Broken Pieces - Chapter 6 - Ollivia_Snow (2024)

Chapter Text

After a few days of living in this state of perpetual fear, August began to question whether his apprehension was truly justified… Horn started to wonder if perhaps his mind was playing tricks on him, causing him to see danger where there was none. As the teen pondered this possibility, he began to feel a glimmer of hope.

Sleep paralysises stepped back ,opening the path to a deserved moment of slumber..But it won't last long. Annoying alarm clock ringing loudly,notifying the owner about the beginning of the new day.

August pulled away a heavy blanket that tried to press him down, and sat down on bed to shut down the alarm clock…-/Damn it, another day…Another day…I hate letting the grass grow under my feet/- Horn sighs and yawns as a corollary.

The teen threw a quick glance at sleeping Nils and a faint guilty smile touched his lips..-/I need to get over myself and finally know the truth. I can't just pretend I'm still sick. I've already missed three rowing practices.../

Horn finally made it from the bed and stretched his body.. A little warm-up helped his stiff muscles get back to routine. After a few days without intensive training, it was getting harder to force himself to get back to normal. Especially with a bandaged hand that caused discomfort .The unhealed cuts were still healing, and some would leave small scars as a reminder of what had happened.

Approaching the desk he decided to roughly clean up the surface to remain an illusion of peace in mind..The tones of paper spread across the table mixed in with packages of ointments and boxes of painkillers. -/How could I stoop to this?..It’s not me at all../

Amongst the chaotic clutter of his desk, August's gaze fell upon a crumpled note that had long been forgotten. Its edges were curled and frayed, a testament to the hurried scribbles that had once filled its surface.

As Horn unfolded the paper with his non-bandaged hand,his eyes were wide..Words layered on top of each other, some doodling in the form of maps, and about a dozen repetitive words : “Why?”..-/I can feel my misery while jotted this down../-The teen sigh, remembering how he wrote all this crazy place to make his elder cousin clean -/ I can’t wait any longer..something can be useful as plan../

August skimmed and scanned the notes..The one scribble was circled and highlighted in the left corner : “SEARCH IN ERIK’S BEDROOM”..-/It’s simple and does not involve actually talking with him.. Not really mature of me..and how dare I doubt my family??.. I want to finish inner terror.. I.NEED.TO.KNOW..…/

-Argh!!! How many times can you do that...? Stop rustling! Leave that bloody paper alone! - Nils suddenly bellowed.

-I am sorry, mate… I didn’t mean to wake you up..-Horn said,carefully folding the note and placing it in his pocket ,then he turned around to face Poltjerna..

-It’s fine..How is your hand ? I am still surprised that you were injured..-Nils answered

-Better..The swelling goes down and the wounds heal.- August responded in return

-Sounds nice..Why are you up so early ? All those days you were sleepyhead and not like yourself at all.. - The swarthy skinned guy asked.

-I..I am going to breakfast - Horn told lies once again,without even blinking an eye..It’s become his reality.. Life that is woven piece by piece from lies and deceit.

-Good..As for me i am skipping.. Seniors hounding us like hell at practice!!! Oh, look at you !! You're lucky you can't work out yet. - NIls groaned and sighs deeply..

-Erm.. I wouldn't wish this on anyone-August replied softly-/Especially in what circ*mstances it happened../

Poltjerna faltered - You are right.. It was rude of me..

-All right,I should probably go to be ready before breakfast..See you at school than -August said and took his school cloth from his wardrobe

-See ya~.. - Nils salutes with laughter

Horn nodded and disappeared behind the door that led to the corridor..He knew that intruding into Eric's private sanctuary was a dangerous game,but it needed to be done for Nils and himself..It meant risking his cousin's trust and the consequences that might follow. -/Fine..Everyone already gone to breakfast so I can try now.. /

His breath caught in his throat as he cautiously approached the heavy wooden door..The royal's bodyguard stood next to the door -/f*ck..I shoud’ve known that it won’t be that easy.. He is a Crown Prince.. Should I still give it a shot?!/

August put the best polite smile as he could - Good morning ,Sir~ ..Can I enter Eric's room? I am August,his cousin,if you didn’t know.. He asked me to meet him inside.. for..- Horn’s eyes narrowed trying to stick with something -Shirt ! Yeah~ Mine became too small for me..I want to lend one of his..

The teen pulled up his hand with a hanger of school clothes on which hung a shirt and trousers,as if to confirm his words.

The bodyguard hummed - Erik isn't here, August.

-Please, just let me through…I will sit calmly there and wait for him.. -Horn start to beg eagerly for the man..

-August, you know I respect you, being Erik's cousin and all, but you can't just waltz in here without Erik’s beforehand permission and expect me to let you through.- The bodyguard replied with an emotionless face..

-But…-However,the stern glare on him ,re-sure Horn that it is not possible to decepte the guard -Anyways ,thank you,Mr..

-Mr.Svenson- The muscular man in a suit replied..

-Yeah.. Mr.Svenson..- August till the end smiled.. When he turned around to leave he finally dropped it and bit his lower lip-/sh*t this was dumb of me..Hmm maybe plan B can workout since it is first floor../

He walked briskly outside in his pajamas, holding his school clothes on a hanger close to his chest. The cold wind was a reminder that winter was getting closer and closer .. So that made Horn shiver slightly ... August finally spotted the long-awaited window.From far away, it wasn't clear whether it would work or not.The last hopes were pinned on this plan…

-/YESSS!!..yes!.. The fortune on my side today!!/- The treasured window was open for ventilation and propped up with books on the other side...... All that was left was to get inside...

Horn finally here in-room..-/The first thing first looking around..I never actually been in his room before/

Erik's dorm room was a study in sterile perfection, a stark contrast to the chaotic energy of the typical school dorm dwelling.The walls were a pristine white, devoid of any posters, photos, or even a single thumbtack, Except whiteboard with rowing team training plans and some weird scoring written down near most of surnames of rowing club members..

August grumbled and looked towards another direction trying to find any signs of a phone..

A sleek, minimalist desk sat in the corner, its surface unmarred by a single stray pen or crumpled paper. The bed, made with military precision, was draped in crisp beige linens..The room felt more like a sterile hotel room than a space inhabited by a living, breathing person.The overabundance of light colours made an already large room seem even bigger.

-Finally ! Here you go..- Horn mumbled to himself.. Quietly moving to the bed, where there was a device that stood out from the rest of the bed, August greened to himself..Felling upcoming success in his spontaneous mission..

August's pulse quickened as he reached out and picked it up, his fingers trembling slightly. He knew that what he might find could potentially shatter the fragile world he had built around himself. With a deep breath, he unlocked the phone with Willie’s birthday password and began scouring its contents, desperate to find any trace of the photograph or something about that day.

-What are you doing here? - The Crown Prince asked softly but his eyes were cold like never before..

-/I am toast…./-August's hands dropped and his head turned towards the front door without delay.

Horn looked away from the grave look of his cousin for a few seconds..-/sh*t..If I've come this far, I have to try to save myself…/

-Ermm.. There is.. There is a thing… -His voice treacherously trembled at first ..But then the teen did what he could do the best.. Act and mirror Erik’s behiviour, putting on the same polite fake smile.. -The bodyguard wouldn't let me in to wait for you, and I couldn't just hang around outside because I had to get to school. So I had to climb into the window and take a shortcut to make it on time… My shirt.. My school shirt is kinda too short in sleeves.. And.. I thought maybe I could borrow one of yours?.. haha..

-Save it, Little brother..Don't play dumb. Why do you have my work phone in your hand then?- Erik spoke sharp, crossing his arms over his chest.

-I..- August has nothing to reply..As he just stands there,swaying slightly..Horn still holds ‘work’ phone in his hand…The teenager's eyes race around the room trying to find any straws to save . But when Erik pulled a completely different phone out of his jacket pocket, August's mind formed a coherent picture ,while his eyes were widened....

-You're not gonna find anything on that phone. Haven't you been through it up and down already?- Erik’s face was smug..- I think you're looking for this,Right ?

The clear evidence looked at August.. There is no mistake.. It’s god damn real..

-/It’s my end,isn’t it…?/- Horn sighs deeply..There is no point in putting on an act ..- ..Huh??!..In other words.. It is true !? ..It was you there! Why? What for !!?

The Crown Prince chuckles and watches August's every breath-Don’t make a face that I am such a villain right here.. It’s just a friendly reminder~..That you should’ve chosen friends more attentively..Dane and other guys told me everything about your little freshman party that could jeopardise the existence of “Palace”..

-But.. It’s not about the party..- The teen felt ashamed standing in front of the Swedish Prince like a firing squad..Like never before in his life by his elder cousin that meant a world for him..

-Ahh.. Let me finish first,Dear~ Everything I do because I love our family.. It's for your own sake..So I want to say.. be a good boy as usual and keep your head down..I don’t want you to change.. You are fine the way you are..I'm sure you'll regret it if you don't take my advice as an elder. - Erik talking diplomatically with no raising a voice,however something was off about him.. His eyes.. or maybe smile.. or..

-/It doesn't feel like being scolded .. More like a threat../-August got goosebumps and cold sweat broke out on his back..There still no straight answer about the taken photo and that made suspense about it even tougher..-/Why Erik didn't want to just answer the damn question!?!?/

-Did you hear me,August Horn of Årnäs!?!?.. -The Swedish Prince step by step getting closer to his cousin that freezes in the middle of the room-Did you believe me ?

After a little shaking from the older man, August came to his senses slightly.... The teenager looked bluntly into the prince's eyes...-E..erik.,.Just.. just .. Answer my question ? Why ! Did! You ! Took ! That ! Photo ! Through! My! Window !?!?

-It's just the circ*mstances ..I knew our eyes met, but you haven't done anything all these days so I thought it didn't matter hahah…But maybe this will help push you back to your goal a little bit. Just remember who you are and whom you should listen to..This photo will stay safely with me until you go back on track.. - Erik answered and shrugged shoulders.. Afterward he pulled his personal phone back to trousers pocket..

-Promise me to delete this photo ! If you have an issue with me it’s fine ! I will do whatever you want ,but .. Nils doesn’t deserve it ! He didn’t even know what happened! - Horn sounded as serious as he could.. He must protect his friend despite how scary it is.. ..

-You didn’t tell him or Vincent ? - Erik smiles slyly and gently pulls August closer to him in embrace by Horn’s waist..- I love you ,brother~.. But I don't recognise you anymore..

-Sorry.. It’s all my fault,right ??!- He uttered and put his head on elder cousin’s shoulder -/If it’s not stupid me..Nothing would’ve happened.. I should never let myself do something irrational!/

-Sure.. But I know how you can redeem yourself ~! Just wait a bit.. - Erik replied.. His hands are tightened on August’s chest, that made little cousin gasp a little..

Warm and so dear hands so and beckoned to themselves, forcing gradually to forget in them and believe that all this is a bad dream in the subcortex of the mind -/It’s all settled..There is nothing i can do more.. He is doing everything for me!! How could I doubt him even if it was weird??..He wouldn't lie to me, right ?/- The teen gripped Erik's shirt tighter, creating extra creases in it while standing in a hug for a while...- I should probably go to school now..

Erik slowly departed himself from his little brother -Right….You know, you can walk out through the door - The Crown Prince pointed out

-Yeah.. Thanks.. I really appreciate all your help..- Horn smiles tiredly.. He has nothing left ..

-See ya~- The Crown Prince waved goodbye before August left a malicious room that almost became a total disaster

-/It’s fine.. It will pass../- Thought Horn, hearing the heartbeat in his head and feeling a stomach ache gradually break down..Silencing thoughts…


Backpacks are slung over shoulders, notebooks and textbooks tossed haphazardly into them, the weight of knowledge momentarily forgotten. The end of the school day lets August sigh with a slight amount of harmony…-/The war is over, right?..All the mystery solved..Erik did that for my own good../-Horn hoped..However,some bits of mistrust flickering in the back of his mind..

The curly-haired teen finally pays full attention to his friends without preoccupied thoughts as usual.. Horn opened his room with his keys - Ohh the last lesson was satisfying~ The group literature project will be awesome with the three of us..

-You are generally nerdy,August~ hah.. The school is over for today, it's time for relaxation and some chicks ~ - Vincent acknowledged his giggling friends ,pushing them to get into himself first in Poltjerna and Horn’s dorm room .

-Hey ! Snickers off from my bed ! -Nils yelled at Vince, who was already laying on Nils’s bed in star pose.

August can’t hold a little laughter ,looking at the slight childish behaviour of his friends.. /Silly little things makes everything more lively../- Horn thoughts taking place on the floor in front of his own bed.. - hah,Nils~, don't torture him.. - The teen said , watching how Nils aggressively pulls Vince’s shoes off..

-I will look at you when Vincent lays on your bed with shoes on. - Poltjerna snorted and sat on the floor as well ,opposite to Horn..

-I bet he will lose his mind with all his preppyness ,lol - Klintskog added , rolled on the bed to face Nils and August..

-At least it’s fair enough to have rules for your own bed in the dorm ! -Horn exclaimed!

-As for me it’s dumb sh*t~ You two overthinking - Vincent shrugged shoulders and put head on his palms.

-Weird words from someone who doesn't even hang out in his own dorm room - Nils mentioned sarcastically.

August couldn't shake the feeling that Vincent's absence from his own dorm room was not merely a coincidence. As he thought more of it, he could’ve remembered a distinct pattern in Vince's whereabouts. As well as a few comments he gave Klintskog sometimes about it.. -/Does everything bothered him that much in his dorm room ?../

-For real, Vincent,.. We never started this talk.. What’s the matter ?..or..Are we overthinking it ?- August asked ,trying to read one of his best friends by his facial expression.

-Yah.. We are your friends..You can open up to us - On the last words of Nils suddenly all lights in the room and outside “The Forest Ridge House” turned off like magic..

Since it was almost the end of October it was already dark like at night.. The deafening silence didn't bode any well. He can’t even see if Nils and Vincent don't disappear ,leaving him alone.. August covered his mouth to not make a sound..The familiar contours of his surroundings dissolved into an impenetrable void, leaving him utterly disoriented and vulnerable.Fear gnawed at his mind, whispering insidious doubts and uncertainties…

-G.guys..?- Nils tried to say something,crushing the silence..

But out of nowhere, the entry door was opened and masked people with garden flashlights stepped inside...They were all dressed up like Halloween, or like an unknown cult doing dirty deeds.There was no time for Horn to think or process anything when someone from behind wrings his hands behind his back, the other blindfolds him with a thick cloth,and the third one shoves a gag in his mouth.

Strange robotic laughter and some dull screams, probably from Nils and Vincent, who had also been grabbed and restrained as well, diluted August's disorderly thoughts.

In such a state Horn can feel only how his helpless body passes down from arms to arms, not allowing you to pull away or do anything about it.. When August was unceremoniously dragged out through the open window, the icy air enveloped him like a suffocating blanket. The teenager's teeth chattered uncontrollably, and his fingers and toes began to go numb.

-/That the f*cking hell heppening right now ?!?!?!/- August’s mind went wild from unexpected stress ,feeling the road under his feets while he was being hauled.. He lost any sense of time,hearing only the unbidden sound of shorting streetlights and clicking cameras,

inasmuch as it’s felt like forever..

The next minute something cold and stony touched the body with the binding rope around it..-/huh?/..- As long as hands were free as much as possible under taut wire, Horn tried to stay calm because there's no emotion left and hoped to understand where they were by touch..

-/Is it a statue near a school building?..orr.. and this.. Vince or Nils??..../- Without even a second's focus, a multitude of hands were pulling August’s dark curly hair back and forth, or mocking him with unpleasant touches.

-The first challenge started~ - Someone's strong voice commanded and some chaos around here became louder with weird noises.. Like someone or most of “kidnappers” disgustingly spitting..

Again hands appeared , but this time with a sort of gloves… These hands help oxygenate a messed-up brain by pulling away gags from the mouth.

-Let me free ,you bastards ! - Vince screamed with a cracked voice..

-Shut up, blondie~ before something really really bad happened to you ~ - The hoarse voice answered to Vincent , right nearby August,who slightly shivered after such a move..

Horn greedily gulped for air while he could and the boys turned their attention to Klintskog. However the minutes of “pleasure” were stopped and changed by pouring of some kind of vile liquid that goes straight to the throat..

The sudden movements of the people around made August drink the slurry down to the bottom, which made him choke. If he hadn't been tied to something, his legs would have definitely gone under. However,the nausea was coming on, overpowering all other sensations at the moment.

-Ahahah How pathetic they looked ~ It’s sooo fun ! - Someone commented loudly and the sounds of camera flashlights irritated with all their existence every second..

-Stop it ! - Nils mumbled while coughing nearby…

-It’s just beginning,darling~ hahah - The mocking voice appeared suddenly putting victims in “their place”..

Everything that happened for the rest of it was a blur. The brain did not have time to digest all the new stresses until the blindfolds were finally removed and the air changed from cold street air to stuffy indoor. However it doesn’t make anything better since all of them are just in underwear..

August blinks rapidly to get used to the small amount of light faster....-/Where.. where we are?.. And it’s not just us three.. here some guys from our class as well !?!??/…- Horn’s hand found someone who sits near him.. Quickly looking upwards from the bottom ,His eyes meet with Nils’s, in which you can read -”Please stop.. it’s scaring me”

-Welcome to “Palace‘’~- A painfully familiar voice said. His voice seemed to envelop everything around him, penetrating every corner of the darkness....

All the masked people went somewhere closer to the source of voice,taking advantage of the freshmen's disorientation..All eyes were on moving figures…Most of them lined up with central space free, which was taken in no time. The clatter of a man's lacquered shoes echoed throughout the room. Erik appeared in the center with entire light focusing behind him..- Gentlemen~ ,The part two of initiation can begin!- The Swedish Prince commanded.

-The leaders need to stay in the front row, they need SPECIAL treatment - Dane chuckles,after putting off his mask. The senior fully enjoys standing smugly while freshmans kneeling in front of seniors..

Without any further words August felt the little kick from behind , forcing him to fall on his arms closer to the line of seniors.. Nils and Vincent , who were not left out, had the same fate as well…- /Huh?.. We are leaders ?!?.. Aren’t Dane just hate us??/-The teenager's mind raced as he looked at the crazy smile of pleasure of a hated high school senior .

-Hahhh like that ~ Time to tie their hands together for strength - Dane commented , rubbing hands with utter excitement..

Nevertheless,to everyone's surprise, Erik pulled his hand in front of Dane , not letting him be in total charge- I will do it by myself - The Swedish Prince said confidently and took pre-prepared slices of rope on a plate held by another guy.

-Fine!.. - Dane rolled his eyes ,but he couldn't say anything against the Crown Prince’s will.

August can’t watch longer how Erik strongly ties Vincent’s and Nils’s hands,knowing that he himself would tie up next the same way as the potato package… -/I had no chance to run ,right?..I want to sink through the ground/- Thought Horn ,looking at the floor , before Erik’s warm breath didn't feel so close to his tingling neck.. The teen’s eyes raced across the prince's face…

The Crown Prince leaned closer and closer from forward to tie hands blindly.. Every touch gentle and the knot doesn’t make August motionless,but still enough to not fall off too easily .-Remember what I said. Keep your head down and be patient. The reward is close at hand. -Erik whispered to August ear with smirk,pretending to double check knot from behind

The teen clenches his jaw, unable to feel Erik nearbuy anymore.. He is gone as fast as he appeared -/Whaat..??is IT a pay for forgiveness and that damn photo ?!?!?!/- Horn goes pale even for his “Royalish” white skin tone…

Suddenly all the lights went out and the projector showed a clear image...There was no choice to not look at the big screen because some of the seniors examined and made you look at this by forcibly grabbing your chin and moving up your head..Like your own body isn’t even yours..

Nervously gulping ,August’s eyes widened when the video with loud volume started to play.. In front of the teen's eyes appeared two good looking guys in a big bedroom on a king size bed.. The beginning was weird …everything was weird…-/It.. can’t be../- Horn looks away to read the room from other freshmen students and spatially knows how his friends are doing despite the consequences of his own behaviour…

The teen’s head was quickly turned on straight to screen so August couldn't really see anything in the semi-darkness. Two video boys already started to kiss passionately, going further and more wild with every second , accompanying it with moaning..

-Ahhhah look at their faces, so scared or excited.. Some of them are definitely drooling watching this piece of sh*t - Some of the seniors clamorously laugh from Erik’s side of the room..

-Eww! Gross!..It seems I saw how that dude became turned on -A couple of other third-year students, causing the freshmen to squirm under the glares and mocking laughs.

Erik was there in the center as before.. laughing louder than anyone or August just hearing only his voice through a crowd of voices.. showing his real face.. Horn on peripheral sight catched the Crown Prince’s looks..The Crown Prince's eyes glinted while he observed the scene, his gaze lingering on August's quivering frame.

With every more second of video August sweat profusely and shake..His whole gut trying to stop twisted stomach pain and nausea .The mockery and laughter reached a crescendo, echoing through the room like a relentless onslaught. Horn can’t unsee his own mistake that he made himself with Nils a few nights ago…-/it’s all my fault.. It's all my fault definitely …He saw us.. HE!..It’s me.. /

There were tears in the corners of August’s eyes . What was happening was poison in the brain of a teenager barely hanging on. It was like nothing he'd ever experienced before. Only frustration and the break of his young soul into pieces with every gasp from the video and laughter that filled the room…

Towards the last few seconds of the video, August was pulled out of his mindless staring at the screen without feeling any emotion by a voice from behind…

-Who is a little gay here?? If you enjoying the show so f*cking much mabe you should just suck my d*ck ?!? ahhah- Dane laughed at someone ,followed by a muffled shriek and something heavy hitting the floor like a body…

The video faded out, leaving the main “Palace” room in total darkness with rustling and clanking sounds..

And then silence, as if everything inside and outside had died. No one dared to utter a sound until suddenly all the lights above their heads lit up, and their hands were freed from the rope's tugging shackles, which had left marks on their skin....

His eyes, unused to the light, wept, releasing the negative energy that had built up, but August didn't let it last long when unexpectedly some of seniors circled remainders of freshmens with clapping and smiles. He quickly wiped the droplets off his face so he could observe everything around.. -/It’s just me , Vincent and Nils… What the hell?!?/

Erik made step forward to the center of circle ,pulling his hand in front of Horn’s face to help him get up from the floor..-I'm glad to announce that each of you did great on your initiation!As a reward, I'm inviting you all to join a secret club.

-What the hell!!!!?!!? - Vincent stand up by himself, shoving all hands of seniors that trying to help him - What f*cking club after after all of this humiliation !?!!?!?

-Chill! it’s a little joke to find really strong guys - Dane replied with a smug smirk..

August swept his gaze over the towering figure of Erik before him with his arms outstretched…Horn's mind echoed Erik's recent words about the reward, the plan to help redeem himself... And it was all for this damn moment?!

-Just a prank ?!?! - Nils mumbled ,rubbing his body with his clammy hands while still sitting on the floor ..

-Besides everyone goes through this - Steph re-sureing freshmen and covers Poltjerna’s shoulders with a nice red shirt like nothing happened .

The triple of first year students' eyes widen with the new knowledge, not fully recovered after rough initiation..Are they ever will ?

-Answering to your question , Vincent ,it's a group of the most elite members of our school. We meet regularly to discuss important matters and train to become even stronger. - The Crown Prince smiles as usual, captivating and polite..

Vincent snorted with a killer look at the Prince..,while helping Nils to get up from the floor.

-/It has nothing in common with an “initiation” smile../- August thinks and finally takes Erik’s hand with his own shaky one.. When he stood up the slight headache and dizziness hitted him slightly ..

-Nice ~ Once a brother ,always a brother ! - The Swedish Prince said, looking directly into Horn's eyes..

-You three repeat it as well ! It's a secret club vow - Dane stated to August, Vincent and Nils..

All of them were hesitant about all of this privileged club..August couldn't help but feel a prick of guilt and a glimpse of pride along with it as he found himself nestled within Erik's inner he wanted all his life …But why does it feel so bittersweet then ? -/Hey? Did I do my goal of the year ?!?.. I can be part of something important.. close to Erik?../

Horn, Poltjerna and Klintskog looked at each other for a few seconds and made a decision for each one.. They nodded and were ready to shere the answer..- Once a brother ,always a brother - Said them with unison..

-Great, Gentleman~! You three are officially part of our secret club of true elite~ - Erik admitted and whispered something to Steph ,who disappeared in the door to the other half of “Palace” right after..

Steph returned with a large pile of neatly folded clothes that seemed to have been prepared in advance.

-Here you go~ you need to be prepared for the first party with seniors - Steph said and handed out clothes to Vincent and Niels, and last of all went to August. - This is for you from Prince Erik..

-The party?!? - Vince exclaimed in bewilderment,unfolding clean clothes..

-Duh ~ ..Blondie ~, You are part of us now! - Dane chuckles and fixes his hair with a fake smile..

Nils stayed unusually silent ..August was ready to approach him , but he was stopped by Erik and sudden tough hugs..

-Today you wanted to wear my shirt huh~.. So I give it to you.. It's my present. You made me so proud of you , my little brother ~..You listened to me. I was not wrong about you - The Crown Prince muttered gently..

-T..Thanks,Erik..- August could only mumble, touching the older man's back lightly with his fingertips, afraid to disappear under the layer of new circ*mstances. Horn couldn’t forget a single detail during this semester in Hillerska boarding school...

The constant vigilance, the need to be available at a moment's notice, the pressure to conform - it felt like a gilded cage, a gilded cage with a very short leash. Horn of Årnäs was close to Erik, closer than most, but was that proximity a blessing or a curse? The question lingered, a persistent shadow in the corner of his mind, a chilling reminder of the price he had paid for his place in the inner circle.

August smiles forcibly like there was no other emotion then just act before the upcoming wild party.-/ I beg ..Just to get drunk and forget, walling up all the recent memories in the furthest box with a chain around it…/


The morning after the raucous third-year party was an amalgamation of controversial sensations.It was a bittersweet feeling, a reminder of the ephemeral nature of such gatherings, the highs and lows intertwined, leaving a lingering sense of both joy and loss…

Someone considered this night as the best experience that they could’ve in their entire life, but for August this the worst ever night will always hanting him with an inflamed imagination..

Finally Horn reached the right classroom where all freshmans gathered with tired but still smiley faces.. August nodded in greeting and took his usual place ,pulling the sleeves up over the arms of his formerly tight jumper, now loose.

-You ditched breakfast again… and us.. It’s not a good friend move , bro ~- Suddenly Vincent stormed into the room and said mockingly.

Nils was unusually silent like yesterday before the party.. He just takes his place in front of August’s desk.

August should’ve answered something to keep conversation, but the classroom door creaked open, and the headmistress,Mrs. Anette Lilja ,entered the room with a confident stride.

-Sorry… -Horn apologises again, not realising that his actions are becoming a system.

Her presence immediately commanded attention, her tailored suit exuding an air of authority. Her piercing blue eyes scanned the students, taking note of each face. A warm smile spread across her lips as she addressed the class, her voice clear and resonant.- Good morning, students.I know you don't want to be in a classroom on your day off, but today we're going to do something important. Don't worry. It won't take long.

Some students in the room sigh and some of them are intrigued… August identifies himself in middle he is not really interested in this event but it’s can be destruction for some time

-Since you have been in Hillersk for almost a few months now and already have a good idea of what this school is like I suggest you write a letter to the future. A letter to the future to yourself, which you can open at the end of your third year before graduation. - The headmistress continued her speech and after that handed the envelopes with the sheets to each pupil- You have one hour to finish..

Everyone started murmuring to each other.. no one really expected something like that,but Horn didn't feel like this was some unknown experience in school..He heard about it a few years ago from his cousin.. -/I fear what my future can look like..When at present I am such a pathetic thing and probably an idiot../- August pressured his lips and pulled closer a perfectly clean piece of paper with not a single mark, not a single blemish, not a single defect. ..

Dear August,..- Horn started without giving much thought to what he's about to write,buy his still bandaged hand. - Dear August from the future, hi. I hope you are doing amazing.. You are successful in everything you do and have the best marks in your class.. And..

-/Right, it's a safe option.. nothing more nothing less in case that someone will read my letter..What else I can write/- August looking around for some inspiration , but soft laughters and whispers around the class makes his eye flinch with every second..All thoughts dredged back to camera flashes,endless whispers..and total humiliation ,to induce gagging...

-/No!!! I am f*cking insane/- With a pen stroke, he physically erased his insincere words, severing the thread of deceit that had bound him. In their place, he poured out his genuine feelings, unfiltered and raw,baring his scarred soul,finding glimps of creacked reflection not so terrifaing anymore ..

Dear August from the future, hi. I hope you are doing amazing.. You are successful in everything you do and have the best marks in your class.. And..

Dear future August ,I hope you graduate as a man you want to be,and that you through work and discipline ,have transformed from scrawny ,scared first-year student that everyone bullied , to strong independent individual who nobody dares to mess with.You’ll show them !Right now,you are Erik’s errand boy, but when you graduate you’ll rule Forest Ridge..This first year was just the beginning..You have stopped crying , you have learned to suck it up even better than ever before ,and you have made more friends.. And I hope you never have to be alone again..

Instead of lingering in the classroom and savouring the emotions that were finally coming out, he chose to leave silently, leaving a trail of unanswered questions behind him. As he left the classroom, he carelessly placed an envelope with a letter on the teacher's desk, the contents of which were unknown to anyone but the addressee. With a smirk on his face, he walked out of the classroom, leaving the headmistress and his classmates wondering about the significance of his early departure and leaving everyone behind with his unusual behaviour.

Maybe it’s nothing step for humanity , but it is a huge step for August Horn of Årnäs…

Broken Pieces - Chapter 6 - Ollivia_Snow (2024)


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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.