My Superhero University: A New Era (2024)


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kkhohoho Since: May, 2011

#1: Apr 1st 2019 at 5:23:06 PM

It is an age of heroes. From the day the Saint was first seen in newsreels back in '39 all those years ago, there have always been heroes. For decades they've protected the world from superpowered criminals, mad scientists, nazi nitwits, alien invaders, and even the odd incursion from other dimensions. Regardless of their origins — whether they received their powers in some sort of accident, were born with their abilities, used tech to get by, or relied purely on their training and hard work — they have long vowed to protect the world and make it a better place.

However, in recent years, things have changed. In times gone by, most heroes began their careers well into adulthood, with only the occasional sidekicks being the exception. But as the decades went on, more and more young heroes began receiving their powers or beginning their careers younger and younger, often without the proper training or maturity to properly use them or not get themselves hurt. Or worse. And so a solution was reached. Founded by Saint Solutions, a series of schools for young heroes in training was established across the globe. Now any young whippersnapper who wishes to become a hero or even just learn to control their powers goes to one of these schools. Staffed largely by experienced, older heroes, they're the best place to go for anyone who wishes to hone their skills and truly learn what it takes to become a hero.

But the best of them all was none other than Saint Academy, located right in Super City, California. And it's President was none other than the original Superhero himself, The Saint. Blessed with great strength and speed as well as extended longevity, he still had a reputation as the world's greatest hero despite retiring long ago, but he nonetheless did his best to make the world a better place in his own way. And that included molding brave new heroes that could help continue to protect the world in his absence.

Sadly, Saint's goal proved in a way to be prophetic. Several months ago, Saint fought valiantly to help protect Super City from a last desperate assault by Gaea, an organization dedicated to tearing the world apart by sparking anti-superhuman and non-human bigotry amongst the general population until a valiant group of students managed to stop them. But their efforts proved costly. Gaea lashed out in retaliation, and while they were stopped, Saint lost his life in the process.

Without their greatest hero, the world is at a loss. Supervillains have started popping up out of the woodwork, eager to take advantage of the void left by Saint's absence. Some heroes have begun adopting a rougher, more violent approach, convinced that the Saint's more lenient methods won't cut it anymore. And while the destruction of Gaea has helped repair relations between humans and nonhumans, the loss of the world's premier symbol of peace is threatening to put them at odds once again.

Thankfully, Saint had an answer to just that. Before he died, he was working on a means to give the many promising students at Saint Academy a means to further hone their experience and skills, as well as give older would-be heroes a chance to show what they were made of. In honor of his memory, the school staff did as he wished, rebranding the school Saint University and opening their doors to anyone wishing to learn how to be a hero. Little did Saint know just important Saint University would be. Because more than ever, the world is in need of heroes.

Hey, everyone! In case you haven't guessed, this is a Superhero College RP. It's also a sequel to My Superhero Academy, but you don't need to play that RP to enjoy this one. Anything you need to know will be explained in MSU, though you can always ask if you have any other questions.

In any case, you are a new student attending their first year at Saint University with your goal being to become a fully fledged Superhero by the end of your tenure. Alternatively you're a returning student from Saint Academy who wishes to continue their education and gain further experience before becoming a full-fledged hero, though this is largely intended for returning players. As a college student, you're free to make your character as old as you want, whether they be a young whippersnapper or an old man proving he's still got what it takes. Some students may also be there to learn how to control their powers, but compared to Saint Academy it isn't as many. So just keep that in mind.

Much of the school year(s) will involve taking classes (including more hands-on material compared to MSA,) as well as being involved in various extracurricular activities such as Superhero sports to test your skills against one another. Though at the same time it's not going to be a complete cakewalk. Various villains and anti-heroes have their eyes on the school with their own agendas in mind and will stop at nothing to accomplish them, so you had best be prepared.

There are also several types of students. First you've got those who received their powers in some sort of accident or experiment. These are some of the most common types of students around. Next up you have those who were born with their powers. These can come with some sort of physical mutation such as Petting-Zoo People, green skin, four arms, etc. (Assuming they aren't another race altogether.) The sky's the limit. Some students only come to the school to learn to control their powers, though many (if not all,) choose to become a hero by the time they're done. Then there are those who rely on their tech for their powers. You might have someone who wears a suit of Powered Armor, or you could have someone who invented a belt that makes them shrink. Again, go nuts. And finally, there are those without any powers or major tech at all who manage to make up for it with sheer grit and gumption as well as lots and lots of training. (Think Batman.) With that out of the way...


  1. Real Name:
  2. Superhero Name: If your character is only a student at Saint University to learn to control their powers, they won't need one, but if they decide to become one later on, then they'll have to pick one then.
  3. Age: Unlike Saint Academy, your heroes can be as old as you want them to be. No need to worry too much about age limits here.
  4. Appearance: Again, self-explanatory. Mostly. A requirement for anyone who wishes to become a hero is to have their own costume. They don't have to make it themselves; they can design it and then Saint Solutions will make it for them. Think of it as an individualized school uniform. That said, those only learning to control their powers don't need one, though they will if they choose to become a hero later.
  5. Personality:
  6. Powers: Self-explanatory. That said, try and keep your character from being too overpowered. Anyone with Superman level abilities is a no-no. This also includes time-travel abilities. Healing abilities are allowed, but can only be used after a fight for the sake of balance. Teleporting abilities are also frowned upon, though you can still have them. Just try and have some sort of limitation to keep them from being too OP.
  7. Gear: Also self-explanatory. This can include various equipment or whatnot that gives you your powers as well just any weapons or gadgets you have to assist you, like a Batarang or grappling hook. Both tech heroes and Badass Normals will want to make use of this.
  8. Backstory:
  9. Miscellaneous: Anything you can think of that doesn't fit into any of the other categories.

Anyway, let me know if there are any questions about the RP you have and I'll do my best to answer them. Here's the list of accepted players:

Accepted Players:

  1. Peregrine "Perry" Alastor,Jumping Bean, by JumpingFruit,and Wilma Printer
  2. Shane and Van, by NickTheSwing
  3. Wren, Evelyn, and Lily Aquatos, by Enirboreh
  4. Sally Martel and Finn Acker, by LovelyMagicianSavvy
  5. Mason Bridges, by MichaelDj54
  6. Mikael Freisch and Ellie, by kagescorpionakki
  7. Martin Snow and Clay Cole, by Kingxana0
  8. Dante Precossini, Iuvem Dias, and Chibuzo Kariuki, by Theyja
  9. Aaron and Elaine Rivers, by UndyingPheonix
  10. Mahvash Matten Mattiuza, by CenturyEye
  11. Vivian Courthope, by Booky
  12. Ryuu Fuuji and Samuel Aster Everett, by Blueace
  13. Evergreen, by TopGof
  14. Roboctopus, by FantasyLiver

Also, anyone can join at any time pending GM approval.

Here's the discussion thread. It's very recommended that you at least read the first few posts up to the Timeline if only to get an idea of what kind of world this RP takes place in. Right now it's a bit outdated due to being created for MSA, but most of it should still apply.

Here's a link to the Discord. If you get accepted, it's very recommended to join. Makes things a lot easier.My Superhero University: A New Era (21)

And here's the link to the RP.

And I think that does it. Just remember to check the rules when you join the Discord.

Edited by kkhohoho on May 18th 2019 at 12:22:36 PM

JumpingFruit An Ordinary Oddball from R'lyeh Since: Feb, 2018 Relationship Status: Having tea with Cthulhu

An Ordinary Oddball

#2: Apr 1st 2019 at 5:56:10 PM

  • Real Name: Peregrine "Perry" Alastor
  • Superhero Name: Stray
  • Age: 15
  • Appearance: She's 4'9" and 100 lbs.My Superhero University: A New Era (24) from being fed more. Those "cute" shadowy things hanging around her are her friends. There are four jagged white markings on the side of her face where the Grim Reaper laid his hand on her and gave her his blessing. She wears the Garb & Mask of the Phantasmal Acolyte as her hero costume.
  • Personality: Perry does her best to maintain a sunny disposition. Since attending Saint Academy, she's become more outgoing and willing to approach people. She sometimes falls into a trance and talks to things that aren't there. Perry likes feeding the spirits that always seem to be following her around, and has therefore amassed a considerable army consisting of the spirits of dead pets.
  • Powers:
    • Grim Reaper's Claim: The Grim Reaper has given Perry his blessing and has claimed her soul as a future Reaper. Any other soul-claiming/manipulating being would be wise to think twice about trying to mess with Perry's soul, as this would garner the Grim Reaper's negative attention and wrath. Perry can also speak with Reapers on equal terms, since she is slated to eventually become one of them.
    • Spiritual Sense: Perry can sense the presence of hidden spirits, though she will still be unable to pinpoint their exact location. She needs the Mask of the Phantasmal Acolyte to properly see hidden spirits. In addition to that, Perry can hear all kinds of spirits whispering in her ears, though only the speech of human spirits will be able to get through. The words of other kinds of spirits will need to be filtered through the Mask first to be understandable. Perry can instinctively tell whether someone/something is alive, dead, or an undead creature.
    • Spirit Summoning: Perry can summon the spirits of unwanted or otherwise abused pets to any location, as long as there is space. It depends on her willpower and how many spirits she's befriended—and that's a lot. They take the form of tangible animal-shaped shadows with green eyes. They are very friendly to everyone, but will quickly turn hostile if Perry encounters any threats. She can now do the same with human spirits, but it requires their consent before doing so. This does not apply if the spirit is in danger (and she needs to rescue it) or if the spirit is a danger to others. It takes more willpower to contact and summon a human spirit than it takes to do the same to the spirit of animals.
    • Spirit Channeling: Currently, Perry has formed an especially deep bond with five spirits: a dog, a cat, a co*ckatoo, an Eastern Dragon, and a fire creature. This allows her to summon them into her body and attain some of their attributes. When spirit channeling, Perry forms a shadowy aura around herself with the traits of the spirit she is channeling. Now that her curses have broken, she can also do the same with human spirits, providing she summons them to her first. She gains the voice of the spirit she is channeling while acting as their mouthpiece.
      • Rollo: Rollo is a wolfdog who was starved to death by a neglectful owner. When Perry is channeling him, she gains a significant boost to her strength, a more sensitive sense of smell, and sharper teeth.
      • Lucky: Lucky is a black cat who was drowned by her depressed owner. When Perry is channeling her, she gains a boost to her speed and agility, increased flexibility, muffled footsteps, nightvison, a righting reflex, and shadowy claws.
      • Pip: Pip is a co*ckatoo who was choked to death by a careless groomer. When Perry is channeling him, she gains a pair of shadowy wings and the ability to mimic voices.
      • Buddy: Buddy is the manifestation of an Eastern Dragon's blessing. He's a small blue Eastern Dragon, affectionately termed a "noodle." When Perry is channeling him, she obtains significantly more strength than she gets when she channels Rollo, hard armored scales on her limbs and chest, a pair of small antlers, the ability to breathe under water, and the ability to make it drizzle. Due to the immense mental strain of channeling a freaking dragon of all things (not to mention the fact that this is supposed to be "for emergencies" based on the wording of the blessing), Perry can only channel Buddy for around 5 minutes.
      • Pancake: Pancake is the soul of a fire creature that Dr. Reinbach accidentally created. While being channeled, he grants Perry heat resistance and the ability to generate her own flames at the risk of slowly overheating and fainting. Perry can attempt to direct existing flames, but at a level weaker than proper pyrokinetics.
  • Gear:
    • Geistcutter/The Lance of Longinus: This is a primitive-looking, two-pronged bone hairpin that is in reality the sealed form of an especially potent anti-undead and anti-possession weapon.
      • Geistcutter is able to scale itself appropriately depending on its enemy. It can turn into varying sizes of knives and swords made of bone, with its final form being a two-pronged, perpetually-bloodied spear.My Superhero University: A New Era (25) The more attached to their life and evil its opponent is, the more it can unseal itself and grow more powerful. It is devastatingly effective when fighting against supernatural undead and possession, but its efficacy is halved when dealing with technological undead and possession. (When dealing with possessed beings, it damages whatever is possessing the being, though it unfortunately also damages the host in the process.) It is fairly feeble against mindless artificial beings, like golems and robots. Being a death-seeker can also mitigate Geistcutter's power, though there is no excuse for being evil that would make Geistcutter pity its opponent.
      • If there is a physical component to a magic spell being used against the wielder (like a beam of light, or a shield construct), Geistcutter can sunder it. This is because Geistcutter is sharp enough to sever the ties holding undead to the mortal coil, and it also conveniently applies to magic. This is not an anti-magic aura—the wielder has to notice the spell being fired and react to it accordingly in order to properly disrupt it; it cannot stop magic all by its lonesome.
      • As long as Geistcutter is within arm's reach, it can add its willpower to its wielder's to aid in the repelling of mental influences and resistance of involuntary transformations. However, any wavering of the wielder's willpower will also cause Geistcutter's influence to buckle. Having a strong bond with Geistcutter is necessary to avoid this.
      • If anyone other than its chosen wielder attempts to use it, it will not object with painful punishment unless the usurper is evil (which warrants a powerful shock of its holy powers). If a non-evil person other than its chosen wielder seeks to use this sword, it will simply whisper unpleasant truths and grow thrice as heavy while seeming to nullifying whatever enhanced strength the person has (while being thrice as light for its wielder). It does not appear to harm anyone with its strength nullification, and mechanical/technological beings can still be affected with minor glitches and malfunctions, though they take no substantial damage. Thus, it is still possible for people that are not Geistcutter's chosen wielder to use it, though quite awkwardly and clumsily. It makes exceptions in times of emergency.
        • Such is Geistcutter's loyalty that should its current chosen wielder be in life-threatening danger (and specifically life-threatening danger with no other options left), it can instantly teleport itself dramatically to its wielder's side.
      • Geistcutter is a very solemn yet proud weapon, and it seeks to atone for its past crime of piercing the side of Jesus Christ by traversing the Earth, disappearing and reappearing, to combat significant supernatural threats. It speaks with the voice of the wielder's dearest deceased family member. Its shadow betrays its true form, and will always appear strapped on the wielder's back in the wielder's shadow even if it is being carried somewhere else.
    • The Garb & Mask of the Phantasmal Acolyte: This ceremonial garb looks somewhat like thisMy Superhero University: A New Era (26) and is paired with the antlered skull of a Wendigo (a cross between a wolf's and a deer's skull), which has been engraved with intricate silver markings and sanctified with holy water. The Mask grants Perry the senses of a Wendigo and allows her to see ghosts that are otherwise invisible, sense nearby spiritual energy (including sources of magic, life-force, etc. but not control it), along with commune with (but not control) other spirits that are not of the dead. In the case of still-living beings, the Mask allows her to establish a weak, mid-range empathic bond.
    • Lantern of the Ether: When a source of flame is placed inside this ornate brass lantern, a rift to the Other Side is opened. Safe passage (seen as a glowing trail leads you wherever you want to go without getting lost) is guaranteed so long as the fire doesn't burn out. Perry still has Bellpepper's perpetual flame, so this can be a way for Perry to travel quickly without the help of her friends, who may be warded against in some situations.
  • Backstory:
    • Perry comes from a long line of spirit mediums and psychics, although recently the blood of her family has been diluted somewhat by her father marrying a normal woman. She can't summon human spirits because of this, although the spirits of animals fall under her sway easily enough. She lived a normal life through most of her early childhood, and experienced relatively few hardships. That all changed when her house was bought out by some rich folks looking to construct a new mansion.
    • Her family was evicted from their house, and she was left on a street corner because her father was ashamed of her weak ability to control spirits and her mother disliked her because of her apparent "mental disability" stemming from her blood. She managed to eke out a life living on the streets with the help of her spiritual friends, and eventually grew used to her new life, occasionally using her powers to stop minor crimes on the side.
    • She was found by the Saint Foundation about two years after her abandonment and invited to Saint Academy as a charity case. Having no real reason to object, Perry followed along and resolved to learn how to be a hero for real and learn all that she can along the way. Now it's the end of the school year, and she's dredged up the rest of her resolve to finish her education at Saint University.
  • Miscellaneous:
    • Warding a place against spirits can prevent Perry from summoning her friends and render her without backup. Performing an exorcism upon her while she is channeling one of her five best friends will force whomever she is channeling out of her body and return her to normal.

Edited by JumpingFruit on May 2nd 2019 at 10:26:05 AM

I wear the skin of the Elder Things, having come unto my own.

kkhohoho Since: May, 2011

#3: Apr 1st 2019 at 6:01:39 PM

My Superhero University: A New Era (28)Accepted.

NickTheSwing Since: Aug, 2009

#4: Apr 1st 2019 at 6:09:17 PM

  • Real Name: Shane Calston
  • Superhero Name: Student Currently, so no code name yet.
  • Age: 18
  • Appearance: Shane Calston by all appearances looks like the archetypal All-American Face "dudebro jock" type - dark, naturally wavy hair, bright, icy blue eyes, a height of six foot three, and a remarkably muscular build. He has slightly tanned skin, indicating a predilection for outdoors activities. He frequently has to shave off the hair on his chin and jaw line, and he is otherwise conspicuously hairy. He wears most often a tank top or stringer shirt (all the better to show off with), a letterman jacket over that, tight jeans, shorts underneath, and boots. Conspicuously combat boots. He has a few remarkable scars across his body, and his natural look always includes a confident sneer and leading with his chest.
  • Personality: Shane by all appearances is basically a spacey yet oddly snarky jock type - he's at ease in pointing things out, making sexual references, chuckling along with his bros, and almost seeming to make an effort to put himself intellectually beneath any suspicion. This is key. The facade he puts up is very well rehearsed - his actual wit is far more cutting, and those who know him will say Shane Calston is a somewhat mercenary individual, though less so now - he's learned from attendance he need not go it alone. He's also more comfortable showing his intelligence. He cares for a sense of personal loyalties - though since his first year at Saint Academy, he's forged a far more ironclad loyalty to and appreciation of his friends there. He despises being controlled or leashed by anyone, and debts "make me nauseated", so he tries to clear his debts ASAP. He despises prejudice, and his experiences at Saint Academy reinforced this. He's a no nonsense type when the fighting starts, and prioritizes putting his opponents on the ground as quick as possible in whatever state is "acceptable". There is a degree to which his act is derived from his true personality, but some may be quite shocked by how different Shane is from how he seems at first glance.
  • Powers:
    • Skinwalker: Shane is a remarkably talented and controlled skinwalker - he learned his transformation stages from an early age, and switches between them on the fly. He is basically a highly magically apt relative of the usual werewolf. He draws from many myths of beastmen, werewolves and other such creatures, as do his family, giving him access to powers such as enhanced senses, controlling wolves, and being incredibly hard to damage except by silver and some other substances. He is also a great deal faster than the average human, depending on his form however, the same deal for his strength and resilience.
    • Ice Age: Possibly connected to his status and possibly an individual talent is his ice manipulation abilities. He can combine it with his various werewolf powers, create huge cascading sleets of ice, icicle blades, and even control degrees of freezing people. Since his last year, he's developed this power further, being able to make constantly freezing clouds of mist, absolute zero ice attacks, and more pervasive ice attacks.
  • Gear:
    • Reiterpallasch: He wields a nifty little rapier with a powerful gun built into it. He swears it is just a gift from his "quirkier relatives", and that the gun is only armed with blanks and "knockout rounds". He can even enchant it with his ice powers so that bullets he fires freeze up the impact sites and cover them with ice.
    • If one searches him however, one would find an array of pistols, derringers, and such, including a pair of ridiculous Hand Cannons given by his father.
    • Teleporting Belt: Yes, he still has it. He completed his teleporting belt from the science class last year, and it no longer has the semi-regrettable effect it typically does.
  • Backstory:
    • Shane Calston is by all appearances the ur-jock, he was popular in the high school he came from, invited to all the parties, and dated a large amount of the female student body (with a deal of the so inclined male student body lusting after him as well). He did wrestling and football, enjoying the "physicality". However he was suddenly brought into Saint Academy, for reasons unclear to his old friends.
    • Shane however knows why - his family seem like benevolent philanthropists but are actually a family composed by and large of mercenaries. They are taught both the truth of their condition and how to fight and implicitly kill from an astonishingly young age. Shane even while he was playing up his jock image was doing any number of deeds.
    • Of course him being discovered led to him being transferred over to Saint Academy, both "in his own interest" and to keep him from the kind of work his family traditionally does. Shane for his part is cool with all of this, not really sharing his real reactions very much.
    • Shane's Family, the Calstons, for their part are regarded as dangerously amoral by the superheroic community, and are known for doing dirty deeds in war for allegedly good reasons. For example, Shane's father became infamous for a hot minute in a Middle Eastern war for doing "something" to an Ax-Crazy son of the dictator. Shane for his part seems to think his dad "only messed up by letting that sick son of a bitch live".
    • Shane since the last RP has become kind of the campus bro - he's excited for college life, living it up, and staying with his friends. However he's a little anxious about what exactly he's gonna do should he graduate.
  • Miscellaneous:——
  • Real Name: Vandes "Van" Tepes
  • Superhero Name: Bloodbrandt
  • Age: 117, however, as vampires go the rough equivalent is "teenager".
  • Appearance: A very light brown almost blond haired young man clad in black and red light armor. Under this armor is a blue and black sleeveless vest over a gray long sleeved t-shirt, leather pants with a belt, and long boots. He has a Pretty Boy styled face, his hair is just long enough to seem disheveled, and his eyes as per his vampirism are bright red. He has a muscular build, and even though he cannot see his reflection he tries to take care for his appearance.
  • Personality: Vandes or "Van" as he prefers is by and large one of the only moral vampires in his family - the Tepes line is downright infamous all the way back to their most famous ancestor, Dracula himself. Van by contrast to his brothers is kind, decent, forthright, and a chivalrous knight of a youth. Even his all too vampiric Blood Knight tendencies are expressed charitably and honorably - he's hungry for a good fight, a Worthy Opponent to test his blade, but not to kill or be killed levels. Van has a definite sense of justice, desiring to become a hero just because its the right thing to do, to stop crime and prevent other "monsters" from hurting people. He's notably a little "power shy", and doesn't want to use some of his powers around other people, seeing them as "horrifying", and only drinks blood from those who give him explicit consent. He seals away his powers behind layers of "Restraints" numbered 0 thru 5, and the lower numbers require multiple people in high positions to "okay" their use. This reflects on his view of personal responsibility for his powers and how he uses them. While he does have a certain level of perverted tendencies, he's very squarely in Chivalrous Pervert. He loves enjoying himself, but not if that would detract from others' enjoyment. Since the last year, Van has drawn closer to his friends, confiding in them more - and he has started to openly think about one particular student. Ash Phoenix is someone now near and dear to him, and he wishes he could've tried to start something with her before the end of the last year.
  • Powers:
    • Sangromancy: Or, to put it simply, control over his own blood and or the blood of those he's drank from. Vandes has an incredibly fine honed control over his blood, down to minute levels, and can even use it to cause friction on his weapon of choice to create a technique called "Burning Blood". He can use it to create additional blades, blood bullets, and other weapons.
    • Familiars: Locked away behind Level 5 Restraint is his arsenal of mundane animal familiars. All told he has around forty bats, wolves, venomous snakes, and wild cats in his repertoire, made of shadow and red liquid, lined with unblinking eyes.
      • Higher Order Familiars: Locked behind Level 2 Restraint are his more infamous Familiars - a gigantic Hellhound called the Black Hound Barguest, six giant demonic bat monsters, a gargoyle, and a deadly, toxic blooded, toxic fanged blood hungry chupacabra. He could technically add human souls to his repertoire, but he absolutely refuses to subject anyone to this horrible fate.
    • Vampiric Resilience: Rather than being hardcore Made of Iron, Vandes is a terrific shapeshifter - he can form and reform using blood, his familiars, and his own dark aura. Hence, it is very, very difficult to put him down for good. His only weakness is his head. Outside of a fight he can restore himself remarkably quickly if his weaknesses were not employed.
    • Super Smoke: When its night out anyway - he can turn into smoke and reform to assist the above. He cannot use this power in daylight.
    • Vampiric Senses: He can detect spilled blood almost a mile or two away, he can follow trails of blood, and he can even detect if someone's had blood on their hands for about a week afterwards.
    • Incredibly Skilled Swordsman: He can make some rather over the top shows with his sword, Chikage, pulling off some impressive Iaido stunts.
  • Weaknesses: He has some fairly standard vampiric weaknesses - he cannot see himself in the mirror, he cannot travel over moving water except in a coffin, his powers cannot be fully employed in the daylight hours (Level 2 can only be lifted at night), he has a severe garlic allergy, he is weak to concentrated sunlight, and he cannot enter holy temples. Notably, he holds himself to the "I cannot enter unless I am invited" rule, considering doing otherwise to be unfathomably rude.
  • Gear: He makes use of Chikage, a dangerous "Blood Sword" which in any other hand would have a deadly super mode which empowers the sword by draining the blood of its wielder. Vandes just has enough experience with his vampiric powers to basically abnegate this downside, and indeed, he actually uses the bloodletting of the sword to his advantage. The story of how he got it goes back forty years, to a trip to Japan where he picked up the sword from the family of an old friend. Since the end of the last year, he's reinforced the Chikage to ignite the blood of his foes who know fear.
    • Fornever, his arm mounted shield - he usually holds Chikage inside of this arm mounted shield. It is incredibly sturdy and can fend off a lot of hits.
    • Sword of Tear: An unusual sword Van's family sent him at his graduation - the Sword of Tear cannot be drawn by a mortal, and indeed, it has deleterious effects on mortals. The Sword possesses a Curse - it is a magical effect glutton, and draws in foreign energies, blasts and such and then can return them in short order. However, this has quite a radius on it, and can make fighting in a team difficult if its out.
  • Backstory: The middle child of the family, Vandes started out as afflicted highly by "middle child syndrome" - he always wanted to distinguish himself from his older and younger brothers, which was exploited by his manipulative step-mother. His mother "left" after his birth, which confused and initially angered Vandes, but when he started to really see what his family was like, he came to understand her choice. Vandes strives to be more of a moral, heroic vampire, styling himself after a knight and going to Saint Academy in order to learn heroics. His family scoffs at his choice, but he marches forward with it due to him preferring to be scoffed at and good rather than embraced and fiendish.
  • Miscellaneous:—-

Edited by NickTheSwing on May 25th 2019 at 10:38:34 AM

Enirboreh AKA Nixer from the domain of infinite floof. Since: Jul, 2015 Relationship Status: Non-Canon

AKA Nixer

#5: Apr 1st 2019 at 6:19:42 PM

A pair of familiar faces; plus someone new.

  • Real Name: Yoko
  • Superhero Name: The Laughing Foxnote
  • Age: Unknown specifically, but somewhere over 1,000 years of age due to her celestial status.
  • Appearance:
    • Fox Form: 40 cm high, 80 cm long.My Superhero University: A New Era (31) Her renewed ‘default’ form, commonly used for cuteness purposes and for manoeuvring in small spaces. Is her base state—all transformations when reversed via the destruction of her tails cause her to revert to this form. Requires no tails to be used, but it is her most vulnerable form. Her other tails barring the original may be hidden via melding them together into one.
    • Human Form (Female): 6'2".My Superhero University: A New Era (32) Her first learned transformation, and her personal favourite. Usually has foxlike traits for greater ease in containing the transformation, but she is able to hide them when necessary with some extra concentration. Requires her original tail to remain intact in order to access.
    • Human Form (Male): 5"4'.My Superhero University: A New Era (33) Her second learned transformation, achieved a century after her first with the growth of her second tail. Requires said second tail and the original to be intact in order to use.
    • Colossal Fox Form (Kaijukitsune): 15 metres in height, 33 metres in length.My Superhero University: A New Era (34) Gained in her 900th year, and requires all of her tails to be intact in order to activate.
  • Personality: A kitsune's actual age means nothing to their mind. Yoko is initially cheery and and overly energetic to those who meet her under more casual circ*mstances, but years of experience mean she knows when to stop the jokes and act with responsibility. With a strong sense of compassion yet still settling into a greyish moral area due to her yōkai psychology, Yoko may be pure in intentions but she can still be caught up in her emotions and rage when pushed—and little can calm her down once she's reached such states. Filled with wisdom from experience yet still remaining somewhat naïve at times, Yoko is ultimately yearning for a simple life with her new boyfriend/husband/immortal buddy (it's complicated) but with the insanity associated with the Saint school system it has been put on the backburner in favour of simply surviving. With shame towards her more bestial past yet constantly striving to better herself, Yoko's newfound status as a celestial kitsune doesn't mean she's stopped learning—and with hanyō children now on the way, there's no telling what bizarre situations are imminent in her life.
  • Powers:
    • Illusionism: A yōkai technique that allows her to target either one person at close range or up to three individuals at a distance in order to directly affect their five senses. The ability manifests within her hands as a bright glow of foxfire, which she can then apply to the area of the person she wishes to target specifically (usually the head in order to affect the mind's perception of the body overall). Yoko can also utilize this ability at a longer range using a slightly different tactic; in which she makes a specific hand-seal similar to that of a flipped diamond—at which point the space in-between will glow with a ghostly light and sprout into a trio of ethereal tendrils in order to ensnare the target that way. Whatever the case, any living being she uses this ability on will be treated to an onslaught of images, sounds, scents, and experiences dictated by Yoko—however her poor attention span and the relative ease in which one can break out of this technique means it is limited only as a temporary ensnarement or brief distraction for her to recover during. Plus the long-range tendrils can be easily avoided anyhow—and they will not give chase for very long before dissipating. This ability has been enhanced to greater effect post-ascension.
    • Foxfire Generation: By either rubbing her tails or hands together (or simply exhaling in a particular manner), Yoko can manifest a destructive, spiritual material either in the form of bluish-white lightning, traditional flame, or concentrated, ethereal orbs that can float about beyond physical reason. Yoko excels at lightning generation but suffers with fireballs and the like—either packing them too much and creating the aforementioned will-o-the-wisps or packing too little and just causing them to preemptively collapse. Due to its spiritual nature, Yoko's foxfire is both bitingly cold and burning hot to the touch, and it can also burn intensely with no fuel even on normally flame retardant materials—though thankfully she can also alter it to incorporate healing properties instead. This ability has been enhanced to greater effect post-ascension.
    • Shapeshifting: Another fairly common yōkai ability, although split into stages across her tails. With her original tail, Yoko can shift into any female form she desires. With her second tail, Yoko can shift into any male form of equal freedom. With her other seven tails, she can mimic small objects, fish, birds, canids, cats, and reptiles—and using all simultaneously allows her to use a gigantic version of her fox form. This ability has been enhanced to greater effect post-ascension.
    • Kitsune Physiology: Yoko possesses the agility and stealthiness of a fox, further enhanced by her powers. Every 100 years or so, a kitsune grows a tail, increasing their magical abilities by a significant portion. Tail growth stops at the number nine, and the kitsune becomes a Kyūbi no Kitsune. After it has reached 1,000 years of age with nine tails, however, it ascends to heaven and becomes a celestial fox. Having reached this latter state, Yoko is nigh-impossible to kill by purely mundane means—while still able to be injured, the fatal blow must be dealt with by an enchanted weapon or a supernaturally powered attack in order to properly finish her off. In the same way, her tails can be sliced from her body by spiritually-infused attacks—which would render her illusions weaker, her foxfire less corporeal, and her shapeshifting more limited with each tail lost. If she flees before all tails can be destroyed, they will reform within a period of rest and recovery along with her abilities in a form of gradual (yet thorough) regeneration. As long as one tail remains complete, Yoko can even begin to rejuvenate the rest of her body over the course of several days—granted if she is safe enough to go into a deep sleep. An important note is that a kitsune has an innate phobia of dogs and wolves, which can detect their presence even while in disguise.
    • Celestial Powers: Now she has reached her 1,000th birthday, Yoko has been granted an array of godly powers by the great Inari Ōkami for use in her new role as the Celestial Guardian of Earth. Apart from an incredible boost in physical strength and speed as well as to her base kitsune powers, Yoko has also attained the power of flight—an ability often mimicked by kitsune not yet having reached ascension but never really reaching the same level of precision as that which the celestials utilize. Yoko may also freely shift to and from a purely spiritual state—an almost entirely invisible spectre in the vague shape of a fox—however her gained intangibility in this form also means she is unable to interact with the physical world while using this transformation. This dematerialized state allows her ready access to both the Yōkai Realm and Heaven, and she can move at speeds unhindered by physical restraint when existing purely as a spirit. Her sight has become telescopic so it may focused on objects miles away (granted if nothing's in the way to start with) and her hearing is so incredibly potent that she can acknowledge the sounds of footsteps at an equally long distance. When it's required, Yoko may also call upon the good graces of Inari and request a boost to her power—to which she will become enveloped in a golden hue and receive an even greater increase to her already improved powers.
  • Gear:
    • Kitsune Mask: A magic-infused mask of clay that both masks her identity if necessary and has the added effect of making her transformations quicker and easier whenever applied. The mask has the ability to be summoned and de-summoned with an accompanying swirl of foxfire. Yoko is protective of the thing, and can occasionally be seen carefully repainting some of its markings and polishing it in her spare time.
  • Backstory:
    • Born as a regular fox deep within the forests of Japan, Yoko's young life was initially rather ordinary—spent hunting and playing with her many siblings—right up until the point where she began to realise that her aging seemed considerably slowed when compared to that of her brethren. It was with gradual horror that she witnessed their days melding into one another and her family grow old before her eyes; helpless to do anything but watch as they eventually passed away—leaving the young kitsune alone and nearly completely unaged.
    • It was a whole 50 years later that the kitsune began to feel a change. A growing lump next to her tail. A bizarre sense of dizziness that came and went. Seeing things jumping about the trees. Lumbering creatures in the distance that she would rush towards and find nothing upon reaching them. Uncanny faces, horrific beasts, demons and angels all appearing more solidly and more often the older she got. At age 100, her second tail had fully sprouted. The kitsune had been affected by the magic of the realm right next door on the spiritual plane of her home forest for her whole life, and she had officially become a yōkai.
    • The Yōkai Realm initially seemed to overlap with the forest during her younger years, but by the time the fifth tail sprouted (her rear end was getting rather sore at this point) the spiritual plane had become almost completely separate from her habitat. Ōni guarded the exits into the earth, kamaitachi flew about on the winds, and kasa-obake graciously provided their services during the more rainy spells. Most fascinating of them all, however, were her fellow kitsune—the elder and more kindly of which took her under their wing and helped the growing kit on her path to becoming a full-fledged kyūbi. Despite her not being a sacred white fox—merely a fox of the fields—the kitsune even had the privilege of meeting Inari Ōkami; the goddess of many things with fox spirits included. It was from her that the kitsune received a name of her own—Yoko.
    • ...Granted, it was a common name, but it did nothing to dissuade her. As she became more accustomed to the Yōkai Realm and its inhabitants, Yoko found herself yearning to return to the real world—inspired by the stories of ones such as Tamamo-no-Mae, Yoko wished to bring pride to her fellow fox spirits in trickery and pranks to the hapless humans of her old world. It was most likely this overabundant enthusiasm combined with a significant group of these humans turning out not to be so hapless after all that got her caught by the Saint Foundation after centuries of practical jokes and relentless giggling. But now with connections made, an ascended status, and with her responsibility re-realised, Yoko is determined to live up to a lot of things: a wife, a soon-to-be mother, a good classmate, a good friend, and a patron deity of Earth itself being among them. Needless to say her trials haven't ended, but this particular kitsune has too much at stake to let go now.
  • Miscellaneous:
    • Hates baths with a burning passion; water in general, soap to a lesser degree. She has been the bane of many a kindly-yet-still-clearly-senile-for-trying-to-bathe-a-wild-fox granny due to her frantic state of panic she slips into at the prospect of being cleaned by anyone but herself.note
    • Her animalistic traits—such as her fur, tails, and ears—can be felt even when hidden from sight.
    • Distinct scent of cinnamon.
  • Real Name: Evelynnote
  • Superhero Name: Owl
  • Age: 16
  • Appearance: 5'0".My Superhero University: A New Era (35) Less sickly than before, but still thin. Apparently suffers from a mild form of albinism that's most prominently apparent in the hair—which is usually knotted and severely unkempt (hence her nickname of 'Owl' due to its resemblance of a mass of feathers). Has a severe case of hyphemanote that renders her almost completely blind. When using her powers, the skin on her forehead tears open—a third, slightly larger, and more mutated crimson eye pushing through from behind. The eye can be seen in its inactive state under x-ray or other such means.note
  • Personality: A wallflower and a sweetheart to boot. It's clear by her appearance and stance alone that Evelyn is suffering, but no matter how deathly quiet and agonized her voice is she always manages to inject a hint of optimism and kindness into her dealings towards other people. Painfully shy and apparently unable to take genuine compliments at face value, Evelyn's low self-esteem isn't helped by the freakish nature of her powers and her complete inability to see normally—resulting in an overall desperate need and want for support and good friends that the girl unfortunately believes she's not worthy enough to have. Despite this low opinion she has of herself, Evelyn can quickly display courage in the face of danger if it the situation is truly dire, and she refuses to let people suffer through whatever may be plaguing them for very long at all—often breaking out of her shy tendencies to build them back up with encouraging words and boosts of confidence. Though honest to a fault, Evelyn is no fool—simply viewing the world through rose-tinted glasses and making the choice of acting kind instead of cynical despite the situation. With high moral standards that she can unfortunately never realistically look up to, Evelyn is a dreamer pure of heart; rendered crippled by a small and cruel group and perhaps bottling up a lot more strife than she lets on. But with the recent recollection of her true name, Evelyn has become a little more confident and outspoken—displaying the more determined and no-nonsense side of herself more freely once the going gets tough.
  • Powers:
    • Third Eye: By focusing on her forehead, Evelyn can cause a latent extra eyeball to burst out from beneath her skin via a passage bored into her skull—a specialized fitting from experimentation alongside accompanying muscles attached to the eye. After it has made itself manifest, Evelyn is effectively granted a form of vision to replace and surpass the one she has lost; enabling her to hijack the sight of others she has a knowledge of, see in a 360° field of vision, perceive truth in its purest forms (or the distinct lack of it), and see straight through thin walls. According to her spite or hatred towards a person she can bore an invisible psionic blast directly into their heads by making eye contact with them—to which a red glint will glow in the back of her Third Eye's retina and subject her opponent to an agonizing sting that could potentially disorient their perception or even severely damage their brain—while sufficient concentration and killing intent can create an even more destructive, visible beam of pure psionic energy that can gore through her opponents and slice through metal walls. On the other, more defensive end of the spectrum, Evelyn's Eye can also construct a defensive barrier of similar psionic energy—which flashes up automatically whenever she truly feels like her life is in danger. Despite her reliance on this power purely to be able to see, it is incredibly draining and painful for her to use—often blacking out after prolonged manifestation and even becoming delirious and panicked the more time she is spent seeing through her enhanced vision. Indeed, the more intense a situation and the more fatigued she is, the more her Eye seems to act sporadically—growing veinlike structures out of her canthi and muttering strange gibberish in a low-pitched and inhuman tongue. Thankfully, Evelyn can always will her Eye to retreat back into her skull once she has been snapped out of this state, and the wounds caused by its manifestation always knit back together in a nigh-instantaneous fashion. Evelyn can also 'share' her vision via physical contact with another person—which for the duration of will temporarily manifest a Third Eye of their own on their forehead. Evelyn primarily uses this in conjunction with her sightjacking to wordlessly inform her allies of unknown persons in the area. Most recently, Evelyn seems to have unlocked a new stage to her powers—however, she hasn't fully discovered the extent of them due to the increased pain accessing this state inflicts on her.
  • Backstory:
    • Born Zahraa Tonderai in a small village in South Africa, the girl who would eventually be renamed as 'Evelyn' was but one of many targets for capture by the fanatical and megalomaniacal cult/human experimentation camp known simply as E·Y·E. Chosen for her especially developed pineal gland, Zahraa was abducted at a very young age by a particular division of this group and smuggled directly to their main testing facilities in the state of Nevada. Effectively raised under her new nickname of 'The Owl'—due to her wide eyes and feathery hair—the girl's then-naïve nature was perfect for the brainwashing procedures utilized by the cult to encourage cooperation in the experiments; usually in the form of acting friendly and tricking the girl by disguising tests as more innocent recreational activities. In hopes of achieving an Ubermenschen army of 'awakened' test subjects, the E·Y·E organization had assumed that the manifestation of the Third Eye would achieve a state of enlightenment and needlessness—which it unfortunately did not even in their most anticipated subject that was Evelyn when she finally did so in her early teens. With clear disgust at the girl's pitiful state and grotesque mockery of the supposed representation of eternal wisdom and all-encompassing sight that they had for so long sought after, E·Y·E began to make preparations for even more grueling tests and experiments so as to heighten the results into something more befitting of their original vision—however, they hadn't accounted for the Eye's full capabilities...
    • With her new power of being able to discern truth, Evelyn quickly realised exactly what E·Y·E was doing and how inhumane it was—yet her initial attempts at escape and assisting her other brainwashed cohorts only resulted in more severe testing as punishment. Slowly, however—over the course of many months—she initiated a plan of escape by continuing to play the fool; using the experimentation procedures to develop her powers enough so she could gain advantage enough to overpower her captors. Thankfully, their desperation in continuing developing their (so far) only successful subject into the superhuman of their dreams meant they started to become sloppy in their dealings with her, and Evelyn soon found her opportunity to escape approximately ten months after her initial awakening. With the help of a rejected, blind fellow test subject who had awakened a partially functioning Third Eye at the cost of his regular sight just like her,note Evelyn managed to use their powers in conjunction in order to weave their way through security for quite the considerable distance before they inevitably caught on to what they were doing. Though managing to make it out herself in the ensuing chaos, Evelyn was separated from the unnamed subject in the process, and to this day she has no idea of his current condition.
    • Now free at last—only to be at a loss as to what to do with her newfound freedom—Evelyn was rendered a wanderer of the streets in a nearby town; helpless due to her sightlessness and sickness from her traumatic experiences and having to resort to pathetic begging of passerbys in order to survive each day. Thankfully, after months of this suffering, an old couple happened to stumble across Evelyn when she was on the verge of starvation; taking pity on the frail girl's neglected state and taking her into their home. Initially intending to simply help her to regain her footing in the world and to send her to an adoption centre when they felt she was ready, their plans were soon halted as the girl's powers activated one evening and they were subject both to the twisted sight of her experimentation and her tearful explanation of her past. After a mutual agreement to continue supporting her, the elderly couple took her in as their own and offered the girl the name of 'Evelyn'—much to the her surprise and happiness.
    • All wasn't well for long, though. Effectively stagnated in terms of her learning capabilities, Evelyn had to practically rush through her missed education and attended a wide variety of schools—both private and public—all graciously provided for financially-speaking by her surrogate parents' pension money. Unfortunately subject to some bullying and ridicule for her freakish appearance and abnormal powerset, the sensitive girl was very quickly pulled out as soon as the older couple found out about the extent of her abuse from her schoolmates. At a momentary loss as to what to do, the local news decided to chime in on the radio—cheerfully detailing the controversies and scandals surrounding the previously prestigious Saint Academy.
    • The older couple were thankfully not privileged, however, and didn't immediately dismiss this option. After Evelyn expressed intrigue and slight hope at the thought of being with others as strange as (or perhaps even stranger than) her, the couple quickly sorted through the application procedures and sent the girl off to attend the supernatural school. Initially unable to accompany her due to their age, the pair soon managed to move at least somewhat closer to the school so as to better accommodate their surrogate daughter; and constant phone contact with her has managed to keep her calmed and comforted for now. However, the antics of the school aren't known to Evelyn and have yet to be seen by her—and if the rumours surrounding it are in any way true, Evelyn's adopted parents are keeping their fingers crossed for both her sanity and her safety.
  • Miscellaneous:
    • Evelyn is not entirely blind due to her hyphema—still able to perceive vague shapes amidst the swirling darkness of blood that blocks her vision. In theory, the blood should be able to drain away over time; however the unnatural presence of her Third Eye may permanently prevent her blood vessels from ever healing over properly.
  • Real Name: Uncertain
  • Codename: Wren
  • Age: Biologically seems to be around 18 or 19, but her mental age is comparatively much younger.
  • Appearance: 5'2"My Superhero University: A New Era (36). Bizarre mix of bestial and human traits; notably lacks nails in favour of retractable claws and is coated in a thick layer of iridescent black feathers. Does not wear clothes due to the fact her feathers provide sufficient covering anyhow (that and she tends to overheat otherwise). Eyes have reflective qualities, and are distinct in how large they are in comparison to her face.
  • Personality: An overtly cautious, sensitive sort with a high degree of curiosity but a matching sense of distrust towards newcomers. By her nature Wren is benevolent and gentle, but unrecognized faces or certain triggers (aggressive stances, loud voices, and impermissible approaches) can figuratively and literally cause her hackles to raise in defense—after which it is not uncommon for her to snarl and swiftly teleport away to a corner someplace. While indeed territorial and weary, Wren rarely lashes out unless pushed repeatedly; most often snapping the air or scratching at an arm if she feels intolerant of people's business intruding on hers. Yet despite this, she seems to paradoxically lack a sense of personal space—regularly moving (or teleporting) right up into people's faces to study them better and reacting as aforementioned if they behave indignantly over it. Wren seems to have a mixture of animal instinct and base human behaviours: she scratches herself with her legs like a dog would, sits in a perched position, and seems to prioritize her mouth and head over her hands and arms—yet she also knows how to drink from a beaker, regularly uses hand gestures and pointing to get her message across, and incorporates the odd word or short sentence of English when necessary. Despite her more... difficult traits, Wren also possesses an undying loyalty and an innate sense of maternal instinct towards young children; however her somewhat violent and bestial idea of dealing with her enemies is perhaps not the best model of heroism out there.
  • Powers:
    • Teleportation: With an accompanying burst of plumage and sulphurous smoke, Wren can warp herself to any point within her line of sight that falls under her maximum distance limit of 8 metres. Wren may chain these 'ports together up to three times before losing her breath (the process cuts off her breathing and acts as a temporary vacuum), and she can also alter the potency of the 'port so as to warp quickly and violently or warp more slowly and softly. A violent 'port (most often seen when she's startled or in the middle of a battle) usually knocks over small items in her immediate vicinity once she remanifests, but a softer 'port is next to silent and does not affect her environment nearly as much. Wren's teleporting is signalled audibly by one of two possible sounds: a sharp crack for a violent 'port, or a muted ‘puff’ for a softer 'port. The lingering smell of sulphur and burnt wood can be sensed for up to a minute and a half after each successful 'port. Interestingly, Wren can be knocked out of her 'ports mid-process—if timed correctly, one could interrupt the process as she's moving and send her sprawling as a result. However, Wren's variation of teleporting is distinct; despite its relatively limited range and inability to be used consecutively for long, it remains active even in the presence of nullifiers (as it is in fact a natural part of her already otherworldly biology).
    • Enhanced Senses: These can be a detriment just as much as they can be an advantage. Wren has an internal sense much akin to birds that ties directly into the Earth's own magnetic field, which enables her to identify magnetic north on a semi-regular basis (granted if nothing's there to scramble it somehow). Her sense of touch all across her body is equivalent to that of human fingertips, and as such the soles of her feet and the palms of her hands are even more sensitive as a result. Her feathers contain ‘feelers’ which enable her to be constantly aware of her immediate surroundings at all times (which also prevents her from Telefraging unless she directly initiates it as an attack), and her distinctive eyes enable her to see targets from a long distance and even grant her the ability to perceive thermals. She has a broader range of taste and smell and can easily track down individual scents, and her hearing is equally sensitive.
    • Abnormal Physiology: Wren possesses doubled joints and is incredibly athletic as a result; able to curl up into a ball like a cat and even bend herself backwards to the point where she becomes horizontal. Her lack of fatty masses and refined musculature also means she has great upper-body strength—able to scramble up walls and obstacles as well as use this enhanced physicality in conjunction with her flexibility in order to wrap herself right around poles like some sort of serpent. Wren's plumage flutters and shifts according to her more positive emotions and stiffens like hackles when under stress; as well as naturally providing an efficient protection to extreme weather conditions and moulting on a regular basis according to seasonal change. Her healing is quickened in comparison to a normal human's and acts more effectively—she is able to regrow even lost limbs with time—however it takes much longer to actually kick in and can still take weeks to mend more severe injuries. Her blood is of a more vibrant shade of red and of a thinner consistency to that of a human's, and her teeth are more comparable to that of a wolf's than a primate's. Most notably, Wren seems to be hidden from life sign readouts and certain scanners—remaining unrecognizable to the world even on the most fundamental of levels.
  • Weakness: Apart from being suffocating by its very nature, Wren's teleporting also transports whoever (and whatever) is in contact with her alongside her if it is small enough in mass, and if it is too large it is impossible for her to 'port away at all.note As such, it's relatively easy to pin her down and wear her out as she struggles to get away, and she can be restrained with little difficulty if she's attached to something with enough weight to it. She cannot cling to all surfaces; merely what her claws can dig into—and while her healing is enhanced, her heightened sensitivity means she is much easier to hurt and subdue or cause to scamper away in a frightened retreat. Wren can also be overstimulated by her enhanced senses when in certain environments, and her stubbornness and impatience can make her incredibly hard to work with sometimes.
  • Backstory: The creature dubbed as Wren by investigators quite literally sprang out of nowhere. She was first discovered by a hiker in the forests near Saint Academy while she was hunting a deer, and since then she has been quietly observed through hidden cameras and secretly researched by many nonhuman rights associations and human rights associations alike. DNA samples drawn from moulted feathers left in the forest glean nothing but something entirely unidentifiable, and the fundamental building blocks of her body resemble no other life on Earth. Some suggest she is an extraterrestrial of some description, others offer the possibility that she's from an entirely different dimension, and still others insist she's merely a mutant metahuman or lost experiment from some underground research facility. The fundamental truth of the matter is that Wren is simply not right—and after much deliberation it was agreed that she be brought in by Saint Solutions after she suffered a particularly nasty mauling from a grizzly bear and seemed to be on her last legs. Barely having recovered in their hospitals (mostly by herself—the most they could offer her was completely ineffective anaesthetics), Wren was discovered to have a frighteningly humanlike brain structure despite the differences in everything else making up her body, and was subsequently steered through several teaching and behavioural programs from nonhuman cultures and human cultures alike in an attempt to educate her on the ways of society. Unfortunately, she seemed to have long gone past the critical point of development and only learned a partial amount by the end of the process—and with conflicting tolerance and instructions on behaviour she has only ended up an even greater mix between a human and a nonhuman. With the matter of her powers being an issue unable to be dealt with in their current facilities, Saint Solutions promptly sent her over to the newly-established Saint University—hoping that she'll be able to be trained further in the ways of this empowered system of things.

Edited by Enirboreh on Apr 2nd 2019 at 10:25:33 AM


LovelyMagicianSavvy Girly girl writer♡ (*>ω<) from It's a secret |ω・) Since: Jun, 2015 Relationship Status: Every rose has its thorn

Girly girl writer♡ (*>ω<)

#6: Apr 1st 2019 at 6:34:57 PM

Name: Sally Martel

Hero Name: Mecha-Girl

Age: 16

Appearance:Here she isMy Superhero University: A New Era (38)She is a petite (5'3") and thin young lady. She has brown hair that goes below her shoulders. She has two pink heart hair clips each side. The majority of her torso, her arms up to the fingers and below her knees are all made of white strong metal. She often wears clothing such as knee highs and arm warmers to hide it in civilian wear. Her superhero costume is a light pink spandex dress with dark pink undershorts, her hair is up in a ponytail, and her metallic arms and legs are shown clearly. She also has a visor on in battle.

Personality: Sally is usually a sweet and polite girly girl. She is friendly to others and often tries to think of others first and follow orders. Despite her sweet disposition, she is scared of what others may think of her and is afraid she can't make it as a hero or even through school. She also kind of a crybaby when she gets overwhelmed. However, she does genuinely want to be a hero and will protect those she love.


  • Robotic Wings: She can sprout metallic wings out of her back. She can only levitate with them but, they have boosters in them that can make her faster.
  • Hand Blast: She can shoot blast of small concentrated energy at the opponent. It does not do massive damage but, it does sting when it does connect.
  • Durability: Her metallic body parts are strong and hardly hurt when attacked.
  • Light Batons: In her wrists, she can deploy hard light batons. They can do damage upon connecting and can stun.
  • Force Field: Can deploy a small force field to protect her or a nearby ally.


  • Hair Clips and Visor: The two pink heart hair clips are a gift for starting school. She has them as a reminder of what she is fighting for. In them store her visor. When she clicks them, a visor form around her eyes, replacing the clips. The visor allows her to get a general view of the enemy and protect her eyes.


  • Sally was left in an orphanage since the tender age of one. For the most part, she had a fine time in the orphanage but was lonely and was never adopted.
  • One day, when she was eight, she was on a trip with her orphanage at a skyscraper, the building was attacked by a villian.
  • As plans were made to get the orphanage out, Sally was too slow and was left in the building and was unfortunately badly injured in the collapse.
  • Thankfully, heroine Armada came by and defeated the villain. However, when the heroine found Sally, Sally was near death.
  • Armada ,with permission, decided to take Sally to her team to fix her.
  • Sally was given cybernetic parts to keep her alive.
  • When she initially woke up, she was scared and confused and nearly blew up the building.
  • Armada comforted her and told her everything was going to be okay.
  • Armada eventually adopted Sally and has been taking care of her ever since.
  • Sally started attending school to be closer to her mother due to her work and to be a hero like her.
  • Despite the hardships of last year, she has vowed to keep going with her education and thus enrolled in Saint's University.

MiscellaneousEvery once and awhile, Sally needs to recharge herself.

Name: Finn Acker

Hero Name: Other-Sider

Age: 17

Appearance:Here he isMy Superhero University: A New Era (39) He is about 5'7" in height. He has messy brownish-red hair, green eyes and is slimmer and bit more toned than last year. He still dresses fairly casual such as headphones around his neck, t-shirts with short sleeve collared button up shirts or hoodies over it, denim jeans and sneakers. He also now has fingerless training gloves.When transformed, he becomes a dark energy like being with an red outline and shines on his body. He has two white outlines for his eyes. He also has a red Cape in this form. He also gains white futuristic looking armor on his chest, waist, elbows, knees and feet.

Personality: Finn tends to be rather hotheaded and often is the one up for fun and antics. He is the type to throw himself into the fray to save an innocent person, even he doesn't know them. He is also loyal to someone who gains his trust. However, he is rather slow on the uptake and can be way too emotional for his own good. He has also become much harder on himself to do better, for better and for worse.


  • Other Side: Finn transform to his other side. In this form he gains:
    • Body Weapons: He can make weapons from his body of energy. The weapons can only last so long though.
    • Levitation: He can levitate above the ground.


  • Belt: This belt from his father allows him to switch between both of his forms and keeps him in check as an energy being.


  • Finn is the eldest child of Prof. Acker. He lives with his father and younger sister Celia, who both have a good relationship with each other.
  • Prof. Acker studies brings from other realms at their home which is near the sea.
  • However, one fateful day when Finn was fourteen, disaster broke. Prof. Acker was attempting to bring a small being from another dimension to study.
  • The being the professor brought back was a grand being from a dangerous dimension. The being attacked Prof. Acker, who tried his best to defend himself.
  • Finn and Celia ran downstairs to see what was going on. When the beast saw them, it chased after the both of them with it's mouth opened wide.
  • Finn grabbed Celia and the two ran outside the house but, the beast kept coming for them.
  • When the beast got close enough, Finn pushed Celia out of harm's way which let the beast get to Finn.
  • The beast swallowed Finn alive and went to the nearest cave, ignoring Celia who went back to the house for her father.
  • Finn did not die automatically in the beast due to different biology. The beast was impressed with Finn’s willingness to sacrifice himself. The beast decided to give Finn a “gift” by his world's standards. The beast turns Finn into a superpowered being of energy and spat him back out. The beast opened a hole back to its world.
  • Finn made it back to his grieving family, in which he explained everything.
  • His father made the belt to help him. Over the next two years, Finn realized that he can use his powers to become a hero and enrolled in Saint's Academy.
  • After the events of last year, he has been pushing himself much harder before coming back.

Miscellaneous:The belt is what keeps him normal and stabilized. If he was to lose it, bad things could happen. Also he has a fatigue problem after using his powers. While it is not as bad as last year, it still happens in a milder form.

Edited by LovelyMagicianSavvy on Apr 5th 2019 at 4:07:01 AM

Just an adorable fan girl and cosplayer ヾ(*・ω・)ノ💝💟

MichaelDj54 Up on Melancholy hill. from North of Normal, West of Weird Since: Mar, 2010

Up on Melancholy hill.

#7: Apr 1st 2019 at 6:35:31 PM

  • Real Name: Zachariah Hirshbaum
  • Superhero Name: The Canvas
  • Age: 20
  • Appearance: "Zach" is a lanky young man with short black hair with a white streak going across the right side of his head, giving him a skunk stripe. His eyes are dark brown with bags under them, and notably pale skin. Under his shirt and clothing are incredibly twisting, turning and complex ink patterns similar to tattoos etched into his body. His clothing is almost always basic, a hoodie and a pair of jeans, with enough to cover as much of the ink as he can, sans the amount that's currently edging up his neck.
  • Personality: Zach is, or rather was, an excitable young man. He was always talkative and optimistic, and tried to be as friendly and outgoing as he could be. And then...well, the event happened and that kinda took a turn for the worst. Now a days he's a lot quieter but still as friendly, but he is more of a shell of what he used to be...not to say he's bad, but being unable to talk still sucks.
  • Powers:
    • Ink Manipulation: Being made of ink, Zach now allows him to control the use of his body as malleable and manipulative as possible.
    • Shapeshifting: Being able to control the pigmentation fo his body, Zach can now control his appearance to anything, and anyone, he can think of.
    • Incredible Durability: Being made of Ink means that Zach is incredibly durable and incredibly hard to kill, let alone hurt. H Owever, water still proves to be a problem...
  • Gear: None, aside from his ink.
  • Backstory: Zach came from an incredibly bad family, with his father the worst of them all. Drunk, verbally, mentally and emotionally abusive, he seemed to make it his mission to break Zach as much as he could. Well, thankfully to Zach's shining optimism and his refusal to be anything like his father, he didn't break. No, his father decided to try and do something even worse. Through various, well, awful, terrible things he would eventually try to learn, his father took up the dark arts and occultism. One thing led to another, as they often do, and one day Zach found himself strapped to a table with his father chanting in hideous tongues as he drew horrible, twisting tattoos on his body. The intended result? To inflict awful burns on his son, to remind him of the grim reality of the world. The actual result? Zach lost his ability to speak, and in a fit of panic, "Killed" his father with the very ink intended to harm him. (At least, he assumes he killed him, there was a lot of blood and no sign of the body...he hoped). So, branded, and marked for the remainder of his life, Zach still took it upon himself to never lose the optimism that his mother always tried to instill in him.
    • Arriving in Saint Academy, several things changed, the most glaring being he met Yoko, his girlfriend/wife/immortality buddy and through her help, tamed the demon inside of him and turned him into a proper human/ink hybrid. As a result, he now no longer needs to concern himself with the impending death and, instead, only needs to worry about being a good hero, a good husband, and a good father. God help him.
  • Miscellaneous:

Is it selfish that I'm happy as we pass the setting sun?

kagescorpionakki Breath of the Sun from Long Ago Since: Apr, 2009 Relationship Status: Anime is my true love

Breath of the Sun

#8: Apr 1st 2019 at 6:48:21 PM

  • Real Name: Mikael Freisch
  • Superhero Name: Memento
  • Age: 19
  • Appearance:
    • Human: A tall, blonde-haired young man, usually rugged and unshaven, with a penchant for furs. Scars cover his arms and chest. His demon-side has bled over even to his human half, so his eyes are now permanently red and his teeth somewhat sharp.
    • Demon: Eight feet of red-skinned muscles, with blackened claws for hands and talons for feet, great dark wings, twisted horns, and a long spiked tail. Dark fire seems to glow under his skin. His eyes are still crimson, but his sclera are black, and his teeth are like knives.
  • Personality: Mikael is calm, quiet, and polite. He generally doesn't raise his voice, but is stern when he needs to be. While he has a strong sense of justice and doesn't want to harm the innocent, he derives satisfaction from hunting and fighting, and will more than willingly fight anyone who challenges him. He's mostly put his parental issues behind him, but still takes time to warm up to people before trusting them. He has a wide anti-authority streak, and is entirely willing to kill for the greater good.
  • Powers:
    • Demon Form: Mikael is a half-demon, and inheirited hellish power from his father. Originally stuck as a demon, he has since learned to shift between forms at will, or shifting only parts of his body as needed. Even in human form, his demonic heritage grants him increased strength and toughness, amplified further in his demon form. His wings allow him to fly, his claws and teeth are sharp as knives, and his tail is prehensile.
    • Armory of Zamiel: Mikael's pyrokinesis was, in truth, an undeveloped representation of his father's true ability. Best described as 'weapon-control', Mikael can essentially summon and manipulate weapons. Currently he is able to summon rifles, pistols, various knives (both melee and throwing variants), various bows (crossbows/longbows/compound bows/etc), small explosives, black chains, and beartraps. Resonating with Mikael's demonic energy, all are more powerful than their mundane counterparts. He need not directly hold and fire them; his summoned weapons hover in the air behind him before firing. Additionally, any weapon Mikael wields, even if he didn't create it, will never run out of ammo.
    • Black Iron Gate: Mikael can teleport at will, even shifting between Earth and the Abyss. However, warping multiple times in quick succession will quickly tire him out.
    • Empowerment: A side effect of his father's main ability. Infusing an object with his demonic energies, Mikael can improve it - knives become sharper, a bat would hit a baseball further, etc - but this can also cause unintended side effects. Altered by further training with his demonic abilities, it now proves most effective with weapons and armor - essentially, as long as it is intended for combat, Mikael can make it better.
    • Sex Change: After an accident with a genetic-alteration device, Mikael gained the ability to shift between male and female form at will - in both human and demon mode. His female form(s) are still recognizable, albeit slightly smaller and much more curvaceous and with longer hair. Offers no combat benefit, but Mikael does enjoy it.
  • Gear:
    • Hunter's Coat: Mikael's favorite fur coat, which he made himself. Empowered by his demonic energies, it now offers much more protection than one would expect, and repairs itself if damaged. It's fireproof, and can even block some hostile magics. Like Mikael himself, it's not effective against light-based or 'holy' weapons.
    • Locket: An old keepsake, containing a photo of Mikael's grandparents. It protects Mikael (or whoever wears it) from the elements, and also calms his mental state, allowing him to think rationally even in times of stress.
    • Daeva's Touch: A crossbow bolt given to him by a friend. It carries the aura of a Daeva, the pure energy of uncreation. Mikael can tap into the bolt's aura to apply this effect to any weapon he holds.
  • Backstory: The Freisch family of hunters lived in a small town by the woods for generation, never taking more than they needed from the land and selling furs and fresh meat to make a living. No one really bothered them, and they were always friendly, if solitary. But Mikael's father didn't understand them. He captured the huntress Amadea's heart yet only saw her as a momentary fling, running out before their child was born. Amadea Freisch raised her son with the help of her own father, Josef, but it still stung them. Even as Mikael grew up, they closed themselves off, slowly losing what friends they had, until their only connection to the outside world was their family shop. And then a particularly virulent winter flu claimed Amadea's life. That day, Mikael's powers awoke from his grief. His grandfather Josef believed it to be Amadea's last blessing, though Mikael knew better.
    • In time, Mikael learned his father's true identity: the Black Huntsman, Zamiel. A demon of the Abyss, who whisked Amadea away to join him. What's more, Amadea was not kidnapped or forced to join him against her will - no, she truly loved him. Faced with this revelation, Mikael found himself trying to bridge the gap between his mother, now a demon of the Abyss and one of Zamiel's wives, and his grandfather, a demon-hunter who cannot abandon a grudge.
    • Then, suddenly, his grandfather's liver gave out. Against his will, Zamiel transformed him into a demon as well. Though Josef opposed this at first, it came to be just what was needed to bridge the family gap. He learned as well of brewing chaos in the Abyss, with one of his father's wives plotting in the future to defect to Lord Baal. As the school year progressed, he grew to think of himself as a sort of leader, though he never thought he was cut out for it. But then the invasion came. With Saint dead, Mikael resolved to push himself to the limit and restore order, on both Earth and the Abyss.
  • Miscellaneous: N/A
  • Real Name: Ellie
  • Superhero Name: Dynami
  • Age: 19
  • Appearance:
    • Human: Still white-haired and red-eyed, and her skin is a grayish pale, though not blue like her demon form.
    • Demon: A white-haired, red-eyed demon girl, with a single unicorn-like horn in her forehead, covered in bluish-gray scales. Slowly learning to enjoy clothing, though in her demon form she can retain her modesty without it, somehow.
  • Personality: Wild and unihibited, Ellie doesn't quite understand human customs, but isn't mean-spirited about things. She follows her base desires, without regard for others, though with Mikael as a stabilizing influence she's slowly learning about the way humans work. Nonetheless, she is still a demon, and as such can be ignorant about the more complex parts of human interaction.
  • Powers:
    • Demonic: Ellie is a demon of the Abyss. While she learned some shapeshifting along with her lover, unlike Mikael she prefers to remain in demon form most of the time. Even in human form, however, just as with Mikael, her demonic heritage grants her increased strength and toughness, amplified further in her true, demonic form. Like Mikael, she possesses wings for flight, and claws and fangs as natural weapons, as well as a single, sharp horn.
    • Thunderstruck: Ellie possesses power over electricity, able to shoot lightning bolts, shock anyone who touches her, and even short-circuit machines or charge batteries. Her horn is also a lightning rod. Naturally, she's resistant to electricity-based attacks.
    • Electromagnet: Electricity causes magnetism. Ellie has been practicing, and while her magnetic abilities are not very precise, she makes up for it with raw power. She can fire coins like bullets from a railgun, lift metallic objects with a thought, or disable most unprotected electronics.
    • Electric Slide: Ellie can teleport at will, even shifting between Earth and the Abyss. She's a bit more adept at it that Mikael, if only because she's had her powers since birth.
    • Ride the Lightning: Further training with her movement abilities has allowed her to even travel through the air or through existing power lines in the form of pure electricity, though she moves so fast in this state that she can't properly turn or aim. She can also 'ride' power lines like a skateboard, even in her normal state.
  • Gear:
    • Devil's Cloak: As a gift, Mikael made her a cloak similar to his own fur coat, self-repairing and protective. It channels her electricity as well. Like Mikael's coat, it's not effective against light-based or 'holy' weapons. Ellie's cloak additionally can change shape into other kinds of human clothing - a compromise between her usual nakedness and having to constantly get dressed and undressed in the way humans would.
    • Wired: Ellie has taken to carrying around coils of copper wire in the form of bracelets, which she manipulates with electromagnetism. She primarily uses them to connect directly to opponents and taze them, though they also make decent tripwires or bindings in a pinch. Thanks to Mikael, she can even change their appearance to be more fashionable.
  • Backstory:
    • Ellie, like most demons, was born and raised in the Abyss. For a while, she was content to just do what most Abyssal Demons did for a living; slaughter people for fun, backstab as many people as possible for power and control, and when they were really in a good mood, have sex.
    • However, there were some demons who wanted to break free of the ways of the past. Who didn't want to be seen as just shameless hedonists and amoral monsters. Of course, being of the Abyss meant that even the best demon still wasn't exactly a shining bastion of morality, but they still tried. And upon getting wind of this, Ellie thought that perhaps it wasn't such a bad idea. She only did what she did because that's how things were done. But what if there were another way? What if the way she did things was wrong? What if there was a way to live that didn't involve stepping on as many puppies as possible? And she decided that she wanted that life. When she did, she moved to our world, intent on becoming a hero and showing everyone that not all demons were monsters. And SA was the best place for her to learn how to do just that.
    • As a natural-born demon, she never quite acclimated to living on Earth. Then she bumped into Mikael during a school festival. Mikael, who had recently learned of his heritage and was going through some serious stuff, wound up hitting it off with her, and found comfort in her embrace. In turn, she began to learn about humanity through him. Somehow she wound up transferred to Class 1, and the rest is history.
    • She picked up the ability to take human form by studying with him, as Mikael had insisted it would be a good learning experience. She's still used to being in her demon form, but after being 'human' for a while she sort of sees why Mikael likes it. As a result, she's more accustomed to wearing clothing. She's still learning about humanity, and along the way teaching Mikael about his origins.
    • Ellie had hidden her difficulties with her parents. However, they proved to not be of concern - they had wanted her to marry someone important, and a son of Zamiel was apparently enough for them. Still, Ellie grew more convinced that the Abyss needed changing. Especially once they returned from the future, where they learned that Lucifer would, in time, attempt to take over the world for himself. Though that future will never happen, with the Saint fallen, Ellie considers it a risk. Thus, over the summer, she and Mikael trained tirelessly to grow stronger. One day, she vows, the Abyss will no longer be the hell it is now.
  • Miscellaneous: N/A

Edited by kagescorpionakki on Aug 3rd 2019 at 8:28:07 AM

What is so amusing about this? Why do you take lives? How can you forget?

kkhohoho Since: May, 2011

#9: Apr 1st 2019 at 7:29:37 PM

Everyone who hasn't been accepted is accepted.

Kingxana0 Since: Oct, 2011

#10: Apr 1st 2019 at 9:58:21 PM

  • Real Name: Martin Snow
  • Superhero Name: Paragon
  • Age: 18
  • Appearance: Tall and lean with a mess of blonde hair atop his head. When not in his costume he can be found with a button up shirt tucked into brown slacks. An ugly burn scar covers most of his right cheek and lower jaw, while he managed to get almost immediate treatment the false skin used to cover the burns is quite obvious. His costume is a red and blue full body suit with a cape over his shoulders. Plastered across every inch of the costume are various charities made out in solid black as to be easily seen against the colors of his suit. He wears a blue domino mask and a earpiece and carries a first aid kit on his hip.
  • Personality: Kind and gentle despite his power Martin is the kind of guy who can get along with almost everyone. His forgiving nature and positive outlook can make him come across as naive to some, but despite that he continues to give all he can for the world at large. However he holds quite a bit of self doubt, constantly judging himself harshly on what could be done better rather then celebrating his victories.
  • Powers: The ability to enhance himself through heroic deeds, or more accurately the more heroic deeds that Paragon performs the stronger he becomes. Speed, strength, sight, hearing, and durability all increase to an order of magnitude by percentage. This caps out at 100%, where his abilities begin to strain against Martin's body and runs the risk of a great deal of internal trauma due to harnessing to much energy. After about a minute of use at this level his body will forcibly shut itself down and put him into a catatonic state until he can naturally heal himself. While theorized that he could reach beyond 100% by performing a large scale operation this has yet to be tested, as doing so would involve too much risk on those studying it and Martin's body. The exact nature of this ability is unknown, through seems to be linked to a higher force.
  • Gear: A first aid kit filled with various first response tools.
  • Backstory: Martin was a fairly typical kid during the age of supers, admiring the greats and watching various battles on the news as the heroes faced off against the seemingly unstoppable foes the universe threw at them. Even from that young age he decided that he wanted to be a hero and sought to emulate the best qualities of the people he looked up to. Throughout most of his childhood Martin could be found helping around the neighborhood with every little task that could be needed. If there was a cliche a hero might be found doing you could usually find him in the process of it. Helping old ladies across the street, mowing the lawns of neighbors, even going so far as to help get kittens out of trees with the gusto of a possessed person.

It is unknown exactly how his powers developed, whether it is a natural phenomenon or some strange form of esp allowing him to convert emotional energy into raw force. But the day they first activated was one that he will always remember. There was a fire and first responders were blocked due to a mass prison riot on the other side of the city. Driven by his desires he dived into the inferno and pulled out a number of those trapped inside. Each time he dove back in he seemed to come out faster, lifter heavier things, find those trapped. However during his rush he hit his limit and fell unconscious, his face landing on a superheated piece of metal. Thankfully he was then saved by a hero who had broken away from the battle to help local rescue operations.

Despite his injuries that day Martin has no other wish then to continue his dream of being a hero, however he had cooled a bit and likes to think he is a more rational person. That being said he repeat his actions again at the drop of a hat, so odds are that he hasn't.

After Saint's death Martin has found himself more driven then ever to try and make the world a better place, but at the moment doesn't believe the current organizations for future heroes are up to snuff, and wants to make a better future with a new generation of heroes.

  • $#%@#$%@#$$#$#%$@#%#$@%#$@%@$#%@#$%$#@%#
  • Real Name: Clay Cole
  • Superhero Name: Lone Star
  • Age: 19 probably
  • Appearance: A bit on the shorter side of things and appearing quite thin of body Clay wouldn't be much to look at if ones eyes were just passing over him. His outfits normally consist of a lot of clothing on the nicer side, button ups and the like, due to his mothers teaching that he should present himself as a respectable person. However that doesn't stop him from wearing his Stetson with the a symbol of a shooting star going through the clouds, a symbol of his group from before he came to the future. His hero outfit has him wearing a leather duster over a set of protective but easy to move in garments.
  • Personality: Clay considers himself an upstanding gentlemen who was raised with all of the right values. But he also has a sarcastic streak a mile wide and isn't afraid to speak bluntly on any subject. Outside of his usual bright personality he does tend to feel out of place and occasionally seems to space out if left to his own thoughts.
  • Powers: Third Eye- A gift given to him by his partner during the final battle that claimed Saint's life, allows him an almost 360 degrees of sight around himself, along with a few odds and ends he is still getting the hold of. Said third eye is actually a physical thing that it mostly kept 'under his hat' so to speak. Beyond that his razor sharp reaction time is to be feared.
  • Gear: A futuristic weapon of odd design, looking more like a bulky pistol then anything else. Along its side is a dial of various colors corresponding to the natural elements. When turned to the dial he can fire out a burst of said element, and at the same time the weapon covers him in a shield that negates effects of the element. The weapon has bonded to Clay, and will appear to him any time he wills it.

His second piece of gear is the silver belt around his waist, which is fused to his body. Its exact abilities are unknown as most of the electronics are advanced beyond understanding, and beyond that burned out from pulling him into the future. For the moment it can phase shift itself out of reality when it isn't needed, and project a force field of minimal strength to protect Clay from danger. The belt seems to be in the process of repairing itself though some unknown means, and may unlock new abilities the further it heals itself.

Backstory: Clay was born on the frontier during the days of gold mining and manifest destiny, raised in a small town by a loving mother. He never knew his father, who had apparently run out on his mom a few months after he was born. Despite that he lived as comfortable existence as one could hope for in those days. That simple life was ruined by a gang of black hearts known as the 'Night Riders' who killed everyone in his town when he was just a boy, leaving him alive to spread their legend.He was saved from dying alone by the 'Bright Stars', a group of lawmen who road across the West, righting wrongs and settling scores for the folks who couldn't do so themselves. Clay showed an aptitude for the hard life and fell under the difficult tutelage of 'Shining Bill Manda', the greatest lawman in the states. He was instilled with a sense of justice and soon his skills had him dubbed the 'second fastest shot in the West'. He went on many adventures until one day he happened across an odd belt on an outlaw the group had brought down. He decided to try it on, more as a joke then anything else and found himself flung into the future.

Despite great confusion he managed to adapt well enough under the watchful eye of the governments 'Time Watch' program, who set him up with shots, a quick overview of history, and a choice of what he wanted to do next. Seeing as the only life he knew was one of cracking skulls and serving justice he decided it would be for the best to become a hero. The program fast tracked him into class one due to his past experience, but still keep a careful eye on him.

  • Miscellaneous: Despite being from the past Clay is not ignorant nor does he suffer from prejudice of any kind. The Bright Stars had more then a few people from different back grounds and gender. Through he is still distrustful of magic and those who use it due to the Night Riders use of it.

Edited by Kingxana0 on Apr 9th 2019 at 2:20:45 AM

Theyja Ultimate Hope, Absolute Insanity from the weird dimension that is my imagination Since: Oct, 2018 Relationship Status: Singularity

Ultimate Hope, Absolute Insanity

#11: Apr 2nd 2019 at 8:25:23 AM

Ok. This is the time I will finally break my limits, so be ready. There are two old faces and a new one.

  • Real Name: Dante Precossini.
  • Superhero Name: The Carnival Prince.
  • Age: 19 years old.
  • Appearance: He is a 5'7" tall boy with short black hair (with a "emo" bang covering his right eye), pale skin, bluish-purple eyes. Not too thin, but slightly below average body build. He usually wears a jester costume, with a jester-like cape, shoulder plates, some golden features, knee-plates and two belts trasversally wrapped around his waist, where his five magical masks were kept.
  • Personality: He's a calm guy, to the point of demonstrating Dissonant Serenity. He's pretty laid back and acts like a confident prince. Sometimes he acts overdramatically, such as being absolutely furious and/or overly depressed for small things.
  • Powers:
    • Mask Powers: Thanks to the Carnival Prince's Awakened Masks, he can access to different powers, depending on what mask he decides to wear.
      • Lilith Facade: The fusion of the former Schizo and Sirena Masks. With it, Dante will transform into a strange, attractive creature (7'7" tall; feminine frame, with a larger than average bosom; owl-like eyes, that respectively are crimson red and sky blue; blackish blue feathers and dark red scales; clawed hands and talons that are capable of cutting through steel) that is capable of giving different kinds of emotions and feelings by exposing them to mysterious sound waves.
      • Umbra's Visage: The strange amalgamation of the Desossi Masquerade [Mask] and the Incognito Mask. With it, Dante can become the shadowy doppleganger of someone. He will gain the watered down (to varying degress) versions of their powers that are slightly empowered by darkness auras.
      • Racnec Mask: The fusion of the Praecox and Alvea Masks. With it, he can "clone" himself in a way similiar to mitosis/meiosis. His "offspring clones" (that are venomous and can shoot webs) will gradually get smaller as they "clone" themeselvesnote. Dante's "offspring clones" can form a swarm, with Dante's will being the Hive Mind. The smaller the "clones" get, the stronger the swarm will be.
      • Vizard Of Anima: The amalgamation of the Fatuo and Purgatorio Masks. With it, he can transform into an androgynous wraith shrouded in veils. He can produce grayish lavender flames, be intangibile, become invisible and possess most living beings and objects.
      • Animus Domino: The fusion of the Wonder Masquerade [Mask] and the Senso Mask. With it, he transforms into a taller (6'7") and more muscular version of himself, who's got blank white glowing eyes. His costume is the same, except the main colors are now light lavender and light gray. His jester hat's "horns" would become pointier and more geometric. In this form, Dante has got Super-Strength and Super-Reflexes, enhanced senses, telepathy, short-distance teleportation powers, the capability to create psionic blasts, psychokinesis and strength/energy building powers and ergokinesis.
  • Weakness: If he uses one mask and switches to another one, he cannot use the former one for the rest of the day.
  • Gear:
    • Lilith Facade: A mask that looks the pale face of a strange, feminine creature.
    • Umbra's Visage: A black mask with lots of white, blank eyes.
    • Racnec Mask: A dark purple mask that depicts the monstrous face of an arachno-insectoid being.
    • Vizard of Anima: A mask, seemingly made of black velvet, with an anguished "face".
    • Animus Domino: A lavender domino, with a vertical "third eye" (yellow sclera, purple iris and pupil and thick-ish black outlines) on it.
    • Precossini Kordoro: A summonable rapier with a red/purple/gold hilt color scheme and a sparkling blade. It is a remarkably powerful sword, and its properties change depending on what mask Dante will wear.


  • Dante was born in Venice as the son of the Carnival King. Every Carnival, he and his son would impress the others with the wonderful masks and costumes that the King himself crafted. One day, Venice got attacked by a crazed demon known as Dementius. The demon enchanted the King's masks with his magic and when the King tried to stop him, Dementius sealed his soul in one of his greatest masks, the Wonder Masquerade Mask. Before Dementius stole the masks, the City Priest fended him off the city. After Dementius' banishment from Venice, they put the Carnival King's body in a golden coffin. Dante swore from that day that he would defeat Dementius. That's why he went to Saint Academy. So that he could master the masks' powers.
  • During his stay at the Academy, Dementius managed to "link" with him. He would start to torment Dante, both psychologically and physically. Dante hopes that, with his enrollment at Saint University, he would finally defeat Dementius (and whoever is in league with him).
  • Miscellaneous: N/A
  • Name(s): Iuvem Dias (name given by his guardian/tutor)...or just Jupiter.
  • Superhero Name: Phaeton.
  • Age: His hidden conscience existed since (over) 4.5 billion years, when he, the planet Jupiter, was born. The "golem" form is approximately 8 months old.
  • Appearance: Iuvem is a big (eight feet tall) and chubby creature. His skin resembles exactly the look of the planet Jupiter's atmosphereMy Superhero University: A New Era (45). The pattern on his body seems to be constantly rotatingMy Superhero University: A New Era (46), speeding up or slowing down depending on Iuvem's mood. He's got a "crown" of horns that resembles a medium-short spiky human hairstyle. He lacks a nose, but has got some traditonally not-directly visibile olfactory receptors. He's got a fanged mouth and then human-like sharp teeth. His eyes are orange with black sclerae. He usually wears an orange t-shirt (with a white logo that depicts a planet with two rings, which are diagonally titled), black jeans and (bright) orange and white shoes (an attempt of his guardian at making him look humanly presentable).
  • Personality: Iuvem is serious, no-nonsense, wise and adamant, but can display childlike innocence and curiosity. All of this mixed with the fact that he really isn't good at speaking with people would result in The Comically Serious and awkward moments. But despite that, he is one who despises evil and will do everything to eliminate it. He is a Big Eater. He's pretty disdainful towards daevas (see backstory).
  • Powers:
    • Planetary Golem Physiology: Iuvem's body, even though it's mostly made of solid hydrogen and helium, has both superhuman strength and superhuman toughness. He can punch through reinforced steel. He can be hit by a truck (at full force) or gunfire and still be intact.
    • Hydrogen Manipulation: Iuvem can manipulate the hydrogen around his surroundings.
    • Levitation/Lightness: By manipulating the gravity, he can reduce his weight, becoming lighter and capable of making big, floaty jumps. With this, he can also levitate.
    • Gravitional Pull: By he can pull people and objects towards him by manipulating the gravity. The full force is 24.79 m/s².
    • Storm Creation: He can create a miniature storm from his body.
    • Regeneration: If Iuvem has eaten something before getting injured/mutilated (or after using a Cast from Hit Points move), he will regenerate, as long his "heart" is intact. The speed of the regeneration depends from how much he has eaten before.
    • Chaos Mode: Iuvem, by accessing this mode, gains chaotic powers and properties. He can emulate several elements, teleport and cast an aura capable of nullyfing psychic and magic forces. In this mode, his body becomes black and blue, with Prophet Eyes and "melting mouth", and a wraith-like appearance.
  • Weaknesses:
    • Highly Flammable Body: Since Iuvem's body is mostly made of solid hydrogen and helium, which are both highly flammable elements, he really needs to avoid fire attacks.note
    • Storm Creation: Cast From Hit Points: If he decides to create a storm from his body, he will lose the body art he created the storm from. Thankfully, he can regenerate—oh wait.
    • No Food. No Regeneration: Exactly What It Says on the Tin.
    • Core Destroyed. Game Over: If someone manages to expose his core and destroy it (or just destroy it), he will die.
    • Chaos Mode: He still retains his pre-Chaos Mode weaknesses.
  • Gear: N/A
  • Backstory:
    • Planet Jupiter, for over 4.5 billion years, was the Jupiter we knew and loved. Until the end of last month (In RP/MSA). Two daevas, named Teroras and Zalah. These two are bratty, petty, naughty and impish. They were throwing some asteroids from the asteroid belt at Mars. They really wanted see it suffer. Then they started throwing asteroids at Jupiter. But they got pissed off at it, because they couldn't see the oddly satisfying asteroid craters, like with Mars. So they destroyed it in a fit of childish rage. Now the moons were going crazy, but fortunately, the guardian of the Milky Way, Galaktios, managed to keep the 79 moons still, by keeping them inside a "bubble", that would serve as the late planet Jupiter's substitute. Galaktios got angry at the two misfits and scolded them, saying that if they won't do something, he would punish them. And then this happened.

      Teroras: You want Jupiturd back? Then we will being him back!

      After Teroras said that, he and Zalah used the destroyed planet's remains to create a lifeform. And thus, Jupiter was reborn as a "planetary golem", with his former memories as a planet. When he woke up, he felt confused but then he was instantly enraged upon seeing the two rowdy daevas. He tried to attack them, but Zalah just threw him at that Insignificant Little Blue Planet, before running off with Teroras to another part of the universe, with Galaktios furiously chasing after them, but that's another story.
    • Iuvem was getting thrown into Earth. An organization, known as ETHELnote, managed to track down the falling alien, and saved him before he died. ETHEL's token mage, Betty Glove, wanted to guard and raise him in secrecy, and after some agreements, the CEO of ETHEL let her raise the alien. Betty called the alien "Iuvem Dias" and taught him how to speak English. At the end of the month, she had pubicly announced the existence of the newly-named Iuvem and the fact that he will get enrolled at Saint Academy, despite the recent controversies around it, to make him become an hero.
    • At the Academy, a strange occurrence made him meet a daeva-human hybrid(?) known as Pandora Phaeteis. She gave him a gift: The key to unlock the Chaos Mode. He managed to unlock this mode by feeling a strong rage and hatred towards Elim.
    • With his graduation, he's prepared to face the trials and tribulation that will happen with his enrollment at Saint University.
  • Miscellaneous: N/A
  • Real Name: Chibuzo Kariuki
  • Superhero Name: None at the moment.
  • Age: 20, "physically" speaking.
  • Appearance: He is 5'9" tall. He wears an hooded mixture of a longcoat and a robe. His outfit is a patchwork of different tissues (that are black, dark mauve and navy blue) stiched together. He is always seen hooded. The hood covers his empty and black eye-sockets, and accentuates the lower part of his face, which looks gray-ish and rotting, and has a group of stiches that starts from the center of his "cheeks" and ends at the extremites of his mouth. He is barefoot. His feet are basically rotting, with a few bones being visible.
  • Personality: Chibuzo is calm, collected and level-headed. He likes being polite, though it might be possible that he would snark while maintaining that politeness. He can be creepily calm and polite, even in circ*mstances that wouldn't require him to be. He is proud of his powers. He can be genuinely sympathetic when someone is in a bad mood and protective towards the ones he likes and loves. He is heroically honorable and he always tries to learn from his mistakes...because the last one he made cost him his life...
  • Powers:
    • Darkness Magic: He can control darkness and the shadows.
    • Soul Flames: He can create dark blue flames that are capable of burning and melting glass.
    • Animal Creation/Control/Shapeshifting: He can create and control small animals (such as arthropods, rats and lizards). He can also see and hear through them and also shapeshift as them.
    • Voodoo Magic: By taking a DNA sample from someone and putting it in some special dolls, Chibuzo can inflict pain on the victim whose DNA sample was taken from.
    • Osteokinesis: He can conjure magical bones from his body and control them.
    • Dracolich Form: He can take the form of a giant dragon (21 meters in height. 53 meters in length). In this form, he is a serpetine dragon, with grayish-blue rotting scales and light gray-bones. Wide, skeletal wings. A demonic visage with razor-sharp (and venomous) teeth. Three big, empty, eye sockets at the center of his forehead. Long legs with creepily long and stalk-like claws and a long, barbed tail.
      • Chi-we-ina Flames: As a dragon, Chibuzo can spew black, corrosive flames that can burn and melt reinforced steel.
  • Weakness:
    • Squishy Wizard: Chibuzo has got a really ranged playstyle. He can't really do much in the melee department, and his body is really fragile.
  • Gear:
    • Voodoo Dolls: Strange, small effiges made of leather and colorful fabric stitched togheter.
  • Backstory:
    • Chibuzo was born an orphan in a village that was somewhere in the area of the current Chad and Niger states (during the Hellenistic period). His family was killed by a trickster deity known as Anansi. His childhood was very miserable, until a man known by the name of Nisana Kariuki decided to adopt him and make him his pupil. He started to teach him the dark arts during his teenage. Chibuzo was a prodigy, and this made Nisana proud.
    • One day, when Chibuzo reached the age of 20, they arrived in a peculiar oasis in the Sahara desert was home to a powerful deity that could grant any wish. They managed to summon this deity. Chibuzo was told form Nisana that he would wish for their success. Nisana was a kind and honorable mentor. How could he not trust him? When Nisana was asked about the wish, he wished:

I wish to become powerful!

  • As he said that, he revealed his true identity as Anansi. After that, he killed the deity. Chibuzo seeing this, was furious: furious about "Nisana"'s betrayal and furious about Anansi and what he did to his parents. The young warlock decided to fight the trickster deity. The battle was long. Chibuzo tried his best, but Anansi was too strong, and he managed to kill his former pupil.

    You...You never mattered to me! The only thing that matters to me is ultimate powers! I'm making baby steps...but I'm sure that I will reach my goal! Hahahahahahah!

    These were Anansi's last words as he left the dying Chibuzo and the oasis to be buried in the sands of the Sahara desert.
  • Around two millennia later, after the defeat of Elim. A necromantic cult managed to find the lost oasis and take what remained of Chibuzo before returning to a base in the USA to start the ritual(to revive him and control him). Something went wrong in the ritual, and Chibuzo got revived with free will, but was also weakened and undead. With his revival, Chibuzo felt confused and then became aware of the fact that he got revived, and escaped.
  • He was confused. Really confused. He didn't this world. Years have passed. He wasn't ready for this world. This fact was pretty apparent when he was found injured (as a rat, he got hit by a car, and instantly shifted back to his "human" form). He was taken in custody by the Saint Foundation, who taught him the English language. Chibuzo told them about his past life and his revival. The Foundation told him about what happened before his resurrection.
  • Seeing that he had a golden and honorable heart, they decided to enroll him at Saint University so that he could regain his lost power and become a hero.
  • Miscellaneous: He's got a pretty maleodorant smell and he's also blind.

Edited by Theyja on Jul 24th 2019 at 2:20:28 PM

You might know everything I'm going to do...but that's not going to help you, since I KNOW EVERYTHING YOU'RE GOING TO DO! STRANGE, ISN'T IT?

UndyingPhoenix Since: Feb, 2015 Relationship Status: You cannot grasp the true form

#12: Apr 2nd 2019 at 8:42:40 AM

  • Real Name: Aaron Moore
  • Superhero Name: Blink
  • Age: 18
  • Appearance: Aaron is about 6 foot, and lanky for his age, with short dark brown hair and pale skin. His eyes are blue. In ordinary life, he normally wears a slightly-too-big black-grey hoodie, jeans and sneakers. His superhero outfit is a form fitting black spandex unitard that ends at the shoulders, with some padding, along with black boots and an eye mask. Emblazoned across the chest is the white outline of the letter B, with a single white dot in the top part, like an open eye, and a bent line across the length of the lower part, like a closed eye.
  • Personality: Aaron seems to shift between warm and cool. In matters outside stuff related to the super world, he's quiet, shy and meek. The Aaron beneath the mask tends to be anxious, if a bit prone to excitement, daydreaming and flights of imagination. When it comes to superheroics and such however, Blink is more bold and outgoing, seeking to emulate the escapades and actions of classic heroes like The Saint. It's as if he becomes someone else while on the job, playing the role like an actor that's become one with the character. At times, he'll imagine his life as a series of comic book panels, drawing on them for writing inspiration. Despite his meekness he often intrudes his nose in matters that don't concern him, like with his brief stint as a wannabe vigilante hero. Troublesome, yes, but he's got a classic sense of justice about him, a firm believer that heroes are born, not made.
    • The death of the Saint, the face of superheroism, has left the idealistic fan shattered though, and he's notably more quiet and doubtful, if still undeniably the same person most of the time.
  • Powers:
    • Dark Aura: Since his contact with the strange stone, Aaron can emit a dark aura that improves his physical capabilities like strength and speed. In addition, it seems to give him a mild anti-gravity effect, meaning he falls slowly without any external force tossing him.
    • Teleportation: His most developed ability and the one he's remembered for by people who know him. Aaron is able to teleport with a flash of dark energy. He can teleport 25 feet. His old teleport used to be a rapid "sucked into a wormhole" style warp with longer range but being slow, but contact with the stone changed how it worked. Also, he's discovered that thus new teleport is much more exhausting than the old one, depending on how far he goes. Short distances can be done repeatedly, while going all the way up to 25 feet is only going to be good for two or three times before he needs a moment to catch his breath.
  • Backstory: Aaron comes from a large family of superhumans with a wide array of powers. He was born with the power to warp himself between two places. From a young age, he was giant fan of superheroes as they were portrayed in comic books, always pining for another issue to read to learn more about the characters and their adventures in arc after arc. At some point, he decided to pick up some art supplies and illustrate his own comics sagas, steadily growing better in quality and originality. Of course, this growing obsession with brave escapades of daring-do was a catalyst for down the line, where he stumbled upon a supervillain attack in progress. Knowing that he shouldn't interfere, and yet driven by the adrenaline of being in a position to perform heroics such as those he always read about, he sprang into action, hoping to be of help to the heroes.
    • After he had made a nuisance and obstacle of himself, he teleported away before anybody could catch him. However, this wasn't the end of his interference. As months went by, he began sneaking out at night in a homemade suit to stop crimes, vanishing before anyone could get a hold of him. Until one day a year ago, when he arrived at the scene of a standoff between a villain that was nothing like he'd dealt with before and some heroes. The supervillain seemed to have been empowered by a strange stone embedded in a gauntlet. With a stalemate that was about to erupt again as the villain raised his palm at the heroe, Aaron teleported right next to the villain, grabbing onto the gauntlet and pulling it off. As he did so, he came in contact with the stone, which crackled and sparked as it reacted to him. Surprised and rightfully scared, he warped away, bringing it with him but letting it go before he fully rematerialized, the gauntlet being lost to space. The villain was quickly subdued after that, and he made to teleport away before thr heroes could get to him. As he tried to though, he simply couldn't, eliciting only a weak wave of dark energy, his powers having been altered by the stone. Needless to say, he was caught for his vigilante, unlicensed actions, purehearted as they may have been. Distraught and upset, he pleaded for them to let him go, how he only wanted to help, but was given a choice. Go for his license, or face the charges. And that's how he's ended up at Saint Academy, grateful for the second chance and looking forward to the next arc in his life to draw writing inspiration from and superheroics to do.
    • Of course, that all changed when the Saint fell during the attack on Super City from the Gaea organization and the Nazis. His idealism strained, he nonetheless pushed onwards, out of both duty to the terms of his amnesty and in dedication to the great hero.
  • Miscellaneous: Never leaves home without his notebook or sketchpad.

Edited by UndyingPhoenix on Apr 6th 2019 at 4:53:36 PM

kkhohoho Since: May, 2011

#13: Apr 2nd 2019 at 10:17:09 AM

My Superhero University: A New Era (49)My Superhero University: A New Era (50)&My Superhero University: A New Era (51)My Superhero University: A New Era (52)My Superhero University: A New Era (53)Accepted.

My Superhero University: A New Era (54)Mostly fine, but his teleporting needs some limitations. Maybe have it so he gets tired after multiple uses?

CenturyEye Tell Me, Have You Seen the Yellow Sign? from I don't know where the Yith sent me this time... Since: Jan, 2017 Relationship Status: Having tea with Cthulhu

Tell Me, Have You Seen the Yellow Sign?

#14: Apr 2nd 2019 at 12:49:24 PM

  1. Real Name: Mahvash Matten Mattiuza
  2. Superhero Name: Same as her given name. Or Druj Mahvash to those she's condescending (or being formal) to.
  3. Age: 20 And about 3196. Its complex
  4. Appearance/Presentation: Mahvash's humanoid manifestation is (usually) a towering, dusky woman with hair blacker than vantablack, which seems to fade into her body and the environment and a halo that's even darker note. She's freezing cold to the touch, and light goes rather dimmer in her presence. Yet, ever contrasting all the dim, she has very bright if cold blue eyes. She'll rarely be seen with a posture between rigidly poised and Limp and Livid, and her breathing and heartbeat are social not signs of life. They stay regular unless she declines to do them. Mahvash's superhero uniform varies, but she favors a dress shirt and an embroidered tailcoat along with dress slacks. And no shoes, even when walking over jagged rocks. Occasionally, she eschews clothes and arrives in a 'uniform' of glorified aura.
  5. Personality: Mahvash being on the side of Saint and his heroes comes more from 'nobility' than 'goodness', and her default state is pseudo-sweet on top of aristocratic mannerisms, even/especially when being malicious. She is more than aware of life as a Wide Open Sand Box and revels in that knowledge and her unique power to do things in it. As is the norm (with her 'kin'), she doesn't fundamentally want anything or still less need anything. Yet, she built a sense of ethics... she knows she'd run out of things in the random destruction route even if no one stopped her and Mahvash's A God Am I attitude keeps her responsible, with her acknowledging the perks and responsibility at once. And she gets a sort of selfless glee when she successfully influences and teaches. Between 'godly responsibility' and her own experience, she'll never retire nor shut down.
  6. Powers: Mahvash is a practiced mage of her people's school. She has mastery of her domain, and her person and powerful aura are rather poisonous to creation. She tends to use her eldritch body and aura for Variant Power Copying. In raw form, at range, her wisps of aura cleans the air of microbes and make life and magics wither away. Her touch undoes spacetime, something she exploits for special and often bizarre movements, when she doesn't want to just appear. As a daeva, she's needless, has no vital organs or cellular processes to protect, and doesn't eat or breath but to be social (and food can be good) or absorb enemies. Her sense of touch is her main method of sensing the world and therefore highly developed in comparison to her sight. She can feel things out with great accuracy and at great range. She's sensitive, of course, on the spiritual level, but Mahvash can read much more from people who give her access to their souls. Naturally, she can manage godly basics like sensing people saying her name or requesting her aid, rendering said 'divine' aid, or creating 'holy' ground.
  7. Weaknesses: The daevas' enemy gave fire to people to combat them, and Mahvash is no exception. Her aura's range is sharply reduced in the presence of a blaze and the flames themselves protect anything behind them. Further, she can't enter into or exit from an area immersed in flames by her peculiar means. Atar makes those penalties worse. And when injured, her healing only looks automatic. It's second nature, but still a very voluntary action. Being disabled means that won't happen, and, not being able to go unconscious, she'd just have to deal with the pain. White magic would definitely not heal her. Nor would modern medicine. As for stealth, the dimming effect, the irrepressible halo make that difficult and her Magic Is a Monster Magnet. She gets no second chances anyway. Anything that kills her leaves her Ret-Gone. In short, the universe has quite the immune response to her presence.
  8. Gear: Mahvash carries around her bronze mirror, decorated and perfumed handfans/warfans, and a chain.
  9. Backstory: Mahvash and her 'parents' and she are in an odd, circular relationship. However this lead to her acclimating to Earth. long version. She was content enough patronizing a house, but, after the Gaea campaign and especially Saint's death, well, there is a void in the fragile world order.
  10. Miscellaneous: Her constant desire to make each moment fulfilling can mean that she'll never happily sit still and may take the direct route to issues, but it's also motivated her to be quite the renaissance woman.

Look with century eyes...With our backs to the arch And the wreck of our kindWe will stare straight ahead For the rest of our lives

kkhohoho Since: May, 2011

#15: Apr 2nd 2019 at 5:22:24 PM

My Superhero University: A New Era (59)Accepted.

Booky Since: Sep, 2015

#16: Apr 2nd 2019 at 5:37:18 PM

Real Name: Vivian Courthope

Superhero Name: Undecided.

Age: 17

Appearance: A muscular, confident girl with a Southern drawl, green-hazel eyes and tan skin from her father and a broken large nose from her mother’s side. She has a small scar on her cheek, a larger one across her forehead down to her right eye and cuts her black hair very short. These days she wears an oil-spattered jumpsuit and welding mask. Vi also owns a wide selection of T-shirts with weird, funny or pop-culture-y images and a set of engineer boots with flame decals on the side.

Personality: Vivian is a fearless, hard-nosed young lady who really enjoys absorbing information and honing skills to make her a top-flight superhero. She'll also fully admit that the thrill of a good fight or even a dirty one gets her heart pumping (perhaps to a disquieting extent). She does not back down from a bully and is very hard to intimidate, perhaps to the point of insanity. Since acquiring her suit, she's become even more willing to fight, but also more interested in using her brain as well as her fists. Viv also suffers from a minor case of PTSD as a result of last year, and so doesn't like to be away from or out of her suit for very long these days.

Powers: None! She’s very intelligent and driven, however.

Skills: She’s been trained in Hapkido, gymnastics/tumbling, and boxing. Has also been taught anatomy, pharmacology, and tactics. Fluent in Portuguese and French. A pretty good juggler with exceptional reflexes and hand-eye coordination. Confirmed gym rat. Currently learning engineering and welding.

Her main item of equipment is a suit of powered armor known as the Schädelbrecher. Recovered from an enemy commander during the Saint's last battle, she's taken it on as a way to improve her effectiveness as a Hero. After tinkering by Armada and Reinbach, the Suit itself gives her the following powers and tools:

Enhanced Strength: She can hit like a truck and lift astonishing weights thanks to its muscle enhancers. Also, a reason to keep going to the gym!

Durability:Between the steel-magnesium alloy and forcefield projectors, she's very tough to injure.

Sensors:In all the flavors: optical, aural, chemical analysis...

Weapons:It can fire either high-powered lasers or powerful sonic bursts. The suit has also been fitted with launchers for her tiny projectiles filled with hallucinogenic glass, smoke, sonic attacks, acid, etc.

Drones:Armada has installed three drones into the suit. They are about as intelligent as a crow and can follow simple commands, perform aerial combat and tactics, and defend themselves or others.

AI: The suit itself is run by a powerful system. It's not sentient, but it isn't far off. (If Jarvis is a 10, it's a 7.)

Wi-fi: Unbreakable superfast wi-fi. if you think that's not a power...

Backstory: About ten years ago a hero named Deathknell who had been operating out of Adderson NE simply vanished from the public view. He’d been reasonably popular and had even teamed up with the Saint on a few occasions. While his methods were bloodier and more extreme than the Saint condoned, many lives were saved to his credit, and by all accounts, he was empathic if taciturn and unforgiving figure. One of his most famous moment was attaching small bells around the necks of the most dangerous criminals in the country that could not be removed. Three of them badly injured themselves trying to remove it, and another went insane due to the incessant noise. Operating out of the infamous Belltower in an unknown location, even a recorded copy of its’ ominous sound could make a room full of hardened criminals fall silent years after his disappearance.

The reason for his being gone has never been discovered, and of course, there are the expected conspiracy theories that he’s not really gone, simply waiting and unfurling some master plan. Others believed that he’d been knocked off by a coalition of his worst enemies, or that he’d been the Saint in disguise for some reason. Are any of these true? No one knows, especially Vivian Courthope.A recent arrival in Adderson, she discovered a mysterious key in her mailbox on her third day in town, addressed specifically to her. Along with the key was the address to a dilapidated building that she discovered held the dojo of a Ms. Gevaudan. She told her that a spot had been reserved in his classes for the past four years under her name. Intrigued, she decided to give it a try, and soon found she had a talent for it. Her sensei eventually referred her to other “teachers” in the area, all of whom had been paid to settle in the town and await her arrival. Learning at an amazing pace, Vivian was driven on her 15th birthday by Gevaudan to a huge office building whose elevator had a hole in the wall that fit her key.

On the hidden 13th floor of the building, she found a highest-tech command center-the new Belltower. Ms. Gevaudan explained that she’d been contacted by a third party who told her that Deathknell was gone, but that he’d prepared all over the nation, and Vivian had been the outcome of the various plans and ideas he’d hatched. She had the opportunity to take up his mantle and begin the long fight against injustice. Vivian, however, had other ideas. She felt that his legend and disappearance should stay mysterious (Also, that his name was too 90’s and his uniform had too many pouches). She would work to make him proud, but with her own name. And given that she knew nothing about being a hero, why not continue her education at Saint Academy?

She made many friends there but continued to doubt herself and her place at the Academy. Finally, at the Saint's last battle she took the suit after defeating its owner and decided to use it to fulfill her own desires to be a real hero.

Miscellaneous: Armada discovered that the Suit was actually created by an alternate version of Reinbach, but decided not to tell him.

Edited by Booky on Apr 3rd 2019 at 8:41:19 AM

kkhohoho Since: May, 2011

#17: Apr 2nd 2019 at 5:57:16 PM

My Superhero University: A New Era (63)Accepted.

Edited by kkhohoho on Apr 2nd 2019 at 7:57:40 AM

JumpingFruit An Ordinary Oddball from R'lyeh Since: Feb, 2018 Relationship Status: Having tea with Cthulhu

An Ordinary Oddball

#18: Apr 3rd 2019 at 1:27:22 PM

  • Real Name: Jumping Bean, Saint of Demon-Quelling & Healing
  • Superhero Name: Xian
  • Age: 18 (Actually 17, but the time she spent in her mother's womb counts as a year, according to her.)
  • Appearance: Jumping Bean is a (5 ft. 5 in. tall, 120 lbs) wiry teen girl with brown eyes and black hair in a half ponytail. She wears a dark gray hanfu set with black trim and martial arts slippers with white socks. She occasionally changes into other dark-colored hanfu sets and prefers to wear Taoist priest robes whenever she does superhero business. Most notably of all, her skin has a somewhat golden sheen to it and seems to shimmer even in the dark.
  • Personality: Mostly kind and cheerful, but may seem a bit odd in that she is interested in preserving "the balance between Yin and Yang" (that is, the balance between good and evil). Her lot in life is to be on the side of Yang, so good is what she does. There's no need to meddle when Yang overtakes Yin, it will naturally balance itself out. If an opponent pompously struts about, attack them pragmatically. If your opponent is pragmatic, act oddly to distract them. What's there to be concerned about? Nothing! All things will pass, good and bad—even life itself. Hakuna Matata!
  • Powers:
    • Fortitude of Body & Mind: Due to cultivating her conduct diligently over many years and becoming a Xian (even though she rejected her ascension), Jumping Bean is fairly resistant to mind altering, forced shape-shifting, disease and poison. In addition to that, she has a reduced need for breathing (and other mortal things) and low-caliber bullets merely give her severe bruising.
    • Marshal of Celestial Order: Jumping Bean is really good at fisticuffs due to her divinity-infused flamelike aura. By charging her body with it, she can perform superhuman feats like punching through "thin" layers of concrete and (interceptable) flash stepping. She can also float (but not fly) due to her Light Body Technique.
    • Taoist Magics: Jumping Bean can write incantations down on yellow paper with red ink to make Fu. These paper strips can be used as wards against evil influences, burned and the ashes used to make various potions, used to summon/consult with divine influences, and stuck on the foreheads of the undead/the freshly dead to make them thralls, heal, etc. She is only cleared to carry about a handful at a time by the Celestial Bureaucracy. More complex spells require complicated rituals.
  • Gear: Besides the occasional handful of Fu talismans, nothing. All of her previous gear was confiscated by the Celestial Bureaucracy (including a standard-issue celestial sword, a magic gourd, and magically armored clothes).
  • Backstory:
    • Once upon a time, two benevolent Taoist magicians decided to marry and have a child. But, however hard they tried, they found that having a child was impossible. Therefore, they appealed to the gods for help. The gods gave them a golden bean and told them to soak it in rice wine and seal it in an ivory box for 49 days. They did so, and when they opened the box on the 49th day, the bean, now baby-sized, jumped out and sprang all over the place. In time, a baby burst out of the bean. They named her Tiao Dou, or Jumping Bean, and taught her to read, write, and speak English, Cantonese and Mandarin, along with all that she knows today (but it only goes up to about 8th grade, so...)
    • One day, Jumping Bean's parents vanished, and she looked far and wide to find them. Ultimately, she was approached by the gods, and notified that the evil spirit of Emperor Shi Huangdi had kidnapped her parents to use in his scheme to usurp the gods' positions. Tearfully, she asked how to stop him. The gods gave her several boons and told her to oppose Emperor Shi Huangdi, for that was the surest way to find her parents.
    • The Emperor and all his allies met their ends after his endless ambition prompted him to launch an assault on Heaven early, without having gathered the required amount of elite metahuman jiangshi troops. Jumping Bean was killed during the battle, but was brought back to life when she ascended and became a Xian. Unfortunately, her parents had already been killed, but she later learned that they had been accepted into Heaven.
    • Jumping Bean was called to Heaven to receive her Xian title and new job. It turned out to have more paper-pushing and drudgery than Jumping Bean liked. Combined with her witnessing all the other Xians' decadent indulgence in Heavenly pleasures while she had to work hard, Jumping Bean was promptly disillusioned, and very much so. Therefore, she hurled herself off the highest precipice in Heaven and back to Earth, finally deciding to fill in the gaps in her education at Saint University.
  • Miscellaneous:
    • Jumping Bean's aura (and all her martial arts abilities alongside it) is heavily dependent upon several special breathing exercises and other Taoist practices. If she had not hurled herself back to Earth without clearing it with her higher-ups, she wouldn't have this problem. Thus, disrupting her breathing (breaking her ribs is a "good idea") will hamper her fighting ability severely. She also needs to maintain a vegetarian diet or else all of her powers will disappear for a while.
    • She used to be stronger, but she was judged to be "too worldly" by her superiors and promptly received several demotions when she hurled herself out of Heaven, startling the Jade Emperor with her undignified screaming as she fell past his palace window and making him spit out his tea. She can technically use more power than she is allowed to use, but that comes with the risk of an audit by the CRS (Celestial Revenue Service), and nobody wants to be audited by the CRS.

Edited by JumpingFruit on Apr 3rd 2019 at 1:31:18 AM

I wear the skin of the Elder Things, having come unto my own.

kkhohoho Since: May, 2011

#19: Apr 3rd 2019 at 1:49:48 PM

My Superhero University: A New Era (66)Accepted.

Edited by kkhohoho on Apr 3rd 2019 at 3:49:59 AM

Blueace Surrounded by weirdoes from The End Of the World Since: Dec, 2010 Relationship Status: Chocolate!

Surrounded by weirdoes

#20: Apr 5th 2019 at 1:51:39 PM

Real Name: Ryuu Fuuji

Superhero Name: Green Dragon

Age: 17

Appearance: This young looking fella.My Superhero University: A New Era (68) But he hides a dragon tattoo in his left arm. So far, his costume looks like a green gi, but it's a work in progress.

Personality: Cheerful, somewhat naive and acts kinda stupid at times, but can show himself to be perceptive once he manages to slow down and actually think. But beyond that, he can be very empathetic, and tries to do what he can to help, even if he looks like a klutz most of the time.


  • Dragon Blessed: Due to having the power of a dragon sealed inside him, he has these powers:
  • Aerokinesis: His main skill, being able to create Razor Wind, tornadoes and messing with the wind as easily as he himself breathes.
  • Sixth Sense: He jumps at alert at any threat.
  • Dragon turning: He can give his body dragon like characteristics, getting green scales on his body for protection, turning his arms or legs for a bigger impact, etc. Mixed with martial arts prowess, it makes him dangerous up close.
  • Gekirin: Or reverse scale, and the bad side of being a dragon. There is a scale under his chin, that he can make it disappear, but appears every time his body changes to that of a dragon. Touching it sends him into a rampage.

Weakness: Since he is somewhat reptilian, he is affected by cold.

  • Gear: Normally carries a special staff, made to be way stronger than it should be.

Backstory: Raised by his foster father, Ryuu has several questions about his origin is a mystery to himself. But unknown to him, his father was interested in the summoning of spirits, and in one attempt to truly be able to become even stronger, but lost control and the power went to his son and he and his wife disappeared on the incident, as the kid ended missing, found a fair bit away. While the dragon's powers ended up dormant for years before coming in explosively. Now, he tries to figure out his future, even if he just lives the now.

The time to grow up has come, and he is getting more aware of it all, but he stares forward.


Real Name: Samuel Aster Everett

Superhero Name: Snow Leopard

Age: 19

Appearance: as a human,My Superhero University: A New Era (69) when transformed, he turns into a 6 feet 4 cat man. He still keeps the blue longcoat, black pants and boots super suit.

Personality: Quiet, somewhat serious and lately melancholic is how he presents himself, but he is surprisingly kind, and tries to be more open to the people around him. Sharper than some would think, and trying to take care of those around him. Still holds a dangerous wrath on him.

Powers: * Cryokinesis, he can create and control ice and snow, evaporate it, and make it take any form, and freeze things in seconds, among other tricks. His body temperature is also very low and his breath is visible even in summer, but it doesn't affect him. However, he doesn't deal well with heat.

  • Turning: After some practice, he can turn to the cat form and back. The form increases his strength, speed, agility and senses, but he doesn't use it that much.

Gear: His boots hide ice skates and skis for extra mobility. He also decided to get googles with a few tricks to protect his eyes from anything.

Backstory: Samuel was, according to himself, a fairly normal kid, his life was focused on playing, making whatever friends he could and enjoying the fights and excitement heroes bring to everyone's lives, Now, imagine his surprise when he accidentally encased an angry dog on ice at 8. Turns out, his grandfather, Gabriel Everett was exposed to radiation in a trip to the Everest. His father Chris and his brother Noel, who he thought were a normal lawyer and architect were in fact, the heroes Zero II (now retired) and III, so they helped him practice with his newfound powers. Now, the snow kid is trying to live, and grow into a hero.

All the things happening around him make him question pretty much everything about the world, the future and his place on it, but he carries on.

Miscellaneous: Not right now.

Edited by Blueace on Apr 5th 2019 at 5:52:05 AM

Wake me up at your own risk.

kkhohoho Since: May, 2011

#21: Apr 5th 2019 at 3:07:54 PM

My Superhero University: A New Era (71)Accepted.

kkhohoho Since: May, 2011

#22: Apr 6th 2019 at 7:59:38 AM

Aaron is accepted.

Also, we should be starting sometime this weekend. Maybe even today. If anyone wants to get a Sign-up in before the RP starts, now's the time to do it.

TopGof Three potted cactus in a trench coat. from The Part of the world that's on fire. Since: Dec, 2016 Relationship Status: Wishfully thinking

Three potted cactus in a trench coat.

#23: Apr 6th 2019 at 7:53:42 PM

  • Real Name: Ever Green (B01)
  • Superhero Name: Yggdrasil
  • Age: 18 (though 70 if you want to get technical)
  • Appearance: She can be seen as a really, slow shapeshifter, but will always be a humanoid plant, usually appearing as a fairly pretty girl of 19 with a fairly average build. Mostly because you don't hear too many stories about tree men. Usually uses leaves for hair, and almost always has green or brown "skin."
  • Personality: She's a romantic at heart with a love of cliches, though she usually attempts to appear calm and level-headed. Generally makes an attempt at being friendly, and once she considers someone a friend she will usually stick to them like glue.
  • Powers: Ever has the power to control, mutate, grow, and fuse plants (and fungus), this includes herself. Her power over plants is highly versatile, allowing for use of everything from eucalyptus bombs to mentally afflicting aromas to what amounts to instant first aid. If a nearby plant (or her) is capable, then she can do it. Being a plant herself affords her a ridiculous amount of durability.
  • Gear: She has been known to carry pouches full of seeds, and a flip lighter.
  • Backstory: A long time ago there was a very feared super calling himself "Bio," though American government files would soon call him B00. In his own mind, he was a hero who merely took a utilitarian approach. The world disagreed and eventually, he was brought down. Admitting defeat he split himself into two halves, which the government took into custody and dubbed B01 and B02. They were placed in a government program to study Bio's ability. They were eventually given the names Ever and Evo Green by the, particularly uncreative department head. B02 now lives in the Mariana Trench to the government's infinite chagrin, while Ever was sent to school to socialize with people other than scientists working to make an edible super crop with her. This is in the hopes that she does not wind up bitter, jaded and running as far as away as possible like her brother currently is.
  • Misc: Bio actually wanted their names to be Adam and Robin Fratel, after his grandmother and grandfather. Obviously, he did not get his wish and was not around to see it through.

Argue everything you can argue. Doubt everything you believe. Ask every question you have. Argue, doubt and ask. Through this we learn.

kkhohoho Since: May, 2011

#24: Apr 6th 2019 at 7:55:06 PM

My Superhero University: A New Era (75)Accepted.

FantasyLiver Since: Oct, 2012

#25: Apr 7th 2019 at 10:43:04 AM

  • Real Name: Roboctopus
  • Superhero Name: Roboctopus
  • Age: Three years old. Approaching middle age for an octopus.
  • Appearance: Roboctopus looks like a common octopusMy Superhero University: A New Era (77) outside of his suit. His robotic suit that he uses to move around on land consists of a large fishtank filled with water that serves as the suit's body. The fishtank has two robotic legs and two robotic arms attached to it. Serving as the "head" of the suit is a round speaker that conveys Roboctopus' text-to-speech method of communication with the outside world. In his suit, he stands about eight feet tall.
  • Personality: Cold, unfeeling, and stilted, Roboctopus behaves exactly how you would expect someone who was raised in the harsh cold oceanic depths would behave. He does have a need to be praised and venerated as the smartest creature on planet Earth but this arrogance does not translate into megalomania. Having studied history extensively, Roboctopus knows that heroes' legacy tend to be looked more kindly on than villains and he will do anything to preserve his legacy. He does not see humans as having any more worth than any other creature on Earth but he does respect their scientific and cultural achievements. He also finds much of their social conventions confusing but he wants to do all he can to cement his legacy to them and the rest of the galaxy.
  • Powers: The only superpower Roboctopus has been blessed with is his intelligence. His abilities far outstripping the smartest of humans, Roboctopus has doctorate-level knowledge of cloning, biology, chemistry, mathematics, history, weapons engineering, computer science, computer programming, applied statistics, and robotics. He is currently studying English and philosophy to better understand humans. He learns fast but hasn't quite reached "master status" in those two fields yet. As an octopus, he also has the ability to shoot out ink from his ink sac.
  • Gear: His robot suit is how Roboctopus moves around. The suit gives him the strength to lift a car at maximum. His left arm has a machine gun built into it and his right arm has a dart launcher gun. The dart launcher has a range of twenty yards and he keeps a store of various knockout darts and poison darts in the suit. The "fishtank" part of the suit is coated with the best bulletproof glass that Saint University can buy and within the tank is a keypad that Roboctopus can type his thoughts into. The speaker on the suit's head then relays the text into a robotic speech for others to understand. He also has a jetpack strapped to his back that enables him to fly to spaces inaccessible to him normally.
  • Backstory: Born in the ocean, the being that would become Roboctopus lived a simple life as an octopus until some radioactive pollution gave him the power of super intelligence. Quickly becoming top of the food chain due to this increased intelligence, Roboctopus quickly became bored of ocean life and, using sign language with his tentacles, convinced some fishermen to take him to scientists. The scientists did some tests on him but ultimately realized that he was far more valuable as a fellow scientist than a test subject. Teaching him all they knew, Roboctopus quickly amassed a plethora of knowledge that his brain seems to have a limitless capacity for. Building a robotic suit to house his body, Roboctopus became head researcher of his biology lab. Become renown for his contributions to science, Roboctopus grew bored with academia and decided to enroll in Saint University, partly to experience college life to better understand humans and partly to gain even more renown as a superhero.

Edited by FantasyLiver on Apr 7th 2019 at 2:03:46 PM


Total posts: 50

My Superhero University: A New Era (2024)


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