This is a reply to messages received from someone asking me to speak to another person who is not only very heavily targeted, but who is totally engulfed in the mind games program…. I have blanked out the persons name with XXXXX for respect for their privacy.

I have decided to put this latest reply into a proper post as it basically outlines exactly what this is all about, who is doing it, & WHY… Information for anyone trying to figure out why their life is sh*t & who is responsible for their torment.

The Wailing Banshee is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

Side Note: If you don’t actually KNOW anything about this frequency modulation mind game program because you haven’t experienced years of being targeted & then had to investigate it all thoroughly, then please be respectful… Some of us have lived through extreme circ*mstances to bring this out into the open, & we have been heavily targeted to try to silence us.


My Reply This Morning to another Substacker:

“Her emails to me are not being interfered with. They came through to both email addresses. The first one which is my personal outlook account was delayed.... but I know that is always messed with, its why I then gave you my university account which her messages came straight through on… I know it is harder for them to mess with that one as I can complain to the uni about missing emails & they then have to search the data base for them, as all emails to every student account go through university secure servers & can be traced back to source & found, if missing from inboxes, so I have slightly more control over that! -

The few emails I shared with her made it plain that she is never going to get her head out of the place they have put her in...she is convinced her ex husband is involved in her harassment & I wholly agree with her on that...he is ex military & will have been taken into the fold of this program long before they separated.... This will be why he wanted custody of their child when they split up... Its why, I believe, she was targeted in the first place, but talking to her about how this all works, who is involved, & how to take back some of her sanity is getting me nowhere.... she wont listen to reason.

Here where I live in Cornwall there is a huge military base...RNAS Culdrose. I personally know some of the men running the show down here in the South West...they are targeting me all day every day! - They also f*ck over their wives & girlfriends if they split up with them & aren't happy about the split, or if they don't want to lose money, assets, or the children.

The children are important as the guys involved in this program, both military, police, & intel services etc. tend, as a rule now, to have plenty of them & those kids are not vaccinated… they are pure bloods in that respect to keep them healthy. They are taught from an early age to adopt certain eating habits & exercise habits…. which keep the bio tech in our environment under control in their systems. They are the future breeders! They are also well educated.

A lot of them target their exes to ensure they don't ever get to blow the whistle on what they are involved in with this frequency program of targeting & harassment malarkey & where all the extra money they have coming in is originating from; plus the property portfolios they have that are worth a mint! -

I personally know two wives who had this done to them when they separated from their husbands... One managed to get a few houses out of the divorce & a large lump sum...then in 2019 she got an extra £15,000 for helping them to f*ck me over. The other wife was labelled as insane, driven to a near breakdown & lost everything including her two children... Her husband wasn't in the military but is a Mason in Helston & an architect who was designing a lot of the properties these guys have built all over Cornwall to hide their money! They let the properties out to holiday makers who come to certain parts of Cornwall to surf....

I really do know how these men are operating & its not just the government program anymore...there is a whole different business side to things now & it all revolves around surveillance & the sex industry... Voyeurism, harassment, torture, virtual reality game play with the victims...its big money & world-wide.

The old guys from the intelligence services in London were the ones who started up this side of things in the 1980's.... I know who a lot of them are & why the police force is so entrenched in this... Its why people are targeted by police & can never get any help from them even if they have sh*t loads of evidence for what’s being done to them & / or their families. - Its why people who DO have evidence are targeted so prevent everything coming out... Its why I am taking this to court... I HAVE tons of evidence against ALL of them! For all kinds of lovely things! -

XXXXX has been programmed with the frequency equipment so hard that she believes they have ripped holes in her aura & broken her coccyx (tail bone) to prevent her from grounding spiritually... its nonsense.... I trained with a lady nearly every day for 7 years back in the 90's & early 2000's... Anna Peters; she trained me how to use my healing & mediumship abilities, & helped me with my empathic abilities too. She trained me in meditation, & connecting to the higher realms... We read hundreds of books together & talked about the contents to make sure I understood their meanings... She was my mentor & my best friend until she died in 2008...

The ethereal realms CANNOT be penetrated by this equipment. It is not of this earth therefore cannot be penetrated. The ONLY thing they can connect with are the frequencies used by the spirit realms for mediumship all works on frequency. A medium can be interfered with whilst conveying messages. The military & intelligence services have specially trained operatives called psychic remotes... they can hijack the communications on the frequencies... I have seen this done, many times. - They are also trained to connect mentally with 'sensitives', usually during sleep or when they are under the influence of alcohol or drugs, as this lowers the protection around us & allows interference if we are not protecting ourselves properly.... Our brains work on frequencies, as do our entire bodies… Everything is frequency.

There is a medium who posted something online a while back who has retired from ALL things connected with spiritualism, readings, & healing because of this intel services program... He realised his & all other mediums connection to spirit was routinely being interfered with & it freaked him out due to his not understanding properly what is going on….. It can be blocked, or worked around, but you have to know how to deal with it & with your spirit guides on a very deep level. Knowledge is the key.

Everything that is now going on in this world is directly related to the works of Tesla... - HE is the one who introduced the military & intel services to the frequency revelations & their connection to spirit communication, because its how he was channeling a lot of his discoveries...through meditation, & he made no secret of this fact. -

The military were obsessed with spirit communication from the mid 1800's... they wanted to control it. ... Today they have unimaginable powers at their fingertips with all the different frequencies discovered.... literally hundreds of them (over 600 two decades ago!), & they link to every single thing in this world... Everything is energy & everything has its own frequency.... They can target us individually, or as a group due to this fact...

If they want you to have the symptoms of something, they simply direct the right frequency your way & you are affected as if that condition were ailing you...

Same with sexual orientation...this is another GAME they like to play... its how they have achieved so much in the mind control programs.... Practise, on all levels & with all living things.

The covid scam is a cover for the frequency modulation machines & their uses! The 'vaccines' contain Morgellons... a bio tech additive that is partly organic & partly self assembling nano computer tech which assimilates throughout the entire infrastructure of our brains & bodies.... It is the same type of bio tech used by the medical profession for remote monitoring of the human body… organs, hormones etc. It enables doctors & specialists to remotely monitor patients via computers & bio sensors placed both On & INSIDE their bodies, & its been around for years!

The Military branches were playing with it a long time before it was released for public & medical profession use though…as with all things.

They are NOT trying to harvest our souls… that is simply another psyop bullsh*t narrative to frighten people & misdirect them… The frequency modulations are simply a way to control everyone, & every thing, on every level... & a way to further their AI futuristic world domination dreams! They are also experimenting with utilising our bodies to create ‘bio energy’ for the 6G network & believe me, this is ALREADY being tested on many, many people & their pets & everything else that has its own frequency patterns & energy output!

The biggest part of what is going on is this:

There is an entire disgusting voyeuristic virtual reality sex industry built up around the use of all this tech & frequency modulation equipment... They have been experimenting with this tech since the 1950's! Its why vaccines first came onto the market... NOT to stop diseases but for control... The Morgellons has been perfected over the years so that it now gives virtually no symptoms of being present within our bodies... The first experimentees for this were very ill... The formula was still in its infancy. They were labelled as schizophrenics & psychotic delusionists when they complained of coloured fibres emanating from their skin… It was the perfect way to cover it all up & make everyone think it was simply a psychotic delusional illness to be ignored & ridiculed… Many of the doctors were in on the deception… always have been. So was the press, who also printed stories of this new mental illness where people said they could feel crawling sensations with fibres growing out of their bodies… All part of the disinformation propaganda machines.

The first batches of test subjects have lesions & sores everywhere that wont heal, & very obvious clumps of coloured fibres (bio tech filaments) emerging from the hair follicles in their skin.... these fibres erupt from the hair follicles...they take over our hair to a large extent... The first waves of people to be affected with Morgellons were not only labelled as nut jobs to cover up what was essentially a eugenics program, but they were also afflicted with all kinds of affiliated health issues including rheumatism, arthritis, diabetes etc… all side effects of the frequency transmissions & testing.

They also cause what appear to be massive patches of broken purple veins on feet, lower legs, & ankles. Sometimes causing the entire areas to go permanently dark purple. This happened to me between 2011 & 2016, with my GP saying he had no idea what was causing it. - I now know for certain that he was lying & was heavily involved with the military base program in Helston at RNAS Culdrose that was testing all this sh*t on the local population & still is. My feet & lower legs remained dark purple until I moved up to Port Isaac in August 2016 next door to a police sergeant’s niece who helped to destroy my life soon afterwards….Marie Jordan.

They obviously couldn’t target me heavily there because the frequencies affect those in the neighbouring properties… (I have had 2 neighbours living directly next to me over the last 3 years die suddenly due to frequency targeting run off!… not covid symptoms.)

I ended up getting my feet back to a normal colour within 2 months of moving in next to Marie in Port Isaac, (50 miles away from the military base in Helston), & the symptoms of excruciating spine & hip pain & all arthritis symptoms, & fybro, & carpel tunnel also disappeared within weeks!

Amazing that isn’t it… 20 years of serious debilitating pain & joint swelling that saw me registered as disabled & on 400mg of tramadol every day, & completely purple feet & lower legs for 5 years just vanishes, never to be seen again, once I moved in next door to one of their operatives & her kids! (& yes, I can prove she is involved & working with these monsters & has investments in Florida managed for her by ex top cop Russell Whitfield, despite her only working a proper job 1 day a week & being in receipt of benefits!… & half her family is involved & on the payroll too! Her sister is a theatre nurse in Truro who is routinely paid ‘extra’ to make house calls along with an anaesthetist, where people have been drugged unconscious to be f*cked with for this monstrous program. Ex top cop Russell Whitfield had his own team of theatre nurse & naesthetist working for him in this program for several years back in Sussex… the records for this can be located on the Compnies House website under ‘Whitfield Banks’. I have copies in case it now gets deleted & will be posting all this info under a post all about dearest Russell & his obsession with me & my daughter!).

This bio tech is geared towards attaching itself to all the energy channels in the body, especially in the feet...its why so many people now have leg & foot issues & pain when walking. The feet have all the points in them associated with organs, hormones, brain function, emotions etc. Hands are also targeted but to a lesser extent. People will find that all parts of the body where pain is associated will have a central pain point right where an energy centre is located…

It attacks the nervous system & takes over the running of the entire body. A bit like smart devices that control your heating etc. at the push of an app. whilst you are out…They have worked closely with the eastern traditions that pertain to all the energy points that control all functions & the smooth running of our body’s systems… not just humans, but in all living things.

The reason fish were washing up dead… whales, dolphins etc… all frequency testing.

The reason why frogs & fish were dropping out of the skies is connected to frequencies too, but this is due to top secret military stealth aircraft manoeuvres with cloaking abilities that can move, stop in motion, & also pick up & transport objects invisibly using frequency beams…. I have seen this done…. with several witnesses present whilst it happened, right next to my car! … but that’s another post.

They have mutilated us all for years with fake vaccines, chemtrails, food & water additives etc. - It has been going on since the turn of the century. & is all based around frequencies.... There is so much people have been brainwashed to believe over many generations to hide the simple truth of what our governments & the military & the intel services have really been doing.... & it IS simple.

The only complicated part is the lab created bio tech perfected at Porton Down army base in the UK, that incorporates some insect bacteria, possibly something connected to the substance created by slugs & snails that is a bastard to get off your skin, & mold & fungal spores that will proliferate inside the body & which need a high carb diet to feed on... This bio mix is ingested into the lungs via chemtrails & air con.... from there they cause people to produce phlegm which is swallowed.... its also ingested via food & water etc... It then settles in the gut & multiplies like an infestation, spreading through the entire system in every living thing… plants take it in through the soil & their root systems… animals take it in through the vegetation & prey. ... WE as humans ingest all of it through our diets & the air we breath, plus all the fake vaccines over the last 7 decades & pharma etc etc etc.

Its why they altered the food supply back in the late 80’s & early 90’s to incorporate high carb, high sugar sh*t that everyone now lives on… as well as processed sh*te filled with nasties! Obesity, sedentary lifestyles & everyone staying home glued to tv & phone & computer screens…. its all connected to the frequency sh*t.

The only groups of people who still live proper lives with social circles & who don’t spend all their time eating sh*t & sitting around watching crap & playing stupid video games are those with money & those involved with this program…. They are healthy & happy & not targeted in any way because their lifestyles stop this sh*t proliferating in the body & they are privvy & have access to certain things that prevent infestation.

HEALTHY LIVING IS KEY… if infested you must detox. There are ways to do this. That too will be covered separately. There is no such thing as organic anymore, don’t waste your money! Unless you are simply trying to avoid pesticides. Everything grown is contaminated right down to the seeds… the root systems take up this bio tech from the soil…. & the soil has been robbed of most of its nutrients by chemtrails & farmers being paid heavy financial incentives NOT to till their soil properly before planting crops! All geared towards making us unhealthy & weak.

They spent years perfecting a lab created mixture of mold & fungal spores together with certain live cultures from livings organisms that permeate the entire body & take over... This, coupled with harnessing those elements to incorporate self assembling nano-bio-technological interfaces that weave a complete network throughout our bodies & brains which then ultimately connects us all to the cyber grid system is how it all comes together to effect population control.

We can be mind AND body controlled at the flick of a switch.... I have a sneaking suspicion that smart meters can also be purposely calibrated to cause higher frequency output to certain dwellings to affect the health of those living inside if they are targeted.

The way this frequency program works is to favour the torture aspect during the day & as we are trying to go to sleep.... the REAL work then goes on as we sleep. When our brains go through different states of consciousness… THIS is where the honey pot is for them.

Our brain frequencies can be interfered with... we can be groomed, hypnotised, & entrained during these periods of unconscious mind states... Our bodies can be trained to react in certain ways via brain interference from the frequency modulation equipment that works through the towers... They are NOT for mobile phone & tv reception! Some towers have dishes on them which may serve as a cover for this, but the equipment doing this to everyone is tower & satellite mounted....its why they are all close together & triangulated & then controlled by bloody huge skyscraper towers every 30 miles or so.... This is ALL intelligence services & was first engineered for surveillance purposes, coupled with investigations into the frequencies connecting our world to other realms of existence. ... In the late 90's there was a blanket roll out of intel services utilising our electrical & telecommunications in-home wiring systems to listen in on everyone inside every room... It stemmed from intel services wanting to keep an eye on underworld crime bosses, government ministers, diplomats, hookers, terrorists, IRA, Libyans, & dissidents etc. back in the 70's onwards. ...

They discovered the sexual aspect of their surveillance operations whilst doing 'stake outs' in the 1980's with recording equipment.... THAT is when this whole frequency modulation being used for surveillance took off in a big way. The guys from intel & special police units were already sharing video & audio footage collected from 'interesting' peoples homes whilst they were on stake out duties... If there was sex going on it was recorded & shared, first amongst colleagues, & then amongst the other ‘services’ for profit...

Then this whole other voyeuristic sex industry sprang up, & the frequency modulation came into play with our internal wiring systems. .... People who had ‘a lot going in their bedrooms’ were then subjected to hidden cameras being installed.... They became p*rn stars but just had no idea it was happening... With the advent of the internet, which happened years before it was released to the public (as with everything), & was an intel services & military thing first off, there came websites dedicated to their favourite 'targets'.... As the equipment progressed so did the testing phases for it, & the public became just a play thing for those in positions of authority...

Voyeurism has been a big thing amongst the privileged for many years... Its big business. Epstein & friends were catering for this predilection.... He had hidden cameras everywhere... A lot of the rich & famous are into this kind of disgusting behaviour & have stealth cameras hidden in guest rooms & bathrooms.... Its how the intel services have always worked to capture traitors & bribe diplomats & ministers etc.... Even some hotel rooms have hidden cameras in them & all are surveilled via the wiring systems for audio content…. ALL OF THEM EVERYWHERE. There is no such thing as privacy anymore for anyone other than those with enough money to ensure it…or those involved in this program.

So, this frequency equipment it was discovered, could be used to 'influence' peoples behaviour, & was a godsend to those with deviant sexual natures.... They can turn off or turn on sexual desire, & sexual orientation. They can turn on or turn off pain receptors... Young Girls can be groomed whilst sleeping to suddenly start to want to participate in & enjoy the most disgusting sexual acts & feel no pain whilst it is being done to them, no matter how brutal it is, & its all achieved through frequency modulation & then the bio tech....

These young girls are then used for the sex parties attended by wealthy f*ckwits & royalty... The elite police protection units are heavily involved in the supply of these girls..... & prostitutes in general… I KNOW this to be fact. Police & military are the biggest users of this trade. I have friends from years back who told me things that would make your hair curl! And more recent things that are positively shocking.

Our entire police force in the UK is corrupt at top level, & has been since well before the 1980's.... There is much involved in this whole nightmare, but at the end of the day, all the different avenues this stuff goes down all come back to simple things.... sex, control & surveillance.- & the Intelligence services!

I obviously didn't share all of this with XXXXX as its too involved, but I did try to explain in very concise terms that she was simply being targeted with frequencies & needed to realise the truth & simplicity of what was going on… & that her ex was involved long before they split up, & him being military is why he got custody after she started showing symptoms of being targeted following their split!

Classic modus operandi for this lot if they want child custody to go in their favour..... Or if they simply take a dislike to someone for any reason & want to get revenge…. Or if someone else wants to pay a lot of money to have someone targeted…. its a business, & a very profitable one at that!

I also tried to explain that her spirituality was not being robbed by them breaking her tail bone to prevent her grounding, & neither were they capable of tearing holes in her auric field...its simply not possible. We can ground ourselves simply be being in nature & relaxing & connecting our MIND... Its got nothing to do with the energy flow being interrupted by a bone break.

& they cannot tear holes in our auric field either... They can cause friction within our bio field with frequency modulation to interrupt our energy flow if we don’t know how to control it & that’s all. But if you ground yourself spiritually & energetically through relaxing your mind in natural surroundings... preferably bare footed but not necessary.... gardens, beach, sea, woodland, lakes etc.... they have a hell of a time f*cking with you on any lasting level other than causing a bit of stress now & then if you forget to f*ck them off!

Their ‘tools’ are only good for accessing our thought processes through the frequencies & influencing them through that modality ... especially in our sleep states. The NSA perfected this decades ago. They also instigated the use of remote psychics since the 1950's for this very purpose. My daughter was pestered by one in 2005, 6 & 7, who used to wake her up every night for months on end… She would wake up in the middle of the night with him standing next to her bed talking to her… Remote viewing.

She changed dramatically in her behaviour for nearly a year…it was dreadful We are all subjected to this now on some level... & some every night.

We are used as live target training for new recruits & equipment upgrades. There are literally THOUSANDS of police, intel services , government, military & civilian operatives all using & being trained how to use this equipment on us right across the board & world-wide. The UK & US were at the forefront back in the days of Tesla who originally discovered all this sh*t! -

He stepped down from the program & refused to help them anymore when he was involved in the Philadelphia experiment, as he wouldn't agree to harming the sailors involved in the frequency experiments on board the Montauk ship.... That's why he ended up penniless in a hotel, & when he died (was murdered), they robbed most of his work... & here we are today! There aren't many of us who know the entirety of what is really going on... & these sick bastards have spent years carefully orchestrating psyop alternative narratives to cover up the simple truths of it all... They have thousands of people hired to kick out misinformation & half truths mixed with lies…. Generations have been fed total bollocks... Fear has permeated everyone's psyche to elicit full control & obedience...helped along by the psyop narratives & the frequency modulation apparatus...

There are many different things attached to this frequency stuff.. surveillance, control, medical, eugenics, AI training, the sex industry incorporating voyeurism & virtual reality game play.... YES, people pay big money to play with our bodies & our minds....

Ex police & intel services have set up vast networks of private detective agencies that are a huge tax fiddle... the guys advertising have fake website content & mostly work as one man shows... I have a voice recorded rather long telephone conversation with one of them to prove this fact.... Richard Hosken-Johns, (look him up on Companies house), he is an ex, disgraced ordinary police constable cop from Helston, Cornwall, who is running a PI business called Pheonix Investigations from his home in Camborne, with fake police CID credentials & a fake expired DBS check certificate that I also managed to get him to email to me proving he is a liar & that police down here helped fake his documentation for his fake tax evasion & harassment business after he was sacked from the police for sexual misconduct in 2020…. just as many of the guys now running these PI rackets were..... & they are ALL attached to the guys running the frequency torture show, & are regularly used to target people at close quarters. Even his website testimonies are fake! (I’ve been a busy girl over the last 5 years!).

Some of the main men running this frequency targeting, harassment for money, & sex website show in the UK….. specifically ex chief superintendent for Sussex police Russ (Russell David) Whitfield, who is running the training, recruiting, & financial side of things & whom I had a brief affair with when I was 25 & living in Brighton in 1991 after I split up with my husband.

Dearest Russell had me drugged & gang raped just after I stopped seeing him... He & his CID police buddies rohipnoled me in my home through a can of co*ke given to me by a neighbour who ‘popped in for a chat’, & they then turned up & had a private party with me that thankfully I remember little about.... I moved straight afterwards. Little did I know DC Russell Whitfield was already involved with these evil bastards & would spend the next 32 years illegally spying on me & my daughter & having us broadcast live from every home we lived in… with a little help from his friends!

HE is one of the top blokes running this disgusting internet targeting , harassment & sex website business, along with the still serving Detective Superintendent Brian Quinn from the MET police special cyber intel unit, & the recently retired chief constable for Devon & Cornwall police Shaun Sawyer... who lives right here in Falmouth & used to be Brians' boss at the MET until 2010!

Brian & Shaun can often be found enjoying each others company at the Budock Vean hotel & golf course, as well as the Falmouth golf course.... I do believe Brian owns one of the very expensive custom built houses on the edge of the Falmouth golf course resort… He has homes in the Bahamas, Spain, Dublin & another lodge on the grounds of the Loch Erne golf resort in Enniskillen Northern Ireland…. He spends a lot of time here in Cornwall after first following me to Sussex in 2019 then over to Northern Ireland in 2022 whilst I took a degree to get me into university back here in Cornwall last year! 30 witnesses saw Brian stalking me closely for 2 hours at an event I went to in Southern Ireland in September 2022, & then staff at a restaurant in Rosnowlagh a few weeks later positively identified him for me with a friend serving as witness…

The present chief constable for Devon & Cornwall police Will Kerr, who was suspended from active duty in the spring of 2023 for serious sexual misconduct allegations just a couple of months after taking up his new position here following a 27 year career in Northern Ireland, a 2 year stint as director of the National Crime Agency & then a 2 year stint as assistant chief constable for Scotland Police is also heavily involved at the top level of this disgusting business enterprise…. and another avid golfing fan!

These guys are all into golfing, prostitutes, cocaine use, swinging, foreign investments, huge property portfolios, massive tax evasion, domestic terrorism crimes, human rights violations off the scale, fast cars, & yachts…. oh, & big boobs & underage girls!

All mad golfing buddies, going right back to the 1970’s some of them! My father even played with a few of the old CID boys involved in this racket from Hastings in East Sussex when I was growing up there!....

Another big big player in this sordid little enterprise is Ex navy man Gary Taylor who lives in Helston...just down the road from RNAS Culdrose where he worked for 25 years as an engineer (not officer), & still works with the guys running the frequency equipment there & plays a daily role in me & my family being targeted.

RNAS Culdrose is the base in charge of f*cking everyone over in the South West of the UK & over in Northern Ireland! - Gary likes to fit hidden spy cams in peoples bathrooms so they can be broadcast live in action.... He did it in 4 of my rental homes over the 13 years I lived in Helston with my daughter from the age of 12 between 2003 & 2016, & then in 2 houses in Port Isaac & Boscastle so he & his buddies could watch me & my daughter in the shower & on the toilet... I found one of the cameras! -

He came to my homes stating my landlords had asked him to do boiler checks & said he was 'moonlighting' from his navy job & that I wasn't to tell anyone or he'd lose his job... ( I had known Gary & his wife for over two years by this time so knew he was in the navy).

I only became suspicious after moving into a property that Gary showed up at just 2 weeks later stating again that my landlord had asked him to come to do a gas boiler check.... I HAD NO BOILER & NO GAS in that property so I knew it was bullsh*t... but as usual the first thing he did was demand I put the kettle on & then asked to use the bathroom whilst I was busy in the kitchen!... When he returned from the upstairs bathroom & I pointed out the lack of a boiler or gas heating he hurriedly corrected himself & stated he had been asked to come to check my cooker!

I was suspicious of his motives this time so I checked the bathroom after he left & found the camera mounted in the crease in the wall & ceiling right above my toilet & beside the shower... it was a teeny tiny spy cam... & I was horrified.

I left it in situ & took photos of it whilst I decided what to do next... I went to talk to a friend about it, who ended up dead shortly afterwards, & then took my dog out, but when I returned the camera was gone & a hole was all that was left!-

They must have been watching me take photos of it & decided to remove it before I reported it to the police.... I had no idea about any of this frequency torture sh*t back then & simply thought it was done because of some perverted military base joke…. I had already been informed at that time by a drunken navy guy in town one evening that I was being spied on naked sunbathing on my private balcony by the guys from the base & that there were photos of me up on the walls in the officers mess… its why I moved to the new property that Gary showed up in to do another boiler check for a non existent boiler! It seems they were all stalking the sh*t out of my & my daughter for years for their dirty little website business.

I stopped talking to Gary though after that & his wife Lorraine, whom I was friends with up until then, became quite distant too, although she did give me a lot of information about him & his many assets soon afterwards when they were getting divorced... I have often wondered whether their divorce was connected to what he was involved in at the base…it certainly played a part in them having separate bedrooms for several years prior to them splitting up.

Gary Taylor also owns several homes himself that he rents out in & around the Helston area, plus many in Falmouth that are owned jointly with 'the boys' & are rented out to the university students....& ALL tenants have their own web pages.... They just aren’t aware they are being used as p*rn stars for an internet business frequented by service personnel & cops & their friends.

Gary's ex wife got a visit from him at 2.15am in the morning whilst I was staying at her house overnight in early 2019 & they argued audibly in the garage about me staying there with her..... She told me a lot about Gary that night.... & about his many assets including a full sized yacht moored in Falmouth! She then got paid £15,000 for helping them to f*ck me over after that night just a few weeks later.... My guess is that she was obviously worried about telling me so much previously & then possibly losing her home, & the 3 properties he gave her in the divorce, plus her huge payoff, as I had told her I was going to have Gary & his police buddies prosecuted for harassment & illegally spying on me & my daughter!

Its been a journey & a half over the last 5 years I can tell you..... As for XXXXX.... I fear she will not listen to reason now... like so many who have been heavily mentally targeted, she has been fully indoctrinated into the mindset of misinformation & misdirection. Her husband obviously didn't want to lose his hidden assets in their divorce, or risk their child being targeted living with the mother, so he had her f*cked over to ensure he got custody & she was left mangled with nobody to help her.-

Anyone involved with these guys at an operational level is very well financially taken care of. Properties, financial investments, private pension funds, holiday homes abroad. & they also become indoctrinated into the way of life & all its sordid perks.

As this reply involves pretty much the outline of what these guys do on an operational level I am going to copy & paste it into a proper post, but will remove XXXXXX’s name.... It will serve as part of my information for people who are open to it.

My poor dog is now being badly targeted again & has been groaning for 2 days with no food eaten except some mackerel, but once again they have used the frequency modulation games to f*ck with his appetite & ability to eat certain foods.. mostly all dog foods… Ultimately starving him despite his hunger. ...

Everything I give him dog food wise is now turned away from & if I feed him human food they give him explosive diarrhoea & then use the frequency equipment to train him not to accept it again, despite him loving it... Evil monsters.

It started again last Friday when I was just about to leave for a drive up to Devon to speak with Dr Barrie Trower regarding his expertise on these frequencies... ex navy microwave expert!

Poor Theo has been played with again since that day... I had only just got him back on track after the last 5 week onslaught that saw him eat nothing for 3 weeks & almost dying. He also had to endure stomach surgery to try to find out why he wasn't eating but also had explosive diarrhoea despite the lack of food... They found nothing except extremely enflamed intestines with no explanation as to why.... I KNOW WHY. They use the very same frequencies that Dr Trower describes in some of his talks. frequencies that are on the ultrasonics wavelengths & cause instant relaxation of the bowels & bladder… Its why so many people have trouble holding their pee & often have to rush to the toilet in agony despite there being little pee present. Doctors are telling people they are incontinent when its frequency modulation game play…

These monsters are evil. & very obviously frightened of what I know, the evidence I have AND that I've asked Dr Trower to help me... I'm seeing him again soon to collect some documents.

As for you asking me to speak to XXXXX... I can't help her I’m afraid. She wont believe what I told her & is convinced her ex husband is doing things to her that simply are not possible with this equipment. He IS involved, but her mindset is being played with on every level & once they have you in that head space its almost impossible to get out of it…. The only way she can escape it is to really take in what she is being told & to totally disregard everything that she is currently holding onto as truth… Just like millions of others around the world.

I tried. xx

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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.