The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1951 FINAL EXAMS FOR BOY SCOUT AWARD TO BE TONIGHT Catholic Quizzed at Candidates Cathedral to Be Rectory A final examination for all Boy Scouts of the Hampden County area for award the a Ad Catholic Altare Boy Dei Scout award, can highest will be held in the rectory of St. Michael's Cathedral this evening at 7. This examination is for those Scouts who could not take the tests Sept. 2 23. Bishop to Preside medal been changed to Nov.

4 at The date, for the awarding of tne 2 p. m. due to a conflict in Bishop Christopher J. Weldon's schedule. The ceremony originally wAS schedule 1 for Oct.

28, Feast of Christ the King About 50 Scouts from Hampden, Hampshire. Franklin and Berkshire Counties receive the award. A colorful parade" with Scouts carrying troop banners and American flags will the ceremony in St. Cathedral. Bishop Weldon will speak and will be the center reserved for section Scout of the parents of the boys.

Solemn benediction of the Blessed Sacrament will bring the ceremony to a close. Mayor Daniel B. Brunton, who was first scoutmaster of the troop at Our Lady of Hope Church. has accepted an invitation to attend the ceremony. Scoutmasters and Scout chaplains from Western Massachusetts, have also accepted invitations.

This will be the first time the Ad Altare Dei award has been given to Scouts, of the Springfield Roman Catholic diocese and it is planned make the award an annual affair. Rev. Bernard L. Doheny, Scout award and will be in charge of chaplain for the entire diocese, conducted a examinations' for heel ceremony on Nov. 4.

LONGMEADOW 7 WOMAN'S CLUB MEETS OCT. 17 Invitations Issued to All Past Presidents Longmeadow, Oct. executive board of Longmeadow Woman's Club has issued invitations to all past presidents to be guests of the club at the first meeting of this fall. It will be a luncheon on Wednesday, 17 at -1 Bailey Hall of the First Church parish house. Mrs.

Nelson H. Foley president, will preside. Guest speaker is Mrs. Maleka Brown, whose subject will be "Cultural Hawaii." a Miss Frances Myers. director of religious.

education at First Church announces the beginning of young people's activities this Sunday, Oct. 7 the junior high people of grades 7-8-9 will meet at 4.30 in the Youth Activities room for 2 movie, "Letter of Thanks' from CARE. The senior high group will meet in the same room at 7 to discuss the topic "Youth and the liquor question." Miss Christine Metcalf will act as hostess for the first meeting of the Springfield Chapter of the American Guild of Organists on Monday in St. Andrew's Episcopal Church. Clergymen will be dinner guests of their organists.

The speaker will be A. Thompson Allen of the AeolianSkinner Organ Co. of Boston. Mr. Allen has taken for his subject "The history of the organ" and it will illustrated by lantern slides.

This talk was received most favorably at MIT and the 20th Century Club of Boston and elsewhere. It was announced at the recent meeting of the selectmen that Moderator Robert W. Bodfish had appointed a school survey group to study existing school facilities in this town. The group includes Daniel E. Burbank, chairman, Mrs.

Robert A. Studley, Mrs. Sol Weltman, Mrs. Harry G. Webster, Rudolph Kraft, Mrs.

William 'A. Kaynor and Drs. lenry H. Frisbie. Weather permitting the Cub Scout roundup will be held on Saturday at the Williams St.

playground. Picnic lunch at noon, ench one bringing his own, there are no fireplaces at the playground. Games start at 1.15 charge of William Brown, Norman Adams and Roger Westcott. All boys 8-9-10 years of age are invited to attend and their parents also. Round1p held the following Saturday it rainy.

INDIAN ORCHARD Magna Circle Elects Officers Indian Orchard, Oct. 1-Miss, Hidith Levesque was elected regent of MagCircle, of at its annual meeting in the of rooms Tuesday evening. Miss Levesque, a former regent, succeeds Mrs. Margaret F. Wallace who is confined to the Lakeville Sanitorium at Middleboro, Other officers chosen include: Drs.

Catherine Cairns: treasurer, Miss Rose Donlon; financial secretary, Miss Mary Culverhouse: recording secretary, Mrs. Evelyn Sitnik; chanMrs. Marion Phillips; custodian. Dra. Jane Hamel: scribe, Mrs.

Lucille Lambert; monitor, Mrs. Helen Fortier; banner bearer, Mrs. Alice Grenon; first guide, Miss Maryrose Welch; second guide, airs. Marybe'alyce Bigda; outer guard, Paul- Carline's Tremendous Savings On RCA VICTOR TELEVISION Brand new 1951 Models See these terrific values now Stock limited don't wait act now and save. The Newport Big 17-inch screen with tone trol.

Phono-jack. Deep maroon' metal case. Now only $23995 Other famous RCA Victor Television models available at corresponding low prices. Pay only down. Take up to 75 Weeks for the Balance.

The Fairfield A deluxe console to match any room setting, 17 inch picture screen. Plug i in for record changer attachment. Beautiful mahogany finished cabinet with doors. Must be seen to be appreciated. On Sale at only Tax inc.

$29995 The time for Television is Here. est The big Carlisle Fall Programs are now on the air. Visit your near- Main St. store Springfield's largest and leading day open ThursStores television dealer. evenings until 9:00 P.M.


788 State The X. Summer Indian Orchard, 32 Oak Thompsonville, 7 No. Main St. Chicopee Falls, 94. E.

Springfield, 454 Page 8lvd Windsor Locks 120 Mala St. APPLIANCE STORE MAIN STATE 3' Belgians Look Us Over group of Belgian soldiers their frat look at Springfield and the United States yesterday and many Springfeld residents got their first look at some of the United Nations' troops Aghting with U. S. forces in Koren. Twenty-three men of a Belgian unit arrived at Westover.

Field yesterday morning by plane on a courier mission. During their brief leavo beforo taking off for Europe today, men roamed downtown Springfield with uniforms similar to the U. S. Army's, but readily distinguished by the brown berets. Two of these, window-shopping near the Arch, said they were fascinated ine Lee; Inner guard, Mrs.

Invallee; organist, Mrs. Catherine Lawlor; trustee, Mra. Anna Barnum, past regent, Mrs. Helen Plouffe. Installation of these officers will take place October 16.

Women's Club Plans Food Sale Indian Orchard. Oct. 4-The Indian O. Orchard Women's Club will hold its annual food sale primary day Oct. 9 at the Myrtle Street School.

This is one of the chief methods of raising funds for club work and the food booth will be set up at the Myrtle St. entrance to the school. Mrs. Joseph Glancey is chairman of the cominittee in charge and is being assisted by Mrs. Clarence Noel, Mrs.

Carl I. Colwell, Miss D. Loretto Riordan, Mrs. George Convry, Miss Viola Dougan, Mrs. Delia Elder, Mrs.

James H. Bell, Mrs. Louis Bolduc, Mrs. George A. Coupal, Mrs.

George IT. Phillips, Mrs. James Smith and Mrs. Gunnard Anderson. Sullivan Refers To His Record Inadvertently, The Union story of the United Council rally of city, employees Wednesday night failed to include former Alderman Raymond F.

Sullivan as among the speakers. Mr. Sullivan is seeking the Democratic nomination for the upper board from Ward 7. He called attention to the fact that he sponsored measures important to YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF TO LOOK COMPARE JUDGE FOR YOURSELF We believe the Combustioneer oil burner the most amazing top quality burner on the market. TRIPLE VELOCITY VISORHEAD INVENTION COSTS Combustioneer OIL BURNER $275 30 5-Year Months To Guarantee Pay VISIT OUR SHOWROOM See It In Operation AMERICAN FUEL OIL CO.

1332 Dwight St. Tel. 6-3611 by the city and the variety of goods displayed in stores. They regretted lack of money and customs regulations things home. prevented them from taking more Both Were veterans of fighting in the combat amons, infantryman's badge.

One Korea and their ribbons' were came from Brussels, the other from Ostend and both asked their names bo withheld as they were not certain whether their officers would approve. They had a good knowledge of English and added they found it holpful during the motion picture show they had attended in the city in the afternoon. Waste Collections Ashes and waste will be collected today the following Alfred, Beechwood, Blake Hill, Chase, Cherryvale, Donald, DougGardens, Grace, Loyfred, Longhill, Magnoli, Noel, Riverview, Spruceland, Thomas, Walter, Warner and Woodside, Disposal Area No. 3 on Stafford St. will be open.

city employees when he was In the upper board including those for a 14- hour week; later for a 40-hour and a measure that gave a $1 a week increase to fremen, Sgt. Tenerowiez In Washington Sgt. Edward J. Tenerowiez, son of Mr. and Mrs.

John S. Tenerowiez, 13 Stony Hill Indian Orchard, is now assigned to the Ileadquarters, Squadron, Air Resupply and Communications 3 Service in Washington, D. C. Sgt. Tenerowicz was previously.

at-. tached to Headquarters, Military Air Transport Service, Andrews Air Force Base, Mary land. Sgt. Tencrowicz, a graduhte of Tech-1 nical High School, entered the Air Force in August, 1918. Sgt.

Tenerowicz is a reports clerk Comptroller section of the "Heade quarters squadron. Record of Births The following births were recorded yesterday in the office of the City Clerk: Sept. 30. to Mr. and Mrs.

Kenneth B. Chapin, 349 Massachusetts West Springfield. Oct. 1, to Mr. and Mrs.

Robert L. Ludwick. 210 Pearl St. Oct. 2, to Mr.

and Mrs. Harry Bradley, 20 Governor St. Boys Sept. 30, to Mr. and Mrs.

Lyman LaMay, Southwick. Oct. 1, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Maragondakis, 144 Carew St.

Oct. 2, to Mr. and Mrs. John P. Sheehan, 39 Fairview Chicopee.

District Court Cases (Judge Thomas J. O'Malley) Robert J. Golden, 31 Hanco*ck two counts of murder; plea, not guilty; continued to Oct. 17. Clarence G.

Bradway, Chapin Hampden: drunkenness and drunken driving; plea, not guilty; continued to Oct. 10. Elmer A. Pilon, 30 Bradford drunkenness and drunken driving; plea, not guilty; continued to Oct. 10.

George T. Paquette, 348 Page speeding; plea, guilty; fined $25. Robert Brier, 33 Commonwealth larceny; plea, nolo: fined $50. Onario J. Andreoli, 270 Pleasant Hartford, driving to endanger; plea, nolo; fined $50.

GEN DRUM'S RITES New York, Oct. 4 (AP)-The funeral of retired Lt. Gen. Hugh A. Drum, 72, who died yesterday of a heart ailment, will "he held Saturday.

A solemn requiem mass will be celebrated at St. Patrick's Cathedral by Francis Cardinal Spellman. Burial will be in Arlington National Cemetery on Monday. (THRU THE) AND FALL LEISURE FOLIAGE TOURS BERKSHIRES OCT. 7 OCT.



1.35 FOR More Many to Items! 1.65 5275. SAVE! SAVE! Made at the Factory. Sold at the Factory. CROMWELL I MILLS .34 FRONT ST. 'INDIAN ORCHARD MON.

Thru to 5 SAT. 9 to 12. 9 TO IT'S A HIT! IT'S A HIT! WORLD SERIES HIT! TENDERLOIN STEAK ON SALE AT $1.19. 'ONLY AT THE GLENWOOD FOOD CENTER For the first time in months you Boy" boneless corned beef at enly can enjoy genuine, tender, delicious, 83c lb. is a double steal.

succulent tenderloin steaks at only Genuine fresh Beltsville turkeys $1.19 per lb. The Glenwood Food ranging in weight from 9 to 14 ibs. Center of 12 Rimmon Ave. today each are priced at only 59c. lb.

announced that for only $1.19 per Now, if you will take the a full 62c per lb. under ceiling ble of cutting out this news item price, you can buy one or more of and bringing it you; you can these mouth-watering whole beef buy any one or allot the following tenderloins. These epicurean do specials: lights weigh between 3 and 5 lbs. One-half lb. of Holland imported each and will they them for sliced boiled ham for 59c; one lb.

you without extra charge. How can of Forest Park fresh ground coffee you miss making a grand slam? for 75c; a full gallon can of Beacon "Choice grade" block chuck roast Wax at one lb. Land of beef is on sale at only 79c lb. O'Lakes butter for 79c; a large bag Small lean fresh pork shoulders are of State Line Potato Chips for 25c; 45c lb. Lean rib end roasts of fresh two cans of Carnation evaporated Brightwood pork are 65c lb.

H. L. milk for 27c; two cans V8 VegetaHandy sugar-cured sliced bacon is ble Juice co*cktail for 21c. 55c lb. The Glenwood Food Center is That delicious, delectable "Danny, open until 9 Thursday and Friday I nites.

CHANGE IN MARBLE ST. IS OPPOSED Move to Provide Parking Lot Is Killed by Board Strong opposition to a spot zone change request at the east end of Marble St. yesterday nfternoon in City Hall preceded the Planning Board's recommendation of to withdraw." The board also" conducted three other hearings and granted tentative approval to preliminary plans of three subdivisions. A Ashley The Fresia represented Realty Frank 100 11. Deedy, had petitioned for a zone chango from Residence to cial A for property at the easterly cud of Marble St.

so that apartment dwellers on Oswego St. could park cars there. Arthur Giustina, representing the Stigmatine Fathers, and three neighbors present--registered on Marble opposition grounds that the parking lot on would create a traffic hazard on Marble St. and to the nearby playground. draw, holding, among other things, board recommended leave to with-, that the change would be a spot zone.

The board recommended one change and disapproved grounds i that it would not match existing -in the case of the petition of Nishan! Ir. Piligian," Boston who! wanted two lots on Boston on Rd. and Lloyd Ave. changed from Residence to Business A. Two unopposed petitions, of Arthur J.

Boyer and Vernon E. Bradley, designed to cut off rough edges now existing in the Harvey Ave. area, were recommended by the board. Preliminary plans for three subdivisions were given tentative approval by the board subject to engineer's report. L'etitioners were: Cyril Gagne, subdivision at South Branch Parkway; P'hotis D.

Mpickoulis, subdivision at Middle and Parallel and Maxim Boshko, subdivision at Sonia St. John W. Delaney, chairman of the board, presided at the hearing in Room 212, City Hall. Business News Blyth Lazard Freres Co. and the First Boston Corp.

are publicly offering a new issue of 000,000 Arst mortgage bonds of Idaho Power Co. Bearing a per cent interest rate and maturing in 1981, the bonds are priced at to yield approximately 3.17 per cent at maturity. Negotiations for tho leasing of 12 Northwest Airlines Martin 2-0-2 planes to be flown by Transocean Air Lines in the domestic military air lift have been completed with Transocean, Croil Hunter. To date, Transocean has taken delivery on seven of the Martin 2-0-23. Transocean already owned three Martin 2-0-2s purchased from Northwest.

Public offering of 55,683 additional shares of common stock of Slick Air- ways, leading carrier of airfreight in the United States, is being made by Moseley Co. The stock is priced at $11 a share. Giving effect to the current sale and to the prior of 34,317 common shares gu0scribed for under employee and stockholder option warrants, the company will have outstanding 275,152 shares of capital stock. Directors of Stokely-Van Camp, Inc. have declared a common stock dividend of 5 per cent, payable in common stock on Nov.

20, to common stockholders of record Oct. 31. JONES LECTURE ON PENNIES FROM POOR Edward Jones, executive director of the Springfield Taxpayers will speak on the subject, "Pennies from the poor," at the monthly dinner meeting of the Retail Credit Association Springfield, Hotel Highland, Wednesday, 6.30 p. m. BALLOON FLIES 1365 MILES Cleveland, Oct.

4 (AP)-A "Crusadefor-Freedom" balloon released here Sept. 26 has been picked up in the Atlantic off Lockport, Nova Scotia. 6-DAY SERVICE on GUARANTEED WATCH REPAIRS No charge for timates. All work done by experts. Reasonable rates.


0 NEW LOWER PRICES REST SIDES 5. For the second time since July, Nunn-Bush shoe prices have moved DOWN in step with lower leather costs. You now buy Nunn-Bush shoes $1.00 to $2.55 below spring ceiling prices! More than ever, there is reason for you to enjoy Ankle-Fashioning which has made Nunn-Bush shoes one of the most dependable standards of American living. This ingenious Nunn-Bush development removes s-t-r-e-t-c-h from the leather, giving Nunn-Bush shoes more enduring fit and extra dollar-saving miles of smartness! Bust Bust 1, 4 The Now Nunn-Bush Clyde $17.75 to $20.95 Style 2717 (Other to $25.50) 'Heavyweight Soles Edgerton Shoes Rubber Heels from $9.95 Reduced to $19.95 i KENNEDY'S. 2.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

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Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.