Winfield Courier, February 1885. (2024)

[Starting with Thursday, February 5, 1885.]
Editor: D. A. Millington.

[Note: The very first article on front page is very lengthy:it ends on Page 16.]

Farmers' Institute!
The Enterprising Farmers of Cowley Meet in Convention and InterchangeIdeas.
Much Valuable Information For Tillers of the Soil.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.


A few wide awake farmers were found at the opera house about 10 o'clock,and after some discussion effected an organization as follows.

J. F. Martin was elected chairman; F. A. A. Williams, secretary; Dr.Perry, treasurer, and J. S. Baker and Mr. Foster, vice-presidents.

The morning programme was postponed.

The following committee on reception and entertainment was appointed:F. A. A. Williams, J. S. Baker, D. M. Adams, R. I. Hogue. After instructingthe committee to meet the professors at the Santa Fe depot at noon, themeeting adjourned to two p.m.

At the afternoon session there was a very good attendance. We were gladto notice a number of ladies, and some farmers from distant parts of thecounty. Profs. Shelton and Fallyer and Supt. Thompson of the agriculturalcollege were on hand--also Mr. Heath of the Kansas Farmer. The exerciseswere opened by President Martin in a paper on forestry, which excited agood deal of interest and discussion. In the discussion Mr. Adams favoredthe improvement of school grounds by the planting of trees--suggesting thateach child plant a tree.

An address delivered before the Farmers' Institute by J. F. MARTIN.

Forestry is the science or art of growing forest trees. So much has beensaid and written on this subject that it would appear unwise for any, exceptmaster minds, to add thereto. Indeed, it is more difficult what not to saythan what to say. But, notwithstanding this and the inexpressible importanceof forestry, thee is, from the statesman in the legislative halls to thehumble cottage, an alarming indifference on the subject. The divine methodof impressing moral truth, in giving "precept upon precept, line uponline," "here a little, there a little," is no less needfulor imperative in teaching God's physical laws. Every method, though somewhatimperfect, should be used until the people are thoroughly aroused and instructedon this vital subject. It will not be expected that in a short essay anythinglike justice can be done.

I have selected but two topics for present consideration.

1. The government's duty in regard to forestry on the plains. That theunbroken forest is only suited to be the home of the savage, and the treelessplains to the nomadic tribes, at best they will not sustain a dense populationor develop and sustain a high state of civilization, are well-admitted truths.The great questions now being considered by economists, are, what can bedone to prevent the destruction of the American forests? How can they berestored when this destruction has already gone too far? And what best todo to secure a timber growth on the plains?

In the discussion of these problems, vital principles are involved, and,if justly solved will bring blessings co-extensive with the race of man.The general government has made some feeble efforts to secure tree plantingon the plains. These efforts have been feeble, from perhaps two causes:Lack of interest in the subject, and want of knowledge as to the means tobe used in its accomplishment.

2. What has been done? Congress in passing the timber act saysthat a person may occupy one hundred and sixty acres of land, of the treelessdomain, and by planting and caring for forty acres of the same in foresttrees, for a term of eight years, he shall have a deed for the same. Thefurther acts pertaining to this matter are to force a compliance with theconditions of the law. Is not this about all? To the uninformed as to thedifficulties in the way the legal inducements are important and usuallyare not highly esteemed by the homeless in the over-crowded eastern statesand countries of Europe. Add to these inducements the monthly and bi-annualreports of the State Board of Agriculture, of Kansas, showing the wonderfulresources of the state, and the rapid development of our material interests,and the pictorial railroad advertisem*nts, frequently overdrawn, which arescattered lavishly everywhere and the impression is too frequently madethat ours is an El Dorado land; a bonanza, to be had by simply coming andoccupying it. It is now known, or considered, at least--the difference betweenthe eastern and western Kansas, and that a practical knowledge of the surroundingconditions is a matter that must be learned by every settler, that of trees,plants, and grain, that were grown with success in the east, some will partiallysucceed and others utterly fail; consequently in many instances, the settlersooner or later, after expending his cash, capital, and much hard labor,finds he has not succeeded, gets discouraged, and abandons his claim, whichis too soon used by cattlemen for pasture. The settlers on timber claims,are in one sense agents, and should be so regarded, of the government toaid in timbering the prairies, and they should be fully instructed and otherwiseaided, if need be, that they may not fail. It is somewhat humiliating toour intelligent American to confess that our government, and even our ownstate, have very unsatisfactory means of giving a list of trees suited toplant in the western part of the state. Every settler finds that he is gropinghis way in the dark, and that his neighbors are in no more fortune thanhimself, fully sensible of his need of help, yet conscious that his countryis as helpless as himself. Is not this a pitiable state of affairs? A nationthat could subdue a mighty rebellion, liberate four millions of slaves,and shoulder with perfect ease a debt of four billions dollars, is powerlessto tell a pioneer what, how, or where to plant a tree, that it may becomea monarch of the future forests. What a giant child!

Individual effort in experimenting has given many valuable lessons, andlocal organizations have done good service in gathering and disseminatingthese facts; but the work is scarcely commenced. The general governmentshould establish at once a forestal school by liberal appropriations, andwisely connected with forestal experimental stations. In the meantime ourown state, through her legislature, should step forward in the line of dutyto her citizens, present and prospective, and make an annual appropriationof not less than $5,000, that one or more experimental stations may be maintained.

Let the directing power be under the control of our state agriculturalcollege, but the appropriation to be expended mostly in one or more stationsother than the college farm. The state board of agriculture would act wiselyand justly in enlarging its field of usefulness, while using the valuableinformation it collects and disseminates, in inducing emigration to thestate, that it may also inform these emigrants that if they settle on thepublic or railroad lands of extreme western Kansas, they need not expectto make money in growing corn and wheat, that at present, at least, grassis king, that the stock interest is the chief one at present. To tell themin a word what they may not try to do as well as what may be done to makethem prosperous and happy in their new home.

Such information the emigrant needs to know, that he may not be compelledto pay the costly price of experience by repeating unsuccessful experiment,so frequently tried by those who preceded him. No individual organization,or corporation, is justifiable in misguiding the inexperienced and confidingemigrant. I am aware that Dr. Hough and others, operating under the forestalbureau, as well as many public citizens, have done invaluable service indisseminating facts in regard to forestry, and thus creating a great interestin the subject, yet this knowledge is too much of a general nature to beof much benefit to the inexperienced planter, especially so if the planteris located on the plains. Definite facts, plenty of them plainly stated,are what he wants and what he must have through some agency, before successcan be assured. In no way can these facts be gathered to better advantagethan by experimental stations and schools of forestry. Their importanceis being recognized, and their necessity should be urged upon the properauthority until action is taken, and the work prosecuted with energy. Theywill be of national utility as well as economy, for no doubt there is annuallymore individual effort and self-sacrifice put forth in this state, to nopurpose whatever, that would aggregate the cost of one hundred experimentalstations. The plains must be reclaimed. It can and will be done. Shall itnow be intelligently undertaken? One-fiftieth part of the labor that wasrequired to clear the state of Ohio of its forests and bring the virginsoil into a good state of cultivation, if intelligently applied to the plainsof our state, would cover them with orchards, forests, and gardens, "andthe wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them and the desertshall rejoice and blossom as the rose."

This brings me to the effects of forestry on navigation. Eighty yearsago the hardy pioneers began cutting the timber from the banks of the Ohioriver, and long ago its fertile banks, failing to receive the protectionof the forest trees, through the agency of the freezing of winter and thewashing of the stream, have been caving in, thus each year increases thedistance between its banks; thus robbing the farmer of his best soil, whichcontributes to enlarge the sand-bar and islands of the river, and a portionis added to the delta on the gulf.

But these are not the worse results. As the stream has grown wider, thedepth of the water has decreased, which has greatly aided in making navigationpassable during the great part of the year to only the smaller class ofboats. Had the primeval forests continued to line her banks, their washingaway would not have occurred; or should they once more become fringed withwillows or other suitable trees, the reduction of the banks would not onlycease but the process of rebuilding would commence and appreciable differencein the depth of the channel would be observed. It would also add to, insteadof diminish, the value of lands adjacent. I thus refer to the Ohio river,not because it is an isolated case, but because, for many years, I had abundantopportunities to witness these operations; and deplore the results. Likecauses produce like effects, and other rivers are affected in a similarmanner.

There are great causes operating against internal navigation, viz: Thedeficiency of a regular supply of water in the rivers, caused by the destructionof the forests at the sources of the streams; but I must confine this articleto forestry on the banks of the rivers.

Other causes being the same, the depth of a stream will be proportionedto its width. Thus, if it averages one foot in depth, it will be two feetdeep if it becomes contracted one-half; and this additional advantage wouldbe secured, that this depth would be more likely to be continued than ifthe stream had remained at the previous depth. This law is, perhaps, generallyunderstood; but how shall we apply it successfully to our navigable rivers?We cannot wall them in with brick and mortar. We cannot hem them in witha mighty frame work of sawed lumber. No, but man can exert almost miraculouspower in fixing their boundaries by walls of forests. Obstructions on oppositebanks, such as suitable trees, that will reduce the width of the stream,are the means, and the only means available to man that will ever permanentlyand sufficiently secure such rivers as the Arkansas and Missouri to navigation.Let the native willows be systematically planted and cared for along thebanks of these rivers, and so managed that they will continue to encroachon stream until the desired width and consequent depth is secured, and thegreat object will be attained. Me thinks I heard someone say, "impossible."It is your privilege to exercise your judgment. But permit me to ask youto give it some careful thought. It has pleased the creator to place toman's use the powers of nature in combating like powers, and it seems plainto my mind that the mighty forces of forest growth are designed in thiscase to be utilized by man in fixing the banks of streams in such a waythat their waters may be made available for the purpose of navigation. Whenthis growth becomes permanent and the river becomes swollen above its artificialbanks, in consequence of the sluggish condition of the water in and alongthe young timber, a deposit of sand, clay, leaves, etc., will take place,which will be repeated at each rising of the stream. At the same time, inconsequence of the contraction of the banks, additional depth and also weightof water being secured, which accelerates the movement of the current, thusit plows a deeper channel and continually forces the movable sand, etc.,toward either bank, thus the double operation is secured, viz: buildingup and fixing the banks, and furrowing out the channel. I might here giveanother outline of the plan of operations, but will defer it for the present.I believe this plan is entirely practicable, and the only one by which theArkansas, Missouri, and like rivers can be utilized for purposes of navigation.Here is room for the exercise of a broad statesmanship. Here is an opportunityfor the government to extend its helpful arm and confer untold blessingsin the immediate future upon man, which blessings may continue to the endof time. Railroad men will sneer at these propositions; statesmen may thinkit rather dirty work for their dignity; and small politicians will not vociferatein their favor, except they see a prospect of inflating their purses thereby.In the meantime the industrial classes will continue to submit to the exactionsof railroad and other monopolies until, through the power of a better education,they will rise in their might and demand of their servants proper attentionto their best interests.

In reply to a question, the chairman stated that one year old cottonwoodswere the best for transplanting.

Mr. Hogue said this is true for all trees, and a great mistake has beenmade in this country by planting trees too large.

In most cases a one year old tree will be larger and better after threeor four years than one set at three or four years old.

Prof. Shelton said in our cities very poor trees are being transplanted,often a tree two inches in diameter with all the top and nearly all theroots cut off. These generally die. Also some trees will not bear transplanting--blackwalnut should be planted from the seed.

In answer to a question, Prof. Fallyer said the growth of the walnutscould be very much enhanced by cultivation; he plead for good top on treesfor transplanting.

Prof. Shelton in regard to trimming: one says he trims whenever his knifeis sharp; another does not trim at all. We must take our choice betweenthese two extremes. I cannot give any rule about it.

After further interesting discussion, the chairman announced that itwas now time for the discussion on tame grasses. This was opened by a paperfrom F. A. A. Williams.

A paper read by F. A. A. Williams before the Farmers' Institute
Held at Winfield, Jan. 29 and 30, 1885.

Mr. Chairman, and Fellow-farmers:

While the subject assigned me for today is one in which I have takengreat interest ever since I came to this country, yet I am satisfied thatthere are others here whose experience would enable them to edifying allmore than I can; and I am therefore glad that it is simply my duty to "setthe ball rolling," or to open the discussion.

It is probably still thought by the majority of the farmers in our countythat while tame grasses are both successful and profitable in the olderstates from which they came, it is not worthwhile in this new and fertilecounty to fool with them. To illustrate the impression still too common,let me give an incident. When I moved to Cowley County in September 1881,I brought a carload of stock, and fed them on the road with timothy hay.It was heavily seeded and the floor of the car was pretty well covered withthe waste hay and seed. "There," said a bystander as I was unloadingmy car, "is timothy seed enough to sow an acre of land. You ought tosave and sow it." "Yes," said another, "there's lotsof nice seed, but you might as well burn it up as to sow it here."And it did look like it just then, in the midst of the drouth and hot winds;yet in three or four weeks the rains began, and we had the wettest fall,and the finest growth of wheat, for three years before or since! And thosewho had the pluck to sow grass seed that fall got as fine a "stand"as was ever seen in Illinois.

It seems to me that the somewhat peculiar conditions under which we farmhere are the very ones which should stimulate us to the increased cultureof grasses. Our distance from market and the high cost of transportationtake most of the profit from grain raising, and the two most important problemswith us are how to save freight and labor. We do muchtoward solving the first problems when we feed our grain to stock, and thusship in concentrated form; but is not the second problem still more important,and could we not solve it by sowing part of our land in grass, and lettingnature perform the labor of raising our crops, and our livestock do thework of harvesting them?

Take hog-raising, for example. It is admitted by most of our farmersthat they are making more money out of corn and hogs than anything else,and yet could they not save half the labor, and nearly double their netprofits, by putting half of their corn land in grass, and pasture theirhogs on it? Clover is considered an essential to profitable hog-raisingin the older states, but here we try to raise hogs in a corral, ten rodssquare, and nothing but corn, corn, corn from one year's end to another.It is claimed on good authority that an acre of clover will produce morepork than an acre of corn, but even suppose it only produces as much, isnot the saving of the labor of producing an acre of corn a very large item,and is not the saving of machinery another important item? Then your hogswill be far more healthy on clover pasture half the year than when confinedin small lots and fed nothing but corn, and not only will your hogs be healthierand less liable to disease but your pork will be far more wholesome andpalatable, more likely to have the muscular growth, the sprinkling of fatand lean, which is so desirable in meat for our own eating. But the fencingof pastures is too great an expense, says one! Well, against that I puttwo items not heretofore mentioned which I think will more than counterbalanceit; first, your land will be growing richer all the time, instead of poorer,as it would in corn; second, it will be kept clean instead of growing foulwith "careless weeds," co*ckle burrs, and sunflowers as it is almostsure to do where tended in corn. I am sure it would richly reward everyhog raiser in Cowley County, who has not already done so, to sow an acreof grass (Alfalfa is my preference for hog pasture) for every ten head ofhogs he intends to keep. Last summer I completed a hog pasture of aboutfive acres--mainly of Alfalfa--and I have not made any improvement on thefarm which has given me more satisfaction. My hogs would often refuse tocome for their corn when called, and would keep on eating clover.

Perhaps I have said enough as to the desirability of tame grasses inthis county, and I hope we will have testimony enough before this discussionis closed to convince those who are not already satisfied that the raisingof grasses in Cowley County is no longer an experiment, but--with properknowledge of sorts adapted and culture, and the exercise of that knowledge--isa decided success. The seed of tame grasses in Cowley County being recognized,and their success under judicious culture grand, granted we should inquirefirst: What kinds of grass to grow? Writing for the state of Kansas, andmore especially the central and western parts thereof, Prof. Shelton, ofthe state University (one of our best authorities on this subject) namesof the grasses as follows in the order of their importance: For pasture,orchard grass, Alfalfa, red clover, English blue grass, and Kentucky bluegrass. For mowing, Alfalfa, red clover, English blue grass, perhaps meadowoat grass and timothy. Writing for Cowley County from the best light I cangather, the experience of others and my own, I would change his order alittle and put alfalfa first for pasture and timothy first or second formowing. Let us notice briefly a few of the characteristics and adaptationof the grasses mentioned.


From my experience of 1882, I was disposed to rank red clover ahead ofits western relative, but the latter made so much better growth and furnishedso much more pasturage, both in spring and fall last year, that I am nowinclined to place it ahead. The great objection to it heretofore has beenthe high price of seed, but that is being gradually removed, and last yearit was quoted in Kansas City at but little more than the price of cloverseed. The merits of alfalfa are the ease of getting a "stand,"its tenacity of life's power of enduring drought, very early and late growth,and amount of pasture or hay per acre. In this latter respect it exceedsany grass I have tried. Its demerits as a pasture grass are none, so faras I know; but it is open to some objection for hay as it is difficult tocure and its first and heaviest crop must be cut in June when we are liableto frequent showers and to get our clover spoiled before being sufficientlycured to stack. Moreover, owing to its peculiar form and amount of foliage,it does not save well in stack; and if cut for hay, should be put in a barnor shed or else the stack thatched with prairie hay or millet.

Our old favorite


succeeds well in this country, and furnishes a large amount of eitherpasture or hay. For the latter, however, it is open to the same objectionsas alfalfa, of being difficult to cure and keep in stack. Prof. Sheltonwrote of it some time ago: "When land is once seeded to clover, itnever "runs out" as in the easter states but thickens and spreadscontinually by self-seeding." A neighbor said once in passing my patchof orchard grass that I would "repent sowing it, for I could neverget rid of it." I think he was mistaken; but if either orchard grassor clover will hold its own against the heat and dry spells of our climate,and not run out, then indeed is the future of Cowley County assured.


is ranked first, for pasture, by Prof. Shelton. I cannot speak much ofit from my own experience, but have seen one very fine field of it nearWinfield, which furnished a large amount of feed the first fall after itwas sowed. Prof. Shelton said of it a year or more ago, and I have not learnedof his recalling his favorable opinion: "Two years ago in giving ourexperience with this grass, we stated that it had proven to be one of thevery best and safest of all the pasture grasses that we had tried."The same must be said of it today with emphasis. We feel confident thatit will yield fully twice the feed that can be obtained from the same areaof blue grass or timothy, and in nutritive qualities it is certainly greatlysuperior to blue grass."

Of English blue grass, I sowed only a small piece in the spring of 1882,but got a good stand, and my horses prefer it to anything else when runningin the field. Indeed, they pastured it so close during the dry part of lastspring that I feared I should never see it again, but as soon as I stoppedpasturing, it grew up and raised a fine crop of seed. I believe it for horsepasture, especially very desirable, but it does not make much hay.

Timothy is, I believe, very successful in this county, and in view ofthe rapid disappearance on our prairie meadows, it behooves every farmerto sow at least enough of it to furnish hay for his own horses. I sowedthree or four acres in May 1882 on a piece of low, wet ground which hadbefore been almost worthless and the following summer it produced a finecrop of hay as I ever saw anywhere. Last year it did not produce so heavya crop; but still the land paid better than it ever had before.


or Evergreen grass, has been very highly recommended by our best authorities,and is no doubt worthy of a trial by the farmers of Cowley County; but asI have neither tried it myself or seen it tried here, I will not speak ofit further; but hope we shall learn something about it in the course ofthis discussion.


On this division of my subject there are three important points I wouldemphasize. First, thorough preparation of the soil. It is not likely thatany farmer who is sufficiently enthusiastic and painstaking to try to raisetame grasses in Cowley County will select this point, and yet we all need"line upon line," and are often tempted to do things poorly whenwe are in a hurry, as farmers generally are. But if you have not time toprepare your grass land well, do not sow at all. It will just be time andmoney thrown away. The ground should be old and well-cultivated: it willnot do to sow on prairie sod or on ground lately broken. It should be cleanedof trash, well-plowed, and then thoroughly harrowed. It is of greatest importanceto have the soil fine and mellow. Then sow your seed--preferably with aseeder--cover well with a light harrow, and follow with a roller. Do notseed with any other crop. On this point all our best Kansas authoritiesand experience agree. There are of course cases where grass has succeededwith other crops, but this is the safe rule for Kansas climate, and whereone side is doubtful and the other side safe, we should always take thesafe side.


is in the spring, and not too early in the season when it is apt to bedry and windy. Wait until the spring rains commence as a rule about themiddle of April and you are reasonably sure of a good stand. I have sowedin May with very good success. The trouble with fall sowing is that theground is almost always hard and dry in August and September, often almostimpossible to plow, and even if plowed early and reduced to good condition,the showers at that period are so scanty and uncertain as to make grassgrowing unsafe. And if you wait till October, when the fall rains come,the grass does not get a sufficient start to withstand the winter.

In conclusion, one thing is certain: our prairie grasses like the Indianand the Chinese "must go." It remains for us to say whether ourfarms and farmers shall be worn out or whether both shall be enriched bya judicious mingling of grass culture and dairying with grain farming. Ourbest authority on stock and grass says: Tame grasses will carry at least15 head of three-year-old cattle on twenty acres from April 25 to November15, or 6 months, equally as well as wild pasture will carry eight head fromMay 1 to October 1, or 5 months. In cutting both kinds for hay, the differenceis fully as great aside from having the late pasture on tame grasses."In a late paper it is stated that Kansas farmers will sow more grass seedthis spring than ever before. Shall we of Cowley County fall into line?This subject of raising tame grasses is a vital one to the farmers of thiscounty; and if this discussion shall serve to increase the interest in theircultivation, it will be time and labor well spent.

Mr. Meredith asked what kind of grass to sow to produce the best hayfor cattle: both quantity and quality considered.

Prof. Shelton said: "I would advise orchard grass and red clover,one and a half bushels of the former, and four or five pounds of the latter,per acre. We have a field of clover on the college farm sown in 1872 onhigh prairie land which is now good as ever; it produces heavy crops withoutany fertilizing and to all appearance will be good one hundred years hence.We have another field of orchard grass equally good sown in 1885. I canspeak very favorably of alfalfa, but be particular to get western grownseed and not European or eastern seed. Sow about twenty pounds to the acre,and do not pasture this or any other grass the first and critical season.The secret of many failures with tame grasses, even after the first year,is too close pasturing in early spring and late fall; timothy may succeedif sown in the fall but all others should be sown in the spring. In RileyCounty grass growing is no longer considered an experiment, but our bestfarmers are seeding land in orchard grass, clover, etc., eight quarts timothy,and two or three quarts clover for meadow."

Mr. Baker had failed with alfalfa.

Mr. Jarvis, from Colorado, spoke highly of alfalfa and thought Kansaswell adapted to it; advocated heavy seeding, twenty-five or thirty poundsto the acre, had seen no crop which equaled it for feed.

Prof. Shelton thought that Mr. Baker's failure resulted from having sowedeastern seed or else to some peculiarity of soil.

Dr. Perry asked the question, "Prof. Shelton, is there any othergrass you can recommend for hay?"

Prof. Shelton responded: "Yes, there are other kinds such as Englishblue grass and meadow oat grass which have done well with us generally,but they will not stand drouth and are not so reliable as the varietiesbefore mentioned."

The subject of blue grass was discussed at some length, the impressionseeming to prevail that it was a success in this country. After announcementsfor the evening, the institute adjourned.


Owing to the omission of the morning programme, some change was necessaryin the published programme, and Mr. D. T. Armstrong was requested to givehis paper on small fruits. This was followed by general discussion on thesubject of the paper.

Mr. Hogue was requested to give his experience. He stated that the CharlesDowning, Crescent seedling, Captain Jack, and Green's Prolific were thebest varieties of strawberries; thorough cultivation was necessary; Doolittlewas the best blackcap raspberry, but red raspberry was a failure; the Sharpless,Bidwell, Wilson's Albany, and Seedling strawberry were comparative failures.

President Martin had made some failures with small fruits, and some successes,especially with strawberries; had sold in 1884 from ½ acre of strawberries$118 worth of fruit.

Mr. Hogue said, "We did not keep a full account of our proceeds,but I know that the sales in one day were $32. This was from about ¼acre of strawberries." The general opinion seemed to be that with propercare in selecting varieties and planting and thorough cultivation, strawberriesand blackcap raspberries were successful here, but red raspberries a failure.Mr. Hogue stated that currants had been always considered a failure in CowleyCounty, but he knew of two parties who had grown them successfully by mulching;one of them was Mr. Sumpter, near Winfield.

Mr. Armstrong suggested pinching off the red raspberry when about twofeet high so that it would throw out laterals; he thought it might succeedhere by that treatment. No one present had tried it in that way. All agreedthat grapes were a decided success here, Concord the standard variety.

Mr. Hogue: "The Dreacut Amber has done well with us; the Catawbais too late for this climate--does not endure the hot sun."

Pres. Martin: "I would not plant any of these transparent seedlessgrapes sold by nursery agents at a dollar a vine."

As to trimming grapes, Prof. Shelton and Mr. Armstrong advocated cuttingback severely every year, leaving only a stump of old vine a foot or twohigh. Mr. Hogue trims according to the strength of the vine; a week vineshould be trimmed back to stimulate good growth, while the strong one shouldbe allowed more wood to produce fruit.

Following the discussion on small fruits, Prof. Fallyer of the AgriculturalCollege gave a very interesting lecture on fuel for heat and light. It wouldbe difficult to report even the substance of the lecture as it was one ofthose which must be heard to be appreciated. His description of the compositionand refining of petroleum and kerosene were especially interesting and important.The three principal products from petroleum are paraffin, kerosene, andnaphtha, and because kerosene brings more than either of the others, theyare run over with it in distillation, the paraffin making it heavy and poorfor light and the naphtha making it explosive. Compounds sold to preventkerosene from exploding are humbugs.

Prof. Shelton was then requested to give some facts as to the State AgriculturalCollege at Manhattan, Riley County. The College received from the UnitedStates about 80,000 acres of land, which was very well located and has nowall been sold, producing a permanent endowment fund of about half a milliondollars which cannot be used for buildings but must be permanently investedand now brings about $32,000 interest per annum. The College is not dependentupon the state, but all salaries of professors and running expenses areprovided for by this endowment fund. He gave many other interesting factsas to departments, government work, etc., which we have not space to givebut which anyone interested in can obtain by writing to Prof. Fairchild,at Manhattan.


The morning session was opened according to programme by Mr. McClellan'spaper on stock-breeding. This contained many valuable points.

Paper Read before the Farmers' Institute by F. W. McClellan.

The first query of the average American when thinking of engaging inany breeding is, will it pay? And in stock breeding, as in any other pursuit,this will be the question of the first importance. To this question we answer"Yes, No." Yes to a person who enters upon the business with aproper location, necessary arrangements, and a proper knowledge of the business,or such a love for stock that he will attain that knowledge. No to one thatdoes not have these and will not take the trouble to acquire them.

I would not have you understand me as having reference to any particularbreed or stock, as what tends to success in one will apply as well to theothers. It will be impossible to give all the reasons why it will pay andwhy it is advisable to engage in stock raising. Among the reasons, if notthe first reason, it keeps up with the fertility of the soil. Continualgrain raising of whatever kind will exhaust any soil, so that the profitseven with good prices will be but nominal while with stock the land is beingcontinually enriched and not only are the profits greater from increasedcrops but the value of land is increased. I will give a case to illustrate.

I commenced to keep stock on the farm I was living on in Illinois: cattle,sheep, and hogs. I was told by the neighbors that I could make more moneyby raising grain, as the markets were handy and it would not pay to raisestock on such high-priced land. My crops increased from 40 to 50 bushelsof corn to the acre to 75 and 80, while theirs decreased to 25 and 30 bushelsby their system of grain raising. A neighbor, whose farm joined with mine,paid me 55 cents a bushel for corn to keep his hogs through the winter,and he had as many acres in corn as I did. I sold my farm for ten dollarsan acre more than he asked for his and he has his yet. It paid me to raisestock. I might say here that other crops increased in like ratio. It willpay because the expense of shipping the crops to market is less when fedto stock and besides the stock leaves about 56 percent of the feed as fertilizersto increase the succeeding crops. In grain we have Russia, India, and othercountries to compete with, while they draw on us largely for their meatsupplies. Then in our country the demand is increasing faster than the supply.The increase of cattle to the population is as 7 to 13 percent, or onlyabout half.

While stock raising will pay under certain conditions, it is advisablefor a person who thinks of engaging in it to consider well the contingenciesnecessary to make it a success. To succeed he must not only like to attendto their wants because it is a profit for him to do so but he must takea pleasure in doing it and must find enjoyment not only in administeringto their wants but also in contributing to their comfort. In one respecthe must think more of them than he does of himself. In cold or storm hemust be out until he knows his stock is as comfortable as it is in his powerto make it. If he is not willing to do this, he would be better to leavethis business severely alone for he will not succeed. A person who has neverhad any experience with stock should go very slow in engaging in the business,but I will not say let it alone, for if he has a natural love for stockand the determination to master the details, he will succeed. There is oneidea prevailing to a great extent and the sooner the people can be disabusedof it, the better. It is that anyone can make money with stock and thatall they have to do is to buy and turn them on the range and the goldendollars will begin to roll into their pockets and will continue to rollin a geometrical progression. All such generally find the dollars rollingthe other way.

The first requisite after one has decided to engage in stock breedingis to select a location suitable to the kind of stock he wishes to raise,as to soil, lay of the land, water, etc.; also to markets, and those whoare already located should select stock suited to the location. While weadmit that on most farms any of the different kinds of stock do better thanno stock, yet there is hardly a farm where there is not a greater profitin some kinds than in others.

The next after the location is the selection of stock and I cannot urgetoo strongly the necessity of great care and judgment. Be sure you get asnear what your judgment tells you you want regardless of the price if withinyour means. The lowest priced animal is often the dearest. When we takeinto consideration the differences in the value of the progeny there isoften no comparison in the prices of two animals, the highest priced beingincomparably the cheapest. There are various considerations that make thisso. Put the two or their progeny on the same keeping and there will allthe time be a difference in gain. There is a difficulty arises here thatcannot always be overcome. In buying breeding stock one cannot always tellhow they have been kept. A fine looking animal may have been pampered soas to be nearly worthless for breeding while another that does not lookas well, having had only ordinary care, may be one that will be very profitable.Even in the herds that we handle for years we, in our present way of doing,cannot tell to a certainty if we can in any way approximate to a decisionas to which of our animals is the most profitable when all things are takeninto consideration. The dairying branch of the business may be taken asan illustration. How many of our dairymen can tell which one of their cowsare making a profit on the feed, value of the cows, expense of labor, andwhat profit each cow makes? It is true they are awakening to the importanceof knowing and are making tests to determine, and are weeding out the unprofitableones. This must be the case with all classes of stock. The animal that willnot yield a profit on cost, feed, and labor must go and the place occupiedby one that will weed out the culls, and do not be afraid to reduce yourherd for fear you will not have as many as your neighbor, but bear in mindthat success consists more in quality than in quantity. It is a safe rulealways to understock rather than overstock. If the season is favorable throughoutfor a luxuriant growth all may be well, but if by drought or any of themany causes by which crops and pastures are shortened, an unenviable situationto say the least is forced upon the stockman. The profits on a few extrafine animals will be far greater than on a large number of inferior ones.This is clearly shown by our market reports. The same report of the Chicagomarkets, quoted ordinary steers at $4 to $4.50 per cwt., and the thirty-fourIowa steers at $7.75 per cwt., and another of the sale of W. D. Gillett'sat $8.00, I think. This makes a difference of about $4.00 in the extremeprices. Another element of success is to have suitable shelter for the stock;we say suitable for it must be adapted to the location and severity of theclimate. While in Minnesota and other extreme northern sections, warm barnsare necessary, in other sections sheds to keep off the storms and protectfrom the winds of winter and the burning heat of summer may be better. Inany location stock must be kept comfortable, either by natural or artificialshelter, as the owner will have to burn corn or its equivalent to keep upthe heat consumed by exposure.

Another thing to be taken into consideration is to place a true estimateof value on your stock. With many a cow is a cow, and is worth about somuch, and a horse is a horse, and so on through the list. One animal maybe worth several times the value of another apparently as good. She maybe a more prolific breeder and her progeny may be much more hardy and growthy.When we consider the difference in their increase and the increase of theirfemales, we can hardly estimate the difference in their value. Feeding isa prime consideration in successful stock raising. It is not the one whofeeds the most that feeds the best. A man to succeed must, as we said before,love the stock he feeds and must make the stock love him, and must alsouse intelligence and judgment. In changing from one kind of feed to another,it should be done gradually so the system can become adapted to the newrations. Many valuable animals are killed, and vastly more injured, by suddenchanges in feed. We find it works well in spring to give stock a good feedof dry food in the morning before turning to grass and keeping it up forseveral days; and in the fall, give them part of a feed of dry food eachday before keeping them on it altogether. It is also good to have a stockof dry feed for them to run to while the grass is young and watery. Fora few days they may let it alone but it will not be long before they willbegin to visit it. While you are careful to have plenty of feed for yourcattle, be just as particular to have plenty of good water for them to drink,either have them have access to a good stream or a good well. Let pondsand mud holes severely alone. It is a question if a large portion of thestock losses of the average farm do not arise either from a lack of wateror from drinking impure water. It would be safe and also humane not to letour stock drink water that we will not drink ourselves. There are many otherconsiderations, but we will not weary you enumerating them, but will merelysay weigh well the matter, be sure you are right and go ahead.

Then followed general discussion.

Mr. Adams: "I would like to ask whether animals for beef shouldbe well fed with grain through the whole period of growth, or fed mainlyon roughness, grass, etc.?"

Dr. Perry: "The plumpness of the young animal should be kept upby feeding grain whenever it is necessary."

Mr. Gale, Rock Township. "I have had good success in feeding steerscorn alone without roughness; would say especially never let an animal intendedfor beef shrink or lose anything. Whenever you let it lose a pound, youare losing money with compound interest."

Mr. Thomas. "Stock hogs run on red clover would bring a cent a poundmore than those fed in corn alone; probably because their digestive apparatuswas better developed and they could gain more when fattened."

Mr. Meredith of Dexter: "My cattle fed mainly on roughness gainedfaster, and made a better growth when put on pasture than those of one ofmy neighbors who had fed mainly on grain."

Mr. Gale: "The fattest lot of steers I ever saw in Kansas were twoyear olds which had been fed almost entirely on corn sold for $72 a headthe spring they were two years old. Steers taken from grass, fat, and puton grain will lose, or at least, not gain any for four weeks or more."

Mr. Markham: "A Kansas City buyer in our country said that millettshould not be fed to feeding steers; he himself thought that corn in theear was the most profitable feed for steers; several others coinciding inthe opinion."

Mr. McClellan made a very wise distinction between feeding young andold cattle: the young cattle should have a good deal of coarse food in orderto develop bone and muscle, while the older cattle to be fattened shouldbe fed mainly on fat forming foods, such as corn.

Prof. Shelton closed the morning session with his most interesting andpractical lecture on farm experiments. This we would like to give in full,but the substance of it, with much other valuable matter, will be publishedby the Professor in his report for 1884, which those interested can probablyobtain by addressing him. Two points of special interest, however, werethe greatly increased profits of feeding pigs in a warm barn in winter overthose fed in an open shed and the large amount of pork obtained from onehalf acre of alfalfa--much more than the average amount obtained from onehalf acre of corn.


The first business taken up was the formation of a permanent farmers'organization for the county.

Mr. Adams moved that a committee of one from each township be appointedto perfect a plan of organization. Carried.

It was also agreed that the present officers hold over until the finalorganization be effected. It was moved and seconded that sub-committeeson organization be effected.

It was moved and seconded that sub-committees on organization and planof work be appointed. Carried.

The chair named the following gentlemen on organization--Dr. Perry andF. A. A. Williams; and on plan of work--M. A. Markham and F. W. McClellan.

The full township committee was made up as follows.

Bolton Amos Walton.

Beaver F. H. Burden.

Vernon R. J. Yeoman.

Ninnescah L. Stout.

Rock S. P. Strong.

Fairview T. S. Green.

Walnut F. W. McClellan.

Pleasant Valley A. H. Broadwell.

Silverdale George Green.

Tisdale J. S. Baker.

Winfield Dr. Perry.

Liberty J. C. McCloy.

Richland D. C. Stevens.

Omnia W. R. Stolp.

Silver Creek John Stout.

Harvey R. L. Strother.

Windsor Samuel Fall.

Dexter W. E. Meredith.

Cedar J. H. Service.

Otter Mr. Mills.

Sheridan J. R. Smith.

Maple Mr. Fitzsimmons.

Creswell Ed. Green.

Spring Creek H. S. Libby.

This committee with the sub-committees and officers were requested tomeet at the Courier office on Saturday, February 14th, at oneo'clock P. M.

A short discussion on stock raising followed, introduced by a questionas to the profit of feeding yearling steers. The general opinion seemedto be that with a good grade of cattle, it might be done profitably.

Prof. Shelton stated that an acquaintance of his fed young steers (highgrade short horn) which he marked at one and a half years old, and foundthem more profitable than any others he handled; he also stated that finestock must be well kept or they would rapidly deteriorate. You may taketwo pure bred short-horn heifers and breed them to the same or equally goodmales, but starve and expose the one and well treat the other, and in twoor three generations the progeny of the one which was starved will be miserablescrubs, while the descendants of the other will hold their own or improve.If a man is going to starve and expose his stock, he had better not handleanything but Texans; they are the only kind that will prove profitable undersuch treatment.

At this point the chairman rose and stated that the college professorswould have to leave at 3 o'clock and if the institute wished to get anymore light from them, they must do it before that time and carry on anydesired discussion afterwards.

Dr. Perry: "I would like to ask Prof. Fallyer whether any analysisof soils has been made at the college and what are the results?"

Prof. Fallyer: "We have done something at soil analysis but we donot place much dependence upon it in determining the fertility of the soilsor the proper fertilizers to apply; this is the point where theory and practicedo not agree."

Several questions were asked the Professor as to land being injured bybeing plowed and left exposed to the sun or benefitted by shade of cropsor buildings. He did not think these things would affect it except whenland was plowed too wet and exposed to the sun, when it would bake.

Mr. Markham offered the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted.

RESOLVED, That it is the sentiment of the Cowley County Farmers'Institute, held at the Winfield Opera House Jan. 29 and 30, 1885, that theservices of Profs. Shelton, Fallyer, and Supt. Thompson of the Kansas StateAgricultural College have been highly appreciated and for which they havethe hearty and sincere thanks of the members of the Institute.

Prof. Shelton, on behalf of the faculty, very gracefully thanked themeeting for this expression of their appreciation of their services andexpressed his belief from what he had seen of the farmers of Cowley Countythat they had the material to form a permanent and successful farmers' institutewhich would be of lasting benefit to the people of the county.

Supt. Thompson then read his paper containing many timely suggestionsworth heeding. The following is a summary.

Note: If there was a summary, it was not given in article.

The Professors then took their leave and the discussion was carried onby home talent.

Mr. McClellan: "Has anyone here tried raising mangel wurzels forstock and with what success?"

Mr. Adams: "I planted a row about ten rods long last spring, whichgrew well in spite of the dry weather and yielded about ten bushels. I believethey can be grown here successfully."

Mr. Broadwell stated that artichokes were very successful in this countyand were desirable for hogs.

Mr. Croco: "The English artichoke is very profitable in Ohio, andI think they would be here."

Mr. Gale: "A patch of oats makes fine pasture for hogs and is thenext thing to red clover."

Dr. Perry: "A gentleman from Barbour County raises hogs mainly onsorghum with great success."

Mr. Thirsk: "I have found the blood turnip beet profitable here,also think sorghum the most useful crop we can grow."

Mr. Martin: "I am encouraged about the future of the farmers ofthe county; we can succeed (as you have learned from what has been saidhere) with tame grasses; and if beets, artichokes, and such winter feedcan be raised successfully for our stock, we are on the high road to prosperity."

Mr. McClellan and Dr. Perry recommended sorghum highly as feed for cattle.

Mr. Adams moved that the thanks of the institute be tendered to the pressof the county for their assistance in making the institute a success. Carriedunanimously.

The chairman gave notice of the meeting of the County Horticultural Societyat the Courier office on Saturday, February 4th. There beingno further business, the institute adjourned.

Action of the Inauguration Executive Committee Relativeto Tickets.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885. Front Page.

The action of the Executive Committee of the Inauguration Ceremoniesat Washington in designating the Baltimore & Ohio ticket offices inthe principal cities, East and West, as special depositories for sale ofInauguration Ball tickets, cannot but prove of great advantage, as heretoforetickets could not be obtained for the ball until after arrival at the nationalcapital. Everybody knows where the B. & O. offices are in the leadingcities: 83 Clark St. in Chicago; 5 N. High St. in Columbus; 173 Walnut Cincinnati; 130 S. Illinois St. in Indianapolis; 101 N. 4thSt. in St. Louis; 152 W. Baltimore St. in Baltimore.

Letters relative to the ball tickets, address to the B. & O. ticketagent at any of the addresses given, or to ticket agent B. & O. office,Louisville, Wheeling, Zanesville, Newark, Sandusky, Cumberland, or Frederickwill receive prompt attention.

At the offices named, those who desire can purchase the ball ticketssame time as they do their railroad tickets; while those who may want themas souvenirs do not have to send to Washington for them. Preparations forthe Inauguration ceremonies are being carried forward with the determinationto make them memorable. The Baltimore & Ohio, as the only direct linefrom the West into Washington, has extended every facility to executiveand other committees in so shaping matters as to bring complete successin every particular. The B. & O. has announced the lowest rates evermade for an inauguration, in most instances less than half-fare for theround trip, with a limit on the tickets of the most satisfactory length.By the B. & O.'s recently put on fast train schedule, its noted limitedtrains make the run through to Washington, from all points, from one tosix hours quicker than any of the limited trains on other lines. Not a nickelextra is charged for the fast time, which is directly to the contrary ofthe rule followed by the other lines with their limited trains, for uponthem double fare is the only way one can travel, and must take sleepingcars through, whether wishing so to do or not. On the B. & O. one exercisesthe good old American custom of going as he pleases. Trains run throughsolid, no change of cars, of any class, and pay only for what is asked for--nota cent more, no matter what may be the custom on other lines. All thesethings are well worth considering before starting.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885. Front Page.

The boom in wheat and corn and hogs, and the general tone of businessillustrate fully what the Inter-Ocean has many times said duringthe past two months. The depression was but temporary, and croakers andgrowlers should be ordered to the rear. This great, big country, full oflive men, and storehouses bursting with riches, is not ready to lay downand squeal. Chicago Inter-Ocean.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885. Front Page.

THE WEATHER, Lieut. Charles W. McKim, Portland, Ky., states: "Fortwenty years I suffered with rheumatism. During the bad weather my sufferingwas terrible. I was about give up. Someone suggested the application ofSt. Jacobs Oil. I tried it and its relief was rapid. In half an hour I couldstand up. I no longer suffer with the pains."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885. Front Page.

Down in Kentucky it is said they are keeping green the memory of thelast presidential campaign by hunting skunks during the winter months.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885. Front Page.

Great Excitement
Was caught and arrested, and to keep him from doing furthermischief we have

him. We will frankly admit that we have murdered prices, andwill gladly devote the time to showing you how we did it. We feel confidentthat we can prove to your satisfaction that we have an immense


Owing to the great depression of the trade we have determined to putprices within the reach of everybody, which the following prices will show.(Space will only permit of a few enumerations):

Brocade Silks and Satins, $1.30, worth $1.75.

Brocade Silks and Satins, $2.00, worth $2.50.

Heavy Gros Grain Silk, 50 cents, worth 75 cents.

Heavy Gros Grain Silk, 75 cents, worth $1.25.

Gainet's Standard Gros Grain Silk, $1.05, worth $1.50.

Gainet's Extra Heavy Gros Grain Silk, $1.50, worth $2.25.

Ottoman Silk, $1.25, worth $1.65.

Cashmeres, 37 inches wide, 30 cents, worth 50 cents.

Heavy French Cashmeres, 55 cents, worth 85 cents.

Extra Heavy French Cashmere, 75 cents, worth $1.15.

Superfine French Cashmere (17 count), 90 cents, worth $1.25.

Silk Velvets, $1.80, worth $2.25.

Brocaded Silk Velvets (20 inches), $1.50, worth $1.75.

Chenille Fringes, in all colors, 55 cents, worth 75 cents.

Fine Dress Plaids, 12½ cents, worth 20 cents.

Fine Dress Plaids, 15 cents, worth 25 cents.

Fine Dress Plaids, 25 cents, worth 40 cents.

Fine Dress Plaids, 7 cents, worth 12½ cents.

Brocaded Dress Goods, 12½ cents, worth 20 cents.

Brocaded Dress Goods, 15 cents, worth 25 cents.

Best Prints, 6¼ cents, worth 8½ cents.

Good Prints, 4 cents, worth 5 cents.

Lonsdale (make) Muslin, 9 cents, worth 12½ cents.

Androscoggin Muslin, 9 cents, worth 12½ cents.

Hercules' Shirting Muslin, 8 cents, worth 10 cents.

Indian Head Sheeting, 7 cents, worth 10 cents.

Dwight Sheeting, 7 cents, worth 10 cents.

These prices will be continued until Feb. 1, 1885.

P. S. Everybody owing me will please call and settle their accounts byJanuary 1st, without fail.

[Please note that this ad was run on the front page of February5, 1885, issue. MAW]


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Largest Stock and Largest Business House in SouthernKans.
Thousands of Dollars Worth of Goods to be Slaughtered.
I have Reduced the prices on our entire Stock of
General Merchandise.

You can again buy goods at almost your own prices. Grain of all kindsis Cheap, money scarce, but I have inaugurated a business that overcomesall of these difficulties. I buy nearly all kinds of Country Produce andnot only pay Market Price, but the top of the market. I have made Winfieldthe


And no one can deny this, and I only ask the Trading Public to come andexamine our Stock and Prices. Bring your Wives, Mothers, and Mothers-in-lawwith their children and I will try and make you all happy with more goodsfor your money than any House in the State. Remember the place.

Corner 10th and Main Streets.
-Finally! The End of Page One of February 5, 1885, issue.-

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

The people who never blunder would be splendid company if they were notall dead.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

The Nicaraguan treaty failed of ratification by the U. S. Senate by avote of 32 to 23, it requiring two-thirds to ratify.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

The West Shore railroad has advanced emigrant rates from $1 to $3 fromNew York to Chicago.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Senator Plumb is of the opinion that nothing can be accomplished thissession of Congress toward opening up Oklahoma to settlement.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Gordon will be relieved and the capture of Khartoum prevented. But howEgypt is to hold the Soudan without a permanent English army of occupationis to be explained.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Passenger fare between New York and Chicago seems to be settling to thebasis of a cent per mile. Railroad companies will be very pleasantly surprisedat the results of that rate if it becomes standard.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Friday Senator Sol. Miller asked leave of absence from the Senate untilTuesday because he wanted to go home and celebrate "ground-hog day."The Senate thought it a ground-hog case and adjourned over.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Last week a passenger train on the Fort Scott and Wichita railroad wassnowed in for two days among the Flint Hills and provisions were hauledto the train by teams to sustain the passengers, so it is reported.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

It is reported that Cleveland is very much dissatisfied with the do nothingcourse of the Democrats in the House of Representatives and has sent forCarlisle and Randall and urged them to inaugurate a vigorous policy.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

The legislative appropriation bill, which has become a law, appropriatesthirty thousand for the payment of per diem and mileage of members of thelegislature, lieut. Governor, officers, clerks, pages, and chaplains ofthe senate and house.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

The National Board of Trade, in session at Washington, calls upon Congressto suspend the silver dollar coinage. The silver convention in session atDenver calls for the increase of such coinage. Between the two Congresswill probably take no action on the subject.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

The Boston Advertiser suggests that the Government should providea stamped letter sheet, with lines on the middle of the face for direction,and on its back for the message. This could be folded twice and sealed.Its weight would be that of a postal card, and its price should be one cent.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

The supposed dynamite infernal machine found in the hallway leading fromthe British consul-general's office in New York turns out to be filled witha harmless compound by printers. A scare only intended. A similar "joke"in the national capital might expedite the passage of important bills.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Will J. Wilson came home from Topeka Saturday morning and returned Mondayevening. The Legislature had adjourned over until Tuesday. Ed. Greer andFrank Jennings did not come home. They were on a tour of inspection of theState charitable institutions, each being a sub-committee of the Ways andMeans Committee of his House.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

When an old soldier looks over the report of debates in the United StatesSenate and reads the declaration of a Senator to the effect that "JeffersonDavis is a man of honor and a patriot beloved by millions of his countrymen,"the old soldier in question is apt to ask himself what the disturbance wasabout when he was called upon to enlist, and give four of the best yearsof his life to the military service of the country.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

The Wellington Standard wants to know "why it is Wellingtonuses twice as many postal notes, registered letters, and money orders asWinfield." Well, if this were true, there is a good reason. Winfieldhas some first class banks in which the people have unlimited confidence,such as they have in Uncle Sam, and therefore make their remittances bybank drafts, which are cheaper. But the premises are not true. Winfieldissues more money orders than Wellington and about the same number of postalnotes and registered letters.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Mr. Greer, in introducing House bill No. 313, relating to postage, movedthat the rules be suspended and the bill read a second and third time andput upon its final passage. Someone asking what emergency existed for suchaction, he replied by stating that the Postoffice Department of the UnitedStates of America wanted its money for $1,600 worth of postage furnishedthe members of the Legislature, and had already "hinted" to theSecretary of State its readiness to receive pay. This being satisfactoryto the members, the motion prevailed and the bill was read and passed. Capital.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

The Wichita Eagle calls Mrs. Helen M. Gougar "a tramp femalepolitician," and a "night street talker," and the House ofRepresentatives "a cranky house," because it "permitted:Miss Gougar to address the House. If the editor of the Eagle hadone-fifth of the good sense, high character, and ability of Mrs. Gougar,he would not air his own crankiness, his little narrow prejudices, and conservatismagainst women on all occasions. Mrs. Gougar is a noble woman, one of theablest and most eloquent orators of the times, her theme is of the highestinterest; and the House did well in spending an hour to hear her.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

The postoffice appropriation bill, as completed by the house appropriationcommittee, provides for a total appropriation of $52,253,200. The estimatesas prepared by the postoffice department amounted to $56,000,169; the appropriationof the current year amounted to $49,640,400. It changes the postage on lettersfrom two cents per half ounce to two cents per ounce and second class mattersfrom two cents per pound to one cent per pound. It also provides for immediatedelivery within a mile of the postoffice in cities of over 4,000 inhabitantsdesignated by the postmaster general when the letter is prepaid by an extraten cent stamp.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Mr. Greer, of Winfield, has introduced a bill in the House locating theschool for imbecile yo8uths in his city. Senator Hackney introduced sucha bill last session, which passed the Senate, but failed in the House. Inthe present bill it is provided that Winfield shall give the State fromforty to eighty acres of land on which the new school is to be erected.As Wichita is bidding for this same institution, it is expected that theState will be able to secure not only the land but enough money to buildthe school and thus give it a good start. Lawrence has not been heard fromyet, but probably will be now that two other cities are striving to gatherin the fruit. Winfield offers a good, healthy location, and is a quiet,moral town, where the pupils, whenever they arrive at a state of understanding,will never have bad examples set before them. Kansas City Journal.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

[Not clear as to the author of this article. It could have beenMillington.]

The warmest advocates of a constitutional convention are those who aremost bitter against the prohibitory clause of the constitution, and theirprincipal object appears to be to get another "whack" at thatprovision for a constitutional convention, which is resubmission in an indirectway.

Of course they present many other reasons for calling the convention,among which is the need of more judges of the Supreme Court than the presentconstitution provides. This admitted need can be much more expeditiouslysupplied than by a convention. The election to decide whether a conventionbe called or not could not take place until November, 1885, and the newconstitution could not be ratified irregularly before November, 1886, andregularly before November, 1887. In any event the new justices of the supremecourt could not be elected and qualified earlier than January, 1887. Now,if the legislature should submit an amendment to the present constitution,it would be voted upon in November, 1885, and the new justices appointedand qualified by January 1, 1886, which would be a year earlier than possibleby way of the convention.

The same may be said of the two or three other changes in the constitutionwhich seem to be demanded. The changes can be effected a year earlier byway of amendment than they can by way of a convention. If the amendmentsdemanded are too many to be all submitted at one election, the balance canbe submitted at the next annual election and still go into effect as earlyas by a convention, for there must be a session of the legislature in 1886,to reapportion the state, as required by the constitution.

There are much stronger and at least as many valid objections to theconvention as there are arguments for it. The submission of amendments coststhe state nothing, while a convention would cost the state probably fromtwenty to thirty thousand dollars, possibly more. Then the people are sodivided in opinion as to what changes are needed that it is scarcely probablethat no change would be inserted which would be objected to by a majority,and it is highly probable that the new constitution would be rejected bythe people at the ballot box, and thus would the cost of the conventionbe a dead loss to the state, and the changes really needed be delayed untilthey could be effected by submitting amendments.

The fact is that a constitutional convention is the meanest way to improvea state convention. It is merely a scheme by which a lot of politicianscan meet, and have a high old time for a few months, draw their pay fromthe state, and at such rates as they themselves shall have the brass todemand, fix up a kind of a constitution which shall contain some provisionsin the interest of the schemers which would be voted down separately bythe people, but which are so sugar coated by the balance of the constitutionthat the leaders of the convention will believe the people will swallowthe dose. The only honest way to change constitutional provisions is tosubmit them separately to the people; and the surest way to make the peopleswallow a provision they do not want is to sugar coat or disguise it undera new constitution framed by a convention.

In the absence of constitutional provisions restricting a convention,it is an oligarchy with almost unlimited powers, which it never fails toexercise. The genius of our government is opposed to vesting such extensivepowers in an emperor, an oligarchy, or in any body of men short of the peopleat the ballot box.

We are therefore opposed for the calling of a constitutional convention,not only because it is resubmission, but because it is useless and expensive,and probably would be a fraud and a tyranny.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

There are no less than three important treaties now engaging the considerationof the country and the Senate. There is apparently a becoming dispositionon the part of the treaty ratifying body not to act hastily or inconsiderately.The probabilities are strong that the Senate will neither ratify nor rejectany of the pending conventions during the present session.

There are points and provisions relating to all these treaties that willin time, doubtless, be better understood. Whether the Nicaragua treaty isor is not in disregard of our existing treaty obligations with England,it would certainly seem that it is altogether too advantageous to Nicaragua.We make that power a present of four millions of dollars in perpetuity tobegin with, at the nominal interest of three per centum. For this sum wedo not secure the right of way, because this must be paid for to privateowners, but only the right to spend more money. How much money must be spentto complete the canal no one exactly knows. The estimates of the civil engineershave varied from fifty to nearly two hundred millions. After spending someunascertainable amount, all of which must be furnished by the United States,we divide the control of the completed canal with Nicaragua, and pay overto her one-third of all the profits for all time. While this is manifestlya good bargain for one of the high contracting parties, it is not so clearthat it is a good bargain for both. But time may modify this view and perhapsthe treaty also.

The Spanish treaty, as it stands, is a very advantageous treaty to Spain.Emilio Castelar and other Spanish statesmen so consider it. But whetherthe loss of thirty millions of dollars per annum by the removal of the dutiesfrom Cuban and Porto Rican sugar and tobacco is compensated by our increasedexport trade to those islands, is to say the least, dubitable. Some thirtymillions of revenue have hitherto been received from these two staple articles,imported from other countries. There must necessarily be a falling off inthe revenues received from sugars and tobacco that pay duty if half of thoseimportations are to come in free. The east India and Brazilian sugars andSumatra tobacco would find other markets. Precisely how there can be perfectreciprocity in trade between fifty-five millions of highly civilized peopleand the two millions of blacks, Indians, coolies, slaves, and slave traderswho inhabit Porto Rico and Cuba has not been set forth by Minister Fosteras minutely as we could wish. That the Spanish and Cubans will make thistreaty truly reciprocal, or make it almost anything we may desire, seemsprobable from the manifest anxiety they exhibit to have it speedily ratifiedand put in force.

Of the Mexican treaty little need be said except that it is more advantageousto this country than either of the other conventions. If the Mexicans havereally a fixed, stable Government, so that the property of Americans issafe from confiscation there, and so that contracts entered into by thosenow in power will be fulfilled by their successors, then there is no goodreason why closer commercial relations with Mexico may not prove equallyprofitable to both countries.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

O'DONAVAN ROSSA, the infamous dynamiter and blow hard, was shot in NewYork on Monday while standing on the sidewalk by a handsome, plainly dressedyoung lady. Rossa fell heavily on the sidewalk and she fired the remainingbullets in her revolver at him, and then walked away. She was arrested andgave her name as Yeslet Dudley. Rossa was still alive. It may have someconnection with the murderous assault made upon Phenlan, of Kansas City,in Rossa's office, believed to have been instigated by Rossa.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

The tariff question seems to be very imperfectly understood by the massof people. They do not seem to understand the difference between "tarifffor revenue only, and a tariff for revenue and protection." We willtry to show clearly the difference.

A tariff for revenue only is one in which no article of import is taxedhigher than the rate which will produce the greatest amount of revenue butmay be taxed much less or nothing. The nearer to nothing the tax is thenearer is the approach to free trade. Absolute free trade would be no tariffat all. When articles are taxed at so high rates as to make the amount ofrevenue derived therefrom less than the highest amount that could be produced,that tariff is protective to that extent.

To illustrate we will notice the tariff on wool. Under the former tarifflaw in force prior to 1883, the taxation on imported wool was nearly equivalentto 50 percent, advatorum. It was so high as to discourage importationand to keep down the amount imported. Suppose for instance the amount importedwas worth two millions of dollars in the foreign market. The tariff revenuetherefrom would then be about one million. By the new tariff of 1883 thistax was reduced about one fifth, or to about 40 percent advatorum.Under the stimulus of lower taxes, the importation of wool was so augmentedthat the revenue therefrom was nearly doubled. Suppose that the importationwas increased from two millions to five millions, you can see that 40 percenton the latter sum would produce two millions of revenue instead of one millionas formerly. Under Morrison's horizontal tariff bill of last session, thetariff on wool would have been reduced nearly to 30 percent advatorum.It is probable that had this bill become a law, it would have stimulatedwool importations up to eight millions, which at 30 percent, would produce$2,400,000 of revenue, an increase of $400,000 over the present tariff,and still it would be slightly protective. A still farther reduction ofthe import tax to 25 percent advatorum would still further stimulateimportation probably to ten millions, which at 25 percent would produce$2,500,000, still an increase over the last of $100,000. Now if the ratewere reduced to 21 percent, it would probably raise the amount of importationsto twelve millions and produce $2,520,000 revenue, and if reduced to 20percent, would probably make the revenue a little less. Therefore, it wouldappear that 21 percent was the rate which would produce the greatest amountof revenue and is the very highest rate that could be called a tariff forrevenue only.

Now if all the articles of importation were taxed in this manner, includingcoffee, tea, and all other articles on the free list, it would raise anenormous revenue, perhaps a thousand millions, for it must be rememberedthat articles not produced in this country would bear a very high rate oftaxation without being protective and without materially decreasing importation.So a tariff only for the purpose of raising the highest amount of revenuewould tax all articles of transportation, the like of which cannot be producedin this country, at very high rates and all articles, the like of whichcan be probably produced in this country under protection, at very low rates.Such a tariff would be the most burdensome to the consumers in this countrythat could possibly be conceived, for they would have to pay whatever pricesthe foreign producers could get, and those, in the absence of American competition,would not be moderate by any means, and in addition would have to pay allthe import taxes which would be particularly burdensome on coffee, tea,and other articles now on the free list.

But the amount of revenue derived from such a tariff would be far inexcess of the wants of the government, perhaps three or four times as muchas the government needs.

The Democrats of the Morrison school, even those of the most ultra freetrade notions like Watterson, do not advocate such a tariff, but adopt theRepublican principle of putting all articles not produced in this countryon the free list, thus keeping down to a large extent the amount of revenuecollected and at the same time the cost to consumers of such articles. Stillthe revenue derived from the bulk of the list would be far in excess ofthe wants of the government and is even now under the present tariff, inexcess of its needs, and all parties admit that the amount of revenue collectedshould be reduced. The only question is how shall it be reduced, and itis right here where the two policies divide. The "tariff for revenueonly" party demands that the tariff rates on all articles which haveAmerican competition be reduced (horizontally) by cutting and trying, untilbelow the profit which produces the greatest revenue, down, down, to a pointwhich will produce no more than the wants of government; and the protectionistdemands that the tariff rates be increased on such articles to such pointas to reduce importations to such extent as will produce no more revenuethan the government needs.

To illustrate again, the revenue only tariff man wants the tariff onwool reduced below 21 percent, down to perhaps 10 percent, for below 21percent the importations would not probably increase and therefore the revenuewould diminish. On the other hand, the protectionist wants the former tariffof about 50 percent on wool restored and thus reduce the amount of revenuederived therefrom to near the former amount and in like manner raise thetariff on any and all articles on the list of such articles as this countrycan produce which produce too much revenue.

Of course the effect of the former policy would be to encourage and increaseimportations and to discourage and decrease home productions; and that ofthe protective policy would be to discourage and decrease importations andto encourage and increase home production as everybody must admit.

We do not propose at present to discuss the further merits of the twopolicies, but will merely say that we claim for the protective policy thatit does not increase in the long run the cost to consumers but in most casesdiminishes it; that it builds up factories in our midst, creates a demandfor home labor, enhances the prices of labor and farm productions, savesthe money in this country which would otherwise be exported for foreigngoods, makes our people wealthy, comfortable, intelligent, and refined,and has made us the most prosperous nation on earth; and we claim for thetariff for revenue only policy that it makes foreign producers rich andour people poor with all that the word implies.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

The Senate is traditionally the conservative branch of the legislativebody and our state senate seems determined to preserve its traditional character.The House readily constituted a committee on the political rights of womenand listened to the address of a leading champion of Woman suffrage. TheSenate refused such a committee and sneered at Mrs. Gougar. It said by itsaction that it is far behind the spirit of progress of the times and willadhere to the old worn out conservatism that women have no political rightsor any other rights not exercised through the protection of men. It is notstrange that ignorant people should adhere to the old ruts of tyranny, buta body of men sufficiently intelligent to make respectable senators shouldbe able to comprehend the spirit of advancement and reform.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

The Denver silver convention promises to give the silver coinage a strongsupport. There is no present prospect of the suspension of its coinage.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

DEAR COURIER: Friday evening was spent at the most novel entertainmentit has ever been your correspondent's fortune to attend. It was given atthe State Insane Asylum near Topeka by the attaches for the benefit of thepatients, and consisted of two hundred and fifty patients, and a more appreciativecongregation I have never seen. I sat where I could look back at the upturnedfaces of the unfortunate inmates and noticed the expression of intense intereston the part of the men, and the wild, weird, but always sad look depictedon the faces of the women. There was much food for serious thought in thepicture thus presented. The effect of the loss of mind and reason upon thepersonal appearance was brought out strongly. The men looked crafty, savage,and abandoned, while the women looked timid, half frightened, but neat inperson, and still retained many of those womanly and gentler traits of character.They were rigged out in all the peculiar fashions which their fantasticfancies had suggested. Some wore bonnets trimmed with bits of calico, andothers had shawls tied over their heads in many ways. It was a sort of galaevening for the Asylum. The next morning I made a complete tour of the institutionand observed many strange and novel things which it may be possible to givethe COURIER readers at another time. Everything is run in order, clean andneat, and the patients seem to be satisfied. These Asylums are the keystoneof our public charities, and should be wisely but liberally dealt with.

Important legislation has as yet hardly crystallized, and but littlecan be known of the probable disposition of the railroad matter. The committeeobtained leave to have the maximum rates bill printed last week and it isnow before the members and is being carefully scrutinized.

The prohibition question is assuming a very definite form, and all effortsfor resubmission, constitutional convention, or any other form of retreatfrom the present law will be ignominiously defeated. The people of Kansasevidently intend that prohibition shall stay, and the sound that is comingup to their representatives here is in no sense uncertain. It is also settledthat the present law shall be amended in its weak places and given all thestrength that can be added to it. The first test vote on this question wasreached in the House last week on the bill compelling teachers to qualifyin elementary physiology and hygiene with special reference to teachingthe effects of alcohol and narcotics in the human system. While many wouldhave voted against it because of putting more work on our already overburdenedand underpaid leaders, they were driven to it by Overmyer, of Shawnee, makingit a square prohibition issue. His speech was intensely bitter, and, fora man of his ability, very thin. Your correspondent is extremely sorry tosee a man of Mr. Overmyer's mental vigor and logical force using them inthe interests of a few parties who are trampling upon the constitution andlaws of the State. I honor his judgment better than to think that he isupholding a doctrine which he believes to be right. He is the representativeof a hundred saloons and, true to his instincts as a lawyer, "sticksto his clients." The final vote, on being reached under gag of the"previous question," registered three to one for the passage ofthe bill. The result was announced amid much applause.

The "Oklahoma Resolutions" called out a great deal of discussion,pro and con. Those opposed did not want the Territory opened to settlementuntil the western part of our own State was fully developed, while thosefavoring the resolutions, among whom was your member, argued that the Territorywas a great barrier to the development of the southwest in cutting off theirlegitimate market to the south; that the necessities of the people demandedmore land, and that the general good would be better promoted by openingOklahoma to homestead settlement than leaving it for the sole use and benefitof a few cattle kings. The resolution passed by a large vote.

The special Committee on Penitentiary investigation have been at work,and spent the greater portion of last week at that institution going throughtheir affairs and sifting them thoroughly. In a private conversation witha number of the Committee, your correspondent was informed of some verystartling developments which he is not now at liberty to print. Sufficeit to say that things at the "pen" are not in that prosperousand harmonious condition which Gov. Glick presented during the campaign.There is an "unwritten work" connected with the letting of coalcontracts, and the general conduct of the institution which will not lookwell in a committee report.

One of the peculiar institutions of this Legislature seems to be the"third House." The corridors of the Capitol and the lobbies ofthe leading hotels are crowded with the members of this numerous body. Theycome with schemes of every kind and character. Texas has her delegation:fine appearing men with big white hats and gold log chains and lassos strungover their vests. They want to convince the Kansas Legislature that it isentirely proper and will be profitable to have a national cattle trail runningthrough their domain. Then there are delegations from almost every townof any importance wanting appropriations for public institutions or privatecharities of some sort. The fight over county lines is fierce and bitter,with rival "visiting statesmen" vying with each other in the exerciseof "influence." In fact, half the State seems to have gatheredhere in the furtherance of some legislative scheme, while the other halfstays at home and makes faces at those who do not succeed. To the new memberit is amusing for a time, but soon becomes monotonous. However, it is calculatedto make one believe that selfishness is the supreme ruler in communitiesas well as individuals.

The bill for enabling cities of the second class to extend their corporatelimits has been reported favorably and will be reached on the House calendarduring the week. It will probably become a law. The matter is one of muchinterest to Winfield, as it will enable her to take in some of the outlyingterritory which should have been included in the corporate limits long ago,and by right belongs to the city.

The physicians have had a serious time agreeing upon a bill regulatingthe practice of medicine. Each of the many different schools have met herein convention and each recommended a different measure. Finally they haveall combined on a bill which has been introduced in the House. It has notyet been printed and I am not familiar with its provisions, but will writeof it as soon as possible.

The Senate had an exciting discussion on the question of a constitutionalconvention Friday, almost all the Senators taking part. The opposition wasled by Senator Buchan, of Wyandotte, while the prohibitionists rallied underthe leadership of Senator Blue, of Lyon County. Both made very able speeches.The discussion was continued and made the special order for Tuesday evening.

There has been very little of importance that has transpired here asyet. About five hundred bills, covering every conceivable subject, havebeen introduced; but as only a small portion of them will ever reach thestatute book, it is much too early to comment on them--at least until theirpassage is reasonably assured.

As indicated in my last, the bill compelling railroads to fence throughlands already enclosed with a lawful fence has been amended by the committeeto compel them to fence the full line of their roads without regard to whetherthe lands through which they run are enclosed. Already the railroads haverisen up in arms against it, and I fear it will not pass unless reducedto more reasonable requirements.

The mantle of Senator Hackney is sought to be preserved by the introductionof a bill by your member Monday, making an appropriation of $20,000 forthe erection of an Asylum for imbecile youth at Winfield. Wichita is alsoan aspirant for the honor of this location and the Cowley and Sedgwick delegationswill proceed to vie with each other as to which can show up the best livingand breathing evidence of the local necessity for such an institution. Whilethe tendency is to centralize these institutions, there are many pointsin favor of Winfield's proposition, which your member will endeavor to presentas strongly as possible. It will take hard work, and success can only behoped for. The House is a hard body to handle and rather erratic in itsmovements.

One of the most important bills pending is one providing for a year'stime after sheriff's sale of land under a mortgage in which the owner mayredeem. This measure, in the estimation of your correspondent at least,is a most important one for the farmers of our State. Many farms in CowleyCounty have been sold under mortgage when, if the owners had been givena few months more, might have been able to save their homes. The bill hasseveral warm friends and a great many bitter enemies, so its future is doubtful.E. P. G.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Ed. Greer, one of Cowley's statesmen, has introduced a bill in the Houseproviding for the appointment of county printers. We confess we have a desireto see this bill and learn what kind of a scheme Ed. is trying to work.It may have merit, and then it may not. We strongly suspect it is a partisanscheme, and that Edward is working on the plan of three for me and one foryou. Telegram.

Our Cowley County boys figure on legislative committees as follows: FrankJennings, in the Senate, is Chairman of the Committee on Roads and Bridges,a member of the Ways and Means, and Fees and Salaries. In the House L. P.King is on the Penitentiary and Temperance Committees. J. D. Maurer, CountyLines and County Seats, and Agriculture and Horticulture. E. P. Greer isChairman of House Committee on Printing. Telegram.

Ed. Greer has not introduced such a bill and will not. The Telegramhas been imposed upon by someone. A bill on the subject mentioned hasbeen presented, and Ed. being chairman of the House Committee on Printing,will have that and other bills on printing to report upon. His report willdoubtless be satisfactory to the Telegram. By the way, why didthe Telegram, in the second paragraph above, omit to state thatEd. is a member of the House Committee of Ways and Means?


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

It is said that Cuban parties interested in the Spanish treaty have sentto Washington a corruption fund of $25,000 to buy senatorial votes for thetreaty. This shows a very low estimate of senatorial integrity, but wasderived from their experience with Spanish officials we presume. Any senatorwho will sell out for less than $10,000 is too small fry for anything, andat that rate, it would take $300,000 to buy a majority. We hope the treatywill be defeated as it is a kind of protective tariff for Cuban and Spanishproducts and a sort of free trade for American products which come intocompetition with them. It is a measure that affects our revenues and assuch, the Senate should not be allowed to decide the question without theconcurrence of the House.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Three explosions of natural gas occurred January 31st nearThirty-fourth street on Pennsylvania avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. Six peopleare reported killed, twenty injured, and six to eight houses wrecked.

Shortly before 12 o'clock there was an alarm given on the big bell inMunicipal hall. It was such an irregular character that even Chief Evans,who was in rotunda hall at the time, was at a loss to know where it camefrom. In a moment word was transmitted by telephone at the mayor's officeand at the engine house that a disastrous explosion of natural gas had occurredat Fourth Wharf road, otherwise known as Thirty-fourth and Butler street,and that there had been serious loss of life as well as great destructionof property. The details which could be secured over the telephone wereto the effect that the explosion occurred in August Ruh's saloon at No.3, 351 Pennsylvania Avenue, and that an adjoining building had also beenwrecked by the explosion. The concussion created the wildest excitementin the immediate vicinity, and hundreds of people gathered about, as theruins had taken fire and rumors were current that a number of persons wereburied in the debris. Just a few moments after the occurrence, a Citizen'sfine car passed in front of the wrecked buildings, filled with passengers,when a second explosion occurred, and the car was thrown from the trackby the force of the upheaval.

The consternation among the passengers was awful and scarcely one ofthe whole number escaped without more or less injury. The driver was thrownfrom his position and so severely injured that he may not recover. At thesame time pieces of timber and flying debris of all kinds were hurled inthe air by the second explosion. It caused havoc among those who had gatheredin the vicinity. The crowd had swelled until it reached between 200 and300. Several other eruptions followed, and the number of houses embracedwas increased to ten or fifteen. At twenty minutes past 12 o'clock a signalthat the fire had been extinguished was sent, but scarcely ten minutes hadelapsed until another alarm was sounded from the same box. Eight additionalsteamers hurried to the spot, not only to aid in extinguishing the flamesbut to assist in caring for the injured and in hunting for those who weresupposed to be buried under the buildings which had been involved in thegeneral destruction.

The Boomers All Ousted.
Gen. Hatch's Version of the Affair.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Gen. Hatch reached Caldwell, Kansas, from Stillwater last Saturday. Hestates that Couch refused to surrender until the order was given for thesoldiers to advance up to the camp, then the boomers agreed to capitulate.The colonists then under escort of the troops marched to the Kansas lineand crossed to Arkansas City. Here Couch and his three lieutenants werearrested on federal warrants for resisting troops in the Indian Territory,and were taken to Wichita. Gen. Hatch sent a detachment from Stillwaterto intercept a company of six hundred boomers en route from Arkansas. Heestimates that there were altogether nearly fourteen hundred invaders inthe Territory. All of these have left too, or been removed from the Territorywithout bloodshed. Guards have been stationed at the avenues of ingresswhich, it is thought, will prevent further invasion at present. The boomers,however, declare their intention of returning. A meeting was held at ArkansasCity Friday, addressed by Couch and others, at which resolutions passed,denouncing in unmeasured terms the action of the government, and declaringtheir intention of an early renewal of their efforts to colonize the Oklahomacounty. It was resolved to meet at Arkansas City March 4th next,and start again on the following day, equipped with thirty days rations.It was asserted that their force would then be greatly augmented owing tothe opening of the season and the change in the national administration.

A Will Buried With Its Maker's Body to Cheat the Heirs.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Robert A. Wallace, of Buffalo, N. Y., died about eight years ago, andalthough he had repeatedly told his children and friends that he had providedfor his children, four in number, by a former wife, at his death no willcould be found and the estate was settled according to law, each child receivinga portion and the widow her third. The widow was also appointed administratrixand at her death about a year later she left a will disposing of propertythat remained to her own children and a daughter by her first husband, butleaving out the earlier branch of the Wallace family. Interested persons,still searching for the original will, conceived the idea of exhuming thebody of Wallace himself and there between the vest and shirt in which thebody was prepared for the coffin was sound the long sought for will.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.


Committees reported back with favorable recommendations bills to regulatewarehouses and inspection of grain, regulating the receiving and transportationof grain by railroads; to establish the salaries of state officers, judges,and officers of the state legislature; to establish fees for conveying personsto prison or other state institutions; relating to counties and county officers;regulating fees of county attorneys; fixing the fees of certain officers;to create state and local boards of health; concerning lunatics and drunkards;authorizing a geological survey; to compel railroad companies to fence theirroads; appropriations for State Asylum at Osawatomie and Topeka.

Bills were presented from No. 173 to No. , to-wit: Relating tocities of the second class; amending chapter 83, laws of 1879; to authorizecounty high schools; to amend "An act for the regulation and supportof common schools," chapter 122, laws 1876, and to repeal section 1,chapter 149, laws of 1881; an act to amend section 3, chapter 122, lawsof 1874, an act supplemental to the amendatory chapter 92, General Statutesof 1868, and chapter 86, laws of 1869, and chapter 183, laws of 1872, andto authorize the condemnation of lands for schoolhouse sites; to amend section71, chapter 81, laws of 1868, "As an act regulating the jurisdictionand procedure before Justices of the Peace in civil cases; an act regulatingthe State Library and repealing chapter 122, laws of 1870, and chapter 143,laws of 1871, and chapter 130, laws of 1872; to manufacture of sugar; concerninghighways; to secure manufacturers and owners of railroad equipments androlling stock in making conditional sales and certain contracts for thesales thereof; relating to Grand Juries; amending section 73, Criminal Code,being chapter 82 of General Statutes of 1868, and to repeal laws in conflict.

Several bills passed to a third reading.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Senate bill 79 making appropriation to pay the legislature, passed.

Several petitions were presented.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Mr. Hogue: Relating to religious and charitable institutions. Mr. Ogden:Relating to bridge commissioners. Also one amending law relating to stock.Also one relating to Sheriffs, Coroners, and Constables. Mr. Lewis: Amendingmanner of summoning grand jurors. Mr. Dwight: to encourage organizationof fire companies. Mr. Caldwell: Amending law to enroll ex-soldiers. Alsoone appropriating the military fund in the State Treasury of Lincoln County.Mr. Faulkner: Appropriation for Blind Asylum; also, appropriation for boilersat Blind Asylum. Mr. Hatfield: A joint resolution to remove the Asylum forIdiotic Youths to Wichita. Mr. Bates: Providing for a State Reformatory.Mr. Slavens, by request of Jones, of Finney: Amending law governing organizationof new counties. Mr. Gillette: Redemption of real estate sold under process.Mr. Veatch: Funding bill for Washington County. Mr. H. C. Cook: Raisingfees of Probate Judges. Mr. Clugston: Relating to lands that have escapedtaxation.

Numerous reports of committees were received.

Joint resolution to ask for pensions for all living soldiers was postponed.

Joint resolution to ask congress to adjust disputed land titles betweenrailroads and settlers passed.

Joint convention of both houses declared that John J. Ingalls was dulyelected U. S. Senator.

Burton's resolution asking for the pensioning of soldiers who have beenconfined in rebel prison, passed.

Buck's bill to relieve the Supreme Court was approved in committee ofthe whole, as also his bill to require teachers in public schools to passexamination in hygiene and physiology. Also Kelly's bill relating to meetingsand pay of county commissioners, which proposes to grade the maximum compensationof county commissioners. It gives one hundred dollars a year in countieshaving less than 10,000 population; between 10,000 and 17,500 population,the pay to be two hundred dollars; from 17,500 to 25,000, three hundreddollars.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

After the reports of the several standing committees, Senator Smith offereda resolution relating to maximum rates, rates per carload, etc.

The resolution was adopted for a committee of five on House concurrentresolution No. 11, to investigate the cause of unequal assessment, and reportbill or otherwise. Senator Pickler showed some items in comparison of taxesin 1883 and 1885. He showed that in some counties the assessed value ofhorses was but $20 to $25, while in others they were assessed at $46 perhead. As this will cost the State nothing, it would do no harm, but theappointment of a committee would bring about a better understanding.

The resolution was adopted and Senators Pickler and Allen appointed onthe part of the Senate.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Bill was introduced from No. 185 to No. 195 inclusive, to-wit: To amendan act for support of common schools, approved March 4, 1876; relating tothe collection of taxes; regulating salary of County Clerks; relating tolaws and journals; relating to criminal procedure; to relieve Pawnee Countyfrom illegal taxes of 1883; to prevent certain officers from accepting freepasses; relating to County Boards of Examiners to amend laws of 1881 fixingcompensation of County Superintendents; relating to jurisdiction of theSupreme Court; to remove political disabilities of certain persons thereinnamed; to restore or recreate the counties of Mead, Clark, and Kiowa, anddefining their boundaries, and the boundaries of Seward, Finney, Hodgeman,Edwards, and Comanche counties; relating to banks and bankers; to encouragethe growth of timber, on school lands.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Senator Kimball in the chair. Senate bill No. 35, to amend the act toestablish code of civil procedure, was laid over; Senate bill No. 36, relatingto civil procedure before Justices of the Peace, and No. 72, to prohibitholding of courts on election and certain other days, were recommended forpassage. Report adopted.

The Joint Resolutions No. 4, for a constitutional convention, was discussedlengthily, Mr. Redden taking the lead in favor of the measure.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

House. Mr. Butterfield, by request from Greenwood County, askingamendment of law governing executions for wages of clerks. Mr. Patton, forthe school law about instruction in hygiene in public schools. Mr. Bryant,for legislation relating to livestock and fire insurance.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Mr. Lowe, appropriation for the woman's department of the New OrleansExposition. Mr. Hunter, for bridges in Lyon County. Mr. McCammon, relatingto floating liens on real estate. Mr. Corwin, relating to exemptions fromexecutions. Mr. Butterfield, relating to common schools. Mr. Faulkner, byrequest, relating to cities of the second class. Mr. Blaine, legalize actsof Ottawa County Treasurers. Mr. Vance, amending the civil code. Also onerelating to appeals in misdemeanors. Also one changing compensation of CountySuperintendents.

Bills on second reading read and referred.

Committees reported unfavorably on bills in relation to obstruction ofstreets by railroads; on one insurance bill; to prevent deception in dairyproducts; to protect shade trees; to give bounty for destruction of theloco weeds; and favorably on bill to punish deception concerning breedingstock.

Committee of Printing reported substitute for the bill to create theoffice of county printer.

In committee of the whole, considerable discussion followed on the Oklahomaresolutions. The conference report was adopted.

Mr. Kelso presented a bill to redistrict the judicial districts of thestate.

The bill hanging the compensation of judges and clerks of election passed.The Telephone corporation bill passed. Bills concerning bounties for wildanimal scalps; concerning law graduates and some others were approved. Severalbills were finally rejected.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

The report of the Conference Committee, which had passed the House, wasadopted without division.


Bills were presented from No. 201 to No. 209, inclusive, to-wit: Relatingto bridges; to appeals under ordinances of third class cities; to free librariesin first-class cities; authorizing a Court of general jurisdiction to stayexecution upon judgments pending preparation to make a case in Supreme Court;making an appropriation to Christ's Hospital, Topeka; appropriating forpostage stamps; to govern mutual fire insurance companies; relating to countiesand county officers; making appropriation for Woman's Department at theWorld's Fair at New Orleans; to create 19th Judicial District.


Senate Bills Nos. 36 and 10, which passed committee of the whole yesterday,read a third time and passed. No. 71, to prohibit holding courts on electionand other days, was defeated.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Senate joint resolution No. 4, to provide for a Constitutional Convention,was taken upon the motion pending to recommend its passage.

A long discussion ensued on the question.

Senator Jennings was not anxious to take the vote yesterday because hebelieved that no discussion would change a vote. The question is not onprohibition or anti-prohibition but it is a question whether we shall submita vote to the people which, under the Constitution, cannot be taken until1888. Between now and then there will be another howl fresh from the people,and we might as well pass a law to take effect four years hence as to presumethat the people wanted this Legislature to submit the question four yearsin advance, and thus forestall the people's action two years hence in electingrepresentatives. He spoke eloquently in favor of the present homestead exemption,and said the Senator from Butler, if he went before the people on that question,would find that the popular voice would as completely overwhelm as it hadwhen this question was decided four years ago. While he was in practice,a prohibitionist, he would greatly prefer to vote directly for a resubmissionthan to vote for a convention. He would meet it squarely rather than byindirection. The whole discussion would turn upon that one question, andthe other great interests of the people be made subservient thereto. Thedecision of the Supreme Court referred to had no effect in preventing theexecution of the law.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

The following petitions were presented.

Mr. Turner, for scientific temperance instruction in public schools.

Mr. Drought, for payment of raid claims.

Mr. , from Marshall County, asking for maximum freight rates.

Mr. J. B. Cook, concerning dentistry.


Mr. Turner, amending certain fee bills; Mr. Johnson, concerning assessmentsof winter-fed cattle. Mr. McNeal, for survey of a township in Barber County.Mr. Collins, for formation and regulation of Mutual Insurance Companies.Mr. McNall, for taking census for 1888.

Mr. McNall moved a second reading of this bill now. Carried. The billwas so read and referred to Committee of the Whole.

Mr. McNall, making appropriations for taking census for 1883. Mr. Pratt,creating counties of Meade and others. Mr. Drought, amending civil code.Also one amending law relating to Street Inspectors. Mr. Hardesty, to removedisability from persons named. Mr. Vance, by request, making a donationto Christ Hospital, at Topeka. Mr. Barnes, relating to study of hygieneand physiology in public schools.

Under head of second reading in bills, Mr. Lower moved that H. B. 279be placed on calendar for third reading, subject to amendment and debate.It would appropriate $5,000 to woman's department of the New Orleans Exposition.The motion prevailed.

Committees reported favorably bills to create 19th judicialdistrict; to make a superior court for Shawnee County; bill on Topeka schoolbonds; bill to prevent Insurance Companies making rates; on State bondsof public wealth; on appropriations for reform school; and to provide stenographersfor District Court.

Resolutions adopted asking for repeal of the limitation clause in thepension act.

Bill No. 4 for the appointment of two assistant judges of the SupremeCourt, passed.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Mr. Roseberry: For a Grand Jury. Mr. Bond: For a law to squelch irresponsiblemutual insurance companies. More petitions for geological survey. Mr. P.J. Smith: For a law to regulate the dentists. Mr. Beates: To change nameof Knowles to Haddam City. Mr. Bonebrake: For a bridge in Douglas County.


Mr. Burton: Relating to stenographers for District Courts. This was crowdedforward to second reading and referred to the Judiciary Committee. Anotherby Mr. Burton to stop gambling. Mr. Gillett: Amending the civil code. Mr.White: Amending assessment laws. Mr. Beatie: To create the Twentieth JudicialDistrict. Mr. Bryant: To authorize Lincoln County to create a bridge fund.

Mr. Greer: Appropriations for postage stamps. This was ground throughto final reading and passed.

Mr. Greer introduced Hackney's old Idiotic Asylum bill for Winfield.Mr. McNall: To repeal the Veterinary Surgeon law, in toto; thelaw enacted by the special session. Mr. Reeves: Amending probate laws. Mr.Wentworth: Amending fee laws. Mr. Vance, by request: Relating to the competencyof witnesses. Mr. Cox: To authorize Douglas County to build two bridges.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Among other reports was one from the committee to investigate the workof the State Board of Equalization, to the effect that the committee areat work, but ask further time. Granted.


A communication was read from the State Board of Agriculture favoringa State geological survey; also, the appointment of a State entomologist.


Mr. Bryant, by resolution, proposed to give the use of RepresentativeHall to the teachers and pupils of the Wyandotte Institution for the Educationof the Blind for the purpose of giving an exhibition before the Legislature,on the evening of February 5. The resolution was adopted.

Mr. Reeves, by resolution, sought to have his H. B. 69, to cut down legalrates of interest, printed. It received eight votes and a crowd of negatives.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Mr. Bollinger, by a series of resolutions on the subject, wants an investigationof the question of the value to the State of the Livestock Sanitary Commission.Laid over.


H. B. 5, to compel teachers to graduate in hygiene and physiology, withspecial reference to the effects of alcohol, and stimulants and narcoticsupon the human system; and to compel the teaching of these topics in allschools of the State, was read a third time and was passed: 63 to 27.

Mr. P. J. Smith's H. B. 29 relating to fees of Judges and Clerks of Electionwas passed: 91 to 1.

Mr. Butin's H. B. 85, for the formation of telephone companies, was passed.

Mr. Lewis' H. B. 63, raising the bounty on wolf, coyote, wild cat, andfox scalps from $1 to $3 was passed; 81 to 4.

Mr. Roberts' H. B. 80, giving diplomas of graduates of the law departmentof the State University the force of an examination for admission to practice,passed.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

The executive committee of the Republican State Central Committee metin Topeka Jan. 28 and audited the accounts of the receipts and expensesof the campaign of last summer and fall. The receipts and expenses werea little less than $5500, which is a very small sum considering the spiritedcanvass, the number of big rallies, the amount of telegraphing, printing,and speaking done under the auspices of the committee. Some candidates forthe State Senate on the other side expended that amount each and yet gotleft. The committee passed the following resolutions.

Resolved, That on behalf of the Republican State Central Committee,and the Republicans of Kansas, we hereby tender to Hon. P. L. Bonebrake,chairman, and to Hon. Wirt W. Walton, secretary of the committee, our gratefulthanks for their earnest, untiring, and successful efforts in behalf ofthe Republican party during the late campaign, and as a slight testimonialof our appreciation, we hereby give to Chairman Bonebrake the flag, andto Secretary Walton the office chair belonging to this committee, as mementoesof the canvass of 1884.

Resolved, Further, that duly attested copies of this resolutionbe furnished for publication, and one given each to the president and secretary.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

RECAP: F. M. Savage, Plaintiff, vs. Thomas J. Jackson, Martha Jackson,and George F. Crestenberry [non-resident], Defendants, request for judgmentof $100.83 debt and $15.10 costs and interest, relative a deed to real estate.HACKNEY & ASP, Attnys. for Plaintiff.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

RECAP: James F. Miller appointed as Administrator of estate of FrancesHays. Hackney & Asp, Attorneys for Administrator.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Skipped Market Report.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Monday last was ground hog day. Tradition says that if the hog emergesfrom his hole on this day and sees his shadow, he immediately returns tohis burrow and pulls the hole in after him and there remains for six week.As the sun shone the greater part of Monday, his hoggish weather adjustercertainly saw his shadow, which means cold weather till the middle of March.But we don't believe it. Down with antiquated superstitions!

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

A "Young Beginner" sends to this office an alleged poem aboutthree feet long, entitled "How We Miss Herr." Yes, we should sayyou do miss "herr." You've also missed about every other wordin your "poem." We would advise you to desist writing poetry,and take out-door exercise. Have someone introduce you to some of our prominentcitizens who have wood to cut.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Died, at her late home in Winfield, Kansas, on the 25th ult.,Mahala Jane Gamble. Mrs. Gamble was born in Bedford Co., Pa., May 4th,1822. At the time of her death she was 62 years, 8 months, and 25 days old.She leaves two sons, W. H. and I. B. Shell, to mourn her loss. The funeralservices were conducted by Rev. J. H. Reider, pastor of the Baptist Church.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

The series of meetings now in progress at the Baptist Church are increasingin interest, and we believe much good is being done by them. They will becontinued through the week. Preaching each evening, commencing promptlyat 7:15. Prayer services in the lecture room at 3 P.M. All are most cordiallyinvited to attend all of the services.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

The registration books of the city will be open till about t he firstof April, and City Clerk Buckman is collaring every man who enters his portalsand investing him with the municipal power of voting. You must registerevery year to move beneficially that powerful little article, the ballot,and if you want to vote in April, register.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

From this date and until after our dissolution, we will positively sellgoods only for cash. All accounts now on our books must be settledup either by payment or note. To accomplish our purpose we must reduce ourstock and now will sell our goods at cash. Come and convince yourselvesthat such is the fact. Winfield, Kan., Jan. 21, 1885, Bryan & Lynn.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

School opened Monday last in the new Third Ward school building, withMiss Campbell, principal; Miss Iva Crane, intermediate departments; MissKate Rogers, second primary; and Miss Jessie Stretch, first primary. MissDavenport takes Miss Stretch's place in the primary department of the FirstWard.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Cowley's quarterly school fund apportionment is now being disbursed byCounty Treasurer Nipp, and the teachers of the county, some of whom haven'thad a nickle yet for their winter's labor, excepting on discounted script,are rejoicing. The apportionment for Winfield City is $4,619.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Wendling will give us the Devil at the Opera House Tuesday evening next.Don't fail to catch it. Tickets at Goldsmith's, 50 cents; no charge forreserved seats. Proceeds for the refinement and education of Winfield inthe maintenance of the Ladies Library Association.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Bring your wheat to our mill and get 25 pounds O. B. flour and 10 lbs.bran for a bushel of good wheat; 30 lbs. Superb flour and 10 lbs. bran fora bushel of good wheat; 35 lbs. hom*o and 10 lbs. bran for a bushel of goodwheat. A fair exchange robs no one."

Bliss & Wood.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

The Young People's Social and Literary Society was delightfully entertainedlast Friday evening at the pleasant home of Miss Mamie Baird. A splendidsocial and literary program was rendered and a large number of young folkswere present.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Thursday last was Kansas' twenty-fourth birthday: just a little morethan of age. No youth in our grand galaxy of States is smarter, handsomer,or more vigorous. She is the Belle of the Union and the Paradise of theWorld.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

The Southern Kansas has added a number of new routes to the list of tickets.Call and see us before purchasing. Sleeping car berths, etc., reserved byapplying to O. Branham, Agt.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Louise Sylvester begins an engagement at the Opera House Friday eveningin "A Mountain Pink." Herself and troupe are highly spoken ofby the press at large.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

There will be a "roll call" at the Baptist church on the thirdSabbath of the month. All the members are requested to be present.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Two mortgages, one of $15,000 and one of $20,000, on Arkansas City businessproperty, were recently filed with Register Soward.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Three young persons were baptized at the Baptist Church on last Sabbathevening at the close of the sermon.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

The ladies of the W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. F. W. Finch Tuesday,February 10th.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

The Winfield Restaurant is the place to get your Meals. Table set withthe best the market affords.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

W. A. Lee is opening up a fine seed house.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

The Supposed Burglars Bound over.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

C. Lewis and Alice Jeffries, in the toils for the burglary of Smith &Zook's safe, had a preliminary hearing before Justice Buckman last Thursday,and Alice was bound over to the District Court in the sum of $700, and Lewisdischarged. Lewis was rearrested and brought before Justice Snow, wherehe waived examination and was also bound over with bond at $700. Both failedto give bond, and languish in the "jug." The evidence was purelycirc*mstantial, and substantially as given before in these columns--thedetective story told by the woman to the Cherryvale landlord, who was oneof the witnesses at the trial; her hasty exit from Winfield; her suspicious,though mum, actions before leaving on the early train; her previous "crooked"character, etc. The evidence against Lewis is principally the fact thathe visited this woman's room at the Brettun, in a very sly way, on the Saturdaybefore the robbery. Other developments will likely be made before theirtrial. Mr. E. I. Cook, who came here some time ago from Parsons, knows Mrs.Jeffries well, having lived next door to her in Parsons. He says Jeffriesis a man of over sixty, and runs a billiard and gambling hall in that place.Mr. Cook and this woman had a battle in their home with plates and beerbottles. A little girl of Mr. Cook recognized Mrs. Jeffries in a store inthis city, on the Saturday in question.

Down With the Jack and Cotton-Tail.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

The citizens of Richland township made up five premiums aggregating $15to be given to the hunters that would kill the most rabbits on Friday, January30th. A. O. Welfelt was chosen as north captain and W. H. Lewisas south captain. Sixteen hunters on a side were chosen, and at 1 o'clockFriday morning the hunt began, and an uproar of guns was heard during theday, and at 6 o'clock in the evening the hunters met at Summit schoolhousefor a count of game and to partake of an oyster supper. The following partieswon premiums: Loyd Coe, first, $5; W. H. Lewis, second, $4; Jack Shrubshell,third $1; Jack Randall, fourth, $2; and Bed Lewis, C. Groom, and Joe Calvin,fifth, $1. Total number of rabbits killed during the day were 889. Now cananyone say we have not accomplished anything? If other townships would dolikewise, our county would be free of these pests.

E. M. McPherson, Secretary.
Clear the Sidewalks.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Theory is a habit among the businessmen of Winfield, which seems to havegrown up by common consent, that is altogether a violation of a long-standingordinance, and that is the obstruction of the sidewalk with boxes, barrels,implements, and other unsightly objects. If sidewalks are to be blockadedby such things, leaving only three or four feet, the council might as wellreduce the sidewalks to that size at once and save property owners the greatcost of paving. A merchant has no right to make the pavements on the mainthoroughfare of the town present the appearance of a freight depot or arailroad wreck. The pavements of any street should not be permitted to beused as a storage room. If it is to be so used, let the ordinance be repealedand give everyone an equal right.

Our City Parliament.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

The City "Dads" held their semi-annual commune Monday evening.The following bills were referred to the County Commissioners for payment:G. H. Buckman, transportation of Mrs. Cessna, a pauper, $21.75; B. F. Harrod,same, $4.78; M. L. Read, et al., rent for Mrs. Quarrels, a pauper, $24.00.Bill of Gas Company $1.50, gas furnished fire department, rejected. FinanceCommittee recommended payment of $838.15 on bill of Gas Company of $853.15,for lamp post rental to Jan. 15th, 1885; action laid over. Petitionof J. C. McMullen, et al. For twelve foot sidewalk on the north side ofblock 129 was granted. Further time was given the Committee to report onthe petition for the numbering of the buildings of the city. The Mayor'sappointment of T. B. Myers as city assessor was confirmed. Council adjournedto February 9th.

They are Coming, Father Abraham.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Cowley is being advertised far and wide and from present indicationsher immigration in the spring will be unprecedented. The Real EstateBulletin of Curns & Manser will be of incalculable benefit to thecounty. Its matter is most important and accurate and its cuts prominent.Five thousand copies will be distributed by the Southern Kansas railroadImmigration Bureau, and Messrs. Curns & Manser are sending the otherfive thousand to all parts of the East. "The Southern Kansas,"a splendid descriptive paper, is being published in monthly editions offorty thousand copies by the Southern Kansas railroad company and its nextissued will contain a number of fine cuts and much valuable matter regardingthe Queen City of Kansas, Winfield.

Increased Telephone Service.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

In recognition of a petition and the large patronage extended in Winfield,the United Telephone Company, without additional cost to subscribers, hasput on a night and Sunday service. Master Gus. McMullen will hereafter assistthe local manager, Mrs. Bishop. This will be an appreciated convenience,giving opportunity for communication at any hour.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

One of Winfield's best young men awoke from his dreams the other nightamid agonizing suffocation and sprang from his bed with the horrid thoughtof "passing in his checks." Unable to speak, he battered the wallsof his room in such a way as to almost frighten the daylights out of hisroommate and when unable to make further demonstrations, he flung himselfon the bed to die. Just then a fit of coughing took charge of his angelicframe and leaning over the side of his couch his throat was delivered of--aset of false teeth!

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

The beautiful snow has all disappeared and in its place is the beautifulmud--but hold! We swear upon Webster's unabridged that we would never againmention the weather when, only a few short weeks ago, we faberized aboutthe mud and before the paper reached its readers, the items were frozenstark and stiff. Verily, the Sunflower State is a good one for variety andspice.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Mollie Burke and Jennie Case, two professional demi-mondes, convictedat the present term of court, were released from jail on conditions thattheir fines, $10 each, and costs be paid and they leave the county forthwith;otherwise, their peace bonds of $300 will be enforced, which will compelthem to again languish in the bastille. "Stone the woman and let theman go free," etc.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

The Woman's Christian Temperance Union received through entertainmentsand otherwise nearly two hundred dollars during last year and expanded asmuch in charity and for the public's benefit. This is a noble band of women,are doing much for the proper upbuilding of the community, and we are gladto see their labors recognized and honored.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

The continual frigidity of December and January froze the ground deeperthan ever before in Sunny Southern Kansas. David Dix started a well Mondayand found the soil frozen "stiffer'n a poker" at a depth of thirtyinches.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

The pastor of the Baptist Church is delivering a series of Sabbath EveningSermons to the young people. His text on next Sabbath evening will be "ForWho hath despised the day of small things?"

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

The friends and patrons of the Tannehill Sunday School are requestedto meet at the schoolhouse immediately after preaching on Sunday, Feb. 8th,1885, to elect officers and organize. K. J. Wright, Supt.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

All Select Knights, A. O. U. W., are requested to meet at their hallon Monday evening next for drill and important business. Order J. E. Snow,S. C.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

All those having tools belonging to Cairns & Reynolds will returnthem at once, as they are closing out business. Pumps and windmills at cost.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

For day or week board go to the Winfield Restaurant. Everything keptin first-class style.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Farmers, you can get the best Dinner for 25 cents at the Winfield Bakery.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

For the Best Bread and Buns, go to the Winfield Bakery.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Her Chronicle of The Comings, Goings and Doings of Personsat Home and Abroad.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Wm. Gall, the Architect, will locate at Arkansas City.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Judge Torrance left for a visit among Topeka solons Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Sandy Burge has recovered sufficiently to stand on his feet, but is notyet out of danger.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Mrs. Anna Hyde spent Saturday and Sunday in Arkansas City with MinnieStewart.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Miss Mary Shivvers and Dora B. Sparr and mother paid the COURIER officea visit Wednesday afternoon.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

E. E. Trego, formerly with J. B. Lynn, came in from Wier City last Fridayand returned Saturday with his wife and boy.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Mr. Frank Pentecost, one of Eli Youngheim's sprightly clerks at ArkansasCity, was in the Metropolis Wednesday.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Will Kirkwood is taking in the sights at Kingman and visiting his brother,Sain, who has charge of J. H. Bullene's lumber yard at that place.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Mrs. Dr. Perry and daughter left yesterday morning for New Orleans, tobe absent three weeks, and the Doctor is left to the vicissitudes of a lone"widdy."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Messrs. W. J. Wilson and Louis P. King left Topeka and the Legislativehalls to spend Sunday with the folks at home. They report "our boys"corpulent, happy, and busy.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Our rustling young dry goods man, S. Kleeman, is enjoying a visit fromhis father, a merchant of Shelbyville, Illinois, who, like his son, is handsome,enterprising, and lively.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Mr. J. C. Curry returned Saturday from a trip to the World's Fair inthe interests of the Winfield Roller Mills. He reports the attendance rathersmall, but the exhibits grand.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Dr. L. S. Ordway left for his home in St. Louis, Thursday, after a week'svisit with his brother, Mr. Geo. Ordway. The Doctor is a professor in theSt. Louis Homeopathic Medical college.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Messrs. E. H. Nixon and Frank Balliet, a couple of Winfield's capitalists,friends of O. C. Ewart, were over the latter part of last week looking aftersome Medicine Lodge property.

Medicine Lodge Cresset.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hodges returned from Bartow, Florida, Sunday, havinghad a most pleasant trip via the World's Fair. Charley is getting robustand corpulent and will remain in Bartow for some months.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

The law firm of Hackney & Asp is taking on a metropolitan tone. Theyhave now an accomplished shorthand reporter in the person of Miss E. M.Dodge from Terre Haute, Indiana, a friend of Mrs. Frank Raymond.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller admirably entertained about twenty couplesof married folks on Wednesday evening of last week. The pleasant receptionsof Mr. and Mrs. Fuller never fail to elicit the warmest appreciation.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Mr. H. A. Heath represented the Kansas Farmer, Topeka, at ourFarmers' Institute last week. The Farmer is the best agriculturalpaper in the West, and has a good patronage among the enterprising farmersof Cowley.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ordway have rented their home to J. J. Carson, lateof Kentucky, and will travel during the year for Mr. Ordway's health. Theystart soon for New Orleans, will return in April, and in May leave for California.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Jake Goldsmith came in from Medicine Lodge last Thursday, where he hadcharge of the clothing house of Goldsmith Brothers, while Julius visitedhere. Jake thinks the denizens of the Lodge too "wild and wooly"for him.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

The Mayor appointed Capt. T. B. Myers city assessor Monday evening andthe appointment was confirmed by the Council. Mr. Myers is possessed ofevery qualification for the position, and his appointment will give universalsatisfaction.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Mrs. S. J. Sparr and daughter, Dora, mother and sister of Mrs. A. B.Sykes, are over from Millerton on a weeks' visit. They were surprised tosee how Winfield had spread itself during the past two years and speak inthe highest terms of its many fine buildings.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

The many friends of Uncle Jonathan Cessna, of Silverdale, will be gladto learn that he has received a pension from the government for the injurieshe sustained in the service, and which so disable him now. It aggregatednearly a thousand dollars and will greatly smooth his old age.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Burden Eagle: "Henry E. Asp is receiving high encomiumsfor the manner in which he disposes of his business and brings offendersto justice. He is undoubtedly the right man in the right place, and hisassistant, W. P. Hackney, will add all necessary strength to the office."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Joseph Abraham and Maggie Hemphill; Fred P. Vaughan and Ida E. Flue;Henry A. Shook and Lucy M. Henderson; George M. Goodwin and Mabel Moorehave launched into the pleasures and vicissitudes of matrimony during thepast week, according to Judge Gans' record. [Note: Paper had "JosephAbrahams."]

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Sheriff G. H. McIntire and Deputy O. S. Rarick left Monday for the Statehotel de criminal with J. N. Slade, sentenced one year for forgery; Chas.Neal and John Newton, grand larceny, two years each; R. H. Black, embezzlement,two years; Frank Hillman, highway robbery, ten years.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Spence Miner has sold his interest in the establishment of McDonald &Miner here, and bought Mr. McDonald's interest in the Ashland store. Mrs.Miner will accompany him to Ashland for a permanent residence next week.Spence sees great possibilities in that infant wonder of the western plains.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Mr. N. A. Haight received an appointment recently as deputy United Statessurveyor, to survey certain islands in the Arkansas river, this county.An island has been applied for by W. S. Berkey, located in the river justbelow the Geuda ferry. The river being a boundary line, of course theseislands are still government lands.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Geo. F. Thompson, one of the Professors present at our Farmers Institute,from the State Agricultural College, is an old Cowley County boy. He wentto Manhattan six years ago from his home near Baltimore, this county, graduated,and is now superintendent of the printing department and going right up.Cowley boys always "get there."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Judge Torrance adjourned court from Saturday last to Monday next, toset the civil docket. The criminal docket was cleared of every case wherethe defendant could be reached, Several violators of Her Majesty, the law,were from under the jurisdiction of this Court, but will be brought up tothe rack of justice in April. The civil docket will also be cleared easilythis term.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Geo. D. Headrick, O'Meara & Randolph's handsome young salesman, camein Saturday last from several weeks visit at his old stamping ground, WhiteHall and Carrollton, Ill. He also spent a few days in St. Louis with SimonSluss, one of Winfield's early day merchants. George tells of forty degreesbelow zero and snow two feet deep, with all the "sang froid" ofan Alaskan.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

County Attorney Henry E. Asp and his able assistant, W. P. Hackney, arebeginning to make the fur fly among violators of law. Every criminal casecoming up under their prosecution has ended in conviction. There are a certainfew violators who hope to avoid or stave off conviction by keeping fromunder the jurisdiction of this court, but Hackney and Asp will soon knockthe wind out of these little schemes.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Capt. J. J. Carson and family have arrived from Kentucky and will occupythe pleasant residence of Mr. Geo. Ordway. Mr. Carson will shortly openan entirely new stock of clothing in the Jennings & Crippen building.He is a man of large experience in this business, of keen intelligence andenterprise, and just such a man as we are ready to heartily welcome as acitizen. Mr. Carson was a member of the first company that left "OldKaintuck" to battle for the Union.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Mr. P. P. Powell is enjoying a visit from his brother, W. Mr. H. Powell,of Chicago, who conducts a real estate business on the corner of Milwaukeeand Powell avenue, a location that was pre-empted from Uncle Sam in 1834,when Chicago was a mere infant; as a "claim" by Mr. Powell's father.It is three miles and a half from the Court House and built up in a waythat would profoundly astonish those "old timers" of 1834. Mr.Powell gives some interesting reminiscences of the early days of that wonderfulmart.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Ed. P. Greer, of Winfield, the native Kansas legislator, born in LeavenworthCounty, is a young man but of that character of which the places of hisresidence and birth may congratulate themselves. He has not as yet had muchto say in debates, and in that he shows his good sense, as there is morewind wasted and less accomplished in talky talks than in any other manner.He always knows what is what, and votes on every measure with a conscientiousregard for the interests of and the wishes of his constituency. As chairmanof the committee on printing, he has shown that he is in favor of economy,but not to the extent of crippling the public service. Cor. LeavenworthTimes.

Five Victims Sentenced to the State Hotel De Criminal.
An Aggregate of Seventeen Years.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

The criminal victims of this term of court were brought before JudgeTorrance last Saturday evening and sentenced.

Chas. Neal and John Newton were given two years in the "pen"for breaking into a store at Udall a few weeks ago and getting a short distancewith two guns and other valuables. They are in their teens of good appearance,and took their sentence more like a huge joke than the stern, terrible realitythat it will prove to be.

Frank Hillman, a rather good looking, smooth faced fellow of twenty-five,gets ten years in "durance vile" for his first attempt at highwayrobbery. Last summer at Arkansas City, he planned with a confederate todecoy the latter's friend into an alley, where he would appear, and withoutresistance on the part of the confederate, "hold up" their youngvictim. But the result of his $50 haul is an eternal blight of his life,and an opportunity for silent, long repentance. His pal will probably besent up by the April sitting of court.

Another bitter pill for a seemingly small offense was J. N. Slade's sentenceof one year. He was a fruit tree agent of Hogue & Mentch. An order of$90 came in last summer, purporting to be from Silas Kennedy, of Beavertownship, for full delivery. The order was delivered at the appointed time,but Kennedy refused it and claimed the order a forgery. Slade had receivedhis percent for the order, not over fifteen or twenty dollars, and Hogue& Mentch had him arrested for forgery and embezzlement. Slade pleadnot guilty, the trial was ended and the jury hung, when the defendant withdrewhis plea of not guilty and entered one of guilty, thereby lessening thesentence should conviction occur. One man hung the jury and nothing butconviction would have resulted in another trial.

R. H. Black is another fruit tree man that came to grief, being convictedof forgery and embezzlement, and sentenced to two years' State hospitality.He was an agent for Broward & Stenard, Ottawa, and gave several Cowleyfarmers surprises in fruit tree deliveries they had no previous knowledgeof. His whole summer's work was forgeries, but after one or two deliverieswere refused, the company "caught on," and ceased delivering andhad the gentleman placed behind the iron bars.

Much Valuable Information.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

We present on the first page a detailed report of the Farmers' Instituteheld in this city on last Thursday and Friday. Though the attendance wasnot as large as was hoped for, in interest and valuable information theInstitute was a grand success. The "old war horses" in Cowleyagriculture were there and interchanged ideas and solved problems that willbe of vast benefit in their vocation. This institute will be made a permanentthing, with annual or semi-annual meetings, and every farmer who desiresto advance with the age and keep up with experiments and results shouldgive it his warmest encouragement. A few energetic enterprising farmers,assisted by Professors of the State Agricultural College made this sessiona success, now let the farming community at large take hold. A careful perusalof the excellent papers read before the Institute and the discussions thereinwill furnish many splendid "pointers."

A Splendid Record.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

A remarkable record is shown by Winfield Lodge No. 479, Knights of Honor,in the fact that the first death among its membership in its eight years'existence occurred recently in the death of Mr. Frederick Zahl, whose widowcame down from her home in Douglass last week and received from the Lodgetwo thousand dollars. The deceased had paid an average of sixteen assessmentsa year since joining the order in 1877, an aggregate of one hundred andninety-five dollars. The Winfield Lodge of this order is the oldest in theState, has a large membership, and as a beneficiary society cannot be excelled.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

To the Patrons of Our Public Schools.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

By order of the Board of Education, all children under seven years ofa*ge will be excluded from our schools for the present. It was supposed thatwith our new school building, all the children of the city could be accommodated,but the rooms are crowded to that extent that the above action has beendeemed necessary. The school population during the year has increased 460,and the additional building will provide for only 200, hence the imperativeneed of more school room. Steps should be taken, at once, to make preparationfor the erection of a new building, to be completed by September of hisyear.

A. GRIDLEY, JR., Superintendent Schools.
A Splendid Lecture Course.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

The Ladies' Library Association has arranged a course of four lectures,embracing Hon. Geo. R. Wendling, "Personality of the Devil," Col.L. F. Copeland, "Tie Up That Dog," Col. J. P. Sanford, "Past,Present and Future of Our Country," Hon. Frank W. Smith, "In andOut of Andersonville." Wendling will appear at the Opera House Tuesdayeve., Feb. 10th.

Grand Clearance Sale.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

I will sell my entire stock of winter Boots and Shoes beginning February2, 1885, at actual cost in order to reduce stock and make room for a largestock of spring goods.

J. W. Prather.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Anderson, as is mentioned by our Pleasant Valley correspondent,celebrated their twentieth wedding anniversary last Saturday evening ina most royal manner. Over one hundred guests were present and the presentswere numerous and valuable. A happier, more congenial, or more substantialcouple would be hard to find and we are glad to note the esteem in whichthey are held by the people of Pleasant Valley, as is evidenced in thiscelebration.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Mr. Joseph Abrams, for nine years a resident of Beaver township but latelyof Winfield has cast his fortunes upon the matrimonial sea with Miss MaggieHemphill, of DeSota, Iowa. They were married yesterday afternoon at theresidence of the bride's parents in this city by Rev. B. Kelly, and tookthe evening train for the World's Fair and other points.

They are both possessed of many admirable qualities and the COURIER extendshearty congratulations.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

The Dickens entertainment by the Philomathian society of our High Schoolat the Opera House Tuesday eve passed off very creditably. The sketcheson the prominent characters of Dickens' famous work, David Copperfield,showed much thought and capability. The entertainment deserved a much largeraudience than it got, especially when the proceeds go to the purchase ofa school library. However, a good excuse is offered in the terrible conditionof the streets.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Arrangements are perfected that will make the Bal Masque ofthe Winfield Social Club at the Opera House this evening the grand societyevent of the year. Prominent ladies and gentlemen from Wellington, ArkansasCity, and other points will be present. Mrs. Archer, the Kansas City costumer,is now at the Brettun.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Beaver township laid it over the "Dems" again Tuesday, in theelection of the following Republican officers: Trustee, J. W. Browning;clerk, H. T. Bayless; treasurer, Irwin Gray; Justice, John Bower; constable,John Rupp. We are glad to see Beaver coming back to the ranks.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

The reader will note the new convenience in our railroad time table,showing the time of arrival and departure of every station in Cowley. Wealso present a list of Winfield's societies, which will be a permanent directory.

[Note: Railroad Time Tables was shown on next page, and was impossibleto read easily. Stations shown: Grand Summit, Cambridge, Torrance, Burden,New Salem, Winfield, Kellogg - going east and west; Udall, Seeley, Winfield,Hackney, Arkansas City - going north and south. Railroads were not specified.]

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

The Methodists will have their regular quarterly meeting next Sunday;love feast in the morning as usual, followed by a sermon by the pastor.Rev. T. Audis, the presiding elder, will fill the pulpit in the evening.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Walnut township elected her straight Republican ticket. Trustee, UncleJohnny Roberts; clerk, Fred Arnold; treasurer, M. N. Chafey; justice, J.L. King; constables, Abe King and N. R. Wilson.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Vernon township elected her entire Republican ticket, as usual. Trustee,H. H. Martin; clerk, J. M. Householder; treasurer, P. B. Ware; road overseerfor township, Fielding McClung; constable, E. B. Gault.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

The excellent paper on "Important Suggestions," read beforethe Farmers Institute by Prof. Geo. R. Thompson, reached us too late forpublication with the regular report, but will appear next week.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Pleasant Valley elected the following officers Tuesday: Trustee, D. S.Sherrard; clerk, Frank Chapin; justices, A. H. Broadwell and West Holland;constable, A. Bookwalter.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Feminine Enterprise and Generosity.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Now that the ladies have formed a relief society, the poor of our cityare being well cared for. The society held a meeting in the Presbyterianchurch on Wednesday of last week, and large piles of clothing, provisions,etc., were sent in to be distributed among the needy by the different committees.This organization has been made permanent, with Mrs. W. R. Kirkwood, president;Mrs. J. L. Horning, Vice President; Mrs. W. G. Graham, Secretary, and Mrs.J. H. Reider, Treasurer. A committee of two has been appointed for eachward, as follows: First Ward, Mrs. W. R. McDonald and Mrs. E. D. Garlick;Second Ward, Mrs. J. S. Hunt and Miss Lizzie Graham; Third Ward, Mrs. J.L. Horning and Mrs. M. L. Robinson; Fourth Ward, Mrs. C. A. Bliss and Mrs.A. H. Doane. These ladies have sought out all destitute families in theirrespective wards, and are making them comfortable. And one who pursues theeven tenor of his ways in every day walk would be astonished at the numberof really needy families they found--those who have hands to do but canfind nothing to profitably busy them with, the avenues of industry beingalmost closed. Many let pride carry them to the very verge of freezationand starvation, and only by the visits of these ladies did their real conditionbecome known. The social and supper at the Presbyterian church Tuesday eveningby the relief society was very liberally patronized by our citizens, andproved an excellent "weigh" of ascertaining the weight of theladies, and putting about a hundred dollars into the relief fund. All honorto our generous-hearted, enterprising ladies!

Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circles.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Three or four of these circles have been organized in the city, and areof great profit and pleasure. The different courses come monthly from Chautauqua,New York, and cost about $6.00 per year, including the Chautauqua monthly,with simplified readings upon the subject of study. The course embraceseverything of practical value, and requires forty minutes daily study andthe circles meet at the different residences for weekly reviews. The objectof these circles is to disseminate general knowledge without a collegiatecourse, a consummation derived by many old and young. There is no way weknow of by which the same amount of literature, so well selected and readyfor study, can be obtained so cheaply; and then the salutary effect thatwill doubtless be produced upon society, giving ladies and gentlemen somethingmore to talk about than Johnnie has the whooping cough or the flirtationsof the last ball. We also believe that if these societies could be largelyattended by our citizens, it would cultivate a taste for refined literatureand produce a desire for something more nourishing in our public entertainmentsthan milk and water and our eyes would be less familiar with the sight ofa half audience for a profound lecture, and a house overflowing for a negrominstrel or a second class theatre. Persons situated in the country whereit is inconvenient to form associations can study in their own home, andby constituting mother or father president, the reading can be discussed.We cannot think of any means by which an evening can be more pleasantlyand profitably spent.

Some Points About Winfield.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

We find the following interesting letter from Rev. J. H. Reider, ournew Baptist minister, in the Indiana Baptist, Indianapolis.

I am delighted with my new field of labor. Am fully persuaded that mycoming here has been of the Lord. I find my work opening up very hopefullyindeed. This church is spoken of by those who claim to understand what theyare talking about, as being the best church of our denomination in thislarge and beautiful state. Of the truthfulness of this statement, I cannotspeak, but this I do know: they know how to welcome a pastor to their homesand hearts.

I never expect to find a kinder people than those I left in the beautifulcity of Bluffton, Ind., where I spent eight of the pleasantest and, I trust,most fruitful years for good of my life. But I am fully persuaded that Ihave here a church that is as much devoted to the work of our blessed Master,and as deeply interested in the happiness and well-being of their pastor,as a church can be. I have had the pleasure of seeing my congregations steadilyincrease at each Sabbath service.

We commenced a series of meetings on last Monday evening, and have beengreatly encouraged, not only because of the increasing attendance at eachsucceeding service but because of the Spirit's presence. A large numberof unconverted persons have asked the prayers of the church, and six havebeen received into the fellowship of the church since my settlement here.We hope to visit the baptismal waters in the near future. My faith is strongin the promise of God and shall be greatly disappointed if we do not havea very large number added to the church, "of such as shall be saved,"ere our series of meetings closes.

The seating capacity of our church home is about 500 in the main audienceroom, and by means of sliding doors we can add that of the lecture room,giving us sittings for 700, and in case of actual necessity we can openup our library and dressing rooms and add nearly 100 more comfortable seats.

Bro. Cairns, the former pastor of this church, was a wise master builder,and very great credit is due him by this people for the neat and commodioushouse of worship we have to meet in. Winfield is a city of between fiveand six thousand inhabitants, the county seat of Cowley County, one of thebest counties in this state. It is at the crossing of the Southern Kansas,and the Atchison & Santa Fe railroad. The Arkansas and Walnut riverspass through the county and thus furnish a great abundance of water formilling and stock purposes. Our soil is about equally divided for farmingand grazing purposes. The city and county is settled largely by New Englandpeople, industrious and intelligent citizens.

I know of but few cities in Indiana better supplied with good churchbuildings than Winfield.

I have been on this field three weeks, and I have my first drunken manto see here yet. I have heard but one oath, and that was from a railroademployee, since here. So much I can say, as I believe this is the resultlargely of the stringent temperance laws of our state.

But I must not attempt a lengthy letter at this time, for my time forbids.I hear favorable reports from our Hoosier brethren, Bro. J. R. Edwards,of Anthony; Bro. A. B. Charpie, of Harper; and Bro. Harper, of Wichita.I understand that Wellington, 25 miles west of us, is looking to Indianato furnish it with one of your best preachers.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Winfield has some excellent whist players, especially among the youngladies, and the following touching the game as it is played in Wichita willexcite wonder. A guest who dropped in on a party of eight struggling withthe beauties and mysteries described by Pole, gives a graphic account ofthe feminine way of playing the game in the great city on the banks of theKansas Nile. The fair disciple begins in this wise, according to our informant,whose name we withhold as a sacred trust. "Oh, dear, I don't believeI can ever get these cards arranged. Now, let me see, that one goes there,and--Oh, dear, I've dropped one on the floor--won't you pick it up? Thanks.Now, let me see--Oh, is it my play? Mercy, I'm sure I don't know which oneto play. There, I played the wrong one, but never mind. Have I got to followsuit? Well, if I can't follow suit, can I trump? Oh, I wish I could havethrown away on that trick. Could I? Oh, I'm so sorry. Now, how stupid Iwas. I didn't see it was my partner's ace when I trumped--but never mind."And so it goes on, and at the end of the game her partner generally hasto stand the ridicule of the other side because he was so badly beaten.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Constable Siverd brought Milton Johnson from Omnia township before JusticeSnow last Friday. He plead guilty to "licking the wadding" outof a school mate and the fine and costs aggregated thirty-two dollars. Hewas sixteen years old.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

John A. Murray, the new County Attorney of Sumner County, is making ithot for the violators of the prohibitory law in Sumner County. Last week,Tuesday, he scored fifteen hundred dollars in fines besides one hundredand twenty dollars costs against dram sellers.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

The congregations at the Baptist Church on last Sabbath were very large,notwithstanding the bad condition of the streets. The increasing attendanceindicates very plainly that the services are appreciated.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Gentlemen who are unable to sleep at night from thinking of the citypoor are invited to remember that contributions sent to the ladies reliefsociety will be carefully and economically distributed.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

A grand festival will be given for the benefit of the Vernon libraryat the Kellogg mill on the evening of February 13th, 1885. Allare invited to attend. By order of committee.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Five high grade short horn bulls and seven high grade short horn heifersfor sale by H. T. Shivvers. Inquire at the office of Shivvers & Linn,Winfield, Ks.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Mr. H. Beck, the photographer, leaves today for Galion, Ohio, to visithis father, who is in poor health and quite aged.

Rambling Scintillations from our Itemizer's Pen, Pasteand Scissors.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

The Terminus will dedicate her new Baptist church the last Sunday inthis month.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Arkansas City thinks she has enough pious young men and will have a YoungMen's Christian Association.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Two Nimrods arrived in Wellington last week from the Territory with fiftydeer and thirty turkeys, the result of a two weeks' hunt.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Wichita had two suicides within a day or so last week, which, taken inconnection with the attempt to move the idiotic asylum there from Lawrencegave that burg quite a boom.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

One of the largest jobs of hatching we have heard of lately was Hatchhatching the boomers. He didn't set on 'em exactly, but he "sot"around till they all hatched out and took to the grass under escort. Theywere mostly roosters.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Dr. Garnett tells us, remarks the Wellington Standard, thatthe dudes visiting New Orleans call the Exposition the "Expo."There are some things we can never learn. We can't call route, "root,"depot "daypo," Buffet sleepers "Buffay," or a six o'clockmeal "dinner."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Ery Miller and Alida Vandermark recently desecrated the Methodist churchat Arkansas City by lodging therein; and the Traveler loudly condemnsthe heinous offense, and the authorities sat down on the rapscallions ahundred dollars' worth, which they were unable to pay and languish in thecounty bastille.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Wellington Standard: "Hon. Geo. R. Wendling, the famouslecturer, who is considered by many admirers to be the peer of Ingersoll,will lecture in Winfield, Tuesday evening, February 10. The lecturer isa brother of our fellow-townsman, M. B. Wendling, who is quite a fluenttalker himself on the subject of 'abstracts.'"

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Wichita Beacon, 20th ult. "Chas. Beck, formerlyof this city, but now of Eureka, was in town last night, on his way homefrom Winfield, where he has been to attend the funeral of his brother, Elgy,who died last Sunday. Elgy was here for a number of months, and was a greatfavorite of his employer, the proprietor of the Tarred store, and the peoplein general. We are in sympathy with his parents, who reside in Winfield."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

"Mr. Bob Strother had twenty sheep killed the other night by hogs,and thirty-one wounded, so that nine have died since," says an upperTimber creek correspondent of the Burden Eagle. "This is thesecond raid the dogs have made on Mr. Strother's sheep lately, he havinglost seventeen a short time ago in the same manner. He now has a 'paddy'fixed up holding a burning lantern in one hand and a gun in the other."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

A colored gentleman was arrested at Belle Plaine last week and takento Wellington, charged with stealing a suit of clothes, a pair of shoes,a Methodist hymnal and Bible. He entered a plea of guilty to the first halfof the charge. As to stealing the Bible, he rolled his eyes out until theylooked like new moons rising in a potato patch, and said, "Lord God,massa, I neber stole dat book. Fore God, I sware it am a present from mymudder--an' I hope God'll strike dis chile ded if dat ain't a fac."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

The Wellington Standard very sensibly remarks: "The dudethat was so badly affected, on account of our shop girls being receivedin the best society, will unfortunately recover. Take out the young girlsand women who have independence enough to make their living behind the counter,at the case, in millinery, dressmaking, and other vocations, and Wellingtonwould be a dry old town. Western Kansas is not suitable for royal bloodof the effected scrubs that try to ope its customs."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

"It is wonderful the number of cat fish that are killed in the Arkansasriver just below the dam," faberizes the Arkansas City Traveler."The fisherman go in below and drive the fish for a mile or more upthe stream, and turn them like sheep into narrow channels, where they goin with spears and kill them by the wagon load. The fish trade of this placeis becoming quite an item, and many pounds are being shipped as far westas Colorado. The wealth of the county might be increased by having Walnutand Grouse creeks supplied with 'seed.'"

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Mr. D. L. Kretsinger, of Winfield, paid the Wellingtonian avisit on Thursday of last week. Mr. Kretsinger was here as representativeof the Cowley County Fair Association at the meeting of the Southern KansasFair circuit. Mr. Kretsinger was for a couple of years city editor of theWinfield Daily Telegram, while that paper was under the managementof the editor of the Wellingtonian, and is always a welcome visitorat his quarters. "Kret" is a bright and active young man and hascome to the front in Cowley County politics to such an extent that he willsome day rake in a fat office, or we miss our guess. Wellingtonian.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

The boomers, ninety-nine footmen and forty-seven wagons and teams, marchedinto Arkansas City last Friday from Oklahoma, in answer to the invitationof Gen. Hatch. A meeting was held immediately on their arrival and arrangementsmade for a reassembling of the colony on March 4th, and 5thfixed as the date for another invasion. Couch said, as a reason for theiroutward march, that their provisions were exhausted. Deputy U. S. Marshal,Capt. Rarick, arrested W. L. Couch, Geo. L. Brown, H. H. Stafford, and Col.Wilcox on a warrant from the U. S. Commissioner at Wichita, for the resistingof Uncle Sam's array. The prisoners were immediately taken to Wichita.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

From numbers of persons who have recently returned from visits to theEast and from those who have lately moved here from that quarter, it isconfidently asserted that an enormous emigration will be made to the Westthis coming spring. They say that Dakota, that had the call for the lasttwo or three years, has, on account of its extreme cold and severe weather,lost its grip. That Texas is looked upon as being too lawless, and thatthe happy compromise is Kansas. This is the almost universal cry and watchwordof the discontented mechanic of low wages and short time, and of the farmeron high priced land. Times here at present are not first-class, yet therepromises to be a grand rush for the cheap and good lands of this State thoughsuffering for years under the blight of single visitation of grasshoppersand was by some called droughty, yet has risen superior and triumphant aboveall prejudice and opposition and now has the call over all the other westernstates of the union.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

The Wellington Press tells of a handsome young man who was broughtbefore a Wellington Justice on the charge of seduction preferred by thefather of Miss Sallie L. Williams, a young lady who resides on the classicshores of the Chikaski, in Sumner County. This couple had been engaged forthree years and been kept from marrying by the objections of stern parents.The belligerent father eyed the defendant in no pleasant manner, but thisfeeling was now shown by his pretty daughter, whose drooping eyes spokevolumes, and as they met those of L. W. Connor, it was plain to be seenthat it was a case of "two souls with but a single thought, two heartsthat beat as one." The trial was about to begin when the defendant,Mr. Connor, drew from his pocket a marriage license, and expressed the opinionthat the most amiable way to settle the trouble would be with a marriageceremony. The father looked astounded and the girl happy. A messenger wasdispatched for the Probate Judge, who arrived on the scene clothed withthe majesty of the law, and in the twinkling of an eye the two "hostile"parties were united. The thing was so sudden--so unexpected--that the happycoupled looked at each other a moment, then realizing what had transpired,they rushed into each other's arms, and the scene that followed was touchingin the extreme.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

The Torrance Oklahoma Colony at their meeting Saturday, Jan. 24, 1885,adopted the following resolutions.

WHEREAS: A class of United States citizens known as OklahomaBoomers, are now located on Government land known as the Oklahoma Countyproperty, endeavoring to gain homes for themselves and families, and

WHEREAS: We find the government sending its armies to expelthese homeseekers, while other United States citizens such as cattle thievesand soulless corporations are permitted to remain unmolested and under theprotection of interested officials, and

WHEREAS: The citizens of these United States, have abused theirright of suffrage by electing men to Congress, ignorant of the vital questionsof the day, and

WHEREAS: These servants of the people, have through ignorance,by brand and bribery enacted such laws as to place in the hands of Foreignsyndicates and thieving-rings and corporations millions of acres of thepublic domain, which rightly belong to the honest toiling farmers, and

WHEREAS: We believe it is high time that the honest laborersarise in their might, asserting their rights and break the fetters withwhich the thieving swindling ringsters seek to bind them.

Therefore be it

Resolved: By the Torrance Oklahoma Colony, that our Representativesand Congress be warned of the importance of immediate action in regard tothe settlement of this vexed question for upon such action depends perhapsthe fate of American citizens.

Resolved: That we commend Capt. Couch and his brave colonistsfor so largely defending their rights to homes for the public domain.

Resolved: That the Winfield COURIER and Telegram andKansas City Times be requested to publish these resolutions.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

While attending the inquest upon the body of Thomas Welch, the victimof the sad accident in Winfield on Sunday last, in which one man was ina moment ushered into the unseen, and another must carry to the grave thesad thought that in some way he was responsible, although conscious thathe had committed no crime, there was much speculation as to how it couldhave happened without intention, and there are some who will affect to believe,or who are so constituted that they cannot help but believe that the shotwas intentional, and that the jury did not do their duty in deciding itan accident. In fact, one of the prominent citizens of the city told mehe was not satisfied with the investigation, unless some vague rumors ofa quarrel between the men were examined into.

The testimony was skillfully handled by our acute prosecuting attorney,upon the theory that a terrible crime had been committed, and yet all whoheard the testimony through were thoroughly satisfied that by some meansthe revolver was left with the hammer raised, and that Skinner did not noticeit, and accidentally pressed the trigger when he lifted the pistol fromthe box. Col. Soward asked Skinner if he did not put his finger on the trigger?And he answered: "I must have, but I didn't know it."

The idea seems to prevail that fire-arms will not go off unless the lockis tampered with, and that a loaded gun with the hammer down is as safeas a stick of wood. It is also well known that the majority of accidentshappen by pointing guns at others, with "I didn't know it was loaded."

An accident that happened to me today causes me to write this letter.

I have been familiar with the use--and danger--of fire-arms for fortyyears, and only from the fact of my carefully noting all the facts as Igive them, and coming so soon after the inquest as above, am I impelledto give my experience to the public, hoping it will throw light upon somepoints in other cases.

I took up a double-barreled gun today and carried it across the room.I observed the lock and saw the cap was on the left side and the hammerdown; the right-hand barrel was empty. I set the gun down carefully, andgot out the ammunition, poured some powder in my hand, and proceeded toload the empty barrel. I set the gun before me in the room, with the locksfrom me, looked carefully to see that I was correct, and poured the powderinto the right-hand barrel. I had just taken away my hand when there wasa deafening explosion. For a moment I was confused, my forehead felt numb,my face smarted, and I put up my hand to see if the top of my head was safe.I found the only damage I had sustained was the burning of part of the eye-lashesof my left eye, and slight singeing of my hair, but there was a hole inthe chamber floor over my head that I could put three fingers through, andthe left-hand barrel was empty.

I know I did not hit the lock against anything, and the concussion ofsetting the gun on the floor did not set it off, as I put it down carefully,and it stood several seconds before it exploded, and I presume that if myhead had been torn to pieces I should have been called a suicide, or verycareless.

I never met with such an accident before, but it explains to my mindseveral mysterious accidents in the past, notably the one cited above, andthe shooting, by himself, of C. L. Vallandingham several years ago. I thinkprobably the motion in moving the gun disturbed some electricalcondition obtained by decomposition of chemicals in the powder and compoundin the cap. I cannot rationally make any other explanation, and I do notremember of ever seeing such a case as mine in print; but accidental explosionswith fire-arms are common, and they are almost invariably attributed tocarelessness, which is probably often the fact.

To my extreme caution in keeping my face from before the gun in thisinstance I owe my life; yet had the explosion been a few seconds later,I must have had my hand torn to pieces while loading. I think I may sayI will not again attempt to load a gun with a cap on, especially of it hasbeen loaded some time, and will continue, as in the past, to be very carefulthat the muzzle of the gun I may have in hand shall never, for an instant,be pointed at any person.

Fire-arms at best are dangerous, and the habit of having them lying aroundcarelessly should not be indulged. H. W. MARSH, M. D., Coroner.

Political, Official, and Social Notes As Gathered ByOur Regular
Washington Correspondent.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

The two absorbing topics of interest in Washington at the present timeare the dedication ceremonies of the Washington Monument on the 21stproximo, and the inaugural ceremonies on the 4th of March. Thepreparations for the former are being rapidly perfected. Some of the invitationcards, prepared by the bureau of engraving and printing, have already beendelivered. In the center of the card, which is six and one-half by nineand one-half inches, is a finely engraved head of Washington, back of whichrises a representation of the monument, while flags jut out from eitherside. Figures of Peace and Justice, standing on either side, are representedin the act of crowning Washington with a laurel wreath.

Although the shaft of the monument is completed, much work is yet necessaryto entirely finish the structure. The question of the design for the baseis receiving much attention. Two methods of treating the terrace at thefoot of the shaft have been suggested. One method proposes to erect a retainingwall of the most rare and beautiful marbles around the terrace, which wallis to be surmounted with a marble balustrade and ornamented with bronzesand mosaics. At the center of each face is to be set a broad, double stairs,extending from the general level of the site to the esplanade, which isto be paved in marble tiles of approved patterns, the whole work to be designedin all its details by the first artists and architects. The other methodof finish proposed is to fill earth about the present terrace and joiningwith it, and to extend this filling so far from the monument as to fadethe slopes of the embankment gradually into the surrounding surfaces, andthis to be done with so much skill as to give the mound an appearance asfar from artificial as possible. This mound is then to be planted with treesand shrubs, paths are to be laid out, a pavement to be put around the footof the monument, and far enough from it to prevent the storm-waters fromwashing out the filling, and a keeper's lodge is also to be built near thework, to accommodate the watchman and visitors. The amount of filling requiredfor this work is about 275,000 cubic yards, and the cost will be $82,500.

The first state dinner of the season was given by the President Wednesdayevening, and again the White House was ablaze with brilliant light. Coverswere laid for thirty-six guests, and the floral and botanical decorationsof the parlors and the state dining room were fully in keeping with thecompany and the occasion. The large east parlor was designated as the gatheringplace for guests, and it was there that they all congregated and were metby the President. At the hour appointed for dinner, the party proceededto the dining room, the President and Mrs. Frelinghuysen in the lead, followedby Secretary Frelinghuysen and Mrs. McElroy, Secretary McCulloch and Mrs.Hatton, Secretary Lincoln and Mrs. McCulloch, Secretary Chandler and Mrs.Brewster, Postmaster General Hatton and Mrs. Teller, Attorney General Brewsterand Mrs. Carlisle. The President took the head of the table with Mrs. Frelinghuysen,of course, on his right and Mrs. McCulloch on his left, nd Mrs. McElroyopposite, with the Secretary of State on her right and Secretary McCullochon her left. The table was a perfect garden of roses, and the dinner wasreplete in every detail with the choicest delicacies. During the dinnerthe Marine Band discoursed music in the vestibule; and the conservatorybeing thrown open and illuminated for the pleasure of the guests, many strolledin and out before and after dinner.

The Woman Suffrage Cause, to judge from campaign statistics, has notmade much impression yet on the country; but these figures would not beaccepted by the friends of the movement as an adequate expression of itsstrength. The ladies who have just held their annual convention in thiscity certainly make out a much better showing for their cause than studentsof blue-books would suppose possible from examining the Lockwood vote. Theycame in force with their usual formidable array of warriors, headed by MissSusan B. Anthony, the faithful war-mare of the movement.

According to street talk there is a big lobby at work here in behalfof the Spanish treaty. This story is somewhat discredited by the fellowrumor that the lobby has only $20,000 to disburse. No lobby of proportions,entitling it to the title of "big," would bother with such a picayuneplunder-fund as $25.000. LENOX.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Deputy United States Marshal O. S. Rorick arrived at Wichita, January31, from Arkansas City, having in charge W. L. Couch, H. H. Stafford, G.W. Brown, and E. S. Wilcox, leaders in the latest Oklahoma boom. These gentlemenwere arraigned before United States Commissioner Sherman by Deputy UnitedStates Attorney Hatten, when they were bound over for a hearing on the 10thof February, each in the sum of $1,000.

News About Ashland.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

A family consisting of husband, wife, and fourteen children, recentlysettled in that infant wonder of the western plains, Ashland. If that placekeeps on receiving such accessions, she will soon be reaching out for waterworks, gas works, paregoric, and "sich."

Newsy Notes Gathered by The "Courier's" Corpsof Neighborhood Correspondents.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.


The carpenters are at work finishing the interior of Mr. S. J. Day'stwo story stone building.

Mrs. Rev. Knight is quite sick.

Dr. Crabtree, whose illness we related last week, is again to be seenin his usual haunts.

E. W. Woolsey has moved from the apartments above the drug store of Crabtree& Woolsey, to the house of Charley Jones, who departed for the westsome time ago.

The M. E. church had its fourth quarterly meeting here last Sabbath.Rev. Knight preached in the morning and the Presiding Elder, Rev. Audis,of Wichita, in the evening. The choir sang both times.

The Republicans of Silver Creek township met at the rink last Saturdayafternoon and nominated the following ticket: Clerk, Jack Mercer; treasurer,Johnson Chandler; trustee, John I. Tate; road supervisor, Corbin Tredway.

The hotel toward the north end of Main street has again changed names,making the fourth time in as many months. It is now known as the Briscoehouse, Mr. Briscoe having taken possession last Saturday. To celebrate theevent an opening dinner was served on Sunday from 12 to 2 o'clock. The Commercialhouse has also changed hands, Mr. Leedy taking charge of it.

There will be a free entertainment given at the rink on Friday night,Feb. 13, by the Burden L. and L. Association. It is proposed to attemptat that time the formation of a lyceum or literary society, which shallact in conjunction with the Library Association, and shall give entertainmentsevery few weeks, the proceeds of which will be spent in purchasing books.The evenings proceedings will close with the presentation of a French playof seven characters. The officers of the B. L. L. Association are: president,S. J. Day; secretary, Dr. A. M. Newman; treasurer, S. H. Toller. Nearlyseven hundred dollars of the capital stock has already been subscribed andthe success of the enterprise is assured. The probabilities are that a smallbuilding will be erected by the association within a year, and a fine libraryplaced in it.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Mr. Nelson has moved into his new house.

Rev. Wesley, also his wife and children, are on the sick list.

Mr. W. C. Douglass and family are visiting relatives in Longton, Kansas.

Quite a number of Salemites attended the Burden ball and report an excellenttime.

Messrs. John and Frank Gilmore, also W. B. Hoyland, made a sleigh, andthe young people had a fine time sleigh-riding last week.

Mr. John Davis is very sick. There are a good many complaining, and someare down. Such a cold winter is too much for Southern people.

Mrs. Archer has returned from her visit abroad; was among the numberthat were snow-bound between here and Burden. Mr. Pixley has also returned.

Mr. Edgar and family are home from Tennessee. They suffered with chillswhile there, and Mr. E. has been quite ill since his return. They had afine time visiting kindred and friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Long, of Walnut Valley, were guests in the Hoyland familylast week. Also Mrs. Frank Wilson and family visited there; also at Mrs.Vance's and Mrs. Watsonberger's.

Mr. William Starr is suffering with inflammatory rheumatism; is underthe care of Dr. Irwin. Mr. McMillen is also under his care and is quitesick. Mr. James Chapell is down with rheumatism. Mrs. G. D. Vance is convalescingfrom her recent sick spell.

Mr. Edson Hutchison has left his nice little Salem home and, with hisfamily, is a resident of Burden; has bought his brother Mc's interest inthe restaurant in that place. Dr. Downs and wife will move into the housevacated by Mr. Hutchison. Glad to gain the addition of the Doctor to ourcircle and sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. Hutchison.

The old Salem school had a spelling one night last week; invited Moscowschool to spell with them. The contest, we hear, was not very long, andalas! For the glory of Salem, they let Moscow carry off the laurels. Onlymembers of Salem's day school spelled, while Moscow had outside assistanceand also some excellent spellers from their school. It will help them tohave such contests often. Success to the spellers.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Mr. E. Chapin is on the sick list.

The stockyards are nearing completion at Hackney.

Almost every farmer has running water on his farm now.

Miss Gincy Holland entertained visitors from Winfield last week.

Mr. M. S. Teter and wife visited relatives in Pleasant Valley last week.

The Belle of Beaver Center visited her sister, Mrs. M. L. Benson, a fewdays ago.

Rev. Castle is engaged in a series of meetings at the Mt. Zion church.He reports things lively.

Mr. Sidney Graham is visiting in this vicinity. Mr. Graham has been inPratt County, holding down a claim.

Miss Abby Keever visited friends and relatives here last week. She returnedto her home in Beaver last week.

Mr. Grundy's house caught fire and very near burned down recently, butthe flames were extinguished in time to save the house. Cause: defectivechimney.

Mr. and Mrs. Anderson celebrated their twentieth anniversary last Saturdayevening, January 31st. There were about one hundred guests present.The ceremony was performed by H. Harbaugh, which ran as follows: "Mr.Anderson, do you promise to take Mrs. as your wedded wife; to livetogether all your life; to have her build all the fires; to milk the cows;to be the lady; to chop the wood and spank the baby?" The guests madeMr. and Mrs. Anderson a present of a set of china dishes which cost $60,after which refreshments were served and a jolly time in general enjoyed.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Ah the mud, the lovely mud.

A. A. Jackson, of Seeley, called on us the 3d.

Election in progress here today for township officers.

Miss Anna Green, of Halstead, Kansas, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. SueGreen.

The Methodist folks will give a festival at Akers' Hall on the nightof the 3rd. A grand time is anticipated.

The Happy Hours Concert Company will give another one of their chasteand refined concerts on the evening of the 6th, at the Baptistchurch.

W. W. Mathews has traded his farm east of Udall to Mr. Hawkins, of Indiana,where he will remove very shortly. We are sorry to lose Mr. Mathews, ashe was a good citizen.

Peter Baker and family, from Kentucky, arrived here on Saturday last.Also his brother and family. Peter at once purchased the H. [?] M. Crossenproperty and will locate here permanently.

For a long time the little coon of John Howard's, at the City hotel,has been depressed by a spirit of loneliness, but at last we are able tochronicle the fact that a "cooness" has arrived in Udall, comingwith Mr. Peter Baker.

Some time ago Mart Kenton had a well dug on his place east of Udall bysome parties by the name of Newell, and did not settle for the same as promptlyas the Newells desired, and on Thursday last they went to his residenceduring his absence and drove off three head of cattle. Mart promptly sworeout a writ of replevin and recovered the cattle. The rights of the propertywill be tried before Esq. Norman in a few days.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Mrs. Cain has a young daughter.

Mr. Burt is again able to be around.

Mr. R. B. Pratt has returned from out west.

Mr. Tom Covert is the happy father of a fine young son.

The meetings are now in progress after so long a delay on account ofcold weather.

There is a bachelor in our neighborhood who said he got tired doing withoutmilk, so he bought a calf.

Last Wednesday some of our scholars went to visit another school. Theycame home not much wiser but a great deal hungrier.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Look out for a wedding in Dexter soon.

Mr. Irving Cole has gone to Ohio to visit his aged father.

Miss Jane Hargiss is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Hardwick.

Mrs. McLean, of Wyandotte, Kansas, is visiting her son, H. G. McLean.

Miss Nettie McKimme, of Illinois, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. V. Hines.

Mrs. John Reynolds is spending the winter in Illinois with relatives.

We learn that Frank Hardin, of Cambridge, narrowly escaped death a fewnights ago. Some unknown person attempted to rob the store, and shot him,but he is not seriously hurt.

Mr. Hardwick was off to Kansas City with some of his fat cattle lastweek.

Dexter is noted for professional skill. Four doctors are located hereat present.

Mr. H. C. McDorman lost quite a number of his sheep during the late coldsnap.

Mr. and Mrs. George McClellan are entertaining a little girl of regulationweight.

Mr. Hardwick took advantage of the cold weather and put up considerableice for family use.

Mrs. H. G. McLean has returned home from McPherson, Kansas, where shehas been visiting her parents.

L. B. Bullington has lost fifteen head of calves the past few weeks,supposed to be trouble from corn-stalks.

Charlie and Mattie Linsdale have gone to Lawrence, Kansas, to attendschool. They are greatly missed in society here.

Mr. and Mrs. Mart Branson, formerly of Dexter, but now of Eureka, Kansas,are visiting Mrs. Branson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hite.

Little Nettie Bullington is very sick with pneumonia fever. Dr. Hawkinsis attending her. Hope she will soon recover.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

J. P. Stuber sold twenty-two hogs delivered at Burden at four cents,averaging 330 pounds.

Mr. S. H. Battell, who has been visiting friends in this vicinity leftfor his home at Altamont last week.

Miss Nett Heizer is teaching at Summit. She has made us a good teacher.

We have Sabbath School at Summit, which is generally well attended.

The second Sunday in every month we meet to discuss on Temperance. Whenwe fail to have speakers from abroad, we improve our home talent. I thinkthis is a principle we all should be interested in.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Walter Myers has returned from the west.

Porter Seacat will go to Clark County to improve his claims.

Lon. Holcomb is recovering after several days sickness.

Mrs. Grantham has been very sick, but at last accounts was improving.

Ed. Watt, of Hackney, visited this locality last week. He is rusticatingsince his attendance at the Winfield school.

Judging from our friend, "Deacon Barnes," last week's correspondenceto the Tribune, it would be inferred that nobody left items atthe COURIER.

Mr. Frye and lady, of Colorado, are visiting Mr. Hughes'. Mr. Frye hasbeen engaged in mining several years in that state, and after a brief visitin Kansas, they will return there.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

George Stephenson has gone to Harper to "boom" with the natives.If George hears the squawk of the blood thirsty cowboy, he will "hunthis hole" and report at home soon.

Mr. Broadwell has bought twenty head of grade short-horn cattle fromthe Joseph Vermilye estate. Mr. Broadwell is assuming a business attitude,and like other cowboys, longs to be near the "range."

Mr. Ray, of New York, visited Messrs. Vermilye a few days last week.Mr. Ray, of course, is very well impressed with our country after viewingCowley's advantages.

"It's too utterly too too" that it becomes necessary to informthe youngsters that leap year is defunct. There is no good reason why SouthBend should have more leap year than elsewhere.

Mr. Harrader is repairing the Pleasant Valley flouring mill and willsoon employ the roller system at a cost of about $1,500. Mr. Harrader hasput up some splendid ice, thus wisely preparing to mitigate the coming warmth.

A protracted meeting is in progress at our schoolhouse. Notwithstandingthe unfavorable tendencies of the weather, the attendance has been large.Revs. Crawford and Stansberry very ably preside.

Jos. Mitchell is somewhat perplexed because he cannot solve the following:"How much land is contained in a triangle (?) whose dimensions are:100 rods, 60 rods, and 40 rods?" Try again, Joe, you have a good solidhead for "biz"--as has a fence rail!

Two young men, living in the dark recesses of the South Bend jungle,have resolved to never again masticate the "filthy weed." Verily,boys, you were wise to seek feminine counsel. Should your taste for theweed return, go to Mr. Bryant's and have another elm-bark surprise party.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Try W. A. Lee's seed store for fresh new seeds.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

W. A. Lee can't have any old seeds for he never sold seeds before.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

FOR SALE. A good, medium sized work horse; kind disposition and workswell. D. M. Adams, 3 miles south of city on Santa Fe R. R.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

W. A. Lee has bought a large stock of garden and field seeds and willin a few days open up a seed store in the old Bank building west of theWinfield Bank. He will be glad to see his old customers and many new onestaking fresh, new seeds from his house.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

The New York Athletic Club has just completed one of the finest gymnasiumsin the world. It cost $300,000.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Several fights have occurred between the English troops and the Mahdi'sArabs, in the routes approaching Khartoum in Africa.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

The Legislature of Texas is struggling with the question of employingfemale clerks, which would be an entire innovation in that state.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Owing to colonial annexations during the past year, Germans, like Britons,are now able to say that the sun never sets in the German empire.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Considerable excitement was caused at Harper by the posting of billsby the vigilantes, notifying certain gamblers and saloon men to quit thecountry within 24 hours.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

The LeRoy Reporter says that Jay Gould's new railroad line fromKansas City by way of Paola and LeRoy will be about the same length as theSanta Fe line by way of Topeka and Emporia.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

S. S. Conant, assistant editor of Harpers Weekly, has mysteriouslydisappeared and foul play is suspected. Had it been the editor-in-chief,George William Curtis, everybody would know that he had evaporated.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Miss Alger, of Boston, says that in her experience as a visitor for theAssociated Charities, she finds no drunkenness among the Italians, and thegreatest fastidiousness coupled with economy among the French.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

The British public and parliament are glorifying over the news that Gen.Wolseley's army in Upper Egypt has had two or three victories over the Arabs,captured Metemeneh, and opened communications with Gen. Gordon at Khartoum.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

In one of our Indian languages, the word "woman" is rendered"Kewanojawjaw." There are a good many married men who can definethe last two syllables at a glance, but the most of them are not aware that"kewano" means "lightning."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Has the establishment of 30,000 roller skating rinks in this countryduring the past two years had anything to do with the success of the Democratsand the depression of business? In Boston there are said to be 500 rollerskating clubs and a rink in every block.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

In intelligence, like money, it is not so much what one gains as whathe retains which becomes capital to draw upon for use. And unlike moneyintelligence can be given away without the giver decreasing his own supply.Intelligence therefore conduces to liberality.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

It is comforting to know that while we are wrestling with blizzards andmonumental coal bills, California is indulging in all the luxuries of spring.Acacia in full bloom attracting the bees; roses are plentiful; violets,mignonette, and heliotrope are in early spring flower.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Mrs. James A. Garfield was sued in the Common Pleas Court, at Cleveland,January 28th, by a woman named Thankful Tanner, for $25,000.Mrs. Tanner was run over by Mrs. Garfield's carriage, December 22, whilein the public square, and she now alleges that she was seriously injured.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Edmund Yates, the London editor, sent to prison six months for libel,gets even with the London Times for its rejoicing over his sentence,by pointing out in the current number of the London World thatthe father of the present proprietor of the Times was put in thepillory for libeling the royal family.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

The only State in the Union in which it is impossible to obtain a divorceis South Carolina. Notwithstanding this great local disadvantage, the peoplethere seem to be quite as happy as in Illinois or Rhode Island, in eitherof which a divorce can be had for the asking and the payment of the courtfees.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

A number of farmers in Kingman County have established ponds and stockedthem with fish, German carp being the favorite. Many who a year or two agoreceived a small installment from the Fish Commissioner are now abundantlyable to supply their tables from their little lakes with the most palatablefood.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

In the United States Senate, Monday, the Interstate commerce bill waslengthily discussed on a motion to strike out the clause prohibiting railroadscharging more for shorter distances than they do for longer distances, inwhich Senators Ingalls, Plumb, and many others took part. The motion tostrike out failed to pass.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Peter Schultz, of Lawrence, boarded a train to go to the next station,and finding the train did not stop where he wanted to get off, he jumpedfrom the train while under full headway, striking on his head, fracturinghis skull, cutting the scalp from ear to ear, throwing it down on his face.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Last week near Cheyenne Agency, Indian Territory, the cow camp of HalsellBros. was destroyed by fire in the night. Loss, over $1,000. The bedding,clothing, etc., belonging to the boys all went up in smoke. The boys went(undressed) ten miles to a neighboring camp for protection from the cold.It was a "cold day" for the boys in that camp.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

A Washington telegram says the excess in the value of exports over importsof merchandise in the twelve months ended December 1, 1884, was $120,076,072;total values of imports of merchandise for the twelve months ended December31, 1884, $629,227,780; a decrease of $57,838,486; the value of exportsof merchandise in twelve months ended December 31, 1884, $749,303,862; forthe preceding twelve months, $795,206,316; a decrease of $45,905,514. Iffiscal years ran even with calendar years, the people could keep clearerviews of public receipts and expenditures, as well as exports and imports.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

A New York dispatch says: Mrs. Grant has given her consent to Mr. Vanderbilt'sproposition to secure to the Government perpetual possession of GeneralGrant's war relics and the souvenirs of his around-the-world journey. Therelics were part of the security for a $150,000 loan that Mr. Vanderbiltgave General Grant to help out the firm of Grant & Ward, and becameMr. Vanderbilt's property when General Grant confessed judgment for the$150,000, on December 6. Mr. Vanderbilt offered to deed the relics and otherproperty back to General Grant, but Mrs. Grant refused to accept the offer.When he changed the offer to a proposition to make her trustee of the relics,with the understanding that they should become the property of the Governmentat General Grant's death, she readily consented, and on January 10th,a deed was executed transferring the relics to her."

Many Points of Value to Cowley's Wide-Awake Farmers.
Paper Read Before the Farmers' Institute at the OperaHouse
On January 29 and 30 by Prof. Geo. F. Thompson of theState Agricultural College.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

The suggestions which I shall offer are not new or untried ones. Youmay think this a good reason why they should not be given. But they havebeen proven by the experience of thousands to be indispensable with themost successful farmers; and so long as they are needed just so long willthey demand recognition. New theories are always subject to discussion;but experience and proof have placed these things beyond the pale of theory,and established them as facts.

Certainly no one will deny the importance of agriculture in the UnitedStates. It is the greatest industry of our nation, and the one that hasmade it in point of prosperity the first among the nations of the earth.Of course, there are many things which make our nation preferable, but thatindustry upon which our prosperity is principally based is agriculture.Now this being the case, it is to the interest of the nation as well asevery individual citizen to see that we maintain this supremacy. If, then,agriculture is of so much importance, we must not let it decline. The nationcan and does do much to favor this industry, yet it is mainly left withthe farmers themselves to see whether they will suffer it to advance orretrograde.

We all desire to see agriculture promoted; but this cannot be unlessmen are capable of promoting it. Hence a farmer must be educated for hiscalling--must think, plan, and read in order to keep pace with his industry.He cannot enjoy perfect success without this. There are men at the helmnow who are pushing agriculture above and beyond the position it once occupied--thattime when so many farmed because they were obliged to. In farming, as inevery other calling, there is no standstill position, we must either goforward or backward. It is gratifying to know that we are now going forward.The day is already past when the anxious father will say to the mother thatthey will have to make a farmer of their son, as Nature has not fitted himfor any of the professions.

There was a time when the idea was popular that it took more intelligenceto successfully manage a corner grocery than it did to manage a farm. Nowthe "tables are turned," and men of intelligence run the farms,while invalids and men who have no natural taste for manual labor managethe grocery.

Farmers have not become intelligent without an effort on their part.They became so by constant reading and thinking. The popularity of newspapershas been a strong factor in this. One of the most important items in therapid stride ahead which agriculture has made of late years is due to theagricultural press. Certain it is, judging from its present importance,farming would not have attained its present high standing without its aids.It is safe to presume that the man in any calling who does not read is nota very flattering success. It is true that in the western country, wherethe soil is naturally so fertile and crops are so easily grown, men whodo no reading and little thinking succeed in a measure, as manual laboralone will insure a fair crop; for this, you know, is the land which if"tickled with a hoe will laugh with a harvest." But this stateof things cannot always exist. We know by the experience of others thatyears of cropping on any soil, if it is not replenished, will reduce oneof these laughing harvests to a smile, and finally to a frown. Then willthe manual laborer get a back-set, and more intelligence be required; forthe farmer will have to deal and act with the forces of nature in orderto make the land produce. He must understand the composition of his soil;and the means by which it may be kept from exhaustion. Here is where theagricultural press, laden with the experiences of many, helps mightily inone's work. We learn there how to save time and money, and how to improvewhat we have.

Agricultural papers are a thing of recent date. The first one on thiscontinent was published in 1818 by John S. Skinner, and was called the "AmericanFarmer." The rapid increase in agricultural literature since 1818 showsvery perfectly the degree in which the industry has prospered.Let me compare that date with the present. Then we had one agriculturalpaper; now we have 87, or the establishment of one for each year sincethe first, and twenty over. We have in Kansas more than half a dozen devotedexclusively to agriculture; and all Kansas newspapers have their agriculturalcolumns. The most valuable feature of this kind of journalism is the contributionsfrom practical farmers. These give the experience and incidents of farmlife. In this way one writer may give a bit of experience which may be beneficialto thousands. The agricultural press has done much to make farming a favoritepursuit. It has done much to make it an attractive one to the wealthy classes,as well as to the laborer in the field. See what has been accomplished inthe creation of the numerous agricultural colleges throughout the country,and in keeping the young men home on the lands of their fathers. Many ofour journals such as the "American Agriculturist," "CountryGentleman," and "Prairie Farmer," have become household wordsin many rural districts. These papers are teachers; they are the businesseducators of the farmers. They bring to their notice all the improvementsin tools and tillage; they tell lovers of good cows all about the best breeds;they elevate the farm and make the labor thereon a learned profession. Art,and science, and taste, and the resulting increased wealth are the workof these newspapers. All this is seen in the reaping machines, splendidbarns, better breeds of cattle, better horses, superior butter, drainedlands, and more grass outside the mansion, and music, and books,and beauty, and comfort and happiness inside the farm house. Ithas been a task to accomplish this; old farmers would not be convinced thatthere was any value in book or newspaper farming. They believed in the olddunghill, they were ignorant of the compost heap; old prejudices are hardto overthrow, with many they are not yet overthrown. A few years ago, farmerscarried on their farms as their ancestors had done for generations before;there was no progress except in raising more corn and more hogs for theincrease of population. Soon there was visible improvement, and now theagricultural press has about four million readers. The result of this isto be seen along every railroad, on the banks of every stream, in the vicinityof every city--in a word, everywhere. At the present day no farmer can keepabreast with his calling unless he reads the agricultural journals. In orderto succeed one must have a thorough knowledge of his work, and this knowledgecan more easily and profitably be acquired through the farmer's paper thanin any other way.

The discussion of the agricultural press naturally leads to the considerationof the


We all believe that the farmers should be educated. We are glad thatthe nation has acknowledged the importance of our educating them in thecreation and endowment of agricultural colleges. The rapid progress in farmingbrought about by the few has made the education of the many absolutely necessary.Classical institutions are not adapted to the wants of the farmer; theydid not educate many men for the farm, and many farmers looked upon themas being the enemy of their industry. The agricultural colleges of the countryhave been established especially for the benefit of the farmers, and thecourses of study are arranged with that object in view. I am glad to saythat wherever these colleges have been tried longest, there they have succeededbest.

There are some people who claim that ignorant men often make as goodfarmers as educated ones. It is true they may be illiterate, yet they arenot ignorant; they are shrewd, observing men, and have accumulated a vastamount of information by experience, that most expensive of all schools.Such men will agree with me, I think, that a course of study adapted totheir calling together with the reading of farm literature would have placedthem far beyond their present condition. Experience may be convincing, butit is better when possible to let some other person have it, and let usprofit by their mistakes. It is a part of the business of a man in any callingto profit by the mistakes of others. No farmer can afford to neglect hiseducation; time and wealth can be saved by preparing for our work.

As farmers constitute a majority in this western country, they oughtto educate their children with the idea of farming in view. I do not believethat everybody should learn a trade; it is possible to have too many artisans.An overproduction of mechanics means lower wages for them, and as an outgrowthof this, poorer work by them. Our country is too new, and our farms toolarge to even consider the overproduction of farms. The children of ourdistrict schools ought not to have it instilled into their minds that farmingis a business that men engage in because they are not capable of enteringthe professions. This is often done. Too many of them get the idea thatto be successful or great, one must either be a lawyer, a politician, ora merchant. They are told how our presidents entered the professions andtoiled earnestly for fame; but it is studiously kept from their young mindsthat the majority of these presidents retire from the chair to the seclusionof a farm for pleasure and contentment. Let the education of the futurefarmer begin in the common schools, and it will be quite certain to endin the proper school. Take from before the boy the gilded glory in the professions,for this glory is like the will-o'-the-wisp. Show him the beauty of thatindustry which is all important, and by which the whole human family andits humbler auxiliaries are fed. Children are too often impressed with theidea that farmers are ignored because they are farmers. This is a mistake.That man who thinks farming beneath his station will find on trial thatit is above him. In this country people do not care what profession a manfollows as long as it is an honorable one. We take the fittest men for ourrulers, let them come from whatever walk in life they may. We take the rail-splitterfrom the backwoods, the tanner from the tannery; and the mule-driver fromthe canal, and make them presidents. It is intelligence that commands respectin this country, not position. Farming as a profession is honored or dishonoredas its followers are intelligent or ignorant. It is what a man does thatmakes him what he is: brown hands and face are no disgrace, for they weremade so by the same sun that causes vegetation to spring into life and mature,and without which nothing could exist.

My second suggestion to farmers, then, would be that they pay more attentionto the proper education of their children than they do to the dollars andcents which might be immediately available by their labor. It will pay inthe end, and will be fulfilling a duty all parents owe to their children.

Another suggestion would be that we


There is an error common to the pioneer farmers of any country, and thatis they endeavor to farm too much land; they try to cultivate more thanthey can do justice to. They are not content to "make haste slowly."I have myself seen farmers in Kansas, less than ten years since, who wereso anxious to plow just so much land they would "cut and cover"in order to get along faster. This wasn't cultivation, it was aggravation!After this kind of plowing was done, the land was planted to corn; and ofcourse there was so much of it that it could not be cultivated but onceor twice during the season, and in consequence weeds took the field, andwhat little corn matured was not nutrious. It would be better to cultivateless land, do it thoroughly, and more corn can be raised with the same amountof work. This is not only true of corn raising but of wheat raising or ofany other crop. It is not often that farmers strike "bonanzas,"as miners sometimes do in the mountains, that they should undertake thecultivation of more land than they can handle. It is foolish to think thatsome providential occurrence will cause a field to produce a hundred bushelsof corn to the acre without cultivation, and at the same time raise no weeds.All a farmer's years of experience prove to him that the better the cultivationthe better the crop. In New England the soil is not as rich as is Kansassoil, yet farmers there with less than half the land that most of our farmershave are able to support large families and are prosperous all the time.

A German woman near Port Jervis, New York, finds six acres enough forthe comfort of a family of seven persons and a cow and a horse beside amoney return of $600 to $700 a year from sales of vegetables and fruitsraised in great variety. Of course, every foot of land is compelled to doits best service, but there is no neglect of any possible home resourceof fertility, and even the fences serve as support for grapevines.

Those who think they have a small farm unless the number of acres runsup into hundreds should note how they practice farming in France. This iswhat a correspondent of the New York Sun found out in his travels:When I asked a French farmer how his farm happened, like all the rest, solong and narrow, he said: "It has been divided up so often. When aFrench farmer dies, he divides his farm, and each one of his children hasan equal share. He always divides it lengthwise, so as to give each onea long strip. The long strips are easily cultivated because we plough lengthwise.These strips always run north and south so that the sun can shine into therows." "How large is your farm?" I asked. "My father'sfarm was 300 feet wide and 2,000 feet long. When he died, my brother hadhalf. Now my farm is 150 feet wide and 2,000 feet long. It is quite a largefarm. There are many farms much smaller than mine." "What do youplant in it?" I asked. "See over there," he said, pointingto what seemed to be a gigantic piece of striped carpet. "Is a pieceof wheat 30 feet wide. Then comes a strip of potatoes twenty-five feet wide,then comes forty feet of oats, then ten feet of carrots, twenty feet ofalfalfa (luzerne), ten feet of mangel-wurzels, five feet of onions, fivefeet of cabbage, and the rest in flowers, peas, currants, gooseberries,and little vegetables." "Can you support your family on a farm150 feet wide and 2,000 feet long?" I asked; for the narrow strip seemedlike a man's doorway in America. "Support my family!" he exclaimed."Why the farm is too large for us. I rent part of it now."

I believe this is due solely to systematic and thorough work. It is evidentthat nothing is gained, but considerable lost by cultivating too much land.That old maxim--"whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well--"is as true in farming as in any other calling

Our farm should be subdivided and


practiced. The importance of mixed husbandry in this country cannot wellbe overestimated. I believe a farmer ought to raise more of those productswhich he himself can consume. If he makes wheat a specialty, and buys theother necessaries, he may suffer failure, in which case he would have nothingto depend upon; and, if not failure, his wheat would, of course, be subjectto fluctuation of prices, and he might not. Mixed husbandry has many advantages,and I know of no disadvantage. In the matter of crops, it enables the farmerto practice rotation, which is very essential. When the market is low onone crop, he is not forced to sell, but can subsist on others which he mayhave, or may sell those which do command fair prices. Various crops andtheir rotation will enrich the land: cattle, hogs, and chickens will gatherup a great deal of feed which would otherwise be wasted. All feeders ofcattle now realize that there is profit in having hogs to follow their cattle.Pork can be made very cheaply in this way.

Raising one crop alone would seem to me to be very unsatisfactory atbest; it would be undesirable even if a crop were assured each year. Sucha merchant doing business in a Dakota town the other day: "There arenot twenty farmers in this country. They are all nothing but wheat-raisers,and that is a long way from being a farmer. A large number of farmers inDakota, who own quarter sections of land, seldom have a drop of milk inthe house, and the butter they eat is bought at the nearest store. Theydon't even keep a cow or pig, or try to raise vegetables enough to providefor the winter."

A model farmer, in my judgment, is one who raises wheat, oats, corn,and potatoes, and all kinds of fruit possible; raises some cattle and hogsand poultry. Hardly a year passes without the failure of some crop; butseldom does a year come when all crops fail. It has always seemed to methat such a man farms for the enjoyment there is in it; he makes it a businessfor a lifetime, and not for a few years--expecting after a few years tolive in a city--blessed with affluence. One thing is certain, he doesn'trun the risk that "specialty" farmers do; and I am not certainthat in the long run he makes more money with less work.

The historian, Jared Sparks, speaks of Washington's practice of farming.An excerpt is worth reading.

"He began a new method of rotation of crops, in which he studiedthe particular qualities of the soil in the different parts of his farms,causing wheat, maize [corn], potatoes, oats, grass, and other crops to succeedeach other in the same field at stated times. So exact was he in this methodthat he drew out a scheme in which all his fields were numbered, and thecrops assigned to them for several years in advance. It proved so successfulthat he pursued it to the end of his life, with occasional slight deviationsby way of experiment."

If we had smaller farms, we could give more attention to the conditionof the soil. I have already remarked that the land cannot always maintainits native fertility, and every year produce a crop, without being replenished.Notwithstanding the evidence of generations, too many of our farmers show,by their practice, that they believe the soil is exhaustless. Yet we oftenhear them complain that the soil is not as productive as it once was, andthey did not consider for a moment why it is so. Let me borrow an illustrationfrom a Michigan farmer.

"What would you think of the wisdom of the man having say $4,000invested at interest, who, in addition to using the interest yearly, shouldalso use a part of his principal? You would say at once, he will soon haveneither interest nor principal; he will be bankrupt. A farmer has a farmworth $4,000. The farm is his principal. The producing power of his farmis his interest. As the person having the money at interest will becomebankrupt, if he persists in using a part of his principal yearly, besideshis interest, just so surely will the farmer become bankrupt, if he allowsthe producing power of his farm to become impaired. The analogy betweenthe capitalist and the farmer is in this respect perfect."

This farmer sums the whole matter up in a nutshell. But I shall add,as further proofs, a few statistics. I know statistics are dry, yet theyare the basis from which we determine our prosperity or our adversity. Ishall give figures to show how rapidly land will deteriorate in fertilityif not replenished with some kind of fertilizer; and, to do this, westernstates are taken, as they have had very little manure spread upon them.

Statistics show in Iowa the spring wheat crop in 1870 averaged 13 bushelsper acre, while in 1880 it was but 10.21 bushels: a reduction in yield ofthree bushels per acre. In Minnesota in 1870 the average yield was 1¾bushels, which, in 1880, had decreased to 11.33 bushels: a loss of 7.42bushels per acre, or nearly 40 percent. In Wisconsin the average in 1870was 15 bushels; in 1880 12.82 bushels: a decrease of nearly 15 percent.Let us apply these figures to our own state. Kansas had, in 1882, 1,465,745acres of winter wheat, which gave a yield of 33,943,398 bushels, valuedat $22,977,906.72 (about 68 cents per bushel). If her soil should lose herfertility between 1882 and 1892 as rapidly as Iowa did between 1870 and1880, the same number of acres would produce in 1892 4,396,235 bushels lessthan they did in 1882--or $2,989,219.80 worth. If as rapidly as did Minnesotaduring the same period, the same number of acres would yield 10,875,828bushels less: or $7,375,533.04 worth. If as rapidly as Wisconsin, 3,171,920.32worth. Can the farmers of Kansas afford this?

Can the farmers of Kansas afford to thus diminish the productivity ofthe soil, especially when the materials by which it may be maintained areso abundant? Certainly not. Let it never be said of Kansas that her landis as unproductive as the rock-covered hills of New England. The figuresjust given show that the western states are rapidly tending that way, andit remains with the farmers to arrest this tendency.

The next hint refers to a matter which goes the rounds of the press oncea year, and like the "old, old story" is still in demand. I referto


If western farmers generally can ever be accused of being "pennywise and pound foolish," it is in the matter of providing shelter fortheir stock. While it is difficult to find a farmer who will not admit thatshelter is essential, it is not seldom that when going through the countryin midwinter we see thousands of head of stock with nothing to shelter themfrom the rigorous blasts of winter but barbed-wire fences or stone walls.A good wall is better than nothing, but not a great deal better. In oneof the oldest counties in the state, I have seen large herds of cattle inDecember in yards with nothing for shelter but a wire fence and a windmill;the nearest shed to one herd was two miles, and the cattle had not beenany nearer to it for two months. In the yard were two dead animals, andI was informed that the average was two dead ones a week. It ought to beplain to any man, especially one able to own a herd of cattle, that thecost of one of these dead animals, with a few days work, would have paidfor shelter for a hundred: for it was evident that they died from exposure.Even if there was no money directly realized from humane treatment, peopleought to have a sufficient regard for the sufferings of dumb animals toprovide comfortable quarters for them during winter. But there is moneyin sheltering stock. Carefully conducted experiments and the testimony ofmen of experience everywhere, prove this. It may be many years before allfarms are provided with large barns; but straw or hay stables are very comfortable,and are sure to be occupied by stock if they have the opportunity.


It is as difficult to answer this question as it is to tell why peoplein any other calling do not succeed. It has been my aim in the precedingsuggestions to give some of the reasons why the farmer's efforts are notalways successful. I shall now very briefly point out more reasons.

A farmer is not pushed to every act as a businessman is; many businessmensucceed because of this fact alone. They are forced by the exigencies oftheir business and by their association with other men of business to beprompt and economical. Farmers too seldom have their work systematized,and hence "take their time" about everything, forgetting that"procrastination is the thief of time." There is no class of peoplewhom capitalists trust more than they do farmers. They feel happy with amortgage in their hand bearing ten or twelve percent interest. If the interestceases to come, the farm is taken. Money lenders have so much confidencein farmers that they use every means possible in order to loan them money,and I sometimes think that farmers borrow the money simply to accommodatethe lenders. He must be a very successful farmer indeed who can afford topay ten percent interest. Borrowing money is of more detriment to a farmerthan a drought; he pays what would be his profits over to the capitalistin the shape of interest. Going in debt for machinery doesn't pay; and afterit is purchased, leaving it outdoors, exposed to all kinds of weather, doublesthe misfortune. A great many of our Kansas farmers have more machinery ontheir farms than they have grain. The folly of purchasing machinery on thestrength of an assured crop has been fully shown during the last season;farmers are too prodigal as a general rule with their time; they waste toomuch of it at the end of the field on which they are ploughing. We all admirea man who is courteous and neighborly; but a farmer owes it to himself towaste as few hours as possible when cultivating corn or harvesting wheat.Any idler who may be wandering around has no claim to an hour or two ofany man's time. Two hours conversation in the field will give the weedssuch a start as four will not overcome. You may think this is a small matter,but if you stop to consider how much it amounts to in a season, I thinkyou will conclude that it doesn't pay. Your neighbors may think you uncongenialand avaricious, but full cribs and bins after harvest will prove your wisdom.It is the man full of business who has the full purse.

That maxim "never put off 'til tomorrow what you can do today,"is a good one; but I notice that the custom is to put off until tomorrowall that doesn't have to be done today. Do not wait until the harvest isripe before the reaper is repaired; or until the time has arrived for plowingbefore the plows and harness are put in readiness. If those farmers whospend their winter days in the country stores would improve them in fixingthings on the farm, they would be making good wages. How often is a machinebroken in the midst of a pushing harvest, when a few hours of overhaulingbefore it went into the field would have prevented it! A Chicago editorsaid: "We know a very prosperous farmer who says his idle winter monthsare the most profitable of the year. During the cold weather, when his neighborsgo to town and loaf around the stores, shops, and saloons, he employs histime in a small shop in a corner of his barn, in repairing and repaintinghis plows, wagons, and other machinery, in building sheds and repairingfences. In the spring he is ready for active work in the field while hisneighbor is either delayed or must hire an extra hand on account of repairsthat must positively be made."

This lack of care and foresight can be extended to many other thingsabout the farm: the care of growing crops, of orchards, small fruits, etc.It was a reckless habit our earlier settlers had of breaking their land,putting out orchards, and then leaving them to the mercy of fire and stock.This practice resulted not only in the loss of the trees but in the useof the land, and caused a delay in putting out an orchard which would betaken care of. Many of our orchards and forest trees are taken care of inthe same way yet. There are few things on a farm as profitable as a well-keptorchard. It is a constant source of pleasure, health, and wealth.

In conclusion, I would observe that if the farmer would take a lessonfrom a prosperous merchant and systematize his work, be prompt in everything,practice economy, and keep abreast with his calling, he would enjoy thefarm as he had never enjoyed it before. We should see better homes, betterfarmers, and better farms; well filled bookshelves would lure the boys fromloafing places, and cause them to love farm life.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

"The Revolution of '84" is the rather sanguinary title of thelatest edition of the B. & O. Red Book. The contents, however, are ofthe most peaceful character, and embody about as complete a review, statisticaland otherwise, of the late political contest, as possible to imagine. Indeed,the publication is in advance of any of the Red Book series yet issued,and forms a most valuable addition to the political record of party triumphsand reverses. The article upon the general result by states is a strikinglycomplete review of the official figures and the exhaustive table accompanyingit constructed after a manner at once intelligible and comprehensive. Thebook embraces a hundred and twenty odd pages, and those who have securedcopies of former editions will not be long in enclosing a stamp to C. K.Lord, the G. P. A. of the B. & O. at Baltimore, for the latest. In additionto the great extent of political statistical data, much very interestinginformation is given relative to the approaching inaugural ceremonies, thedifferent committees appearing to have given it a semi-official characterby furnishing full details of the approaching event.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Eighteen hundred years ago the Chinese made paper from fibrous matterreduced to pulp. Now, each province makes its own peculiar variety. Theyoung bamboo is whitened, reduced to pulp in a mortar, and sized with alum.From this pulp sheets of paper are made in a mold by hand. The celebratedChinese rice paper, that so resembles woolen and silk fabrics, and on whichare painted quaint birds and flowers, is manufactured from compressed pith,which is first cut spirally by a keen knife into thin slices six incheswide and twice as long. Funeral papers, or imitations of earthly thingswhich they desire to bestow on departed friends, are burned over their graves.They use paper window frames, paper sliding doors, and paper visiting cardsa yard long. It is related that when a distinguished representative of theBritish Government visited Pekin, several servants brought him a huge roll,which, when spread out on the floor, proved to be the visiting card of theEmperor.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

The Coffeyville girls amuse themselves with "orange races"at the rink.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

As passed by the Senate, the inter-state commerce bill provides for aCommission to be composed of nine members, one from each Judicial Circuitin the United States, to hold office for six years, except that of thosefirst appointed, three shall hold office for two years only, three othersfour years only. Vacancies are to be filled by the President. Not more thanfive Commissioners shall belong to one political party. The duties of theCommissioners are defined to exercise powers and duties granted by the billpertaining to methods and regulating the operation of all transportationcompanies engaged in inter-state commerce; "and take into considerationand investigate all the various questions relating to commerce between states,especially in the matter of transportation so far as may be necessary toestablish a just system of regulations for government. The salary of thecommissioners is fixed at $2,500, and they are authorized to appoint a secretaryat $3,500. All necessary traveling expenses are to be paid by the government,and witnesses summoned before the commission are to be paid the usual fees.The commission has power to send for persons and papers, to administer oaths,and to require the production of all books, papers, contracts and documents,or properly certified abstracts thereof, relating to the matter under consideration.It is authorized to require inter-state transportation companies to furnishannual reports, giving full information as to their financial condition,cost of property, number of salaries of employees, etc. It shall reportannually to the Secretary of the Interior. The commission shall, duringthe first year, investigate and report on the subject of maximum and minimumchanges, pooling, watering stock, unjust discrimination, etc. The most importantsections of the bill are in substance as follows.

Section 3. If any transportation company engaged in inter-state commerceshall collect more than a reasonable rate of compensation for the transportationor hauling of freight, such company shall be deemed guilty of extortion,which is declared a misdemeanor.

Section 4. If any transportation company engaged in inter-state commerceshall, by rebate or other device, charge any person a greater compensationthan another for like service, or shall neglect or refuse to furnish thesame facilities for the carriage and handling of freight to one person thatis at the same time furnished to any other person under similar circ*mstances,such company shall be deemed guilty of unjust discrimination, which is declareda misdemeanor.

Section 5 provides that if complaint is made to the commission chargingany transportation company with extortion or unjust discrimination, thecompany shall have reasonable time to answer the charge, and if it makereparation for the injury done, and the complaint be withdrawn, the caseshall be dismissed. If the company shall not satisfy the complainant withina reasonable time, and it shall appear that the charges are true, the commissionshall notify the company to discontinue the practice complained of, andpay to the complainant damage fixed by the commission.

Section 6 provides that if any transportation company engaged in theinter-state commerce shall refuse to pay damages assessed and agrees todesist from further violation of the act, the Commission shall certify thefacts to the United States district attorney, whose duty it shall be tocommence proceedings to recover the damages assessed, or to compel the companyto comply with the provisions of the act, and the Circuit Court of the UnitedStates shall have jurisdiction to try the cause without regard to the citizenshipof the parties. In case of failure to recover, the complainant shall paythe cost of the suit, attorney's fees excepted. Any transportation companyconvicted under this act shall pay for said offense a fine not exceeding$2,000, and if any such company shall refuse to give information or produceits books, etc., it shall upon conviction be fined not to exceed $1,000for each offense; and such company or any person or persons violating theprovisions of this act, or attempting to obstruct the provisions thereof,shall upon conviction, be fined not to exceed $1,000.

The route of any transportation company is by the bill made to includeall railroad and water routes of the company, and the term "transportationcompany" is defined to mean any corporation, or individual owning,operating, or using any railroad or any vessel in whole or in part, or havinga right to use the same, provided such company or individual is engagedin the transportation of freight from one state to another, whether by allrail or part by rail and part by water communication. It is also made applicablethat all transportation companies not wholly water route companies, carryingfreight from one place in the United States through any foreign territoryto any other place in the United States or from any place in the UnitedStates to any place outside of the United States; all rights of action andremedies already secured by law are continued in force. The bill being inits present form a substitute for the House bill, it now goes to the House.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

In the manufacture of illuminating gas from bituminous coal, a largequantity (amounting to about eight percent of the coal), of a thick, black,strong-smelling liquid is collected, known as gar tar and coal tar. Thisis a very complex substance, and by distillation yields several oils, etc.,leaving behind a solid pitch, called co*ke-pitch, and incorrectly, ashphaltum,true ashphaltum being a natural product. Gas tar, as it comes from the gasworks, is used for various purposes, among others, for the preservationof timber, especially fences and fence-posts, for the making of roofingcomposition, and in laying what are called asphalt walks. We have had complaintsthat it appeared to be of little value in preserving wood; and several haveinquired as to the proper method of using it. It is not unlikely, as thereare different kinds of coal used in gas making, that the tar varies greatlyin its properties. In England, where it is much more used than with us,one writer recommends as follows: Three gallons of coal tar, in an ironkettle, is set over a slow fire and allowed to simmer for about an hour.This should be done in the open air, as there is danger of its taking fire.After it has simmered for this time, add a handful of the quick-lime, andstir well together. Remove from the fire, and add a quart of benzine ornaphtha, or sufficient to make it work well from a brush. The coal tar thusprepared is applied to fence-posts and other work while hot. The writersays: "Two coats will do, and will make any kind of wood proof fromall weather for years." Another writer advises to make use of the taras it comes from the gas works, adding enough benzine (from half a gillto one gill to each quart of tar), to make it work like thin paint. It isto be applied with an old brush to the wood, which should be perfectly dry.

American Agriculturist.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Ten years ago Genoa had a population of about 162,000, but I think thereare more here now. I thought I counted more beggars than that, and theremust have been at least two hundred people there who were not identifiedwith that industry. I have always done what I could in America to relievewant, but where want seems to be the normal condition, I allow nature totake her course. The beggars of Italy glory in their shame. They are gladthat they thought of it instead of yielding to a weak and foolish temptationto fritter away their young lives in manual labor.

Thus they live long and do well, especially if nature has blessed themwith a crooked leg or a double hump on the back. To the Italian beggar alarge voluptuous tumor on a face that would stop a clock is a bonanza, andAmerica is the most liberal in its contributions.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

The National Board of Trade tells President Cleveland to shut up thesilver. The Silver Convention at Denver tells him to roll it out. What willhe, what can he do?

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Dr. Kittor, of Galena, appears in print to defend Gen. Grant from thecharge of profanity. He says the only "cuss words" he ever heardthe General use was "dog on it!"

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Schuyler Colfax left an estate valued at $125,000. The family mansionat South Bend, together with half the residence, falls to the widow, andthe rest to Schuyler Colfax, Jr.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

With the single exception of Denmark and the Netherlands, Switzerlandenjoys the gloomy preeminence of drinking relatively more spirits than anyother European nation.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Tennessee has 10,000 square miles of timber land which is as yet practicallyuntouched; a tract larger by 1,500 square miles than Massachusetts, RhodeIsland, and Connecticut put together.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

The Louisville Courier-Journal calls Susan B. Anthony and ElizabethCady Stanton, "a spanking team." This is true as respects Mrs.Stanton; but Miss Anthony, for the best of reasons, has never done any spanking.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

In Georgia a tax of $100 on dealers in revolvers, pistols, and pistoland revolver cartridges has so diminished the number of places where sucharms and ammunition are sold that it is necessary to send seventy-five milesfor cartridges in some localities. The license amounts to prohibition.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

In Pittsburgh, Pa., following the fearful and destructive natural gasexplosions, has been a great scare and panic from the statement in the Telegraphthat it knows that a large and powerful band of dynamiters are organizedto destroy the city with dynamite, and supported by money and influence.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

The people of England do not attempt to conceal their natural jubilationover the fact that the blatant inciter to assassination, O'Donovan Rossa,has had to take some of his own medicine. They express the strongest sympathieswith Mrs. Dudley, and are raising a large fund to aid in her defense.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

The school population in the United States is 16,000,000, of whom 10,000,000are enrolled in the public schools. The number of teachers employed in publicschools is 200,000, and the annual expense of the schools is about $91,000,000.If education can save a people, this nation is quite secure from seriousharm.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Allen B. Lemmon was in Winfield last Saturday to Monday, wearing a hatwhich did not fit him, and supposed to be a minister's hat. He has beenappointed a Regent of the State Agricultural College to succeed Rev. PhilipKrohn, so we suppose the doctor's hat instead of his mantle has fallen uponA. B.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

An effort was made to induce the Department Commander of the G. A. R.for Kansas to call the next meeting of the encampment at Topeka during themeeting of the Legislature. Commander Pond has decided, and wisely we think,not to do so, and has called the encampment to meet at Ft. Scott on the10th, 11th, and 12th of next March.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

A few years ago the legal rate of interest was reduced in New York fromseven to six percent, and the Legislature of that state has now before ita bill still further reducing the rate to five percent. This is a prettysure indication that there is plenty of money in the country and that anyfurther additions to the supply will add to nobody's income.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

The glory of Kansas is in her farms and houses. No other State in theUnion has made such progress in agriculture in the same period of time.In ten years there has been an increase in the acreage of corn, oats, wheat,rye, barley, buckwheat, potatoes, tobacco, and hay, amounting to 8,581,311acres, or an increase of 335 percent. The value of the crops of 1883 overthat of 1873 is $73,731,255.49. The record is phenomenal, and one that thefarmers of Kansas can certainly point to with pride.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Mr. Burton has introduced a bill in the House to prevent gambling inthe State of Kansas. If Mr. Burton wants his bill enthusiastically supported,he should show some of the more curious members the "tiger," andsee that they "go broke" all around, as the result of "buckingthe animal," before the bill is put upon its final passage. The Capitalsuggest that if Mr. Burton could manage to deal Mr. Anthony three queens,and Mr. Overmyer, four jacks, and Mr. Butterfield a ten-full on deuce, andMr. Gillett a flush, and A. W. Smith two pair, and Ed. Greer a "bobtail,"and then throw himself at least four aces and "rake the jack pot,"his bill would go through without very much opposition. Miama Republican.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Lincoln County boasts of one river and thirty-two creeks.

The Howard creamery has wound up its affairs considerably in debt.

A Riley County man harnesses up his boys and hauls wood with them andgives his horses a rest.

Fifty citizens of Cherryvale have formed a colony to locate in one ofthe extreme western counties of Kansas.

The annual session of the Kansas Conference of the M. E. church willbe held in Clay Center, March 12th, 1885.

They charge a quarter to witness a marriage ceremony at Larned. Nearly$25 in money was taken in at the door at a recent marriage at that placefor the benefit of the groom.

The noted foot-racer, one Kittleman, of Harper, Kansas, has been matchedagainst a man from Australia, to run a race in California for ten thousanddollars. Kittleman started for San Francisco last week.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

There is a bill before the lower house of our state legislature, introducedby Mr. Bond, of Rice County, to encourage the cultivation of sorghum andpromote the manufacture of sugar therefrom, by the payment of bounties.This is a means of multiplying our industries and increasing our wealththat we have not yet tried, but it will certainly be worth our while totry the experiment. As the Republican party nationally advocates protectionand encouragement to home industries, so it does in Kansas, and RepresentativeBill is but the line of encouragement.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

A cold-blooded triple murder near the little town of Radical City, nearIndependence, Kansas, was discovered February 5, by Frank Bonham, the oldestson of a widow living on a farm near that place. On his return home afterseveral days absence, he found his mother, brother, and sister murdered,and to all appearance they had been dead a day or so, as the young man hadbeen away since Monday. Sheriff McCreary and Deputy Shadley have gone tothe place, and will make a thorough investigation. Thee is no clue, as yet,to work on, but every effort will be made to capture the villain, and shouldhe be discovered, it will not need a jury to settle his case.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

We have received a copy of "Advance sheets" of the State Boardof Railroad Commissioners, and, while it shows a very large amount of work,a very large array of statistics, and great industry in the commissioners,yet it is very surprising and curious in the altered and subdued tone ofthe Commissioners in relation to the railroad corporations. A year and ahalf ago the commissioners were aggressive and persistent in the main objectof their work of compelling the railroads to accept of reasonable ratesand of preventing unjust charges and discrimination. Then they publisheda letter in answer to Manager Touzalin which was vigorous, aggressive, andjust, and showed beyond doubt that the railroads of the state did not costone half of what their officers claimed for them and that their stocks werenearly all water and not entitled to dividends. This report just receivedgives the cost of the several roads including the total amounts of stockissued as the greater part of the cost of the road, and they append an abstractof their verdict, made up from the sworn statements of railroad officers,of the costs of the several roads with their equipments. They inform theGovernor, senate, and the people of the following.

Railroad. Cost per mile.

Union Pacific $86,000

St. Louis & San Francisco $63,000

Leavenworth, Topeka & S. W. $59,600

St. Louis, Ft. Scott & Wichita $52,670

K. C., Topeka & W. $49,000

M., K. & T. $48,400

Missouri Pacific $46,000

A. T., & S. F. $46,000

Southern Kansas $24,800

Wichita & Western $13,000

Kansas Central $15,000

Pleasant Hill & Desoto $10,900

Cost per mile for fifteen other roads ranges from $21,000 to$40,00.

Now, we do not believe that Munchausen, Ananias, Eli Perkins, and TomOchiltree combined could have beaten in mendacity the table referred to.

Let us compare the stated cost of the St. Louis, Fort Scott & Wichita,$52,670 per mile, with the Wichita & Western, $13,000 per mile, forinstance. Both are new roads, both were built recently while steel railscost less than $40 per ton and everything else in railroad building wascheap. The cost on the latter is not much exaggerated and is probably anhonest report. Though the report states that its authorized stock is over$3,000,000 and that over $1,000,000 common stock has been subscribed, noneis issued; therefore, the total cost of the road is only $582,000--furnishedby the A., T. & S. F. company--which is the total debt of the road andis the total cost of building and equipping its 45 miles of road. But whenit issues and donates to those who are permitted to subscribe, its $1,000,500of stock, as most of the other roads have done with the bulk of their stockand adds it in when making up the cost of the road as other roads do, itwill make the cost of the road $1,582,500, or $33,000 per mile, of whichover a million or over 60 percent will be water.

Now the St. Louis, Fort Scott & Wichita road probably cost no moreper mile than the Wichita & Western, viz: $13,000. Its company issuedits mortgage bonds on the road from Fort Scott to Wichita to the amountof $15,000 per mile and sold these bonds at about 90 cents on the dollar,realizing therefor about $13,500 per mile. Out of this sum they built andequipped their road and had a surplus of some $1,500 per mile, which theydivided among themselves individually as stockholders. They gave countiesand townships about $334,000 of the capital stock for an equal amount ofmunicipal bonds, which they sold, and likewise divided the proceeds amongthemselves. They issued and donated to themselves $5,500,000 of stock andadded this also to the reported cost of the road, claiming that it was reasonablepay for their own services in working up the road, negotiating bonds, etc.Not one of these six individuals who received this five and a half millionsof stock ever paid one cent for it. They got nearly or quite $600,000 outof the municipal and mortgage bonds in excess of the cost of building theroad--or $100,000 apiece.

Yet with all these facts within reach of the Railroad Commissioners,they tell the governor and people that the road cost $52,670.51 per mile.Had they reported the whole truth, they would doubtless have informed usthat the road and equipments did not exceed $13,000 per mile instead ofmore than four times that amount.

The same criticism may be applied to the reported cost of nearly allthe other roads in the state though in a less degree in most cases.

While we think of it, we will interject here the remark that it looksas though the Southern Kansas road had made a comparatively honest statementof their affairs to the Commissioners. Their cost per mile, stated at $24,808.92,is not so very extravagant when we consider that the half of their roadwhich is naturally much the most expensive was built fifteen years ago whenrailroad iron cost double what it does now and other material and laborwas much more expensive, and the other half was built six years ago andbefore prices had come down to near later rates. In short, we consider thisroad the best appointed, best officered, and the best conducted road inthe state of Kansas.

Now why do the commissioners issue such a report, so misleading, to bemild in our expressions?

If it be answered that they only report statements made by the officersof the railroad companies, we remark that this is just the criticism weare making. The whole report seems to us to be made just to suit the railroadcompanies, just such a report as we should expect the railroad companiesto make in their own interest. It sounds to us as though the report hadbeen made by the clerks of the corporations at the dictation of their employers,like a special plea to convince the people that the railroads cannot berun at less than they are getting.

A year and a half ago the commissioners made maximum rates for some leadingrailroads among which was the A. T. & S. F., though manager Touzalin"kicked," wrote letters, threatened law, and argued with the commissionersand the commissioners answered them manfully by unanswerable arguments.Later the commissioners receded from their position ("backed down"as it were), and allowed the railroad companies to fix their own rates towhich they assented, with the excuse that the law did not give them thepower to enforce their rates and decisions and the best they could do wasto negotiate and compromise with the railroads.

We then saw that the law which we had before supported was defective,and we urged that the law should be amended so as to give to the commissionerspower to fix a schedule of maximum rates for each of the railroads in thestate and also giving them power to enforce their orders.

Now, latterly the commissioners have discovered that the present lawis perfect and needs neither amendment nor change, that it works admirablyand gives the commissioners all the power they want. Now they are hotlyopposed to any further legislation. This is exactly the position of therailroad companies, but how they managed to convert the commissioners wedo not know. The arguments we have seen and heard are not convincing tous.

It begins to look now as though there was no better way to reach thismatter than by the legislature passing Simpson's maximum rate bill or somuch of it as is not a repetition of the present law and unmodified thatthe last sections will be consistent with the first, and we think the greatbody of the people of the state now demand maximum rates. We also thinkour commissioners have already sadly damaged their usefulness and shouldbe retired one by one as fast as their terms expire to give place to menfresh from the people who are able to see both sides of this question andhold opinions not originated by the corporations.

It is said that the Executive council as now constituted will not appointanyone not approved by the railroads. We do not think our state officersare owned by the railroad corporations, but we think that they do not andcannot feel the sense of responsibility in the matter that one man wouldfeel with the undivided burden; and we advise that the law be amended sothat the governor alone make the appointment. Having the full responsibilityon his shoulders, we doubt not that he would make the best appointments.

The Commonwealth says that no newspaper criticizes the railroadcommissioners. It is mistaken. Several have been criticizing and more arecoming, and there is a low rumbling among the people all over the statewhich betoken an approaching earthquake. If there is not something doneand to the point by the members of the legislature and other officers whohave duties in relation to this business, such officers will be likely toretire at the next elections, with uncomplimentary suspicions sticking tothem. It is wonderful with what success the corporation managers and lobbyistsply their tactics to capture a legislature. A bill is presented which ifpassed would control the railroads in the interest of the people and justice.These lobbyists are not known as in the employ of the railroads, but maskas anti-railroad and friends of the dear people. They pretend they wantsome effective legislation to prevent the extortions of corporations butthe present bill is bad for the people; in fact, was got up by the railroadsthemselves, and is just what the railroads want. "Why, say they, don'tyou see that the maximum rates are considerably higher than the railroadsare now charging and they want the excuse of this bill as a law to advancetheir rates and besides they have put many other secret kinks into the billwhich will work to their advantage." They will then tell of overhearingthe author of the bill and some railroad officials laughing over how nicelythey are drawing the wool. Then they will point out a dozen other objectionsto the bill and will convince the innocent legislator, and he comes to theconclusion that his constituents are mistaken and he will do his duty bythem against their wishes and can then explain it to them and show themtheir mistake. He argues that he is in the atmosphere where he can see allthe workings, tricks, and corruptions of corporations and his constituentsare not. Thus he falls an easy prey into the hands of the enemy. Shouldhe be less confiding and have too much sense to be captured by chaff, andif his vote against the measure is essential to its defeat, he may succumbto weightier arguments.

We want to tell these credulous members that the railroads do not wantany kind of a law which fixes maximum rates and they will defeat all suchbills if possible, and he who tells you they do want such, is either fooledhimself or is trying to fool you.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

There are a few prominent newspapers in the state that are cranky intheir advocacy of a constitutional convention. They have set out to carrythe measure in the legislature and, having heretofore the conceit that theyought to control the policies of the state and that they usually have powerand influence to do it, they conceive that a failure to pass the joint resolutioncalling a convention would be an outrage which they cannot condone. Theyhave never got over the affront to them of the passage of the prohibitoryamendment, and the prohibitory law. To them every effort to enforce thatlaw has been a personal insult and now they have got down so low in theirarguments for a convention that they plead that a failure to pass the resolutionwill "bust up" the Republican party, and they pose as the mostparticularly ardent Republicans in the state and beg the prohibition andanti-convention Republicans not to smash up things generally by voting contraryto their dictation.

Now the prohibition Republicans are at least as true and ardent Republicansas are the antis, as the history of our state politics for the last fouryears will prove. There is no evidence that any of them bolted the Republicannominations and went over to St. John, nor is there evidence that any ofthem voted for the Democratic candidate for governor at either of the twolast elections. On the contrary, there is much evidence that large numbersof anti-prohibition Republicans went over to the enemy, and the argumentis a threat that they will do it again if the great majority of the membersof the Republican party do not submit to their dictation in all mattersaffecting state policy. These papers which hold out this whining, contemptibleargument, might as well say: "If the members of the Republican partydo not submit their opinions, votes, and acts to our dictation, become essentiallyour slaves and humble worshipers, we shall go over to the enemy and takewith us our hosts of admirers and thereby demolish the Republican partyfor all time and leave the hosts of free Republicans out in the cold whilewe will revel in power at the head of the Democratic party as many otherrenegade Republicans have done."

But claims one of these papers, "We expect to stay in the partybut the rank and file of those who think as we do will go."

"You bet" that paper will hang on the skirts of the party justas long as it pays, just as long as it can squeeze more money out of itthan it can make by going over to the Democrats body and breeches.

Now the bulk of the Republican party are free men who have opinions oftheir own and will not be slaves to anybody. They place liberty above partysuccess and will not submit their opinion and votes on any measure of statepolicy to any autocrat or set of autocrats whatever the result of theirrefusal. They are the intelligent, moral, respectable, and true portionof the party and so long as the people of this state are largely respectable,moral, and intelligent, so long these men will be in the majority and theirviews will rule the policy of the state. Of course, they may meet with temporaryreverses as in the election of Gov. Glick, but each such reverse will endin adding to their political strength.

We want to tell these editors and all others who try to scare Republicansinto supporting measures odious to them that they will not succeed and arewasting their ammunition; that the convention resolution is already "asdead as any mackerel," as dead as the resubmission joint resolutionsare admitted to be and they may as well be making terms with the Democraticparty at once.

[Note: In the newspapers for Arkansas City, I did not cover international,national, and state events for the most part as I was intent on gettingthe local news. RKW began to realize that it was very important to coversome world events as well. As a result, I had some information about thefall of Khartoum, etc. I will try to give all the news that was printedin the Winfield Courier for the years 1885 and 1886 covering allnews events: local and otherwise. MAW]


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Intelligence was received at London, February 5th, that Khartoumhas been captured by the Arabian rebels. The whereabouts of General Gordonis unknown. He is probably in the hands of the victors.

The Daily Chronicle says: "A telegram was received at WarOffice last night from General Wolseley announcing the fall of Khartoum."

General Wolseley telegraphs: Khartoum has fallen. He says when Col. Wilson,who went from Metemeneh to Khartoum, reached the latter place he found itin the hands of the rebels. He returned to Metemeneh under a heavy firefrom both banks of the river.

The Daily Telegraph, an official authority, confirms the reportof the fall of Khartoum, and it says the rebels secured the city by treachery.General Gordon is probably a prisoner in the hands of the victors.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Mr. Simpson has introduced a bill in the House to establish maximum ratesof freight on railroads. It only fixes rates on five classes of freightin carload lots, embracing coal, stone, grain, flour, potatoes, broom-corn,hay, fence-wire, agricultural implements, lumber, nails, salt, lime, anda few other leading articles. On A class it gives maximum rates at $10 percarload, and one cent per ton per mile; on B class, $9 per carload and ninemills per ton per mile; on C class, $8 per carload and eight mills per tonper mile; on D class, $7 per carload and seven mills per ton per mile; onE class, $6 per carload and six mills per ton per mile.

The general principle of these rates is correct and fair as between longhauls and short hauls, and are rates on which all the leading roads canoperate and make money without doubt, but which would cripple some weakroads.

The bill repeals the present law in regard to commissioners and in otherrespects; and is substantially the maximum rate bill of two years ago presentedbefore the present railroad law was passed, and contains much that the presentlaw renders superfluous. It has however a new feature interjected into it,allowing the commissioners to raise these maximum rates in favor of anyroad which shall show by sufficient evidence that it cannot successfullyoperate the road at those rates.

Aside from this the bill does not seem to increase the powers of thecommissioners, and as it now stands, is not as good as if it had undertakenless.

Our idea of what should be done, is the substitution of some such billas the following, made as concise and clear as possible without repeatingany portion of the present law, which should not be repealed.


Providing for the establishment of maximum rates of charges for transportingfreight on railroads, and defining the duties of the board of railroad commissionersin relation thereto:

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:

SECTION 1. It shall be unlawful for any railroad company in this State,the gross earnings for freight transportation on whose road, branches, andeased lines for the preceding year exceeded $3,000 per mile, to charge,demand, or receive, after thirty days from the passage of this act, forthe transportation of coal, brick, stone, sand, and ores, by the carloadof 20,000 pounds or over, a higher rate than six dollars per 20,000 pounds,and in addition thereto six cents per 2,000 pounds per ten miles or fractionthereof; and on wheat, corn, flour, salt, cement, lumber, wood, cattle,hogs, sheep, horses, and baled hay, a higher rate than nine dollars per20,000 pounds, and in addition thereto, nine cents per 2,000 pounds perten miles or fraction thereof.

SECTION 2. It shall be the duty of the board of railroad commissioners,at as early a date as possible, to make a schedule of maximum rates includingall classes of freight by carload and by smaller quantities, and for alldistances; one schedule for each railroad in this State, which schedulesshall be just and reasonable as nearly as practicable, and shall furnisheach company operating a railroad with a copy of the schedule affectingits road.

SECTION 3. Any railroad company which, after thirty days from the receiptof such schedule, shall charge, demand, or receive higher rates than arefixed by such schedule, or shall violate section 1 of this act, shall paya fine not less than $500 nor more than $5,000, with costs for each offenseto be recovered by action of the commissioners, in the name of the Stateof Kansas, in any district court in the State; and the person so over-chargedmay recover in such court, double the amount of such over-charge, his costsand reasonable attorney fees.

SECTION 4. This act shall take effect and be in force from and afterits publication in the official State paper.

Political, Official and Social Notes as Gathered By
Our Regular Washington Correspondent.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Here and there a peevish criticism is still heard against the artisticfitness and beauty of the Washington Monument, though it is fair to assumethat those who now decry the monument have not seen it in its completedform. Among those who have the advantage of thus inspecting it, there isa substantial agreement to its merits. Its simplicity and dignity appealto every beholder as especially typifying the character of Washington, andwill take its place among the commemorative shafts of the world as inferiorto none in appropriateness and effectiveness of design. While the shaftwas in an uncompleted stage, it had suggestions of the shot tower and manufactorychimney order, and serious doubts were entertained if it would outgrow thesesimilarities, but such fears have been dispelled, as the loftiness of thestructure, its tapering lines, and the cap of the obelisk have given theshaft all its anticipated grace. The effect is helped, too, by the materialused in the construction, a fine white marble, which gives the obelisk alightness, purity, and serenity that would have been lacking with a darkerstone. It will be remembered that before Congress decided to complete themonument on the original plan, the most capable architects of the countrywere invited to suggest improvements; and that in answer to this request,a number of designs were submitted. But none were found to be satisfactoryas that on which the monument was begun, and on this plan, therefore, withsome slight modification, the work was prosecuted to a conclusion. The appearanceof the now completed shaft simply justifies such a decision.

It is pretty well understood that in a short time Mr. Cleveland willvisit New York City for the purpose of consulting with democratic leaders.He will take rooms at the Fifth Avenue hotel, and will, it is said, be "athome" to democrats who have views as to the composition of the cabinetand the policy of the next administration. The proposed consultations willhave much to do with the construction of the cabinet. It is said that Mr.Cleveland does not regard old age as essential to success in the administrationof any branch of government; but that on the contrary, he has an idea thatmen in the full vigor of physical and mental life are likely to do betterthan men who have fallen into the sere and yellow leaf.

Of late there has been some earnest talk about Representative Mitchell,of Connecticut, for the cabinet. He is about forty years of age, and hasaccumulated a fortune by business enterprise and application. It is no secretthat ex-Gov. Waller is not popular among democratic leaders of his state,or at least that he is unpopular enough to be strongly opposed for the cabinet.Ex-Senator Eaton, who has been mentioned, is somewhat advanced in years,and Mr. Mitchell is spoken of by his friends as "the very sort of manCleveland likes." It is claimed for Connecticut that she is entitledto a cabinet position, and taking such hints as Mr. Cleveland has droppedabout the kind of men he thinks most fit into consideration, Mr. Mitchell'sfriends maintain that he fills the bill more accurately than any other partyleader of the state.

It begins now to look in the vicinity of the Pension building as if theinaugural ball was going to be held there. A force of carpenters are puttingin doors and windows, a gang of men are getting the cables for the roofin place, and the men in charge of putting in the heating apparatus havebeen at work. The contributions to the inaugural fund now amount to $10,898.

The State dinner given by the President last evening in honor of thediplomatic corps must take rank with the handsomest entertainments evergiven at the Executive mansion. The dinner table, which had covers laidfor forty, was most handsomely decorated, a miniature lake represented throughoutthe center of the table with plants and flowers gracefully arranged to formnatural scenes along the bank, while little islands dotted the lake hereand there. Over the immediate center of the table was a pavilion three feethigh and six feet long, formed of flowers representing the "hanginggarden of Babylon."

Secretary Chandler is not likely to find himself out of office on the4th of March. If he desired it, the Governor of New Hampshirewill appoint him a United States Senator on that day to succeed SenatorBlair, whose term ends then. The New Hampshire Legislature does not meetuntil June, to choose a successor to Mr. Blair, and the office must be filledby the Governor in the meantime. LENNOX.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.


Quite a large number of bills were reported by the several standing committees.

A communication was received from the managers of the World's Expositionat New Orleans, inviting the Legislature and State Officers to visit thatinstitution and tending a cordial reception.

Several resolutions were referred to appropriate committees.


Bills were introduced from No. 210 to No. 219, to-wit: To authorize adjustmentand return of taxes adjudged illegal; relating to and governing assessmentand co-operative life insurance companies; to provide for organizing andcompensating militia; authorizing Lincoln County to levy bridge tax; relatingto fugitives from justice; relating to Superintendent of Insurance; relatingto appointments of stenographers in District Courts; relating to mortgageson personal property; providing for a report of the Price Raid AuditingCommission and making an appropriation.

Several bills were passed second and third reading. Among them the billto provide for paying for postage stamps.

In committee of the whole the law student bill was killed by strikingout the enacting. The bill concerning rape was approved. The hygiene inschools bill was indefinitely postponed. Another school bill No. 24 wasapproved. The Normal School endowment bill was laid over. Senate went intoexecutive session.

The Price raid bill introduced by Senator Shelden appropriates to thesufferers by said raid all the moneys due from the United States to theState of Kansas for expenditures during the rebellion and in Indian wars.


Mr. Drought presented petition for payment of Price Raid Claims. Mr.King, to secure to Kansas safe insurance. Mr. , from Miami County,for a road from the Osawatomie Insane Asylum to the depot. Mr. Roberts,for a bridge across the Wakarusa river. Mr. Turner, relating to a uniformsystem of school books.


Mr. Smith, of McPherson, offered a resolution to provide each memberwith two bill files. Adopted.


Mr. Carroll, Creating a Court of Appeals. Also one amending chartersof cities of the first-class. Mr. Rhodes, Authorizing Blue Rapids to issuebonds for road purposes. Mr. Mower, Relating to salary of County Superintendent.Mr. Roberts, Relating to bridges in Douglas County. Mr. McNeal, A privatebill. Mr. Slavens, Amending law relating to Regents of State institutions.


Governor Martin messaged to the House an invitation from A. E. Burke,Director General of the New Orleans Exposition, to the State Officers andLegislature to visit the Exposition.

Another communication was also transmitted from Mrs. W. R. Wagstaff,of the Ladies Department of the Exposition, giving a statement of work doneand still to be done; closing with a request for expense money to prosecutethe work.


Among the reports of committees were reports from the Committee on Waysand Means, unfavorably upon an appropriation bill for the New Orleans Exposition.Also unfavorable upon an appropriation bill for the State Reform School.Also unfavorable upon an appropriation for the Live Stock Sanitary Commission.


Mr. Anthony called up his resolution relating to blanks for census officersfor the purpose of enrolling the soldier citizens of Kansas; and explainedits purport and purpose. It is intended to provide for a complete recordof the military record of every soldier in the State, giving his regiment,etc., not for use by the Adjutant General alone, but for popular information.Mr. J. B. Cook favored the measure, stating that it does not conflict withthe pending bill upon the same subject. Mr. Speaker ruled that the formof the resolution being in the nature of a law must be treated as a bill.It was therefore placed on the calendar for second reading. Upon Mr. McNall'smotion it was then referred to the committee of the whole, to be consideredwith the census bills. Mr. McNall's further motion to make the census billsa special order for Friday evening at 7:30 prevailed.


Mr. Bolinger's H. C. R. No. 15, asking an investigation into the desirabilityof continuing the Sanitary Commission, was considered. Mr. Burton favoredthe special committee proposed. Although he thought the special sessionof the Legislature did some good, it is now apparent that the Commissionis becoming too expensive. The resolution was adopted.

A discussion followed on Anthony's resolution to fix the punishment forcrime definitely by law and leave nothing to the discretion of the court.

Mr. F. J. Kelley's H. B. 17, read the third time, subject to the amendmentand debate. Mr. Kelley explained that the present law allows commissionersof counties having less than 25,000 population, $3 per day, with a maximumlimit of $100 a year; while in more populous counties, they were given setsalaries of $300. This bill is intended to grade the compensation of commissionersupon the basis of per diem pay, with maximum limits according to population,from $150 to $300; the first figure in counties having less than ten thousand,$200 in counties ranging from ten thousand to seventeen thousand five hundred,and $300 in counties having more than 17,500 and less than 25,000. The billpassed.

No. 90, 104, 142, 29, 31, 52, and 30 passed. The last named is a billmaking seduction under promise of marriage a penitentiary offense. The otherswere of only minor or local importance.

A spirited discussion followed on McNall's bill to give a year's redemptionafter sale for land sold in foreclosure of mortgages.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Quite a discussion followed the motion of Senator Humphrey to postponethe special order (the Constitutional Convention) till Thursday eveningat 7 o'clock, to which an amendment was offered to postpone till Monday.Senator Redden was very earnestly in opposition to any postponement, andhe therefore demanded the yeas and nays.

The motion to postpone till Monday night was taken and resulted--ayes26, nays, 13. It was then made the special order for Thursday night at 7o'clock.

This concurrent resolution of thanks to the Managers of the New OrleansWorld's Exposition passed.

The House concurrent resolution relating to the Live Stock Sanitary Commissionpassed as follows.

WHEREAS, It is the National, as well as the State Government, to protectthe financial interests of the citizens; and

WHEREAS, It is claimed that the operation and effect of the Commissionof this State, known as the Live Stock Sanitary Commission, are not satisfactoryto a very large number of citizens of this State; therefore be it

Resolved, By the House of Representatives of the State of Kansas(the Senate concurring therein) that a committee of seven be appointed,four on the part of the House and three on the part of Senate, whose dutyit shall be to inquire as to the practical utility derived from said commission,and report at its earliest convenience, by bill or otherwise, as to thedesirability of continuing said commission.

A lengthy discussion occurred upon the House concurrent resolution infavor of granting a reasonable pension to all unpensioned soldiers honorablydischarged in the late war.

Senator Lowe offered an amendment to include all soldiers who had servedin any of the wars provided they had never been engaged in rebellion againstthe Union. Also upon the resolutions in favor of a pension to all soldierswho had been incarcerated in rebel prisons. Passed.


Bills were introduced from No. 226 to No. 255 to-wit: To legalize schoolbonds in Linn County; for the relief of Charles Rath; exempting certainproperty from execution, supplementary to section 3, chapter 18, laws of1868; prohibiting members of the Legislature from being appointed to officescreated by them; to appropriate money to Labette and Montgomery for moneysreceived by the State as taxes on land not subject to taxation; relatingto jurors, amending section 18, chapter 154, of the general Statutes of1868; to prohibit and punish railroad companies and employees for obstructingstreets; relating to fees of Sheriffs; to fix terms of District Courts inDouglas County.

The gambling act passed; also bill relating to rape; also in relationto third grade certificates of teachers.

Kellogg's bill to endow the State Normal School with twelve sectionsof salt springs was lengthily discussed in committee of the whole, as wasalso to amend the code of civil procedure.


Mr. Martin presented a petition from Blue Rapids, asking authority tovote bonds for road purposes. Mr. Bond, asked for municipal suffrage bywomen. (This is from Lincoln County.) Mr. Huckle, for creation of NineteenthJudicial District. Mr. Bond, for a law against irresponsible mutual lifeinsurance companies.


By Mr. Osborn, Authorizing Trego County to pay its bonds. Mr. Thompsonof Harper, Creating the office of Bank Commissioner. Mr. Bond, relatingto counties and county officers. Mr. Bollinger, to vacate a part of thePublic Square in Uniontown. Mr. McBride, to legalize assessments in PhillipsCounty. Mr. Edwards, concerning weights and measures. Mr. J. B. Cook, toestablish Soldiers Homes. Mr. Beattie, relating to strays. Mr. McCammon,relating to drainage. Mr. Lewis, appropriation for a road from the InsaneAsylum to the Osawatomie depot. Mr. Vance, appropriation for a report onthe Price Raid Claims. Also one for the relief of Robert A. Frederic.

Committees reported on many bills unfavorably and favorably on some ofminor or local importance. The pay of County Commissioners bill and somelocal bills passed.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Several standing committees reported back bills with recommendations.

The bill to regulate banking was discussed and left on the calendar.

The resolution instructing the judiciary committee to prepare a billproviding that in counties of less than 25,000, the county funds may bedeposited in a bank designated by the county commissioners, was referredto the committee on banks and banking.

Bills presented, to abolish the office of county auditor; making appropriationsto the agricultural society.

The Senate then went into committee of the whole on orders, Senator Greenin the chair.

The bill to appropriate 12 sections of "Salt Springs" lands,with other bills of like character, were ordered to be made the specialorder for next Tuesday, at 3 p.m.

Senate bill No. 46, an act to amend sections 88 and 89 of chapter 34of session laws of 1876, entitled "An Act to provide for the assessmentand collection of taxes," was recommended for passage.

Senate bill No. 119, an act for the protection of birds, and amendatoryof sections 2, 3, and 5, of chapter 115, session laws of 1883, was consideredin connection with Senate bills 33, 43, and 108, and passage recommended.

Senate bill No. 73, an act to provide for honorably discharged ex-Unionsoldiers, sailors or marines, who may hereafter die without leaving meanssufficient to defray funeral expenses, and to provide headstones to marktheir graves, was amended and passage recommended.

Senate bill No. 109, an act to amend section 18, article 11, of chapter122, of the laws of 1876, approved March 4, 1876, and to repeal chapter133, session laws of 1883, approved February 23, 1883, recommending thatit be placed on the third reading subject to amendment and debate.

Senate bill No. 94, an act to enable the County Commissioners of SheridanCounty to fund the county indebtedness, was amended by substitution of anew bill, and that the bill retain its place on the calendar.

Senate bill No. 12, an act regulating the fees and salaries of CountyTreasurer, County Clerk, County Attorney, Probate Judge, and County Auditorof Cherokee County. This bill occupied a large portion of the time of theSenate in debate upon the constitutionality as well as expediency of legislationof that class.


Mr. Edwards, Regulating terms of court in the Sixth Judicial District.This was read twice and referred. Mr. Wright, Permitting certain stock torun at large in a portion of Cherokee County. Mr. Ogden, To abolish capitalpunishment. Mr. Raymond, Legalizing certain roads in Wabaunsee County. Mr.Scammon, Relating to assessments of mineral lands; also, an act relatingto minority representation. Mr. Vance, Amending grand jury laws of 1868.Mr. Burton, Fixing time for holding terms of court in Eighth Judicial District.


Hygiene and Public Health. On petitions for law regulating pharmacy,with the information that a bill on this subject has been introduced bythis committee. Also, an act to create a Board of Health, unfavorably. Also,favorably upon bill to regulate industry.

Political Rights of Women. On bill to give municipal suffrage to women,favorably. Also a minority report, unfavorable.

Insurance. On bill to incorporate Mutual Live Stock Insurance companies,favorably.

Ways and Means. An appropriation for the Leavenworth Soldiers' Home,that it go to the committee of the whole House.


S. C. R., giving the thanks of the Legislature to the management of theNew Orleans Exposition for its invitation to attend the Exposition, wasconcurred in.

A considerable discussion on butterine and oleomargarine matters.

Mr. Slavens presented a bill to provide for the codification and revisionof the laws of Kansas.

Bryant's bill regulating the tolls of millers was discussed in committeeof the whole and approved.

Carroll's proposition to strike out the prohibitory amendment made thespecial order for next Tuesday.

The bill making it the duty of District clerks to cancel mortgages onthe record when satisfied by judgment of the court was approved.

The bill to allow 2 percent tax for teachers wages was approved.

Several minor bills were rejected, some others were approved.

The Senate went into executive session for the consideration of appointmentsby the Governor. The following appointments were read and confirmed.

Trustees State Board of Charities, for the term ending April 1, 1886.

A. T. Sharpe, of Franklin County, and Philip Krohn, of Atchison County,to succeed August Bondi and George Rogers for the term ending April 1, 1887;Charles E. Faulkner, of Saline County, to succeed August Hohn and S. L.Gilbert for the term ending April 1, 1888. William S. Crump, of Cloud County,to succeed D. O. McAllister.

Regents State Agricultural College, for the term ending April 1, 1887.

Thomas Henshall, of Doniphan County and I. P. Moore, of Jackson County,to succeed H. C. Ketterman and F. D. Coburn, whose term expired by limitationof law; for the term ending April 1, 1888, Allen B. Lemmon of Harvey Countyand A. B. Forsythe of Montgomery County, to succeed Philip Krohn and C.E. Gifford.

Regents of the State University, for the term ending April 1, 1887.

George R. Peek, of Shawnee County and C. R. Mitchell of Cowley Countyto succeed George R. Peek and W. S. White for the term ending April 1, 188.Frank T. Fitzpatrick of Leavenworth County and Charles W. Smith of RooksCounty to succeed F. T. Fitzpatrick and S. S. Benedict. Mr. Benedict declineda reappointment for the term ending April 1, 1886. M. P. Simpson, of McPhersonCounty, to succeed James Humphrey, resigned.

State House Commissioners: J. B. Anderson, of Riley, and John Hammond,of Lyon County. One other member to be appointed.

Live Stock Sanitary Commissioners: To fill vacancy for term expiringMarch 25, 1885, John T. White, of Ottawa County.

The militia appointments are: Major General Thomas M. Carroll, of MiamiCounty; Brigadier Generals A. M. Fuller, of Shawnee, T. McCarthy, of Pawnee,and Adam Dixon, of Republic County, one other to be appointed; QuartermasterGeneral, with rank of Colonel, C. J. McDavitt, of Dickinson County; PaymasterGeneral, with rank of Colonel, Henry E. Insley, of Leavenworth County; AssistantAdjutant General, with rank of Major, W. H. Ford, of Crawford County; SurgeonGeneral, with rank of Colonel, J. B. Hibben, of Shawnee County; Aides-de-Camp,with rank of lieutenant-colonel, W. H. Caldwell, of Mitchell County, HarryJones, of Butler County, and L. N. B. Taylor, of Marshall County.

The Governor has declined to make any change in the penitentiary managementuntil after the close of the investigation of that institution by the jointcommittees of the Senate and House.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Reports were made by standing committee on a large number of bills.

The Lieutenant Governor appointed, on the part of the Senate, on theLive Stock Sanitary Committee, Senators Smith, Lingenfelter, and Marshall.


Bills were presented from No. 240 to 245, to-wit: Providing for negotiationof conditional sale notes and instruments in writing where the propertysold is to remain in the vendor; to punish fraud upon hotel keepers; definingthe liability of fire insurance companies; relating to cities of the firstand second classes, with reference to general and special improvements;to amend section 422 of chapter 80 of the general statutes of 1868.


Senate bill No. 135, an act to amend section 504 of article 24 of chapter80 of the General Statutes of 1868, entitled, "An act to establisha code of civil procedure."


Senator Jennings introduced the following resolution.

WHEREAS, There still remains of the Osage diminished reserve lands inthe State of Kansas small remnants of a character unit for agriculturalpurposes, and only fit for pasturage, and

WHEREAS, Said lands cannot be preempted by reason of the fact that theyare not of sufficient value to bring the price of $1.25 per acre in additionto the cost of making the improvements required by preemption laws of theUnited States, therefore

Be it resolved by the Senate of the State of Kansas, the House ofRepresentatives concurring therein, That our Senators and Representativesin Congress be respectfully requested to take such steps as may rapidlybring said unsold lands into market, to be sold to the highest bidder atless than fifty cents per acre.

Laid over under the rules.


From County Commissioners of Republic County, asking for an additionalterm of Court. From Seneca, asking for maximum rates on railroads. Anotherfrom Marshall County on same subject. From Sumner County, two petitionsfor the Nineteenth Judicial District. From Allen County, for a State Entomologist.Another from Allen County for regulation of dentistry. From Company H.,at Sterling, for an act for the benefit of the militia. Mr. Bond said thatit asks pay for services at Dodge City, when called out by Governor Glick.


Mr. Reeder. For additional term of court in Republic County.

Mr. Bolinger. Amending law relating to County Auditors.

Mr. Wilhelm. Authorizing Jefferson Township, in Jefferson County, toissue bonds to erect a township house.

Mr. Coulter. Reducing legal rates of interest.

Mr. Vance, from Temperance Committee. Regulations under the Prohibitoryamendment. Also two giving women the right to vote upon school matters incities of the first and second class.


Assessment and Taxation. On bill relating to the assessment of winterfed cattle, unfavorably.

Banks and Banking. An act creating the office of Bank Commissioner, thatit be referred to the Judiciary Committee.

Fees and Salaries. Relating to the office of assistant County Clerks,unfavorably.

Ways and Means. On idiotic asylum at Winfield, referring it to committeeof the whole.

Mr. Gillette's H. B. 59, relating to forfeited bail bonds, passed 75to 12.

Mr. Bryant's H. B. 12, relating to mills and mill tolls, failed to geta constitutional majority.

Mr. McBride's H. B. 2, providing for satisfaction of the record of mortgagescanceled by judgment of District Court. Passed without opposition.

Mr. Benning's H. B. 20, to fix the weights of certain oils. Passed.

Mr. Randall's H. B. 24, relating to common schools. Passed.

Mr. Osborn's H. B. 6, attaching St. John County to Trego for judicialpurpose. Passed without opposition.

Mr. McNeal's H. B. 8, relating to lines and boundaries of lots in theoriginal town site of Medicine Lodge. Passed unanimously.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Petitions were presented from the citizens of Clay County, 62 from JohnsonCounty, 348 from Sumner County, and 35 from Shawnee County, in favor ofan act providing for a State Entomologist.

Senator Smith, from the Committee of State Affairs, stated that committeehad prepared such a bill, which he presented.

Senator Redden presented petitions from 10,000 persons, representingthirty counties, in favor of instruction in physiology and hygiene in freeschools.

A large number of bills were reported back by several standing committees,among them House bill No. 80, which makes a certificate of graduation inthe Law Department of the State University full authority to practice inthe courts of this State, with the recommendation by the Judiciary Committeefor its indefinite postponement.

Senate bill No. 4, to provide for assistants to the Supreme Court wasindefinitely postponed, in accordance with recommendation of the Judiciarycommittee.

The concurrent resolution offered by Senator Jennings, yesterday, inregard to refuse Osage lands; and by consent, on the motion of Senator Allen,the resolution was amended to include Osage ceded lands, and passed.


Bills were presented from No. 218 to No. 257, to-wit: Relating to Townshipelections; to authorize regents of State Agricultural College to purchaselands for experimental purposes; to establish the office of State Entomologist;to authorize Douglass County Commissioners to appropriate money to buildbridges; to vest title of block in the city of McPherson in the Board ofEducation; to provide for the assessment and collection of taxes; relatingto the same purpose; relating to the subject of common schools and fixingduties of Superintendents; relating to recording instruments; relating tobridges in Cherokee County.

Senate bill No. 59, an act authorizing the appointment of stenographersfor District Courts, was passed.

On motion of Senator Smith, Senate bill No. 140, an act supplementalto an act entitled "An act concerning railroads and other common carriers,"approved March 6, 1883, was made the special order for Wednesday next at2 p.m.

The Senate adjourned till Monday at 4 o'clock p.m.


Petition from Edwards County protesting against changing the boundarylines of that county. From Cherokee County, for a temporary removal of thecounty seat from Columbus to Baxter Springs. From Clay County, for restrictionof life insurance to responsible management. From ladies of Parkerville,asking for municipal suffrage. From Sumner County, for Nineteenth Judicialdistrict.

Mr. Faulkner asked consent to move a reconsideration of the vote by whichH. B. 12 was lost. Granted. The motion to reconsider prevailed. This isMr. Bryant's bill relating to mill tolls.


Mr. Carroll. To remove political disabilities of certain persons.

Mr. Benning. Relating to evidence of indebtedness of cities of the first-class.Also one to amend charters of cities of the first class.

Mr. Bryant, by request. For the benefit of Anna Ritchie.

Mr. Beates. Amending act to incorporate cities of the second class.

Mr. Bond. Relating to mutual life insurance companies.

Mr. Hardesty. Relating to stock.

Mr. Vickery, by request. Relating to insurance.

Mr. McBride. Authorizing Solomon township, of Phillips County, to issuebonds to bridge the Solomon river.

Mr. Caldwell. Appropriation for the higher education of the blind.


Insurance. On township mutual fire insurance companies, favorably.

Judicial Appointment. On bill relating to certain actions pending inthe District Court of Shawnee County, favorably. Also, favorably on changein terms of court in the Eighth District. Also, a favorable report on SuperiorCourt for Sedgwick County. Also, favorably on bill for Twentieth District,in the Northwest, with amendments.

Public Buildings and Grounds. On bill to vacate a part of the publicsquare in Uniontown, favorably.

Roads and Highways. To designate a member of the County Board as roadviewer, favorably. Also, on bill to authorize a levy and appropriation ofmoney for bridges in Franklin County, favorably.

Ways and Means. On the appropriation for the Idiotic Asylum, and foradditional buildings, reporting a substitute. Also, on the bill for a boilerat the Blind Asylum, favorably.

Mr. Butterfield moved that H. B. 367, from the Temperance Committee,be substituted on the calendar for his H. B. 140. It was so ordered.


Mr. Slaven's resolution instructing the Committee on Judicial Apportionmentto draft a bill to redistrict the State, was considered. He gave facts whichconvinced him of the propriety of this action. Mr. Benning favored the resolution.Mr. McBride opposed, and so did Mr. Butterfield. They were not ready toreverse the policy of the House as declared in voting down a similar resolutiona few days ago. It is too late now to do the work of redistricting. Mr.Osborn took like views. Mr. Kelso had letters from all over this State pressingsuch action. Mr. Roberts knew his district wanted a new apportionment. Mr.Wellep mentioned Judge Chandler's and Judge French's districts as beingnow too small. The resolution was adopted.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Senator Humphrey, President pro tem in the Chair. Prayer byRev. P. Price.

Senator Redden presented a large number of petitions in favor of Housebill No. 5, requiring instruction in physiology and hygiene in common schools.

Senator Buchan, in behalf of the Senator from Franklin County, presenteda petition of 142 persons in favor of a State Entomologist.

A considerable number of reports were made by the standing committees.

Senator Barker, Chairman of the Committee on Temperance, reported backSenate joint resolutions Nos. 1 and 3, on resubmission, recommending theirindefinite postponement by a majority report.

A minority of the same committee made report recommending passage.

An extended discussion was had on the joint resolution to inquire intothe term of existence of certain railroads chartered by territorial legislaturesand their rights under such charters. The resolution was placed upon thecalendar.

Another long discussion followed on the joint resolution for a constitutionalconvention.

A resolution denouncing Frank Bacon for honoring Jeff Davis passed.

Several petitions were presented in relation to changes in county linesin Western counties.

The vote by which House bill No. 4, to provide temporary assistance tothe Supreme Court, on motion of Senator Congdon, was reconsidered and laidover.

The appropriation bills for State institutions, on motion of SenatorBuchan, were placed at the head of the calendar.

Senator Barker's resolution asking the Railroad Commissioners for informationas to the number of complaints, etc., was passed.


Mr. Wellep, for temporary removal of the county seat from Chambers toBaxter Springs. Mr. Stewart, asking a revision of the militia laws. Mr.Loofbourrow, for regulating dentistry. Mr. Finch, for payment of raid claims.From Sumner County, two for a Nineteenth Judicial District.


Mr. Reeves, amending law relating to personal property taxes. Mr. Coulter,relating to stock. Mr. Butin, removing political disabilities. Mr. Vance,amending the civil code. Mr. Clogston, from Judiciary Committee, authorizingDistrict Judges to interchange and hold courts for each other. Mr. Gillette,amending law concerning railroads. This is H. B. 301.


An offer was read addressed to the Legislature by the CommonwealthCompany offering to publish laws in the Daily Commonwealth.

Mr. Anthony offered H. C. R. 17, accepting this proposition. Laid overunder the rules.


On motion of Mr. A. W. Smith, the House resolved itself into committeeof the whole for the consideration of local bills on the calendar. Mr. F.J. Kelley was called to the Chair.

Passage was recommended of Nos. 232, 58, 87, 164, 238, 46, 309, 169,312, 292, 255, 162, 294, 272, 93, 21, 149, 291, 318, 123, 203, 145, 151,280, 54, 15, 266, and S. B. 10, all local bills of no general importance.

Wellep's bill to change the name of Butler County to Lockwood was broughtup on motion of its author to dismiss the bill which elicited an amusingdiscussion.

Passage recommended of H. C. R. denouncing Frank Bacon.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

A large number of petitions in favor of State Entomologist.

A petition, largely signed, for Nineteenth Judicial District, comprisingthe counties of Sumner, Harper, and Comanche.

Senator John Kelly presented a petition numerously signed in relationto new counties to accompany Senate bill No. 197, with recommendation thatit pass.

Senator Hewins, Chairman of Commission Counties and County Lines, madea report recommending that Senate bill No. 153, "An act creating thecounties of Clark, Mead, Seward, Stevens, and Kansas, and defining the boundariesthereof," be indefinitely postponed, which was agreed to. They furtherrecommend that Senate bill No. 197, "An act to restore or recreatethe counties of Mead, Clark, and Kiowa, and defining the boundaries of Seward,Finney, Ford, Hodgeman, Edwards, and Comanche," be passed, which wasadopted.

Several other standing committees made reports.

Senator Barker, from a majority of the Committee on Temperance, reportedback Senator Allen's bill to establish a metropolitan police force in citiesof the first class, with the recommendation that it pass, also that it beplaced at the head of the calendar.

Senator Lowe and Sheldon made a minority report.

On the motion to adopt the majority report and place the bill at thehead of the calendar, Senator Sheldon demanded the ayes and nays, whichresulted: Ayes, 16; Nays, 12.

Ayes: Messrs. Allen, Baker, Blue, Buchan, Case, Congdon, Donnell, Edmonds,Granger, Green, Harkness, Hick, Humphrey, Jennings, H. B. Kelly, John Kelly,Kellogg, Kohler, Pickler, Redden, Ritter, Shean, Smith, Wasson, White, Whitford--26.

Nays: Messrs. Bawden, Crane, Harwi, Hewins, M. Kelly, B. Kimball, Lingenfelter,Lowe, Marshall, Miller, Sheldon, Young--12.

Senator Smith's resolution instructing the Attorney General to make inquiryin regard to the rights of railroads operating under Territorial legislation,etc., was taken up.

Senator Buchan moved to amend to exclude from the investigation the UnionPacific Railroad Company, and explained that that motion was made becausethe rights of that company were now pending in the courts and it would beunjust to the law officers to make the inquiry.

The amendment was adopted and the resolution of Senator Smith, thus amended,passed.

On motion of Senator Kellogg, Senate went into Committee of the Wholeon special orders, Senate bill No. 77, an act to further endow the StateNormal School. Passage recommended.


H. B. No. 104 was substituted for S. B. No. 64, to legalize acts of CountyCommissioners in Linn County, and thus amended, passed.

S. B. No. 92, an act for the better protection of the University andNormal School funds of the State of Kansas, passed.

S. B. 15, an act providing for the condemnation of sites for county buildings,passed.

S. B. No. 118, an act to authorize Larned township and Pleasant Valleytownship, in Pawnee County, Kansas, to appropriate townships' money forpublic highway purposes. Passed.

S. B. No. 67, an act providing for the disposition of surplus taxes inthe hands of county treasurers. Passed.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Mr. Wellep, for the temporary removal of the county seat from Columbusto Baxter Springs. Mr. Cummings, asking legislation relative to highway.


Mr. Lower, relating to a bridge in Morris County. Mr. Benning, amendingthe criminal code. Also to change the boundaries of the Second, Twelfth,and Fifteenth Judicial Districts. Mr. McTaggart, relating to bridges inCherokee township, of Montgomery County. This was read twice and referred.


Charitable Institutions. Mad report of visit to the various State institutions.Had visited the various charitable institutions of the State. At the OsawatomieInsane Asylum they found the general condition very satisfactory. Thereis some sickness there, chargeable to want of ventilation in the old buildings.Drainage requires an appropriation. Of the Insane Asylum at Topeka the committeeare pleased to say that everything said complimentary of the OsawatomieAsylum applies here. The Idiotic Asylum at Lawrence needs the new buildingcalled for. The management is worth of all confidence. There is of latea sufficient water supply, which has heretofore been limited. We recommendhe continuance of this institution at Lawrence. We concur in the propositionfor a higher education of the blind. The Wyandotte Blind Asylum is opento criticism in its management. The State Reform School at Topeka manifeststhe best of management. All the appropriations asked for are needed. Werecommend that a quorum of the Board of Trustees of the Charitable Institutionsbe required to visit all of them at least once each month.

The Special Joint Committee to investigate the work of the State Boardof Equalization of Taxes, made report. The complaints made in connectionwith the work of this Board arises mostly from the provision of law prohibitingthem from changing the aggregate amount of any assessment. This should beremedied by legislation. Yet no bill is reported for lack of time to digestthe subject.

Railroad bill No. 148 and Senate Resolution asking for sale of remainingOsage lands at such rates as they will bring, were discussed at length,after which 12 local bills passed.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Annual Clearance Sale.
A clean sweep all along the line of Clothing, Boots, etc.
Men's Good Warm Overcoats: $1.75
Boys' Good Warm Overcoats: $1.25

Other Goods in proportion. These goods and prices only need to be seento be appreciated.

J. S. MANN, The Leading Clothier.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

First-class teams and carriages furnished on short notice andreasonable terms.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Will put you up Combination Wire and Picket Woven Wire or anyother kind of

you want. Give us a call. North Main street, Winfield, Kansas.

FRANK H. GREER, Local Editor.
[Note: Am skipping all of the Market Reports Given Weekly.]
An Important Meeting.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

A number of Winfield businessmen have united in a call for a meetingat the Court House tonight (Thursday) to form a permanent organization throughwhich plans may be formulated for the material advancement of Winfield andCowley County--plans to stimulate immigration, manufactories, public improvements,etc. It is unnecessary to even suggest the importance of such an organization;all can readily see it. Let everybody turn out and unite in efforts to pushour city and county onward and upward.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Says the Wellington Press: "The itch has broken out amongthe scholars of the Winfield schools. It is believed that the children caughtthe contagion from their fathers, who itch for an appointment under Cleveland."

Yes, brothers, it is "orful"--but just as bad in your own town,if you only open your eyes. It is purely a Democratic disease, comes onlyonce in twenty years, and its disastrous, deathly sweep can hardly be computedat this early stage for the terrible epidemic. The whole Democratic partyis infested, and ere long sackcloth and ashes will be at a high premium.Winfield will certainly have a number of deaths among her hundred or moreafflicted. Republicans are all vaccinated.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

The presence in the city of Italian musicians last Monday imbued thecity's many lovers of the fascinating waltz and quadrille, and a "hop"was arranged for that evening in McDougal's hall that proved by far themost enjoyable party of the season. Our dancers were out in full force,and a jollier, more comely or more refined company, we will challenge anycity of Winfield's "calibre" to produce on a few hours' notice.The "light fantastic" had full vent under the charming Italianmusic.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Program of the evening session of the Cowley County Teachers Associationto be held at New Salem, February 20th, 1885: Music. Addressof welcome, Rev. Irwin; response. R. B. Moore; music. Paper, relation ofteacher and pupil, Fannie Stretch; talk, Prof. A. Gridley; music. Recitation,Jessie Stretch. Paper, W. C. Barnes; Exercise by New Salem school; roll-callof teachers with five minute responses.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

P. H. Albright & Co., within the past sixty days, have invested nearly$12,000 of a fund of $50,000 willed to a church at Hartford, Connecticut,the interest to go towards supporting preaching, singing, etc. The musicof this church alone costing $4,500 the past year. What would one of ourWinfield churches think of a windfall of $50,000?

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Mr. S. B. Hynes, general freight and passenger agent of the SouthernKansas, who championed the distribution of five thousand of Curns &Manser's Real Estate Bulletin, says it is the most instructivepaper that has ever reached passengers over that line, and will be of incalculablebenefit to Cowley.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Mechanics predict one of the busiest seasons for years in the buildingline, and already many are getting orders filled for material for springwork. With an improvement in money matters, we look for a general revivalof business when the weather becomes settled.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Parties who are contemplating borrowing money upon farm security willdo well to consult Jarvis, Conklin & Co. for rates and conditions. Theygive the best conditions and the best rates, and transact business promptly.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

The jury in the case of C. W. Gregory vs. The County Commissioners facedthe blasts and endured the jolts of the roughest roads Cowley ever saw,yesterday, and went to Silver Creek to inspect a certain county road.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Jarvis, Conklin & Co., at the old stand south of A. T. Spotswood's,loan the cheapest money in the state of Kansas. Their rates cannot be met.Do not fail to call and see them if you want a loan on farm property.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

The machinery for the Kellogg Roller Mill will arrive in a few days andthe mill begin to grind in April. The building is a grand structure andwill be "opened" Friday evening with a grand festival.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

The Southern Kansas has added a number of new routes to its list of tickets.Call and see us before purchasing. Sleeping car berths, etc., reserved byapplying to O. Branham, Agt.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Otter township takes the cake on the baby question. Mr. and Mrs. HenryRigna are tip-toeing it over the advent of twin girls, weighing nine andeleven pounds.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

The Ninnescah bridge over the Arkansas went down under an ice gorge Saturday,compelling Wellington trains on the Santa Fe to reach that place via Winfield.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

The beautiful mud of last week gave our grain buyers a good time sittingaround whittling their fingernails. Scarcely any grain came in.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

There will be a "roll call" of the membership of the Baptistchurch on next Sabbath morning. All are most cordially invited to be present.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

A series of very interesting meetings are in progress at the Methodistchurch. Some fifteen or twenty have made confession this week.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

School district No. 13 wants a good teacher for a four months school.Address A. A. Jackson, director, Seeley, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

The meetings now in progress at the Baptist church are increasing ininterest, and much good is being done.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Don't you know that Bliss & Wood are exchanging all grades of theirflour for wheat on reasonable terms?

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

The W. S. A. will meet on the 17th instant at the residenceof Mrs. Mary S. Gates, at 3 o'clock p.m.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

We wish to call the attention of our citizens to this association, whichis exerting a quiet but potent influence for good and which has for thePresident and Secretary two of the most well known and public spirited citizensof the county: J. F. Martin and Jacob Nixon. A few enthusiastic farmersand horticulturists organized the Cowley County Horticulture Society, andthey, with the assistance of some new members, have steadily worked awayunder many discouragements, circulating valuable information as to the differentvarieties of fruit and modes of culture adapted to this climate; warningthe people against being hum-bugged by irresponsible "tree peddlers";and in many ways contributing to the success of fruit growing; until nowCowley County stands in the front ranks for fruit raising and the productsof her orchards and vineyards were sought for to add to the beauty and varietyof the state exhibit at the New Orleans Exposition. While much has beenaccomplished, yet fruit growing here is comparatively in its infancy, asis shown by the fact that many thousands of dollars worth of apples andother canned and dried fruits are annually shipped into this county. Thereare new dangers which our fruit growers must face; such as the codling mothand other insects, which have done destructive work in older eastern counties,and are already appearing in our own. These can only be successfully foughtby organized and united efforts, and the owner of a town lot with a dozenfruit trees is, or should be, interested in this organization as well asthe growers of fruit for market. The Horticultural Society desires to extendits work to meet the increased importance of the fruit interests of thecounty. It has the opportunity to obtain valuable collections of insectsmade by our own citizens, for which it should furnish proper cases, andemploy an expert to classify. It also desires to make the beginning of ahorticultural library which may be added to from time to time, and to whichits members may have free access. These and other important things for thepublic good, it desires to do; but to do them will require funds, and inraising these it asks the cooperation of the citizens of the county, notby donations but by simply joining the society and paying the very moderateannual membership fee of one dollar. If a hundred new members could be obtained--andthis would be but a small proportion of those who should join--the fundso raised would enable the society to do much of the work it desires todo, and be of incalculable benefit to the fruit interests of the county.We do not believe that there is a landholder, from the one who has a lotwith a few fruit trees to the large fruit grower with twenty or more acresin orchard but will receive much more than a dollar's worth of benefit froma year's membership in this society besides having the satisfaction of contributinghis share towards a work of such great importance to the present and futurepopulation of the county. The society at its last meeting appointed oneof its members, Mr. F. A. A. Williams, to make a special effort to increasethe interest in, and membership of the society, and those desiring to jointhe association or obtain information about it can do so by conferring withor addressing him, at Winfield.

(County papers please copy.)

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

The city "Dads" met in adjourned session Monday evening last,Mayor and all Councilmen present.

The bill of Winfield Gas Company, $853.15 for lamp post rental to January15, 1885, was ordered paid with a deduction of $345.10, for lights not furnishedas per contract. Regarding this deduction, the City Attorney was instructedto agree upon a case with the Gas Company, if after investigation he seesno objectionable features, and submit the matter to this term of the districtcourt for determination. Written opinions of City Attorney O'Hare and J.Wade McDonald, setting forth that the city was not liable to the Gas Companyfor lights furnished on moonlight nights--for which the above deductionwas made--were filed. The Council reconsidered its action in ordering thesidewalk on north side of block 129 widened, and the petition was rejectedfor the reason that it was insufficient in form.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

We present elsewhere two letters on silk culture, one from Mrs. M. E.Williams, of Douglas, who accompanied her letter with white and yellow cocoonsand a skein of silk in the unwound, natural state. The skein is of goldenyellow and very attractive. The other letter is from L. Horner, of Emporia,a member of the Russian Mennonite Colony of Harvey, McPherson, and Renocounties, who are making a success of this industry. Mr. Horner visitedWinfield last week and succeeded in attracting the interest of a numberto the feasibility of silk culture in this climate. Mrs. Elder Thomas, ofEast Winfield, is now engaged quite successfully in this industry, and othersare touching it experimentally.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Appeal of C. W. Gregory from County Commissioners. By order of court:a jury was empaneled; case unfinished.

R. R. Conklin vs. James Galliher. On motion of plaintiff, case was dismissedwithout prejudice at plaintiff's cost.

Cahn, Wamfold & Co. vs. Sheldon Speers. Judgment by default for $683.12with interest at 7 percent and the costs of suit.

Sugg & Berdsdorf vs. J. H. Punshon. On motion of plaintiff, casedismissed with prejudice.

Mary S. Seaman vs. Samuel H. Seaman. Divorce decreed the plaintiff.

H. H. Siverd vs. County Commissioners. Trial by court. Judgment for plaintiffin the sum of $40.85.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Winfield has a new manufactory in the Winfield Bottling Works, whichopened up in the block north of the Brettun on Wednesday of last week. Itis owned and conducted by Messrs. J. M. Barnthouse and C. Dufey, from Columbus,Ohio. They have machinery for manufacturing all kinds of light drinks--sarsaparilla,ginger ale, pop of all kinds, etc., and have capacity for two hundred dozenbottles daily. They are having an elegant wagon constructed at the WinfieldCarriage Works for local and county deliveries, and are starting in a waythat means business. Their experience in this line is extensive, and theirfacilities and territory insure success.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

The lecture of Hon. Geo. R. Wendling at the Opera House Tuesday eveningwas grandly eloquent and profound. The advertised theme, "Personalityof Satan," was changed owing to its being the latter one of a courseof lectures, beginning with "Beyond the grave, or shall we live again?"which he delivered on this occasion. Though not so abounding with pleasantreliefs as Col. Copeland, his logic, manner of deliver, etc., are unsurpassable.It was an excellent opening of the course of lectures the Ladies' LibraryAssociation promise us.

Grand Clearance Sale.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

I will sell my entire stock of winter Boots and Shoes beginning February2d, 1885, at actual cost in order to reduce stock and make room for a largestock of spring goods.

J. W. Prather.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

The flue of Jap Cochran's home sprung a leak Sunday. The fire bell rang,the hose companies and about two hundred citizens got on the ground, whenthe excitement was spoiled with a few innocent pails of water, lucky forJap. No fire would stand a ghost of a show in competing with our ever-alertfireman.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

The Udall Sentinel warns its readers to give a cold shoulderto certain frauds claiming to be traveling for the North American LightningRod Company, and especially warns against allowing them to put up lightningrods free.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Burden took down her Blaine and Logan pole, the tallest one in Kansas,last week, and in its indignation it fell on and splintered a fine awning.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

The Cheyenne Reporter says the oldest Indian in the Territoryis said to be one belonging to the Ottawa tribe, whose age is 118.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

There have been fourteen additions to the Baptist church of this placesince the settlement of Rev. Reider as pastor.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

The congregations at the Baptist church last Sabbath morning and eveningwere very large.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

The secret orders of the Terminus talk of erecting a building in unisonfor Lodge purposes.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

The World's Fair threatens to depopulate Winfield.

Her Chronicle of The Comings, Goings and Doings of Personsat Home and Abroad.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Miss Lena Walrath spent last week with Wellington friends.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Lou Zenor took his course westward Tuesday on business in Kingman

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Mr. W. W. Andrews left Monday for an extended sojourn in California.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Billy Dawson and C. Cohen are doing Medicine Lodge this week, on "biz."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

H. F. Hicks, "which is p.m.," of Cambridge, was in the capitalyesterday.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Miss Gussie Marx, of Wichita, is visiting her friend, Miss Hulda Goldsmith.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Col. H. C. Loomis and Mr. A. J. Thompson are off for three weeks at theCrescent City.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Wm. Rothwell and Elizabeth Stewart are the only matrimonial victims forthe past week.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Dr. W. R. Kirkwood assisted Rev. S. B. Fleming in revival services atArkansas City last week.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Curns departed last Friday for the World's Fair, fortwo weeks' sight-seeing.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

M. J. O'Meara and Henry Noble left for Medicine Lodge Sunday to visita few days with O. C. Ewart.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Hon. C. R. Mitchell, of Geuda, has been appointed one of the Regentsof the State University, at Lawrence.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Miss Pearl Van Doren will entertain the Young People's Social and LiterarySociety on Friday evening next.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

P. H. Albright has commenced the erection of a neat residence for himselfand mother, in the Courier Place.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Fred Barron got in from Ashland Tuesday, having left his "foundation"on one hundred and sixty acres of Uncle Sam's domain.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Miss Mary Majors came in from Pierce City, Mo., last week for a visitwith her sisters, Mrs. Geo. Rembaugh and Mrs. James Vance.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Mrs. M. J. Green, a sister of Mrs. J. H. Finch, with her son Frank, camedown from Junction City last week, owing to Mr. Finch's illness.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Annie Briggs, Wash Bercaw, Isaac Frier, and Wm. Hall were released fromthe county bastille by the County Commissioners yesterday.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

J. A. Lord, of the "Louie Lord Comedy Company," died at Socorro,N. M., a short time ago. Louie is now free to hook on to her Wellingtonmash.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Frank Leland, in his double-forward-backward-or-any-other action, puss*character was voted the cake as the best looking masker at the masqueradeparty.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

S. W. Chase, of Tisdale township, sold a carload of fine twelve hundredlb. two-year-old cattle to Geo. W. Miller yesterday as has ever appearedon our streets. He got $4.12½ per cwt.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Rev. D. W. Sanders, of Columbia City, one of Indiana's best preachers,is visiting Rev. J. H. Reider's family this week. There is some prospectof him taking charge of the Baptist church at Wellington.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Misses Anna Meigs and Florence Grosscup and Mrs. Lizzie Benedict, andMessrs. Ivan Robinson, L. Howard, and Frank Grosscup were among the ArkansasCity folks who attended the masquerade.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Dr. A. S. Capper has traded his property in this city for land in Ninnescahtownship, and will likely move to his farm near Seeley in the spring. TheDoctor now has three farms in Ninnescah.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Mrs. J. F. McMullen and daughter, Miss Gertrude, returned last week fromtheir winter's sojourn in the East. Miss Gertrude is a great favorite amongour young folks and her return is hailed with pleasure.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

The office of constable sought Spence Miner during his absence from Ashland,and overwhelmingly "sot" down on him. Spence got about every votein the township and is prepared to bear the honor gracefully.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

John C. Long is elated. At the prize drawing of M. Hahn & Co., hedrew an elegant set of miniature household furniture. Now he has use forthem. A little girl weighing 8½ pounds made her appearance at hishome Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Mr. I. N. Cantrell delivered a load of wheat last week to the WinfieldRoller Mills that was drawn by six slapping big horses--a novel sight forsunny Cowley. The roads were heavier last week than ever known before inthese parts.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Mr. Geo. T. Walton, editor of the Burden Enterprise and oneof Cowley's most genial and substantial pioneers, dropped into the COURIERden last Saturday. The Enterprise is a very readable paper underMr. Walton's management.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Miss Julia Deming, of Carthage, Mo., and Mr. and Mrs. Smyth and Mr. RubeIsrael, of Wichita, spent several days of this week with Mr. and Mrs. RayOliver. Miss Deming will be remembered as one of Winfield's school missesof an early day.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Mrs. C. Strong and daughter, Miss Emma, returned Thursday last from theirvisit to the Crescent City. They found everything at the World's Fair completeand grandly entertaining. Their expectations were high and fully realized.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Constable H. H. Siverd "took in" Jas. Cantrall, charged withconducting a secret liquor and gambling den over Best's music store, yesterday.He was placed under bond of $500 to appear before Justice Snow for a preliminaryhearing on the 20th inst. The bond was given.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Hon. J. Wade McDonald, attorney of the Oklahoma boomers, went to WichitaMonday to defend W. L. Couch and his associate boomers, whose preliminaryhearing on the charge of resisting Uncle Sam's army occurred there on Tuesdaybefore U. S. Commissioner Shearman.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Jake Goldsmith left Tuesday for Medicine Lodge, to spend a few weekswith Julius, and be present at the ball and banquet of the 15th,in celebration of the opening of the "Southwestern," said to bethe finest hotel in the southwest, and whose landlords will be Frank Lockwood,John Crenshaw, and Ben Phillips, well known in Winfield.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Arthur Bangs went over to Wellington Monday to "spot" opposition.Arthur has been holding the field all to himself there in the "busline," but some other fellow opened up this week, and Arthur is concoctinga scheme to "do him up"--probably free 'buses for awhile. It'sa cold day when Arthur can't make opposition hunt a hole.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Messrs. W. C. Robinson and Grant Stafford left yesterday for the World'sFair. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Read, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Robinson, and Mayor andMrs. Emerson also leave today for the Crescent City, joining the first namedpersons at Kansas City. This will make a delightful party and their Southernvacation will certainly prove most enjoyable.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Charles Forgey now wears the belt undisputed as Winfield's champion skateron wheels. His competitive exhibition of fancy skating at the rink lastSaturday evening with Merna Pitts, resulted in victory for the former, thoughthe skillful performances of both almost nonplused the judges and made adecision difficult. Many of Winfield's young people are becoming adeptsin the roller gliding art.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

A. H. Doane is again happy; he has filled the vacuum in his menageriesof living wonders with a pet monkey: a regular little "tar-flat daisy."Only a few short months ago A. H. traded his remaining pet monkeys for aparrot, but that usually talkative bird has persistently refused to saya word. It's only stock in store is a faint whistle. But the monkey willmake things interesting. The boys at the Brettun miss something.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

As the following, from the Wellington Standard, is Democraticauthority, it will have to be taken with some grains of allowance. "Ed.P. Greer, of the COURIER family, is making a record that Winfield and CowleyCounty may well feel proud of. We have taken considerable interest in watchingto see what our young friend would do for himself in the role of legislatorand while we expected a good report, must express our surprise and satisfactionat the success he is making. In a majority of our prominent daily exchanges,'Mr. Greer' is often to be seen and the name always appears in a creditableway."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

"Does farming pay here?" is a question that is asked in almostevery letter of inquiry that reaches us regarding this county." remarksthe A. C. Democrat. "It was a question that every new settlerin the county asked himself anxiously when he came here years ago. But thereis but one answer that can be given now. It DOES pay. Hundreds of men whocame to Cowley County eight or ten years ago are today independently wealthy.Why, a man can hardly remain poor if he tries, when his land produces forhim such crops as those of Cowley County. One man can hardly plant and cultivateone hundred acres of wheat and fifty acres of corn. That would give him,according to last year's average, 2,000 bushels of wheat and 2,500 bushelsof corn. Wheat is worth sixty-five cents and corn thirty-five cents perbushel. This would make the total crop worth $2,175. Yes, farming will payin Cowley County."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

For the best Bread and Buns, go to the Winfield Bakery.

Another of Winfield's Charming Social Events.
The Participants and Characters Represented.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

The annual masquerade party of the Winfield Social Club has been thecrowning social event of every winter for years past, and the one at theOpera House last Thursday evening was all that past successors could havespoken for it--in fact, many pronounce it superior to preceding ones inselectness and refinement of conduct. It was free from the promiscuous crowdand jam that usually characterize such gatherings, there being just maskersenough to fill the floor nicely and make dancing most enjoyable. The charactersrepresented were varied and unique, elicited much admiration from the largenumber of spectators, and we regret our lack of space to mention each indetail. Following are the names of the maskers and the characters represented.

Ladies: Miss Nellie Cole, Cerus; Miss Mattie Harrison, Milk Maid; MissIowa Roberts, Water Nymph; Miss A. Marks, Wichita, Fancy Costume; Miss LeotaGary, Flower Girl; Mrs. J. L. Horning, Ghost; Miss Nina Anderson, FancyCostume; Misses Emma and Mattie Emerson, Fancy Costumes; Miss Anna Hyde,Spanish Lady; Miss Sarah Kelly, Fancy Costume; Miss Carrie Anderson, FancyCostume; Mrs. Ed. Cole, Folly; Mrs. Lovell Webb, Cards; Mrs. D. Rodocker,Daily News; Mrs. George Dresser, Sailor Girl; Miss Mattie Kinne,Frost; Miss Jennie Snow, Cotton Girl; Miss Hulda Goldsmith, Flower Girl;Miss Jennie Lowry, Butterfly; Miss Hattie Stolp, Fancy Costume; Miss IdaJohnston, Music; Miss Lou Clarke, Fancy Costume.

Gentlemen: B. W. Matlack, Jumping Jack; Dr. C. C. Green, Monkey and Dude;Everett Schuler, British Artilleryman; Eli Youngheim, Humpty Dumpty; EugeneWallis, Noble Red Man; Ed. McMullen, Phillip's Best; F. F. Leland, Double-actionpuss* and Flying Dutchman; George Read, The Devil; Fred Ballein, Hamlet;D. A. Sickafoose, Page; Frank Weaverling, Mexican; A. B. Taylor, IndianWar Chief; Charles Roberts, Old Uncle Joe; W. R. Hodges, Highlander; Jos.O'Hare, British Officer; Addison Brown, Highlander; J. E. Jones, Sailor;George Schuler, Page; Tom Eaton, O'Donovan Rossa; M. H. Ewart, Page; JakeGoldsmith, Clown; M. J. O'Meara, Humpty Dumpty; S. Kleeman, Black Dude;Laban Moore, Monkey; John Hudson, Clown; Frank K. Grosscup, Spanish Cavalier;A. Snowhill, Prince; A. Gogoll, King Henry; Frank H. Greer, Beggar's Student.

The excellent music of the Winfield orchestra and the experienced promptingof Mr. Chas. Gray, captivated all, while the careful floor managing of Messrs.A. H. Doane and Lacey Tomlin made everything go off without a hitch.

Result of the Official Canvass of the Vote by the CountyCommissioners
Last Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Beaver Township: J. N. Browning, trustee; H. T. Bayless, clerk; IrvingGray, treasurer; John Bower, justice; J. Rupp and S. Thorla, constables.

Bolton: John A. Scott, trustee; John Sturtz, clerk; V. Trimble, treasurer;J. Critchfield, justice; James Winchel and J. Booker, constables.

Cedar: J. F. McDowell, trustee; Nathan Parisho, clerk; A. Bruce, treasurer;Q. A. Olmstead and J. G. Custer, justices; J. Stewart and O. Sparkman, constables.

Cresswell: F. M. Vaughn, trustee; I. L. Wade, clerk; G. W. Ramage, treasurer;T. C. Bird and Washington Allen, justices; B. Sommerville and James Coffey,constables.

Dexter: S. H. Wells, trustee; D. W. Webster, clerk; Stephen Bibler, treasurer;no justice to elect; I. C. Pattison and J. W. Evans, constables.

Fairview: R. B. Corson, trustee; T. S. Covert, clerk; J. H. Curfman,treasurer; W. L. Burton, justice; Marsh Schofield and A. Newbury, constables.

Harvey: Elisha Haynes, trustee, J. Ringwald, clerk; Wm. Hall, treasurer;A. L. McCaw, justice; Frank Batch and L. W. Moore, constables.

Liberty: J. A. Cochran, trustee; M. M. Manahan, clerk; J. M. Mark, treasurer;C. M. Boyd and Alex Hoel, constables.

Richland: Willis Wilson, trustee; J. P. Groom, clerk; J. R. Cottingham,treasurer; H. H. Hooker and D. C. Stevens, justices; A. O. Welfelt and J.S. Hamilton, constables.

Rock: J. E. Gorham, trustee; Albert Brookshire, clerk; H. F. Horniday,treasurer; A. P. Carmine, justice; Austin Booth and E. J. Wilber, constables.

Sheridan: W. N. Day, trustee; W. L. Wilson, clerk; W. D. Dawson, treasurer;Robert Parmley, justice; Isaac Bowles and W. C. Ausbrook, constables.

Silver Creek: J. R. Pate, trustee; A. J. Mercer, clerk; Johnson Chandler,treasurer; no justice to elect; S. S. Leffler and Sam'l Blakey, constables.

Spring Creek: H. S. Libby, trustee; A. J. Mercer, clerk; Johnson Chandler,treasurer; no justice to elect; S. S. Leffler and Sam'l Blakey, constables.

Maple: J. H. Willis, trustee; Adam J. Walck, clerk; C. M. McKinnie, treasurer;Andrew Walck and J. H. Williams, constables.

Ninnescah: J. L. Stewart, trustee; Jas. T. Dale, clerk; H. H. Buss, treasurer;A. J. Werden and A. A. Jackson, justices; Lot Senseney and S. H. Garrard,constables.

Omnia: G. B. Darlington, trustee; Geo. Haycraft, clerk; C. P. Cogswell,treasurer; W. R. Stolp, justice; Dave Baldwin and C. Northup, constables.

Otter: John Bartgis, trustee; J. Aley, clerk; George Horner, treasurer,no justice to elect; George Webb and D. M. Barnes, constables.

Pleasant Valley: D. S. Sherrard, trustee; F. A. Chapin, clerk; A. DeTurk, treasurer; A. H. Broadwell and West Holland, justices; A. Bookwalterand L. Brown, constables.

Silverdale: P. F. Haynes, trustee; John Algeo, clerk; H. T. Hummell,treasurer; R. C. Smith, justice; Ed Scott and Monroe Felton, constables.

Tisdale: Daniel Bovee, trustee; J. H. Sparrow, clerk; John Cox, treasurer;C. C. Krow and E. P. Young, justices; J. Ferd and W. Conrad, constables.

Vernon: H. H. Martin, trustee; J. M. Householder, clerk; T. B. Ware,treasurer; E. H. Earhart and E. B. Galt, constables.

Walnut: J. C. Roberts, trustee; Fred Arnold, clerk; M. N. Chaffee, treasurer;J. L. King, justice; Abe King and N. R. Wilson, constables.

Windsor: Chas I. Phenis, trustee; W. L. Koons, clerk; James B. Rowe,treasurer; I. B. Todd and J. T. Rittenhouse, justices; S. Greenleaf andJoseph Jackson, constables.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

No thanks necessary, Mr. Wellington Standard: "Winfieldis troubled about the merchants blocking up the sidewalks with boxes, barrels,implements, silence, discontent, dull trade, Queen City of Kansas talk,and other unsightly objects, giving the principal thoroughfare the appearanceof a railroad wreck or second-class freight depot. The COURIER, from whichwe glean at least a portion of the above, has our thanks for explainingthe trouble with Winfield; we thought something was wrong but never gotit down fine until now." Our wail was purely in the interests of thevast crowds of people that constantly throng our streets. Wellington isnever troubled with jams (except jim-jams). Oh, no! And then she has nobeautiful flag-stone pavements to desecrate with "unsightly objects."What few "plank" sidewalks she has are kept clear only to makeroom for the feet of the dozen or so Wellington girls who occasionally perambulatethem. Nothing but an elephant would stand any show in contact with a Wellingtongirl's foot.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

The Osage City Free Press has issued a proclamation to the effectthat the proprietors of that paper, being not only willing but anxious topay for everything they get, will not, from and after this date, receiveany favors whatever in the form of complimentary tickets to theatrical,religious, social, or other entertainments; or in fact anything, for sweetcharity's sake, that concern not being a charitable institution. Furthermore,they propose to charge full advertising rates for everything of an advertisingnature, and that they are not "beholden" to anybody for anything.We believe that the Free Press is upon the high road to fame, andhas established itself upon a foundation which will stand "the wreckof matter and the crash of worlds."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Wichita is an awful sink hole. According to the Eagle, a hatwas seen in a street mud-hole, and when the street commissioner went toget it he found that it was on a man's head. The commissioner sent for hisshovels and dug the man out. Under the man was a mule sixteen hands high.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Messrs. Curns & Manser mean to stop at nothing short of metropolitanin everything. The latest attraction in their real estate office is a beautifulwalnut, ash, and butternut-colored circular counter, the handwork of Mr.J. C. McKay. It is highly artistic and coincides nicely with its surroundings.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Five high grade short horn bulls and seven high grade short horn heifersfor sale by H. T. Shivvers. Inquire at the office of Shivvers & Linn,Winfield, Ks.

Rambling Scintillations From Our Itemizer's Pen, Pasteand Scissors.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

The Wichita Eagle calls that city's questionable females, "paintedpullets."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

What a cruel punster is Brother Higgins, of the Udall Sentinel."C. H. Dome was hurt somewhere between Udall and Seeley. COURIER. Wrong,neighbor, he was hurt on his head."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

It is rumored that all Caldwell saloons have closed up, and that thedrug stores there refuse to sell liquor. That berg is certainly on the stoolof repentance, and may yet get rid of her hades of a reputation.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

The reports of cattle dying in the Territory seem to have been greatlyexaggerated, according to parties recently from the ranges. The losses,they report, have not been unusually large and as a general thing are doingwell.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

The A. C. Democrat says that steps have been taken to form astock association composed of farmers for the erection of a flouring millon the canal. It is the intention to build a $50,000 mill, which will havea capacity of 500 barrels per day.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

A Wellington reporter, in writing an account of a recent ball in thatcity, tried to say that the belle of the evening "looked au fait."But, the printer, being familiar with the great failing of Wellington girls,made the types say that she "looked all feet."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Yours, truly, Mr. Burden Enterprise: "Capt. Nipp was intown Tuesday night. It is the first time that we have met him, althoughwe have lived so near each other so long. We do not blame the Cowley Countyfolks for almost unanimously electing him treasurer."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Wellington Standard: "The Farmers' Institute held at Winfieldon the 29th and 30th of January was one of the mostimportant meetings ever held in the State, and the Winfield papers madethe most complete reports of all particulars. We will try to give our readersa digest next week."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

The late thaw raised the numerous streams of the county and the CambridgeNews tells of several narrow escapes by persons venturing to ford swollencreeks. A man wants to "luke a leedle oud" before casting himselfon the troubled waters.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Frank Sheets entered a "coon" arena at Arkansas City last weekand succeeded in drawing the compliments of one of the belligerents, BobMcGinnis. The darkey nearly severed Sheets's throat with a razor. McGinniswas taken before Justice Schiffbauer, County Attorney Asp prosecuting, andbound over to the District Court.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

The Wellington papers are making "much ado about nothing" intheir muddle over which publishes the most news. Gaze an honest gaze onthe COURIER and Telegram, brothers, which always contains morenews of all kinds than any weekly papers in Kansas, and then if you don'tfeel above kicking "airy" things, kick yourselves around fourblocks for your sad want of comparable "meat."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Mr. McLean, of Burden, according to the Eagle, has a parchmentdeed in his possession that bears the crude marks of a century ago and wasmade to John Penn, a brother to the noted William of the Keystone State,and also a brother to Mr. McLean's grandfather. If the grandfather was acotemporary of William and John Penn, who flourished about two hundred yearsago; that family must be very long-lived--kind of parchment like.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

The Wellington Press gives this pointer: "A good joke istold at the expense of a young farmer, living near this city, who the otherday brought in a load of corn, which he disposed of to one of our grainbuyers. The same team and load were weighed upon the city scales and thenthe young man drove off to unload. On his return to weigh the empty wagon,he stopped and watered his horses, which were very thirsty, and then droveon the scales again, thereby cheating himself out of several bushels ofcorn."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

The Democrat says that Arkansas City has been leading Winfieldtwo to three cents per bushel during the past two weeks in the price ofwheat and corn. This assertion comes in rather poor grace in the fact ofthe market quotations in the A. C. papers--60 and 25 cents; than 63 centson wheat and 29 on corn for three weeks; and No. 2 red brings 65 right alongin large deliveries. Winfield markets on wheat are always equal to KansasCity and Chicago--often above them--as can be seen by weekly reference toour comparative table.

[Because of last item, am giving part of Winfield report.MAW]

Wheat No. 2. Winfield - 65 K. City - 63 Chicago - 55

Wheat No. 3. Winfield - 60 K. City - 57

Corn, mixed. Winfield - 30 K. City - 31 Chicago - 39½ & 40

Oats, No. 2. Winfield - 25 K. City - 28 Chicago - 27½ @ 28

Rye K. City - 55 Chicago - 62

Barley Chicago - 64 @ 66


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

When the varied superiority of the Queen City of Southern Kansas is firedat a Wellington citizen, it completely paralyzes him. Listen to the Standard'shonest acknowledgment: "Frank Raymond, our 'short-hand' friendof Winfield, came over to take the evidence in the Edwards trial and duringthe week put in his odd time blowing up our sister city. He seemed attachedto the Standard man, who in an unguarded moment made some complimentaryremark about Winfield, and for that one foolish statement we were referredto for all kind of facts that we knew no more about than 'the man in themoon.' Frank Raymond and Judge Torrance are very agreeable companions untilyou mention the subject of 'Winfield.' The best course after the conversationtakes that turn is to skip for any place where you can get out of sight."


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

I take pleasure in sending the COURIER by today's mail specimens of silkcocoons raised in this state last season; also a "Manual of Instructions"on silk culture by Miss Rossiter, one of the most successful silk culturistsin this country. Silk culture has become a subject of general interest andattention, although it has not as yet received the attention its meritsdeserve. There are millions of dollars sent from this country to Europeannually for the products of the silk worm and to quote from a celebratedauthority, "The labor and time needed for silk culture in this countrycan be had as cheaply here as in Europe, because it will come from personswho are, at present, not able under ordinary circ*mstances to obtain remunerativeemployment." He refers more to the woman of a family. No doubt thereare many women, housekeepers and others, who have spare time from otherduties who would be very glad to add to their income by expenditure of afew weeks of light work at home. This opportunity would be furnished bythe silk culture industry. He estimates an average family may earn from$75 to $200 in a season which agrees with the teachings of silk culturistsand this would be nearly all clear profit. When we consider that it onlytakes from four to six weeks to complete the whole process from the hatchingof the worm to the spinning of the cocoons, we find this gives a very fairreturn for the labor of women and children who would have no other way toearn something in spare hours. The cost of starting is trifling and thework simple and easy. Kansas has peculiar advantages in soil and climatefor the production of both the silk worm and its food. The Mulberry treegrows very rapidly here and we have plenty of Osage Orange already grown.There is no perceptible difference in the silk from worms fed on Osage andthose fed on Mulberry. I claim that when all the advantages we have in ourstate and the wealth that it would bring us are fully realized, it willtake the lead in "America's New Industry," silk culture. I shallbe glad to furnish any required information on this subject at any time.Hoping you will aid in advancing and encouraging this "infant industry,"I remain MRS. M. E. WILLIAMS, Kansas agent for silk worm eggs and all silkculture requisites, Douglass, Butler County, Kansas.

Preparation for Silk Culture.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

As the silk industry is making rapid progress throughout the United States,and since the experiments of the German Mennonites who in Russia were regardedas accomplished silk growers, has settled the question of successful silkculture in Kansas, the industry merits the attention of all who are interestedin the development of the manufacturing interests of the state, and as thefirst preparatory step to be taken for the production of silk is the plantingof well facilitated groves to procure plenty of food for the worms, I willsubmit a few thoughts for the benefit of those interested in the industry.

It has been claimed, even by professional (?) silk culturists, that "thereneed no further preparations be made in this western country, as the countryis well supplied with Osage Orange hedge, which can be utilized for silkculture."

While I quiesce in recommending "Osage Orange" (on an experimentalbasis only) I have no scruples in condemning the idea of "Osage Orange"for practical, extensive culture. There are many good reasons that may begiven to show the fallacy of the "Osage theory." I will, however,in this article give only one, which, in itself, is sufficient to causethe "Osage" theory to be abandoned by all prejudiced in its favor.In "practical, extensive silk raising," the handling of leaveson branches in large quantities is required, which cannot be done by theuse of Osage Orange on account of the thorns, rendering the labor very unpleasant,which would tend to discourage and embarrass the development of the industry.I recommend that the Mulberry alone should be planted for the purpose ofsilk culture. I. HORNER.

Proceedings of Its Regular Monthly Meeting at the CourierOffice Last Saturday.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

The secretary, Jacob Nixon, reported that he had made no arrangementsas yet regarding the publication of compiled reports.

The following paper on "Dishonest Fruit Dealers," was readby Mr. D. M. Adams.

At a recent meeting of the Ohio Horticultural Society, a speaker stated"that within a circle of twenty miles of Dayton, Ohio, there is morenursery stock raised than on any other spot of equal territory in America."Living the most of my life within this circle, I have had a limited opportunityto know how they do business. To sell this vast amount of stock, it requiresan army of men. As far as my acquaintance extends, the most of the nurserymenare honest men and strive to do an honest business. But, as in all othertrades, there are some exceptions. So it is with the peddlers--some arehonest and others cannot be relied upon. What I propose to deal with atpresent is the dishonest one.

Some of the nurseries employ their own agents. There are men that knownothing of the business of growing trees that make the bulk of the sales.The tree jobber makes his contract wherever he can, to the best advantage.He then employs other men to sell for him, equips them with lithograph chromosand large specimens of fruit in bottles. They travel from the frozen northto the sunny south, from the Atlantic to the Rockies, with fruit betteradapted to each locality than can be grown on the spot by an experiencednurseryman. I will tell how some of these wonderful specimens are obtainedthat are shown to the wondering farmer out west. One jobber sent to Californiaobtained the best specimens to be had in that market. A leading agent, whowas using these specimens, told me that he did not represent them as fruitfrom the trees he was selling. "He showed these fruits to get the maninterested in fruits, to arouse his enthusiasm. When he got him interested,he then talked business, told him what he had." Those of my hearerswho have had visits from agents can tell how they talk to the farmers here.Some of them will take an order for anything you can mention. It is notuncommon to sell things that are not known to the trade. Some years agoone set had a run on "Alpine tree" strawberries, and "White"blackberries. The samples of the latter were made of wax. To fill the ordersfor the farmer, they dug the wild bushes from the woods and fence corners.There was a Scotchman who was proverbial for his honesty. He received somegooseberry bushes from Scotland and had them in his garden. A peddler gotsome of them and represented them as the kind of bushes he was selling.The Scot found how they had been used. The agent came back for more berries.The Scot indignantly replied, "No sir! You do not get my fruit to swindlewith." Agent then sent another person to get them, but did not succeed.Rival agents say that he climbed the fence and stole some one night.

Another practice is to give another name to some common plant or tree.They present in glowing terms the excellence of the "Custard apple."When they get to bearing, you find you have that pest of the farm, paw paw.To fill the order for horse chestnut, they go to the woods and dig the commonbuckeye. Where different kinds of fruit bear a resemblance, they have palmedoff one for the other--taken Siberian crab for new kinds of cherries. (Wehad no sand-hill plums there.)

I have seen samples exhibited as cherries since I came here that werea good imitation of our active plums. As he did not let me cut them openand examine the seed, we will have to take his word for it that they werecherries.

All do not resort to such means. If they are strictly honest, they haveto sell at prices higher, including freight, etc., far higher than our localnurseries can sell for. The prices the foreign agents sell for here arefrom four to ten times what the grower gets for them.

Apple trees, they pay about seven dollars per hundred, and other treesin proportion.

Some will say we must have trees, how shall we get them? First, go tothe nearest reliable nurseryman. Get his prices, see what he has. If hehas what you want, get of him. He has a reputation at stake and cannot affordto give interior stock or that which is not true to name. I say experienced,for this is a business that requires a greater knowledge than merely togrow a nice thrifty tree. A man, to be successful in this business, musthave a knowledge of the habits of trees so that he can go into a strangenursery in winter and select the different varieties of fruit as sure ashe could if they had ripe fruit on them. Second, subscribe for and readone or more good agricultural papers. A new fruit that has merit has cutsand descriptions of them generally published in the agricultural papers.It has been stated that a person having a valuable new variety gets theendorsem*nt of experienced horticulturalists or horticultural societies.

Third, obtain the catalogue of several nurserymen who advertise in agriculturalpapers. In these circulars they give descriptions and prices. As trees andseed can now be sent by mail, we can order them direct from the grower fromany part of the United States at a small cost.

If the excess that has been paid to peddlers over what the grower hasreceived for the same stock was expended in first-class agricultural papers,it would go far forward placing a copy in every farm house in Cowley County.

Mr. J. G. Pierson stated that a tree agent from Dayton, Ohio, said thathe had a peach grafted on the maple, which would grow, but would be no improvement.

Mr. Wellman: I have the Toronto cherry growing.

Mr. Adams: An agent offered the Toronto to me lately.

Mr. Pierson: The Morrellos are the only reliable kinds to plant.

President J. F. Martin read an essay on "Forestry" as follows.

Experience is a stern teacher, yet the masses of men learn only in thisschool.

If all that has been said and written in favor of planting trees forwind breaks and otherwise cultivating forest trees here in Kansas was notsufficient to arouse attention and appreciate their advantages, the pasttwo months of terrible winter ought most certainly teach the lesson. Tothink of cattle and horses tied in the open prairie to a stake; hogs andsheep unprotected from the terrible blasts, piling upon each other, suffocatingthose beneath, which seems to have been an acceptable mercy; and the tensof thousands of cattle on the plains starving for want of food (fuel tosupply the waste of the heat of the body from the fierce and unresistingblizzards continually pouring upon their shivering frames). The stock manturning away from this indescribable suffering, thinks and speaks only ofthose that were relieved by death.

Many farmers are not much better prepared for properly caring for theirstock during winter.

Most all these terrible lessons were given that man may learn bettermethods in regard to his stock as well as his purse.

Hundreds of farmers and stockmen in the past few weeks have felt thata forest shelter or wind break would be one of the greatest blessings thatcould be conferred in their dire extremity.

How many, pray, will remember the lesson?

We need not now speak of artificial forests being beneficial to man andhis stock, for all feel deeply its absolute necessity.

Who, in seeking a home, will not prefer to purchase the farm, not onlywith buildings, but with orchards and groves of timber not merely for theirbeauty, but for their intrinsic value in giving health and protection tohis family and his stock; where he can be secure from the winter's blastsand the scorching rays of the summer's heat; where the beautiful birds,heaven's sweet songsters, will be your companions?

If such improvements in purchasing a farm are so highly prized and sogreatly enhances its real value, why not, at once, make every necessaryeffort in planting and cultivating such trees as are known to be of valuefor the various purposes of the farm and the mechanic arts, and that areadapted to the special locality? Yes, why not act by this inspiration, knowingthat you are bringing blessings to you and yours and those that will followyou?

But some may be disposed to say that there is more profit in growinggrain, etc., than in growing timber. That the profits are so remote thattheir financial condition will not permit such an investment, valuable asit may be for your children. Asking your patience and earnest attention,we will endeavor to show that such conclusions are incorrect.

We hope to be able to follow this by other articles showing, 1st,The profits of timber culture; 2nd, The varieties for timberculture; and 3rd, Methods of propagation.

Mr. Pierson would plant peach for a quick growing wind break. Mr. Galestated that the box elder made a thick, dense shade. Mr. Householder fixedthe appearance of the Russian mulberry, Secretary Nixon said the Russianmulberry does well with him.

President: The cedar is good.

Secretary Nixon reported Hales early Amaden and Foster peach buds badlywinter killed.

Mr. Thirsk: The Downing and Crescent strawberries do the best if youdo not give them good attention.

Mr. Gale: I have the currant planted on the north side of a small housethat does well. The opinion of members present was that the currant shouldbe planted on the north side of a stone or board fence.

Dr. Capper: I have the Morrello that blooms twice each spring.

Mr. F. A. A. Williams was appointed an agent to solicit memberships amongour citizens.

Mr. Williams presented a list of applies for a family orchard.

Mr. Robertson: The Sweet June, Missouri Pippen, Dutchess of Oldenburg,Willow Twig, and Grimes' Golden Pippin have done the best of my earliestplanting.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Mr. Cleveland has opened his office in New York, and is doing a rushingbusiness. He will probably hear more small gossip and petty back-bitingduring the next three days than during any equal period of time in his life;and any reputation that survives the siege in fair condition can be dependedon as genuine. Politicians reserve most of their eulogies for the dead.If Mr. Cleveland wishes a good opinion of public men, he should read theobituary numbers of the Congressional Record, and not listen towhat our statesmen say in a whisper about their living associates and rivals.Quite a number of members and senators have received invitations to visithim this week, and it is understood by those who have been invited thatthey are to be questioned by Mr. Cleveland upon subjects with which theyare most familiar, and that the consultations will have more to do withthe policy of the new administration than with the selection of a cabinet.

There is, however, no dearth of cabinet talk in the lobbies of the Capitol,and the impression now among those who know President-elect Cleveland bestis that Messrs. Garland, Vilas, Hewitt, and Merrick will probably be tenderedcabinet positions week after next.

"General" James F. Legate, the famous political diplomat ofKansas, who is reported to have conducted negotiations between the prohibitioncandidate, Mr. St. John, and the Republican National Committee, is in thecity. He has been summoned here by the Springer committee. He was pointedout to me in the corridors of the Capitol today, and my view turned upona large portly man having the appearance of one who has lived well. I interrogatedhim upon the question of the reason of his summons before the Springer committeeand he claimed to know nothing about it. I then mildly suggested that perhapsthey wanted to pump him about the St. John matter. "Well, sir,"said the Kansas General, "they'll be d n smart if they get anyanswer out of me about it--good day," and he whirled on his heel andleft for the region of the House.

It is reported today, upon the authority of one of the counsel for Gen.Swaim that the findings of the court in his case will "not be guilty"as to the first charge: that of conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman;as to the second charge, neglect of duty and conduct prejudicial to goodorder and discipline, in failing to report to the Secretary of war his knowledgeof the alleged duplication of Col. Morrow's pay accounts, guilty, with arecommendation that Gen. Swaim be temporarily suspended on half pay.

A well-known Pennsylvania representative, early this session of Congress,received a communication from a party of constituents stating that theyhad organized a club in his district and would like some Congressional literature.Careful search was made through the various department catalogues, and workson geology, etymology, and all the other "ologies" were selectedand sent on to the dear constituents. Recently the Representative in questionwas at home mending his fences, and thought he would like to visit the newclub. A delegation of the boys proudly escorted him to the rooms, and amongother features showed him a handsome book-case filled with the books thathe had contributed. Expressing his pleasure with the surroundings of thenew club, he asked if he had been shown everything. There was a wink ortwo exchanged among the boys and "the member" was invited intoan adjoining room. His visit there cost him $150, growing out of a desireon his part to make a full hand beat fours. It is not safe to talk to himabout cards, clubs, or constituents.

The failure of the Nicaraguan treaty is taken with great equanimity inWashington, and is evidently so received by the country at large. The issueswere important, and the matter was not one to hurry. There is a feelingthat fairness to the incoming administration required that it should beconsulted in the negotiations. It is not true that the treaty is permanentlydefeated. A motion to reconsider is pending; and even if the Senate wereto pass finally on the treaty in an adverse shape, negotiations could beeasily reopened.

The "Red Headed Ranger of the Rockies" again glows in his seatin the House. Belford came to Washington for the first time this sessionthe other day, and first gave to his pent up oratory in the considerationof the river and harbor bill, and the issues at work in the last campaign.

Notwithstanding these mighty efforts, the river and harbor bill is stuckon a bar.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Your weekly visits gladden our hearts as we hear from sunny Kansas, thehub State of Uncle Sam's domains, of which we are justly proud. We proposeto clasp hands with you across the Rockies, on the ground of your havingprohibition and we woman's suffrage, and further agree that if you willadopt impartial suffrage, we will adopt prohibition, and as soon as we havea government again, "of the people, for the people, and by the people,"we will take our place with Utah, in the proud sisterhood of States.

Woman suffrage works to a charm here; with women judges at the pollsand juries in court, men are held under restraint. In our recent sessionof court we had six women on the grand jury, and as many on the petit jury.Business was done with dispatch, and impartial justice administered to theprisoners. Judge Hingard is the right man in the right place. Dayton isthe county seat of Columbia County, situated in the grand Walla Walla valleyabout thirty miles northeast of Walla Walla. Its population is 2,000, withexcellent water power, the Touchet river, having its rise in the Blue mountainrange, gives us a very nice water fall. We have one woolen mill, two largegrist mills, two planing mills, which manufacture doors, sash, mouldings,etc. Our schools are first-class. Our central school building has eightrooms, and we have three ward school buildings besides.

We have but one line of railroad, under the management of the O. R., who also runs steamers on the Columbia and Snake rivers. They connectwith the Northern Pacific at Walulla, and the Union Pacific at Umatilla.Speaking of the railroads, contrary to all our former expectations, theNorthern Pacific is, on this coast, what the A. T. & S. F. is in Kansas,the prince of lines of travel. During our deep snow, which commenced December10, and continued until January, we have had 54 inches fall, and the NorthernPacific only failed to make connections once, while on the Union Pacificand Oregon short line, the trains were delayed 25 days at one time, andvery uncertain all the time during the winter, so that we would advise allour friends in the States to come by the Northern Pacific. Their managementis such that for the whole three years they have been in operation, theyhave seldom been behind time. We are 274 miles from Portland, and we hadno mail for five weeks, and, but for 250 men from the Northern Pacific goingto the aid of the O. R. N. company, it would have been a much longer time.

The thermometer got down one night to 26 degrees below zero, but it isso calm that we don't suffer as we did in Kansas. We have here what is calleda "chinook wind," which comes and will take off two feet of snowin twenty or thirty hours. There has not been so much snow at one time before,in twenty years, and yet several droves of horses have lived all winterwithout feed.

Business is still very dull and money is very scarce, but hopes are entertainedthat with returning spring, which takes place in February generally, timeswill improve. More anon.

Newsy Notes Gathered by The "Courier's" Corpsof Neighborhood Correspondents.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Mrs. E. W. Miller visited at Mrs. Alexander's last week.

C. C. Byers, of this vicinity, visited his brother in Pleasant Valleylast week.

John Hughes treated some of his friends to a wild goose roast last Saturday.

Beaver township was well represented at the lyceum at the Oldham schoolhouselast Friday night.

Will Knox give out going to the World's Fair; therefore, he attendedthe Centennial wax works last week.

After an absence of two weeks from the COURIER's columns, by specialrequest of a neighborhood correspondent, I again come to the front.

The COURIER's South Bend correspondent seems to be growing. I shouldcompliment his rapid progress and strike him light until he arrives at theage of maturity.

Not a thousand miles from Beaver Center there is a so-called bread andbutter school, where the scholars cast their bread upon the plaster andgather it many days hence.

John Vandever's latest arrived Feb. 1st. It's a girl of standardweight and John can now be heard singing "fortune smiles upon us, wehave little children three," and patiently he nurses one while twoplay around his knee.

Another opportunity was recently afforded the young and rising generationof this and other vicinities to exercise the educated toe at the home ofMr. and Mrs. McDonald. The occasion was largely attended, there being 38numbers sold at one dollar each, and we hope they had a good time; but wedo pity those who were compelled to go home bare-headed and bare-handedin the cold of the morning, as their hats were torn into carpet rags andtheir gloves mysteriously disappeared.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

The Sabbath School of this place has been reorganized and an efficientBoard of officers elected to superintend and look after the interests ofthe school. The former patrons of the school are cordially invited and earnestlyinsist upon everybody living within a reasonable distance of said schoolto attend and take an active part in the study of God's word. By so doingwe can (ere the year is gone) boast of having the banner school of the county.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

There was no preaching in this place on last Sunday owing to the non-appearanceof the preacher.

J. M. Allen is quite sick. I failed to learn what was the matter withhim. J. L. Higbee is also under the weather.

Mrs. Fox, of Coffeyville, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gardenhire,of this city. I have not learned how long she will stay.

Mr. Otis Shaw, of Taylorville, Illinois, is here visiting his brother-in-law,Chas. Peabody, who is suffering very badly with a frozen back.

Mr. Hendry has moved back to this place again from Butler County. Heis occupying the old store house owned by John Allen.

Henry Salmons, of Torrance, was in Winfield on Saturday last. He saysit was the muddiest place he ever saw: worse than "old Kaintuck."

A. H. Limerick, our county superintendent of schools, was in our townone day last week visiting the schools. He says we have a fine school.

Link Branson received a severe kick from one of his mules on Saturdaynight last; however, he is still on his "pins" and able to beup and about.

A gentle zephyr came over from Nebraska and Dakota last Sunday, stayedover till Monday night, and caused quite a change in the appearance of things.

G. W. Gardenhire has returned home from the Nation where he has beenfor the past week. He says the beef cattle did not stand the cold weatheras well as the stock cattle.

Our school will close on Friday of next week with appropriate exercisesand a grand dinner, in which all three of the schools will take part. Theyare anticipating a fine time.

A petition is being circulated in this village to be sent to the PostOffice Department to have the mail carried from here to Dexter instead offrom Winfield. It would shorten the route and make the mail reach theresix hours earlier each day.

Miss Emma McKee, the teacher of the primary department of our schools,was in the metropolis on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Miss Eva Reynolds,one of the upstairs scholars, took charge of her school during her absence.

Mr. John Fussleman, of Douglas, who is in the employ of K. W. Allison,came over on Saturday and Sundayed at Capital Hill. He is quite a nice youngman; has hosts of friends, and of course is always welcome--by the girlsespecially. Come again, John.

Miss Lou Wilson came near crippling herself for life on Sunday morninglast. She was carving bread for the breakfast when the knife slipped andshe let the bread drop, exclaiming, "I am ruined for life," buton examination found she had just clipped off the end of her thumb; so hopesare entertained of her speedy recovery.

It has been my pleasure this winter to write for the COURIER under thename of "Jay-Eye-See," but as this is to be my last letter, intendingto depart for other fields, will sign my real name, but before I do so willthank the people of Torrance for their forbearance with me. If I have toldanything which should not have been told, I ask your forgiveness. And nowallow em to thank you for the manner in which I have been treated sinceI have been in your midst. H. G. NORTON.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Dr. Knickerbocker took a trip to Wichita on the 6th.

Miss Anna Green returned to her home at Halstead on the 10th.

Mr. Ammon has sold his residence to one of our late Kentucky arrivals.

Wm. Irene is closing out his stock of goods at cost. Now is the timefor good bargains.

Captain Sam Steele was on our streets last week, looking after his graininterests here.

Bob Ratliff is the acknowledged champion billiard player, while FrankGray occupied the same relative position in checkers.

The thermometer stood 12 deg. below zero on the 10th, whichcaused a playful smile to linger around the countenances of our coal dealers.

Our election for township officers passed off quietly. Mr. Steward waselected trustee; A. J. Werden, J. P.; J. T. Dale, clerk; Henry Buss, treasurer;Ol Jewett, constable.

The A. O. U. W. will give an oyster supper and ball on the evening ofthe 13th. All are cordially invited as a grant time is anticipated.Partners will be sold at one half cent per pound--that is lady partners.

Monroe Masters, Esq., from Hamilton, Mo., is here visiting his old friendsand townsman, J. P. Voorhees. Mr. Masters is engaged in breeding fine horsesand mules and will return here in the spring with a carload of choice animals.

The Mill Company have awarded the contract for their machinery to theNordyke Milling Company, of Indianapolis, Ind., and will build of stonethree stories high with a capacity of seventy-five barrels per day.

Don't ask Bradley, Pam Voorhees, or Buffington anything about the "cake"that George Gray purchased at the Methodist festival and presented to alady friend, as they nearly caused a "Werd--en" interference tosettle the same.

We would call the attention of the management of the town hall to theshabby seats the public are compelled to use, which is a simple plank laidon chairs; this is an outrage on the public who cheerfully pay their moneyand then are compelled to sit like so many turtles on a log; can't movefor fear of sliding off; and is especially wearisome to the ladies. We sincerelytrust that a more suitable as well as more comfortable set of seats maybe secured ere our next entertainment occurs.

Your correspondent had the pleasure of meeting Hon. E. P. Greer, ourworthy Representative, on Saturday last on the train to Winfield. We areall proud of our Ed., for he is one of us, one of the mass; not one of anyparticular class of people who will seek to do class legislation, but onewho will work for the interests of the state at large and Cowley Countyas she needs it, and we would suggest to him that more legislation was neededon the prohibitory law, as the recent decision of our Supreme Court makingno one but a purchaser competent to file information against violators practicallymakes the law a nullity without the aid of the grand jury.

The Happy Home Concert Company's entertainment on the night of the 6thwas successful in all its respects. A crowded house assembled to listento their closing entertainment. The conditions of "Don't leave theFarm," by Miss Hattie Lincoln was very fine; also, Miss Maggie Martinsinging the obligato, which was received by rounds of applause by the audience.By the way Miss Maggie is one of our best singers, having an excellent voicewhich only needs cultivation to place her in the front ranks of our musicalworld, and as an organist she cannot be excelled. The evening's entertainmentwound up with the laughable serio-comic song entitled "Twelve monthsafter Marriage," by Mr. and Mrs. Weaverling, which was heartily enjoyedby all. The troupe went from here to Mulvane and have the best wishes ofall our citizens.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Mr. Gates says the weevil is creating destruction in his wheat bins.He has every bushel of the crop of 1884 yet.

Our stockyards are now completed and ready for business. They comprisethree strong and substantial pens with the latest improved shute.

Dave Shaw has lost thirty head of young shoats by some lung disease resemblingquinsy. He thinks the fatality is due to too warm sleeping apartments.

Old Boreas has swooped down on us with another blizzard. It is time toprotest against this protracted courtship of Miss Sunny Kansas with Mr.North Pole. Leap year is now past.

Rev. Brink, a beardless youth of twenty-five winters, is now pastor ofthe Pleasant Valley M. E. Church. He will hold a series of meetings at thefirst favorable opportunity. Of course, all the young ladies will be impressedwith the error of their ways.

The Holtby estate has yet nearly one hundred acres of wheat to thresh.Two attempts were made at threshing the past two weeks, but Old Boreas ruledsuch proceedings out of order. The stalks have kept dry and the pesky weevilhas not injured the grain any.

The corn trade is getting quite lively at Hackney. Steele & Co. shippedin three carloads last week. Messrs. Dave and Wilson Shaw each receiveda car; and Brown & Fisher one. They paid 25 cents per bushel. M. H.Markum is feeding the second carload of corn and will soon be ready fora third.

"Mark" very much regretted his unavoidable absence from thechina wedding entertainment at R. W. Anderson's residence a few nights ago.However, he is glad to know that the one hundred grown people present hadan enjoyable time. This large attendance shows the high esteem in whichMr. Anderson and lardy are held by our people.

Prof. Thos. Hadley took the train at our station last Wednesday for hishome near Emporia. He spent the past two months doing missionary work amongthe Indians in the Nation and visited two weeks in this community with hisniece, Mrs. Gus. Hunt. Prof. Hadley has spent twenty-five years of his lifeamong several of the tribes of Indians in the Territory, and speaks severalof their dialects fluently. He was for a long time agent for the Kaws andprincipal of their school. He is an enthusiast on Indian civilization throughthe means of education.

It must be gratifying to the projectors of the Farmers Institute, recentlyheld at Winfield, to realize that it was a decided success. The newspaperpress of Winfield is entitled to many kind considerations for the activeinterest taken in the success of the Institute, and the accurate and exhaustivepublication of its proceedings. While the attendance was not as large asit should have been, it is a matter of no surprise; for a few energeticand enterprising men must always take the initiatory steps toward formingan organization. An effort will be made to have the future programs interspersedwith exercises by farmers' ladies, thus making it more attractive to theopposite sex.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Messrs. Vermilye Bros. have put up sixty tons of excellent ice.

Mrs. Eastman is convalescing from a severe case of erysipelas.

Mr. Graves and family, from Comanche County, are visiting relatives inthe Bend.

Chas. McDade came up from "Poor Lo's" country a few days agoto smile on S. Bendite and family.

A gentleman whose name I have not learned speaks of starting a writingschool at our schoolhouse.

Mr. Andrews brought eight hundred head of sheep from Grouse creek tothis locality last week.

Supervisor Martin has repaired Posey creek crossing, which was renderedalmost impassible during recent thaws.

The P. V. Stock Protective Union met at Odessa on the evening of the2nd inst., to elect officers and arrange business generally.This organization has been a benefit to stock men and a terror to thosewho seek to gobble up the farmers' steeds.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Anyone wishing to rent the Dr. Davis farm east of Winfield, or a partof said farm, can get terms and particulars by calling on J. H. Sorey, 3miles northeast of Winfield.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Russian Mulberry trees can be had of I. Horner, Emporia, Kansas, at verylow rates per thousand.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Joseph S. Hill made administrator of estate of J. H. Boggs, deceased.Hackney & Asp, Attorneys for Administrator.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

Settlement of estate of Nellie Sellers by James A. G. Forth, Administrator.Hackney & Asp, Attorneys.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

H. L. Walker, Register, Land Office at Wichita, notice by settler, JosephJ. Cunningham, re land. Witnesses: James Hanlen, Charles H. Holmes, andBen White, of Rock.

By Prof. F. H. Snow, of the State University,
Entomologist to the State Board of Agriculture.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885. Front Page.

An accurate knowledge of the insects injurious to our most valuable "smallgrain" will undoubtedly increase the number of species now known toinfest it. It was a surprise to entomologists as well as fruit growers whenMr. Lintner, the New York State entomologist, presented a list of 176 insectsknown to commit depredations upon the apple tree. A similar surprise willfollow a full enumeration of the wheat insects. Dr. Fitch, writing thirtyyears ago of the obstacle to wheat production in New York, makes the followingstatements: "I have the present season discovered small flies in abundancein every wheat field in my neighborhood. On sweeping with a net anywhereamong growing wheat, a multitude of them will be gathered. They are of severaldifferent kinds. One of these species was so abundant the latter part ofJune that at almost every step in any part of our wheat fields a dozen ormore could be seen. I doubt not it is from the number of these and otherdepredators which abound upon our wheat that we are no longer able to producesuch crops of the grain as were uniformly harvested when our lands werenewly cleared. How is it possible for wheat to grow with any thriftinesswhen it is incessantly assailed by such hosts of these enemies, bleedingit at every pore?" Of the above flies, Dr. Fitch names and describesnine species, all found upon wheat in wheat fields, except one which wasreared from larvae drawing in immense numbers from unthreshed wheat in abarn. Of the other eight species nothing has been published of their depredations,habits, or transformations, but we shall not probably err in accepting themas serious pests which are annually levying no inconsiderable tax upon ourwheat crops. (See Lintner's First Annual Report.) It is true that not allthe New York wheat insects have yet reached the borders of Kansas.

Fortunately our State, by reason of its rapid settlement and its wideseparation from the older and most thoroughly insect-ridden States, hash*therto enjoyed a comparative immunity from many of the most destructiveinsect pests. But this favorable condition cannot much longer continue.Unless a rigid quarantine be established against these species which maysurely be kept out by this method, and unless vigorous measures are enforcedfor the stamping out of other species upon their first appearance in anyneighborhood, our farmers and fruit growers must submit to the inevitableand prepare to abandon their prominent position among the grain growersand fruit raisers of America.

It is not the purpose of the present paper to furnish an abstract discussionof wheat insects in general, but to briefly consider those species whichhave been most prominent in their destructive operations during the year1884. Happily the chinch bug, until now the foremost foe of the small grainproducer, has not injured the wheat to any considerable degree, only twocounties reporting its presence in numbers worthy of notice. In the Arkansasvalley, Reno County reports the crop damaged 10 to 15 percent, and in thesoutheast, Labette County, 2 percent. The abundant rainfall of the yearwas unfavorable to the excessive multiplication of this insect. Nor hasany report been received of injury from the genuine army worm (Leneaniaunipuncta). The Fall army worm, however, an entirely different species(the Laphygma frugiperda of Riley), has made its presence feltin several counties, notably in Jefferson, Leavenworth, Douglas, and Labette.The weevil is reported as doing considerable damage in Stafford, Sumner,and Cowley counties, especially to wheat in the stack and in the privatebins and granaries of the producers before it is delivered to the wholesalebuyers at the various shipping points. But the most conspicuous entomologicalevent of the year 1884 was the successful entrance within our borders ofthe far-famed Hessian fly (Cecidomyia destructor) in such numbersas to properly entitle the movement to be called an invasion. The fist mutteringsof this invasion were heard in the month of May from Wyandotte and Johnsoncounties on the eastern border. In these counties it was reported that the"May" wheat was most affected, and that the depredations weremost extensive on lands cultivated in wheat the preceding year, and muchworse on lands cultivated in wheat for three successive crops. (M. B. Newman.)Late in the autumn reports began to come in of a very general distributionof this army of invasion throughout the eastern third of the State. Theweather of the year, while unfavorable for the chinch bug, was all thatcould be desired by the Hessian fly, this species thriving in wet seasons,but languishing in dry seasons. Thus, then, the species seem to be eachother's counterparts--bad weather for the one being good weather for theother. Direct reports have been received by the writer during the past twoweeks from correspondents of the State Board of Agriculture in thirty-fivedifferent counties. Of these, twenty-one report the Hessian fly as presentto an extent varying from slight indications to very serious occupation.The western line of the invading army now rests between the 97thand 98th meridians, and the line is unbroken from Sumner, inthe southern tier of counties, to Washington, in the northern tier. Thisline passes through Sumner, Sedgwick, Harvey, Marion, Dickinson, and Clayto Washington. No counties west of this line report the presence of thefoe. No reports have been received from the southeastern counties, exceptingCherokee, which reports a light attack of the fly. The other counties reportingits presence are Cowley, Morris, Davis, Riley, Pottawatomie, Wabaunsee,Shawnee, Douglas, Johnson, Wyandotte, Leavenworth, Atchison, Jackson, andDoniphan. Thus there is not only an unbroken line of the enemy from Sumnernorth to Washington, but also from Sumner northeast to Doniphan in the northeasterncorner of the State. The counties reporting the most serious injury areDoniphan, Atchison, Leavenworth, Wabaunsee, Davis, Riley, Morris, Dickinson,and Marion. The following extracts from correspondence will be of interestin this connection.

R. R. Clemons, Alida, Davis County: "This is their first appearancehere, and I should judge would decrease the yield from 15 to 20 percent."

J. M. Johnson, Harveyville, Wabaunsee County: "Since the 18thof November, I have been nearly all over the county and found Hessian flywherever I went. With the exception of a few fields of very early sown wheat,they have not done any material damage; the late sown looks very well."

E. R. Brown, Atchison: "Our growing wheat crop has been seriouslyinjured by the Hessian fly. From present indications the wheat crop willbe a failure. Much of it died before the hard winter set in. In the earlyfall it was seriously affected by what many supposed to be rust, but itturned out to be the work of the Hessian fly."

Joshua Wheeler, Nortonville, Jefferson County: "The only insectthat has troubled the wheat in this county has been the Hessian fly. Theextent of the damage is somewhat difficult to learn. In this part of thecounty it is quite limited. All the early sown wheat is somewhat damaged.Wheat sown after September 25 does not seem to be damaged at all."

J. L. Shore, Skiddy, Morris County: "There is great complaint ofthe Hessian fly in the wheat crop and many fields are badly injured. Theeggs are laid in the foliage, and some resorted to pasturing the wheat,thinking if grazed close that many of the eggs might be stripped off andthe wheat saved. Some fields are entirely killed."

J. W. Williams, Cope, Jackson County: "I have heard but little complaintin our county of depredations on the wheat plant. In some few fields inearly planted wheat the Hessian fly did some work--in a few instances tocause reseeding. But the fly has made its appearance in our county, andno doubt will be a pest to the farmer in years to come."

A. H. McLain, Newton, Harvey County: "The Hessian fly is engagingthe attention of the farmers of Harvey County at present more than any otherinsect that is molesting the wheat in the fields; and in fact, I think itis the only insect doing any material damage to the crop at present. TheHessian fly has not been numerous enough in this part of the State untilthe past fall to do any noticeable damage, but at present some fields haveenough to materially damage the coming crop unless something takes placeto destroy them."

W. E. A. Meek, Dillion, Dickinson County: "It is currently reportedthat there are some fields damaged by the Hessian fly. I have seen none,but am inclined to believe the report is well founded. I have but littledoubt they have been induced by the very early sowing and by the vast amountof volunteer wheat in our State, the result of following wheat with wheatindefinitely. Break up this practice and sow clover, timothy, fall meadow,oats, grass, or anything which will make a sod or turf and stop sowing earlierthan September 15th, and we will have but little trouble. Thisis all the secret there is to it. Pasturing closely with sheep during thefall and winter is good also."

H. Springer, Newbern, Dickinson County: "The Hessian fly did considerabledamage to the wheat crop of this county the past season. They are now quiteplentiful in the fly-seed state in the wheat sown last fall. Except forthe fly the last season has been unusually free from insect depredations."

The foregoing extracts are fair samples of the reports received fromthe twenty-one counties infested by the Hessian fly. The first attack ofthe enemy has not been so much in the nature of a determined onset, as ofa general armed reconnaissance in varying numbers at different points alongthe line. The invading army is now resting upon its arms and waiting thearrival of reinforcements with the opening of spring. The extent of theirreinforcements will depend largely upon the meteorological conditions ofthe months intervening between the present time and the harvest. These reinforcementswill in reality constitute an army of substitutes, and will consist of thesecond brood of the fly. The individuals now in a quiescent condition inthe lower joints of the wheat plant in the so-called "flax-seed"state, will in early spring complete their cycle of transformations andemerge as winged flies. The females of this final form will again deposittheir eggs in great numbers upon the wheat plants about the 1stof April, and if the season be sufficiently moist, the young larvae willfind the conditions necessary for their successful development and the damageto the crop will reach its maximum. If, however, the month of March andApril shall prove exceptionally dry and hot, the damage to the wheat cropof 1885 will be reduced to a minimum and hardly will be worthy of remembrance.The necessary uncertainty of a result thus dependent upon meteorologicalconditions impossible to be predicted cannot but afford some anxiety inthe infested districts and will certainly justify those who are holding1884 wheat in continuing to withhold their wheat from market until a moresatisfactory price can be obtained.

A brief glance at the history of the Hessian fly in the United Statesis sufficient to convince the most skeptical reader that no pains shouldbe spared to prevent its finding a permanent home in Kansas. As long agoas 1788, according to Packard, the wheat crop about Trenton, New Jersey,was in many cases a total failure. As wheat was at that period exportedto Great Britain in large quantities, accounts of the appalling havoc thatthis insect was making excited the attention of Government there and arousedtheir fears lest so dreadful a scourge should be introduced into that countryby means of the American grain. As a result, the exportation of grain fromAmerica was prohibited until the English Government was assured that thefly with eggs could not be introduced in the grain. As long ago as 1800Dr. L. L. Mitchell, of New York, affirmed "that the insect was moreformidable than would be an army of 20,000 Hessians."

In 1843 great havoc was committed in many fields in Maryland and Virginia.In the following year it did much injury in Northern Indiana and Illinoisand the contiguous parts of Michigan and Wisconsin, in many cases occasioningalmost a total failure to the crops. In Michigan the wheat crop was almostan entire failure. On Long Island at Rochester, New York, and throughoutPennsylvania, the losses this year were severe; the following year it didmore or less injury all over the state of Illinois, while in the centralparts of Maryland the crops in many instances were rendered worthless. InGeorgia, moreover, its ravages around the counties near Milledgeville aresaid to have been disastrous; whole fields were totally destroyed and othersyielded not more than a fourth of an ordinary crop. In 1846, in the uppercounties of Georgia, it was said the fly had commuted such ravages uponthe wheat as scarcely to leave enough seed for another year. Throughoutthe State of New York it was destructive this year; in the western sectionthe loss from this insect was estimated at not less than 500,000 bushels.About twenty years ago the cultivation of wheat in the New England Stateswas abandoned on account of the ravages of the Hessian fly and the wheatmidge. This heroic treatment secured the destruction of the fly and wheatculture has been resumed in those states without further detriment fromthis source. In Kansas this insect has previously made three appearances:in 1871, 1877, and 1880. It did not inflict any serious injury upon thewheat in those instances and its distribution did not so nearly approacha general invasion as at the present time.

The following summary of the habits of the Hessian fly and remedies againstit* ravages is taken from the third report of the United States EntomologistCommission.

1. There are two broods of the fly, the first laying their eggs on theleaves of the young wheat from early April to the end of May, the time varyingwith the latitude and the weather, the second brood appearing during Augustand the early part of September, and laying about thirty eggs on the leavesof the young winter wheat.

2. The eggs hatch in about four days after they are laid. Several ofthe maggots or larvae make their way down to the sheathing base of the leaf,and remain between the base of the leaves and stem near roots, causing thestalk to swell and the plant to turn yellow and die. By the end of Novemberor from thirty or forty days after the wheat is sown, they assume the flaxseedstate, and may, on removing the lower leaves, be found in little brown,oval, cylindrical, smooth bodies--a little smaller than grains of rice.They remain in the wheat until warm weather; in April the larvae rapidlytransforms into the pupa within its flaxseed skin, the fly emerging fromits case about the end of April. The eggs laid by this first or spring broodof flies soon hatch, the second brood of maggots live but a few weeks, theflaxseed state is soon assumed, and the Autumn or second brood of fliesappear in August. In some cases there may be two Autumn broods, the earliest(August) brood giving rise to a third set of flies in September.

3. There are several destructive ichneumon parasites of the Hessian fly,whose combined attacks are supposed at times to destroy about nine-tenthsof all the flies attacked. Of these the most important is the Chalcid, four-wingedfly, Semiotellus destructor, which infests the flaxseed and a smallparasite of the genus Plotygaster.

4. By sowing a part of the wheat early and if affected by the fly, plowingthis in and sowing the rest after September 20th, the wheat cropin most cases can be saved. It should be remembered that the first broodshould thus be circumvented or destroyed in order that a second or Springbrood may not appear.

5. If the wheat be only partially affected, it may be saved by fertilizersand careful cultivation; or a badly damaged field of Winter wheat may thusbe recuperated in the Spring.

6. Pasturing with sheep, and consequent close cropping of the wheat inNovember and early December may cause many of the eggs, larvae, and flaxseedsto be destroyed; also, rolling the ground may have nearly the same effect.

7. Sowing hardy varieties. The Underhill Mediterranean wheat, and especiallythe Lancaster variety, which tillers vigorously should be sown in preferenceto the slighter, less vigorous kinds, in a region much infested by the fly.The early (August) sown wheat (to be plowed under afterwards) might be Reihl;the later sown, Lancaster, Clawson, or Fultz.

8. Of special remedies the use of lime, soot, or salt may be recommended;also, raking off the stubble; but too close cutting of the wheat and burningthe stubble are of doubtful use, as this destroys the useful parasites aswell as the flies.

To these recommendations of the National commission the writer wouldadd another, based upon the suggestions of two of our correspondents, viz:To reduce to a minimum the amount of volunteer wheat. This serves as a convenientplace of deposit for the eggs of the summer brood of the fly and therebythrough a possible third brood communicate the pest to the later sown wheatof the regular crop. This reduction can be made by changing the wheat landsat least as often as once in two years. The destruction of the volunteerwheat, and the postponement of the fall sowing so that the wheat plant maynot come above the ground until after the first frosts have killed the fly,will constitute the best safeguard against future damages from this source.

Gossip About Their Career. Mr. Clemens as a WashingtonCorrespondent.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885. Front Page.

Mark Twain and George W. Cable have been reciting extracts from theirworks to large audiences here this week, writes a Washington correspondentof the Cleveland Leader. The two men are as different as the poles,and both are surprises.

George W. Cable is under medium height, very straight, very slender,and as sallow as many of the creoles whom he portrays in his novels. Hehas a face rather effeminate than manly, and his beard of silky black andhis long mustache twisted with its ends hanging down below his chin andmaking a bow over his mouth, carries out this illusion. His nose is straightand small, his eyes bright, black, and piercing, and his forehead medium.His hair is the color of jet, and as glossy as oiled ebony. He does notweigh, I should say, over 130 pounds. He has a good voice, well trainedand melodious. He articulates distinctly, and his gestures have all thegrace of a woman. Ten years ago the world knew nothing of Cable; now hestands in the front rank of the American literati. He was at one time amerchant, then tried newspaper writing on the New Orleans Picayune,and while doing so began to study the early history of New Orleans.He became interested in the creoles, and wrote several sketches of themfor the Century Magazine. These attracted attention, and he foundthe field upon which he had entered one worth developing. In the carryingout of his idea, he has shown that he is an accomplished novelist and hasmade a reputation which will last.

Mark Twain is just as big and awkward as Cable is small and graceful.He has a big head stuck on by a long neck to a pair of round shoulders.He came on to the stage as though he were half asleep, and he looked tome as though nature, in putting him together, had, somehow, gotten the jointsmixed. He has a big face, a nose large enough to represent any kind of genius,and eyes large, black, and sleepy. He has a thick, bushy mane of hair whichis now iron gray, and a bushy mustache which overhangs his characteristicmouth. As he stood on the stage he reminded me much of a mammoth interrogationpoint, and as he drawled out his words with scarcely a gesture, his voicemade me think of a little buzz-saw slowly grinding inside a corpse. He didnot laugh while he uttered his funniest jokes, and when the audience roared,he merely stroked his chin or pulled his mustache.

Still he could not help being satisfied, and I do not doubt the contrastof his first days in Washington, when he came here years ago and had hardwork making money enough to pay his board bills, came forcibly before him.Though it is not generally know, Mark Twain was once a Washington correspondent.He came here from the West with Senator Stewart and for a time wrote lettersto the Alta California and the New York Tribune. He usedto drink a good deal in those days, and was hardly considered a reputablecharacter. It was shortly before this that he made the trip from which hewrote "Innocents Abroad," and this book he wrote here from thenotes he took during his tour. The book made him both famous and wealthy.His manuscript he first sent to several prominent publishers, but they allrejected it, and he was about giving up in despair when a Hartford companytook hold of it. The result was they made $75,000 off the book and soldmore than 200,000 copies of it. It was after this that Mark Twain triedediting the Buffalo Express. A man who worked on the paper at thetime told me today that this venture of his was not a success. He loafedaround the office, guying the office-boy, and telling jokes and storiesrather than writing, and the only fruit of his Buffalo experience was hismarriage, which, like "Innocents Abroad," turned out well. Hiswife brought a pot of gold into the family, and when he got to Elmira, hefound that his father-in-law had made him the present of a brownstone front,and thrown in a coachman with a bug on his hat. Twain did not remain inElmira, however, but went to Hartford and began to write "RoughingIt." This was also successful and established his fame.

Mark Twain probably makes as much out of his books as any other writerin the country. He has his Hartford firm publish his books for him, andhe so arranges it that he gets a royalty on those printed in Europe. Heis better known in foreign lands than any other American writer, and heis an international character. Many of his scenes are taken from real life,and his descriptions of travel are in the main true. He is a hard worker,and while at Hartford he writes in his billiard-room in the attic. LikeTrollope, he believes that there is nothing like a piece of shoemaker'swax on the seat of one's chair to turn out good literary work, and, likeBlaine, he has a fixed amount of writing for each day's duty. He rewritesmany of his chapters, and some of them have been scratched out and interlinedagain and again. Mr. Clemens--everyone knows Mark Twain's name is Clemens--willbe 49 years old on the 30th of this month. He is a Missouri manby birth, and has taken care of himself ever since he was 15. He has beena practical printer, a steamboat pilot, a private secretary, a miner, areporter, a lecturer, and a book-maker.

Too Ugly to Catch Fish.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885. Front Page.

Robert Toombs, of Georgia, whose chief ambition at one time was to callthe roll of his slaves at the foot of Bunker Hill Monument, was known asthe "unlucky fisherman." When he was a boy he was quite ungainlyin appearance, and his companions used to say that he was so ugly that hescared the fishes away. All through his career he never had any luck inangling. He would sit for hours on the banks of a stream, impatiently awaitinga bite, and cursing his luck, while others around him were landing fishby the dozen. After fishing all day in a Georgia stream, he drew up a hugemud turtle. He cut his name in full on the hard shell, and threw the turtleback into the water.

Two years afterwards he was fishing at the same spot, and again drewout a turtle. It was the very same turtle on which he had inscribed hisname, but he was astonished to find below his name the words: "Toougly to catch fish." A waggish friend had caught the denizen of themud and cut the line below. The story went that Toombs caught this identicalturtle no less than five times, and the last time, in a fit of rage, cutit* head off. Baltimore Herald.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885. Front Page.

It may not be generally known, says the Musical Herald, thatGilbert and Sullivan had a superstition that the letter "P" intheir titles brought them luck. "Pinafore" made the first greathit, and then came the "Pirates of Penzance," with two "P's."Then followed "Patience," and then "Iolanthe," withthe sub-title of the "Peer and Peri," again a double "P,"and at first they even thought or adding to this by calling it "Perola.""Princess Ida" followed, but the "IV" seemed to breakthe charm. Sardon, the great French playwright, has fallen into a similarway of thinking, and believes that fate blesses his "Doras," sohe has written "Dora," a success; "Fedora," a greatsuccess;; and is now at work on "Theodora."


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

An old physician, retired from practice having had placed in his handsby an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy forthe speedy and permanent cure of consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma,and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure forNervous Debility and all Nervous Complaint, after having tested its wonderfulcurative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it knownto his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relievehuman suffering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, thisrecipe, in German, French, or English, with full directions for preparingand using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W.A. Noyes, 146 Power's Block, Rochester, N. Y.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

WIVES! MOTHERS!! DAUGHTERS!!! Be your own physician. A lady, who formany years suffered torments worse than death from Uterine troubles, suchas Falling of the Womb, Leucorrhaea (Whites), painful and suppressed Menstruation,finally found remedies which completely cured her. Any sufferer from suchdiseases can take the remedies and thus cure herself without revealing hercondition to anyone, or subjecting her womanly modesty to the shock of anexamination by a physician. The recipes with plain directions will be sentto any address free of charge securely sealed. Address Mrs. M. J. Brabie,428 Marshall St., Philadelphia, Pa. Name this paper.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

SPLENDID HONORS. The public should note the fact that the only proprietarymedicine on earth that ever received the supreme award of Gold Medal atthe great International World Fair, Industrial Expositions and State Fair,is St. Jacobs Oil. After the most thorough and practical tests, in hospitalsand elsewhere, it has universally triumphed over all competitors, and beenproclaimed by Judges and Jurors, including eminent physicians, to be thebest pain-curing remedy in existence.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

FREE DISTRIBUTION. "What causes the great rush at J. N. Harter'sDrug Store?" The free distribution of sample bottles of Dr. Bosanko'sCough and Lung Syrup, the most popular remedy for Coughs, Colds, Consumption,and Bronchitis, now on the market. Regular size 50 cents and $1.00.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885. Front Page.

The Minneapolis Tribune has arranged the procession for inaugurationday as follows.

Thomas A. Hendricks.
Squad of Copperhead Police.
Carriages containing Rev. R. R. Burchard and John P. St. John.
Carl Schurz on foot.
George William Curtis reclining in a gorgeously decorated hearse.
[Note: Paper had "Gawge" William Curtis.]
State Shotgun Guard of Mississippi, 10,000 strong.
Maria Halpin's Glee Club.
Watterson's cross eyed Goddess of Reform, on a Bicycle.
Chairman Barnum in a gilded chariot drawn by seven mules.
Conkling's Brass Band.
Mugwumps in carriages and on horses.
Mugwumps on foot.
Henry Ward Beecher riding two magnificent white stallions.
Stephen Grover Cleveland on foot.
Forty-nine thousand good Democrats with Postoffice petitions.

The following law re prohibition was printed in full on frontpage. I am covering only the first part of it...MAW


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885. Front Page.

The following prohibitory bill has just passed the House.


Amendatory of and supplemental to chapter 128 of the session laws of1881 being an act entitled "An act to prohibit the manufacture andsale of intoxicating liquors, except for medical, scientific, and mechanicalpurposes, and to regulate the manufacture and sale thereof for such exceptedpurposes."

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:

SECTION 1. That section two of chapter 128 of the session laws of 1881,shall be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: SECTION2. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to sell, or barter, formedical, scientific, or mechanical purpose, any malt, vinous, spirituous,fermented, or other intoxicating liquors, without first having procureda druggists' permit therefor from the probate judge of the county whereinsuch druggist may at the time be doing business; and such probate judgeis hereby authorized, in his discretion, to grant a druggists' permit forthe period of one year for any person of good moral character who is lawfullyand in good faith engaged in the business of a druggist, in his county,and who, in his judgment, can be entrusted with the responsibility of sellingsaid liquors, for the purpose aforesaid, in the manner hereinafter provided.In order to obtain a druggists' permit under this act, the applicant thereforeshall present to the probate judge of the county wherein such applicantis engaged in business, a petition signed by at least twelve citizens ofthe township or city wherein such business is located, certifying that theapplicant is a person of good moral character, and lawfully engaged in thebusiness of a druggist. If satisfied that the petition is true, the probatejudge may, in his discretion, grant a permit to the applicant to sell intoxicatingliquors for medical, mechanical, and scientific purposes only; and suchpermit shall be recorded upon the journal of the probate court, and shallbe posted in a conspicuous place in the store wherein such business is carriedon, before it shall be of any validity. The probate judge shall receivefor his services the sum of five dollars, to be paid by the applicant.

SEC. 2. That section three of the act to which this is amendatory shallbe and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: SECTION 3. Anyphysician who is lawfully and regularly engaged in the practice of his professionas a business, and who, in case of actual need, shall deem any of the liquorsmentioned in section one of this act necessary for the health of his patient,may give such patient a written or printed prescription therefor, or mayadminister the same himself. But no such prescription shall be given, orliquors administered, except in case of actual need, and where in his judgmentthe use of intoxicating liquors is necessary. And every physician who shallgive such prescription, or administer such liquor in violation of this act,and every physician who shall give to or write for any person a prescriptionfor intoxicating liquors for the purpose of enabling or assisting any personto evade any of the provisions of this act, or for the purpose of enablingor assisting any person to obtain any intoxicating liquors for use as abeverage, or to be sold or disposed of in any manner, in violation of theprovisions of this act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and uponconviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hundreddollars nor more than one thousand dollars, and by imprisonment in the countyjail not less than thirty days nor more than ninety days.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Congress is chiefly engaged in the discussion of the general appropriationbills.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Frank Jennings, Will Wilson, and Louis P. King came down from Topeka,to spend the Sabbath at home.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

We give our readers today a copy of the bill presented by the TemperanceCommittee of the House. It means business.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Anti-fencing the public lands by cattlemen bill passed the Senate. Itis a House bill but was amended in the Senate and must go back to the Housefor concurrence.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

At a meeting of the stockholders of the Western National Fair Associationat Lawrence, Kansas, Feb. 11th, it was decided to hold the fairthis year at Bismarck Grove September 7th to 12th,inclusive, and to make it a grand exhibition.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

It turns out that the assassination of Postmaster Abbe at Sarasota, Florida,was deferred for several months, so it should not embarrass Cleveland inhis canvass for the presidency. The crime of Mr. Abbe was that he came originallyfrom the North and was a Republican. He has relatives living in Fort Scott.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

The supreme court of Iowa has recently awarded a tramp $7,000 damagesfor injuries received on the Rock Island. He was climbing up the side ofa box car when the brakeman tramped upon his fingers, causing him to releasehis hold. The train was at that moment passing over a high open bridge,and the man fell through, breaking his thigh in two places.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

A driving snow storm prevailed at Chicago, Feb. 15, nearly all day, ceasingin the evening after darkness set in. The snow was fine, moist, and clinging,and drifted badly before a strong north wind. Trains coming in were delayedand fears expressed at the condition of affairs. With such vast quantitiesof snow piled up along the tracks, the blockade of last week was renewed.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

BLOOD-DRINKING is the latest sanitary mania in New York. People go toabattoirs where cattle are slaughtered for dressed beef shipment to England,and drink the warm blood handed them in glasses by the accommodating butchers.Delicate people of both sexes, able to pay for all sorts of medical experiments,are the customers, and marvelous cures are of course reported.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

We have had accounts from all parts of the country of the severe coldweather and deep falls of snow. It will soon be in order for accounts offloods to come pouring in, and first, as usual, we may expect to hear ofan inundation of the Ohio valley, of Cincinnati trying to get on stilts,and of the star-eyed goddess of Louisville, Ky., holding up her trail tokeep it from getting moist.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Last week Wednesday both Houses of Congress assembled in joint sessionand counted the electoral vote. They discovered that Cleveland had beenelected President by 219 votes against 184 votes for Blaine and that Hendrickshad been elected Vice-President by 219 votes against 181 votes for Logan.A joint committee was appointed to inform Messrs. Cleveland and Hendricksof their election. Won't they be surprised?

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Fung Chow, of New York, is the happy father of the first (so it is said,full blooded, simon-pure unadulterated Chinese baby born in America eastof the Rocky Mountains). Mrs. Fung is said to be the only Chinese womanin New York. Fung Chow is a leading Chinese merchant, being partner in theWon Kee Vea company. The baby, a boy, will in due time become an Americancitizen, as Fung Chow has been naturalized.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

It is said that the World's Fair at New Orleans is in a bad way. If so,it is because it is relying on the South instead of the North for support.The Champion said at the opening of the Exhibition that if it proveda success, it would be through Northern patronage; that Kansas would spendmore money in New Orleans than would Arkansas. The Champion alsosuggested that, in view of these facts, there was no necessity for makinga lion of old Jeff Davis, or the band playing "Dixie" all thetime. The suggestion has not been followed. Some of the State Commissioners,headed by our own Bacon, dug up old Jeff, and Stonewall Jackson's war horseis now to be added to the attractions. All this does not attract Southernpatronage, and it disgusts many Northerners. Champion.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

The House on Friday took a vote on the report of the Committee of theWhole that the question of re-submission be indefinitely postponed. Thevote stood, ayes, 71; nays, 33; absent or not voting, 21. So, had all ofthe latter voted in favor of re-submission, anti-re-submission would havecarried. All of the Atchison members voted, Mr. Benning and Mr. Cloyes forre-submission and Mr. White against it. In 1880 the people of Kansas adoptedthe prohibitory amendment; in 1881, a Legislature chose at the same electionat which the amendment was adopted, passed the present liquor law; in 1883a Legislature chosen at the same election at which George W. Glick was chosenGovernor, refused to change or mollify the liquor law in any particular;in 1885 a Legislature chosen, after four years of discussion, refused tore-submit the amendment. It occurs to us that a man of average intelligenceought to know by this time what a majority of the people of Kansas want.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

It will be news to a good many people to learn that James F. Legate hasnow an office. The appointment was bestowed months ago, when it was supposedthat St. John's friends had some claims upon the administration. Confirmationby the senate took place early, when "Jim Legate" meant no moreto nine-tenths of the American people than "John Smith" does ordinarily.Having cashed his account for mileage per diem under a subpoena from theSpringer committee, the thrifty Kansas statesman proceeded to transact hisown private business. His official bond was perfected and accepted by theinterior department February 14, and now he can leave for the Coeur d'Alenecountry as soon as he pleases. He is receiver of public moneys for a newdistrict in Idaho, embracing that much advertised mining camp. The recordshows that Legate was confirmed on the 14th of December, beforethe Globe-Democrat exposed his course in the St. John manner. Theappointment was given him during the progress of the campaign, when, fromhis representations of his influence with the prohibition candidate, itwas supposed he could render the party valuable services. The discoverythat Legate has been thus provided for is a genuine surprise. Unless hehas played a double game, however, and has got a promise of protection fromGorman through the subsequent negotiations between St. John and the Democraticcommittee, Mr. Legate will not receive any great amount of public moneys.K. C. Journal.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

The bill to prevent the manufacture, sale, or keeping of dynamite andother explosive compounds, except for specific purposes, in the Legislature,is near enough the head of the calendar to be reached this week, and willprobably be passed. The members of this Legislature feel that Kansas hasno use for the "critters" who so cowardly use these explosives.There is some respect for the assassin who rides up and shoots a man inthe back, for this act gives the murdered man's friends some opportunityto run him down and ornament a tree with him. They have a high regard forthe cowboy who fills up with budge and, riding through the streets, shootsdown several leading citizens, for they afford an excellent target, at whichthey can aim long unused fowling pieces. They have a feeling of admirationfor the train wrecker, for he generally lingers around long enough to feelthe enthusiasm of the moment as he swings from a bridge and makes relicsof a piece of rope that otherwise would not be worth more than thirty cents.But for the dynamiter, the Kansas Legislator has precisely the same feelingas he had for the "gray back" during the war, and has only thesame use for him--to crush him. Our western member thinks to call a dynamitera coward is a deep and lasting injustice to the real coward. The lattermay be a good citizen--the other would not thrive on Kansas soil.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

A New York Journal has published an apparently reliable statement ofthe amount of Mr. William Vanderbilt's private fortune, and the sum totalof his earthly possessions foots up a trifle over $200,000,000. The differentitems are stated with such particularity as to induce belief in their correctness,and the New York Croesus is set down as the richest man in the world. Afew English noblemen have property to an almost equal amount, and the Rothschildsare reputed to have enough to dispel all fears of going to the poor house;but the English gentlemen's fortunes are mostly in landed estates, and yieldno such annual returns as Mr. Vanderbilt enjoys. A landed estate in theold country does well if it affords a yearly net profit to the owner oftwo percent on its valuation, whereas Mr. Vanderbilt claims that his investmentsbring him six percent per annum so that he is not only the richest man inthe world but his property as a whole is the most remunerative.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

The senate has passed the bill providing that laborers in and about coalmines and manufactories shall receive their wages at regular intervals inlawful money of the United States, and the same bill stands fifth on generalorders, which insures its being reached in committee of the whole and avote taken on its final passage this week. This measure appears a just one,and has, so far, met with opposition only from those members representingconcerns employing many men.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Representative Reagan will on Monday send to President-elect Clevelanda petition, signed by 100 Democratic members of Congress, asking him notto commit himself on the silver question in his inaugural address.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Referring to the position in Congress to restrain foreigners, and especiallyEnglish nobles, from acquiring great tracts of land in this country, itcan be said the English parliament is making a precedent for the AmericanCongress. Mr. Ross Winans, of Baltimore, the heir of the eccentric but wealthygenius who invented "the cigar shaped ship," is buying up greattracts of land in Scotland and England, and making them up into game preservesand parks. And for fear, probably, that he intends buying up "the tightlittle island" altogether, parliament is about to level an act at himpreventing the purchase of large estates by foreigners.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

The New York Tribune paints this pretty little sketch: "Itwas night at the Hotel Victoria--one night last week. The President electhad gone to the theatre and office seekers from the thirty-eight states,eight Territories, and the District of Columbia waited for his return withmouths that watered with sweet expectancy. And while they waited, ever andanon if not oftener, the earnest band of patriots wended their way to thelong room just off the office and whispered to the man behind the bar thatthey wanted a little more of that hand-made Jeffersonian simplicity."

Board of Charities.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Dr. Phillip Krohn, of Atchison, recently appointed member of the Boardof Charities, was, upon the organization of the new board, elected president,a merited tribute to one worth of distinction. Mr. Charles Faulkner waselected secretary, and Mr. A. T. Sharp, treasurer. We predict a splendidrecord for the new board. Capital.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Twenty-eight raving maniacs were burned to death in the insane departmentof the Blackley Alms House, Philadelphia, on the west side of the Schuylkillriver, February 12, in a conflagration which needed nothing to make it themost horrible disaster of the kind in the history of the city. The fireoriginated in the wing of the old building of the insane department; whichfronts towards the Schuylkill river, directly east of the alms house. Thiswing is 145 feet front and 60 feet deep, connected on the south with themain building of the old structures of the insane department, which runssouth 400 feet to a similar wing to the one in which the disaster occurred.In the north building where the fire broke out, there were sixty separatecells for the violent patients, twenty on each floor. In addition to thisthere was a large room on each of the three floors in which cots for twelvemen were placed, all of which were occupied when the fire broke out on thesecond floor. Opposite the central cell of the row and on the north sideof the corridor, which runs from east to west was the dry room, which wasabout ten feet square and was directly alongside the middle stairway leadingto the floors above and below. Here the flames originated, but from whatcause is not known. At this time there were insane patients in each of thetwenty cells on these three floors, ten in the large room on the first floor,and twelve in each of the large rooms on the second and third floors. Fromall accounts to be obtained, it appears pretty certain that the first alarmwas given by an insane patient on the first floor of the main building.This man, Jos. Nadine, occupied a room adjoining the stairway and dryingroom, with about twenty other quiet patients. About ten minutes to eighto'clock he saw smoke issuing from above the door which opened into the wingin which the cells were situated. He ran to the big iron grated door frontingon the main corridor of the building and cried out "fire." Thisfearful sound reached the ears of Joseph Shroeder, the attendant of theground floor, who was in his room directly opposite the one from which Nadinehad given the alarm. Mrs. Umpstead, who has general charge at night, saidit was about 8 o'clock when the alarm reached her. She was in her office,about twenty feet from the dry room, and at once hurried to the scene. Shesays an attempt was made to put out the fire with buckets of water, andat first it was supposed the flames were only burning some of the groundfloor near the stairway; but in almost an instant, it was found that thereal point from which the danger came was from the second floor at the topabove the dry room. She then hastened to get all the patients from the mainbuilding, extending back from the east wing.

Admission of Kansas as State.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

On the 21st of January, 1861, Jeff Davis left the Senate ofthe United States; and when that treacherous back was turned, Wm. H. Sewardcalled up the bill for the admission of Kansas under the Wyandotte Constitution,and it was passed; 36 yeas to 10 nays. Young Kansas came in as old Jeffwent out. In the House the bill was brought up by Galusha A. Grow, on the28th of January, 1861, and passed; 119 yeas to 42 nays. On the29th President Buchanan signed the bill, and so last week theState of Kansas saw the twenty-fourth anniversary of her admission intothe Union.

[A Lengthy Letter from Ed. P. Greer.]

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

DEAR COURIER: Since my last the activity hereabouts has increased a hundredfold in the way of lobbyists. The insurance men are now on hand protestingagainst certain measures proposed for their regulation. Since the returnof the maximum rates bill by the Railroad Committee with its reference tothe committee of the whole, the railroad lobby has been very active. Thisbill together with all other railroad legislation which may be on the calendarat that date has been made the special order for Tuesday. What the resultwill be cannot be determined now.

The first regular knock-down fight of the session took place Wednesdayevening last over the sugar bounty bill, introduced by Mr. Bond, of RiceCounty. It provided that the State should pay a bounty of one and one-halfcents per pound on all sugar manufactured from sorghum cane in Kansas. Thebill received the solid support of a large number of the leading members,including Speaker Johnson, Gov. Anthony, Mr. Gillett, and Mr. Burton. Theopposition was lead by Mr. Smith, of McPherson, who made a most powerfuland effective speech in opposition to the measure upon the ground that itwas a scheme to make valuable the three sugar factories which have beenstarted in the State, and that every other industry was as much entitledto assistance as the sugar making. After a contest lasting until after midnight,and which has left many sores that will scarcely heal during the balanceof the session, the bill was defeated. Your correspondent regards the defeatof this bill as a matter much to be regretted. The facts are that wheatproduction is no longer profitable in Kansas, owing to the largely increasedproduction of India and Russia, and its competition in the World's market.It seems necessary for Kansas to look for some other staple. Sorghum caneis produced by our soil most luxuriantly, and the crop is always certain.If the manufacture of sugar from this cane can be fostered and encouragedby the State in such a manner as to stimulate the perfection of the processuntil the industry can compete with foreign sugars, Kansas will then becomethe center of the greatest sugar producing country in the world. With theimperfect process now known to the manufacture of Sorghum Sugar, it costsseven cents per pound. The foreign sugar is sold at five cents per pound.Without some kind of help this industry in Kansas must go down, and withit goes the prospect of the development of a sure and profitable stapleof agriculture to take the place of wheat. A half million pounds of thesugar was produced in the State last year, but at a loss of nearly two centsper pound. The sugar is very fine and as high in sweetening power as anysugar known. Cowley gave two votes for the bill and one against. The billwas defeated on the "monopoly" plea--that it would build up greatsugar monopolies at the expense of the State. In their wild rage at "monopolies,"the members seemed to forget that Kansas soil must produce the cane beforethe factories can make sugar of it, hence the whole basis of the industryrested upon the ability and inclination of the farmers to grow the cane.

On Thursday evening the propositions for a re-submission of the ProhibitoryAmendment came up for discussion. Very long, able, and eloquent speecheswere made in favor of re-submission by Messrs. Carroll, Hatfield, Overmyerand Kelly, occupying several hours. When the last speaker finished, therewas an ominous stillness, and Speaker Johnson rose on the part of the prohibitionistsand stated that the House had been very pleasantly entertained by the gentlemenupon the opposite side, and proposed that the question be voted upon then.This tack was a very great surprise to the opposition and those not awareof the movement. The vote resulted in seventy-two against re-submissionand thirty-two for, with twenty-one absent. Fourteen of the absentees wereprohibitionists, so it places the prohibition strength at eighty-six andthe antis at forty. During the discussion the galleries were crowded withspectators.

On Friday the new prohibitory law, a copy of which I mailed the COURIERsome days ago, came up and several sections were passed upon. A large numberof amendments were offered and promptly voted down. The bill was passedwith but little amendment. It is the most sweeping, forcible, and effectivestatute ever enacted in Kansas, and carries consternation into the ranksof the whiskey-sellers. Its passage shows that the people of Kansas proposeto strangle this traffic without any further foolishness. Conviction underthis law will mean both a heavy fine and imprisonment, aside from confiscationof all the liquors and fixtures used by the seller, as in the U. S. Statutesrelating to counterfeiting. The bill passed the House on Tuesday, and itis already far along in the Senate and will be placed on final passage theresoon.

Saturday afternoon was devoted to the consideration of "fiscal bills."Under this order your member succeeded in getting his bill enabling citiesof the second class to extend their corporate limits called up after a sharpskirmish on the fact of its being a general and not a local bill. However,the House stood by him and voted to consider it then. After some discussionand slight amendment, it was passed. It now goes to the Senate. It willprove a matter of very great importance to Winfield and her future development,and its passage at this time is a matter of much congratulation.

Some kind friend mailed me a clipping from a paper charging me with allsorts of mercenary motives for voting for the ten dollar postage stamp appropriation.I apprehend that the brains of the person who wrote it could be very easilysmothered with a postage stamp. During the early days of the session, aresolution was introduced by Mr. McNall, directing the Secretary of Stateto furnish each member with ten dollars' worth of postage stamps. It wascarried with only half a dozen dissenting. I voted for it because my expensefor postage at the time was twenty-five cents per day, my salary three dollars,and my daily personal expenses four dollars. I was working sixteen hoursa day and paying one dollar a day out of my own pocket for the privilege.Letters were pouring in asking for information and copies of public documents,and I knew that any constituent of mine whose head was properly balancedwould be entirely willing that the State should pay the postage on thesepublic matters. I also remembered that Cowley County pays her clerk andother officers from six to eight dollars per day for no more exacting workthan I was doing, and yet never refused or questioned the propriety of payingalso their postage bills. So I think I reasoned well when I determined thatthe people of Cowley were fair enough and sensible enough to endorse anyaction as right and proper. The Secretary of State bought the stamps, butcould not pay for them until an appropriation bill was passed. The post-officedepartment demanded its money, so I was requested to take the matter incharge and have the bill put through the House, which I did. It passed theSenate the next day, the Governor approved it, and the debt was paid. Myselection to take charge of the bill was purely accidental, and was promptedby no "ulterior," "mercenary," or unworthy motive. Ihope the explanation is sufficient, and that the hair-brained individualwho desires for personal reasons to criticize my actions will wait untilhe can find just cause for it and not play the part of a demagogue in smallthings. Such action is neither pretty nor gentlemanly.

Messrs. J. S. Chase and W. H. Grow spent two days of last week on thefloor of the House. They returned home Friday night. E. P. G.

A Comprehensive Resume on the Subject by James F. Martin.
Facts of Incalculable Importance to Citizens of Cowley.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

In my last I promised to give you, this week, the profits of forest culture.I recommend the following to your careful consideration. The correctness,in the main, of the conclusions may be tested by the observation and a littlefiguring of the reader. My only purpose is to induce my brother farmersand others to plant trees. If you will not plant them for the climatic effectsthat they will produce, nor for their beauty, nor yet for your personalcomfort or the comfort of your stock, I trust that you will be influencedto plant trees by the certainty of the money to be derived therefrom.

In my next I will have something to say in regard to the varieties toplant for profit.

The following is condensed from estimates made by Robert Douglass &Sons, of Waukegan, Illinois, who make a specialty of forest tree seedlings.They have planted for railroads extensive plantations and their experienceand honesty being beyond question, they are fully qualified to give correctestimates.

10,000 yearling plants (catalpa): $60.00

Freight and transportation, say $3 per thousand: $30.00

Two years cultivation, 3 plowings, each at $2 each: $12.00

TOTAL: $102.00

On the farm of the Ohio State University such trees attained a diameterof 4¾ inches and a height of seventeen feet in five years from planting.In seven to eight years they would be large enough to make fence posts;but let us add fifty percent to this estimate and call it twelve years andlet us suppose that the stand of trees has been reduced to 2,500 per acre.We would then have 2,500 posts worth at least twenty cents each, or $500,while many of the tops would make second class posts, others being usefulfor poles, etc., and all valuable for fuel, would more than pay the costof clearing. Against this income we have to deduct the original cost ofthe plantation with interest on the same for twelve years. Calculating thisinterest at 6 percent and compounded, the original sum will have doubled,and yet, after this handsome allowance and liberal calculation, there willbe a balance left of $296, or about $9.25 per acre per annum for the useof the land. During the first season of cultivating the trees, if the groundis good, a crop of corn may be grown between the trees, and after cultivatingthe third year the ground might be sown to clover and use the same for hogpasture, which would pay the rent on the land. On the basis of cash profits,excluding all other advantages of the grove, what farming operations paybetter?

To show the comparative growth of the different kinds of trees, we extractthe following from the forestry report of the Kansas State HorticulturalSociety for 1883, page 65.

Hutchinson, February 7, 1883.

In response to your request, I visited the forest tree experimental groundsof the A., T. & S. F. Railway Company near this city. I found the soilto be a light sandy loam, located on the bottom land. I made the followingmeasurement of trees found growing thereon, which were planted out in thespring of 1873, which makes them at this date ten years old.

Name Average Height Average Circumference.

Black Walnut 14 ft. 11 in.

Catalpa 18 ft. 20 in.

Ash 12 ft. 10 in.

Ash-leaved Maple 45 ft. 15 in.

Horny Locust 25 ft. 18 in.

White Maple 15 ft. 12 in.

White Elm 15 ft. 10 in.

Cottonwood 40 ft. 27 in.

Kentucky coffee tree 8 ft. 6 in.

Ailanthus 12 ft. 8 in.

We leave the reader to make his own conclusions.

The following is taken from the same valuable work, pages 65 and 66,written by L. B. Schlichter, Sterling, Kansas.

"Estimated value of the product of one acre for fuel.

At 10 years, 20 cords of wood at $4.00 per cord. Total $ 80.00

At 15 years, 35 cords of wood at $4.00 per cord. Total $ 40.00

At 20 years, 35 cords of wood at $4.00 per cord. Total $ 320.00

At 30 years, 150 cords of wood at $4. Per cord. Total $1050.00

Railroad Ties.

At 10 years None.

At 15 years, 1,000 at 60 cents each. Total $ 600.00

At 20 years, 2,000 at 60 cents each. Total $1200.00

At 30 years, 3,000 at 60 cents each. Total $1800.00

The above estimates are on the basis of 2,725 trees to the acre, andcutting out only such as have grown to a proper size only such as have grownto a proper size for posts and ties. In cutting out for cord wood, I haveallowed for 100 trees to remain on an acre, which at 30 years of age wouldadd materially to the product."

It is to be presumed that the timber in each table is to be entirelyremoved at the end of 30 years and only for the purposes named therein.The aggregate sales of the one acre for fuel is $1,140, being upward of$36 per annum, and from the one acre for posts $2,100, or $70 per annum,and from the one acre for ties $3,600, or $120 per annum. The first costof trees, planting, cultivation, rent of land, interest, etc., is left forthe reader to solve in his own way.

From the same work, page 68, is taken the following estimate of Prof.E. Gale, of the Agricultural College Farm, Manhattan, Kansas. Prof. Galeis a very competent and conscientious gentleman who would not under anycirc*mstances intentionally mislead.

"The estimates are based upon facts developed by experience andfrom observation in this (Riley) County.

"The time calculated for timber to occupy the land (1 acre) is thirtyyears. At the end of the terms of 10, 15, and 20 years, such thinnings areto be made as will be of the greatest benefit to the remaining trees; thetimber thus cut to be used for such purpose as it is best adapted. At theend of thirty years, the ground is to be entirely cleared. There will besecured at the end of

10 years, cord wood and posts: $156.10

15 years, cord wood and posts: $448.00

20 years, cord wood and ties: $355.00

30 years, cord wood, ties & lumber: $580.00

TOTAL: $1,539.10

"Being upwards of $51 per annum."

Ex-Commissioner Gale, of Cowley County, has growing on his farm in Rocktownship about five acres of Cottonwoods, the cuttings for which were plantedin the spring of 1878. The distance is about 4 to 7 feet; the cuttings wereput 8 to 10 inches deep. He cultivated them two years, since which no attentionhas been given them. The trees are now five to eight inches in diameterand forty feet high. Mr. Gale thinks that forty cords of wood could nowbe cut from each acre, which, if valued at $3 per cord on the ground, wouldmake a total of $120 per acre or $600 for the five acres. This gives morethan $17 to the acre per annum. Much of this timber if used for the variouspurposes of the farm, where it could be kept above the ground, would beof much more value than if used for cord wood. Mr. Gale regards this timberbelt as nearly or quite equal to a straw shed as protection to stock incold, windy weather. The value of the grove for purposes of wind break,a protection to the birds, and in beautifying his home are more than sufficientfor the annual rent on hand, so that with little care and expense he realizesa much greater cash return on this land than if he had cultivated the samein annual crops. If Mr. Gale was interrogated as to what part of his farmhe regards as of the greatest value, no doubt he would reply that it isthat part where his buildings, his orchards, and his groves were locatedand that if the orchards and groves were removed, the farm would be greatlydepreciated in value.

On the first of May, 1880, the writer planted 3,700 one year old catalpas.The ground on which they are planted is divided by a draw or ravine, thesoil of which is quite good for the purpose, but not better than most ofthe bottom land in this county. On either side of this draw the land isquite poor, partaking somewhat of a gumbo soil. The trees were brought fromOhio the November previous to planting and planted very late in the springand the season following was the dry season, so that the considerationswere unfavorable to success. They stand four feet apart each way. The firstand second seasons they were plowed three times each and hoed twice, andtwo plowings were given them the third season; since which no attentionhas been given them. The trees standing on the poorer soil now average eightinches in circumference and seven feet high; and those in the good soilthirteen inches in circumference and twelve feet high.


3,700 plants at $6 per 100: $22.20

Preparing grounds and planting: $ 6.00

Cultivating seven times: $10.00

Two hoeings: $ 3.00

Rent of land five years: $25.00

Interest not exceeding: $20.00


There are now standing on the ground 3,600 trees and no one would placetheir value at less than five cents each, which would aggregate $180. Certainit is that the owner would not have the ground cleared of the trees fordouble the amount. Three years hence and fence posts can be cut in orderto properly thin the trees when the yearly income may continue perpetually.

The following remarks are taken from an address by Hon. Emil Rothe: "Manymillions of dollars of American capital are invested in various enterpriseswhich require a much longer time to yield profit and income, and never paynearly as well as systematic forest culture in the proper locality. Greatfortunes are risked in wild speculations, in railroads which pay no dividends,in mining stock which enrich only the agents, or brokers selling them, inlands and lots, which never attain the expected increase of value. But thereis certainly no risk in forest culture. It produces an article of generaland steadily increasing demand, and it can be calculated with almost mathematicalcertainty what profit may be derived from it and within what time. The factthat it is highly remunerative in all Europe, where land is much higherin price than here, should justify the expectation that it will be profitablehere.

"Our soil and climate produce a much larger variety of valuabletimber than any European country. Several species of American trees arenow cultivated there very extensively because of the superior qualitiesof the same, and with a view to large profit therefrom. Our American hickory,black walnut, hard maple, and wild cherry, for instance, have none of theirequals in Europe. They excite the envy of European carriage makers, furniture-menand manufacturers of tools. They are now largely exported from America,but the forest men of Germany and France are earnestly engaged in raisingthem for the home market.

"Now, it is well known that on this continent forest trees growmuch quicker and comparatively taller than in the Eastern hemisphere. Herethe most useful trees attain their full development in two-thirds of thetime required in Europe, an advantage which can hardly be overestimated.

"Locust, although being a very hard and solid wood, will make fenceposts and pavement blocks in eight years from the seed, and large treesin twelve years. Its beautiful, golden, yellow color mixed with jet blackmakes it well adapted for elegant furniture. Catalpa, which makes the bestrailroad ties, grows even quicker. Hickory, now largely exported to Europeand coming into great demand there, will prove exceedingly profitable. Sownin rows three feet apart, the nuts six inches in the row, the young treeswill grow up straight and slender. In five years thinning out may commence,and hoop-poles may be sold; the next thinning out will give material forspokes and buggy fills; and the best trees left standing at proper distancewill make a fine forest in less than twenty years.

"Black walnut is a slow grower, but is getting so costly that itis worthwhile to think of planting it for speculation. Men below the ageof thirty-five years will reap a rich harvest from the cultivation of thisvaluable timber before they have passed the best time of their life. A fortyacre lot of black walnut forest, now planted, will in twenty years makeits owner independently wealthy, without requiring outlay or labor. I amtold that a gentleman who, twenty years ago, planted twelve acres of landin Southern Indian with pecan nuts made a fortune by it and created thesource of a large yearly revenue."

If on every quarter section now occupied in this state, there were growingorchards, hedges, and forest belts to the extent of ten acres, the timberbelts to the extent of ten acres, the timber belts so arranged as to bemost effectual in breaking the force of the winds, who would not say thatthe benefits to the individual owners and the state at large would be incalculable.The advantages are plainly manifest in thus having wind breaks: shade, fruit,birds, and then these same trees growing year by year more valuable forall the purposes of the farm and the mechanic arts. If omnipotence woulddecree that every forest tree and every tree bearing fruit and every beautifulflower planted by the hand of man should die, and every effort hereaftermade to grow these things should prove unavailing, we would suddenly awaketo their just importance and wail over the desolation. Civilization willnot, cannot, exist in a desert. The wants of man for timber in the mechanicarts and the growing of the same for climatic purposes will not be approacheduntil at least one tenth of the entire area of the country is covered withtrees. So the planter need have no fear of overdoing the matter of plantingtrees. J. F. MARTIN.

Political, Official and Social Duties as Gathered by
Our Regular Washington Correspondent.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Only thirteen working days remain of this Congress, and none of the largeappropriation bills have been passed. Hence it is high time for Congressto bestir itself if its simple routine work is to be accomplished. Nothingin the line of general legislation is now possible except that here andthere an unimportant bill of this character may slip through by shrewd managementor good luck.

The most important factor in the relief of the overcrowded vaults ofthe Treasury: the river and harbor bill, has made very little progress thusfar, and its future is not of the brightest. A determined opposition tothe Eads-Galveston job is developed, and there are the customary humorousreferences to trout streams with hard Indian names. The bill is denouncedas worse than that of the last Congress, voted by President Arthur, so thatit* fate is doubtful, even if it squeezes through Congress.

The course of debate has brought out two or three interesting features.One has been mentioned: the hostility to the Eads-Galveston scheme. Anotheris the attempt to exclude civil engineers from all work under the bill.A third item of interest is the notification by Mr. Breckenridge that heintends, at the next session of Congress, to try to have created a separateand permanent bureau of public works to have charge of the subject of riverand harbor improvements.

The peculiarities of the bill make members irritable. Several squabbleshave marked the debate, one or two being rather serious, and more beingfunny. The very useful "if" has thus far intervened to preventactual bloodletting; and it is to be hoped that members will adhere to thepractice of looking and speaking daggers, but using none.

Apropos of these squabbles, Speaker pro tem, Blackman,has played the schoolmaster to perfection during the debates upon the bill,and has rather overdone his part, but the House quite enjoyed his harshness."Diseases desperate grown by desperate appliance are relieved or notat all," and the disease of crankism is getting to be insupportablein the House and needs a rough master.

The prospect for legislation at this session seems to grow darker withthe dawn of each day. By a close vote the Senate has now agreed to adhereto its rule to strike legislative features off of appropriation bills. Thisaction will add much to the embarrassments of the session, as the Househas inserted in these bills about all the legislation which the party leadersare anxious to have passed. But the fundamental objection to this practiceof legislating in appropriation bills is a wise and reasonable one. Underthis usage, the important new legislation of a session is withheld fromthe Senate till the last two or three weeks, and then lumped upon that bodyin a mass when all the time remaining is required to discuss the propersubjects of appropriations.

Senator Palmer made his initial speech in the Senate last week, and itis also noted as being the first set speech in Congress in favor of thecause of woman suffrage. His speech secured at least one convert to thecause, in this wise: Palmer, Pike of New Hampshire, Manderson of Nebraska,and Bowen of Colorado sit in the four seats which form the outer row onthe Republican side of the Senate. This row is elevated above the othersa trifle. Palmer, Manderson, and Bowen have named it Pike's Peak, in honorof the New Hampshire Senator. Like the men who sat on the "mountain"in the first French Assembly, the denizens of Pike's Peak are leagued together,and vote alike on all questions--until the day of Palmer's effort therewas one exception. Pike would not vote for extension of suffrage to women.He would vote for anything else, but he could not vote for that. But afterPalmer got through, Pike was foremost in the group of Senators gatheredabout him, and was the first to congratulate him, with the remark: "Well,Palmer, hereafter we'll vote solidly on every proposition." To whichPalmer replied: "That's right. I thought I would catch you. I was fishingfor pike today."

According to Senator Edmunds, Mr. Cleveland "appears to be President."It was Aristotle, or some other eminent worthy of antiquity, who laid downthe law that "what appears to all to be, is." Mr. Cleveland'stitle, therefore, seems to be good. But by his remarks, Mr. Edmunds hasreminded the people that no legal way is now prescribed for setting a disputein the court, and the attention of the country is called sharply to thedefects in our electoral machinery.

The "dynamite resolutions" have happily died a quick deathin the House foreign affairs committee. LENOX.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Recap: R. L. Walker, Register, Land Office at Wichita, printed noticeof claim by William P. Franklin, of Tisdale, Kansas, for land. Notary Public:E. S. Bedilion. Witnesses: J. C. Powers, H. Herrod, Phillip Cook, and R.B. Mulford, all of Tisdale, Kansas.


[I GIVE UP! SO MANY TYPOS WERE MADE WITH PRIOR ISSUES WITH RESPECT TOTHE PROPER SPELLING FOR KANSAS LEGISLATORS THAT I DO NOT KNOW IF ANY THATHAVE BEEN GIVEN ARE CORRECT! At times I have found Overmyer and then Overmyrewill appear. The first issues showed Loofbourrow and then changed to Loofborrow.The Courier typesetter did not seem to care! MAW


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

A lengthy debate in Committee of the whole on H. B. Kelley's bill tofix maximum rates of freight on wheat, and on Buchan's amendment givingthe Railroad Commissioners power to increase those rates.

Another debate was had over the bill to appropriate twelve sections ofSalt Springs land to the endowment of the Emporia Normal school.

A resolution was adopted requesting our Representatives of Congress tosecure an appropriation for a road from Caldwell across the Indian Territoryto the government forts.

In committee of the whole the Agricultural College Appropriation billwas recommended for passage; also State University appropriation bill, andInsane Asylum appropriation bill.


Mr. Rhodes: Asking for a maximum rate law on freights.

Corning, Nemaha County: Same as the last.


Mr. Bonebrake: Relating to schoolhouse site in Clinton, Douglas County.

Mr. Hardesty: Providing punishment for injuries to irrigating canals.

Mr. Veatch: Fixing time of holding Courts in Washington County.

Committee on Assessment and Taxation: Amending many sections of the assessmentlaws.

The House then passed the following bills: Nos. 128, 93, 54, 21, 15,244, and S. B. 10, 30, 28, mostly local bills of little general importance.

No. 367 reported by the Temperance Committee was made the special orderfor Friday at 2 p.m.

A general debate followed on bills to give mortgagors of real estateone year's redemption after sale. A vote was reached on the motion to indefinitelypostpone, which prevailed.

The bill to appropriate $2,000 to pay the expenses of the exhibit atNew Orleans of the Woman's department of Kansas products, passed.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

A volume of petitions were presented in favor of a State Entomologist.

Numerous petitions in favor of teaching physiology and hygiene in publicschools were presented.

The usual reports of standing committees were made.

The Committee on Public Health reported back the bill to prevent saleof tobacco to minors, recommending its passage.

The House concurrent resolution in favor of pensioning soldiers beingunder consideration. Senator Lowe renewed his motion to include all soldiersexcept such as had been in rebellion. This elicited considerable discussion,and Senator Lowe's amendment was adopted. This resolution was then adopted,yeas 27, nays 10. Subsequently it was re-considered and re-referred to theCommittee on Military Affairs.

The Agricultural College appropriation bill, the University appropriationbill, and the Topeka Insane Asylum appropriation bill passed.

Senator Kellogg's bill to further endow the Emporia Normal school wasdefeated on third reading; as was also the bill to further endow the StateUniversity.

The bill to transfer certain moneys and lands of the railroad fund tothe permanent school funds passed.

The bill appropriating $2,000 to the Kansas Woman's department of theWorld's far was defeated.


Mr. Johnson, of Brown: For an appropriation to develop the mineral resourcesof Northern Kansas.

Mr. Wellep: For regulation of Mutual Life Insurance Companies.

Mr. Loofbourrow: Resolution of Teachers meeting in Riley County relativeto uniform text books.

Mr. Rhodes: Asking for maximum freight rates.


Mr. Reeves: Relating to marriages.

A bill was introduced to prevent gambling.

Mr. Osborn: Supplemental to act establishing the Insurance department.

Judiciary: Reported on bill for stenographers for District Courts, recommendingthat their fees shall be $8, instead of $6, per day, as in the bill.

Senate concurrent resolution asking the general Government to improvethe Military road from Caldwell, Kansas, to Fort Sill, was concurred in.

Substitute for H. B.'s 122 and 124, relating to changes in county lines,was, on motion of Mr. A. W. Smith, made a special order for next Wednesdayevening.

S. C. R. 27, asking for an increase to $12 per month of pensions of widowswas concurred in.

S. C. R. 26, directing the Attorney General to inquire into the termand duration of railroad corporations of the State, was considered. Mr.A. W. Smith moved to strike out the proviso from the resolution which wouldrestrict the inquiry to less than all the railroads of the State. This prevailed.And the resolution was adopted as amended.

H. C. R. 20, asking Congress to pass the Mexican Pension bill, was adopted.

The bill providing for a geological survey was discussed at length incommittee of the whole, as was also the Texas cattle bill.

The bounty bill on Sorghum sugar was killed in the last evening session.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Several reports were made by standing committees.

Senator Kellogg moved the reconsideration of the vote by which the 12sections of land endowment of the Normal school were defeated. Laid over.

The Osawatomie Insane Asylum appropriation bill passed.

In Committee of the whole the Labor Bureau bill was discussed and laidover.

Bills regulating conveyance of real estate; passage recommended.

Regulating procedure before justice, laid over.

To establish a code of civil procedures, recommended for passage.

Exempting certain property from execution, indefinitely postponed.

In relation to counties and county officers, passage recommended.

To establish salaries of state officers, laid over.

Fixing fees for conveying persons to State institutions, recommendedfor passage.


Several petitions for State Entomologist and two for municipal suffragefor women.

Memorial from regents of the Normal school was read.


Bill to create State board of pardons laid over; relating to fire insurancecompanies, passed; striking from justices fee fill the limitation to $10costs in cases of felony; passed.

The two resubmission resolutions were indefinitely postponed, 71 to 31with 21 absent who will be permitted to record their votes when they return.

H. B. 367 (being the bill from the Temperance Committee published inthis paper today) being the special order was discussed at length, and consideredby sections. Many amendments are proposed by the opponents of the bill,which were voted down, and one or two amendments by friends of the billpassed.

Speaker appointed as committee of Conference on S. C. R. relating totenure of railroad Charters, Messrs. Drought, Beattie, Ogden, Greer, andEdmunds.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Members who were absent at the roll call on the previous day upon indefinitepostponement of the resubmission regulations, were permitted to have theirvotes recorded. Mr. Burton and Mr. Stine and Mr. Thompson, of Harper, votedno. The rest voted aye.


Mr. Vance: Asking passage of a resolution with reference to the Indianpolicy of the Government.

Mr. Overmyer: Asking for the vacation of the town site of Indianola.

Mr. Spiers: For a State Entomologist.

Mr. Butterfield: On same subject.


Mr. Stine: To prevent co*ck-fighting.

Mr. Anthony: For establishment of public libraries.

Mr. Stine's bill about co*ck-fighting was under a declaration of emergency,read a second time, and referred. The author explained that it is intendedto prevent Missourians from coming into Kansas for their co*cking mains.

Mr. Overmyer: To vacate the town site of Indianola.

By Committee of Ways and Means: For a kitchen building, two cottage buildings,and a boiler house at the State Reform School.

Mr. Hatfield: To legalize certain levies of taxes in Sedgwick County.


Claims and Accounts. Two reports on Guerilla and Price Raid Claims.

The bill to create a State Board of pardons passed.

In Committee of the whole several bills were recommended for passage,among which was the bill to create the 19th Judicial District,and the bill making Shawnee County a separate judicial district.

Mr. Greer's bill to enable cities of the second class to extend theircorporate limits was ordered to third reading subject to amendments.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Mr. Greer was called to preside in the committee of the whole, the orderbeing the consideration of local bills and such as are not objected to.

H. B. 222, 43, 83, 191, 216, 286, 358, 531, 414, 78, 231, and S. B. 118all local bills, were recommended for passage.

A considerable heated discussion protesting against convicts in the Penitentiaryearning anything for the State.


A foolish petition was presented protesting against convicts in the Penitentiaryearning anything for the State.


Mr. Turner introduced a bill to authorize Chautauqua County to make aspecial levy for a bridge fund. This was pressed through to position onthe calendar for third reading.

Mr. Bond: Providing for organization and control of Mutual Life InsuranceCompanies. Advanced to second reading and referred.

Mr. Graham: To legalize certain highways in Republic County.

Mr. Glasgow: To whitewash some rebels. This was advanced to second readingand referred.

Mr. Coggesdall introduced a bill to authorize Dickinson County to builda jail.

Mr. Wellep introduced a joint resolution to submit a proposition to expungefrom the Constitution the clause taking away the right of suffrage fromthose who have borne arms against the United States.

Mr. Overmyer secured the advancement of his bill to vacate Indianolato a position on the calendar for third reading.


Mr. Clogston moved to expunge from the journal the memorial of the Boardof Regents of the State Normal School, making complaint against the committeeappointed to investigate their action, which motion prevailed after a lengthydiscussion. H. B. 367, from the Temperance Committee, was discussed at large,many amendments proposed and voted down and the bill was ordered engrossedfor third reading. H. B. 180, 117, 60, and 77 passed. 60 is the bill makingthe 19th Judicial District of Sumner, Harper, Barber, and Comanchecounties. 77 is the bill to create a Superior Court for Shawnee County.The other bills are local.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Several standing committees made reports.

Senator Allen offered a resolution to print 150 copies of the Temperancebill, which, being amended by motion of Senator Jennings to 250, was adopted.


Five new bills, to-wit: To legalize re-survey of LaCygne, Linn County;to organize a high school in Blue Mound township, Linn County; to amendsections 222 and 463 chapter 80, general statutes of 1868; to legalize thetax levy by county commissioners of Phillips County in 1879, 1880, 1881,1882, 1883, and 1884; declaring Memorial Day, May 30, a public holiday.


The following bills passed the third reading.

Senate bill No. 260; Labette bridge tax.

House bill No. 279, an act making appropriations for the woman's departmentat the World's Fair at New Orleans, with amendments.

Senate bill No. 60, regulating conveyancing of real estate.

Senate bill 129 to vacate LaCygne cemetery.

Senate bill No. 58, at amend code of civil procedure.

House bill No. 63, amending laws authorizing a bounty on wolf, coyote,wild cat, fox and rabbit scalps.

Senate bill No. 150, to amend act relating to counties and county officers.

Senate bill No. 127, in relation to fees of sheriffs and other personsfor conveying persons to the reformatory and charitable institutions ofthe State.


The following bills were passed through the committee, and the reportadopted by the Senate.

Senate Bill No. 61, making appropriations for the State Normal School.

Senate bill No. 62, making appropriation for drainage, heating, and ventilationof the State Insane Asylum at Osawatomie.

Senate bill No. 95, making appropriations for State Insane Asylum atTopeka.

Senate bill No. 123, to establish a Soldiers' Orphans' Home.

Senate bill No. 54, creating a bureau of labor and industrial statistics.


Mr. Vance: To authorize Shawnee County to build a jail.

Mr. Osborn: To amend the law relating to engrossing and enrolling legislativebills.

Mr. Simpson: Providing for county statistics.

Mr. Overmyer: To increase the pay of the county commissioners of ShawneeCounty.


Mr. Loofbourrow offered a petition relating to school books and teachers'examinations.

Mr. Swartz, a petition for a State Entomologist.

Mr. F. J. Kelley, one from Beloit for municipal suffrage for women.

On motion of Mr. Carroll, the appropriation for the Leavenworth Soldiers'Home was made a special order for Friday at 7:30 p.m.

Mr. Pratt's House bill No. 16 having been made the special order for10:30, the House resolved itself into committee of the whole for its consideration.The bill was approved and recommended for passage.


H. B. 249. To vacate a part of certain street in Council Grove, was passed.

Mr. Greer's H. B. 226. To enable cities of the second class to extendtheir corporate limits. Passed.

H. B. 260. To vacate a state road. Passed.

H. B. 367. Report by the committee on Temperance was again read, havingbeen re-engrossed, and upon roll call was passed. The following is the vote.

Those gentleman voting aye were:

Anthony, Barns, Beates, Blaker, Blain, Bond, Bonebrake, Brewster, Burdick,Butterfield, Coldwell, Clogston, Cook, (J. B.) Collins, Coulter, Cox, Cummings,Currier, Davenport, Dewey, Dickson, Edwards, Ellis, Finch, Gillespie, Glasgow,Gray, Greer, Hatfield, Hogue, Hollenshead, Hostetter, Hukle, Hunter, Johnson(Pottawatomie), Justus, Kelso, King, Kreger, Lawrence, Loofbourrow, Lower,McCrib, McCammon, McTaggert, Matlock, Maurer, Miller, Moore, Morgan, (Clay)(Morgan, (Osborne), Mosier, Osborne, Patton, Pratt, Randall, Rash, Raymond,Reeves, Rhodes, Roach, Roberts, Slavens, Spiers, Simpson, Smith (McPherson),Smith (Neosho), Stewart, Sweezey, Talbot, Thompson (Pratt), Vance, Veatch,Vickers, Wallace, Wentworth, Wiggins, Wilhelm, Woodlief, Mr. Speaker--80.

Those voting no were:

Ashby, Beattie, Benning, Billingsly, Bryan, Burton, Butin, Campbell,Carroll, Carter, Cloyes, Coggesdall, Cooper, Corwin, Deckard, Drought, Hargrave,Hopkins, Kelley (Doniphan), Kelley (Mitchell), McNall, McNeal, Martin, Ogden,Overmyre, Scammon, Seitz, Swartz, Thompson (Harper), Wellep, White--33.

The railroad bills being the special order, their consideration in committeeof the whole occupied the balance of the day. Maximum rate legislation wasopposed by Carroll, Gillett, Blaine, Stewart, and Slavens, and Simpson supported,in speeches of considerable length.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.


Winfield, Kansas, February 17, 1885.

Plans, Specifications and Bids for the erection of a County Poor House(limited in cost to three thousand dollars) will be received at the CountyClerk's office until the 2nd day of March next. The Board reservingthe right to reject all bids.

By order of the Board of County Commissioners.

J. S. HUNT, County Clerk.
FRANK H. GREER, Local Editor.
[Skipped Market Report.]

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Let every man who has the interests of our City and County at heart bepresent at the meeting of the Winfield Enterprise Association at the CourtHouse tonight. Matters will be sprung of great importance to every citizen.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

No You don't, Mr. Wellington - Wellin-g-tonian: "Some yearsago it was the custom of merchants in the smaller towns to advertise tosell goods at Wichita prices--that city being the terminus of the railroad.Now the merchants of the smaller towns around Wellington, when they wantto convince their neighbors that they give bargains, advertise to sell goodsat Wellington prices. Even Belle Plaine is not above doing so and we alsoexpect to soon hear of the Winfield folks doing the same." Winfieldhas no criterion, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, from the North poleto the South. She is a worthy autocrat. Her merchants defy competition inprices, stocks or business buildings, her citizens wait in vain for evena challenge for her acknowledged reputation as the Queen City of SouthernKansas, the young ladies walk away with every prize in comparison with surroundingbeauty, while her men proudly hold the field undisputed as the wealthiest,handsomest, and most enterprising.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

The pastor of the Presbyterian Church, Rev. C. P. Graham, having closedthe series of meetings in the Walnut Valley, will resume his regular appointmentat New Salem next Sabbath morning (Feb. 22nd) at 11 o'clock.The services that day in the Walnut Valley Church will be held at 4 o'clockin the afternoon instead of 7 in the evening, the usual hour; and the newmembers will be formally received and baptism will be administered to thosehitherto unbaptized. The sacrament of the Lord's supper will be administeredon Sabbath, March 1st; preparatory service on proceeding Saturdayafternoon at 3 o'clock.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

It is a consoling thought in these hard times to realize that while businessfirms are collapsing in towns all around us, Winfield has not had a failure,and her general financial condition is as solid as the rock of ages. Wichita,that the Eagle claims to be booming astonishingly, has been havingheavy failures and running over with paupers. Winfield has kept fewer paupersthis winter than any city in Southern Kansas.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

The wicked minstrel shows are turning their toes up to the daisies allalong the line. The New Orleans Premium Minstrels, billed for Winfield Wednesdayevening of last week, did not reach us, having passed in its checks at Wichita.The man who would attend a minstrel show these tough times ought to be transportedto the land where the lion roareth and the whangdoodle mourneth.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

J. S. Hubbard, of Udall, has purchased of McMullen and Silliman a fineyoung Imported Percheron stallion, Massiot, (Recorded 1409). This splendidrace of horses are the most salable, useful, hardy, powerful, and generalpurpose horses known to man. Breeders in that portion of the county areto be congratulated upon having so valuable an animal in their midst.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

The opening of the new Kellogg mill building last Friday evening, witha grand festival, was a most enjoyable affair and netted the Vernon LibraryAssociation a nice sum. Everybody from far and near were present, and music,all the delicacies of the culinary art, and general jollity formed a captivatingbill of fare.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Saturday last was St. Valentine's day: a day celebrated by many invalid-mindedin sending pictorial insults to those they envy or dislike, and by otherfoolish ones in investing in paper lace and sentimental verses to send tofavored persons.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

If in order, we rise to remark that the backbone of winter is in a fracturedcondition. We may, perhaps, be a little "previous" in using theexpression; but we want to get ahead of some lonesome editor who will probablyhave it copyrighted before the winter is over.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Southern Kansas will be well represented at New Orleans during the nextthirty days. Wellington, Wichita, Winfield, Newton, Caldwell, and severalother cities have sent quite large delegations within the last few days.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Jarvis, Conklin & Co., at the old stand south of A. T. Spotswood's,loan the cheapest money in the state of Kansas. Their rates cannot be met.Do not fail to call and see them if you want a loan on farm property.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

J. J. Carson left Saturday morning to visit the eastern cities to purchasehis goods. He will open an entire new stock in the new building of Jennings& Crippen about March 1st.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

The Oxford Register entered upon its second year last week.It is receiving fair patronage, is a readable paper, and bids fair to redeemOxford from its reputation as a newspaper grave yard.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

We understand that a new coal yard will soon be started on north Main,controlled by a large mining company, and that the intention is to makewar on prices. We can all stand it.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

The Caldwell whiskeyites are having a little trouble. Four of them arein jail in Wellington to the tune of sixteen hundred dollars.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

The Social Club has its bi-weekly hop Friday evening. Italian music willbe one of he charms.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

About three hundred and fifty names are already enrolled on the registrationbooks.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

The sneaking fire bug was again loose in Winfield Monday night, gettingin his work this time on Capt. Gary's building, on the corner of 8thAvenue and Manning Street, occupied by Case Bro's carpenter shop and UncleRobert Hudson's bed spring factory. The blaze was discovered soon afterit started, and in a remarkably short time the alarm was given and our firecompanies were on the ground, but not before a good portion of the buildingwas enveloped in flames. In five minutes after the fire companies openedup on the blaze, it was entirely extinguished. Being next to the Chicagolumber yard, a good start might have made a very serious conflagration.As it was, one hundred dollars will cover the damage. The efficiency ofour water-works and fire companies was again forcibly demonstrated. Winfieldhas great reason to congratulate herself on the activity and system of herhose companies. The boys have shown their ability to down any blaze thatpokes up its head within reach of a hydrant, and their alacrity in gettingto fires astonishes everybody. Those who discovered this fire say the indicationswere that hay and pine boards had been put against the side of the buildingand ignited. These fire bugs are getting entirely too promiscuous and promptand rigid steps should be taken by our authorities to cage them.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

The house of John Case, on South Main Street, went down in flames Tuesdayevening, fired by malicious hands. The family had been away for severaldays. The house was several blocks from a hydrant, and the fire had so envelopedthe building before the alarm was given that it was mostly in ashes beforethe fire companies could make the run the whole length of Main Street. Thehouse was worth about five hundred dollars, and as the household furniturewas all destroyed, the loss will aggregate eight hundred dollars, fullycovered with insurance. Mr. Case seems to be the victim of peculiar fate.Three years ago he had a splendid residence destroyed by incendiarism, justas he was completing it. He was also one of the victims of Monday night'sfire. Three successful attempts at destroying his property in as many yearsseems a tough experience. We learn that he had just insured his householdfurniture for $400 with Jno. D. Pryor, the day of the fire, making eighthundred dollars insurance on the premises.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Arthur Bangs, A. E. Baird, Bert Crapster, James McLain, F. M. Freeland,and others, whose names we did not get, were subpoenaed from here to testifyin the murder case of Frank Bonham at Independence. Bonham is charged withthe most revolting murder that ever stained the annals of Kansas. As wenoted last week, the mother, sister, and brother of Bonham were found inbed at their home near Radical City, Montgomery County, one morning recentlycovered with blood, having been brained and stabbed to death with a hatchetand butcher knife, probably while asleep. Frank Bonham claimed to have beenin Winfield on the night of the murder, but the sheriff of Montgomery County,on investigation, found that he was not here for two days afterwards, whenhe sat up one night in the office of the Brettun and registered the nextday at the Commercial. He also bought some articles in the New York Storeand talked with Mr. Baird. These circ*mstances were what led to the subpoenaingof the parties from here. The trial was continued to the 26th,when our folks will have to make another trip. James McLain says that nothingbut Bonham's previous good character keeps him from "pulling hemp."Bonham is a youth of twenty-two. Developments seem likely to fasten thiscrime upon him.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Now that gentle spring begins to tickle the atmosphere, those who takepride in seeing their homes and the Queen City become more and more beautiful,should be making arrangements to set out a number of ornamental and foresttrees. Our city is already handsomely dotted with groves, and many of ourstreets are lined with beautiful trees, but there is room for more in manyparts, and we should keep the ball of tree culture rolling and make Winfieldwhat her situation signifies: the prettiest city in all Kansas. Let no spotbe left barren where a beautiful tree can be made to spread its boughs.

Our readers will find the comprehensive review of this subject by Jas.F. Martin elsewhere in the COURIER to contain points of inestimable benefitto every property owner in Cowley. Read it carefully and take heed.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Mr. J. T. Carter tells us of a case of prolificness that beats all previousrecords on Cowley's wonderful domain. He says that a cow belonging to Mr.Joseph Wood, on the Arkansas river, in Vernon, is five years old and hasfive calves--two pair of twins within the last eleven months, all plumpand healthy. A cow that can do a years' work like this is a mighty profitableinstitution and should be given a deserved place on the royal road of fame.If we had a herd of such, we would be almost tempted to relinquish our newspapergrasp on rosy fortune: in fact, we would put Jay Gould to shame and bringa tear to the left eye of our friend, Mr. Vanderbilt. Cowley downs the worldfor productiveness.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

The Directors of the Fair association held their monthly meeting lastFriday at the office of A. H. Doane & Co., when the revision of thepremium list was considered. Committees were appointed to arrange the severaldepartments and report at the next meeting, March 13th. The Boarddecided on the dates arranged by the Southwestern Fair Circuit--Sept. 21stto 25th. Everything is being arranged in a way that will giveCowley another grand success in her Fair for 1885. Many discriminationsso officious at the last fair are being carefully remedied.

Go Thou and Register.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

The registration law to a casual observer appears to be a nuisance, butit must be obeyed as long as it remains on the "statoots," andthose who want to vote in April must have City Clerk Buckman invest themwith the municipal authority. You must register every calendar year. A registrationnow holds good during 1885. Now register.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Our citizens will not lack for places of entertainment tonight. The revivalmeetings at the Baptist and Methodist churches, the meeting of the WinfieldEnterprise Association at the Court House, the Jolly Pathfinders at theOpera House, the masquerade skate at the Rink, and the hop at McDougallHall will make things lively indeed.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

The Belle Plaine News proposes a new county, to be composedof six townships out of Sumner, three out of Sedgwick, one out of Butler,and two out of Cowley, to be called Nenescah, with Belle Plaine as the countyseat. Scheme to make Belle Plaine a metropolis; but she won't work--tooairy to think of.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

"Some ten days ago, Mrs. Oliver McGuire, residing near the railroad,"says the Arkansas City Republican, "gave birth to a two-and-a-halfpound boy babe. At last accounts the babe was alive but it is thought itwill not live much longer."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Harris & Clark are now answering their flood of correspondence relativeto the Banner County, on a calligraph. This firm is doing a rushing realestate business, though spring has barely touched us. They have two teamsconstantly on the go.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

The Jolly Pathfinders, a troupe that has been receiving flattering praisesfrom the press at large, appears at the Opera House tonight in "Scraps,"one of the most mirth provoking comedies ever put on the boards.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Baird's Minstrels, who won so many encomiums when here last year, appearat the Opera House again Saturday night. These performances are always first-class.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Five high grade short horn bulls and seven high grade short horn heifersfor sale by H. T. Shivvers. Inquire at the office of Shivvers & Linn,Winfield, Ks.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

The German Lutherans will have services Sunday next in the McDougal hall,when the Rev. H. Ehlers will preach.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Frank Fuller Leland was born in Chapin, Franklin County, Iowa. Catchon?

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Wait for the opening of the new Clothing Store of J. J. Carson &Co.

Her Chronicle of The Comings, Goings and Doings of Personsat Home and Abroad.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Mr. James Finch is very low, and expected to pass away at any hour.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Eli Bookwalter came over from Sumner last week to visit his brother Al.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ordway got off Tuesday for a month at the CrescentCity.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Mrs. Martha Iliff, whose life was despaired of, is, we are glad to say,gradually recovering.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Dr. D. V. Cole and daughter, Miss Nellie, are doing the World's Fair,starting last Friday.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Mrs. Samuel B. Hauk, who has been lying very sick for some weeks past,is gradually failing.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

H. L. Merrifield, one of Cooper & Taylor's gentlemanly salesmen,is very low with lung fever.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Mr. A. F. Morey has purchased the drug stock of McCormick & Son,and will remove it to Ashland.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Dr. W. S. Mendenhall represented Winfield at the State Medical Associationat Topeka last week.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Mr. Jas. H. Bullene is looking after his lumber interests at Ashland,this week, accompanied by his brother, J. G.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

T. K. Tingle, business manager of the Harper Sentinel, was inthe city Monday and dropped into the COURIER den.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Manser will take a trip "down east," stoppingon their return for the presidential inauguration.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Mr. D. Maloney, of Chicago, is visiting her brother, Mr. P. P. Powell.She is a lady of means and may locate with us.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Sidney Carnine, for several years past a valuable member of the Courierband, left Monday for a permanent residence in Oregon.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

M. J. O'Meara and M. H. Ewart start Saturday for Boston and other Easterncities, and will witness the inauguration of Cleveland.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Mr. P. W. Zook, who has been confined for several months past with consumption,is improving slightly, though unable for business.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Joseph Reid, one of Cedar township's pioneers, made the metropolis hissemi-occasional visit Tuesday and dropped in on the COURIER.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Mr. A. Gilkey, of Spring Creek township, one of Cowley's stock raisers,was in the capital Monday. He says his cattle have wintered finely.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Mr. W. H. Powell left Thursday for his home in Chicago, via the World'sFair and Florida, after a months visit with his brother, Mr. P. P. Powell.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Rev. D. W. Sanders, of Columbia City, Indiana, preached two very excellentsermons on last Monday and Tuesday evenings in the Baptist church of thisplace.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

J. N. Barnthouse left for Columbus, Ohio, for his family Tuesday. Hewill stop in Chicago on his return and purchase additional machinery forhis Winfield Bottling Works.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Chas. Gay prompted for the Mother Hubbard ball at the Terminus Tuesdaynight. He pronounces it a very unique and enjoyable affair. The boys appearedin Father Hubbard costumes.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Married, on Feb. 15th, at the residence of the bridegroom'sfather, near Akron, Cowley County, Kansas, by Rev. C. P. Graham, Mr. JamesH. McCullim and Mrs. Laurie A. Billings, both of Cowley County.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

J. L. Barnes, General Superintendent of the Southern Kansas, and J. D.Hildebrand, General Road Master, with their ladies, spent Monday night atthe Brettun, on their way over the western division of the road.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Mrs. A. J. Burgauer returned Saturday last from her Topeka visit. Mr.Carl Slessinger, a relative, accompanied her from Newton for a few weeksvisit here. Mr. Burgauer is in the east on a purchasing tour for the BeeHive.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Henry Green was brought in from the Territory last week and plead guiltybefore Justice Snow to disturbing the quiet of John H. Conrad by flourishinga revolver and otherwise making himself conspicuous. He got $5.00 and costs.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Capt. S. C. Smith, Capt. J. S. Hunt, Capt. H. G. Johnson, Fred C. Hunt,and A. P. Johnson are in attendance upon the Grand Lodge of the Masonicorder, at Emporia. Mrs. Capt. Hunt and Mrs. Fred C. Hunt accompanied theirhusbands as far as Peabody, for a visit with relatives.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

The recent arrest and conviction of Milton Johnson, of Polo, this county,aged sixteen, fined thirty-two dollars for fighting at school, will be awarning to many who are in for "lickin' the stuffin'" out of schoolmates. School boys are just as liable, in the eyes of the law, for squabblesas anybody.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

The drug house of Q. A. Glass has received a decoration at the handsof A. B. Roberts that gives it a very citified appearance. The walls areartistically decorated with inlaid paper of beautiful design, fairly reflectingthe handsome "phizzes" of Mr. Glass and his popular assistants.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

S. H. Myton is this week removing his immense hardware and implementstock to his handsome new building on north Main. When he gets "fixedup," his establishment will stand superior to any of its kind in Kansas.J. C. Long will occupy the room vacated by Mr. Myton, while S. Kleeman willoccupy the room Mr. Long leaves.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Judge Gans has been issuing certificates of unalloyed bliss with a lavishhand during the past week. Here are his victims: D. R. Beatty and Mary E.Evans; John W. Rose and Celina M. Jackson; Robert E. Craft and Nancy P.Lane; J. M. Wood and Emma Church; John W. King and Edna Crow; S. J. Soldaniand Josephine Fronkier; Wm. Harris and Malinda Hardy; Joseph Coe and LenaKoeber; J. H. McCollim and Laura A. Billings.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

James Clatworthy, Will Kuhns, Frank Crampton, James Hall, Laban Moore,John Hudson, Elmer Hartman, Will Clark, Will Back, James Connor, and JohnHerndon, from our fire companies, took in the grand ball of the WellingtonFire Department last Friday evening. They were royally entertained by theWellington boys and the ball was most enjoyable. Our companies anticipatean annual parade, ball and banquet soon, which the Wellington boys willattend.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Rev. J. O. Campbell, Arkansas City's U. P. minister, dropped in on theCOURIER Monday. He is one of the brightest young ministers in the State:one of those who can occasionally lay aside the "robes of priestlyoffice" and mingle among the people much as other men, not forgettinghis calling, but taking an active hand in all that go to make true and progressivecitizenship. Arkansas City is fortunate in having so valuable and influentiala minister as Mr. Campbell.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Col. J. C. McMullen has been instrumental in introducing a number offine grade animals into Cowley, his latest purchase being chronicled thusin the K. C. Indicator. "John Frye, Jr., of Lamine, CooperCounty, Missouri, was in the city yesterday with a car of grade Norman andAmerican-bred mares, just sold by his father, John A. Frye, to J. C. McMullen,of Winfield, Kansas. These mares are in foal to the imported Norman stallion,Beaumont, 1090, and were such a lot as will be an acquisition to their buyerand to Cowley County."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

The roll call at the Baptist church on last Sabbath was a grand success.We are glad to say that this church is coming up to its work grandly. Theirlarge audience room was completely packed with attentive listeners at boththe morning and evening service on last Sabbath. A large number have beenrecently added to the church, and the prospects are that a very much largernumber will be added in the near future. The pastor will preach anothersermon to the young people on next Sabbath evening. The seats in this churchare all free, and the public is invited to worship with them.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

The Traveler places itself in the grip of "The Mystic Five,"an organization at Arkansas City whose origin is wrapped in mystery, itsproceedings in impenetrable darkness, and its members in horrible oathsand secret secrecy; by revealing its objects, which are--first, the manufactureof compressed gas, or dynamite--with their mouths. The second, murder--ofthe King's English. The third, arson--of tobacco rolled into round, elongatedshapes. The fourth, "dull thuds"--to be produced in the heartsof the fair sex. The fifth, kidnaping--relates to the same objects in thesame class.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Arkansas City has an improved order of "Red Men," founded uponthe customs and traditions of the North American Indians, and the Republicansays it is the oldest secret benevolent society of purely Americanorigin. It was founded in the year 1812 by the American army, and the membersof the Iroquois tribe of Indians who, in spite of British influence, stillremained friendly to the colonists.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

From this date and until after our dissolution, we will positively sellgoods only for cash. All accounts now on our books must be settledup either by payment or note. To accomplish our purpose, we must reduceour stock and now will sell our goods at cash. Come and convince yourselvesthat such is the fact. Winfield, Kan., Jan. 21, 1885, Bryan & Lynn.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

County Attorney Asp and his assistant, W. P. Hackney, with ConstableSiverd and Sheriff McIntire, officials that Cowley certainly feels proudof, have been making things exceedingly sultry for violators of law duringthe past ten days. The sanctums of Justices Buckman and Snow have been crowded,and these worthy officials have ground out more justice in that time thanwas ever administered in ten days before in Winfield. Eight violators ofthe liquor law and about thirty gamblers have been before them: a cleansweep of every crook in the city. Most of them have already plead guilty,and what cases are undisposed pend with a certainty of conviction. The resultwill be about a thousand dollars in the State treasury--most of which couldhave gone into the coffers of the city if our marshal had done his duty.However, we are glad that we have county officials who would take this dutyout of derelict hands and bring the lawless to the rack. Winfield, alongwith her beauty and enterprise, is a comparatively moral town; but underthis lax enforcement of our municipal laws, one or two "blind tigers,"and a number of gambling holes have been nightly grinding away, roping inthe susceptible. The records of Justices Buckman and Snow show that thosewho have been displaying a weakness for the gaming table are by no meansthose who could afford it. Were we to publish the list, which we refrainfrom doing because we believe the fact of their names existing on the criminalregisters of the county and the heavy fines imposed sufficient punishmentto many of them, the names of a number of boys and young men well connectedand of otherwise good character would be revealed--youths who have beeninveigled into the game, and having once tasted of the fascinations, wereirresistibly drawn into these dens night after night. Many of the victims,too, are hard-working persons whose money should have gone to the supportof their families or themselves, but has been finding its way into the pocketsof these gentlemen (?) who make gambling a profession. The victims havenot only injured themselves and families, but the merchant who has beengenerous enough to credit them with goods has suffered also. We know severalof these victims who mean to be honest--as honest indeed as persons whofrequent gambling tables can be--but being despoiled of their substance,they have not wherewithal to pay. But this thorough routing out of thesedens is what is needed. Now it would be difficult indeed for a man inclinedto hazard his money on a game of chance to find accommodation, and the whiskeyiteshave been given another forcible warning that Winfield and Cowley Countyhave no room for "blind Tigers" or any other kind of whiskey holes.Our county officials now are tigers in themselves--not blind tigers, buttigers that have the grit and ability to make Rome howl all along the line;and they are doing it.

In this connection is prominent the necessity of electing in April acity government that will keep every hell-hole of vice weeded out and makeWinfield a city in harmony with the high moral character of her citizens.We want a government that will stifle every brothel in its incipiency andkeep a pure moral atmosphere. We not only want men of nerve, but men ofbroad and comprehensive views--men who fill foster the enterprises we alreadyhave and who have the necessary push and ability to properly encourage others.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

The semi-monthly meeting of the City Council occurred Monday evening.J. L. Dennis was given leave to put in a set of scales on North Main street.Pauper claims of J. P. Baden, amounting to $10.90, were referred to CountyCommissioners for payment. Bills of Mr. Baden, goods furnished paupers,amounting to $51.65, were referred back to him for itemization; bill of$5 of G. L. Rinker was also remanded for same purpose. The following billswere ordered paid: Albro & Co., $2; Robinson House, printing by-lawsand constitution of fire companies, $10; T. J. Partridge, work on streets,$4.50; Levi Hays, co., $2; A. T. Roberts, rubber stamp, $4; C. J. Brown,costs in Supreme Court in City vis. Waite, $11.65; Quincy A. Glass, coal,$3.75.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Mrs. M. M. Bass, who left Tuesday week for Choteau, Johnson County, thisState, after a year's visit with her daughter, Mrs. A. T. Spotswood, diedsuddenly of heart disease at that place on Sunday last. Though she had longsuffered from this disease, when she left here she was feeling unusuallywell and anticipated a visit with her son in Choteau, before going to herhome in Columbus, Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. Spotswood left Monday morning toaccompany the remains to Columbus, where they were interred yesterday. Mrs.Bass was possessed of many excellent qualities and highly esteemed by allwho knew her and her sudden death causes much regret.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

T. F. Axtel has bought the restaurant and bakery of Frank L. Crampton.Mr. Axtel achieved fame as a baker and restaurant man during his reign overthe "English Kitchen," and we predict for him even greater successin this new location. People who want first-class, fresh bread deliveredto their doors will always find the article at the Winfield Bakery and thefarmer who wants an unexcelled meal for a quarter will patronize Mr. Axtell'srestaurant. Excellent board will be furnished for three dollars per week.This restaurant will be run as an adjunct to the Central Hotel, of whichMr. Axtel is one of the proprietors.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

To the patrons of the Winfield Post Office. Reports have been put incirculation that I have withdrawn as a candidate for the Winfield Post Office.All such reports are utterly false, as I shall be a candidate until I amappointed or rejected. S. L. GILBERT.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

A recent ice gorge in the Arkansas river did great damage to the canaland bridge at Arkansas City. About one hundred and fifty feet of the bridgeand the same length of the canal dam was swept away. The Traveler says:"This accident will compel the stoppage of the four mills on the canalfor three or four weeks, and the loss of employment to their many employeesjust when it is, perhaps, the most needed. The worst feature in the case,is, that all the farmers west of us will be compelled to go round by thesouth bridge, lengthening the distance by from two to four miles. This willcut us off from a great deal of trade we have been getting, which will nowgo to Geuda. As long as the high water lasts, there is little hope of beingable to do anything, and we fear this will last for a month or so yet."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Many Cowley County farmers are reckless about leaving their farming implementsout in the weather, as their brethren elsewhere, and the following clippinghits the case so we give it publication for local benefit.

"We presume that we are safe in saying that within a radius of fivemiles from Tonganoxie, there is not less than $500,000 worth of farm machineryrotting or rusting in the furrow, in the fence corner, or under the eavesof some stable or shed; and the implement man will get our notes for thousandsmore next summer to replace the incorrigibly bad; and the blacksmiths andwood-workers will whistle a cheerful tune as they repair the rest; whilethe farmer will curse his luck and hard times. All for the want of a cheapshed of boards, or poles and hay."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Wichita Beacon: "Bob Perry, one of the gang who escapedfrom jail here during the severe weather a month ago, and was recapturednear Winfield by Sheriff McIntire, has been crippled ever since his flightwith frozen toes. The injuries became so serious that amputation was necessary,and yesterday the toes of both his feet were taken off by Drs. Rentz andMcCullough. Perry is doing well, considering the nature of the injury treated.In speaking of the escape and flight in the polar atmosphere, Perry gaveit as his opinion that McSweeney, the murderer, froze to death and willbe found in some hay stack in the spring."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

The Traveler feels very much hurt over the vague rumor thatsome Winfield man told a stranger that "Arkansas City was dead anddid not have over two thousand inhabitants." Be easy, brother Standley.Winfield stands on her own merits as the Queen City of Southern Kansas,and we are all proud of Arkansas City's achievements and worth as the secondcity of the best county on the globe, and our citizens are above disparagingany town of grand old Cowley.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

The maddest man up to date lives in Wichita. He was putting on his bootsone morning last week and struck what he supposed was a snake coiled upon the sole. He jumped two yards and kicked the boot through a $5 mirrorand a vase valued at $16, and when his wife's switch came floating innocentlyout of the leather, it would have demoralized a horse jockey to hear thatman talk.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

The Arkansas City Democrat begs to have that city relieved ofits distressing surplus of bald headed, stingy old bachelors, and to boostthe chances to give them all a free puff.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

The Udall Sentinel thinks Udall will have a population of threethousand in five years.

The Queen City of Southern Kansas to Make Still GreaterStrides
in Material Advancement--The D. M. & A. and K. C.& S. Are Coming.
Other New Enterprises.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

That Winfield and Cowley County are bound to march onward and upwardduring 1886, and even outdistance her former successes, was splendidly evidencein the rousing meeting of prominent businessmen at the Court House Thursdayevening last. It showed that our citizens are on the alert and ready toembrace anything that will conduce to the prosperity of our city, and makeher the metropolis that situation and natural advantages insure, if concertedaction is brought to bear. The Court House was "chock full" andan interest shown in harmony with the energetic, rustling character of ourbusinessmen.

Judge T. H. Soward called the meeting to order in a brief outline ofits import--to stimulate immigration and public improvements, and to formulateplans for the general advancement of the Queen City and Cowley County.

D. L. Kretsinger, always prominent on such occasions, was made chairman,and George C. Rembaugh, the fat man of the Telegram, was chosensecretary. J. C. Long, A. T. Spotswood, H. B. Schuler, M. L. Robinson, andCol. Whiting were appointed a committee on plan of action, and after considerationthey recommended that a permanent organization be formed to be known asthe "Winfield Enterprise Association," and that a committee ofseven be appointed to draft by-laws, rules, etc., and report to a meetingat the Court House on this (Thursday) evening. The gentlemen composing thetemporary committee were continued, with the addition of J. B. Lynn andM. G. Troup.

Chas. C. Black, secretary of the Denver, Memphis & Atlantic RailwayCompany, then addressed the meeting on the prospects of that line. He explainedthat the road would have reached Winfield ere this if the financial panic,beginning with May last, hadn't made progress impossible. With the looseningof the money market, he said the road would be pushed right through. Thecompany have decided to make it a broad gauge, connecting at Baxter Springswith the Fort Scott & Gulf railroad. The contract for twenty-five milesof track has been let to John Fitzgerald, of Lincoln, Nebraska, a contractorof reliability and capital of half a million, who will begin to throw dirtas soon as the frost is out of the ground. With the twenty-five miles begunon the east end, the company will re-solicit aid along the proposed line(the bonds formerly voted being all void, owing to the road's procrastination).The proposition having carried by so small a majority before in this county,Mr. Black thought it likely that aid would be asked by townships, Winfieldbeing solicited for $40,000. M. L. Robinson also spoke flattering of theprospects for the D. M. & A., as well as the Kansas City and Southwester,together with other projects conducive to Winfield's prosperity. There seemsno doubt that both these roads will be traversing the fair fields of Cowleybefore this year is ended. The officers of the K. C. & S. have everythingarranged to commence operations as soon as the money market will permit.The meeting, by a unanimous vote, signified its willingness to vote fortythousand dollars to the D. M. & A., and, if needs be, vote the sameamount again to the K. C. & W.

John C. Long, Col. Whiting, and others spoke enthusiastically of Winfield'sprospects, and urged the necessity for concerted action. Mr. Long said thatthe Street Railway Company would build its line, and not a dollar's worthof aid would be asked. Our street railway will make us metropolitan indeed.

Spencer Bliss suggested the feasibility and possibility of offering sufficientinducements to the A., T. & S. F. and S. K. railroads to build a uniondepot and joint shops in this city, and stated that the prospect of navigatingthe Arkansas river, and other influences, pointed forcibly to the necessityof the Santa Fe moving through the Territory soon, to a southern market,in which case they must have shops about this location. Winfield being ninety-fivemiles from Cherryvale and about the same distance from Newton, offers avery advantageous situation for joint shops and a round house, and if ourbusinessmen push the feasibility of the matter, there seems no doubt thatthis result can be obtained. When the D. M. & A. and K. C. & S.strike us, now anticipated before the summer rolls by, this scheme willbe all the more probable. With four railroads radiating from Winfield, withtheir shops here, we will have a town that will lay all others in Kansasin the shade--hardly excepting the State Capital.

This was the most enthusiastic meeting our city has witnessed in manya day, and shows a determination on the part of everybody to make the QueenCity "git up and dust." With the advent of spring, immigrationwill pour in from the panic-stricken east--immigration of a substantialcharacter, men seeking profitable investment for capital, and with unisonof effort, the extensive advertisem*nt we are getting, etc., Winfield andCowley County will get a large share. This organization is what is needed.New enterprises will be sprung and an era of prosperity dawn that will surprise"old-timers." With the prettiest city, the best county, and thebest people on the globe, Winfield's beacon light will be followed by manyan easterner in quest of a pleasant home and safe investment. Let us allput our shoulders to the wheel and keep our city in the first ranks of leading,prosperous cities--where her natural advantages entitle her. Every businessmanin the city should give the meeting tonight his presence. What we need isa hard pull, a strong pull, and a pull altogether.

A Lightning Rod Fiend Exposed.
Facts of Interest to Those Who are Liable to Fall IntoHis Meshes.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Mr. Simeon Starlin, a reliable farmer of Rock township, gives the COURIERinformation of a traveling lightning rod fraud that will prove of profitto many susceptible people in Cowley and surrounding counties and whichwill be a warning for said fraud to "git up and git" if he don'twant to play checkers with his nose on the iron bars of the bastille. Thislightning disenchanter drives a fine rig and claims to represent the NorthAmerican Lightning Rod Company. He is a very talkative gentleman of mediumsize, and has all the appearance of being blind in the left eye. He wentto the residence of an old farmer, living a little over a mile west of RockP. O. last week, and after soliciting an order for some time, and failingto obtain it, he finally said, "I am going to make a proposal, whichno man who values the life of his family can help but accept." Thenhe went on and stated that he was not allowed to sell a single foot of rod,as it was copper covered, for less than 67½ cents per foot, but claimedto have a right from the company to put up a sample rod every six miles,and he could give a man as many feet as he pleased. He proposed erectinga rod, and charging for only so many feet as should amount to $12. He furthermoreagreed to furnish points, ornamented balls, and all fixtures necessary tocomplete the job, free. The agent asked the farmer, on his part, to givea note when the work should be completed, to the workman putting up therod, and to recommend the job to his other customers if it gave satisfaction.The agent then read what he claimed to be a contract between the parties,the farmer, his wife, and two sons being present. The fellow signed hisname as C. D. Crane, then asked the farmer to sign his. Being no scholar,and not surmising anything fraudulent or tricky, he did so. Judge of theold farmer's surprise and indignation on the following Monday when one ofthe company's workmen completed the Royal rod, as he called it, asking thefarmer if that was his signature. The second man is a low, heavy set man,with a foreign accent, and heavy, black mustache. He did not stop wherethe first man did, nor where the farmer supposed the contract to end, butread some fine print which had been concealed by the first man, which readsomething like this: that the farmer was to pay 67½ cents per footfor all material used over 40 feet, and stating that every brace shouldcount the same as three feet of rod, and furthermore stating that it wasmoreover agreed that all verbal contracts should be null and void and thiswriting only in full force. Now, this part of the contract the old farmerhad never heard of before; still there was his own signature. As the companycharges stood before any reductions, the amount was over $100; the secondman said he had a right to reduce it to $58.05, which he would rather dothan have any further words. The farmer tendered him the $12 first agreedupon, which he refused. He then ordered him to remove the rod from the house;this he also refused to do, but threatened that the company would sue onthe full contract and throw a lien on the building, not only for costs ofsuit but for all material. Finally the old farmer gave a note on six month'stime to get rid of the agent. The note, of course, will pass into otherhands and the farmer will find himself in possession of a bit of very dearexperience. The next man who gets wind of these frauds should notify theauthorities and have them taken in.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

The Jennie Bowen theatrical company Sundayed at the Commercial. Theyleft dates for March 2nd.

A Number of Enterprising Farmers Meet at the CourierOffice and
Permanently Organize the Cowley County Farmers' Institute.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Cowley's Farmer's Institute is now a permanency. A good number of ourwide-awake farmers met at the COURIER office Saturday last with Mr. J. S.Baker, of Tisdale, in the chair and Mr. F. A. A. Williams, of Winfield,Secretary.

Dr. C. Perry, chairman of the committee on organization, submitted aplan of organization, which was discussed and adopted as follows.

WHEREAS, Everyone engaged in the business of agriculture can be benefittedby having at command the combined experiences of practical men engaged insaid business, and more particularly so where the peculiarities of climateand soil have to be learned before successful results can be obtained; and

WHEREAS, That if a proper spirit of emulation can be excited among usthe result will be that the standing of the agricultural profession willbe raised in the estimation of the whole community in this region and thatvalues of agricultural property will be greatly enhanced.

Therefore, we, the undersigned farmers in Cowley County, dohereby organize ourselves into an association to be called The Farmers Instituteof Cowley County, Kansas.

The objects of this association will be to hold regular meetings forthe discussion of agricultural topics and the dissemination of facts, whichshall tend to produce the results before stated.

Anyone interested in the cultivation of the soil or the raising of livestockcan become a member of this association by the annual payment of the sumof fifty cents.

The officers of this Association shall be a President, Vice President,Secretary, and Treasure, who shall be elected annually and who shall performthe duties usually required of such officers.

There shall be a Board of Directors, which shall be composed of the aforesaidofficers, ex-officio and one member in each township, who shall take incharge t he interests of the Association, each in his respective township,and to have for a part of his duty the organization of a local Farmers Clubauxiliary to this Association. The before named Board of Directors to havethe complete management of the affairs of this Association.

The officers of the Association shall be the officers of the Board who,with two directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

There shall be an annual meeting of this society continuing two or moredays for the election of officers and for the discussion of agriculturaltopics in accordance with a program arranged by said Board of Directors,and there shall also be such other meetings as the Board of Directors shallcall.

Any other rules and regulations can be added to these articles of associationby a majority vote of members present at the annual meeting.

After the adoption of the plan of organization, the following memberswere enrolled, and paid their admission fee.

G. L. Gale, M. H. Markum, R. J. Yeoman, J. S. Baker, J. F. Martin, F.W. McClellan, W. E. Meredith, F. H. Burton, Dr. C. Perry, R. T. Thirsk,A. H. Broadwell, D. C. Stevens, H. McKibben, S. P. Strong, and F. A. A.Williams.

The officers of the Institute were selected as follows.

Mr. S. P. Strong, of Rock township, President; Mr. F. W. McClellan, ofWalnut, Vice President; Mr. F. A. A. Williams, of Winfield, Secretary; Mr.M. H. Markum, of Pleasant Valley, Treasurer.

The following board of township directors was elected, conditioned ontheir becoming members of the organization.

Bolton, Amos Walton; Beaver, F. H. Burton; Vernon, R. J. Yeoman; Ninnescah,L. Stout; Rock, E. J. Wilber; Fairview, T. S. Green; Walnut, R. T. Thirsk;Pleasant Valley, A. H. Broadwell; Silverdale, George Green; Tisdale, J.S. Baker; Winfield, Dr. Perry; Liberty, J. C. McCoy; Richland, D. C. Stevens;Omnia, W. R. Stolp; Silver Creek, John Stout; Harvey, R. L. Strother; Windsor,Samuel Fall; Dexter, W. E. Meredith; Cedar, J. H. Service; Otter, Mr. Mills;Sheridan, J. R. Smith; Maple, Mr. Fitzsimmons, Creswell, Ed. Green; SpringCreek, H. S. Libby.

On motion, M. H. Markum, F. W. McClellan, and Dr. C. Perry were appointeda committee on plan of work.

Jas. F. Martin was elected honorary vice president of the Institute bya unanimous rising vote.

The meeting adjourned to Saturday, Feb. 18th, at 1 o'clockp.m.

The committee on grass seed will correspond with leading firms east andwest, and find where the best seed can be obtained cheapest, and be preparedto select at the next meeting of the Institute. Persons desiring to orderthrough the Institute should be present at that meeting.

Grindings of the Civil Mill of Justice During the PastWeek.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Ketchem, Rothchild & Co. vs. J. H. . Dismissed with prejudiceat cost of plaintiff.

[Note: Not sure of the last name of J. H. . This item showed"Punchon." I have seen it spelled as Punshon and Punsheon. MAW]

Willis A. Provines vs. Rosa Provines. Divorce decreed plaintiff on groundsof adultery; and defendant barred of all interest in plaintiff's property;and plaintiff to pay costs.

Malvina Stocking vs. Horace Stocking. Divorce granted on grounds of extremecruelty, and plaintiff awarded the real estate and household furniture asalimony, and custody of the children, she to pay costs of suit.

Mary F. Griffith vs. Wm. D. Griffith. Divorce decreed on ground of abandonment;plaintiff awarded custody of child and defendant adjudged to pay costs.

Alice Keys vs. Henry E. Keys. Dismissed at cost of plaintiff.

Alice L. Harmon vs. John L. Harmon. Divorce granted the plaintiff ongrounds of cruelty; defendant barred of all interest in plaintiff's propertyand plaintiff restored to former name, she to pay costs of suit.

John Cronin vs. Winfield Stone, Brick and Tile Co. Appeal dismissed onmotion of defendant and case dismissed.

Benjamin T. Bartlow vs. Floyd M. Hurst et al. Dismissed without prejudice.

Frances McGregor vs. John McGregor. Plaintiff decreed a divorce on groundsof abandonment; plaintiff awarded custody of children and adjudged to paycosts.

Gideon Leare vs. Luther Kenny et al. Trial by court and finding for defendant;judgment for $156.30 and that the deed mentioned in petition was enteredas a mortgage; and if judgment with 12 percent interest be not paid in sixmonths, land to be sold.

Nannie C. Fuller vs. County Commissioners et al. Continued on motionof plaintiff.

Jennie Reynolds vs. John W. Reynolds et al. On motion of plaintiff appealdismissed for want of prosecution and case remanded; defendant to pay thecosts in this court.

Scott McGlossen vs. E. H. Gilbert. Trial by court and finding for defendant.

Elizabeth Weakly vs. Jacob Weakly. Divorce given on grounds of abandonment.Plaintiff restored to her maiden name, awarded the custody of child, andadjudged to pay costs.

E. F. Foss & Co. vs. Phillip Sipe. Trial by jury; adjourned unfinishedto this, Thursday.

Read & Robinson vs. Winfield Creamery. Trial by the court. This caseoccupied four or five days of last week. Hackney & Asp and McDonald& Webb were attorneys for the plaintiffs, and J. F. McMullen, M. G.Troup, and A. P. Johnson for the defendants--stockholders of the creamery.About twenty-four hundred dollars in claims were thrown out by the courtand a judgment for four thousand dollars awarded the plaintiffs.

C. C. Black vs. Addison A. Jackson. Dismissed with prejudice.

James Jordon vs. Winfield, surrounding Townships and County Commissioners.Plaintiff given leave to amend petition on or before the 23rdinst.

Appeal of C. W. Gregory from County Commissioners. Trial by jury. Verdictfor appellant for $100 damages for county road.

Winfield Bank vs. Wm. A. Hybarger et al. Continued on motion of plaintiff.

J. C. Fuller et al vs. L. B. Stone, as County Treasurer, et al. Continuedon motion of plaintiff.

Byran Farrar vs. Sarah A. Drennon et al. Trial by court and finding forplaintiff for $195.15 with interest at 12 percent and judgment for the amountand costs. M. G. Troup as guardian ad litem allowed $10, to betaxed as costs.

Wm. M. Sleeth vs. Sarah A. Drennon. Judgment for $495 with interest at12 percent and costs. M. G. Troup, guardian ad litem, given $10,as costs.

[Note: Paper had "Drennon." Believe it should be "Drennan."]

Assignment of Daniel Read. Jas. McDermott appointed to examine assignee'sfinal report. Commissioners' report approved and he allowed $25 of the remainingamount and balance allowed the assignee for himself and attorneys, afterpaying accrued costs.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

The Sedan Times-Journal suggests a deathly remedy: The COURIERtells of a Cowley County man who has lost fifty sheep in two nights fromdogs, and says he has rigged up a dummy with a lighted lantern in one handand a gun in the other. He ought to make his dummy of a dead sheep witha good lot of strychnine inside, as dogs which once get a taste of sheepmeat are never cured except by that kind of medicine, or else a dose ofcold lead.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

The new court house at Wellington is to be furnished in style. The courtroom is to be seated with opera chairs, while all the offices are to befurnished with handsome walnut furniture.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Arkansas City is to have a fifty acre city park, on the Walnut, and acompany has been formed for its improvement.

Newsy Notes Gathered by The "Courier's" Corpsof Neighborhood Correspondents.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Mrs. Hardwick was the guest of Mrs. Bullington last Saturday.

Born. To Mr. and Mrs. Underwood, last Wednesday, a bouncing boy.

Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Marshland are happy over the arrival of a ten poundgirl.

We had a pleasant visit from J. R. Smith, Jr., last week. Call again,Jack.

The youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Smith has been ill for severalweeks.

Uncle Joe Furman has been sick most of the winter, but at present writingis convalescing.

Miss Shaw, sister of Mrs. Peabody, has returned to her home in Illinois,after a few week's visit here with relatives.

We learn that John Allen, of Torrance, will move on the farm belongingto L. B. Bullington soon, having rented it for this year.

They have commenced work on the Methodist church building in Dexter,but owing to the very cold weather, it is progressing slowly.

Several couples of our young folks attended the social party at the residenceof Mr. and Mrs. Hardwick, and report a very pleasant time.

Hon. J. D. Maurer has kindly remembered some of his friends in sendingthem copies of the Daily Capital. Many thanks and best wishes forour Representative.

School closed last Friday at the Plumb Creek schoolhouse, with quitean interesting entertainment given by the teacher and pupils. Miss Howlandleaves here for her home with the best wishes of her scholars and friends.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Will Jenkins was on the sick list last week.

Mrs. Alexander visited relatives in Pleasant Valley this week.

Miss Kuhn closed her school at the Tannehill schoolhouse last Friday.

The youths' of this vicinity gave the Davis brothers a surprise partyon Monday night.

John Williams says some pets are very playful and some are very painful.John's is the latter: a boil on his neck.

Mrs. Snyder closed her successful school at the Victor schoolhouse onWednesday with an evening entertainment.

Charley Grimes, of Arkansas City, was the guest of his sister, Mrs. S.A. Beach, part of last week. I am afraid Charley is after our school miss.

Dud Delph purchased a wild cat in Winfield last Saturday. He shippedit to Kentucky, his former home. I wonder if he sent it to his best girlfor a Valentine?

Owing to the inclemency of the weather and bad conditions of the newroads, the protracted effort now in progress at the M. E. Church is notlargely attended, and as yet the interest is very tame.

Some smart Aleck expressed his esteem for several of our Beaver youngladies by sending them loud and frightful Valentines. Young man, heed thewarning and flee the wrath to come, or have your life insured.

Misses Olive and Bessie Myer's treated their many friends to a partyon last Friday night, which was largely attended and confessed by all presentto be one of the most enjoyable evenings ever spent in social glee, forjoy was unconfined and it was good for "Nasby" to be there.

Miss Fannie Newell, who has been sojourning among friends and relativesof this place for some months, is now under the parental roof near RockP. O. Fannie leaves a host of friends in this neighborhood to regret herdeparture. We are sorry to lose Fannie from our circle, but what is ourloss will be others' gain.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Mr. Curfman is going to Colorado before long.

Henry Bowman is again happy because it is a boy.

Wilby Curfman is going to farming this spring.

Dick Morgan is living at Mr. Orr's for the time being.

Sam Christopher contemplates going to California in the spring.

Walt. Limbocker has just finished threshing his wheat crop.

John Wm. Curfman has at last finished his stock well--plenty of water.

Dr. Smith has returned from college. We presume he will soon begin hispractice.

V. Baird has completed his stone fence, which encloses sufficient pasturefor his cattle.

H. S. Wallace is holding "The Fort" at Fairview, "Teachingthe young ideas how to shoot."

On last Tuesday eve a party of young folks gathered at J. H. Curfman'sin spite of the severe cold weather. Many presents were presented in remembranceof Mary's twentieth birthday, for which she was very grateful.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

F. M. Benson and wife visited in Beaver last week.

There is a series of meetings going on at the M. E. church two mileswest of Constant.

The blue birds that were around a few days ago were off their base whenthey thought spring had come.

Mr. J. Muret will return to Clark County in a few days. He is holdingdown a claim five miles from Ashland.

F. Benson says he has a good horse for sale. Anyone that wants to purchasewill do well by calling on him.

It seems as though "Young Nasby" had switched off somewherealong the road. Come, Y. N., let us hear from you again.

The bell at the Irwin Chapel has been out of tune. It will be tuned upsoon, and then both saint and sinner will be told when to go to church.

The Oklahoma boomers are in camp at Arkansas City now, and Mr. John Byers,of Pleasant Valley, is disposing of his corn to them to feed their horsesuntil the fourth of March, when they will make another raid on the promisedland.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

No sickness in South Bend now.

George Graves made a flying visit to this place last week.

Will Birdzell has lost several head of cattle this winter. Will is feedingabout 350 head.

All those desirous of being made doubly miserable should call upon EsquireA. H. Broadwell.

George Stephenson returned from Harper a few days ago, but has gone backwith his son, Jim, who so unceremoniously left Mr. Morton's tender care.

[Very much to the COURIER's regret one sheet of "G. V's" communicationhas been misplaced, probably accidentally destroyed. We promise to watchhis next with an eagle eye.--Ed.]


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Robt. Ratliff paid Winfield a visit on the 17th.

The assessor will be on his annual round after March first.

Miss Clara Burnam, of Mulvane, was visiting the Miss Martin's duringlast week.

Will Cos Smith explain how it came that he left a certain house by passingthrough a window?

The "Jennie Bowen" theatrical troup are here this week. A goodhouse greeted them on their first appearance.

The Methodist people gave a ten cent entertainment at the Baptist churchon the night of the 16th, consisting of declamations, songs,and music, by the Glee Club. Opening address by Schultz.

Ferman Wentz met with a very severe accident on the morning of the 16th,by being kicked by a vicious horse at the livery stable of Napier &Shibloom. Hopes are now entertained for his recovery.

The Commercial House was the scene of unusual excitement on Sunday morningabout 4 a.m. An intruder by the name of P. Cat having gained an entranceby some method to your correspondent unknown, Kelly promptly ordered himout at the muzzle of a shot gun. His skunkship, knowing his power, refusedto move. There was a discharge of musketry by Kelly; also a simultaneousdischarge by the intruder, and "Yee Gods!" Well, draw gently,oh veil of charity, and let thy mantle cover the rest.

On Monday while Nat Pitman and Will Higgins were scuffling in the hardwarestore of D. D. Kellogg, Nat fell on a pitch-fork and one tine entered hishead over the ear, and passing along the outer surface of the skull, cameout near the center of the head. It required the united strength of twomen to withdraw the fork. Dr. Knickerbocker was called and dressed the wound,and Nat is up and around as usual; but it was a very narrow escape and wetrust that a long time will elapse ere the boys engage in another friendlycontest where there is danger of falling on pitch forks.

The festival on the night of the 13th at the Akers hall, underthe auspices of the A. O. U. W., was a very enjoyable affair throughout.Considerable merriment was occasioned by the manner of securing partners.The ladies were carefully weighed under the supervision of Geo. L. Frazier,their names and weight written on a ticket, the tickets all thrown intoa box and then drawn out and sold at one-half cents per pound. Some of ouryoung gents took the procedure to heart very much, and left the hall becausethey could not secure the lady of their choice; but be it said to the honorof our ladies, they all stood nobly to the agreement--no backing out ontheir part. Miss Kate Martin received a very handsomely ornamented cakeon a voting contest, as the handsomest young lady in our city, and if wewere allowed to decide, would say so too. The marshal received a chickenfor being the largest eater after a spirited contest with R. R. Ratliff.The management and the society are well pleased with the financial successof the festival. About $50 was cleared for their benefit.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Mr. Newell is suffering with a badly sprained ankle.

Mr. Watsonberger's cousin is still with him and is quite ill.

Miss Sarah Gates, of Cherokee, is visiting friends in this vicinity.

Mr. Gullet and family, friends of the Hutchinson's, recently arrivedin Salem.

On the evening of the 24th there will be a supper at the Hallfor the benefit of the G. A. R. Post.

Miss Viola Crow gave a party and supper to a few friends lately and everythingpassed off quietly, we are informed.

There will be a Teachers' Institute held at the Salem Hall on the 20th.Hope the friends of education will turn out strong.

Mrs. Wilson has gone to join her husband; he will meet her at the Exposition.We must not be selfish and want to keep her all the time. May you be happy,friend Ella.

Mr. James Demaree will accompany Mr. Louis Davis back to Colorado. Weall wish the boys a long and happy life, trusting they will be again permittedto see their Salem home and friends.

Mr. Elias Miller, of Cambridge, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Chapelland also of the Watsonbergers. We are all sorry to hear that Mr. Millerand his good little wife are going to leave Sunny Kansas.

Mr. John Pate now invites the Salemites to give him a call, not to getbooted but to get their boots and shoes mended. Rubber boots and shoes neatlyfixed. You can find his place of business on Main Street, New Salem.

The Salemites are jubilant over the result of the election, as theirside of town came off victorious, electing all their men but one. They aregood and true men and will do their duty nobly is the humble opinion ofyour correspondent.

The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson surprised them in their new home onenight recently by going to see them with smiling faces and full baskets,and a good time was had by all. Mr. Nelson says he wishes they would comein often like that.

The M. E. church had quarterly meeting on Saturday and Sunday and a goodtime was had. The minister, Rev. Wesley, has been sick, but is again ablefor his labors. His children are slowly recovering. Dr. Downs has won awhite feather for his cap by bringing the little boy back from the gateof death.

A series of meetings are now in progress in the Salem Hall, conductedby Rev. Ingraham. Although the weather, or roads, have been unfavorable,yet a goodly number have been in attendance and the cause of the masteris quietly and steadily advancing. One young man was immersed on Sunday,the 8th.

Dr. Irwin now keeps baking powder to raise (not his patients) your cakesand biscuit higher than a kite, and with each package you can draw somethingpretty and useful. Some pretty silverware are among the articles to be drawn.He has a number of patients on his list, some of whom are recovering rapidly.Mr. Starr is now skipping around. Mr. McMillen when suffering recently,became worse, and Dr. Emerson, of Winfield, was sent for. Mr. McMillen isnow convalescent. OLIVIA.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

With grief we learned that our neighbor, friend, and brother, Oscar Martinhad paid his last debt. Short but severe was his illness, all that lovingfriends and medical skill could do would not stay the grim destroyer. Hehas crossed the dark river to the city of gold. The last sad rites wereattended by a large and sympathetic concourse of neighbors; the Hall wasfilled to its utmost capacity and an excellent discourse by Rev. Irvingwas listened to with profound interest. The United Workmen of Salem andBurden buried him with the solemn service of their order in the Salem cemetery.The stricken parents are almost wild with grief, yet they hope soon to meettheir loved one. Death comes to all, and may this sudden coming warn usall to be ready. Peace to the ashes of happy Oscar, and may his loved onesbow in submission beneath the chastening sod. Adieu, friend and brother.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

At a meeting of the New Salem Lodge of A. O. U. W., No. 118, Feb. 14,1885, the following resolutions were adopted.

WHEREAS, The Great Master Workman of the universe has in his infinitewisdom called from our Lodge to the Grand Lodge above, our brother workman,Oscar Martin, and

WHEREAS, Our brother was an honored member of our Lodge; therefore beit

Resolved, That we deeply regret the death of our brother andregard the event as a calamity to our Lodge.

Resolved, That while we humbly bow in submission to the willof him who is too wise to err, and too good to be unkind, that we mournwith the aged father and mother and the loved ones of our deceased brother.That we sympathize with them in their great loss. Yet we realize what isour loss is our brother's eternal gain.

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be spread on theminutes of the Lodge and a copy be furnished the parents of the deceasedbrother, also a copy to each of the county papers and the Kansas Workman,with a request to publish them.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

FOR SALE. Horses, Brood Mares, and Percheron Stallions; also Jersey GradeCows. Have several fine farms for sale, among them one of the best stockranches in the state, good improvements, one thousand acres under fence,plenty of shade, water, etc. Terms to suit purchasers. J. C. McMULLEN.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

PUBLIC SALE. I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, atmy farm one-half mile west of Tannehill, on Thursday, Feb. 26, 1885, commencingat 10 o'clock a.m., the following described property: 4 good work horses,2 calves, 3 head of milch cows, 4 head of yearling steers, 1 yearling heifer,about 25 hogs, 1 self binder, 1 farm wagon, 1 buggy, 1 mowing machine andrake, 1 drill, 1 stalk-cuter, 1 fanning mill, 1 cultivator, and other farmingimplements. Terms: Sums over $10, eight months time on bankable security,with interest at ten percent per annum. JOSEPH SMALLEY.



Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Upper Timber Creek correspondent of the Burden Eagle: "Severalfarmers have lost cattle in this vicinity within the past five days, popularlysupposed to be caused by eating smut in stock fields, while others who haveherded in stock fields all winter have been exempt from loss. C. P. Cogswelllost a fine heifer last week from dry murrain. Whether caused by smut ornot is doubtful. His cattle had, however, been herded in a stock field afew hours each day for three or four days."

"Mr. Bob Strother and Mr. Frank Batch had a difficulty about depredationsof stock and a sheep-killing dog the other day. They came to blows, usingknives and clubs pretty freely, and had it not been for the interventionof neighbors who were passing, would no doubt have ended very seriously."

"George Ridpath has sold his farm on Timber Creek to E. W. Woolsey,for $5,500. Mr. Woolsey formerly owned the place and his repurchase of itat advanced figures indicates his opinion of Timber Creek farms, and hisold homestead particularly."

"W. R. Gilliard, who sold his store and went to Missouri for hishealth, has returned and repurchased his old Baltimore store--so says report.This is the almost infallible result in all cases of emigration from Kansas.The exceptions are in the cases of those who cannot raise the means to getback."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

The Cambridge News gets off this bit of philosophy. "Didyou ever stop to think what a tireless letter-writer a local paper is? Weekafter week, year after year, it visits your home, telling of the marriages,births, deaths, accidents, comings and goings of people of your acquaintance,the successes or failures, improvements, crops, meetings, revivals, andin fact events of all kinds. It is a reliable source for obtaining correctinformation; and its visits are regular and sure. Why, if you should undertaketo write a letter once a week to an absent friend and tell one half or evenone fourth the news that your local paper gives, you would give up in despair.The supposed pleasure soon becomes arduous, the letters grow shorter, furtherapart, and finally cease. Why the difference? One is supposed pleasure whilethe other is business from the start."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Correct, Mr. Wellington Standard.

"In a few years the farmers of Kansas will be the mostwealthy and prosperous husbandmen in the world. They have learned that theymust not depend solely upon their corn or wheat, but invest a part of theirmoney in cattle, hogs, sheep, and poultry; and at the same time, plant 'mixedcrops.' Since this lesson has been learned, they are making money, and ifthe policy be continued, the products of our soil, and our dairies, orchards,vineyards, and pastures will supply the markets of the world at no distantday."


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Joseph S. Hill, Administrator, estate of J. H. Boggs. Hackney & Asp,Attorneys for Administrator. Estate to be settled in Probate Court April6, 1885.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

James A. Goforth, Administrator, estate of Nellie Sellers. Hackney &Asp, Attorneys for Administrator. Estate to be settled April 6, 1885.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Suit in Justice Court before G. H. Buckman, a Justice of the Peace inWinfield. Plaintiff, Daniel D. Miller. Defendant, C. W. Massle. To be heardFebruary 2, 1885. O. M. Seward and Dalton & Madden, Attorneys for Plaintiff.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.


I will give one of these plows to any man that can run a walking plowor sulky plow lighter, doing the same work, and get a decision of farmerjudges.


This plow is made of malleable iron, wrought iron and steel, with high,light wheel made of second-growth and seasoned black hickory wood--beingmade of the best material that can be secured. Parts are nicely proportioned;plow is light (weighs only 400 pounds), yet is the strongest and most durableplow that has been sold in this county. A plow put up of rough material,large, heavy castings, will in the course of two or three seasons shakeitself to pieces by its own weight. I can show a number of these sulkiesmade and sold five years ago that are now in fair shape and do good plowing,and I defy any man to show me any other sulky made that has lasted likethe Hapgood. The idea that a man must have a saw mill for a plow is blowingover. Having no landside the plow takes to hard ground like a hot knifeto butter. The wheel that takes the place of the landside does away withall friction, and when plows level virtually puts the plow on three wheels,no part touching the ground except edge of share. The wheel has a flangethat cuts into the ground slightly and enables this plow to hold its gripin finishing up a land.

The frog to which lay and mould board is bolted is solid, mould stationary,lay slipshare and lay fitting, as holes in frog are always the same--noclap-traps and braces under the bottom of the plow.

Mr. Beavers, Arkansas City, says: "Your roller plow runs lighterthan any sulky plow I ever saw run."

Mr. Shanon, New Salem, says: "With your permission, I want to exchangemy Hapgood landside for your roller plow."

Mr. Cohaghan, 2 miles east of Winfield, says: "I have broken land2 or 3 years with a Hapgood sulky plow with my two horses. It is the bestbreaking plow made."

Mr. Shields, New Salem, says: "When you told me that a Hapgood sulkywould run lighter than a walking plow, I did not believe one word of it;but it's a fact, and my neighbors are convinced of that fact now."

Mr. Linn, two miles west of Winfield, says: "My Hapgood Sulky andLister attachment is the best and finest working piece of machinery I everowned."

Mr. Bacon, near Tisdale, says: "My Sulky Lister works splendidly.Buy no sulky plow that you can't attach a lister, for the reason that asulky lister does better work than any other."

Mr. Harbaugh, Pleasant Valley township, says: "I am compelled tobuy a sulky lister this spring (spring of 1884); have a bran new sulky plow,but it is not made for a lister and I believe this is the way to plant corn,and want a sulky lister."

He has bought one of me, making his words good. You can put a listerattachment to any Hapgood Sulky Plow.

Did you ever talk with an agent of the Deere plow that did not talk againstthe Hapgood Sulky Plow? Why? Because if justice were done the farmer andthis plow there would be another sold. Call and see the New Improved Plow.

My stock consists of Lee's Improved Hapgood Sulky Plow, Hapgood's LandsideSulky Plow, Hapgood's Sulky Lister, Hapgood's Walking Lister, Hapgood'sPlow, Calinder's Harrows and Hay Rakes, Standard Riding Cultivator, StandardCorn Planter, Standard Mower, Champion Corn Planter, Star Corn Planter,Champion Check Rower, Barnes' Wire Check Rower, Champion Drill, Blunt'sPress Drill, St. Louis Drill with hoe (same as Gunderlach Drill), TurnbullWagon, Labelle Wagon, Newton Spring Wagon, McCabe Spring Wagon, CortlandCutaway Spring Wagon, Excelsior Mower, Thompson Mower and Thompson Hay Rake,Empire Mower and Empire Binder, Plano Binder, Massillon Thresher, C. G.Cooper & Co.'s Thresher, Grinnel Steel Wire, single and double, anda large stock of Repairs. Also a

W. A. LEE,
Some of Those on View at the State Department.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

Though visitors seldom enter it, the library of the State Departmentcontains some of the most valuable historic relics in the possession ofthe Government. Here is kept the original draft of the Declaration of Independence,and there has been added within the past few years the identical desk uponwhich Jefferson wrote it. Jefferson's desk is a small mahogany box-likewriting-desk, about eighteen inches wide, two feet long, and three inchesthick. One might easily take it on his lap to use it, but it was probablylaid upon the table while the Declaration was penned upon it. It has a seriesof small compartments, on one side for pens and writing material, and whenopened its top is covered with green baize. Pasted upon one of its innerleaves is a note in Jefferson's own handwriting, dated in Monticello, inwhich he says the desk was made by a Philadelphia carpenter, and that itwas the one on which he wrote the Declaration. This note closes with thefollowing sentence: "Politics as well as religion has its superstitions;these, gaining strength with time, may one day give imaginary value to thisrelic for its associations with the birth of the great charter of our independence."

In the same case containing this desk, on the shelf above it, lie thestaff of Benjamin Franklin and the swords of Washington and Jackson. BenjaminFranklin's cane is a thick, gold-headed stick, of knotted crab tree. Itis painted black, highly polished, and on its end it has a brass ferule.Its head is designed, as says Jefferson's will, in the form of a cap ofliberty, and its gold is very yellow and shows but little alloy. This canesupported Franklin during all state occasions, and he died he willed itto Washington, say, "If it were a scepter, General Washington has meritedit, and would become it." Washington willed it to his nephew, CharlesWashington, and the grandson of Charles Washington gave it to the UnitedStates.

George Washington's sword, shown here, is the one which he wore whena Colonel, and the one that hung at his side throughout the Revolution.It is not a flashy article, and there is no glitter or gold about it, butit* edge looks very sharp, and its blade, slightly tarnished, not over aninch wide, was evidently made to do good service. Its sheath and belt liebeside it. This belt is of yellow buckskin, the plain silver clasp of whichis marked with the letters "G. W.," and the sheath is of a darkleather stamped with different figures. George Washington mentions thissword in his will, in which he gives one to each of his nephews, with therequest that "they be not unsheathed, except for defense, and the defenseof their country and its rights."

Andrew Jackson's sword is a very expensive article. It will weigh twicethat of Washington's, and it has a heavy gold handle, and its sheath isof gold and steel. Its wide blade, slightly curving, shines, like a mirror,and at the middle it shows evidences of having been broken in two, and weldedtogether again. Its sheath is somewhat scratched, and it has evidently beenpretty well used.

Another curiosity in this room is an immense shell or torpedo from sixto eight inches in diameter, and over a foot long, which Elihu Washburne,our Minister at Paris, picked up during the bombardment of Paris and sentto the State Department as a relic. It is a murderous-looking shell, andits description says that it was thrown into the city during the siege.Just below this, in a box about two feet wide, and three feet long, is aplaster cast of one of the first treaties on record. It is a copy of thetreaty between the Athenians and Chaldeans, made 446 years before Christ,when Socrates was 22 years old, and Pericles was in his prime. The originalof this was engraved on a slab of Pentalic marble, found in the south wallof the Acropolis at Athens. Cleveland Leader.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

There are 3,580 postoffices in the State of Pennsylvania.

The new American Episcopal church in Paris cost $500,000.

The Chinese have known the use of artesian wells from time immemorial.

There are only eight lawyers in Philadelphia that have been in practiceover 50 years.

Bismarck wants to have established more direct passenger communicationbetween Berlin and London.

There are 340 hunting packs in England, comprising 10,000 hounds. Theirannual cost is $1,750,000.

Englishmen eat brown bread with their oysters, while Americans only eatlemon juice and pepper on them.

The Brewer gold mine in North Carolina has yielded more than $1,000,000,and the Dora Mine $1,100,000 and upward.

By paying his daughter $400 a year to run his kitchen, Lord Coleridgesaved enough money to make the trip to America.

John Swinton says the saddest sound heard in New York is the hammeringof the tough beef-steak set on boarding house tables.

A Chinese doctor at Victoria, B. C., is reported to have made some remarkablecures in cases where white physicians have failed.

Hundreds of people are said to be actually starving in the North of England,with many thousand more hungry and destitute.

The hot water cure has become a craze. A New York druggist claims hehas 1,000 disciples now swallowing tumblerfuls before breakfast.

Miss M. E. Brackton, the most prolific of English story writers, in privatelife is Mrs. Maxwell, and owns up to have reached the mature age of fifty-six.

The total number of hogs slaughtered annually in the United States isestimated at 30,000,000, the average dressed weight being 175 pounds each.

Pearl-rimmed eye-glasses of violet color are now used extensively byfashionables of both sexes in New York. The originator was a Vassar schoolgirl.

Bacon at 16 cents a pound, says the Fort Worth Gazette, is agreater barrier to the advancement and growth of Texas than either shortcrops or lack of water.

Eating a small piece of soap at stated intervals is recommended by aBerlin physician as a better remedy for dyspepsia and sour stomach thansoda, magnesia, or lime water.

The best cabinet Rhine wine of the vintage of 1868 is reserved especiallyfor the imperial table at Berlin. It is worth $7.50 a bottle. It is madefrom grapes picked one by one out of the Rhineish vineyards on account oftheir perfection.

Many towns on the Pacific coast forbid Indians to come within their limitsafter nightfall--not because the noble red man is dangerous but becausehe is a thief and a sneak, and his wife, who accompanies him, more uponhis order and for his profit.

General Berdan, of sharp-shooting fame, to whose daughter Mr. F. MarionCrawford has just been married, was sometime ago offered a field marshalshipby the Sultan, but he declined it, saying he could never wear any otherthan the American uniform.

Dom Pedro, when recently starting on a pleasure trip on a small teamyacht down the Bahia el Todos Santes, from Rio de Janeiro, fell overboard,and was hauled out of the briny by a naval engineer officer and an armyofficer. Both were made Barons.

Recent vital statistics show that under the age of fifteen there aremore boys than girls; but after the fifteenth year, there are more womenthan men, and between the ages of ninety and one hundred the proportionis three to two in favor of women.

A literary man asked a friend who was personally familiar with the homelife of the Lyttons whether he thought Lord Lytton ever did really bitehis wife. The reply was: "That I cannot say; but I know that if I hadlived only a week with her, I should have done so."

Washington is the paradise of smokers. A drummer days: "There aremore cigars and tobacco used there than any other place in this countryof its size." This is explained by the fact that a great many of theGovernment employees have nothing to do but sit around, smoke, and talkof politics.

A Bostonian writes: "I cured myself of an annoying habit of stammeringby inhaling a deep breath between every few words, and by never allowingmyself to speak unless the lungs were fully inflated. A little careful attentionsoon made the practice a habit, and now I never stammer unless much excited."

After much experimenting Dr. Richardson has found a satisfactory meansof causing painless death, and has introduced it into the Home for LostDogs in London. The animals to be killed are placed in a chamber chargedwith a mixture of carbolic oxide and chloroform vapor, when they tranquillyfall asleep and wake no more.

President-elect Cleveland is a fine dancer and will, it is said, "tripthe light fantastic toe" at his inaugural ball. He will be the firstPresident since Lincoln who would or could go through the merry, mazy figuresof the cotillion or reel. General Jackson and wife danced at a ball, givenin their honor, to the tune of "'Possum up a Gum Tree." AugustaChronicle.

Oscar Wilde suggests that for the future ladies should leave off staysentirely and adopt the Eastern garb, notably as regards the continuationsand slippers. Like other geniuses, he is forgetful of details, and doesnot say how slippers are to be worn on a muddy day in November. For menhe recommends the period of the Charleses as being the most becoming (notto say the most expensive) age from which to copy.

Representative J. Randolph Tucker, the intimate friend of Garfield, relatesthat the latter once asked him if he knew where the National motto, "EPluribus Unum," came from. Tucker admitted that he did not. "Well,it comes from a description in Horace, of the preparation of a Roman salad,"and he turned to it. There, surely enough was the list of ingredients, andthe remark that the result was "e pluribus unum."

Lord Salisbury deserves his success for during his recent campaign inScotland he appeared on a railway platform and addressed a crowd, clad fromhis waistband upward in full evening dress, and below in full Highland costume.True, this remarkable attire, such as Solomon in all his glory was not arrayedin, was the result of a fit of absent-mindedness, but that fact little mitigatedthe horrors of the situation. Nor did the mind of Cecil hear much comfortin the strident whisper of his valet behind him, "My Lord! You've forgottenthese!"--brandishing a pair of trousers meanwhile. No, after the ordealhe deserves the solace of success.

It has been laid down as an axiom in diamond lore that the precious stonewas capable of absorbing rays of light and afterward emitting them in thedark. While this was abundantly proved by theory, it has been difficultto put it to an actual test, for naturally the great diamonds of the worldare not accessible for the purpose. Recently, however, a private person,the fortunate possessor of a stone of 92 karats, valued at $300,000, lenthis diamond for scientific investigation. These have been very satisfactorilyconducted, and the phosphorescent quality of the stone may be regarded asproved. The stone was exposed for an hour to the direct action of the sun'srays, and then removed to a dark room. For more than twenty minutes it emittedlight strong enough to make a sheet of white paper held near it perfectlyvisible.

The most serious and cold snow storm of the season prevailed in all thenorthwestern states last Sunday.

A San Francisco man lost a carload of champagne on the election. He paidthe bet, too.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.

UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH. Services every Sabbath at 11 a.m. and 7½p.m. Sabbath School at 9 a.m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening. J.H. SNYDER, Pastor.

FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Preaching on Sabbath at 11 a.m. and 7½p.m. Prayer meeting at 7½ Wednesday evening. Sunday School at 3 p.m.W. R. KIRKWOOD, Pastor.

METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Services every Sabbath at 11 a.m. and 7½p.m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 7½ o'clock. YoungPeople's Meeting at 7½ Thursday evening. H. KELLY, Pastor.

FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Preaching at 11 a.m., and 7½ p.m. Prayermeeting Wednesday evening at 7½ p.m. Young Peoples' meeting Thursdayat 7 ½ p.m., Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Deacon B. F. Wood, Supt. J.H. REIDER, Pastor.

CHRISTIAN. Services every Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Sabbath Schoolat 9:30 a.m. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7:30 p.m. J. S. MYERS,Pastor.

AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL. Services every Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7:30p.m. Sunday school at 3 p.m. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. WM.DAVIS, Pastor.

ROMAN CATHOLIC. Services every Sunday at 11 a.m. FATHER J. F. KELLEY,Pastor.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885. Front Page.

If in penning this series of articles on forestry, any brother farmerbecomes more interested and better informed on this subject, and will thusbe induced to surround his home with the beauties and comforts of shadeand protection, and supply not only his own wants for fuel, posts, etc.,but in a few years by not an over amount of exertion, be able to supplyhis less intelligent and enterprising neighbors' wants, then this effortwill not be in vain. A self-consciousness of duty, faithfully performed,in calling attention to this question that is a vital one to the state ofKansas and to everyone of her citizens, and thus induce persons everywhereto engage earnestly in the work is the only incentive of the writer.

To the reader I would say that it may be well for you to cut out thesearticles, and preserve them for future reference at any time. They may sometimebe useful, if in no other way than to provoke criticism and discussion andcomparison of experience. You may clip off the name of the author, and consignit to the flames, but, as you hold your own interest and that of your familydear, do not neglect to plant trees.

I am aware that there are persons who appreciate this matter, yet fromlack of experience or financial inability to expend money in buying youngtrees fail to do from time to time what they very much desire to do. Tosuch I would say, do not become disheartened in this more than any otherenterprise; but strike out boldly, manfully, with such means as you have,and if you cannot procure the most valuable varieties for planting, securethe best you can get. Get peach pits, and if they have remained in a drystate, if planted thus, they may not germinate until the second season,but by opening them carefully and planting early in spring, they are quitesure to grow. If you cannot get such seed, you may be able to get some seedlingtrees or find good pits under trees that bore the season previous. Plantin rows about six feet apart, and trees or seed from one to four feet inthe row. Then you may procure young cottonwood trees or cuttings of thesame without the outlay of any money. Thus you may very soon produce yourown fruit and also firewood, and what is paramount to these you and yourstock will have the comforts of protection from the destructive wind storms;then, too, you will have the company and songs of insectivorous birds tonot only cheer but to also aid you in the battle with insect foes.

Such planting will form the nucleus for more extensive plantings of betterkinds and in a few years your farm will grow valuable, and not only a pleasantplace to see but a pleasant place to live; a home that the children canlearn to love, and from thence, if useful books and interesting and instructivepapers for the children are regularly supplied, backed by the moral exampleand teachings of the parents; where "hog and hominy" is bountifullysandwiched with fruits and vegetables and where wholesome diversion is allowedat proper times instead of all work, the children will never stray; or,if they, in an evil hour, wander away, very soon, prodigal like, they willseek the shady bowers and pure influences of such a home.


In speaking of the varieties to plant for forestry purposes, no attemptwill be made to give an extended list, or a scientific classification ofthe same, but I will name in a plain manner only such varieties as haveproven successful in Southern Kansas; and such as are valuable for the variouspurposes of the farm and the mechanic arts; preference always being givento those exhibiting the greatest degree of health and power of resistingthe attacks of insects.

Catalpa Speciosa is a forest tree of large size, as found in low landsof Indiana, Illinois, Tennessee, Missouri, and Arkansas. Though found nativein the low, rich, alluvial lands of the above named states, its power ofadaptation is remarkable. It is grown in Ohio and Pennsylvania, on the Hudsonin New York, and as far north as Cape Cod; in the west; in Iowa, Kansas,and Nebraska; and everywhere it is growing rapidly in favor. The writerknows of no tree having so many desirable qualities with so few objectionableones; and that we can look to with such hopeful anticipations of rewardingthe planter to the same degree in the immediate future. It is easily propagated;transplants with fine success; grows rapidly, free from insect enemies;a beautiful tree; free from thorns; will not sprout from the mutilated roots;the leaves or bark are not liable to be eaten by the stock; will sproutfrom the stump, thus the tree can be reproduced when desired; makes excellentfire-wood; the lumber is highly prized for furniture and wagon stuff, andthe posts and railroad ties are next to imperishable, posts having beenknown to be in the ground for upwards of eighty years, and yet perfectlysound. I have no hesitation in placing it at the head of the list.

Black Walnut. No description need be given of this indispensable tree.The lumber is now well nigh exhausted, and the price has so greatly advancedthat in many instances several hundred dollars have been paid for a singletree. It is easily and cheaply grown from the nuts; free from disease, and,usually, free from injurious insects; the trees are not often injured bystock; it is adapted to up-land and low-land, and no extensive plantationshould be without a large proportion of walnut.

Green Ash. This, like the walnut, is a slow grower, but the value ofthe timber in the various mechanic arts is so important that it should notbe omitted from any considerable effort at forestry.

Osage Orange. This is a medium slow grower, requiring twelve to fourteenyears to make good fence posts, and twenty to twenty-five years for railroadties; for grape stakes, eight to ten years. It has many of the good qualitiesof the catalpa, with the differences of the latter being a harder wood,susceptible of a very fine polish, so valuable for wagons, that it may beused for this purpose while green, it not being liable to shrink in seasoning.There is abundant evidence of the durability of the timber; some who havebeen familiar with the native forests of Texas and the various purposesfor which the wood has been used for forty years, say they never had founda man who had ever seen the heart wood rotten. Prof. J. B. Turner, of Jacksonville,Illinois, writes that he has bean and grape polls in his garden that havebeen in use at least twenty years, and that he no more thinks of housingan Osage Orange whiffle or double-tree, if all of heart wood, than to thinkof housing his crowbars, to keep them from rotting. This quality of thetimber is an important matter to persons having old hedge rows, the largertrees of which may be cut without material injury to the hedge, and usedfor various purposes on the farm. While the timber is durable, so are thethorns; this must be borne in mind, and while it would prove a great privateand public benefit to have the orange largely grown, each planter must learnfor himself whether he can bear the vexation and danger of the thorns. Leavingthe thorns out of the question, it is one of the best trees for shelter-beltsor wind-breaks.

Soft Maple. It is a rapid growing tree, makes a fine shade, but its woodis not especially valuable; is, like some others, liable to be attackedby borers.

Cottonwood. This is so well-known that a description would be superfluous.It is the most rapid growing of any of our forest trees. I took the measureof one tree in Vernon township that was of nine years growth, and measuredsixty inches in circumference, and will make three-fourths of a cord ofwood. This with the soft maple, is pre-eminently the poor man's tree. Thecottonwood has, aside from its rapid growth, but little to recommend it.It should not be planted on thin upland as it will, most likely, be earlydestroyed by borers.

Morrello Cherry. This fruit tree is here referred to on account not ofits fruit (as it is well-known) but its adaptation to growing and doingquite well in prairie sod. I know of no tree that will succeed to so greata degree under such bad treatment.

The elm (white and red) grows slowly, but at last makes a magnificenttree. Being well known, further reference at this time is useless.

The hackberry is a native and well-known, grows rapidly, and is rathera desirable tree.

The oaks should only be planted on our bottom lands as at best they growslowly.

Pecan. This is a valuable tree, not only for its nuts but for mechanicalpurposes, and should be planted much more largely than it is.

Ash (native). The lumber of the ash is in great demand, and rapidly increasing.It grows quite rapidly and will be very profitable in the timber plantation.Objections are made to it on account of it being so prolific in seed, which,blowing to a considerable distance, is liable to soon spread over the farmgreatly to the annoyance of the owner. However, a few such on each quartersection, for the present at least, might prove a great blessing.

Honey Locust. This is also a native; is easily grown from seed; growsrapidly, is quite free from disease and insects' attacks; grows to a largesize, and the wood is quite durable. The thorns are its great drawback.Its several good qualities overcome to some extent, this objection.

Kentucky Coffee Tree. This is a well-known, and in many respects, a verydesirable tree. It adapts itself to most soils and for all purposes forwhich the honey locust is prized is quite preferable. It is one of the fewtrees that have proved successful in western Kansas.

Box Elder is a native our section and is well known. It grows rapidlyand makes a beautiful lawn and shade tree; well adapted to street planting.Its wood is not so especially esteemed as some others, in the mechanic arts;yet for fire-wood and purposes before named, it should not be excluded.It is easily propagated and transplants readily. A good syrup and sugarcan be made from its sap, but it is not likely to be extensively plantedfor this purpose. It is well adapted to most soils and localities in thissection. The chief difficulty in growing it is the borers, which frequentlydamage and sometimes destroy the trees. They should be headed low so thattheir own branches or those of other trees may shade or protect their trunksfrom the afternoon sun, and kept in vigorous growth and thus largely securethem from the borers' attacks.

Black Locust. This, a well known tree in the older states, where formany years in most localities it is subject to the attack of borers; somuch so that but little effort is made to grow it, and in fact it is onlyperpetuated by sprouting from the root and stump, which, as well by seedis the natural method of reproduction. Its wood is prized for its durability.The tree grows rapidly, attaining quite a large sized tree in ten to twelveyears. In rapidity of growth it excels most others approaching that of thecomparatively worthless cottonwood. Where tried in the southern and westernpart of Kansas, it seems to be perfectly at home and more than meeting theexpectation of the planter, and thus far it has been exempt from the attacksof its old enemy, the borer, but whether this favor will be continued isa matter of doubt and anxiety. It should be planted in ground to be permanentlyused for this purpose as it will be difficult to get clear of it on accountof its tendency to sprout from the roots. It would be well to include thisvaluable tree in your planting.

Russian Mulberry. This is perhaps one of the most promising of a longlist of exotic trees. There has been a great diversity of views expressedby those who have tried it in limited quantities. The main objection beingurged that it is too dwarfish or spreading in its habit of growth. It isnow claimed by its friends that it should be propagated only from seed,as only where grown from cuttings does it take the objectionable form. Certainit is that the Mennonites who came from Russia, and brought the seed withthem, are meeting with eminent success in growing it in large quantitiesfor hedging and timber and for silk worm culture in central and westernKansas. It is perfectly hardy, healthy, and free from insect enemies, transplantssuccessfully, is free from thorns, grows more rapidly than our native blackmulberry, attains a large size, and its timber is of the most durable kind.Nothing equals it for a wind break. In reply to a letter inquiring in regardto this tree, Hon. L. A. Simmons, of Wellington, writes me that in consequenceof its spreading habit, he had not felt favorable to it until last season.He cut some of his trees to the ground and from the stump he allowed butone sprout to grow, which grew upright, quite to his satisfaction. The treesthat were not thus cut back produced a fine crop of fruit, which was relishedvery well by his family, and the birds gave them their exclusive attentionwhile it lasted, and thus saved his crop of cherries. The young trees, grownfrom seed, can be purchased from reliable nurserymen at reasonable rates;and I would advise planting them for wind breaks and for their profit, forpurposes above named; and ultimately, by judicious thinning for timber.It makes a fine shade tree; and if you plant it for any or all of the abovenamed purposes; and at anytime you desire to engage in silk growing, which,evidently is a coming industry for this state, you will have the food forthe worms.

Evergreens, Red Cedar, Scotch Pine, Austrian Pine, White Pine, NorwaySpruce, and Arbor Vitae or White Cedar. Their relative success is aboutin the order named and for the various purposes of the lawn and for timberare highly prized. It is claimed that the red cedar is the only native evergreenof which Kansas can boast; and right well has she made the selection. Itgrows even better here than in the eastern states. It will attain a heightof ten feet in a less number of years. The value of its timber is well known,it is quite ornamental, will bear any amount of shearing, is a fine shelterfor birds, and as a wind break nothing but a tightly built stone fence willequal it. The other evergreens named have a high merit peculiar to each,but in this section at this time are planted only for ornamental purposes.

Next week I hope to give additional facts that will further show, unmistakablythe profits of timber culture, and also give methods of propagating andgrowing young trees.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

February 21st, the monument to Geo. Washington was dedicatedin the Capital of the Nation which bears his name. The addresses of Hon.Robert C. Winthrop and Hon. John W. Daniels would occupy two pages of thispaper, which is more room than we can spare. We give the opening and closingportions of Mr. Winthrop's address.

President Arthur, Senators and Representatives of the United States:

By a joint resolution of Congress, you have called upon me to addressyou in this Hall today, on the completion of yonder colossal monument tothe Father of his Country. Nothing less imperative than your call couldhave brought me before you for such an effort. Nearly seven and thirty yearshave passed away since it was my privilege to perform a similar serviceat the laying of the cornerstone of that monument. In the prime of manhood,and in the pride of official station, it was not difficult for me to speakto assembled thousands, in the open air, without notes, under the scorchingrays of a midsummer sun. But what was easy for me then is impossible forme now. I am here today, as I need not tell you, in far other conditionfor the service you have assigned me--changed, changed in almost everything,except an inextinguishable love for my country and its union, and an undyingreverence for the memory of Washington. On these alone I rest for inspiration,assured that, with your indulgence, and the blessings of God which I devoutlyinvoke, they will be sufficient to sustain me in serving as a medium forkeeping up the continuity between the hearts and hands which laid the foundationof this gigantic structure, and those younger hearts and hands which haveat last brought forth the capstone with southings. It is for this you havesummoned me. It is for this alone I have obeyed your call.

Meantime, I cannot wholly forget that the venerable ex-president, JohnQuincy Adams--at whose death bed, in my official chamber beneath this roof,I was a privileged watcher thirty-seven years ago this very day--had beenoriginally designated to pronounce the cornerstone oration, as one who hadreceived his first commission, in the long and brilliant career at homeand abroad which awaited him, from the hands of Washington himself. In thatenviable distinction I certainly have no share; but I may be pardoned forremembering that, in calling upon me to supply the place of Mr. Adams, itwas borne in mind that I had but lately taken the oath as Speaker at hishands and from his lips, and that thus, as was suggested at the time, theelectric chain, though lengthened by a single link, was still unbroken.Let me hope that the magnetism of that chain may not even yet be entirelyexhausted, and that I may still catch something of its vivifying and quickeningpower, while I attempt to bring to the memory of Washington the remnantsof a voice which is failing of a vigor which, I am conscious, is ebbingaway.

The Closing.

Our matchless Obelisk stands proudly before us today, and we hail itwith the exaltations of a united and glorious Nation. It may, or may not,be proof against the cavils of critics, but nothing of human constructionis against the casualties of time. The storms of Winter must blow and beatupon it. The action of the elements must soil and discolor it. The lightningsof Heaven may scar and blacken it. An earthquake may shake its foundations.Some mighty tornado, or resistless cyclone, may rend its massive blocksasunder and hurl huge fragments to the ground. But the character which itcommemorates and illustrates is secure. It will remain unchanged and unchangeablein all its consummate purity and splendor, and will more and more commandthe homage of succeeding ages in all regions of the earth. God be praised,that character is ours forever!

We also give the opening and closing remarks of Mr. Daniels.

Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Commission:

Solitary and alone in its grandeur stands forth the character of Washingtonin history: solitary and alone like some peak that has no fellow in themountain range of greatness.

"Washington," says Guizot, "did the two greatest thingswhich in politics it is permitted to man to attempt. He maintained by peacethe independence of his country which he had conquered by war. He foundeda free government in the names of the principles of order, and by re-establishingtheir sway." Washington did indeed do these things. But he did more.Out of disconnected fragments he moulded a whole and made it a country.He achieved his country's independence by the sword. He maintained thatindependence by peace as by war. He finally established both his countryand its freedom in an enduring frame of Constitutional Government, fashionedto make Liberty and Union one and inseparable. These four things togetherconstitute the unexampled achievements of Washington.

The Closing.

Encompassed by the inviolate seas stands today the American Republicwhich he founded--a free Great Britain--uplifted above the powers and principlesof the earth, even as his monument is uplifted over roof and dome and spireof the multitudinous city.

Long live the Republic of Washington! Respected by mankind, beloved ofall its sons, long may it be the asylum of the poor and oppressed of alllands and religions--long may it be the citadel of that Liberty which writesbeneath the Eagle's folded wings: "We will sell to no man, we willdeny to no man, Right and Justice."

Long live the United States of America! Filled with the free, magnanimousspirit, crowned by the wisdom, blessed by the moderation, hovered over bythe guardian angel of Washington's example; may they be ever worthy in allthings to be defended by the blood of the brave who knew the rights of man--maythey be each a column, and all together, under the Constitution, a perpetualTemple of Peace, unshadowed by a Caesar's palace; at whose altar may freelycommune all who seek the union of liberty and brotherhood.

Long live our country! Oh, long through the undying ages may it stand,far removed in fact as in space from the old world's feuds and follies--solitaryand alone in its grandeur and its glory, itself the immortal monument ofhim whom Providence commissioned to teach man the power of Truth, and toprove to the Nations that their redeemer liveth.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

The statistics of crime in this country for the year just closed arein some respects quite startling. For instance, the murders foot up 3,377;against 1,494 in 1883--an increase of more than 5 per day. The number ofexecutions during the year was 111, only five more than during the yearpreceding; but it is proper to add that public sentiment did something towardthe correction of this discrepancy between the number of killings and thenumber of hangings by applying lynch law to 219 murderers, against 98 thusdisposed of in 1883. In the matter of suicides the showing is equally remarkable,the cases for 1884 numbering 1,897, against 910 during 1883. These statisticsare not complete of course, but they are nearly enough so to demonstratethat the past year was, for reasons of some kind, peculiarly given to thetaking of human life by violent means.

Other Items on Front Page.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

WHAT THE SEXTON SAID. Mr. Lewis Edwards, Sexton of Mt. Vernon Place Church,Washington, D. C., certifies that for several months past he had been sufferingwith a severe cough which distressed him day and night. He was very muchdebilitated, with constant pains in his chest. After trying various remedieshe used the Red Star Cough Cure, which gave him entire relief.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Important matters of state requiring his presence at the capital duringthe session of the Legislature, Gov. Martin was compelled to decline theinvitation of Col. Bacon, commissioner for Kansas at the New Orleans Fair,to be present and deliver an address on Kansas day, February 18. Gov. Martinasked Col. Bacon to select some Kansas man now present at New Orleans toact as orator on that day. The 18th was selected on account ofthe Mardi Gras festivities occurring on that date.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Kansas respectfully informs the Congress of the United States that Texascannot have a twelve mile cattle trail across this State and Kansas is right.Kansas is always right.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

FREE DISTRIBUTION. "What causes the great rush at J. N. Harter'sDrug Store?" The free distribution of sample bottles of Dr. Bosanko'sCough and Lung Syrup, the most popular remedy for Coughs, Colds, Consumption,and Bronchitis, now on the market. Regular size 50 cents and $1.20.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

To get even with their doctors, two families in Atlanta recently ornamentedthe graves of their dead children with bottles containing what remainedof the medicines prescribed by the attending physicians. The bottles borethe druggist's labels, the prescriptions, and the names of the physicians.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Mr. Howells, it is said, does all his literary work on a type writer.

Frederick Ward's physician denies that Ward is insane.

Sarah Bernhardt is said to receive $800 a month for her contributionsto newspapers.

General Ravel, the famous panto mimist, claims the doubtful honor ofthe invention of roller skates.

A bronze statue of General Blair, to be placed in Forest Park, St. Louis,has been finished in Cincinnati. It is ten ft. high.

It was reported that Mrs. Stowe has requested her publishers to restoreto her novel "Nina Gordon," the original title, "Dred."

Sir Arthur Sullivan does most of his writing--musical composition, rather--betweenmidnight and sunrise. He selects that time because it is so quiet.

The Washington Star complains that the picture of the late catastrophein that office, published in the New York Graphic, hurt the establishmentmore than did the fire.

Wm. Neal, sentenced to be hanged Feb. 28, for participation in the Ashland,Kentucky, murder two years ago, wrote a letter in his own blood declaringhis innocence of that crime.

Mrs. Agnes Booth was married recently at Boston for the fourth time.Her new husband is John H. Schoffel. She is to live in New York, and willnot retire from the stage.

James Powell, a colored man, died at Lynn, N. Y., Thursday last at theage of 106 years. He recollected seeing Washington and several years agoaccompanied an arctic expedition.

Princess Louise's illustrations and sketches of Canadian life and sceneryare used exclusively in illustrating the new guide book to Canada, compiledand just issued by the Dominion Government.

Texas is paying $90,000 a year in pensions to 600 alleged survivors ofSam Houston's command in the war of 1835-7. New applications are comingin all the time; fourteen were received in one day recently and the legislatureis trying to repeal the law on the ground that one-half or two-thirds ofthe claims now being paid are fraudulent.

David Dudley Field, now 80 years old: "My receipt for self-preservation,is exercise. I walk every day from my house to my office, a distance ofabout three and one-half miles, and I feel as well today as I ever did inmy life. I have taken care of myself, and as I have a good constitutionI suppose that is the reason I feel so well."


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Kansas has 242 working lodges of Odd Fellows.

Ten hogs sold at Chapman, weighed 4,700 pounds.

Maria Halpin is the name of a township in Smith County.

Bob Burdette lectured at Concordia and Clay Center recently.

Seven thousand pounds of butter were made at Osborn in a month.

Wolves are a great trouble to the sheep ranchmen of Sheridan County.

A Millbrook farmer has lost 200 sheep from overfeeding on sorghum.

A Cedarville horse jumped into a well forty feet deep. It is there yet.

Glanders are making an appearance among some of the horses of Rooks County.

Judge John Martin, of Topeka, and Ex-Gov. Glick, of Atchison, both democrats,have "reconciled."

A project is now on foot among the members of the G. A. R. at Newtonto erect a $4,000 building.

Stafford County has had a great wolf hunt, everything connected withit being hurt except the wolves.

The question for debate in the Sedan lyceum last week was: "Resolved,that lawyers are a curse to society."

The spring immigration has already commenced. Many thousands of peoplewill settle in our State this year.

Belle Plaine boasts of a man, Mr. Mat Johns, who measures full 6 feet7½ inches in height--a regular Kansas production.

Kansas Odd Fellows, through their lodges, contributed $1,811.48 for thebenefit of the Ohio river flood sufferers last year.

It is semi-officially announced that the Southern Kansas railroad isto be extended from Attica to Medicine Lodge as spring opens.

Fifty-six members of the Topeka Democratic Flambeau Club have decidedto go to Washington March 4th, and take along a band.

The Emporia Republican announces that D. L. Moody, the wellknown evangelist, is to be in that city on the 24th and 25thof March.

The judiciary committee of the State Senate is rather a highly coloredaffair. Four of its members are Blue, Green, White, and Redden.

Gov. Martin has recently received a letter from Germany that the Benderfamily are there living like nabobs. Wonder where else they'll turn up?

Webb Wilder will soon issue another copy of his annals. We advise everybodywho wishes to keep posted about Kansas affairs to get Wilder's annals.

Miss Carrie Short, of McPherson, has been commissioned a notary publicby Governor Martin. She is said to be the only female notary public in theState.

The wife of a Caldwell preacher takes turns with him in preaching. Whenthe parishioners see the old gentleman digging worms in the back yard, theyknow it is his Sunday off.

Wichita has chartered two cars to take the members of the Grand Armyof the Republic to Fort Scott to attend the annual encampment. Col. Stewart,of Wichita, is a candidate for Grand Commander.

At a recent oratorical contest at Lawrence, among representatives selectedfrom the State institutions, the first prize was won by Solon Gilmore, thesecond by a colored youth, B. K. Bruce, a nephew of ex-Senator Bruce.

A man named Frank Randles was lately arrested at Iola, charged with incestin marrying his cousin. There is a law in Kansas making the marrying ofcousins a penitentiary offense, but like many other laws, it is practicallya dead letter, and but few are ever arrested for the offense. If all whohave done this were arrested, it would put a good many in the penitentiary.Randles was bound over to court, and in default of $1,000 bail, was committedto jail. He escaped recently, and is now at large, and we doubt very muchif any great effort will be made to recapture him. Colony Free Press.

Wichita Eagle: "Rough or smooth, hot or cold, rain or shine,the canvass covered wagons move west. Several passed through this city thisweek. In this season of industrial and commercial depression all eyes areturned toward prosperous Kansas, the banner state of the Union. A gentlemanjust in from Denver says that not a drop of rain has fallen there duringthe last five months and that the stagnation in business eclipses anythingin the previous history of that city. There is absolutely nothing doingand the people are leaving there as fast as they can. Hundreds of men arecoming in from the mountains every day and leaving the country. Kansas isall the talk.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

February 18, 1885.

Executive Committee of the Southwestern Fair Circuit met subject to thecall of the President at the Arlington parlors, Wellington, Kansas, PresidentH. C. St. Clair in the chair. Delegates present: D. L. Kretsinger, Secretaryof Cowley County; Hasty & Fultz, of Sumner County; Potter & Shelly,of Harper County; Foutz & Peckham, of Sedgwick County. President St.Clair stated the object of calling the meeting on this date was from thefact that a meeting on the date fixed for March 4, would be too late forthe purpose intended. Call confirmed. The Committee then proceeded to theclassification of the premium list for 1885, in the following order.


That the Awarding Committee reject any animal whose pedigree is not authenticated,and which cannot be traced back without a flaw on either side of sire ordam, to well-known English, French, or American thoroughbred stock. Soundness,symmetry and size, as well as the utility of the recorded animal for improvingthe stock of horses in this state should be considered. . . .


On motion, all Fairs in the District were requested to adopt the aboveclassification, reserving to each Association the right to offer such premiumsas they could best afford.

On motion, each Fair in the District was requested to complete the Classificationof Agricultural, Horticultural, Fine Arts, Textile Fabrics, MiscellaneousExhibits, and Speed Department, as would best suit their respective locations.

On motion, each Fair in the District be requested to appoint from amongtheir directors a committee of three, on whom shall devolve the duty ofthe appointment of all awarding committees in their respective associations.Mr. Fultz, of Sumner, withdrew his motion of January 22, regarding 10 percenton all entries.

On motion, each Association in the District was requested to adopt fortheir Speed Dept. the National Trotting Association Rules; and all entriesfor the District shall close Sept. 1, 1885. For running, the Lexington,Ky. Rules.

On motion, each Sec. of Fair in the District be requested to furnish,as soon as completed, D. L. Kretsinger, Circuit Sec., a copy of Speed premiums,that the whole may be published together; each association to pay theirpro rata part of said publication, and to be furnished an equal number ofcopies for distribution.

On motion, the Circuit Secretary was authorized to correspond for attractions,also for prices on pictorial printing.

On motion, the Secretary was instructed to arrange with Col. Loper, asStarting Judge for the District, and report terms to the various associationsfor confirmation.

On motion, the meeting adjourned subject to the call of the President.

D. L. KRETSINGER, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Denver is to have an electric railroad. A company has been incorporatedwith a capital stock of $500,000.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Ex-Governor St. John owns an interest in a mine in New Mexico in whicha rich vein of gold is said to have been discovered.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

President Arthur is said to contemplate a foreign trip after his retirementfrom office, and then will return to the practice of law as consulting attorneyin his old firm.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

The old Liberty bell seems to have proved the successful charm at NewOrleans, as the Exposition has been paying expenses since its arrival, somethingit had not done before.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Governor Marmaduke, of Missouri, has been guilty of the worse act ofnepotism that has occurred in the country. He has appointed his own brotherwarden of the penitentiary. Poor old Missouri.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Miss Mary Lincoln, the young daughter of the Secretary of War, was presentedat the President's last reception. She is a young girl of fourteen, andnamed for her grandmother, Mrs. Abraham Lincoln.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Capt. J. D. Conner reminds us that we had about two feet of snow in thisregion in the winter of 1883-4. Sixty was the year of the drouth and itwas hard lines hauling aid from Atchison through the deep snow. Champion.[Yes, they had "lines."]

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

There is no wisdom equal to silence. President Cleveland has industriouslyheld his jaw ever since the election, and has thereby grown about fiftypercent in public estimation. He is now called the "Sphinx of Albany."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

News has been received of the murder of E. F. Daugherty, a farmer livingin Paris township, Linn County, by a young man, a neighbor, named Doyle.It is reported that Daugherty's death was the result of a quarrel over acow.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

The contest between Morton and Evarts for the caucus nomination for senator,in New York, is called money vs. sentiment, and yet sentiment won. Evenin New York the worship of money bags is not entire. Let us be thankfulthat it is so.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Mr. Cleveland still seems to be in the fog about his cabinet. So manygreat Democratic statesmen have constructed so many different cabinets forhim that it is enough to bewilder a stronger mind than the incoming presidentis reputed to possess.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

An interesting controversy is going on in the columns of the NewYork World as to how long a person can hold out his arm. We have not,perhaps, given this important subject all the attention which it merits,but we should say that he can hold out his arm just as long as it is, andnot an inch longer.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Citizen Rossa magnanimously announces his intention of not prosecutingMrs. Dudley, but the officials very properly insist on putting the casethrough. We can understand Mr. Rossa's objection to swearing he was shotin the back and that he begged for money at the hands of a woman.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

The house committee on appropriations will recommend the appropriationsof $4,935,000 for sea coast fortifications. This is a larger sum than hasever been appropriated at any one time for expenditure in putting our seacoast in a defensive state. Last year only $700,000 were donated to thispurpose.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Gen. Marmaduke's brother, the new warden of the Missouri penitentiary,wants the state to build a branch penitentiary as the Jefferson City institutionis too small to accommodate its guests. If the people of Missouri were allwhere they ought to be, we imagine that about one-fourth of them would bein "pens."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

The Champion thinks a good home a wonderful civilizer. "Whenthe shanty grows into a stately residence, with trees, shrubbery, and agarden, the householder keeps inside his front gate and looks after hisroses, cabbages, and babies, instead of rushing down town to meet World,Flesh, Devil, and the other boys."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

We had the pleasure of entertaining the Hon. John F. Ogilvie, of Columbus,Ohio, last Saturday. Mr. Ogilvie is the Chairman of the State RepublicanCommittee of Ohio, who conducted the brilliant campaign of last year withsuch wonderful success. He is comparatively a young man, a gentleman byinstinct and culture, with all the elements of a great organizer and leader.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

General Wolseley's spies, it is reported, have returned from Khartoumwith statements at variance with those made by the informants of GeneralWilson. The spies hold to the theory that Khartoum has not been capturedand that Gordon is still alive. Counting the spies no more reliable thanthe natives who gave the reports of the massacre an interesting questionof doubt is raised.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

A bill to establish a whipping post in every jail for the punishmentof wife beaters is before the Pennsylvania Legislature. It ought to pass.The punishment exactly corresponds to the nature of the offense. Any manwho strikes his wife ought to be given forty lashes by the sheriff. Anyman whose wife tries to strike him should have deference enough for theother sex to crawl under the bed and stay there until the lady promisesto let him alone. Emporia Republican.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

The gratitude of the Democrats as well as the asininity of the littlefaction of St. John prohibitionists in compassing the elevation of the Democraticparty to power was exhibited in congress the other day when the Democraticmajority of the House squelched the resolution to make prohibition national.If it had not been for the help this crank faction of the great army ofprohibitionists in this country gave the Democratic party last fall, itwould still be out in the cold and prohibition would have a chance.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

An epidemic of alarming fatality has broken out among horses and cattlein Sharon township, Noble County, Ohio. Three-fourths of the horses in thevicinity have died, and the disease is extending. Cattle are also attacked.The loss to date is fully $20,000. The disease appears to effect the kidneys,killing the animals in about thirty-six hours. Their suffering is intense.It is thought the disease was first caused by ergot in blasted grain; thatthe first animals seized caught cold, and by some means the disorder assumedan infectious character.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

As the A., T. & S. F. railroad owns Topeka and has done and is doingmuch to build up that burg, it is to be expected that Topeka men and Topekanewspapers will draw all their inspiration on matters concerning railroadlegislation for that railroad company. They are therefore opposed to maximumrates and opposed to anyone who advocates maximum rate legislation. Hon.Webb McNall, of Smith County, made a two hours' speech the other day infavor of the Simpson maximum rate bill and we judge that it was a ringingone and hit hard by the efforts the Topeka papers made to belittle it.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

In Congress the bill to prohibit the importation of "foreign cheaplaborers" under contract, which had passed the House, has been amendedsomewhat in the Senate and has passed 50 to 9, so now it goes back to theHouse for concurrence in the Senate amendments and will no doubt becomea law. It provides a fine not exceeding $500 and imprisonment not exceedingsix months for each laborer brought or assisted to this country under contract,express or implied, to render services for such assistance, against eachand every person assisting in any way including the master of the vesselbringing the laborer.

This is a move in the right direction. We believe in protecting Americanlaborers from foreign competition in every reasonable way, both by protectivetariffs and prohibition of importation of cheap competition. We are gladto see that both our Senators, as well as members of the House, were stringsupporters of this measure.

This is another blow at the old tradition, superstition, and foolishnessthat this country should be the asylum of the poor and oppressed of allnations, which tradition has made this country the dumping ground for pauperism,vice, and ignorance of all nations and the rendezvous for the thugs andscoundrels of all nations. Here they are free to plot their crimes, murders,robberies, arson, and dynamite conspiracies against not only foreign peopleand countries but against American citizens and property. It has filledour cities with ignorant and vicious brutes who are led by smart scoundrels,and these scoundrels become so powerful as to overawe opposition by fearof harm, and they control not only the government of cities but of states.There is no city in Europe so viciously, barbarously, and expressively governedas the city of New York, which is under the dominion of these thugs, supportedby the hordes of vice and ignorance for which this country is the asylum.But this is not the worst of it. The perpetuity of our free institutionsdepends upon the virtue and intelligence of the American people. Below acertain average in these respects no country can be governed except by imperialpower supported by bayonets. The higher that average is, the more free,noble, and pure will be our institutions, the greater will be the happinessand prosperity of our people, the less will be suffering and want and crime.The more we receive of this foreign vicious and ignorant element, the lowerwill be the average standard of intelligence in this country. With all ourimmense and benevolent institutions, our schools and churches, our hightaxes to support these adjuncts, to prosecute and punish for crime, to reclaimthe vicious and to support the paupers, the general average of virtue andintelligence in this country seems to be on the decline while it ought tobe on the rapid advance.

We believe the true policy of our government would be a quarantine lawpreventing the landing on our shores of persons who cannot bring proofswith them that they are persons of good character, fair intelligence, andnot accused of crime. Admit, if you please, persons infected with cholera,or yellow fever, or leprosy, but for God's sake keep out the moral lepersif possible.

Let us do the best we can with those we already have fastened upon usto educate, reclaim, reform, imprison, and hang them according to theirvarious degrees of barbarism, but let us have no more of them and only immigrantswho will not be much below the average standard of virtue and intelligencein this country.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

The passenger train which left Chicago on the Wabash road February 13,arrived at St. Louis, Mo., with as weary and disgruntled a lot of passengersas have arrived at the Union depot for many a day. Their experiences constitutea strange recital of suffering and adventure, in view of the country theycame through. The train was about two hours out of Chicago when it ran intoa heavy snow drift in which the engine was powerless. The snow was soonpiled as high as the cars both ahead of the train and behind it. For threedays and nearly four nights the passengers were virtually prisoners. Everythingthat was eatable aboard the train was soon consumed, and relief partiesof passengers and train men were sent out to the farm houses, which dotthe prairie at long intervals, there to gather supplies. Prices for provisionswent up to a remarkable figure, and the days were long and dreary. Nobodystarted and nobody froze, but everybody was fairly worn out by the imprisonment.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

In Congress Representative Miller, of the committee of reform in thecivil service, has submitted a minority report signed by the Republicanmembers of committee in favor of Representative Taylor's bill to prohibitthe discharge of honorably discharged soldiers or sailors or dependent relativesfrom any office in the civil service of the United States except for cause.The report says in part: This class of government employees have a claimupon the gratitude of the nation that cannot be easily compensated. Theysaved the country from dismemberment and dishonor. We submit it is but ajust and proper recognition of their claims that they should be retainedin government service as long as they faithfully and efficiently performtheir official duties. The bill is eminently just in all its provisionsand should be passed with the following amendment: "It shall not applyto the class of officers embraced in the original tenure of office act passedMarch 2nd, 1867, and amended April 5th, 1869."


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

A printed protest of large proportions against permitting Masonic societiesto participate in the dedication of the Washington monument, last Saturday,was received by the congressional commission charged with the arrangements.The signers claim to have 13,000 signatures. The Protestants say the Masonicorder has no more right to such distinction than the Hibernians or any othersecret order. The stone sent by the pope for the monument was, they say,broken up and thrown into the Potomac. Why, they ask, are Catholics snubbedand Free Masons honored? Free Masonry, they say, is of foreign birth, isentirely un-American and un-Republican. Its public displays are pompousand barbaric, its titles extravagant and lordly, its constitution despotic,its oaths extra-judicial, which Webster said should be suppressed by law.They pray that only such ceremonies as are national in their scope and Americanin their character be permitted. The protest came too late for action bythe committee.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Sheriff McCreary arrested five saloon keepers at Coffeyville, Kansas,February 20. James and William Fox, Howell, Luke, Shute, Charles Merriman--andalso arrested two druggists. Excitement is intense and the whiskey men alllay the blame to the Enterprise, a prohibition paper establishedthere last summer, and which has been very fearless and unrelenting in itswar against the saloons. The county prosecuting attorney is a prohibitionist,and is determined to do his duty.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

The store of Lemen & Rogers, grocers, LaCygne, Kansas, was enteredFebruary 20, by burglars, who opened their safe and stole $150. The meatmarket of F. W. Pullman was also entered and an unsuccessful attempt madeto open his safe. The burglars took a small amount of change from the moneydrawer. No trace of the thieves.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

DEAR COURIER: For four days the House was deluged with a volume of discussionon the railroad question. It was discussed from every point by able menand by men who didn't know any more about controlling railroads than biblicalsoldiers do about Paul's wife. There were two bills before the body. Theone by Mr. Gillett, of Kingman, known as the "Gillett bill," wason the commissioner system with but few changes and certainly no improvementsover the present law. The other was the "Simpson bill," introducedby Mr. Simpson of McPherson County, establishing a maximum rate for theheavy products in carload lots and making it the duty of the Board of RailroadCommissioners to fix the rates on all other freights. The question was,which of the two bills would the House take up for consideration, and uponthis the seventeen volumes of talk began to pour forth. After the firstday the question was entirely lost sight of, and after three days when thepossibility of a vote being reached seemed eminent, the records had to besearched to find out what the motion under discussion was before the Speakercould put it. The whole range of railroad building, operation, and management,the relation of transportation charges to the producer and consumer, weregone over again and again until the array of facts and "figures"were as bewildering as one of my friend McDermott's arguments to a juryin a sewing machine case. During the discussion Gov. Anthony advanced thestartling proposition that "the transportation tax attaches to theconsumer and not to the product," and came very near proving it. Hadhe enlarged his proposition by saying "when the consumption exceedsthe production," his conclusions would have been correct. However,it will be very hard for even so logical and eloquent a debater as the distinguishedex-Governor to convince an intelligent Kansas farmer that high or low railroadrates do not affect the value of the products. Theory has no place wherefacts exist, and they confront the gentleman's proposition in this caseon every side. The vote was finally reached and the friends of the maximumrate bill won by a majority of four. Then a fine piece of parliamentarywork was executed by the defeated side. Mr. Clogston, of Greenwood, movedthat a committee of five be appointed by the chair to prepare a substitutefor the two bills, said substituted to "clothe" the Railroad Commissionerswith power to fix rates on freights. This proposition was a kind of side-wheelerto the friends of the Simpson bill because many who voted with them didnot believe in maximum rates but preferred the Simpson bill as containingmore and better features than the Gillett measure. These persons were likelyto favor the committee and a new law compromising the two extremes. An effortwas made to amend the motion so as to instruct the committee to make it"the duty" of the Board of Railroad Commissioners to fix ratesand placing the appointing power in the hands of the governor in place ofthe executive council. The motion to this effect was made by your member,but the railroad men wouldn't support it, and the maximum rates men weremad and like the fellow from Arkansaw, wanted a "whole hog or none,"so the amendment was lost and the committee go out simply to "clothethe commissioners with power," and from the composition of the committee,your correspondent fears that the garment wherewith they will propose toclothe the Board will be too thin in the places where it should be verythick. It will take a careful eye to detect these threadbare spots but anearnest effort will be made to do it. A majority of the members believein a fair and equitable but stringent legislation and if they work together,can accomplish it. Whether they will or not remains to be seen.

The contest over the re-establishment of Clark and Meade counties wasone of the most exciting that has been seen hereabouts for many years. Thefight was a sort of three cornered one, first between opposing factionsin the counties named, next on the part of the cattle kings who desiredto defeat all organizations and retain possession of the country as a pasturefor their herds. In this they were assisted by delegations from Dodge City,who saw the speedy downfall of that longhorn rendezvous in thus shuttingup the great trail from the south to their city. Finally a compromise waseffected between the different factions in the two counties. The cattlemen were defeated and the bill passed the House.

Senator Hackney was up last week and is responsible for the biggest sellof the session. In the early stages of the effort to create the NineteenthJudicial district, which takes Sumner County from Judge Torrance's jurisdiction,Mr. Hackney opposed it and wrote several letters to friends here on thesubject. This came to the care of the Wellington fellows and they immediatelysat down on their tails and commenced to howl! After further considerationof the matter and in conformity to the wishes of many friends, Mr. Hackneywithdrew his objections, and the bill passed the House and went to the Senate.Thursday evening a giant scheme was concocted and the following dispatchwas sent.

TOPEKA, KAS., Feb. 18, 1885.

WM. A. McDONALD, Wellington, Ks.

Hackney with a Winfield mob is here with their coats off fighting Judicialbill. Senators Jennings, Buchan, and Blue are with them. I am powerless.Come and bring every man who will on first train. Don't delay. Importantsure. Don't pay any attention to any dispatch sent from here in my name.Look out for a trick. Treachery everywhere. Signed, LINK.

Senator Linkenfelter is the member of that body from Sumner and the signaturewas very easily construed to mean him. In addition to this a dozen otherdispatches were sent to the mayor, clerk, and other leading citizens, referringthem to the above dispatch. As every man, woman, and child in Sumner hasbeen staking their hopes of future happiness on the new judicial districtbill, one can imagine what consternation these dispatches created. Immediatelythe hosts were collected, a picked crowd of the bravest and most valiantwarriors selected, a collection taken up, and with blood in every eye theyproceeded to march on the capital. On Friday morning just at break of daythey filed by twos into the corridor of the Copeland, commander-in-chiefMcDonald and A. Q. M. General Reed leading the van and proceeded to stackarms and provide ammunition. Senator Linkenfelter was aroused from slumbersweet to counsel with the warriors on the terrible situation. When the "trueinwardness" of the matter began to unfold itself, there was roaringand gnashing of teeth followed by scenes that would make a peaceable prohibitionistshudder to repeat, but suffice it to say that from that day until it fallsinto the hands of some county-seat census taker, the Copeland register willcontain the names of a long list of Wellington's distinguished citizensas "guests of Bill Hackney and Dick Walker." If it will help thematter any, I might intimate that Senator Ed. Hewins wasn't an entire strangerto the scheme. The bill finally passed the Senate with but two opposingvotes on the day they were here. The occurrence was the talk of the townfor several days.

The session is drawing to a close and the calendar is still encumberedwith two or three hundred bills, with as many more in the Senate. Most ofthem cannot, by any possibility, be got through before the fifty days forwhich the members can receive pay expires. It requires a great deal of patriotismto "work for nothing and board yourself," so the possibility ofa "raid on the treasury" for postage stamps with which to payboard bills is imminent. I sound this warning note so that my legal friendwho hurls Blackstone at the court with one hand and writes of the deep anddamnable corruption of the servants of the people with the other, may throwhimself into an undivided state into the breach and save the one millionthpart of a mill which a thieving legislature might rob him of. Up, Brutus,and at him!!

Legislative Notes.

Hon. Carroll, Democratic member of the House of Representatives fromLeavenworth, is one of the most prominent candidates for the position ofUnited States Marshal for Kansas. During the many years of the trials andstruggles of Democracy in Kansas, Mr. Carroll has been a recognized leader.A man of sterling integrity and possessing ability of the highest order,his appointment would reflect great credit on Mr. Cleveland's administration.

The special committee to whom was referred the construction of a newrailroad bill with instructions to report today (Tuesday) have so far failedto agree and the time has been extended to tomorrow (Wednesday) morningat half past ten.

Hon. W. P. Hackney and wife came in Monday night and have quarters atthe Copeland.

Mr. J. S. Baker, of Tisdale, is in the city looking after legislationaffecting his locality.

Political, Official and Social Notes as Gathered by
Our Regular Washington Correspondent.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

The state of business in Congress is more favorable to adjournment. Thatthe end is near appears from the fact that the deficiency appropriationbill, the last of the series, is about ready to be reported to the House.The naval bill has been considered. It is comparatively free from controversialfeatures, and the Randall provision for reorganizing the navy is the onlyfeature which provokes discussion. The sub-committee on the fortificationsbill, which swelled the bill to $5,000,000, have been instructed in committeeto cut off the new features and report simply the usual bill. This actionwill tend to facilitate proceedings in the House. The sundry civil billhas some features that may precipitate a struggle, especially if silverlegislation is attempted.

Apropos of Mr. Randall's plan for the construction of a newnavy, it is regarded in Washington as being comprehensive and radical incharacter, and on that account has found many active friends and activeenemies, the latter mostly among naval officers. The plan provides, first,for the collection of all possible information on the subject of naval construction;second, for the selection of plans; and lastly, for the building of thenavy according to these plans without any further action by Congress. Thelanguage of the paragraph is that all necessary money to pay expenses ofthe board, its awards and purchases, and building of the vessels providedfor is appropriated out of the money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated.Thus there is no limit to the sum to be expended in the construction ofthe new navy. The fact of the matter is that the country at large will besatisfied with almost anything which will give a start to the needed workof providing the United States with a navy.

Speaking of the navy reminds me that a change in the command of thatfestive craft, the "Despatch," took effect the other day, andhas made a great deal of talk in naval circles. It is said that the displacementof Lieutenant Reeder, the ex-commanding officer, is entirely the resultof personal influence brought to bear in favor of Lieutenant Emory, whocommanded one of the ships in the Greeley relief expedition.

Naval officers who have the welfare of the service greatly at heart arevery desirous that when the new administration comes in, both the "Despatch"and the "Tallapoosa" shall be gotten rid of. The talk in the newspaperof the use that has been made of these vessels has been a constant injuryto the service. Neither ship is needed for the duty it has been employedon during the past few years. Mr. Cleveland could not do a better strokeof business than to send both of these vessels away from the Atlantic coast,and keep them away during his entire administration. But this would go hardwith the beaux and belles of the Nation's Capital, who have been havingsuch good times on the excursions of these crafts at Government expense.

Representative Ex-Senator Eaton, or Oldbilleaton as he is more affectionatelyknown in Yankee land, is evidently not to be awed in his old age by sucha kick-shaw as the sergeant-at-arms' mace. It is necessary to record thefact that not only did the veteran constitutional lawyer, who would notbend the knee to the Electoral Commission, so far forget his venerationfor law, in the stormy scene in the House last Wednesday, as to treat Mr.Hill's spreadeagle emblem with open obloquy and contempt, but even wentso far as to express his insubordination in that peculiarly offensive formknown as the "long nose," a fashion of derision very popular amongsmall boys after reaching a safe distance, but rarely indulged in by expoundersof the constitution on the floor of Congress.

As an offset of this pleasant little diversion, the Hon. Tom Ochiltree,Belford's lurid counterpart, took it into that part of his organism fromwhich project his gory locks to get much excited during the humdrum proceedingson the river and harbor bill. The Texan took occasion to characterize acertain Mr. Alexander as an infamous lobbyist, who had been driven out ofTexas for the country's good, whereupon the valiant member retired to thelobby of the House "to see a man." He returned breathless in afew moments and announced to the August assemblage that he had been attackedby Alexander in the corridor and told in a threatening manner that he (Alexander)would "meet him" again. Col. Ochiltree now feels the power ofthe lobby, and thinks that, like the famous Col. Titus, he has "hearda lion roar" in that part of the Capitol. LENOX.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

The remains of Mrs. James Russell Lowell were interred at Kensal Greencemetery in London, England, February 23. The funeral was strictly private.It started from the residence of Mr. Lowell at eleven o'clock this morning.Among those present were Secretary Halpin, of the American legation; G.W. Smalley and lady; Lady Littleton; M. Stephens, editor of the WhitehallReview; Hon. Waldgrove Leslie, and Henry James, the American novelist.

Minister Lowell wept freely during the obsequies. The Prince of Walessent a message of condolence. Premier Gladstone personally condoled withMr. Lowell on Saturday. The casket was almost buried in wreaths receivedfrom friends, from members of diplomatic corps, and from American residentsof London.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

The extensive dry goods establishment of O. Thomas & Co., at Emporia,Kansas, was totally destroyed by fire Feb. 18th. The nature ofits origin is not exactly known, but it is supposed to have caught in somemanner from the stove. On account of a frozen hydrant, the firemen wereunable to turn more than one stream of water on it until the fire had gotcompletely beyond control. The engines were then directed to saving neighboringbuildings. It is almost a miracle that the whole block was not consumed.The loss will reach on stock $30,000, and on the building $5,000 or $6,000.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

A bill introduced in the National House by Representative Perkins, February23, concerning Oklahoma lands, authorizes the president to negotiate withthe Creeks, Seminoles, and Cherokees, and learn on what terms those Indianswill relinquish and convey to the United States all their interest in theOklahoma lands, with a view to open up that territory for settlement underthe homestead law. It is expected that the senate will be convened in specialsession almost immediately after the adjournment of the present congress,and that such time as is not consumed in the consideration of appointmentswill be devoted to the discussion of pending treaties.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

There have been reports for some time past of great distress in portionsof the counties of Lewis, Braxton, Calhoun, and Gilmer, in Pennsylvania.The distress has been caused by the crops being ruined last summer by thedrought and the unusual severity of the winter. Whole neighborhoods of people,not to speak of livestock, are actually famished for want of proper food.Large amounts of stock of all kinds have died. The legislature has takenmeasures to relieve the sufferers.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

The men arrested for selling liquor under cover of a drug business, B.E. Butterfield and W. F. Bush, at Eureka, Ks., plead guilty to one countand were fined $100 each, which, with the costs, will make $325. C. R. Stuckey,one of the "blind tiger" men, plead guilty on one count and wasfined $300 and costs. The fines of the four who have been tried within thelast fortnight aggregate $900, and, with the costs, make a total of about$1,150.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

After reports of standing committees, Senator Buchan, from the committeeof Ways and Means, reported back without recommendation the appropriationbill for the Kansas Orphan Asylum, the St. Vincent Asylum, the Home forFriendless Women, and the Good Samaritan Institution, and moved to placethem at the head of the calendar. After remarks in opposition by SenatorsBlue and Redden, and by Senators in favor of the motion, the motion waslost.


The following bills were presented: To provide for payment of State Agentat Washington, S. J. Crawford; to amend laws of 1884, relating to unorganizedcounties; to repeal Section 92, General Statutes of 1868, relating to countiesand county officers; to provide for a suitable building for the Kansas Asylumfor Idiotic and Imbecile Youth at Winfield; to confirm title to public squarein El Dorado; to empower Wakarusa township, Douglas County, to erect a TownshipHall; to remunerate Sheridan, Trego and Ford counties for expenses of unorganizedcounties attached; making appropriations to pay for conveying prisonersto Penitentiary.


The following bills were passed on third reading.

Senate bill No. 60, an act supplemental to an act entitled "An actregulating conveyances of real estate," being chapter 22, compiledlaws of 1879.

Senate bill No. 159, an act to amend an act entitled "An act relatingto counties and county officers," being chapter 25 of General Statutesof 1868, and to repeal section 181 thereof.

Senate bill No. 61, an act making appropriations for the State NormalSchool.

Senate bill No. 62, an act making appropriation for cottages, raisingthe east and west wing of central part one story, for fencing, drainage,perfecting and completing the present system of heating and ventilationof the State Insane Asylum at Osawatomie.

Senate bill No. 95, an act making appropriations for the erection ofadditional buildings, the purchase of furniture for the same, and the purchaseof additional grounds, at the State Insane Asylum at Topeka, for the fiscalyears end--June 30, 1886, and June 30, 1887, and for lighting the Asylumbuildings and completing air passage and fan for the same.

Senate bill No. 54, an act creating a bureau of labor and industrialstatistics, and defining the powers and duties thereof.


On motion of Senator Jennings, the Senate went into Committee of theWhole on general orders, but pending consideration of the bill to regulatepharmacy, the Committee rose and the Senate adjourned.

The Senate went into Committee of the Whole, Senator Redden in the chair,on the special order, the Senate bill No. 140, Senators Kelly and Lloyd'sbill, to secure


On which speeches were made by Buchan, Barker, Hick, Lowe, Shean, Blue,and other Northeastern Senators against maximum rates, and by Lloyd, Jennings,Crane, and H. B. Kelly in favor of the bill. The principal argument againstthe bill was that on distances less than 100 miles the rates in the billwere greater than now charged by railroads.

This argument was met by Kelly, who offered an amendment fixing rateson short distances as low as the present rates charged.

This, we think, was useless, for the Senators from localities in theNortheast portion of the State in favor of whom the railroads grossly discriminate,cannot be appeased by anything short of the defeat of the bill.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Mr. Stewart, asking for a State entomologist. Mr. Justice, for legalizingroads in Graham County.


Mr. Randall. To perfect the title to the public square in El Dorado.

Mr. Turner: Providing for filing lists of county officers with the Secretaryof State.

Mr. Cox. To empower Wakarusa township, of Douglas County, to build atownship hall.


to Mr. Lewis' bill, relating to bounty on wolf and other scalps, wereconcurred in; also, Senate amendments to the House appropriation for theexpenses of the Lady Commissioners from Kansas to the Woman's Departmentof the New Orleans Exposition.

Bills relating to insurance companies were made the special order fornext Tuesday.


to investigate the contracts, etc., relating to the new building at Olathefor the Deaf and Dumb School, was announced on the part of the House; Messrs.Bryant, Browning, and Morgan, of Osborne.


Mr. McNall offered a resolution to instruct the committee raised to investigatethe manufacture of butterine and oleomargarine, to make report. As thiselicited discussion, it went over today.


The following bills were read a third time and passed.

Mr. Wellep's H. B. 349, to allow stock to run at large in that part ofCherokee County east of Spring river.

Mr. McBride's H. B. 384, to authorize Solomon township in Phillips Countyto build a bridge across the Solomon river south of the town of Marvin.

Mr. Morgan's H. B. 249, to authorize Clay County to build and purchasecertain bridge.

Mr. Scammon's H. B. 482, to legalize acts of a Justice of the Peace,and Police Judge and City Clerk of Weir City, he never having had politicaldisabilities, removed.

Mr. Justus' H. B. 435, to legalize highways in Graham County.

249, 328, 118, 116, for protection against Texas fever, 443, 222, 43,191, 214, 286, 78, 358, 331, 414, 425, mainly local bills of little interest.

The Simpson maximum rate railroad bill was discussed at length by Messrs.Carroll, Osborn, and McNall, against the bill.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

A long discussion occurred over the resolution calling on the AttorneyGeneral for information in relation to the status and rights of railroadschartered by the territorial Legislatures and the Committee of Conferencereport thereon.

The report was concurred in.

The Temperance bill No. 387, which has passed the House, was made a specialorder of Friday evening. The bill creating a board of pardons was placedat the head of the calendar.


Relating to the building of bridge; relating to township officers; toexempt certain property from taxation; to make up a deficiency in Statepermanent school fund.


The pharmacy bill was read a third time and passed.


Mr. Faulkner, from the special committee to whom was referred the billsrelating to a State geological survey, reported two bills as directed. Onewould create a Board of survey, to consist of the Chancellor of the StateUniversity, the President of the Agricultural College, and the Secretaryof the State Board of Agriculture, who shall have charge of work contemplatedby the bill, which is a preliminary survey to determine upon proper pointsto make experimental borings in prospecting for minerals and artesian water;boring to be made under direction of the Board; a careful record of allborings to be made and preserved for public use.

The House then resolved itself into Committee of the whole upon the railroadbills, with Mr. Carroll in the Chair. The pending question will still virtuallybe a choice between the Simpson bill and the Gillett bill.

Mr. McNall made a two hour speech in favor of the Simpson bill and wasanswered by several gentlemen on the other side in lengthy speeches. Mr.Simpson defended his bill.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Last evening session was devoted to the consideration in Committee ofthe whole of several bills relating to cities of first and second class.

House bill 21 authorizing cities of the first class to provide publicparks and gardens was recommended for passage.

The following bills were presented.

To change the boundaries of a certain Judicial District.

To authorize the Treasurer of Pawnee County to convert certain bonds.

To enable the County Commissioners of Ford County to fund the countyindebtedness.

Authorizing the Court Judge or Magistrate to exclude minors during trialor hearing.

By pretty general consent the three several bills relating to Judicialdistricts was postponed till tomorrow.

Senate bill No. 247, an act to amend section 1 of chapter 97 of the lawsof 1877, and fixing times of holding courts in the Twelfth Judicial Districtwas passed.

The balance of the forenoon was occupied on local bills, and five Housebills and ten Senate bills of that character were passed on third reading.


On third reading three Senate and fifteen local bills were passed.

Substitute for Senate bill No. 8, and to amend sections 51 and 74 ofchapter 37, laws of 1881, and to repeal sections 5, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56,57, 58, 60, and 74, relating to jurisdiction of Police Judge, being underconsideration, Senator Blue moved to amend by striking out that part whichrequires an appellant on a misdemeanor to give bond for fine and costs.After a pretty general discussion by Senators Harwi, Ritter, Kellogg, Harkness,Kimball, Bawden, and others, the motion was lost: yeas 15, nays 21. Thebill passed: ayes 27, noes 4.

Senate bill No. 244; an act relating to cities of the first class, andto authorize provision for payment and issuing evidences of indebtednesstherefor, of unpaid amounts in cases of certain general and special improvements,was passed.

House bill No. 21, an act to authorize cities of first class to providepublic parks and grounds for the inhabitants thereof, was passed.


The special order was taken up as follows.

Substitute for Senate joint resolution No. 5, proposing to amend article3 of the construction, by striking out section 2 thereof, and amending section13 thereof by inserting the within proposed amendment for section No. 2.This joint resolution provides for the Judiciary of the State. It makesthe Supreme Court to consist of five Judges, the oldest by election to beChief Justice, except in cases where two or more hold commission of thesame date, in which case the preference is to be decided by lot. No manshall be eligible under thirty-five years of age. The term shall be sixyears. The two additional Justices are to be appointed by the then Judgeuntil the election of successors, in 1887, which one shall be elected toserve until the second Monday in January, 1890, and the other till the secondMonday in January, 1892. The salary is to be $4,000. The term of officeof District Judge shall be four years, and no person shall be eligible underthirty years of age. A County Court is to take the place of the ProbateCourt, and the Judge must be a practicing attorney. The joint resolutionhas considerable detail; but this statement gives the gist of the wholematter.

Senator Jennings, the author, explained the provisions of the joint resolution.

After very careful consideration and business-like examinations of thedifferent provisions of this important amendment of the Constitution, SenatorBlue moved that when the committee rise it reports this measure back andrecommend its passage, subject to amendment and debate, which motion prevailed.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Mr. Scammon. Praying for a reduction of the salaries of the county officersof Cherokee County.

Mr. Swartz. Asking a division of the Sixteenth Judicial District.


Mr. Hopkins. Funding bill for Ellis County. This was advanced to a placeon the calendar for third reading.

Mr. Vance, by request. Amending law relating to issue of bonds for internalimprovements.

Mr. Hardesty. Funding bill on Ford County.

Senate Amendments to H. C. R., relative to pensions, were concurred in.The House adopted the report of the committee of conference upon the concurrentresolution in relation to tenure of railroad charters. This leaves the resolutionabout as it originated in the House.

Special order for 10:30, the railroad bill, was, on motion of Mr. McNall,postponed till 2 p.m.

A number of bills were, on motions made, advanced upon the calendar.This was continued until members got tired and put on the brakes. Severaldiscrepancies were discovered and bothered over in the calendar for thisday: matters left in that had been ordered off, and matters belonging thereleft out.


Substitute for the county lines bill, recreating the counties of Meadeand Clark, it being the compromise bill on that subject, was read a thirdtime. Mr. Jones pointed out needed amendments, and moved that the bill bereferred back to the committee of the whole. Mr. Greer said that the difficultycan be readily adjusted by amendments to bills attaching that territoryto certain counties for Judicial purposes. The point of order was made thatMr. Jones has no right to make a motion. Speaker Pro Tem. Burtondecided the point of order well taken, and roll call proceeded upon passageof the bill, and it passed.

Mr. Glasgow's H. B. 450, to legalize a township bond election for a bridgein Republic County, was read a third time and passed.

Mr. Edward's H. B. 83, to detach Finney and other Western counties fromFord County, and to attach other Western counties to Finney County for judicialpurposes. And to provide for terms of court in Finney County, was read athird time and passed.

Mr. Edward's H. B. 459, authorizing Pawnee County to sell United Statesbonds, passed.

Mr. Drought's H. B. 302, relating to change of venue in district courts.Passed.

Mr. Bryant's H. B. 367. Appropriating $2000 to Anna Ritchie for damagessustained by a fall from the west portion of the State House in 1883. Passed.

The railroad bills being under consideration in Committee of the whole,Messrs. Davenport, Collins, and Greer advocated the Simpson bill which wastaken up for consideration 53 to 51.

Mr. Clogston moved to refer to a select Committee, stating that it wasevident that this bill nor the other could secure a majority in the House.

Mr. Greer offered a substitute to the motion to refer, changing it merelyin the point that where the motion instructs the committee to draft a billgiving the Commissioners power to fix rates, this substitute would makeit their duty to fix rates. The substitute was lost and Mr. Clogston's planprevailed.

The committee arose and its report was adopted.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Several new bills were presented including one authorizing Probate Judgesto discharge of record all mortgages and liens on real estate sold by executors,administrators, and guardians, one to prevent polluting streams.

Senate went into Committee of the whole and recommended for passage;22, to provide natural history facilities for the State University; 39,to erect additional buildings at the Deaf & Dumb Asylum at Olathe; 273,making deficiency appropriations for the fish Commission; 228, making appropriationfor conveying prisoners; 289, to pay State claim agent.

The several bills relating to assessments and taxation were made thespecial order for Tuesday.

Bills passed on third reading to create the 19th, 20th,and 21st Judicial Districts and providing for Judges thereof.

Senate bills were stricken from the calendar or indefinitely postponed,among which were 48, authorizing corporations for all lawful purposes; 100,relating to counties and county officers; and 57, to regulate warehousingand inspection of grain.

Nos. 116, Reimbursing permanent school fund for losses; 128, to regulatethe transportation of grain by railroads; and 178, regulating the StateLibrary; were ordered to a third reading subject to amendment and debate.


Senate amendments to H. B. 149, the funding bill for Sheridan County,were concurred in. Also concurred in Senate amendments to H. B. 145, cedingjurisdiction over the Leavenworth Soldiers Home to the United States.

In Committee of the whole S. B. 123 was slightly amended and recommendedfor passage. It is the bill to secure payment in cash to employees in raises.

H. B. 146, relating to County Clerk of Ness, recommended for passage;also, 160, on garnishments; 189, to enable cities to contract for sewerage;192, to simplify the selection of jurors; 213, to authorize injunction againstnuisance.

Substitute bill reported by the Committee on Railroads, relating to fencingof railroads, was read, when Mr. Hatfield offered a substitute for all afterthe enacting clause. This gives double damages for stock killed, exceptwhere fences are properly maintained, and changes the bill in other features.It only compels fencing of railroads through improved lands. Considerationpostponed.

After a long discussion the evening before the bill appropriating $50,000to the National Soldiers Home at Leavenworth was recommended for passagein Committee of the whole.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

The following bills were then introduced: To establish a court of appeals;Fixing terms of court in 11th Judicial District.

Senator Barker, Chairman of the special committee to investigate theState Penitentiary, made a report, which was ordered printed.

A large number of bills were read the second time and referred.

A number of protests were verbally made against ordering bills that hadonly been read once, to a third reading without any reference to a committee.

The following bills were passed on third reading.

Substitute for Senate bill No. 22, an act to provide additional facilitiesfor the Department of National History in the State University.

Senate bill No. 39, an act to provide for the erection of additionalbuildings at Olathe, Kansas, for the institution for the education of thedeaf and dumb during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1886.

Substitute for Senate bill No. 273, an act making an appropriation fordeficiency for the expenses incurred by the Commissioner of Fisheries, forthe years 1883 and 1884.

Senate bill No. 288, an act making appropriations for conveying prisonersto the Penitentiary, for the deficiencies from the fiscal years ending June30, 1879, 1880, and 1881, and for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1886and 1887.

Seventeen bills of a local character passed third reading.

Senate bill No. 297, an act to enable the County Commissioners of FordCounty to fund the county indebtedness.

Substitute for House bill creating a bond of pardons.

Senate bill No. 176, an act to amend section 3 of chapter 122 of theSession laws of 1874, entitled "An act supplemental to and amendatoryof chapter 92, General Statutes of 1808, and chapter 86, laws of 1809, andchapter 185 of laws of 1872," and to authorize the condemnation oflands for schoolhouse sites.

Senate bill No. 289, an act to provide for the payment of the agent ofthe State of Kansas for prosecuting claims against the United States.

Senate bill No. 178, an act regulating the State library, and repealingchapter 112 of the laws of 1870, and chapter 14 of the laws of 1871, andchapter 130 of the laws of 1873.

Senate bill No. 297, an act to remove the political disabilities of certainpersons herein named not having received the Constitutional majority; wasdeclared lost.

The balance of the day was spent in discussing the bill fixing maximumrates on wheat.


Mr. Gillespie: Praying for municipal suffrage for women.

Mr. Rhodes: From Vermilion, Marshal County, asking legislation to securereasonable freight rates.

Mr. F. J. Kelly: From ca*wker City, praying for municipal suffrage forwomen.


Mr. Miller. For the relief of William Edgar, a young man who was burnedat the Osawatomie Asylum. This bill, with appropriation for C. L. De Randame,was advanced to position on the calendar for third reading.

Mr. Burton. An act locating the Capital of the State of Kansas at Abilene.As this is a local bill, Mr. Burton secured its second reading and reference.It was, upon motion of Mr. A. W. Smith, referred to the Committee on PoliticalRights of Women.


Mr. Stewart called attention to the bill which was declared passed duringthe forenoon session, to remove disabilities from a list of persons. Ithad not received a two-thirds majority. By consent it was left on the calendarfor third reading.

Mr. Edwards. H. B. 361, providing for delivery of orders for satisfactionof mortgages to parties interested instead of their being filed in the officeof Register of Deed, was read a third time and passed.

Mr. Bolinger's H. B. 334, to vacate parts of the public square of Uniontown,in Bourbon County. Passed.

Mr. Edwards. H. B. 335. Fixing the statutory rate of rice, corn, andof sorghum seed, at fifty-six pounds per bushel. It was amended so as toalso include washed plastering hair, four pounds in the weights and measuressections of the statutes. English blue grass seed, twenty-two pounds, wasadded to that section. Also apples, fifty pounds, and the bill passed.

Mr. Hatfield's H. B. 10. To establish the Superior Court for SedgwickCounty. Mr. Stewart offered an amendment which would make the expense ofthe Court payable by Sedgwick County instead of by the State. He explainedthat he believed the statements made that fifteen judges could do all thebusiness of the State if the State was properly distributed. His amendmentwas lost and the bill was defeated.

Mr. Hatfield's H. B. 430, legalizing certain levies and taxes in SedgwickCounty, passed.

Mr. Lower's H. B. 398, authorizing Morris County to build a $3,000 bridgeacross the Neosho river, passed.

S. B. 133, reported by Senate Committee on Mines and Mining, prohibitingthe payment of miners with store orders, passed.

Johnston's H. B. 146, making the maximum salaries of the County Clerkand County Treasurer of Ness County $600, passed.

Mr. Buck's H. B. 160, giving same rights of garnishment in District Courtsas is now given in Justice's Court passed.

Mr. Hatfield's H. B. 180, authorizing contracts by cities with seweragecorporations, passed.

Mr. Buck's H. B. 192, relating to selection of jurors, passed.

Mr. Vance's H. B. 213, giving authority to the Attorney General and CountyAttorneys to issue out injunctions to restrain nuisances, passed.

The Committee on Political Rights of Women reported, recommending thatthe bill to locate the Capital at Abilene be placed on the calendar forthird reading, and the report was adopted.

Mr. Hatfield introduced a bill to rearrange the terms of Court in theEighteenth Judicial District. It was advanced to position on the calendarfor third reading.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

In the Senate this afternoon the whole time was spent on the two specialorders, the bill authorizing school districts and boards of education inany county of the State to adopt a uniform series of text books. No. 142,introduced by Senator Young, and an act relating to the support of commonschools and fixing the duties of county superintendents, No. 255, by SenatorCrane, both of which were passed to third reading by the committee of thewhole. Senators Lloyd and Kelly's freight bill--maximum rates on wheat--wasdiscussed at great length and the substitute offered by John Kelly was adoptedand recommended for passage. This bill authorizes the railroad commissionerson complaint of any person to notify the traffic managers of any road, andto fix the rates as they may deem necessary, and such rates shall be primafacia the rates established. The discussion was on a motion of Senator Lloydto authorize the railroad commissioners to establish rates with or withoutcomplaint. This motion was lost.


The House passed an appropriation of $50,000 for the Leavenworth soldiershome, by a vote of 67 to 50. The raid claim bill was continued as a specialorder of business for tomorrow afternoon. A bill appropriating $6,000 towardthe expenses of the state militia reunion was passed; also one awarding$500 to Mr. Edgar for damages for being burned while in the employ of theState.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

A terrific explosion of natural gas occurred Feb. 21st inthe two-story brick dwelling occupied by Halsey Bros., cigar-makers, atWellsburg, W. Va., at half past Saturday morning. The building togetherwith the adjoining property, was entirely demolished. Six persons are reportedkilled. Full particulars later.

A Post-Dispatch special from Steubenville, Ohio, says: "Aterrific natural gas explosion occurred Feb. 21st, at Wellsburg,W. Va., last Saturday morning by the gas leading into the cellar of thetwo-story brick occupied by R. Halsey Bros., cigar makers. This buildingand adjoining one, occupied by Duke Weller, saloon keeper, were blown toatoms. The buildings took fire and it spread rapidly to the adjoining buildings.The shock of the explosion was so terrible that the glass was shatteredand the plaster shaken from nearly every residence in town. The inhabitantsran in all directions terror-stricken. A great many buildings were foundbadly damaged quite a distance from the explosion. The list of killed, sofar as received, is as follows: Conrad Halsey, wife, mother, and child,and an infant babe of the above. John Walters is missing. A search is beingmade. The bodies recovered are terribly mangled. The loss will probablyreach a total of $20,000. By the supreme effort of the people, the firewas brought under control at 3 a.m.

FRANK H. GREER, Local Editor.
Sipped Market Report.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

The editor of the Arkansas City Republican visited Winfieldrecently, accompanied by one of that city's belles. He chronicles the visitthusly: "We forgot to make mention last week of an important item ofnews which happened up at Winfield. A young lady while crossing the streetin close proximity to the COURIER office during the last thaw, accidentlystepped off the stones, thereby making such a big cavity in the mud thata prominent newspaper man who was following along behind, fell in and wasalmost swallowed up by the mud ere he was rescued." Come again, brother,but for heaven's sake leave your girl at home, where elephantine feet areno rarity, and avoid endangering the lives and property of our citizensand yourself.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

The Udall Sentinel says that the fraudulent lightening disenchanter,whom the COURIER gave a round last week, has been figuring in that neighborhood.He put up a rod for D. M. Carlton, who has been nearly blind for twentyyears. Carleton [?Carlton] signed what he supposed to be a note for $12,but found when the work was completed that he was in for $76.80. This fraudalso stopped at another farmer's home in that neighborhood and offered toput up a rod for $6. The farmer told him to go ahead, but when the fellowinsisted on having his note rather than cash, he was booted off the place.

[Paper had both Carleton and Carlton.]

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

A charter has been taken out for the Farmer's Co-Operative Milling Exchange,of Arkansas City. It was organized last week, with H. Harbaugh, of PleasantValley, president, and D. P. Marshal, of Bolton, Secretary. Its purposeis the construction of a mill on the canal for exchange and general millingbusiness. The amount of stock of the corporation is $75,000, divided into2,000 shares.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

The bi-weekly hop of the social club at the Opera House Friday eveninglast, was a charming event, and none could have looked in on that happyassembly of forty-five couples without being imbued with the superiorityof Winfield society. No city of its size in the west can equal the QueenCity in this respect.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

The Terminus has a Fat Man's Club, organized for social enjoyment amongthe corpulent gentlemen of that city. The candidate for membership musttip the beam at two hundred pounds. Winfield could sport such a club admirably,and a Bald Pate Club would also be in order.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

To the members of the Oklahoma Colony: You are hereby notified that yourpresence is required at the colony meeting at Torrance schoolhouse, Feb.28th, 1885, at 7 o'clock p.m. Business of importance to transact.Shelton Morris, Capt.; W. H. McPherson, Sec.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

The February moon fulls on the 28th, at 11 o'clock in theevening, remarks the Arkansas City Traveler, and thus we shallcome within an hour of having no full moon in the month; but there willbe enough full Democrats early in March to make up for it.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

"Tis an ill wind, etc. The farmers claim that this snow storm issure to be of great benefit to the wheat; for they say that if the weatherhad continued dry, and the wind high for a short time longer, that greatloss would have resulted to the staple product.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

The Alpha society will present a very entertaining program at the operahall Friday evening. The proceeds will be used for the benefit of the highschool library. All should feel interested in encouraging this laudableenterprise.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Wanted. A smart lady who can canvass Winfield and Cowley County and takeorders for and manufacture goods for ladies and children. Full explanationcan be had by addressing Mrs. M. M. Rogers, Winfield.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Owing to the entertainment at the Opera House on Friday evening, theYoung People's Literary and Social Club has postponed its meeting for twoweeks, when it meets with Miss Anna Doane.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

The old Myton stand is doffing the old and taking on the new, preparatoryto the reception of Senator Long's grocery stock. New paper, shelving, etc.,are greatly changing the premises.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

The masked carnival at the rink last Thursday evening was an admirablesuccess, there being about seventy-five couples of maskers on the floor,and a large crowd of spectators.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Cowley's State school fund apportionment, $3,378.20, thirty-five centsper capita, has been received and is being distributed to the differentdistricts of the county.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

The young men of Winfield have formed a gymnasium of thirty-five memberswith rooms over Curns & Manser's real estate office.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Wanted. A girl to do general house work in the family of Capt. J. B.Nipp, corner of 10th Avenue and Andrews Street.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

The assessors of this county meet in the County Clerk's office Mondaynext, to agree upon a basis of valuation.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

The Eagle and the citizens of Wichita are making a terriblefuss over "one little lone baby."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

A number of young folks attended a masked skating carnival at Wellingtonlast night.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

All should witness the inauguration ceremonies at the opera hall Fridayevening.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Flying machine at the opera hall Friday evening.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Wanted. 500 or 600 sheep. C. D. Murdock.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

The dining room of one of Winfield's prominent hotels was the scene ofa lively encounter between a drummer and a waitress Sunday evening last.An exhibition of feminine muscle and grit was given that completely blanchesformer records, taught his drummership a lasting lesson and satisfactorilyentertained lookers on. This festive drummer took his seat at the tableand the waitress, whom we will call Dora. Just for luck, stepped up to takehis order. But the itinerant masher didn't seem in a hurry and made insolentproposals. Dora repeated the "bill of fare" several times andfinally left the i. m. in disgust. Returning in a few minutes with threeorders on the tray, for the same table, she was again accosted by the i.m. with language unbecoming. The gentle Dora could stand it no longer, andin the twinkling of an eye gave the man of wares a diff on the probosciswith her fist that sent him sprawling to the floor. Dishes flew in everydirection and Dora followed her initiatory blow by playing on the fellow'shead with the tray and giving him the benefit of her foot, until his drummershipyelled for mercy, made a neat apology and a hasty exit. He took the earlymorning train for other fields, with feelings mortified and a black eye.The would -be masher who thinks Winfield girls can't take care of themselveswill come out mighty badly mashed. The rapscallion who questions a girl'spurity because she does duty in a dining room should have no sympathy whenhe gets "knocked hout" in one round.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Mr. J. M. Barrick dropped in on the COURIER Saturday and told us of acase of abstinence that beats the notorious Dr. Tanner, by one day. Sometime ago a Black Spanish hen fell into a fifty-five foot stock on his place.The old hen was heard to give a feeble squawk, but none cared to risk anythingfor such a small object and nothing more was thought about the fowl untilthe next day, when one of Mr. Barrick's boys heard a faint squawk from thebottom of the well, and it dawned upon him that her henship was still there,and alive. He thought if the hen could live down, he could, and so wentdown. The hen was found cuddled up on an offset under the wall, near thewater, where the drippings from well buckets were avoided. She was broughtup, put on the ground, and to the astonishment of witnesses walked off.Her craw was perfectly empty, but she now eats and is doing well. Mr. Barrickfigured up and found that the hen endured oblivion and the pangs of hungerfor just forty-one days: a record that seems almost incredible. Nothingcould be found in the well on which she could subsist; it was a bonafide fast. Mr. Barrick has arranged a private apartment for this wonderfulfowl and determines to nurse her in the lap of luxury until the naturalsummons from hen-heaven takes her away.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

The COURIER delights in singing praises to Cowley's wonderful productiveness.We can't help it. But when her vast possibilities come pouring in on usas they have in the past few weeks, we feel like throwing down the quillin utter despair and calling on some kind friends to transport us to somequiet land where words can do justice to the subject in hand. Cowley isalready the wonder of the nation. She is a slice from the very juiciestside of the earth. Her years are a succession of golden streams of grain,choice herds and flocks, etc., but she has now taken an exalted step upthe ladder of fame--got on her tip as it were, and with her thumb on hernose, casts sly glances at her neighbors for a parallel. The latest? Well,it is the advent of triplets at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Aston, inVernon township: three pretty, lively, and well-developed girls, all thrivingfinely. The smallest weighed four and a half pounds, the next largest fiveand a half, and the largest eight.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

A strange marriage took place in Justice Snow's court last Friday. Overa year ago John H. Burton was guilty of illegal copulation in Illinois withSamantha Heardes. He soon departed for other fields. A son was born lastfall to Samantha, and taking the boys in her arms, she set out in searchof the father. She traced him to Cowley, and last week had a warrant issuedfor his arrest. Sheriff McIntire found him in the southern part of the countyand brought him before Justice Snow. The plaintiff and defendant there met,and before the trial began, Burton acknowledged his guilt, begged forgiveness,and expressed a desire to settle the matter with a marriage ceremony. Amessenger was dispatched for Judge Gans, who arrived on the scene clothedwith the majesty of the law and in the twinkling of an eye the "hostile"parties were united. They departed seemingly as happy as two birds justreleased from a dismal confinement.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

A peculiar liquor case came up in Justice Snow's court last Friday, wherebyV. W. Aikin was found guilty of illegally selling the ardent, by a juryof twelve, and fined one hundred dollars and costs. The first charge wasagainst Steve Poor, but in attempting to shield Poor, on the witness stand,Aikin got himself into a bad box, making unintentionally a clear case againsthimself. County Attorney Asp then dismissed the first case and brought oneagainst Aikin. The evidence was to the effect that Ed Watts gave Aikin fiftycents with which to purchase a pint of whiskey from Poor. Aikin got thewhiskey, but in the examination swore that Poor only loaned the liquor tohim and received no money. But the liquor was transferred to Watts withoutthe return of the money, thereby placing Aikin in the sellers boots. Aikinappealed his case.

[Article had "Poor" and "Poore".]

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Sunday last was the anniversary of the birth of the Father of His Countryand on Monday the pupils of Miss Fannie Stretch's department in the thirdward celebrated the day most appropriately. The writer had the pleasureof witnessing the performances and they were such as will be lasting uponthe minds of the pupils. Incidents and peculiarities in the life of Washington,from birth to death, were related in turn, and recitations and essays whichwere highly creditable to the teacher and pupils were given. These anniversariesof the birth of America's great men are very instructive to pupils and shouldbe more widely celebrated. Then they break the dull monotony of every-dayschool work. Miss Stretch is one of our most accomplished teachers, andwe were pleased to note the interest and advancement exhibited in her school.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

We are now a firm believer in ground hog wisdom. We have made cruel thrustsat his hogship but we take everything back and proclaim him the championweather adjuster of the world. The beautiful sunshine and balmy atmosphereof last Friday and Saturday about brought out the linen duster and tookoff the small boys' shoes, but the beautiful sun of Monday froze up allsuch thoughts. We are now prepared for anything. A snow storm in July wouldhardly astound us. Let come what will, we have stopped short never to goagain, on weather prognosticating. Kansas is a country of surprises, variety,and spice. This item may be completely melted before it can inflict itselfupon the innocent reader.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

The COURIER presents this week as newsy an array of neighborhood correspondenceas ever appeared in a weekly paper. We are proud of our bright corps ofcorrespondents. The letters are prominent for their "meatiness"and absence of sentimentalism. Everyone contains matters of interest tothe whole county, written up in a sparkling manner. This condensing of newsfrom all over the county brings communities together in friendly intercourse,as it were, and makes a most interesting feature of the COURIER.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

The Republican says that Frank Smith sold a cabbage head lastweek in Arkansas City that weighed 16 pounds, at five cents per pound, andit brought the neat sum of 83 cents for one head of cabbage. Oh, Kansasdowns the world!

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

One of our tall, handsome young men is after Madame Rumor with a wickedswitch, for marrying him recently to a real nice young lady, without hisknowledge or--well, we promised to keep still.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

An Arkansas City man says he thinks he has found land in that city wherea vein of coal can be found by boring with a post augur. But he refusesto divulge the spot.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

During hard times it is but the part of wisdom to buy goods where theyare sold the cheapest, therefore take the clearance suit of Bryan &Lynn.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

The Ladies' Aid Society of the Presbyterian church meets on the usualday and hour this week with Mrs. Henry Brown.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

C. Lewis in the Toils for Cracking Smith & Zook'sSafe,
Cracks a Hole in the County Bastille and Misses EscapeOnly by a Hair-Breadth.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Cowley's bastille came very near a complete delivery Tuesday night. CharleyLewis, who is in durance vile for cracking in Smith & Zook's safe, hadconsummated plans that were only discovered at a moment of seeming triumph.The State "pen" and the County Commissioners relieved the jailrecently of its jam, leaving only four prisoners: Tom Hawkins, serving outa fine for selling liquor; Earnest Kimmel, for highway robbery; Jim McHaney,for counterfeiting; and C. Lewis. Jailer Finch usually locks the prisonersin their cells at fifteen minutes past nine, but on this evening he luckilywent in to do so at nine. He missed Lewis, and on nearing a window hearda noise on the outside as of a man endeavoring to extricate himself fromsomething. He rushed out and arrived on the scene just in time to see Lewismaking across the Court House yard for 10th Avenue. Finch gavehim a lively chase, interspersed with shots from a revolver, and soon broughtLewis to a halt. Investigation showed as neat a job as any "crook"ever performed for liberty. In the corner of a cell where constantly stooda tub of waste water, thus making the floor soggy and easily cut, a holehad been made through the four inch floor and four feet into the ground,below the foundation, then four feet under the foundation, and then overthree feet straight up on the outside. A three-quarter inch augur, minusa handle, was the instrument with which he did the work. He says he foundthe augur after getting through the floor--between the floor and the grounds--butit has no appearance of having taken a Rip Van Winkle sleep, and the onlysupposition is that some pal worked it into Lewis' hands. The tunnel throughwhich Lewis crawled out is about twelve feet long and at the floor and exitis only 10 x 13 inches in size. He is a well built man and the wonder ishow he wiggled himself through; but a man can do wonders for liberty. Thework occupied appropriate times for three days and was kept from the officersby the cute covering of the tub before mentioned. The tub would be removedwhen operations were going on and when the officials entered the operatorwould bob up and the tub be again put on duty. It was a clear case of coalition,though why Hawkins, whose time is nearly out, should league for such a jobis inexplicable. There is no doubt that all were into the game; but Lewisdid the work. Lewis says the intentions were not to escape Tuesday night,but in his eagerness to get that hole finished, so much dirt filled in behindhim that it would have been impossible to get back into the jail by thetime the cells were finally locked. His only alternative was to dig out,and he worked on the hard, frozen ground near the surface with a vengeance,and would have been successful had Jailor Finch entered to lock the cellsat the usual hour. Lewis' every movement has shown him to be a crook ofexperience. This little disappointment weighs heavily upon him. All theprisoners now revel in balls and chain and are liable to enjoy such luxuryuntil deprived of them by law.

This episode brings up again the insecurity of Cowley's bastille. Nothingbut the constant watchfulness of Sheriff McIntire and his alert assistantshas prevented numerous "deliveries." The expert who would staybehind its grates in the absence of official vigilance ought to be awardeda chromo of beautiful and artistic design. Then it hasn't half enough room.It has periodically occurred that prisoners had to be huddled together andherded like so many sheep. The County Commissioners, at the request of JailorFinch, examined and condemned it last fall, but nothing further has beendone. We think no sensible and observant taxpayer would "kick"should the Commissioners construct a ten thousand dollar jail immediately--oneabsolutely safe and fireproof. Let us have it, by all means.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Now smite us on the other cheek, brother Traveler. "Whata wonderful change time brings about. It is in the memory of our citizensthat Winfield was wont to make merry over our "ditch." How theytook delight in throwing that word in our faces, "ditch." It wasof no account, foolish enterprise, insane project, etc.: how often we haveheard them. But we have made ours a success, a great big, booming, fivestoried success, and now, Winfield wants a canal--they call it "canal"now. Let a delegation go up there, cut out the extracts relating to the"ditch" from the Courier and the Telegram, andrehash it for them. They are authors of the argument and will not go backon the truth. A canal would do them no good, they cannot make a successof it, it is foolish to think of it. Oh, ye hypocrites!" We have beenon the stool of repentance lo these many years, happily disappointed. Wehave arrived at a point where we put nothing beyond the possibilities ofgrand old Cowley. Her vocabulary knows no such word as fail! Her motto,like that of the State, is Ad Astra Per Aspera, and with this nailedto the mast-head of our ship of progress, we will join hands and sail on--dig"ditches," produce wonders from the soil, establish factories,and conquer the world! Oh, we can do it.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

C. E. Foss & Co. vs. Phillip Sipe. Trial by jury and verdict fordefendant for $501.

David McKee vs. Hull Bixby, suit for possession of real estate. Plaintiffgiven leave to file amended petition making M. A. and W. W. Andrews defendants;clerk ordered to issue summons for new defendants; trial pending.

William M. Null vs. Neil Wilkie et al. Continued by consent.

S. J. Merrick vs. C. A. Bliss. On motion of plaintiff case dismissedwithout prejudice at plaintiff's cost.

Ella Burdick vs. D. R. Green et al. Judgment by default for $588.95 withinterest at 6 percent and costs; foreclosure to be made without appraisem*nt.

Joseph S. Putman vs. D. R. Green. Judgment by default for $518.95 andcosts, with interest at 6 percent; foreclosure to be made without appraisem*nt.

State vs. M. P. Rowe, illegally prescribing liquor. Judgement deferredto Friday, when defendant will be required to face the music.

Court adjourned from Monday last to Friday next.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

From "Siftings from the County seat" in the Udall Sentinel."Mr. Millington's editorial on the railroad Commissioners is meetingwith great commendation at home and abroad. It is indeed a strong article.The COURIER is one of the ablest if not the ablest weekly in the State ofKansas. Frank Greer, local editor, is a young man of talent and worth, andunderstands how to make a newsy local page. So, take it all in all, theCOURIER can't be beaten.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

We call attention to W. A. Lee's new ad, showing up his fine sulky plow,in this week's paper. It seems to us that parties wanting a plow shouldgive this plow a fair trial. If this county gives this plow a lively start,it will induce Hapgood Plow Co. to manufacture it for their whole trade,and, should they do so, Mr. Lee's royalty will bring into the county about$2,000 each year.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

From this date and until after our dissolution we will positively sellgoods only for cash. All accounts now on our books must be settledup either by payment or note. To accomplish our purpose, we must reduceour stock and now will sell our goods at cash. Come and convince yourselvesthat such is the fact, Winfield, Kan., Jan. 21, 1885, Bryan & Lynn.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Gale & Wilber shipped two carloads of fine three and four year oldsteers from their Rock township farm to Kansas City last week. The lot averaged1,370 pounds and brought close onto five dollars per cwt. Tom Carson, ofRichland, also shipped a carload.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Four teams from Cheyenne, in charge of G. L. Woods, loaded with Governmentfreight Friday, says the Traveler. The Indians cannot be inducedto do any work this cold weather, and the agent is compelled to hire whitemen to freight.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

The people of Rock township hold a Sunday School convention at Rock onthe 28th inst. Judge T. B. Soward and others will deliver addressesand a very interesting program has been arranged.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

A family large enough to be a Cowley production passed through the cityMonday for Ashland. It was composed of father, mother, eighteen children,and six dogs.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

The Traveler says that breakage in the Arkansas river dam willbe repaired this week and the mills on the canal commence running nightand day.

Her Chronicle of the Comings, Goings and Doings of Personsat Home and Abroad.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Col. J. C. McMullen is in Iowa, on business.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Mr. B. F. Wood has returned from his eastern visit.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

H. W. Young, of the Independence Star, was in the city Monday.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Mrs. T. K. Johnson came in from Springfield, Mo., last week for a shortvisit.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Spence Miner left for a permanent residence at Ashland, Monday. Mrs.Miner will join him about May first.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

A. F. Morey and family left for their future home, Ashland, Tuesday.Mr. Morey has put in a drug stock there.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Mrs. Lyster, after a few week's visit with her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Long,left last Thursday for her home in Moline.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

E. H. Nixon left Monday to try a week's wading of snow drifts at hisold Iowa home.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Mr. J. D. Redd died at his residence in Vernon township, Saturday last,aged seventy years.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Mrs. Ella Webb, aged seventy years, died at her home in Walnut township,Sunday last.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Mr. T. J. Johnston and family returned Friday from their winter's sojournin Boulder, Colorado, much improved in health.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Misses Viola Lewis and Willie Fletcher, of Wellington, spent a few daysof last week in this city visiting friends and relatives.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Eli Youngheim took a run eastward Monday for a few days' absence. A fairyoung lady has been whispered as the attraction.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Henry Noble and M. J. O'Meara will soon open a hardware establishmentat Medicine Lodge. Henry will be resident manager.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Justice Buckman joined Jno. H. Hearn and Miss Hannah Dughard in bondsthat can only be torn asunder by a divorce court, Monday.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

J. W. Douglass, for years one of Tisdale township's staunchest citizens,departed for a permanent residence in Pratt County, Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Mr. S. H. Rogers is looking over his town site interest at Ashland thisweek. That infant wonder is booming right along and will soon be a metropolis.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

John A. Eaton, cashier of the Farmers' Bank, got in from Bucyrus, Ohio,Sunday last, after an extended absence. He was accompanied by his brothers,Frank and H. P.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

M. H. Markum, of Pleasant Valley, is browsing among Topeka solons. Hewill also visit his sister, who is attending the Manhattan College, whereMr. Markum graduated.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

A little six pound boy prattler arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. U.A. Waugh Monday evening. The baby has as much mustache as its pa, who willcast his first vote this spring.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Rev. D. W. Sanders, after a week's visit with Rev. J. H. Reider, leftfor his home, Columbia City, Ind., Tuesday. He will likely locate at Wellington,from whose Baptist church he has received a unanimous call.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Spencer Bliss left for Kansas City, Tuesday, to look after the matterof a meal and hominy attachment to the Winfield Roller Mills. Messrs. Bliss& Wood mean to have every feasible adjunct to their splendid mill.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

The witnesses in the Bonham murder case, Messrs. A. E. Baird, ArthurBangs, Bert Crapster, F. M. Freeland, and Jas. McLain, left this morningfor Independence to appear at the youthful murderer's preliminary hearing.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Father Scholl, of Independence, arrived yesterday for a few days' visitwith Father Kelly. The Catholics of Independence have recently completedone of the finest church edifices in Southern Kansas.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Fred Whiting and others discovered a red fox about three miles southof town Tuesday, gave chase with horses and dogs, and ran the animal in.This is the first red fox we have heard of in the county.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

The festive purloiner made a cute haul Sunday night. Mr. John R. Pughleft three dressed hogs and a shoat hanging in the slaughter house nearthe west bridge Saturday night. On going around for them Monday morning,all were non est but the little shoat.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Mr. C. D. Soule of Vernon is enjoying a visit from his brother-in-law,Mr. A. B. Becker, from Alleghany County, N. Y. Mr. Becker is making a kindof tour around the Union, having just been to Florida and New Orleans, andwill yet travel extensively before reaching home.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

M. J. O'Meara and M. H. Ewart got off Monday for Boston, Washington,and other eastern burgs. They will witness the white elephant of inaugurationon March 4th. The handsome and popular Geo. D. Headrick has chargeof the boot and shoe house of O'Meara & Randolph during Mr. O'Meara'sabsence.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Udall Sentinel: "Report has it that Ed. P. Greer is growingfleshy and corpulent. Ed. is getting in some good work all the same, evenif some of his envious competitors do slur him. We get out of patience withany class of men who will cut their own throats in order to undermine anddefeat a rival."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Dr. and Mrs. B. W. Griffin, who have been visiting with relatives atTisdale for several months past, return to their home in Chicago today.The trip was made for Mrs. Griffin's health, which has greatly improved.The Doctor possesses superior literary talent, and will favor the COURIERwith occasional jottings.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

James B. Moore, who was looking after his business interests here lastweek, met with a serious accident, near St. Louis, while returning to hishome in Hartford, Ct. He was thrown from a sleeper in the darkness and frigidatmosphere, sustaining a fractured skull and broken arm. Mr. Albright saysthe injuries are not considered fatal.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

The Newton Republican of last Saturday said: "Mr. and Mrs.M. J. O'Meara, of Winfield, will spend Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Ray."What a cruel accusation! We don't blame any reporter, however, for mistakingMat Ewart's delicate, effeminate face for that of a young "Mrs."if nothing else was visible. Some practical joker was around.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Messrs. J. S. Hunt, A. P. Johnson, F. C. Hunt, and H. G. Johnson representedAdelphia Lodge, No. 110 A. F. & A. M., of this city, at the Grand Lodgein Emporia last week. Capt. S. C. Smith was also present, as a visitor.Capt. Hunt was elected to one of the most important offices in the order,that of Custodian. The session was very harmonious and profitable. The nextannual session of the Grand Lodge will be held at Topeka.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Will D. Rothrock departed Tuesday for Leon, Butler County, where he willlead to the altar Miss Cora E. Martin. Will has long been one of Cowley'sstaunchest young men and we are glad to learn that he has won the hand ofa very meritorious young lady. The happy couple will return to this citytomorrow and after spending a few days with Will's parents, Dr. and Mrs.W. P. Rothrock, will leave for a future home in Portland, Oregon. May happinessand prosperity ever attend them, is the COURIER's earnest wish.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Cowley will be pretty well married off if Judge Gans continues to turnout weekly grists like the following: Francis Guinn and Flora Knox, JamesGreen and Laura King, William Rothrock and Cora E. Martin, Charlie Sandstrumand Annie Sandstrum, Alex. Miller and Mary Hoover, Montgomery Babb and LenaFarnsworth, Alonzo Bryant and Elizabeth Dressell, John Barton and SamanthaHeardes, John Hearn and Hannah Dughard, Daniel Doty and Lizzie Littleton,Wm. Scott and Cordia Armistead, George Cunningham and Jessie Elmore.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Father J. M. Devoes, from Minnesota, has been commissioned as assistantto Rev. Father Kelly. Though Farther Kelly's headquarters have been at Winfield,he has had charge of seventeen other churches, extending all over southernKansas, and his labors have been extremely laborious, and fruitful. He hasbuilt new church buildings during the past year at Wellington, Danville,Harper, and given his churches gratifying prosperity. The work has grownbeyond his ability to administer and the assistance of Father Devoes willbe a great relief. Father Kelly is a minister of marked culture, energy,and affability, and the Catholics of this region have reason to congratulatethemselves in having him in charge of their churches. Father Devoes is lookingto the procuring of about eight thousand acres of land on which to settlea colony of Belgians of a hundred and fifty families, who are anxious tosecure homes in the west.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Kingman feels elated over a prospect of securing the Denver, Memphis& Atlantic railway, says the Dexter Eye. She appointed a committeeto ascertain the financial status of the company and the probability ofthe road being built. The committee's report showed the company financiallysolid and the construction of the road as assured fact. Kingman was satisfiedwith the report and has called an election to vote $125,000 in aid for theroad.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

By-Laws Adopted for a Permanent Organization.
The Queen City's Prospective College.
Machine Shops And Foundry.
Startling Figures From Judge Soward in Favor of MoreRailroads.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

When such rustling, wide-awake businessmen as those of Winfield pulltogether for the advancement of any cause, it is bound to win. What hasbeen needed in the past was unity of action, and no greater evidence couldbe given that this has been accomplished than was shown in the second rousingmeeting of the Winfield Enterprise Association, Thursday evening last. Theattendance was even larger than at the first meeting and the interest andharmony exhibited means that the Queen City and Cowley County will developmore magically during the next year than ever before--not a wild boom, tobe followed by a collapse; but a solid, substantial development that willstand "the wreck of matter and the crash of worlds."

M. G. Troup was called to the chair. J. C. Long and H. B. Schuler, chairmanand secretary of the committee on organization, submitted a report whichwas discussed and adopted, as follows.

At a meeting of the citizens of Winfield and Cowley County, Kansas, heldin the Court House, in Winfield, Feb. 12th, 1885, for the purposeof considering what action should be taken to encourage enterprises forthe general good and benefit of Winfield and Cowley County, it was

Resolved, That the citizens of Winfield and Cowley County beassociated together for the purpose above stated, and that such Associationbe called the Winfield Enterprise Association.

A committee of seven was appointed to draft such by-laws as in theirjudgment are necessary. The said Committee reported as follows.

First. The officers of the Association shall consist of President, Vice-President,Secretary, and Board of Directors.

Second. The Board of Directors shall consist of thirteen members.

Third. The President, Vice-President, and Secretary shall be membersof the Board of Directors.

Fourth. The Board of Directors to appoint from their number the President,Vice-President, and Secretary.

Fifth. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetingsof the Board.

Sixth. The duties of the Vice-President shall be the same as the President,when, from any cause, the President shall be absent.

Seventh. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep a full recordof all meetings, and by direction of the Board, to answer all correspondenceand communications that may come up for consideration. He may also act asTreasurer, and as such shall account to the Board, with vouchers, for alldisbursem*nts, from time to time as they may direct.

Eighth. A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum to do business.

Ninth. The meetings of the Board shall be called by the President orVice-President, and in their absence, any three members of the Board maycall a meeting, naming the time and place of such meeting.

Tenth. The annual meeting for the election of directors of this Associationshall be held annually at seven p.m. on the first Thursday in March.

Eleventh. The officers and Board of directors to hold their positionsfor the term of one year, or until their successors are elected and enterupon the discharge of their duties.

Twelfth. Any vacancy occurring in the Board, the remaining members tofill same by appointment for the unexpired term of the retiring member ormembers. And the secretary to notify such person or persons of their appointment.

Thirteenth. All business matters or action of the Board shall be forthe public good and not in any way or manner directly or indirectly forprivate or personal gain.

Fourteenth. No member of the Board shall use in any manner the Associationto subserve or further his private affairs.

Fifteenth. These by-laws may be added to, amended, or altered by theBoard of Directors at any meeting called by the Board for such purpose.

Sixteenth. Citizens of Winfield and Cowley County may become membersof this Association by subscribing their names to these by-laws and payinga membership fee of two dollars.

Seventeenth. It shall be the duty of the Board at all times to take actionand to make every effort to induce settlers of Cowley County, giving sofar as they can such information as may be required by strangers and thoseseeking homes in the glorious great west. And to encourage enterprises thatwill add to the prosperity of Winfield, its surroundings, and its socialadvancements.

J. P. Baden, A. T. Spotswood, J. C. Long, Col. Whiting, J. A. McGuire,C. A. Bliss, M. L. Robinson, H. B. Schuler, and John A. Eaton were appointeda committee to solicit memberships to the Association.

Judge T. H. Soward presented some startling and convincing facts andfigures in favor of the D. M. & A. and K. C. & S. railroads, whichwe give below. Their truth is self-evident and no man who gives them a carefulperusal will ever again sit down on his little tail and howl against thecity and county "burdening" themselves by aiding railroad corporationsto build their lines. Here are the Judge's figures.

An estimate on the reasonable effects of the proposed lines of railroadwhen built upon values and taxation in Cowley County.

Bonds asked for the D. M. & A. R. R. 50 miles of road bed will beabout $180,000.00

Interest on $180,000 at 6 percent: $10,800.00

Average value of Southern Kansas railroad through Cowley per mile is$6,217.75

Average Wichita and Southwestern per mile is $7,090.25

Average of both roads: $6,602.50

Take this as a basis for the D. M. & A., and it will give 50 milesof road bed $6,602.50

Total: $330,125.00

Bonds asked for the Southwestern R. R.: $130,000.00

Miles of road bed 44, value of Road in county: $290,510.00

Interest on $130,000 at 6 percent: $7,800.00

County tax independent of State tax on valuation of 50 miles of roadbed D. M. & A.:

$830,123 at .0355: $11,719.44

County tax independent of State tax on valuation of 44 miles of roadbed Kansas

Southern $290,510 at .0355: $9,313.10

Total bonds to be asked for both roads: $310,000.00
Total miles of road bed 94, total value of road bed, etc.: $620,635,00
Total annual interest on bonds: $18,600.00
Total annual tax paid into County treasury independent of Statetax: $21,032.54
Excess of tax over annual interest on bonds: $2,432.54

I think it safe to assert that the building of these railroads wouldadd 3 cents per bushel to all grain raised in the county. They will openup a new market and put us 40 miles closer to the ones we now have, butsay it adds two cents per bushel:

Winter wheat, 1,000,000 bu. at 2 cents: $20,000

Corn, 4,500,000 bu. at 2 cents: $90,000

Rye, oats, barley, and spring wheat, 1,000,000 bu. at 2 cents: $20,000

All other products: $5,000

Cattle: $10,000

Hogs: $10,000

Horses and mules: $5,000

Sheep: $5,000

Coal: $20,000

Lumber: $20,000

Add Dry Goods, groceries, hardware: [No price given]

Grand Total: $205,000

Now you who can estimate the amount of additional capital and populationthat would follow these enterprises, the additional amount of increase intillage of soil and proportionate increase of yield it is simply wonderfuland yet it is all practicable and can and will be done if we but do oursimple duty.

The total taxation of Cowley County for all purposes for the year 1884is $186,000 in round numbers. The increase in price of our products andour decrease in articles consumed would pay our taxes and leave a largebalance in the hands of our producers. Every dollar of this money wouldstay in the pocket that earned it.

A. H. Jennings made an interesting address and sprung the matter of acollege in Winfield. He cited the great advantages derived by his formerhome, Delaware, Ohio, through such an institution and allowed the feasibilityof a college here. In all Southern Kansas there is not an institution ofhigher learning; no better field can be found. This would be an adjunctthat would not only give one town a standing in the State, but greatly increaseour population, our business patronage, and our educational conveniences.Cowley County is now sending abroad an average of fifty students annuallyat a cost of several hundred dollars each. And a great many more would seekclassical education if the facilities were at home and the expense reduced.This college would also draw from a large territory surrounding us. It wasproposed to organize a stock company, every man putting in one hundred ortwo hundred dollars being entitled to a twenty-year scholarship. Mr. Jennings'scheme met with great favor, and now that the ball is rolling there is nodoubt that fifty thousand dollars can be raised to boost the enterprise.Like every institution of the kind, it will have to grow from a small beginning.A. H. Jennings, Prof. Gridley, County Superintendent Limerick, Dr. Graham,Rev. Reider, and Dr. Kirkwood were appointed a committee to devise plansfor the establishment of this college. The committee has been wisely selectedand we have no doubt that they will put this important matter on foot andthat it will reach an early fruition.

M. G. Troup also addressed the meeting at length, urging the establishmentof this proposed institution of learning and showed its feasibility andimportance to the Queen City. He spoke of the vast resources of Cowley County.Though she has advanced magically in her short existence, her domain isas yet but half developed. She has room and maintenance for sixty thousandpeople, which number she will soon have if her citizens show enterpriseand grit. She not only wants more tillers of the soil, but more mechanics,manufacturers, and tradesmen. These must come if our advantages are properlyshown up and the requisite encouragement shown.

J. E. Conklin introduced, with commendatory remarks, his old friend,J. M. Stayman, of Champaign City, Illinois, who is an experienced machinistand a man of ability and capital. Mr. Stayman stated that he was here ona prospecting tour and after being shown around the city and county by Mr.Conklin, had determined to locate with a foundry and machine shops in thestone building on north Main. James Ostrander, a machinist of equal experiencewill accompany him from the East soon and together they will establish thisenterprise. Mr. Conklin gives these men the highest recommendation and Winfieldwill no doubt have reason to congratulate herself on their advent.

At the close of the meeting, a large number attached their signaturesas members of the Association, and through the soliciting committee nearlyevery enterprising man has joined. A fund will be created that will enablethe Association to send representatives in quest of any enterprise thatmay point in this direction. The members of the Association, in compliancewith the by-laws, will meet the first Thursday in March for the electionof officers and directors for the year, when many enterprises that are nowdeveloping will be presented.

[Note: They had "Stayman" and "Staymen"in article above.]

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Commenting upon the prospects of the Santa Fe pushing through the Territory,the Republican has this to say: "Ft. Worth and Gainesville,Texas, want to be connected with Arkansas City badly. They are aroused onthe subject. This railroad extension from Arkansas City to connect withFt. Worth is an important matter. As yet, our citizens are idle on the subject.To get our productions to Texas we have to send it via Emporia, therebypaying exorbitant freight rates. A letter from a businessman in Ft. Worthto Landes, Beall & Co., says a proposition from the Atchison, Topeka& Santa Fe to the Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe, to push their rod souththrough Arkansas City and form a junction, is in order. This extension isa different route from the Kansas City, Wichita & Indian Territory AirLine. The latter connects with Ft. Smith, Arkansas. Fort Worth is directlysouth of us, and a railroad connection with the heart of Texas would openup a large southern trade with the Lone Star State."

Meeting of Cowley's Teaching Association.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

On Friday evening in company with a number of teachers from Winfieldand surrounding country, we started for New Salem for the purpose of attendingthe Association.

Arriving at New Salem, Mr. Lucas met the teachers at the train and sentthem to houses where they were served to a bountiful repast; after whichthey went to the school building, which they found full to overflowing atan early hour.

An address of welcome was given to the teachers by Col. Jackson. Mr.Moore not being present, the response was delivered by Mr. B. T. Davis.

The New Salem school entertained the audience with recitations and songsfor a short time, after which Dr. Downs delivered an oration.

The program of the evening was conducted by the teachers. Prof. Gridleyread a paper on reading; Jessie Stretch gave a recitation, "Monia'sWaters."

The day session was one of the most pleasant and instructive meetingswe have had. A majority of the teachers seemed anxious to have a part inmaking the meeting a success by giving of what they had.

An observer in the discussion could not help seeing a defect in the architectureof many who are rearing intellectual structures: they are much concernedabout the finishing of the building to the neglect of the foundation, butwe would add, look well to the foundation, first.

Besides our program for the day, we enjoyed some hash prepared by MissFannie Stretch and Mr. W. C. Barnes.

The next meeting will be held in Winfield. We hope our citizens willmeet with us and at least consider the teacher as a piece of humanity. Webelieve if the teachers will take the trouble to prepare the work, theywill be able to make the meeting such a meeting that all will feel "itwas good to be there." That the citizens of Winfield will be willingto help all they can.

The teachers not being able to return to Winfield until the night passenger,it was decided to hold a social in the evening. It consisted of promenading,recitations, music, and minute speeches.

To the people of New Salem, the teachers gave a vote of thanks for thehospitable entertainment they received, for the interest they manifestedin the profession, and for the kind and cordial invitation to return totheir village again.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

I wish to correct through the COURIER Mr. Nixon's report of the Horticulturalmeeting of Feb. 7th, in which he reports me to have said thatan Ohio fruit-dealer was offering peach trees budded on maple. This is amistake. Mr. Gaylord (the tree dealer) was selling peach trees that he saidwere budded on sycamore, instead of maple, and that the great advantagewas that the sycamore was very tardy to send up its sap, and that the peachon sycamore would delay its blooming at least one month, and would be entirelyout of the way of frost and sure to yield a crop. But the truth is, peachesare not raised in any such way at all, and those who have been so deceivedby these men should see that they get what has been represented to them,and if they have been deceived, let them keep their stock. These same menwere selling a tree currant, budded on maple, but I venture to say thatnot one of the currants these men bring here will have anything but itsown root.

I wrote to the Star Nursery, of Dayton, Ohio, asking if the statementset forth by these men was true, but not one word of reply has been heardfrom them. I have F. R. Elliot's Fruit Growers' Hand Book, that gives minutedirections in propagation, but not one word do I find about apple treesto make them proof against sun burn or the borers. And while he gives carefullyselected lists of different varieties of fruit, he does not have one wordto say about peach on sycamore or currant on maple.

Mr. Nixon did not understand me on the cherry question, as I stated thefamily of Morellos were the only cherries worth raising, and of these, EarlyRichmond, English Morello, and Common Morello, or Pie cherry. J. G. PIERSON.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

This is a poor plan. Go into a store and blindfold yourself and the firstman you hear say, "I'll look around," put him down. Go with himto the next store and hear him say the same thing. Follow him to his houseand he is a poor man. Take an illustration: A man comes to town for a fewtrees, say 1,000 catalpa plants; and says to the first nurseryman, "priceis too much, I'll look round." The nurseryman says to himself, "lookround!" He goes to another about the same way. Maybe this time thenurseryman drops a little; then he must "Look around" sure. Sohe goes to number three. This man knows him and puts his price up so ourlooker around goes home in disgust, having produced a lack of confidencein four persons, and puts out no trees. But say he had put out these treesinstead of leaving his farm, four or five years hence, a barren and kindof a lonesome place. He could have had a fine grove of catalpa trees thatwould cut down and cord at least 500 cords of wood worth $3,000 anyway,say nothing of the beauty of the grove and the loveliness of his home, allbecause he would look around. Don't get hot and say I am a nurseryman, forI hardly known one plant from another. WILL ASH BURN.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Mr. Hutchinson has bought the Marian Mathox farm.

Stock is in good condition considering the protracted cold winter.

Our farmers are ready to sow oats as soon as the ground thaws out.

Prof. John Davis and Miss Clark gave an entertainment at the RichlandSchoolhouse recently. Johnny is the funny man, sure enough.

Mr. Vest Burrows has returned from his visit East, and intends buildingon his farm this spring. He is one of our energetic young men.

Mrs. Givler's bay window reminds one of the month of May; it is fullof blooming plants such as pansies, geraniums, oxalis, and Chinese primroses.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Harris, of Arkansas City, was here last week seeking corn.

Shiver & Cox have put in a stock of drugs in connection with theirgroceries.

Geo. McIntire, our efficient Sheriff, paid us a visit on Monday on officialbusiness.

Charley Martin has gone to Wichita to purchase a set of instruments forour band.

A select party was given at the residence of Mr. Abbott on the eveningof the 23rd.

The Railroad Company are sinking a well at the stockyards. A long neededwant supplied.

Matt McCollister is doing a lively insurance business for the Home InsuranceCompany.

Walter Denning passed through on the 10th to attend the sellingof Jake Walch's farming utensils.

Dr. Knickerbocker's children have both been very sick for the past week,but are recovering now.

Our public schools close on the 28th. A public exhibitionwill be given at the Hall on the eve of the 28th.

There is a lady in the city who wants to know why Geo. Gray don't paythat bet he lost. Geo., please explain.

Jim Norman is building a new residence in the west part of the city,having sold his former residence to Esq. Norman.

Our city dads have decided to build a cooler with council room above.Will commence work as soon as the weather moderates sufficiently.

Miss Clara Berman opens a writing school for evenings at the schoolhouse.Miss Berman is an accomplished writer and no doubt will meet with success.

H. A. Staton, a brother of J. A. Station, arrived from the old Blue Grassstate last week, and is so well pleased with our city that he will remainwith us in the future.

Well, we've a band: a full fledged brass band. That is, the instruments,not the players. The citizens raised about seventy-five dollars and themembers will raise the balance. W. O. McKinlay was elected president; Schultz,Secretary.

One of our citizens was arrested some time ago for being found drunkon the streets, and now he threatens to burst our city up if his fine isnot returned to him. Go in, my friend, but be careful you don't have anotherfine to pay for the same offense.

The Jennie Bowen combination played the entire week to our citizens anda full house greeted them each night. We can cheerfully recommend them tothe fun loving public as a first class Company of ladies and gentlemen inall respects. They return here the 27th and 28th.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Items scarce.

E. Fibbs Sundayed in Udall.

Mother nature picked her geese Monday.

Belle McCullough was on the sick list last week.

John Hughes is a youth of leisure since he has a lame arm.

Mrs. B. W. Jenkins visited her daughter, Mrs. John Byers, in PleasantValley last week.

Maggie and Monroe Teter entertained three of Beaver's blushing youngladies last Sunday.

A few of the upper ten spent the evening very pleasantly at the homeof Mr. and Mrs. Graves last Thursday night.

Permit me to inform "Country Jake" that I stopped off a fewdays at Hackney, but I am on the right track now with a through ticket.

The protracted effort at the M. E. church will close tomorrow night.Eight have united with the church; six converts, and two by letter.

Mr. H. Keever and family, who came to Kansas last fall in view to locating,have become dissatisfied with the country, and on Tuesday started for Illinois,their former home.

Charles Kraces, a rustling young man well known and highly esteemed inthis neighborhood, stopped a few days of this week with friends of thisplace, while on his way from Illinois to his farm in Pratt County. We wishCharley success in his every undertaking. When we say this, we think wespeak for the neighborhood.

During the cold weather of last week one of our most prominent farmersand obliging neighbors bordering on the east of Beaver township concludedto furnish his stock with water from a draw which passed through his pasture.He executed his resolution by shouldering his axe and marched to the pasturewhere he walked out on the ice, which was thin and, of course, he fell in.It is needless to say that he picked himself up out of the horrible pitand the miry clay and retraced his footsteps homeward without anyone tellinghim to; but pity his sad fate, for when he arrived at the house, to addto his misery a neighbor lady had called, and he determined not to exposehis ill luck and misfortune. He remained outdoors until the lady took herdeparture, which was not soon; at least he thought so. Who would not thinkevery minute was an hour if their clothes were frozen until they could standalone. Readers, don't say anything about this for I don't know whether thestock got any water or not.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Professors A. H. Limerick and H. T. Davis were in town a few minutesFriday.

Mr. Skinner, sexton of the M. E. church, has been quite sick for a weekpast.

Charley Jones returned last week from Attica, Kansas, where he has spentthe winter.

Mr. Robb, of Cloud County, Kansas, was in town visiting Mr. A. F. Smithand other friends last week.

A. F. Smith, having disposed of his property in town to Mr. Brooks, thewater supply man, will move out to his farm in a few days.

A petition is being circulated, asking the Board of Education to seta day to vote bonds for the erection of an addition to our schoolhouse--$200will be voted on. This is a step in the right direction, and there seemsto be little doubt but what the bonds will be voted.

Rev. Knight, of the M. E. church, will preach his last sermon one weekfrom next Sunday, on the 8th of March. That will complete histhird year in Burden. The choir rather got a joke on Bro. Knight while hewas taking up a collection last Sunday morning. For particulars, inquireof those present.

The next entertainment by the Lyceum will be given on Saturday nightof this week. There will be readings, recitations, music, and a short drama,entitled "The Mock Doctor." Those who will take part in the latterare S. H. Toller, Polk Tull, Will Frazier, John Cater, Miss Susie Day, andMiss Lu Frazer.

The entertainment given by the high school at the rink last Saturdaynight was a decided success. A large and intelligent audience greeted theperformers, and gave them hearty encouragement all the way through. Theexercises were of a high order of merit throughout, and showed careful drilland practice. Where all did so well, it would be impossible to mention anyunless all were named, and that would be a big job, considering the numberthat took part.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Hon. Harbaugh spent last Wednesday in the "Gate City" on businessconnected with the farmer's stock mill enterprise.

M. H. Markum contemplates a trip to Topeka and Manhattan, Kansas, ina few days. He will visit the solons of the State Legislature before returning.

Jack Whitson, the past week, disposed of another one of his ChallengeWind engines. Mr. Wm. Gates, of Beaver township, was the purchaser.

Steele & Co. have another carload of corn on our side track, whichis being retailed out to the farmers at 30 cents per bushel. This firm ishaving a strong trade in the corn line.

Mr. Victor is preparing another year's supply of fuel from a half mileof his hedge fence. An equal length of fence supplied his uses last year.He has not burned a bushel of coal this winter. Hedges of several years'growth solve the problem of cheap fuel for this country.

The ex-pedagogue of district 75 has "Mark's" profound sympathy.Rum, ruin, and rebellion is an alliteration peculiarly applicable to thatparticular section. The youngsters know how to shoot anything but ideas.Instead of sending missionaries to foreign heathens, a wide field of workcan be found for them at home.

Last Saturday forenoon, M. H. Markum finally concluded threshing hislast year's crop of wheat, amounting to twenty-six hundred bushels. He realizedthe handsome difference of fifteen dollars on the hundred bushels by notthreshing earlier the past season. This difference in market rates morethan pays the expenses of harvesting, stacking, and threshing.

There is no question but that the growing wheat crop has been injuredby the last freeze up. The loss sustained varies from twenty-five to fiftypercent, which, in addition to the decreased acreage seeded last fall, willmake the crop of 1885 comparatively insignificant. It is highly probablethat an overproduction of this cereal and its consequent low prices willnot curse the husbandman this coming season.

Last Wednesday evening, the 18th inst., the people of thiscommunity were highly entertained by a literary exhibition at the Victorschoolhouse, in district 115. The exercises were the consummation of Mrs.Delia R. Snyder's efforts as school ma'am in the district for a term offive months. The patrons of the school speak in commendable terms of herefficiency as a teacher, and seemed well pleased with the result of herlabors. The following interesting program was presented.

Song by the school, organ accompaniment.

Recitation, "My old hat," Charlie Albert.

Recitation, "The baby," Charlie Harbaugh.

Recitation, "Bobby Shafts," Mary Ging

Song, "Are all your matches sold yet."

Recitation, "My kitty," Robbie Richardson.

Recitation, "His proposition," Charlie Watt.

Recitation, "Little Sillie," Sillie Victor.

Recitation, My little dog," Geo. Richardson.

Recitation, "Found," Vic. Victor.

"Grandmother's last balance," Carolina Richardson and AllieAlbert.

Dialogue, "Little wise heads," Allie Albert, Carrie Teeter,and Vic. Victor.

Charade, "Manage," three scenes: Allie Harbaugh, Lois Victor,Stella Harbaugh, Ed. Garrett, and Henry Garrett.

Song by quartette.

Dialogue, "Double cure," Jennie Watt, Allie Harbaugh, LoisVictor, Carolina Richardson, Ed. Garrett, and Henry Garrett.

Dialogue, "Widow Bedotte," Henry Garrett, Stella Harbaugh,and Lois Victor.

Charade, "Madcap," three scenes: Lottie Albert, Lois Victor,Carolina Richardson, Jennie Watt, Ed. Garrett, Henry Garrett, and Ed. Watt.

The exercises closed with instrumental music by the organ with violinaccompaniment. The young folks acquitted themselves on the stage as wellas could have been expected of amateurs--having rehearsed but twice. If"Mark" was to make a criticism (which of course he won't), itwould be of the nature that sentimentalism was made too prominent a featurein the selection of charades and dialogues.

The past two weeks, Rev. Brink has been endeavoring to awaken religiousenthusiasm among the people in this vicinity of the Pleasant Valley M. Considering the inclemency of the weather, the Reverend's youthfulness,and the material worked upon, he has met with a fair degree of success.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

South Bend has a crayon artist.

Mr. Fedrow, of Girard, Kansas, visited Mr. Hughes last week.

Mr. F. J. Hughes has returned home after a three month's visit in Iowa.

Mr. Chas. Bryant, of West Virginia, is visiting his brothers, Andy andCot, in this locality.

Whole, I am recovering. Curtail me again and "I'll tear in shredsmy raven locks."

It is rumored that Jake Keffer, a former South Bendite, ranks as postmasterin Florida.

Several ladies and gentlemen met at the residence of Mrs. Graves lastweek to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Mr. Al Graves.

Some of our bottom farmers are clearing out their timber. When cleared,blue grass will be sown, thus making pasture where useless underbrush onceabounded.

Mrs. Graves and her son, George, have gone to visit friends at Centralia,Kansas. They will be absent several weeks, and George will go to Newtonto take his position on the Santa Fe, on his return.

'Squire Broadwell is agitating the artichoke question, and "SkipperHokem" wants to know "what's the matter with raisin' German carpin the middle of that road up north of Sparks."

Mr. and Mrs. Campbell write from Liverpool, England, that during theirvisit they have been in Ireland, but are now enjoying themselves "immensely"with friends of many by-gone years. They say nothing about coming back yet.

S. B. Atkinson and family, formerly of this place but now in Argonia,write their intention to return to Erin, where the grass grows green. Mr.Atkinson's family were among the first to settle in South Bend, and theywill be welcomed back.

Mr. Jordan's little four-year-old boy is very aspiring. 'Squire Broadwellmet the youth a few days ago, and was addressed thusly: "Broadwell,I'm goin' to heaven." What're you going there for?" demanded theSquire. "To git Grandpa's pocket knife out of his pocket."

Dr. Michael McClung and family have been visiting his brother, Kyle McClung,of this place. The Doctor lived in Missouri some time, but owing to sicknessin his family, went to Texas to winter. He has been looking at our Metropoliswith a view of locating, and no doubt will locate with us.

Messrs. Vermilye Bros., of Magnolia farm, recently ordered 100 bushelsof orchard grass seed, 30 bushels of blue grass, and six bushels of timothyand clover seed. This is probably the largest order ever given by any onefarm in Cowley County. Vermilye Bros. are wide awake businessmen and worthycitizens.

A pedestrian nursery agent recently closed a "go-as-you-please"walking match through this locality. He represents an Arkansas firm, andfrom appearances, it would be reasonably supposed that he did not chew atregular hours. It would be a wise move on his part to quit his present vocationand seek a position on the stage as "Father Come Home" impersonator.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

The wheat on the Holtby estate was threshed last week.

It seems like our sunny Kansas has turned to snowy Kansas.

The Whitson Bros. are entertaining company from Ould Kentuck.

Miss Celina Bliss, of Winfield, visited friends in this vicinity lastweek.

A good many farmers in the neighborhood have been busy the last weekhusking corn.

Mr. E. Hunt has been buying stock hogs. He says that he has got as manynow as he wants to buy corn to feed.

According to the Beaver Center weather observer, we have had fifteensnows and seventy-five cold days this winter.

Bliss & Wood received 3,000 bushels of wheat at their elevator lastThursday. This tells whether the wheat is all marketed or not.

Mr. Dick Bess has sold his one hundred and sixty acre farm, consideration$3,300. Mr. Bess talks of going west, to grow up with the country.

There was a large audience addressed at the Irwin Chapel last Saturdayevening by the lecturer of the State Grange; he gave the people some goodideas in protection of agriculture.

Another Hackney boom, the grangers are talking of building a new store;they will meet next Tuesday to decide whether they will have a hall overthe storeroom or not. Success to the grangers.

Mark received her likeness the other day and it was a real beauty. Ifyou had seen the smile on Mark's countenance, you would have imagined thethought running through his mind of "Oh, how I wish you were mine,M ."


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Mr. Will Huston's baby is very sick.

Mr. John Barrick's children are down with the whooping cough.

The Willett heirs have sold their farm for eight thousand four hundreddollars. Mr. Tom Covert was the purchaser.

The special meetings that have been in progress at the Presbyterian churchhave closed, which resulted in an accession to the church of six members;all on profession of faith.

The Misses Wilson accompanied by their little brother, while returningfrom church one dark night, drove over some obstacle in the road, upsettingthe buggy and throwing them out, breaking Miss Lillie's arm.

One night a short time ago Mr. Norman Hanlin saw lanterns flash aroundhis neighbor's house and thought it robbers, so he armed himself with ashot gun and went down. On arriving there he found the cause to be sickfolks.

Mr. James McCollim and Mrs. Billings were married Sunday week, Rev. Grahamofficiating. We wish them long life and happiness. The boys called on themwith their bells and old tin pans; the boys were made happy by a three dollartreat.

Mr. and Mrs. C. Mann have returned to their home after their long absencewith their daughters. Their friends are glad to see them back again. Ontheir return they found their house had been broken into; nothing of anyvalue had been taken, but everything was rummaged over.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

I'll growl harder when it thaws.

Hewitt & Burdette have put on their war paint, and, we hope, to theprofit of the buyer.

Our old friend, Jim Bliss, is laid up with the rheumatism. Verily, rheumatismis no joke.

J. M. Wood and Emma Church were hitched to the matrimonial oar by Esq.Young on the 17th.

Our school is again in full blast with a full complement of little ones.Miss Ollie Stubblefield wields the birch.

Joseph Fry was seriously injured by being thrown from a load of hay sometwo weeks since, but is slowly recovering.

John Rohrick has departed for Ashland. Don't forget Uncle John and hisgood wife should you wander into that thriving hamlet.

Breaking down corn stocks seemed to be the order of the day last week,and it made one feel as if spring was indeed coming, but this week's weatherknocks the wind out of such hopes.

Our township election is over and a good set of officers elected, butit would have looked a little better if our northern friends had saved theirwhiskey until they were out of the woods. "He laughs best who laughslast."


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

The cold weather still hangs on.

Mrs. M. J. Weaverling visited Winfield Saturday.

Grandma Ramage has returned from her visit to Cedarvale.

Mr. Hovey has sold his property in this place to Mr. Tom Hicks.

Alex Jones spent Monday in Winfield; also, G. W. Rowe visited there lastweek.

Items are very scarce in this vicinity at present, but look out for awedding soon.

The wolves have been making several raids on Mr. Hendrickson's sheeplately, wounding several head.

Miss Hattie Utley's school closed last Saturday. Quite a number werethere, and the day passed pleasantly.

J. F. Rowe attended the Institute at New Salem last Saturday in companywith Miss Ida Straughan and Miss Bedell.

Mrs. Emma Jones has been visiting at Riley Bedell's the past week. Sheexpects to return to her home in Attica Monday.

Miss Elda Kinley has been very ill for two weeks past, but is convalescentnow. D. Ramage's little child has also been quite sick.

E. J. Sherlock, of Wyandotte, Kansas, was the guest of Capt. Rowe, Fridayand Saturday. Mrs. Sherlock was here looking after his interests in Cowley.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Miss Mattie Linn's school closes next Friday.

Henry Gebblebour has returned from Missouri.

M. G. Yost is still warming himself at the store stove.

Mr. Bruington shipped 1,200 head of sheep to Chicago.

Professor Campf preached here on Sunday for the last time.

The lyceum here will close next Friday after a long and successful term.

Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Butts have been visiting their daughter, Mrs. Snodgrass.

Mr. and Mrs. Gammon and Miss Lillie Maxfield are visiting friends atClearwater.

Our blacksmith is going to housekeeping on his own account. He is tiredof boarding.

Last Wednesday night Dan Schwantes was surprised, and the surprisersspent a very pleasant evening.

Mrs. Gammon resigned her position as teacher of our school last week.This is the second year she has taught with success and we are sorry tolose her. Miss Pixley, of Winfield, is our new teacher.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

Notice of Final Settlement, Estate of Nellie Sellers. James A. Goforth,Administrator, Attorneys: Hackney & Asp.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.


SURGEON DENTIST. Office 3 doors west of postoffice. Nitrous oxide Gas.Teeth examined free of charge. All work warranted.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

A few leisure moments of a representative of the Day were improvedthis forenoon in looking over the array of Indian articles of warfare, toilet,luxury, and general utility, exhibited for sale in the show windows of apopular business house of St. Paul. There were war-clubs, tomahawks, bowsand arrows, necklaces of elk's teeth and bear's claws, stone pipes and moccasinof every description, so arranged as to attract the attention of the relichunter.

"Where do you get these things?" inquired the Day representative.

"Well," said the merchant, "we get them from Indians,trappers, post traders, and sometimes from amateur travelers and adventurerswho have started out on small means, and after reaching St. Paul, on theirway home from the West, find it necessary to sell their relics in ordersometimes to obtain a meal. It is astonishing how many people go West thinkingthey will make a speculation in procuring Indian toys and selling them inSt. Paul. These people usually find it hard to sell their specimens at anyprice.

"Post traders and trappers often come to St. Paul expecting to realizehandsome profits, but they are generally disappointed. I remember a trapperwho came to my store four or five years ago trying to sell me a rare specimenof Indian workmanship. He stated that it was made by one of an extinct tribe,and the only relic left as a memento of the race. I learned afterward thathe had tried to sell it to several dealers both in St. Paul and Minneapolis,but had failed. He had started out asking the exorbitant sum of $500 forthe specimen, but had knocked off at each successive store until the priceasked was only $10. I looked at the man a moment and listened to his story,about the rarity of the specimen, etc., and then said to him: 'My friend,that's a very pretty story you're telling; but you see I shan't be ableto make anyone swallow it, and the fact is I'll have hard work to get 10cents for the trinket.'

"'Well, hang it!' said he, 'give me a drink of whiskey and takethe cussed thing. This is the only house in the Nor'west that I haven'ttried to sell it to, and I'm broke and dry as a powder horn. Take it along,stranger, and gimme a drink, quick, and call the deal squar.' I gave theman a good flask of whiskey and a cigar, and he wandered off apparentlyhappy."

"Well, how much did you get for the toy?"

"Oh, I happened to be in luck," said he, with a twinkle inhis eye. "An English lord came along, and I told him the story I hadlearned from the trapper, and I think I got about $150 for the specimen."

"Do you sell many of these goods?"

"Yes, a good many; but nearly as many to Americans as I do to Europeans.Of course, Eastern people buy them; but we have to be very moderate in ourprices in order to sell to this class. We can get fancy prices for the goodsfrom Europeans, and particularly from English and Scotch people. Duringthe summer season our sales upon these goods to Europeans amount up to thousandsof dollars, while to the Americans they scarcely reach into the hundreds."

"Are these goods genuine--that is, made by Indians for their ownuse?"

"Well, now; not all of them. A large portion is made by the Indiansexpressly to sell to white people. Such goods would never answer the purposeof an Indian."

Here the merchant showed the difference between a practical war cluband a fancy one, a practical tomahawk and a poetical one. "The Indians,half-breeds, and some of the frontier whites make many of these toys expresslyto sell," said the doctor. "But then, you see, it's not necessaryto mention that fact to foreigners. The cheats bring about as big a priceas the genuine articles." St. Paul Day.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

The carriage in which the First Napoleon made his famous retreat fromMoscow, and in which he, as Emperor, set out from Paris in the campaignwhich closed at Waterloo, is now preserved in London among the effects ofthe Duke of Wellington. It is a two-seated conveyance, and the top, or cover,is lined with thin sheet-iron. There is also a front curtain of iron, whichcan be lowered at will. The wheels are large and heavy, and the steps ateither side silver finished and of a curious design. The rear seat was theone used by Napoleon. Under the cushion of the sweat he carried blanketsand pillows. The back of the front seat opens, and at the right hand formsa small cupboard, in which were tin plates, knives, spoons, water can, anda small fluid lamp. On the left is a long opening, extending forward nearlyto the "dash board," and into which the Emperor of the first nationof Europe was wont to extend his feet and legs, in order that he might lieat full length. The blankets, pillows, spoons, knives, and lamps that wereused by the Emperor are still preserved.

Philadelphia Press.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

A Kansas farmer who had nine head of sheep put the money that came tohim from the sale of mutton and wool into more sheep. In nine years he had1,700 sheep worth $5,000.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

A saddler at Greensburg, Pa., has a curious egg. It is soft-shelled anddoes not resemble an egg, with the exception of its shell. It is formedof three parts. One resembles very much the shape of a head, and yes andmouth are perceptible in it. A little short neck joins it to the body, whichis of an oval shape. To the body there is a tail, resembling very much thetail of a dog. It measures over five inches and is a very queer shape indeed.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

The Colorado Live Stock Record says: "We have it upon goodauthority that 20,000 sheep have, up to the present date, gone from thesouthern counties of Colorado to Kansas to feed for mutton.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.

General Custer's widow is now living in New York, getting along as bestshe can upon the slim pension the Government awards her. She is a useful,hard-working little body and is connected with the Women's Decorative ArtAssociation. She possessed many of the relics of the late war which herhusband left behind. The most interesting, perhaps, is the flag of truce,under cover of which General Lee surrendered to General Grant.

[There were more items similar to above that I skipped.MAW]
Winfield Courier, February 1885. (2024)


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