On this page, we will study the meaning of the Japanese word 気持ち (kimochi) and its translation into English. Let's see their different meanings, example phrases, explanations, etymology and the similar words.
Romaji: kimochi
Kana: きもち
Type: noun
L: jlpt-n4
Translation / Meaning: feeling; sensation; humor
Meaning in English: feeling;sensation;mood
Definição: emoções e estado de espírito.
Table of Content
- Etymology
- Writing
- Synonyms
- Example Phrases
Explanation and Etymology - (気持ち) kimochi
気持ち is a Japanese word that refers to a feeling or emotion. The word is composed of two Kanji: 気 (ki) which means "spirit" or "energy" and 持ち (mochi) which means "to have" or "to maintain". Therefore, 気持ち can be literally translated as "having a spirit" or "maintaining an energy". However, the actual meaning of the word is more abstract and can vary depending on the context in which it is used. It can refer to feelings such as love, sadness, joy, anger, among others. The word is commonly used in everyday conversations and in idiomatic expressions.
How to Write in Japanese - (気持ち) kimochi
See below a step-by-step guide on how to write the word by hand in Japanese (気持ち) kimochi:
Synonyms and Similar - (気持ち) kimochi
See below a list of Japanese words that have the same meaning or is a variation of the word we are studying on this page:
心情; 想い; 感情; 気分; 気持; 想像; 意識; 意思; 意向; 意気込み; 意味; 意義; 意地; 意地悪; 意外; 意欲; 意匠; 意図; 意地悪い; 意気投合; 意気揚々; 意気消沈; 意気盛ん; 意気込む; 意気投入; 意気揚々と; 意気込んで; 意気投合する; 意気投入する; 意気消沈する
Words containing: 気持ち
See also other related words from our dictionary:
Words with the same pronunciation: きもち kimochi
Example Sentences - (気持ち) kimochi
Below are some example sentences:
Yuruyaka na sakamichi wo noboru no wa kimochi ga ii desu
It is pleasant to climb a soft hill.
It is good to climb a smooth slope.
- 緩やかな (yuruyaka na) - smooth, gradual
- 坂道 (sakamichi) - hill, slope
- を (wo) - direct object particle
- 登る (noboru) - climb
- のは (no wa) - topic particle
- 気持ちがいい (kimochi ga ii) - feel good, pleasant
- です (desu) - verb ser/estar in the present
Dote wo aruku no wa kimochi ga ii desu
It is pleasant to walk on the embankment.
Walking on the shore is pleasant.
- 土手 - means "margin" or "gully".
- を - object particle.
- 歩く - verb meaning "walk" or "walk".
- の - particle that indicates the nominalization of the previous verb.
- は - particle that indicates the topic of the sentence.
- 気持ち - noun meaning "feeling" or "sensation".
- が - particle that indicates the subject of the sentence.
- いい - adjective meaning "good" or "pleasant."
- です - verb that indicates the polite or polite form of the sentence.
Nandaka kimochi ga ochikomu
Somehow my feelings are depressed.
- 何だか - means "in some way" or "in some way".
- 気持ち - means "feeling" or "emotion".
- が - subject particle.
- 落ち込む - means "to be depressed" or "to feel low."
Karada ga nobiru to kimochi ga ii desu
It's good to feel the body stretching.
It's good when your body grows.
- 身体が伸びる - the body stretches
- と - connects the previous sentence with the next
- 気持ちが良い - is nice
- です - é
Watashi no kimochi wa f*ckuzatsu desu
My feelings are complicated.
My feelings are complicated.
- 私 (watashi) - personal pronoun meaning "I" in Japanese
- の (no) - particle that indicates possession or relationship between two things
- 気持ち (kimochi) - noun meaning "feeling" or "emotion"
- は (wa) - particle that indicates the topic of the sentence
- 複雑 (f*ckuzatsu) - adjective meaning "complex" or "complicated"
- です (desu) - verb "to be" in polite form
Kanashii kimochi ga aru
I have a sad feeling.
I have a sad feeling.
- 悲しい - sad
- 気持ち - feeling
- が - subject particle
- ある - exist
Nammoku no michi wo aruku no wa kimochi ga ii desu
It is pleasant to walk along a tree-lined street.
It is pleasant to walk in the row of trees.
- 並木の道 - path of aligned trees
- を - object particle
- 歩く - to walk
- のは - topic particle
- 気持ちがいい - feel good, pleasant
- です - verb ser/estar in the present
Fuan na kimochi ga aru
I feel a sense of restlessness.
I have anxiety.
- 不安な - adjective meaning "restless, anxious, worried"
- 気持ち - noun meaning "feeling, emotion"
- が - particle that indicates the subject of the sentence
- ある - verb that means "to exist, to be present"
Setsunai kimochi ga mune ni tsumaru
A painful feeling builds up in my chest.
Sad feeling is clogged in my chest.
- 切ない - sad, painful
- 気持ち - feeling, emotion
- が - subject particle
- 胸 - chest
- に - location particle
- 詰まる - to be full, to be clogged
Kansha no kimochi wo wasurezu ni ikiteikitai
I want to live without forgetting my gratitude.
- 感謝の気持ち - Feeling of gratitude
- を - Particle indicating the direct object of the sentence
- 忘れずに - Without forgetting
- 生きていきたい - I want to live
Phrase Generator
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Other words of the same type: noun
See other words from our dictionary that are also: noun
Kana: インク
Romaji: inku
Translation / Meaning:
Kana: よろこび
Romaji: yorokobi
Translation / Meaning:
happiness; (a) delight; rapture; pleasure; gratification; rejoicing; congratulations; congratulations
Kana: うりきれ
Romaji: urikire
Translation / Meaning:
Sold out
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
There are different ways of expressing the idea of "feeling; sensation; humor" in the Japanese language.
A way of saying "feeling; sensation; humor" é "(気持ち) kimochi". Throughout this page you will find information and alternatives.
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On this page you will find precious information about the Japanese word "(気持ち) kimochi", you can take advantage of the phrases available on this page and add them to a memorization program or Flashcard. You can also see their writing, meanings and synonyms.