called, waving his white hat as Dirk ran up to the front lines, “they won’t dare try to take the fortress now!”

“I need to get to the town,” Dirk said, causing Tom’s smile to falter.

“W-What?” Tom blinked, “Dirk you can’t go through that,” he jerked his thumb at the hissing mass of lizards, even without their mage it seemed they intended to remain at the entrance.

“We’ll charge them,” Hardstone muttered, “Thomas, gather your women and tell them to be ready to sortie on my command.” She looked at Dirk, “you’ll have a few minutes at most to slip away before we retreat back in here, I will not fight these things out in the open.”

“Ah hell,” Cassidy muttered, drawing her sword, “Tom, stay behind me, Dirk…” she shrugged, “try not to do anything more foolish than you normally do, if I never taste those cinnamon rolls again, I don’t know how I’ll go on.”

Hardstone motioned with her remaining gun, “CHARGE!” the small woman climbed over the barricade, leaping down as Tom, Argus, and the four Amazon ranch hands followed, swords up and guns firing. The rest of the men and women climbed after them, spears and bows in hand as the lizards were pushed back by the unexpected assault. While they lacked the armor or the weaponry of the Amazon soldiers, the ferocity and the confusion in the serpentine foe’s ranks proved enough to gain ground in front of the fortress while the Lizards struggled for order.

Dirk saw his chance, and as the battle raged, he ran towards the town, where another side of the battle raged with mages still calling down spells. The tingling in his head seemed to call him, like the scent of a wounded animal before a trained hound.

Cora waded into combat with the small group of lizards, her blade flashing as it blocked their blows. With a scream she launched a ferocious strike on the biggest one, standing chest high to her. It shrieked a final time as Cora’s blade slashed across its torso, causing it to tumble over as the rest that had followed it down the alley in pursuit of Cora’s unit backed away, nervousness replacing the glee of pursuit.

“COME ON!” she shouted, baring her teeth behind her steel helm as the women behind her shouted, coming to her side as they met the foe.

Dirk ducked behind the tavern, watching a row of the hissing lizards scurry by, only peeking out when he was sure they were gone. With light feet he slowly entered the building, then, seeing it empty, he bounded up the stairs. He’d heard fighting maybe a street over, and if memory served, the tavern overlooked several side streets and had windows in all the upstairs rooms…

Cora’s blood ran cold as she saw a robed lizard walk into the alley behind its fellows, a staff in hand, “BRACE FOR MAGIC!” she shouted, causing panic to ripple through the line as the women pulled back.

The lizard snarled, a grin over its horrifying face as a snakelike tongue tasted the air. A hissing language emanated from it and Cora felt her vision began to go dark. Around her the other amazons clutched at their throats, choking on the very air as they fell to their knees. Spots appeared in Cora’s eyes as she fell to her knees. Seeing the towering women falter, the lizards ran forward, swords high for the slaughter.


Cora blinked as she saw the lizard mage stagger, surprise on his face as red blossomed from his chest. A moment later he fell.

Cora felt a grin stretch across her face as she realized she recognized that sound, Dirk!? She laughed, a sense of warmth spreading in her chest as she realized her beloved had taken to the battlefield. With a roar she charged the scaled enemies that had penned them in the alley, and a moment later the rest of the amazons with her joined, their cries drowning out the fearful hissing as the warrior women swarmed forward.

“For it’s over the mountains and over the main,” Dirk sang softly to himself as he reloaded the rifle, “through Elven fire, and mermaid waves-“ he stopped, his blood running cold as he heard someone enter the tavern downstairs.

Throwing his rifle over his shoulder he scurried down the stairs, drawing the pepperbox pistol and his own service piece as he swept the tavern’s main room.

“Ah… you musst be the human who killed my colleague? I saw you enter this place… perhapss you would wissh to test your courage face to face, rather than from a window, sstriking ass a coward?”

The lizard was a mage by the feathered headdress, though unlike the others he’d seen so far, he had a curved sword in hand. It grinned as he fired his pistol, the air shimmering as the bullet hit a wall of condensed air inches from the mage’s face.

“I am familiar with your boomstickss human!” it laughed. Dirk’s eyes went wide and he dove behind the bar as the air where he’d been standing burst into flames. His shin burned as the rune carved into his bone blocked the spell from following him, causing the lizard to frown. “How odd, you sseem to be… unseen to my magic…” Dirk popped up from behind the bar, leveling his rifle and firing, the more powerful charge rocketing into the lizard and causing it to stagger, the blue shield nearly failing as the flattened musket ball fell to the floor. “You are not so invisible to my eyess!” it hissed angrily, and Dirk dove again as lightning lanced from the creature’s fingers, striking the bottles behind the bar and causing glass and wine to burst forth, coating him as he crawled along the floor behind the meager cover.

Elemental magic is will based, his instructor’s voice echoed, break their concentration and suddenly those fireballs won’t even light a pipe. He looked around, hoping to find anything that would flash or make a big noise. His eyes landed on a bottle of cask strength bottled rum, and he grinned, grabbing it in one hand and co*cking his pistol with the other. Make them scared or make them mad, easiest way to do it… now what would piss off a scaley son of a bitch?

“That tail of yours is going to taste real damn good with red pepper flakes!” he shouted.

The lizard paused, blinking, “you feast on the flessh of the chossen?” it balked, “foul lying human, you will burn for that!”

“No lies,” Dirk called, “you come over here to eat us, it’s only natural for a fella like me to take a few bites out of you and yours… Lizardfolk taste a lot like… fish, I guess, catfish, bottom feeders.”

“I sshall devour your ssoul!” the lizard screamed. From the way the bar he was hiding behind suddenly burst into splinters he knew he was getting under the thing’s scales.

Dirk stumbled across the room, firing his pepperbox twice and grinning as he saw the thing’s shield cracking under the pistol bullets, the lizard itself staggering back as the force carried through. He kicked a table over, ducking behind it as he laughed as loudly and as madly as he could.

The room was burning now, the lizard’s spells having caught on the wood of the bar and the stairs, yellow flames licked the ceiling, and Dirk could taste the smoke on his tongue as the room began to get hazy.

“Now me, I always like my lizardfolk fried,” Dirk called, “I wonder if I ever ate anyone you knew?”

“YOU WILL BURN ABOMINATION!” the lizard howled, clawed hands trembling with rage as it struggled to summon fire.

Dirk stood up with a grin, tossing the bottle in the lizard’s direction. He fired the pistol two more times, emptying it as the shield shattered and fell. The bottle of rum burst on the lizard’s snout, causing it to stumble backwards as the potent liquid ran down the creature’s body, making contact with the small sparks it was trying to summon in its hands. A screaming hiss rang out through the tavern as flames licked up the lizard’s body, all focus gone as it flailed madly. It stumbled into the already burning remnants of the bar, the fires shooting higher as it fell, consumed by the inferno it had created.

Dirk coughed, running for the door as the rest of the tavern quickly caught, the wooden furniture and walls billowing with flame. He stopped at the door a moment, sniffing the air in confusion. He looked back at the dead lizard one last time.

I’ll be damned, Dirk thought, it does smell a little like catfish.

Griselda couldn’t believe it, somehow, they were routing the enemy. The lizards poured through the streets, panicked, disarrayed as her cavalry thundered over them.

Goddess, it’s a miracle, she thought, stunned.

“Cousin!” Isabelle called, marching at the front of several archers, “We’ve cleared them completely out of the north end of town.”

“Don’t speak so soon,” Griselda said, watching the lizards forming up for a new attack. One of their mages stepped out behind them, hissing to the sky as the wind picked up.

Isabelle’s teeth clenched, and the wind calmed. For a moment sparks danced in the air as the two mages battled wills, then suddenly the lizard on the far end of the battle lifted off the ground, twisting it’s neck at an unnatural angle. It fell to the ground with a thump that echoed, causing the rest of the lizards to pause in their attack.

“They’re not so tough when there’s only one,” Isabelle muttered, blue sparks dancing along her fingers as the amazons rushed into the now defenseless lizards. She spared a glance at Cynthia, still out cold and tossed over the back of Griselda’s saddle, “I don’t suppose we can find a place to dispose of her?

“Call me superstitious,” Griselda muttered, “but if the Goddess is blessing me, I don’t wish to spit in her eye by harming a priestess, even that one.” She watched the lizards, decimated and driven back as they were cut down by her own soldiers.

“Looks like we’ve won,” Cora said, coming to her side, “what are your orders, Lady Griselda?”

“Drive them out of town, then rally everyone to relieve the fortress,” Griselda said, “I do wonder what happened to those mages… did one of our archers simply get lucky?”

Cora smirked, “you didn’t hear the rifle shots?”

“I took it for conjured thunder and lightning,” Griselda growled, “do you mean to tell me-“

“He’s here,” Cora said, “and even after everything it still looks like he wants to save us, thank the goddess.”

Isabelle frowned, then her eyes went wide, “call off the pursuit, we need to go to the fortress now!”

Griselda raised an eyebrow, “we’ve got them on the run, what could possibly-“ she stopped, sniffing the air, her nose wrinkling at the unmistakable scent of decay.

The lizards at the far end of town chattered, chanting something in their foreign tongue as lumbering shapes began to crawl out from the jungle. Razorlizards, Goldscales, even their own fallen comrades, wounds gushing, flies buzzing, eyes glassed over with death, a wall of the undead slouched and stumbled forward, fell moans echoing over the battlefield as more of the dead began to stir.

Dirk ran through the back alleys, cursing under his breath as he felt the wave of necromantic energy tingle across his skin. He could almost taste it, an acidic feeling like he’d swallowed a cup full of vinegar. Raising the dead was almost always an ugly thing, and he didn’t even want to think about what a sorcerer of any race would have to do to get this kind of energy together for it…

Ku’luc Deadspeaker lifted his hands high, thanking his demonic patrons with a hissing laugh as his army of the unliving marched upon the amazons, hungry moans echoing over the screaming and the clanging of steel as the Amazons struggled to hold back the tide of corpses. He lifted his claws with a flourish, gleefully raising each new body as soon as the life left it, soon none but the dead would walk the streets of Rain’s End.

Cora screamed defiantly as she hacked a staggering undead lizard to pieces, panting as she saw more crowding around her. The still living lizards were hanging back, smug looks on their faces while the walking corpses thinned the Amazon ranks for them. She growled, bashing an undead razorlizard into the dirt as a lizardfolk zombie grasped at her arm, shattering its teeth on her armor and grabbing on with an icy iron grip.

Cora staggered, and another set of clammy clawed fingers grasped at her, and for a moment she was sure she’d tumble into the dirt, where the things would pry her armor off and feast upon her flesh. Suddenly the one on her arm was sliced in half, the moaning lizard falling to the dirt as a massive spear skewered its head.

“Steady yourself Cora,” Griselda said, amused as she twirled her spear skillfully, “come, we’re pulling back, the dead are numerous but unskilled, if we just-“

A terrifying low roar interrupted their conversation, and Cora’s heart fell as the ground shook. A monstrous Goldscale, a rotten chunk missing from it’s side and exposing bone, lumbered towards them, dead eyes flashing hungrily. The creature’s toothed maw hung open, large enough to gore an Amazon in a single bite.

Griselda’s eyes went wide, “a-archers!” she shouted, turning to run for the line. Cora followed her, and as the arrows buried themselves in the thing’s flesh Cora heard it roar again, undeterred by the injuries to long dead flesh.

Dirk watched as the massive dinosaur thundered towards the Amazon lines, undead thrall, he thought, destroy the head or remove the brain… He hefted his rifle, then paused, his previous kill on a Goldscale had been with the think running directly at him, across level ground. He sighed and kept his brisk walk through the alley behind the town’s main street. The best way to deal with an undead horde, is to simply kill what’s powering them, he remembered. The corpses would still walk for a few moments after that, but they’d rapidly return to their rest.

He didn’t have to look far, where the other lizards had worn feathered head dresses this one wore a scull cap more similar to Diana’s priestesses, only he didn’t stop there. Bones covered the lizard mage, and not bleached and cleaned ones, but yellowed ones that gave off a rank odor even from where Dirk was, flies buzzed around the sorcerer as a small group of about a dozen lizards stood in ranks around him.

Dirk cursed his luck, most necromancers were at least a little mad, few thought to guard themselves this well, four shots from the pepperbox, one from your service pistol, and one from the rifle… he thought grimly, then you’re down to fists and your knife.

He heard a scream, and looked down the street to see an amazon scurrying backwards, knocked over by a swipe of the undead dinosaur’s tail as the rest of the lizards chittered excitedly, moving up behind the undead wave as the amazon line faltered. His heart leapt as the woman’s helmet tumbled off, revealing Cora’s terrified face as she hefted her sword.

He breathed out slowly, steadying himself as adrenaline threatened to throw off his composure. He took one step forward, then another, picking up speed as he began a sprint. The reaction from the hungry dead and their master was instant, and the world slowed as he drew his service pistol.

Aim carefully, carve a path, the first shot sent one of the things back to the grave, and he tossed his pistol away as he brought his now free hand up to steady his other gun, *crack*crack* *crack* *CRACK!* four of the finest shots of a long career parted the rotting guards from the shocked sorcerer, clean holes in the ghoul’s foreheads appearing as they fell. Dirk looked the shocked necromancer in the eys and unslung his rifle, but his triumph was short lived. One of the walking corpses slammed into his side just as he pulled the trigger, and he cursed as he saw necromancer hiss in pain, clutching a scaled leg as blood sprouted from between the rotten bone armor. He brought his rifle up, clubbing the thing away with the brass coated butt of the long gun, but as he became surrounded he screamed in exertion and anger as it was pried from his hands.

“You have failed human!” the lizard hissed, “feasst upon him my children!”

Dirk’s knife came out, and making eye contact with the creature, he leapt, savoring the look of surprise and horror as he bowled into the lizard. They fell to the dirt together, knife and claws slashing as training and plans were forgotten and replaced by rank savagery. Dirk screamed in pain as claws raked his back, tearing his shirt as he brought the knife down. The lizard caught it, hissing furiously as they rolled in the dirt, struggling for the blade as the circling dead slowly shuffled in on them.

“Look!” one of the amazons called, Cora’s head turned, and she gasped as she saw Dirk fighting the final lizard mage, cheers echoed out from the amazon line, and they surged forward one final time.

Dirk cried out and put all of his remaining strength into one final thrust of the knife, plunging it into the lizard mage’s chest. It spasmed one more time, clawed hands slashing down dirk’s forearm and causing a wound he couldn’t even feel through the fury that had overtaken him.

As soon as his foe was dead, he collapsed, the wounds and exhaustion of the battle catching up to him all at once. He huffed, slowly rolling off the bleeding lizard. The ghoulish faces of the reanimated lizards were ringing above him now, intent on using their last few minutes of unlife to feast upon him.

“Choke on ‘em,” Dirk muttered, closing his eyes and waiting for the end.

Suddenly he heard a woman screaming, and his eyes shot open, he saw the undead horde hacked away, and a massive armored form towered over him.

“I’ve got you,” Griselda muttered, leaning down and scooping him up. He grunted as he was tossed over her shoulder, her sword hacking a path to freedom as the magic animating the undead began to dissipate. He watched, numb, as they collapsed one by one.

“To the fortress!” Griselda ordered, holding her sword high.

Cassidy sighed, “Looks like they’re going to make one last charge, mage or no mage,” she muttered, looking over the barricade.

Tom co*cked his pistols and looked to Argus, who hefted his axe, “Well ladies, gentlemen, if this is it, it’s been fun.”

The lizards outside prepared their charge, surging forward in a mad frenzy, but they faltered, and then began crying out in fear as a new battle cry echoed over the clicking of claws and the hissing of forked tongues. The amazon soldiers charged out of Rain’s end, sweeping the lizards besieging the fortress before them, Griselda rode at their front, a lowered lance parting her foes like a knife through butter.

“I’ll be damned,” Cassidy said with a smile, “I think we’ve won…”

“Won what?” Tom asked, glancing at Hardstone, who was cheering with the others at the sight of their liege lady, thundering to the rescue, “I think we’ve got other things on our plate before we talk about dessert…”

Dirk wasn’t sure exactly when he’d passed out, or if it had been from blood loss, exhaustion, or something else, but as he blinked himself awake, he realized he was back in Griselda’s ornate bedroom. His wounds were dressed, his body cleaned, and his clothes most decidedly missing. For a moment he wondered who had cleaned him up, but he sighed and rolled his eyes as he lifted the blanket and saw that the hair around his manhood had been expertly shorn away.

Cynthia, he thought with a chuckle, you just couldn’t help yourself…

He looked up as the door opened, seeing Cora and Griselda enter, both similarly cleaned and unarmored. He smiled at Cora, but gazed warily at the noblewoman, and she too had a conflicted look on her face.

“How long was I out?” he groaned.

“The rest of the day and through the night,” Griselda said, her mouth a flat line.

“Everyone saw you,” Cora said softly. The bed creaked as she sat next to him, her massive form looming over him as she ran a hand through his blond hair, “you’re the talk of every Amazon in town, none of them have ever seen anything like that…”

“Nor have I,” Griselda admitted with a sigh, “you slew four enemy mages, if not for you we’d all likely be dead…”

“I don’t suppose you’re grateful enough to break off our engagement?” Dirk asked, glaring at her.

Griselda refused to meet his gaze, “T-This is proof of everything I’ve been saying,” she said, her voice wavering. “We need to modernize; we need to be more organized.” She sighed, “I… I wish things had happened differently, that I’d made different decisions, but I have come too far to simply turn back. I will have the gold and I will have you.” Griselda gave what she probably believed to be a kind smile, “we can all work together, shape this region, this nation!

“You could have come to my aunt and uncle with that offer,” Dirk said darkly, “instead they’re dead and here I am.”

Griselda was quiet a moment, then nodded, “I see… the mood is rather… celebratory, our wedding will occur tonight. With their victorious lady and the legendary mage killing boy being betrothed, I imagine the party will be the greatest one this town has ever seen… if nothing else, you’ve certainly become a legend here in your own right. I am certain that in time you will agree with me that this was in everyone’s best interest.”

Dirk resisted the urge to tell her to go to hell, wincing slightly at the soreness of his body as he forced himself to sit up. Cora didn’t look at Griselda either, simply smiling down at Dirk and sighing sadly.

“Take this time together as a gift from me,” Griselda muttered, “I will… see you both in the evening.”

She turned to go, shutting the door behind her and leaving them alone.

“That’s a hell of a thanks for saving her ass,” Dirk said angrily. He sighed and leaned back, “did Cassidy make it? Argus?”

“They’re fine,” Cora said with a smile, “Tom too.” She giggled a moment, “I uh… I had nothing to do with what Cynthia did while you were asleep, by the time I saw she’d… groomed you down there, it was already too late. I scolded her as best I could under the circ*mstances.”

“It’s all right,” he sighed, rolling his eyes and fighting a laugh, “I don’t know why she’s so insistent that I look better bare down there though…”

Cora bit her lip, sliding her hand under the covers and causing him to start as she wrapped a hand around him, letting one finger and extend over the now shaved skin around his manhood. He groaned and leaned back again as she slowly ran a hand up and down.

“I kind of like it,” Cora teased, “it makes a man look clean, you know?”

“Do you want one more ride before they march me down the aisle at spearpoint?” he asked with a grin.

“My thoughts exactly,” she said, throwing back the blanket and admiring his naked body, the new scars pale white across flesh that had been healed by magic. She bit her lip, admiring them as she stood up, undressing slowly so he could view her in turn. She’d never have expected she’d be attracted to such things in a man, but with Dirk it was different… she liked knowing he was dangerous, formidable… it gave her a rush to be with a man like this, and as she dropped the last of her clothing away and climbed on top of him, she couldn’t help but trace a finger over one, remembering the way he’d looked as he’d charged their foe.

“Go easy,” he winced with a grin as the amazon mounted him, “I’m still healing up!”

“Cynthia says nothing’s broken, and they healed your wounds as soon as my father finished stitching them,” Cora said smugly, “you might feel a little tired but you’re no more fragile than usual.”

“That’s still pretty fragile to a woman like you,” he grunted as Cora thrust her hips down on him, driving him into the bed.

“You haven’t broken yet!” she said, sighing blissfully as her hips bucked against his in a forceful motion that caused him to hiss in a mix of pleasure and pain.

He reached up, trying to wrap his hands around her, but she just laughed and almost casually pinned his hands, the motion of her hips against his like a steady hammer on an anvil, each strike causing him to gasp as Cora’s thighs tightened around him like an unruly horse. He bucked like one in response, and like an animal she meant to break she just tightened her grip, forcing his wrists together and holding them in place with a single one of her hands while she grunted and groaned, riding him and shattering his resistance.

“Yes!” she cried, her eyes going wide as she smiled, gushing over him and impaling herself upon his manhood again and again as he began to spasm out of control, his eyes nearly rolling back in his head before the unstoppable onslaught of the amazon’s lovemaking.

He blinked a few times, panting as his climax subsided, enjoying the feeling of the amazon on top of him, pinning him, even after they’d finished. Breathing out slowly Cora climbed off of him, curling up in the bed next to him and simply holding him a moment, surrounding him with herself as her powerful arms pulled him into her chest.

“I love you,” she whispered quietly, letting her hands run through his hair again.

“You’re not going to let this happen, are you?” he asked, more of a realization than a question.

“I will be objecting, and I’ll be bringing my sword,” she replied quietly, “she may kill me, she may order her guards to strike me down right there in front of everyone, but I don’t care.”

“Cora…” he said slowly, “you don’t need to-“

“You didn’t need to charge out of that fortress and shoot your way through those monsters, but you did anyway,” Cora replied, “I’ll bring two swords, one for myself and one for her, and we’ll see who the goddess really favors.”

Dirk nodded, sighing as he realized nothing he could say would deter her, and in truth he wasn’t sure he wanted to. This had to end, one way or another…

“Just hold me for a little while then,” he said in a low voice, and he allowed himself a smile as her grip on him tightened.


The song Tom sings is a variation of "Men of Harlech," the song Dirk briefly sings is a variation of "Twa Recruiting Sergeants"

Hope you enjoyed the battle, up next we've got the wedding of the century to cap off this tale.

Chapter 15: An Objection


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Rain’s End had no place to house everyone who wanted to attend the wedding of Dirk Sommer and Lady Griselda. The temple, and indeed the lady’s own hall, were too small for the mix of Amazons, Little Sisters, and Men who wished to view it. It was finally decided that the pair would march together down the main street of the town, and ultimately be married in front of the temple, in view of the citizens and soldiers.

Dirk stared down from Griselda’s window, as he had during the battle. A pair of servants had brought him a set of pristine white robes, a traditional wedding outfit for men in the Queendom. Dirk was letting them lay on the bed, spitefully refusing to put them on. He was sure he’d be forced into them at some point, but he wouldn’t make it easy.

A messenger from Griselda had called Cora away a few hours ago, no doubt intending to keep the rival for Dirk’s affections far away from the ceremony. They’d shared a final look as she left, and he sighed, knowing that nothing short of death would stop her from coming for him.

The door opened, and he turned to see Griselda’s cousin Isabelle walking in, a smug smile on her face, “The lizardfolk’s altar has been purified, they will no longer be able to come through it,” she said, closing the door behind her, “I am here to ensure you are prepared for your ceremony.” She frowned, looking at the wedding robes on the bed, “is there any reason you aren’t dressed yet?”

“Sorry but my enthusiasm is somewhat lacking,” he said, putting his hands on his belt as he sized her up, “I’m starting to wonder if I shot the wrong mages.”

Isabelle chuckled, “you’re a fiery one, if those skills of yours could be turned to your new wife’s direction you would be a great asset to her, and happier for it.” She moved towards him, placing her staff against the wall. “Put the robes on,” she ordered.

Dirk crossed his arms, “I’d rather not.”

He stared up at the amazon a moment, and then with a snarl she leapt at him. He grunted as her arms swept him up, pinning him to the bed as he struggled like a madman against her with all of his might. It was useless of course, Isabelle was no warrior, but she was nine feet tall, and stronger than any man would ever be. He gritted his teeth, shouting obscenities at her as her hands came down, slowly tying a pink ribbon around his neck.

“Silence!” she ordered, and although he wanted nothing more than to tell her to go to hell, he shut his mouth. She smiled, letting him up, “good boy, now stand.” The ribbon compelled him up, and he waited, at attention, a hateful glare in his eyes. Isabelle just rolled her eyes, walking around him and taking him in with a smirk as he found himself unable to move.

“You’re really going to make me wear a compliance ribbon for this?” he hissed angrily.

“One far more powerful than the standard issue,” she replied idly, “most of the measures in place for a man’s safety have been removed, I don’t wish to take any chances with a man who can slay four lizardfolk mages.”

“I definitely shot the wrong spellcaster,” he growled.

“The impudence is adorable,” Isabelle said dismissively, “but for now you will dress and groom yourself in a pleasing manner, you will do everything you can to make yourself look nice.” She paused, “do be sure to throw a neckerchief on over that ribbon… Do we understand each other?”

“Yes,” he muttered, unable to refuse an answer.

“Good, now when my cousin’s women come to take you away you will follow them, you will behave. When you march down the aisle you will smile like it is the happiest day of your life.” She sighed happily, seeming to enjoy his defeated look, “you are not just getting married today, you’re starting your life as a proper man of the queendom, a man fitting the purpose the goddess set for him.”

He remained silent, just waiting for her to leave. He wanted nothing more than to leap at the towering woman, useless though he knew it would be, but the ribbon forced him to simply smile and nod as she left, chuckling. He noted angrily that she didn’t even bother to lock the door this time, confident the ribbon would keep him from fleeing.

With a sigh he turned towards the bed, unbuttoning his shirt as he prepared to dress himself in the ornate robes.

Tom stared at the burned ruins of the tavern, Cassidy at his side. He’d given his three ranch hands the day off, there didn’t seem to be anything to be done except attend the wedding anyways, and he’d taken to the town with Cassidy to observe the damage from the attack and try to think of what, if anything, there was left for him to do.

“I wonder where I’ll play the fiddle now?” he mused, turning away from the rubble.

“Sitting on my knee,” Cassidy said, resting a hand on his hat a moment.

He smirked and right it, he’d changed back into his usual well-trimmed black attire, the white dress duds having been completely ruined by the blood and dirt of battle. The two of them were in a somber mood, an odd contrast from the celebrating masses who passed them by. Fine ales were being opened, and it seemed people were gathering and laughing with friends and family up and down the street. Soon it would be completely packed as the latecomers finished arriving, and then they’d be jammed together by the shops as Griselda’s women cleared the streets for the procession.

Dirk my friend, I’ve done all I can do, Tom thought sadly. He sighed and looked up at Cassidy, who shared his expression.

“We’ll find a way to get him out of this,” she said quietly.

“Don’t do anything foolish today,” he reminded her, “we’ll watch, and we’ll see if anything can be done… but running out there and getting skewered by a guard won’t help a thing.”

“I cannae believe she’s foul enough tah do this, after all the lad did for ‘er!” Argus thundered, the okay scent of his whiskey soaked breath following after every word. “It’s an injustice!”

“It is,” Cynthia muttered, sparing the dwarf a glance. He’d been an unexpected guest as she’d pondered her next move, but not an unwelcome one. The diminutive man’s anger was a welcome change from the celebration of most of the town’s residence. “This… it flies in the face of everything the goddess stands for! What she created the Amazons to do!” She huffed, rubbing her temples, “I… I need to pray on this.”

“Do tha,” Argus growled, “I’m going to go find that fancy bastard Tom and his lasses… maybe see if I can’t put a little fire into their bellies.”

Cynthia watched him go, then with a sigh retreated to the back of the temple, “he’s gone,” she said quietly.

“I think we could have trusted Argus,” Cora said uncertainly.

“I think it best to keep your location known by as few people as possible,” Cynthia said, “you will hear the temple bells ring when Griselda and Dirk are outside. You can leave the temple then, and you shouldn’t have any of her guards between you and her… Do you really think she’ll duel you for Dirk’s hand?”

“She can duel me or I can run up and cut her down,” Cora muttered, “but I don’t think she’d turn down the opportunity for a one on one fight in front of the town like this.”

Behind the main hall was a small room with nothing but a statue of the Goddess and a small oil lamp. Cynthia lit the light, watching it flicker across the bronze woman for a moment, then she sat on the floor, crosslegged, and began to entreat her goddess for aid.

The crowds began to line the streets as the guards emerged from the fortress, ushering everyone out of the way as Dirk was brought out. He was seated on a massive horse, an amazon war-mount that was far too big for him. In the front an armored guardswoman held the reins, leading the beast as Dirk smiled and waved to the crowd against his will.

The white robe he wore billowed slightly behind him, it was a flowy thing that exposed his chest slightly, no doubt meant to be enticing. It certainly had the desired effect, and he could feel the leering eyes of the crowd on him as the light breeze pressed the robe against him, outlining his body. At least one Amazon, standing further back in the crowd to allow the normal sized men and women to see, outright blew him a kiss. Some of the men shot her a disapproving look, but others clapped and laughed, and the jovial atmosphere spread through the people of the Queendom lining the streets as he was led past like a condemned prisoner.

He noticed Tom and Cassidy, hanging back from the rest of the crowd, and Argus next to them, his cheeks flushed and an angry look on his face as he took another swig from his flask. Tom gave him a grim look and tipped his hat, and Cassidy tipped her rose trim hat down, hiding her eyes.

So where are you going to come from Cora? He wondered, the crowd? Or… He looked at the temple steps, where Griselda waited for him in her own ornate white dress, towering like an angelic statue. She gave him a small smile, and next to her Isabelle waited in her ceremonial robes and skull, her staff at her side.

“Greetings people of Rain’s End,” Isabelle called, walking down to where Dirk was. He felt her hands around his waist as she lifted him off the horse, almost like he was some highborn lady who couldn’t do it himself, “We are here to celebrate the union of Lady Palledia Griselda, our liege, and her beloved Dirk Sommer, of the Human Empire.” She gripped Dirk’s hand and gave him a smile that no doubt looked warm to the watchers, but to Dirk seemed sinister. She led him up the stairs of the temple, leading him like a mother would lead a small child, and soon he was staring up at Griselda’s looming form.

He was forced to watch, and to listen, a goofy smile on his face, as Isabelle began her sermon on the future, on the submission of the husband, and the duty that Griselda would have to lead and protect the household, how they would raise strong and brave daughters together…

This should be me and Cora, he thought angrily, hate boiling up in him at everything this woman wanted to steal from him, his life, his land… his love.

“Do you, Dirk Sommer, take this woman to be your wife, to submit to her guidance and accept her protection, to support and advise her as you can?” Isabelle looked at him with that same false smile, and something in him broke.

I will not speak… He gritted his teeth, fighting against every bit of his body as it tried to comply with the orders the ribbon enforced.

Isabelle frowned, “I said, do you take Lady Griselda to be your wife?”

He let out a low growl, his fists clenched and shaking. In the crowd people were murmuring, and confusion was spreading amongst the people watching. Griselda’s face grew dark, and a frown crossed her features as she shot a look at Isabelle.

“Dirk, say you take Griselda to be your wife!” she ordered.

Dirk felt pain wrack his body as the ribbon fought against him, and he cried out, falling to his knees as he put everything he had into refusing the order. The crowd was becoming agitated now, and the guards that lined the streets looked at one another, unsure of what to do.

“Say you take me for your wife!” Griselda hissed angrily.

The temple doors burst open then, startling them all. Cora strode down, her features like carved stone as she strutted down to Dirk’s side. With a flourish she tore the white neckerchief off, revealing the pink compliance ribbon on his neck and causing the crowd to gasp in horror.

“Is that-“

“She’s got the lad in a compliance ribbon?”

“What in the name of the goddess is going on!?”

The guards drew their swords, shouting orders for the crowd to get back as disorder began to break out. Griselda’s face contorted into rage as she saw that Cora had exposed her.

“The Lady Griselda is marrying this man against his will!” Cora cried, causing the crowd to gasp, anger rising in them. “Dirk Sommer fought for this town,” she nodded down to the soldiers on the street, now wavering, looking from Griselda, to Cora, to Dirk… “You all saw him!” Cora shouted as loud as she could, “you saw how he saved you from the lizardfolk sorcerers! Is this how you’d see him repayed? Sold into a marriage he doesn’t want?”

“Silence!” Griselda shouted, her face red, “guards, I am your liege lady! Arrest Cora at once!”

Cora glared down at them, and the guards hesitated, some even sheathed their weapons again, looking aways as the crowd began to shout angrily.


“He’s a hero!”

“You can’t do this!”

Cora turned back to a stunned Griselda and Isabelle, and pulled a second sword from her belt, “My lady,” she spat, “I’d like to offer you my blade one final time.”

Griselda’s eyes went wide, and with a snarl she took the offered sword from Cora, pulling it from the scabbard, “Guards!” she bellowed, “keep this rabble back while I deal with this traitor!”

“Ah dinnae think so!” a voice roared.

Argus barreled forward from the crowd, leaping forward in a tackle that caught one of the Amazon guards in the knees. The towering woman shouted in surprised, going down easily as the dwarf scurried up, shouting as he tried to pry a weapon from amazon’s hands. The rest of the crowd followed his lead, and to Griselda’s horror some of her women were simply sheathing their weapons and standing by rather than trying to force them back.

“Dirk, come!” Isabelle barked, leading him into the temple. Dirk gritted his teeth and tried to resist, his footsteps slow and shaking. With an angry sigh Isabelle simply scooped him up, tossing him over her shoulder and clasping his bottom with one hand. He wanted to swear at her as he realized she was using the opportunity to feel him up, but the ribbon didn’t let him speak out of turn. She looked back to her cousin, who was circling Cora, sword high, “I will take care of your betrothed until this matter is sorted.” Griselda spared a nod, returning her focus back to Cora.

Dirk watched as the doors were closed and Isabelle led him into the temple of Diana, the thick stone walls muffling the sounds of the riot outside. She sighed, leading him through the temple and releasing his hand, muttering angrily under her breath.

“By all rights I should just incinerate that rabble,” she muttered, “but it is a poor thing to have a priestess seen using magic on the Queendom’s citizens…” she smiled at Dirk’s angered expression, “oh? Does the boy have an opinion? Speak freely, I’m in the mood for levity.”

“Cora’s going to kill your cousin, then she’s going to come in here and kill you,” he spat.

Isabelle just chuckled, “I am the voice of the goddess boy, it is her divine will that such masculine rebellion is quashed, that the natural order be restored. Your friends will fail, and you will marry Griselda.” She regarded him a moment and he realized lust was in the priestess’s eyes, “perhaps I can indulge in some… corrective measures, I’m sure your wife to be will not mind. Tell me boy does that tongue of yours do anything but spout obscenities? I suppose I will find out.”

“You will do no such thing,” Cynthia said, walking from the rear of the temple, staff in hand.

Isabelle turned slowly, smirking at the much shorter amazon as she approached, “and does the Little Sister priestess have something she’d like to say?”

“You threaten a male, who is to be cherished and protected, under the roof of our goddess,” Cynthia said. Dirk felt the telltale pinpricks against the back of his head as magic filled the room and Cynthia’s eyes glowed blue, “you would call yourself Diana’s voice while using her gifts for wickedness, for using your divine office to facilitate injustices!”

“You can’t be serious girl!” Isabelle snarled, the cerulean glow filling her own eyes, “I’ve been practicing spellcraft since before you learned to walk- AH!” she was cut off as she was blasted across the room, the telekinetic force sending her toppling over and crashing through the pews of the temple’s main room.

“Perhaps the time has come for a test of faith,” Cynthia said, her voice low, distorted, like she was speaking from behind a rushing waterfall.

Isabelle rose, lightning crackling around her as she sneered, her eyes such a bright blue that it almost hurt Dirk to look upon them. Cynthia stood her ground calmly as the other woman roared with fury, chairs, tables, and lamps rising in the air around her.

Cora and Griselda screamed at one another, fighting like a pair of primordial titans as their swords clashed and clanged. Sparks rained down around them from the fury of the blows, and even as chaos raged around them the two saw nothing but one another.

“I have to do this Cora!” Griselda shouted defiantly, “someone needs to secure our future!”

“Through rape and murder!?” Cora screamed, emotion roiling in her voice as she brought another flurry of blows down in Griselda, slicing a billowing part of the noblewoman’s wedding dress, causing the white fabric to wave in the wind like a battle standard as Griselda hammered her own blows down from her position on the higher step.

“The world is changing Cora!” she said, driving her foe back down the stairs, “the mannish realms get stronger every year, the lizards more numerous and more hungry, the Queen would have us do what we have always done until the day we end up served for dinner or clasped in chains! Our way of life will be washed away like mud in a storm!”

Cora raised her sword, barely blocking a blow that would have split her face in two as she gritted her teeth, struggling to hold back the noblewoman’s assault. She saw her opening, and with a dramatic flourish she worked her way inside Griselda’s defenses, twisting the sword and sending it flying out of her hands with a flourish. Griselda’s eyes went wide as Cora shoved her bodily, sending her flying to the stairs. The air hissed as Cora’s sword came down, the point inches from Griselda’s neck as the woman panted in a mix of exhaustion and shock.

The crowed seemed to slow, the guards stopping their attempts to defend the temple as they looked at the scene. Silence fell, and everyone watched, waiting to see what Cora would do.

“Markus and Amaya, they were embracing the future,” Cora said softly, “and Dirk and I will too. I’ll find a way to meet whatever’s coming while remaining true to what is to be an Amazon…” She looked around a moment, “If you want a future built on… on this?” she gestured at the wedding procession, now in tatters, “I want no part of it, no good Amazon would…”

Griselda’s face fell, and she refused to meet Cora’s gaze, “Guards,” she called, her voice weak, “stand down…”

The guards looked at each other, then slowly sheathed their weapons. The crowd murmured amongst themselves, unsure of what to do. Cassidy strode forward, a rope in hand, and Cora couldn’t help but notice she was sporting a fresh black eye. She nodded at Cora, and before the assembled people she pulled Griselda to her feet, tying the Amazon noblewoman’s hands behind her back.

“Give up girl,” Isabelle shouted, lightning flying from her fingertips and crashing into the shield of air that Cynthia had prepared, “you are a weak little thing, and you always will be!”

Dirk had ducked for cover behind one of the stone pillars, watching hesitantly as the two women dueled. There was little for him to do but try to stay out of the way, though he couldn’t help but cheer internally as he saw Cynthia flick her wrist defiantly, sending the lightning flying away from her in all directions.

“The goddess does not make weak things,” Cynthia replied, her eyes shimmering, “she only gives different kinds of strength.”

“Save the platitudes for your sermons,” Isabelle snapped. Dirk’s eyes went wide as he felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. The woman was preparing a truly destructive spell, and he looked around in panic as the temple itself began to quake.

Cynthia simply took a deep breath, then exhaled, lowering her arms and ceasing her spellcasting. Isabelle cackled in triumph as energy gathered above her. Dirk wanted to scream, Cynthia was just standing there, she was…

He blinked, was she… taller?

At seven and a half feet tall Cynthia was positively short by Amazon standards, but now her staff, normally towering over her head slightly, was even with it, then shorter. Dirk watched, awestruck, as Cynthia’s ascent continued.

“W-What are you doing?” Isabelle stammered, her spell fading, “t-this isn’t possible!”

Cynthia ignored her, closing her eyes, a blissful expression on her face as she reached twenty feet tall, thirty… The high temple ceiling roof cracked, crumbling around her just before she made contact, and Dirk staggered back, looking for cover as the temple itself began to crumble like dry bread around them. He heard the terrified and shocked gasps of the people outside as Cynthia loomed overhead, a true messenger of the goddess, a statuesque and towering beauty with energy crackling in the air around her.

Cynthia gazed down, the ruins of the temple walls as those of a sand castle, coming up to her ankles as she looked imperiously at the rival priestess. She smirked, then slowly raised her boot.

“It seems the Goddess has decided who is the faithful, and who is the heretic,” Cynthia’s voice thundered.

Isabelle’s eyes went wide, and she screamed one final time as a boot the size of a house thundered down on her, wiping her from existence in a divine show of wrath. Cynthia sighed, grinding her sole back and forth for a moment, as though stubbing out an ember from a campfire. Then smiled.

Dirk blinked, and in a moment Cynthia was at her normal size, walking towards him through the ruins of the temple with a sway to her hips and a smug grin on her face, the blue sheen to her eyes gone.

“W-Was that an illusion?” Dirk managed, looking up at the sky through the destroyed temple ceiling. Cynthia just chuckled, then slipped her boot off. She held it up to him, letting him see the sole that had crushed the rival priestess, and he grimaced, nodding slowly as she slowly put her foot back in. “Real then,” he muttered, a little awed at the display of power.

“Diana protects and blesses the faithful, and is quite merciless to those who do wickedness in her name,” Cynthia commented, grasping his hand and slowly leading him to the temple door, “come, we should go to the others… Cora is waiting for you.

Cora looked up at the sky above the shattered temple, blinking in shock and wondering if she’d imagined the towering form of Cynthia a moment before. Judging by the bewildered expressions on the crowd, the guards, and Griselda herself, she wasn’t the only one. The temple doors, still standing somehow, creaked open, revealing Cynthia, who lead Dirk out slowly by the hand, a warm smile on her face.

“I see everything has gone according to the will of the goddess,” she said, looking at the tied and bound Griselda, “We will contact the queen, and her justice shall handle the rest.”

Cora nodded, “w-were you just-“

“One hundred feet tall, yes,” she said, “I had to stomp out a bit of heresy. It was difficult but the goddess provides a way.” With a flourish she tore the compliance ribbon off Dirk’s neck, and a second later it burst into flame as she tossed it away.

“Finally,” he muttered, rubbing his neck and blinking, “so…” he sighed, looking around at the crowd, who was staring up at him expectantly, “Uh… I’m not really one for big speeches, so I’m just going to say thank you to everyone.”

From the way the crowd cheered, he may as well have given a speech on par with one of the Emperor’s own.

Cassidy grinned, “well Dirk, as good as you look in those wedding robes, I’m glad you’re not getting married today.”

“Who says I’m not?” Dirk asked, looking up at Cora, who suddenly went pale at the implication.

“I’m tired from all the magic I’ve used these last few days,” Cynthia said, a predatory grin spreading over her face at Cora’s discomfort, “but I could probably manage one more miracle…”

“Tom, get your fine ass up here to be best man!” Cassidy called. She frowned as she scanned the crowd, “Tom?”

Hardstone scowled angrily as she threw documents into the leather travel bag. Griselda had clearly lost control, it would only be a matter of time before the rabble came for her and the bank. She had accounts in the Empire, she even had agents as far away as the Elven realms if it came to it, she could go elsewhere… it would be difficult of course, and she’d lose much of her assets, but she wouldn’t be starting with nothing, or more importantly rotting in a cell…

Her head shot up as she heard the massive Amazon sized door to her office open, and she sneered angrily as she saw Tom walking in, a pistol on his hip.

“Take whatever gold you want from the vault,” she snapped, “just stay out of my way!”

“I’m not here for gold today,” he said, tipping his hat at her, “I figured as soon as things got hairy, a gal like you would scurry back here…”

“And what is it to you?” she snapped, “I know more than enough about you Tom Carlyle, the last time you walked into a bank it wasn’t for business! Don’t moralize to me!”

“The name’s Tom Cat,” he said sternly, “Tom Carlyle’s dead, and Hardstone’s going to be too if she doesn’t come quietly.”

Hardstone narrowed her eyes and stepped out from behind the desk, revealing her own pistol strapped to her hip, “I’ve always wondered how I’d fare against a real Imperial gunman,” she said with a grin, “I must admit, I did pick up the pistol as a hobby as you said, but I think I’ve gotten quite good.”

“Then I’m your huckleberry,” Tom nodded.

Hardstone’s hand was a blur, but Tom’s was like lightning, and her pistol hadn’t cleared leather before a bullet ripped through the woman, a perfect strike dead in the center of her chest. She had just enough time for a surprised expression before she tumbled backwards onto her desk, her pistol falling from her hand as her blood stained the documents.

“You’d have been fast,” Tom muttered, turning to leave, “but you only need to meet one person faster.”

“What’d I miss?” Tom asked, sidling up next to Argus. He raised an eyebrow at the ruined temple, but everyone seemed happy, so it must have been something good…

“Sommer an’ the lanky lass are getting’ married,” the dwarf said cheerfully, wiping a tear from his eye, “it almos’ makes a dwarf wish he had a special someone…”

“Oh really?” Atla’s voice called.

Tom turned around to see Flora, Suzette, and Atla all standing over them, grinning, “we could spend some special time with you if you want dwarf…” they all giggled at the dwarf’s sudden flustered stammering.

“Now ladies, my friend here is a sensitive type-“ he started, but he grunted as he was picked up by a pair of strong hands from behind. He grunted as he was sat atop Cassidy’s shoulders, her rose trimmed hat staring him in the eyes as he struggled to balance.

“Enjoy the ceremony Tom,” she said, laughing as she held his legs for balance, “take notes and see what you like…”

“Uhh… I don’t follow,” he said, feigning ignorance.

“Don’t worry, I’ll lead,” Cassidy replied, a smug smirk on her face as she held him high.

Cynthia beamed as she performed the ceremony, Cora’s parents were behind her, Theo grasping his Amazonian wife’s hand and wiping away a tear as the priestess began the final part of her speech.

“And do you, Dirk Sommer, take Cora Spearwall, to be your wife, to serve and cherish, to advise and support, for as long as you both shall live?”

“I do,” he said, nodding up at her.

It was nothing like he imagined his wedding would ever be. Here he was, in an ornate set of robes, scrubbed clean and washed, looking almost like a nobleman on his way to temple back in Camford… a nobleman who wanted to show some skin anyway. His bride by contrast was still sweaty and coated in dirt from the battle, looming over him in a simple tunic and trousers that she’d chosen for her duel, and a well used sword at his side. Still, he couldn’t deny that it made him happier than he ever imagined possible.

“And do you, Cora Spearwall, take Dirk Sommer, to be your husband, to protect and guide, to provide for and defend, for as long as you both shall live?”

“I do!” she said, grinning as she blinked tears out of her eyes.

“Then by the authority of the goddess,” Cynthia said, waving her staff dramatically, “I pronounce you husband and wife!”

Dirk grunted in surprise as Cora’s hands came up under his arms, lifting him up to her in a kiss as the crowd cheered.

Cora laughed, swaying slightly from the effects of a rather large amount of wine, as she carried Dirk, still in his wedding robes, into Griselda’s bedroom. With a flourish she tossed him to the bed, the sound of the party outside still echoing up to them.

“In her own bedroom?” he laughed, “really?”

“She’s spending the night in the dungeons, she won’t need it,” Cora said, climbing on top of him and kissing him roughly, silencing him as the gargantuan woman’s tongue invaded his mouth, all but forcing his head back as her hands explored him. He moaned into her mouth as her hands found his manhood, her large digits playfully running over it and enjoying the feel as he hardened under her attention.

“I’m going to enjoy this,” she breathed, separating from him a moment and taking in his body, “it’s going to be so hard to get you like this again…”

He frowned, “what do you mean?”

“Wearing clothes that show off your body,” she traced a finger over his exposed chest, “with your hair nice and shorn down here…” she gripped his manhood and giggled at his expression, “I like the rough and tumble Dirk, he’s who I fell in love with, but for our wedding night…” she licked her lips, “I’d be lying if I said I don’t like this look for you.”

“I could be convinced to be a prim and coquettish man now and then for you,” he laughed, “I actually had the most interesting conversation at our wedding feast… with a fellow who works at a certain establishment in town.”

Her eyes widened, “w-what was it about?”

He leaned close and whispered, “where a man can get an Royal Imperial Robe cut to show off his behind.”

Cora practically squealed with joy, undoing the sash on his white robes and clawing them off him as she imagined it. Her own clothes came off quickly too, and soon she was over her new husband, ready to take him as only a wife could.

He hissed slightly as her fingers curled in his hair, tugging just enough to arc his head back while she mounted him. He pushed against her, knowing it was what she would want, and his arms shook with exertion as she slowly, deliberately, brought his wrists up together in her favorite position over his head before casually pinning him with her left hand.

Dirk felt himself enter her as she thrust on him, easily holding his writing body down with her bulk as she used her free hand to run a finger along his pecs, down his stomach and tracing around his abs, straining as he fought with all of his strength to get away from her.

“Lovely,” she purred, “look at this wild Imperial man I’ve tamed for myself!”

“I’m not-“ he tried to deny it, but he was cut off as Cora’s hips bore down on him, riding him in her usual unrelenting fashion.

“What was that?” she breathed, grinding against him, laughing as she held his hands firmly, “come on, try to deny it!”

“I-I’m not tam-“ he couldn’t do it, every time he tried she would pick up speed, causing him to thrash and moan, sounds that were music to her ears as she mixed them with her own.

“You’re mine!” she crowed, tightening her thighs around him as she came, gritting her teeth as she looked down at her husband, releasing his hands so she could wrap her massive arms around him and pull him into her chest as they finished together.

“M-Maybe I’m a little tamed,” he admitted, panting slowly.

She giggled, holding him close as she rolled over, letting him lay across her massive body as she stroked his hair slowly. He felt another hand come up and squeeze his bottom, her thumb slowly kneading itself over his skin as the two of them rested silently.

“Just a little tamed,” she teased, “I’ll take what I can get… I don’t think I really want a husband that can be fully beaten anyway.” She sighed, “so dear husband, I’m tired, but not sleepy… what should we do about this?”

“Give me about five minutes,” he said, looking down at her with a grin, “then…” he licked his lips, “I-I’m going to tie your hands behind your back!”

Cora’s eye brows shot up, “you deviant!” she said with a grin, “let’s do it!”

Dirk laughed with his wife as she cradled him in her arms, thinking of all the things they’d fill their wedding night with before exhaustion took them.


One Chapter left and then a short epilogue, hope you've enjoyed so far!

Chapter 16: Home on the Range


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Dirk sat on his horse, enjoying the brief cool of the northern breeze that fought against the humidity of the jungle, the thick soupy air that so often settled over the ranch on long days. The rolling green hills stretched before him, and he smiled as he saw his herd of aurochs grazing. For just a moment, it was like he was back home, on his own mother and father’s ranch… but this was his land, his livelihood, his home. He looked at the soft white clouds overhead, thinking of his aunt and uncle, and the life they’d lived here, the land they’d loved as he did. He’d never known Amaya, he’d met Markus, his uncle, perhaps three times in his youth, his father’s nervous brother who visited during feast days, but sitting here, he felt close to the man, to the amazon he’d married, to his own mother and father.

I did my best, hope everyone up there’s happy, he thought, tipping his hat at the clouds as he rode back to the farmhouse.

“Boss, you want me to round up the herd?” Atla called, riding her massive draft horse up to him.

“If you wouldn’t mind,” he said, “I’ve got to meet Argus.”

The massive Amazon smirked, “tell the dwarf I said hi.”

“Are you harassing poor Argus again?” he drawled, looking up at the towering Amazon, “I should just call Cassidy back from Tom’s place so he can get some rest.”

Atla snorted, “all right, I was going to keep this to myself, because goddess knows I don’t want Flora and Suzette to know, but…” she glanced around, then plunged her hand into her shirt pocket, withdrawing three long red strands of hair.

“What exactly am I looking at?” Dirk asked, raising an eyebrow.

“I asked the dwarf for but a single hair from his perfect beard,” Atla said excitedly, “and he gave me three!

“Were you maybe supposed to share with Flora and Suzette?” Dirk asked, fighting a laugh.

Atla’s eyes went wide, “w-well… I er… I’m not seeing them until I rotate back to Tom’s ranch anyway, I guess I’ll discuss it then!”

Dirk just chuckled and shook his head. Cassidy had relocated to Tom’s ranch, probably permanently, and he’d wished her well. As a conciliatory gesture Tom had been sending his three hands over to him on a rotating basis to help until he found a replacement, and as awkward as it was to work with women who had raided his home under cover of night… he found they weren’t bad once he got to know them. For their part they all seemed rather eager to spend time at his ranch, with Cassidy taking most of Tom’s attention Argus was suddenly finding himself on the receiving end of theirs… and it seemed the dwarf was more receptive than his blundering rants about “overgrown lasses” let on.

Dirk glanced towards the western edge of the ranch, where dust rose as Dwarven machinery cleared the land and pumps sputtered to expel water as work on the mine continued. The mine was coming along well, and he was already one of the richest men in the Queendom by all accounts.

Banking had of course been difficult since Miss Hardstone had been found on her desk with a bullet wound, but enterprise marched on. Dirk’s money was currently being held by a Goblin consortium that occasionally had merchants pass through towns on the Imperial border. He’d been skeptical at first, but they had charters from both the Queendom and the Empire, and so far, things were going well.

He smiled as he rode up to the farmhouse, Cora had gone back early, and with the help of his uncle Markus’s cookbook, she’d evidently prepared a decent ham for their dinner. He could smell the succulent meat roasting as he brought his horse to the stable, and his Amazonian wife was waiting for him in the doorway, a smug grin on her face.

“How’s the dinner smell?” she asked.

“Like heaven,” he replied, looking up at her with a smile.

“Yeah, that dwarf should be trotting up with that stinky pipe of his ranting about how he needs a ‘earty meal after planning our mine all day,” she said, giggling, “but until then…” she held a small parcel out, wrapped in paper and parchment, “look what came for you from town!”

“You paid a courier?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.

“We can afford things like that now,” she replied, “just open it.

He rolled his eyes and took the package, unfurling the string. His eyes went wide as the crimson fabric tumbled out, and a gold-plated costume crown shone brightly in the late afternoon sun.

“Oh…” he said, blinking, “well… I guess I did promise we’d do this…”

“You did,” Cora giggled.

Dirk sat on his “throne,” dressed in the white and crimson royal robes of the Emperor, the crown on his head and the glorious standard of the Human Empire tacked to the wall behind him. He was of course sitting in a chair against the wall in his own bedroom, and while this costume was a much more… revealing version than what the real head of state wore, he had to admit that he did look somewhat like the man, in his youth anyway.

This is probably treason, he thought, drumming his fingers on the armrest.

Cora burst into the room, wearing her normal attire save for her sword, which she had in hand, “Ah, the great Mannish Emperor,” she said excitedly, “I have defeated all of your finest guards and sentenced them to death by snu-snu!”

“Death by what?” Dirk asked.

“Silence!” Cora shouted, “you will submit to the queendom, and to Amazon rule!” she stalked up to him, and then, standing over him menacingly, used her sword to cut down the Imperial flag she’d asked him to put up. “Ah, you precious battle standard,” she mocked, “you will use this to dry my feet after you wash them later!”

Definitely treason, Dirk thought, fighting to keep his face straight as Cora mockingly used his nation’s flag to wipe sweat from her brow before tossing it away. She grinned down at him, clearly enjoying the fantasy in spite of its ridiculousness.

“Do you have anything to say for yourself Emperor!?” she asked, tossing her sword away and sweeping him up into her arms eagerly.

“No, I surrender, please don’t crush my royal head between your thighs!” he pleaded.

Cora paused, then frowned, “d-do Imperials really think we execute people like that?”

“You’ve come close to executing me like that several times,” he teased, causing her to scowl.

“Fine then, let your fate be decided by your tongue!” she laughed wickedly, tossing him to the bed with enough force that he bounced slightly. He looked up as Cora stripped her pants off, climbing on the bed and giving him a good view of her muscular thighs for a split second before her womanhood slammed into his face. “Bring me off emperor, or I’ll pop your head with my thighs!” she ordered, grinning as she saw his crown had somehow remained on.

Dirk began licking at her, fighting a grunt as her massive thighs squeezed him tight. Her wet c*nt was coating him, enveloping his world as he struggled to bring her to climax. He felt her fingers curl in his hair, and a moment later the crown was pulled off his head as Cora lifted it up to examine it.

“You won’t be needing this anymore your majesty,” she moaned, tossing it across the bed casually, “nor those fine robes, they’ll all smell of my c*nt by the time you’re done servicing me!” She growled as her hips began to buck against his face, grinding into him with enough force that he had to fight for air as he kept up his movements below her. She was treating his face almost like a saddle, and he thanked the gods for the soft bed below to cushion him while she doubled over, using her arms to steady herself she finished the ride.

“Y-Yes!” she cried excitedly, “come on, use that royal tongue!” He tried not to wince in pain as she tugged on his hair just slightly too hard, losing herself as she came, “I-I’m going to keep you naked, except for a collar!” she shouted, “they’ll ask where’s the Emperor? A-And I’ll lead you out like a prized auroch!” she moaned, “you’ll service a dozen amazon c*nts a day, I’ll offer you to my favorite generals as a special treat while we conquer the mannish realms!” She screamed one final time, her thighs pressing in on Dirk’s head with immense force for one brief second that made him panic, and then went slack as she breathed out, collapsing next to him on the bed.

“Ah…” she sighed, “victory is sweet…” He leaned up over her, and she grinned, seeing his face with a slight sheen as her c*nt’s juices began to dry on his face.

“So, do I get spared or is it death by thighs?” he asked smugly.

“Spared,” Cora muttered dreamily, “Goddess, I love you Dirk…”

He slowly moved to the side of the bed, careful not to catch her attention as he opened the drawer of his nightstand. She frowned, looking over, and his heart leapt, he’d have to move fast. With lightning speed, he pulled the small pink ribbon out, leaping at Cora and tying it around her neck so quickly that she didn’t realize it was done until he was on top of her, grinning wildly.

“I-Is this a-“

“A compliance ribbon,” Dirk chuckled, “and you don’t want to hear what I had to do for Cynthia to get one that works on women.”

“Oh, I absolutely want to hear,” Cora giggled, biting her lip.

He rolled his eyes, “do you remember last week, when I had to stay in town?”

“Yes?” she asked, her smile broadening.

“Well I stayed with Cynthia in the fortress, and in exchange for this little favor,” he ran a finger along the ribbon, “she locked me up in that chastity thing of hers for the night.”

“Oh goddess!” Cora laughed, “y-you actually let her? I can’t believe she had you there for a whole night and didn’t want you to get her off!”

“Oh, she still got off plenty,” he muttered, “now sit up Cora the Amazon,” he reached across the bed and retrieved his crown, placing it back on his head as Cora eagerly obeyed, compelled by the ribbon. “My guards retook the palace and defeated you and your Amazons,” he said, in his best Emperor voice, “now it is you who will be pleasure slaves in the Imperial palace!”

“No!” Cora wailed excitedly, the look in her eyes told him that the idea of defeat by the emperor was just as exciting to her as conquest.

“Yes, now put that mouth to good use and prepare me to enter you!” he stood up, throwing off the royal robes and baring his hardened member for her. He sighed, laying back on the bed as Cora brought her lips over him, her head bobbing up and down slowly as she followed his instructions. “Ah, this is a wonderful use of an Amazon,” he teased, placing his hand on her head and running his fingers through her dark hair. He smirked at her expression, I’m going to pay for this later, he thought, amused, “I’ll be sure to send letters to all corners of the Empire and the Queendom, Cora sucks co*ck, everyone will know.” Her eyes actually widened a little at that, the Amazon taboo on using one’s mouth on a man didn’t make much sense to him, but he did love teasing Cora about it in private. He groaned as her tongue went to work on him, taboo or not, Cora had certainly started to get good at it…

“Enough!” he barked, causing her to stop, pulling her lips off him and looking up for his next order, “roll over and place your hands above your head,” he said with a grin. As she did so he climbed on top of her, taking his time and enjoying the site of the massive woman who was now completely at his command.

He entered her with a grunt, and from the way her eyes went wide and she smiled he could tell she felt it. Cora wasn’t the only one who had been getting better, and as he thrust into the amazon, he was pleased to see her face contorting with pleasure. From the way her hands shook he could tell she wanted nothing more than to grab at him, using her strength to control his speed to her liking, but the ribbon kept her under his command as he returned the favor she’d so often doled out.

With a final cry of pleasure he finished, grabbing her massive hips as best he could as she spasmed beneath him. The two panted a moment, looking at one another, and then he collapsed on top of her. Lazily he reached up, pulling the small knot that held the ribbon on her neck, and the moment it was off her hands shot down, embracing him and holding him close to her.

After washing up and changing into more normal attire, Cora helped Dirk set the table, the ham sitting in the center as they wanted for Atla and Argus to join them. As the door opened Dirk raised an eyebrow. The towering Amazon seemed a bit… unsteady, and she had a dreamy look on her face as she barely managed to get into her chair. Argus by contrast was humming a tune under his breath, looking pleased with himself.

“Everything okay?” Dirk asked, a little amused.

“Just entertaining thah big lassie down by thah dig site,” the dwarf chuckled, “she was surprised at the size o’ the excavatin’ equipment, she got quite excited and she’ll probably need tah rest awhile.”

Dirk blinked, looking at the Amazon, who winced slightly as she adjusted her place in her chair, evidently, we weren’t the only ones who had a pre-dinner rendezvous…

“We’re doin’ well with the preparations,” Argus said, climbing into his own raised chair and sitting atop a stack of books that let him lean over onto the surface, “mah cousin Buri is coming with his two sons, they’re much better a’ this sort o’ thing than I am.”

“Then we just need more laborers and we’ll be up and running in full,” Dirk nodded, “Cora and I will be going into the Empire to recruit, we don’t have enough able-bodied men here, and the tunnels are going to be too small for Amazons.”

“Oh yeah,” Atla said, nodding, “the girls in town are uh… really excited, there are people for fifty miles around talking about coming in to Rain’s End and getting themselves a strawhair husband.”

Dirk chuckled at the thought. The gold was already leading to developments in Rain’s End, from rebuilding Cynthia’s temple, larger and grander of course, to expanding the housing and shops. The relatively small border town was likely going to double in size at the very least, a veritable boomtown…

We’ll need to invest in things that will last after the gold is gone, he thought, by all accounts there was a grand amount of the precious metal, but some of Griselda’s words had stuck with him. If this was his home now, he wanted it to be prosperous… He smiled, cutting himself a thick slice of ham as he pondered the future.

Some say I’m foolish, and some say I’m wise, for lovin’ the women, and the whisky likewise,” Tom sang, slowly playing his fiddle as he sat on his porch.

“Put me in the camp for foolish,” Cassidy said, smiling as she walked up to Tom’s house, “we had a good day, Suzette and Flora are putting the herd away…”

“Good,” Tom nodded, “I’m thinking of buying a few more head… there are more people in town, there’s going to be more demand for meat, leather, dairy products… to say nothing of the demand from the Empire once trade picks up.”

“Do you have room for that?” Cassidy asked, the boards of the porch creaking as she walked up next to him.

“It’ll take a few months to clear the jungle back and seed it with grasses, but Dirk’s letting me graze them on his land until I’m ready,” Tom said, looking at the range as the sun began to set. He sighed a moment, “I really should have just asked Amaya and Markus for something similar when they were alive… we could’ve spent a lot more evenings like this, instead of skulking around in the dark.”

Cassidy pursed her lips, looking out at the ranch with the smaller man, “you know they don’t know who killed Hardstone,” she said slowly, “but it was someone using a gunpowder weapon.”

“She was guilty as sin,” Tom muttered, “I suppose someone figured that if she committed frontier crimes, she could face frontier justice. It’s not like Cynthia is looking into the matter too deeply…”

Someone,” Cassidy nodded with a smile. “Thanks…”

He just smiled and tipped his hat, and the two of them were quiet a moment.

“You know Tom,” she said, unfurling her rope from her belt, “I’ve got one last steer I’d like to lasso today.”

Tom’s eyes went wide, and fighting a laugh he placed his fiddle down just as the rope expertly went over his body. He grunted as it went tight around his midsection, pinning his arms at his side. He struggled a little as Cassidy casually pulled him closer to her, then grunted as she easily lifted him up, tossing him over her shoulder.

“Time to put this stud to use,” she growled, kicking the door to his cabin open.

Tom grunted as she laid him across the fine rug in front of his fireplace, evidently not even bothering with a bed as she undid his belt buckle. His pants were thrown off with a flourish, and she grinned as she saw his narrow cut briefs, a fine underwear he’d paid entirely too much for.

“You always have the finest things Tom,” she teased, hooking a finger around the rim of his underwear and slowly sliding them over his skin as she pulled them down.

“C-Careful with those!” he managed, watching her toss them into the corner, “they’re tailored!”

“And I’m sure that was a fine day for the seamstress,” Cassidy said, grinning as she sat across his chest, causing him to wheeze as her curved bottom rested across her sternum. “Oh, don’t you whine, I’m not that heavy,” she laughed, reaching down to stroke him slowly.

“M-My ribs disagree,” he managed.

Cassidy just scooched backwards slightly, letting her bottom roll over his face, silencing any more protests as she rested on top of him. Her hand continued its slow journey up and down, and she grinned, enjoying the way he twitched in grip and squirmed in vain below her.

“Come on Tom, I’m not letting you up for air until I see this thing pop,” she said, picking up her speed for a final attack on the poor man trapped beneath her. She was rewarded with a final convulsion, coating her fingers in his seed as she laughed, grinding her ass into him for the length of his climax.

She stood up once he was finished, letting him gasp for breath as her cheeks lifted off his face. With a smirk she licked his seed off her fingers, enjoying the taste and casually resting her foot on Tom’s chest to hold him in place.

“I wonder what Suzette and Flora would do to you if I just left you here, half naked and tied up,” she mused.

“Help me get my pants back on,” he muttered, “they’re surprisingly respectful when it comes down to it… probably take a gander at everything though.”

“So Tom Cat of Cat’s Ranch doesn’t cook dinner for his women naked like the rumors say?” Cassidy asked, hands on her hips, “I must say, I’m disappointed…”

“Well,” Tom said, grinning up at her, “maybe I’d be willing to cook dinner for you naked…”

Cassidy chuckled, “good boy, we’ll have to have a private meal sometime… for now though…” she reached down and slid the rope off him, “you should probably get dressed and start supper, the ladies’ll be hungry.”

“Yes ma’am,” he said with an eager grin, “you’ll have to tell me how my cooking compares to Dirk’s.”

Dirk walked through the wide halls of Griselda’s former fortress, who’s fortress it was now seemed to be a matter of some debate, the only thing most people seemed sure of was that Griselda would soon be stripped of her lands and titles. For now Cynthia was residing in it, holding religious services out of the main keep until the temple was rebuilt. She walked ahead of him, leading him to the dungeons. With a grunt the relatively small Amazon forced the heavy iron door open, revealing a cell with wrought iron bars and a small window to the outside.

Griselda was wearing a normal shirt and trousers, still managing to look somewhat regal in clothing an Amazon laborer or soldier on leave would wear. She turned to see the pair entering, and managed a smile.

“You asked to see me?” Dirk asked, nodding up at the towering woman as she walked to the bars.

“Yes,” Griselda sighed, “I’ve been told the queen’s guards are coming to take me to the capital… for trial and punishment… I don’t think I’ll ever return here.”

“You think you’ll get the rope?” Dirk asked, his voice neutral.

“No,” Griselda said with a small smile, “likely I’ll be given command of an unpleasant garrison somewhere near Lizard territory, in the hopes the jungle or the lizardfolk will be my undoing…”

“I suppose the nobility get it easy everywhere,” Dirk said, “is there something you want from me before you go?”

“Yes… I… I just wanted to ask, will you… will you take care of things here? The people, the town… all of it I suppose,” she looked out the window, unable to hold her gaze on him while she made the request.

Dirk frowned, and nodded, “I’ll do my best, a lot of people seem to think some niece of yours is going to get your lands.”

“Mina,” Griselda said dismissively, “she’s a spoiled girl who will spend her days drinking and flirting with men. You on the other hand have become something more to Rain’s End, I’ve heard the way my guards talk about you, about how things are already changing at your direction… you’re going to be the one who makes decisions here, even if you are a man.”

He nodded slowly, “It’s nice to finally get a little recognition from you Lady Griselda,” he said softly.

“I made a lot of foolish mistakes,” she admitted, “I don’t know if I’ll ever atone for them, but wherever they send me, I’ll sleep a little better knowing you’re watching over my old fiefdom.”

He sighed, then tipped his hat, “I’ll be here until they bury me,” he said levelly, “and I’ll do my best for everyone.”

Griselda smiled, “thank you… I wish everything had been different.”

“Good luck wherever you end up,” Dirk said uncomfortably, “and… goodbye.” He turned to go, Cynthia following wordlessly behind him.

“Do you think she really feels bad about everything?” Dirk asked, once they’d gotten far away from the dungeons and were back in the main rooms of the keep.

Cynthia shrugged, “I’ve spoken with her at length, I think she has understood the error of her ways, in some ways it’s tragic that it’s come so late in life… I hope she can find some kind of peace wherever she ends up.”

Dirk nodded, then sighed, “I guess… I just hope our new liege lady is easier to deal with.”

“By all accounts she’s the least ambitious woman in the queendom,” Cynthia giggled, “Griselda asked you to watch over Rain’s End and not her for a reason… but enough about that,” she waved for Dirk to follow her up to the main tower, to a large royal bedroom Cynthia had taken for her own. She walked to the bed, sitting on it with a sigh and slowly kicking her boots off, removing her ceremonial skull cap at the same time. Dirk didn’t even need to be asked, he simply knelt at her feet and began rubbing, causing Cynthia to sigh contentedly as his fingers traced up and down her soft soles, massaging the stress of the day away.

“You’re such a good boy,” she moaned, letting herself flop backwards on the bed as he continued, “are you staying in town tonight, Dirk?”

“Yes,” he said, kneading his thumb across her arches and causing her to shiver, “it’s too late to head back to the ranch… I take it I’m not staying at the inn?”

“No, you’re attending to the priestess this evening,” she giggled, sitting back up and biting her lip as she looked at him, “I wonder if Cora would let me marry you as well…” she laughed at his expression, “it’s considered in poor taste for a man to take a second wife within a year of his first,” she explained, “quite a bit different from how things are in your homeland I’m sure… but something to think about.” She winked at that last part.

“I’ll… have to talk about it with her,” he said hesitantly. He was almost certain Cora would be enthusiastic about the idea, to say nothing of the other things she’d teased him about as they lay in bed after lovemaking.

“For tonight, I have another thing I’m going to try on you,” Cynthia said, reaching down to toss his hat away, revealing his blond hair as he finished her foot rub.

“My vitality is fine,” he said a little too quickly.

“Oh it’s not a cage for your co*ck,” Cynthia giggled, her eyes glowing blue, “it’s something I found in an old elven spellbook…” She muttered a few words in a language Dirk didn’t recognize, and a moment later a spark danced over him.

“What does it… do?” he blinked, feeling the foot resting in his hand getting bigger. He felt his clothes rushing against his skin, sliding and growing looser. Cynthia’s foot was suddenly large, oppressively so, and she giggled as he was forced to drop it while his shirt billowed around him. He looked up in awe as Cynthia’s smug face seemed to slowly be lifting away from him, along with the rest of the world.

He struggled, forcing his way through his circus tent sized clothes, naked, as he blinked, trying to piece together what had happened. A massive hand seemed to snake through the tunnel of his sleeve, and a moment later fingers as thick around as his legs curled around him, drawing him out and holding him in the air before the massive priestess.

“It looks like my spell was a success,” she mused, running a thumb down his abs and gently flicking his hardened manhood with the tip.

“I-Is this an illusion?” he managed, looking around at the enormous room.

“No, you’re the size of a doll,” Cynthia giggled, “don’t give me that look, you are perfectly safe in my hands!”

“How long does it last?” he managed.

Cynthia frowned, “forever I suppose,” she giggled at his reaction, “or until I undo it… which I will, tomorrow morning when it’s time for you to leave.”

He breathed a sigh of relief, “okay then…” he felt her soft hand grip him, and started to relax, all things considered, this isn’t so bad…

“Now I have a few more things to do today before I play with my toy sized Dirk,” she said, leaning close and letting him feel her warm breath ruffle his hair as she examined him, “so I’m going to keep you someplace… close.”

She parted her ceremonial robes, lifting the tunic underneath so she could pull her pants away from her body. Dirk’s eyes widened as he saw her pull her underwear away, and a moment later he was bouncing against the cotton hammock as she casually dumped him into her panties. His world went dark and he heard a giggle as she pulled her belt tight again, sealing him in with her warm skin, and an opening that was big enough for him to slip into…

“Now just relax,” she giggled, reaching down and pressing the crotch of her pants against herself, adjusting his position until it was just perfect. With a smirk and a quick squeak of pleasure as her trapped boy-toy began to squirm, she grabbed her staff, walking out of the room to finish the day’s duties.

“So, she can shrink people now?” Cora asked, excited, as Dirk finished bringing his horse into the barn stable.

“Yes, I spent the whole night trapped in her underwear,” he said with a chuckle. “It was… interesting.”

“I’ll need to borrow you at tiny size sometime,” Cora teased, “it sounds…” her face blanched, “h-hold on!” she ran for a bucket, lifting it to her face. Dirk frowned as he heard her gag a moment before vomiting.

“You okay?” he asked, placing a hand on the towering woman’s back as she stood up and wiped her face with her sleeve.

“Yeah,” Cora breathed, “I don’t know what’s wrong with me, I’ve been getting sick all day, maybe I ate something that didn’t agree with me.”

Dirk frowned, but didn’t say anything.

Cynthia tapped her staff against the door to Dirk’s farmhouse, and he opened it with a smile, “Come on in!”

Cora was sitting at the table, thumbing through a military history book with a frown on her face, she looked up at Cynthia, confused, “Oh uh, hi Cynthy, what brings you all the way out here?”

“Dirk told me, during our usual dream visit, that you’ve been unwell,” Cynthia said.

Cora rolled her eyes, “it’s just a little food poisoning, it happens to everyone.”

Cynthia shot Dirk a look, and he nodded. Before Cora could say anything else, Cynthia walked up to the taller Amazon, putting a hand on her head and muttering a spell under her breath. A spark raced up Cynthia’s arm, and her eyes went wide, then she smiled, giggling slightly as she pulled the hand away.

“W-What is it?” Cora asked, “what was that?”

Cynthia bit her lip, looking to Dirk, then to Cora, “Congratulations,” she said simply.

Dirk’s mouth fell open, and he looked up at his towering wife, who stared down at him, equally shocked. With a squeal of joy she swept him up, hugging him and twirling him around and laughing excitedly. She stopped finally, bringing him up to stare her in the eyes as they shared a long, passionate, kiss.

The End


I know it says "the end" up there but there will be a short epilogue tomorrow, hope you've enjoyed this tale!

Chapter 17: Epilogue and Afterward

Chapter Text

Red Schmidt laughed as he fired his pistol in the air, causing the women of the merchant caravan to scream in fear, “Stand and deliver!” he shouted, gesturing with his sword as his men, all cutthroats and thieves like him, gathered goods from the merchant’s wagons.

“Looks like a good haul boss!” one of his men said excitedly.

“A fine day to be an outlaw,” Red agreed, chuckling as he watched the group cower, “you folks must be some kind of fools, to travel without a single guard!”

“W-We did hire a guard,” one of the men stammered, “a-and she’s going to be back any minute, so you had best-“

One!” Red laughed uproariously, “and a girl? Oh no boys, we’re done for!”

“Will you have swords or pistols?” a young woman’s voice called.

Red rolled his eyes, that must be her, “blades,” he began, twirling his own skillfully as he turned around… then he froze.

Standing before his group was a ten foot tall woman, with a curtain of blonde hair and a wide brimmed hat on her head. She was well built, he could tell that much even through the riding shirt and trousers she wore, and as she pulled a sword taller than he was from the scabbard, his own sword hand shook.

“W-Wait, I change my mind, pistols!” he shouted.

The towering amazon paused, then shrugged, sheathing the blade and reaching for a holstered gun that was bigger than anything Red or his men had ever seen.

“Do any of you have bounties on you?” she asked, “my father’s dwarf friend, Argus, he built this for me,” she drew the immense pistol, twirling it skillfully and holstering it again in one fluid motion, “the trouble is it’s pretty powerful, sometimes there’s not a lot left of whatever I shoot at…”

Red blinked, looking at the massive firearm, then up to the towering girl, who was grinning down at him smugly. With a sigh he threw down his sword and put his hands in the air, going to his knees. A moment later the rest of the bandits followed.

Amaya Spearwall whistled a tune her uncle Thomas had taught her as she rode her horse up to the Northstar Ranch. She grinned as she smelled cinnamon on the air, and her mouth watered at the thought of her father’s cinnamon rolls.

Dirk looked up from the tray he was pulling out of the oven as his towering daughter entered, “How did your trip to the Empire go? Did you enjoy being a caravan guard?”

“It was great father!” she said, all but bouncing with excitement, “I stopped some bandits and-“

“Bandits?” Cora asked, coming down the stairs and embracing her daughter, “is there anyone over the border than can match an amazon for swordplay?”

“No, they all surrendered as soon as they saw me,” Amaya pouted.

“That’s what you want dear,” Dirk laughed, reaching up to put the prepared pastries on the table, “now go wash up, your aunt Cynthia and your sisters are coming by soon, your aunt Cassidy and Tom too.”

Amaya nodded, bounding up the stairs as Cora placed a hand on Dirk’s shoulder, “And here I was worried she wouldn’t like the Empire,” she chuckled.

Dirk shrugged, “it’s not a bad place, and a ten foot woman who knows her way around a sword, a gun, and a lasso isn’t going to have any problems up there.”

“I wonder if she met any interesting men,” Cora giggled.

Dirk frowned slightly, “yes… we’ll have to ask.”

“Oh hush,” Cora teased, lifting him bodily and planting a hiss on him, “those Imperial men make great husbands… half the women in Rain’s End have one now.”

“Handsome men, our finest export,” he replied with a grin. As he stood there in his wife’s embrace, with his daughter’s footsteps pattering across the floors above, he looked out at his ranch and nodded, “the best decision of my life was to settle in Amazon country after all…”


As usual at the end of a longer story I’ve got a few rambling things to say for anyone who wants to read. This story was inspired by a handful of greentexts on 4chan about amazons harassing/romancing a farmer. Other obvious influences include western movies, and pulp sci-fi about dinosaur inhabited jungles, and like I said a the beginning that certain episode of Futurama.

Cora and Dirk I imagined as two different kind of genre protagonists meeting, Cora being a typical fantasy lead who is eager to prove herself, can’t talk to the opposite sex, and is surprisingly skilled with a weapon. Dirk obviously is a western style protagonist, rolling into town with a gun on his hip, a crack shot and tenacious under pressure.

Argus was originally an Imperial arms merchant but after some more feedback from the gentle thread on /d/ I rewrote him as a dwarf.

Tom I wanted to show as a man who was using Amazon society to his benefit, using traditionally more feminine routes to power such as his sexuality and social influence. One reader called him a gender-flipped femme fatale, and that’s pretty spot on. Cassidy tied into the whole plot well because she was someone close to the main characters but who they weren’t sure they could trust until later in the story.

My goal with Griselda was to basically set up a gender flipped version of the trope where the wicked nobleman steals away the female lead. Think a reversed Disney plot. Hardstone was pretty much a standard western movie villain, a wicked banker involved in a landsnatching deal. As they say in Blazing Saddles “land, see snatching”

Cynthia and Isabelle were meant to highlight the different approaches Amazon society might take to the “men” question, Isabelle in particular was the more unsavory side of Amazon culture where Cynthia embodied a more positive interpretation, even with all the weird stuff she’s into she’s undoubtedly a positive force in most people’s lives she encounters.

Anyways I’m not sure what there is to say about this, thanks for reading my odd little story about cowboys, dinosaurs, and giant women. If you have your own final thoughts on this story I'd love to read them. Farewell to Amazon Country, see you all next time!

Amazon Country - Greenanon - Original Work [Archive of Our Own] (2024)


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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.