Merlin and His Queen - Chapter 1 - Theriechenbachevent (2024)

Chapter Text

Merlin and His Queen

If Merlin had been asked to tell someone why the things that happened to him, well, happened, he'd be hard pressed to say anything other than 'the gods hate me'.

And to some extent, to the onlooker, this would be true. For the following excerpt from the warlock's life was so rife with strange coincidences and occurrences that there was truly no explanation other than the fact the gods were simply having fun at the poor man's expense.


"Merlin!" The boy in question just managed to avoid the bronze goblet that was lobbed at his head.

"Oh very mature, Arthur, you've got all the qualities of a King. How could anyone say different?" Merlin said teasingly, from the door to the King's rooms. Technically, he had deserved it for challenging Arthur's ability in accuracy with a flying object, but only because he'd spent the afternoon mocking Merlin for having absolutely none.

"You’d better thank your lucky stars that I need you for the feast later today or you'd be spending all of the afternoon in the stocks!"

"How gracious of you sire, I shall be sure to show you my gratitude!" Merlin gave a low bow, and swore he could see Arthur's mouth twitch involuntarily at the gesture. Then he saw Arthur reach for the platter that held the remnants of the Kings lunch and made a mad dash for the door, almost knocking down Gwen in the process.

He ducked low, grabbing Gwen and shielding her from the spatter of leftover mashed potato. She let out a surprised yelp, and Arthur hastily got up from his seat at the table, realizing that his Queen was in the room.


"Arthur! What's going on?" Merlin stepped back into the proper distance he was supposed to keep, allowing Gwenivere to shake off the bits of potato that had landed in her curly, dark hair.

"I'm, uh, I was just teaching Merlin a lesson practice." Arthur shrugged sitting back down, now putting a foot on the table. Merlin shared an exasperated look with Gwenivere before bowing and retreating from the room. He grimaced as he picked off the lumps of softened potato on his tunic.

The entire castle around him was alight with activity, at any given moment there people running to and fro carrying bolts of fabric or large baskets of flowers to decorate the halls. Apparently there was a visiting dignitary coming to the feast tonight, and for whatever reason, it was a very important that they make the best possible impression, since this was Gwenivere's first experience at hosting a foreign party at the castle as Queen.

Situations like these would be more frequent, Merlin supposed, since all the neighboring Kingdoms had most definitely heard that Arthur had married a servant girl and were curious what kind of woman had managed to so spectacularly rise through the ranks. Especially when Princess Mithian had willingly offered her hand in marriage to him, and it would have made Camelot invincible had he accepted the proposal.

It made Merlin all the more wary, since the increased flow of people into the castle made it all the more difficult for him to keep tabs on who was in the castle's borders. He couldn't very well keep an eye on those around Arthur if he didn't know who anyone was. He sighed, hanging his head, this meant that he would be spending a significant amount of time in the castle archives, studying both magic to keep Arthur safe, and information on the people that were set to visit the castle in the upcoming days.


It was sometime, late in the evening, right before the sunset on the horizon, that the bell rung out from the highest point on Camelot's castle, signifying the sighting of their imperial visitor's traveling party approaching. Almost instantly, the castle sprung into an even bigger flurry of movement, knowing that the party would be here in little over an hour.

Merlin found himself constantly being bumped around as maids ran frantically around, hanging the last of their flowers and servant boys carried large ice sculptures into the main Great Hall, where the reception was to take place. Merlin himself, at Arthur's humble request (read: order) was in his finest attire as King Arthur's personal Manservant. (He capitalized his own title in his head as he thought of Arthur's emphasis on the word whilst explaining the importance of Merlin wearing the ridiculous hat with the giant plume of red feathers on the top). In addition, he was wearing a tunic of a rust iron red, and black tights, the entire ensemble looking all the more absurd in the fact that he was the only manservant wearing the farcical ensemble.

The raven haired warlock tried to stay mostly out of the way of the others bustling about in the hallways and rooms, as he made his way to the King's chambers. The flowers, marigolds of a brilliant gold, yellow, adorned every doorway and window on his way up to the second floor, while ribbons hung from every window sill that he passed. Merlin shook his head, an amused smile on his lips. The maids had certainly outdone themselves today.

When he entered the room, he found Arthur quickly hopping out of the bath that George had drawn for him. Merlin wrinkled his nose at the sight of the abnormally eloquent manservant, the man leveling Merlin with his constant look of quiet appraisal. Arthur was right, it simply wasn't normal for a man like George to exist. The was no one who could say 'Sire' in a more respectful tone, and yet have it sound like the most aggravating thing to hear. The servant bowed to the King as he took his leave, carrying the various bath oils and fragrant soaps with him as he left the rooms.

"Merlin where have you been? Surely helping Gaius mix the headache draughts couldn't possibly have taken that long?" Merlin scoffed, while opening the door to Arthur's armoire, and grabbing the clothes that Arthur kept for formal occasions. He bowed to Guinevere as she left the chambers, dressed regally and warmly, returning her mirthful smile at Arthur's panicked running around, a pair of breeches hanging low on his hips.

"Well, you try cooking a cauldron full of that potion, enough for every person in Camelot and see if you don't find yourself a little late." He quickly ran to Arthur and tugged the maroon tunic over his head and down his chest, before tying the thick, luxurious cape around his neck, resting comfortably on his shoulders.

"In any case, Princess Maeve's riding party has been sighted, but that was over half an hour ago now, she's probably entering the front gates of the city right now." Arthur rolled his eyes as Merlin fumbled with the pendant that was supposed to hang at his neck.

"Give me that. How can you be so awful at your job when you've had it for over 4 years." Merlin 'accidentally' shoved the King as he knelt to tie the laces for his shoes. He huffed as he pushed back an errant feather from his hat away from his face for the fourth time.

"Maybe because you never want anything the same way twice, Sire?"

"Merlin, what have we said about you talking back?"



They quickly exited the room, hurrying down the stairs from Arthur's chamber to the front steps of the castle. Gwenivere met up with them as they approached, matching Arthur's stride, her red cape billowing behind her and making her look even more like the Queenly figure she was, in her deep violet gown that sported sparse touches of gold and a large brooch pinning her cape over her left shoulder, just above her breast.

The company of the arriving Queen rode up to the castle steps, a large carriage of regal mahogany woods, deep cherry brown in color with doors gilded in gold. At the front four magnificent white horses pulled her coach, while a man of a rather stern nature acted as her driver. Another man jumped quietly off the back and positively glided to the doors, opening them for his Queen to exit.

And what an exit it was. Queen Maeve, the only name that Arthur had given Merlin when informing him of her impending arrival, was supposed to have been the ruler of a nation across the ocean at the far western side of their Kingdom. Her parents had died suddenly, four years ago, in an attempt by mercenaries to take over the Kingdom. While their daughter had survived, the King and Queen had not been so lucky, dying in combat when their daughters life had been threatened. Since then, Maeve had worked tirelessly to prove herself a competent ruler in wake of her parents death. She had needed to be so desperately what her Kingdom required otherwise she would risk the entire dominion being torn apart by civil war as other factions vied for their chance at the throne. Arthur had said she was known for her genial nature, fair yet firm in her ways as ruler.

She was every bit as exotic as Merlin had pictured her to be, from Arthur's description. She had the most fiery red hair, the color of which reminded him of the sun in the early dawn hours, a brilliant burnt orange that reached to just below her shoulders. On her head, Queen Maeve wore a thin circlet of gold, with a green gem in the center, the single indication of her station. She had similarly piercing green eyes that seemed sharp and observant, Merlin noted, as The King stepped forward to offer his hand in assistance as she stepped off the carriage.

"Queen Maeve, it is our privilege to be your hosts." Arthur held her hand as she stepped off. "I am King Arthur, and this," he turned to motion to Gwen, "is my Queen, Gwenivere." Gwenivere curtsied, keeping eye contact confidently with the gentle looking woman, who stood in front of them, surveying her surroundings.

"Hello, Arthur Pendragon. It seems we both meet at last, as Kings and Queens instead of Prince and Princesses of our youth." She said, her voice wasn't exactly loud, but it carried with it the potential of her rumored boisterous nature, a staple apparently for those in her part of the world.

"So it would seem, Maeve." She inclined her head, showing Arthur that she did not mind his use of her first name.

"Queen Maeve, we have organized a ball in your honor, we would be most obliged if you would grace us with your presence at the event." Gwenivere spoke to the red haired woman, smiling warmly.

"I shall need to freshen up, of course."

"Of course, Merlin." Arthur called Merlin forward with a crook of his finger. He resisted the urge snap something at him and stepped up, the picture of subservience.

"Yes, Sire."

"Please escort Queen Maeve and those in her party to their rooms in the West wing." Here he turned to the Queen. "I hope to see you in the Great Hall as soon as you've rested and refreshed."

He then gestured for the group to pass him up to the castle. Merlin bounded in front, knowing just how ridiculous he looked. Once he reached the chambers that had been set aside for her, he opened the door, allowing her to peer inside. It was mammoth, in size, probably triple the size of Gaius's quarter's (including Merlin's room) and yet still smaller than room of the King and Queen of Camelot.

It was dressed in the deep red of Camelot, the large emblem of the lion embroidered onto the draperies that adorned the walls. Maeve entered with her ladies in waiting and another forbidding woman, who Merlin realized hadn't been introduced earlier. She too wore a circlet, though it was miniscule, compared to the Queen and Merlin realized that another member of the royal family had joined her in her trip.

"Thank you.....?" She trailed off as she addressed him, an eyebrow arched and Merlin belatedly realized that she was waiting for him to offer his name.

"Oh, Merlin, your Majesty."

"Thank you, Merlin, please tell King Arthur that I shall be along shortly." With that one of her serene looking lady's – in –waiting closed the door in his face.

Merlin stared perplexedly at the dark slab of wood that made up the door to the room. Why did he feel like he'd just been interviewed?


Half an hour later, Merlin stood with Arthur at the doors to the Great Hall, Gwenivere having been inside already.

"Pffft, Merlin, get that blasted feather out of my face before I rip it off your head." Merlin snigg*red, self satisfied at his annoyance.

"I'm sorry. You did tell me to wear it." Arthur made a face, waiting for the doorman to give him the all clear.

"And now I'm telling you to keep the infernal thing in check."

"Yes, King Dollophead, Your Highness." Merlin bowed low, mocking.

Arthur shoved Merlin unceremoniously to the side, pushing him half out the ground floor gallery, leaving Merlin in danger of sullying his clothes in the dirt underneath, and the decorations that fell from his collision with the wall falling around him.

They walked inside, to great fanfare, a court member calling out their arrival for all to see. Moments later, Queen Maeve entered, her ladies behind her and the stern looking woman with the graying hair faithfully at her side. Merlin stood at attention in the line of manservants lined up at the entrance of the hall, he stuck out like a sore thumb, being the only one having to wear the feathery uniform, much to Arthur's ill concealed glee. Even Gwenivere was having a hard time covering her apologetic laughter as she looked at him from the high table.

As she passed, Maeve paused in her footsteps, turning slowly to look at Merlin. He looked blankly at her for a moment, before she reached over, leisurely plucking a marigold that had most likely fallen into the hat he was wearing and tucking it in her hair, behind her ear. The yellow of the plush flower making her peachy skin stand out even more and her lips curving into a soft smile.

"Evening, Merlin." She said cheerfully, and moved on. Merlin didn't miss the thorough look her companion gave him.Across the room, Gwaine raised his gobet in a toast to Merlin, giving him a salacious smile at his interaction with the Queen. Merlin quickly schooled his expression into an appropriate one.

Arthur glared at him, as if to say 'can’t you behave more like an actual manservant'. Merlin sighed.

It was going to be a looong night.


The next morning saw Merlin running around in the kitchen, being tasked to help the kitchen staff in preparing the gargantuan breakfast buffet for the guests, as was Camelot custom. It was a grand affair, full of sumptuous fruits, breads and other plentiful spreads.

Later that afternoon, Arthur was scheduled to meet with Queen Maevein the gardens of Camelot, a large section of colored flowers and fountains. Of course, the men in the council room had completely taken over his attention, as well as that of Gwenivere'sand he'd sent Merlin aheadto find the fair royalin the gardens to inform her he would be there momentarily.

Merlin stopped en route to the gardens to pop into the kitchens, sneaking around the Cook, to grab a few fresh rolls and fruit to function as a snack.

When he found her in the garden, Maeve was sitting in the shade of a towering weeping willow, feeding crumbs to a pair of doves that had flown out from the Royal Aviary.She wore a white gown, with a deep, round neckline, thehuge bell sleeves reaching her elbows,and descending almost to the grassy floor. She also had a deep purple ribbon around her waist, emphasizing the petite silhouette of her abdomen. As he approached, the crunching of the vegetation underfoot alerted her to his presence. She turned her green eyes on him and smiled.

"Ah, Merlin. Good morning. What brings you to the gardens? I take it that the King is being held up by the those boring relics in the council room?"

Merlin set the tray down next to her on the bench and hid his smile behind his polite one.

"He is going to be a tad late because of it, your Majesty." She waved away his apologetic tone.

"Nevermind that, Arthur will join us when he whenever he chooses." She picked up a strawberry in the tray and popped it into her mouth, picking up the accompanying roll and tearing it to shreds for the birds, setting the pile at her feet.

"Tell me, Merlin." She picked up another strawberry and offered it to Merlin who was in the process of spreading the bread pieces at her feet around. She held the crimson fruit to his lips, Merlin froze, stunnedat the action. "How long have you worked for Arthur at the castle?"

"Oh, my apologies. I seem to have made you uncomfortable, where I come from, such practices are the norm." She started to pull her hand back, makingMerlin shake himself out of his stupor, scolding himself for making the Queen self conscious of her behavior.

"No, no. I'm the one who should be apologizing. I was just startled that's all, I didn't mean to refuse your offer." He softly grasped her hand, the one that held the strawberry and ate it, some part of his that wasn't preoccupied with his royal duties as the King's manservant, was doing screams of panic at the highly intimate conduct between them, especially since they were nowhere near the same station in society.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Gwenivere's lady-in-waiting passing by, carrying a tray of tea and fruits. She happened to look his way, whilst he was in the middle of holding Queen Maeve's hand, and her eyes widened comically, scandalized. He saw her walk away, her measured steps turning into rapid scurrying. Annabelle neverran, and her doing so was going to have half the castle whispering about its cause in less than an hour.

He sighed minutely, chewing the strawberry and getting up from his kneeling position at her feet. She seemed to forget the uncomfortableness of a moment ago and leaned back, relaxing in the cool summer breeze that murmured through the flora around them.

"I've worked for Arthur close to 4 years now." He answered her previous question and she looked at him, her red hair curling around her in the wind.

"I see, and you started working for him when you were..?"

"17, Your Highness."

"That makes you 21, older than I am." Merlin looked at the young monarch in surprise. The maturity in her face would have easily let him believe that she was at least 24 or 25.

"Well, you look marvelously wise for your young age." He bit his tongue, that might have sounded too familiar, even if this was a woman that didn't seem to function by the usual rules of propriety.

"And how do you like it? Being Arthur's servant, I mean?"

"Sorry?" There was anunderlying question in there and Merlin refused to answer it when he didn’t know what she was asking him. She nodded approvingly at him.

"Very good, you're not some kind of loose lipped guppy." He gaped at her. She seemed to be excelling in confounding him at every turn. Every time he thought he had her figured out, she changed on him again. And if the merriment in her eyes was anything to go by, she knew it.

"What I want to know is, is he a good man, your King." Merlin inclined his head in affirmation.

"Yes. He's fair and just." Maeve didn't look entirely convinced.

"Oh really? The fairest and most just of all? No faults at all?"

"Oh he has faults. He never picks up after himself, he's always throwing things at me, and he's a nightmare to wake up in the morning. But as a King, he's as just and kind as it gets."

Maeve looked surprised for a brief moment at the slew of insults that Merlin had casually said to her, staring inscrutably at him. Then, she threw her head back and laughed, a heartfelt sound that was full and deep. When she calmed down, she stood up, dusting the seat of her dress, before turning to wave Merlin on to follow her.

"Come on, why don't we give your 'fair and just' King something more entertaining to do than listen to his councilmen complain endlessly.

Merlin had no choice but to follow her lean figure into the Castle.


Merlin saw the look of surprise on Arthur's face when the doors to the council room (really just the great hall)swung open to reveal Queen Maeve's silhouette. Gwenivere sat up straight on her throne next to Arthur, as the councilmen were laying their case out in front of them. Merlin entered from the servant's entrances, near the throne, at Maeve's request. ("I don't want you getting chewed out for me barging in") , though Arthur's expression told him he was getting told off anyway.

"Queen Maeve!" Arthur was flustered at her sudden appearance in his court sans any court members of her own. "What brings you – I thought I sent word that – what can I do for you?" He seemed to have put on his diplomatic face though being flummoxed at first. Merlin noticed for the first time that all the Knights were at this meeting as well, Gwaine, Leon, Percival, Lancelot and Elyan. They all glanced among themselves, watching the goings on with interest.

"What if I were tell you I had a proposal for you?" Arthur exchanged a glance with Leon, not having seen Merlin yet at his regular post near the door.

"I would say that I would be interested in hearing the proposal, particularly in how it would be beneficial for us?"

"Well, considering it concerns the trade laws between Camelot and my Kingdom of Caledonia, I would say it would be most advantageous." Arthur leaned forward, steepling his fingers under his nose, pressing the length of his hands against his mouth.

"Oh? I'm listening."

"As you know, I am currently an unmarried woman on the throne of Caledonia, the foremost argument that the lesser lords in my Kingdom have is that I am unwed, as if that makes my hold on the throne any less valid." She looked wholly unimpressed by the counterargument.

"Well, if it's a suitor that you are searching for, there aren't currently any in residence at Camelot, but the sons of a few lords of Camelot are of marriagea-" Maeve raised her hand in to stop Gweniveremid-sentence. She cut off, confused at the redhead's knowing smile.

"Thank you Gwenivere, but I have already found a suitor at Camelot."

"But -" Arthur began, bewildered at her declaration when Gwenhad just told her there were none to be found. Gwaine finally spotted Merlin, giving him a small wave in greeting, miming a drink to tell him he wanted to go drinking tonight. Merlin rolled his eyes at the ill timed gestures.

"In fact, I would like to extend a proposal of marriage to the gentlemen who wore this hat at last night's festivities."

"Merlin?" Gwaine's astonished voice drew attention as he turned around, from his post next to the King's throne to look at Merlin, seeing his equally dumbfounded expression. All at once, the rest of the people in the throne room turned to regard Merlin with incredulity.

Merlin gawked at the hat in her hand, a red monstrosity of feathers and a red band to hold it on the wearer's head.

His hat

Merlin and His Queen - Chapter 1 - Theriechenbachevent (2024)


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Author: Frankie Dare

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Author information

Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.