The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


Arthur Bradley of Coventry has accepted a call to Enfeld Congregational Church. First Sermon Sunday He will preach his first sermon in the local church at the; 10.45 morning worship service Sunday. Mr. Bradley has been pastor Second Congregational Church, Coventry. for the past four years.

He came to Coventry from Cheshire Regional REV. C. ARTHUR BRADLEY Parish of Gilsum, N. where is he was ordained. Union" Bradley a graduate of Theological Seminary, New York City, and Harvard University.

He has been active in and state youth work, was dean; of summer conferences leadership training programs and adviser for three years of the Tolland County Youth Cabinet. A member of the Tolland County Congregational Associa-i tion Committee on Ministry, he! also a member of the State Conference Committee on towns! and county work and the State Conference Committee on summer youth conferences. Ohio Native He is a native of Oberlin. 0., where his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Arthur Bradley, reside. A Navy veteran, served for a vear: and a half as aviation technician. Mr. Bradley is married to the former Jean Carter of New Britain. The couple have two children.

William, two, and John. three months. Edwin in E. Aiken, who Mr. Bradley succeeds Rev.I resigned from the local pastorate.

Mr. Aiken will serve as acting minister of the Congregational Church at Goshen. from Nov. 1 until April 1 of next year. He is taking the place of regular pastor who will be absent due to illness.

Installation Set By Rinaldi Post THOMPSONVILLE Officers of James Rinaldi Post, ItalianAmerican War Veterans, and Auxiliary will be installed Satmel Hall on Park Ave. urday night at Tat Mount CarAuxiliary officers w'ill be seated by Mary Bellafonto of Wallingford and Esther LeBlanc of Waterbury. Rocco Marcantonio of Meriden. Department of Connecticut commander. and Joseph Granitto of Waterbury will induct officers.

The ritual will be followal by danc-56 ing and refreshments. Post Office Will Rent Trucks in Yule Rush THOMPSONVILLE Postmaster Francis A. Burke has heen authorized to accept hids on the rental of trucks to he used at Thompsonville Post Office during the Christmas rush period. Trucks will he rented without drivers and the owner must pay for gasoline, oil, and repairs. One-half to one panel trucks are preferred.

but if they are not available pickup trucks will be acceptable. Postmaster Burke said. Bid forms are available at the Post Office. Sale Listed Nov. 20 THOMPSONVILLE ParentEducator Group of St.

Joseph's School will have its annual food and holiday gift sale Nov. in the basem*nt hall of St. Patrick's Church. Articles suitable for Christmas gifts will be on sale. Booths will he staffed as follows: Eleanor Hines.

food; salad and beans, Angela Alaimo: jewelry, Rose Casinghino; aprons and homemade items, Carmic Scavotto: white elephant, Pauline Colletti: books, Ruth Tyler; grah bag. Alice Brown: Christmas cards, Kay Clarkin: door prizes. Myrna Miller: Thanksgiving and Christmas decorations, Mary Jo Descy. JOHN L. SOUSA THOMPSONVILLE John L.

Sousa. 59. died Monday at his home. 52 Brainard Rd. He was born in Taunton.

son of the late Manual Mary (Viera) Sousa. and lived here 34 years. He was employed in the finishing Carpet department Co. of He WAS low Sanford of Saint Adalbert's parish. He leaves his wife.

Mary Stewart) Sousa: A son. Joseph D. of Longmeadow: 1wo brothers, Louis of Westfield and Joseph of Taunton; three sisters. Mrs. Mary Silvia and Mrs.

Joseph Tavares. both of Plymouth. and Mrs. Harold Alberghni of idence, R. and A granddaughter.

The will be held at Leete funeral home on Thursday at 8:15 with a solemn requiem high mass in St. Adalbert's Church at 9. Burial will be in St. Adalbert's Cemetery. Calling hours are tonight from 7 to 9 and Wednesday 2 (to 4 and 7 to 9.

Bay State Pair Wins Acquittal In Town Court THOMPSONVILLE Charged with assault AS an aftermath lof an alleged scuffle the 27th Club Silhouctte. two Massachusetts young men were found not guilty by Judge John K. Raissi in Town Court Monday. Acquitted were Robert A. Brodour.

17. of Chicopee and James A. Dunphy. 21. of Springfield.

Testimony indicated that Dunphy ailcgedly threatened several bystanders with a tire tool from car. Warren Fitzgerald appeared as defense counsel. Other dispositions: Arthur, W. Gaskell, 41. of 7 Cedar Hazardville, operating a motor VChicle while license under suspension.

fined $102: Robert A. Bump. 27. dot Middletown, operlating without a driver's license. $33: T.

William Webster. 21, of East Haven, specding. $18; Lucien L. Coutermanche, 27. of 32 Ganny disregarding traffic control signal light, $18.

Breach of peace: William C. Himmelright. 47, and Donald Himmelright. 18, both of 5 Ernest Hazardville. $15 and $18.

respectively: Charles P. Rinaldi, 32, of 7 Martin $25; Charles Scalia, 39, of 138 High $25. Disregarding a stop sign: James Captain, 26, Union City, Timothy Coleman, of 37 Donna William Ryan. 20, of Northampton, s9 17. bond forfeited: Fred Gavey, of 2 Virginia Donald Allyn.

23, of 15 Tabor $9. Franklin R. St. Jean, 26, of 42 O'Hear passing in pedestrian zone, $15; Theresa St. Pierre.

29. of 19 Martin failure to grant half the road to oncoming traffic. $15; uel Pinderfield. 48. of Brooklyn, N.

passing on right, $13 bond forfeited: Roger Vadnais, 42. of Springfield. failure to drive in lane, $12 bond. forfeited. Charles Gherry, 27, of Springfic field.

disregarding traffeited: control Kenneth signal. D. $12 bond forof Warren. Akens. 31, closely, $15 R.

following too bond forfeited; Ameral, 25, of Rockville. illegal Robert passing on right, $15:1 Thibodeau, 15, of Manchester, allowing a minor to drive an uninsured motor vehicle, $18. Golden Agers to Vote Tonight On Age Limit THOMPSONVILLE- -The Enfield Golden Age Club will take final action at A meeting tonight on a proposal to lower the minimum age limit from 65 to 62 years. Club directors David Sloan and Frank Novak- urge club members to retain the minimum age limit at 65. They stress that in the New England area the minimum age limit been 65 since the Golden movement was started in 1946.

There are more than 2000 senior citizens in Enfield who are eligible for club membership. Thompsonville Briefs THOMPSONVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Hensler of Spruce Hills, Mims.

announce the engagement of their daughter. Marcella Joan, to Cpl. Joseph Calcasola, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J.

Calcasola of Lincoln St. Miss Hensler is a graduate of Titusville High School. Titusville. Fla. Cpl.

Calcasola is a graduate of Enfield High School. He attended the University of Connecticut before joining the Marines, in 1957. He is stationed at Parris 'Island, S. as a radar technician. He will leave for a 15-month tour of duty in Japan in January.

The wedding will take place on his return from Japan. Clifford Jubilec of Catalina Dr. has been elected president of the Town Softball League. Other officers are John O'Goley, vice-president; and James Peraro, secretary-treasurer. Tanguay-Magill Post, Ameriman Legion, will sponsor its annual Halloween dance Friday night 8 in the Legion Home on Route 5.

Awards will be made for the funnicst, most original and best looking costumes. Refreshments will be served. THOMPSONVILLE ParentEducator Group of St. Joseph's School meets Wednesday night at 8 in the school auditorium. Memebers will each bring a gift of 25 cents for the children's fish pond on Dec.

loween party will follow the business session. A Polish night program will he conducted by Washington Irving Council. Knights of Columbus, Tuesday night, Nov. 3. in the council rooms.

A Polish dinner he served with Charles Reilly as chef. A business meeting will follow. The committee includes Fred Olko. chairman. Stanley KwiecienStephen Pietrowski, Ben Skoran and Francis Lutwinas.

sponsor a social meeting will sposor A social meeting Wednesday night at 7.30 in the post rooms. Films will he shown of the World Series, football lights, surf fishing and the last Vetcrans Day and Memorial parades. Beef stew will be served. The committee priscs Raymond Purdy, chairman John Rook and Robert B. Watton.

Nigerian firms in Kano want part of the live monkey. export now enjoyed by India. Committee Discusses Products On Sale at Fair A corner of "Grandma's Kitchen" is shown here where people attending' the annual fair of the Ladies Aid Society at the Second Baptist Church, Suffield. can buy herbs, crockery, discussed ware. by "imps," committee trivets and members candy, (left near to the right) old Drs.

Village Marvin Green. Hastings, Products on Mrs, sale Fred. are Sparrow (chairman) and Mrs. Emmett Lyman, Jr. The fair opens at 1 p.

m. today in the Fellowship Hall. a SUFFIELD, CONN. Hartford Pair Accused Of Stealing Holdup Loot SUFFIELD. Conn.

-Two morel Hartford men, Charles A. Murrel. of 802 Garden St. and Amos Richardson, 32. 'of 19 Goodwin were arraigned in Town Court Monday night on the charge of receiving stolen Oct.

16 Suffield Savings Banking. goods in connection with in the robbery. According to State Police Capt. Samuel S. Rome.

the said they stole some of the unaccounted for in the holdup from one of the original bank-holdup men and on a spending sprec. Rome Arthur Sharp, 25. who admitted participating in the $14.000 holdup. showed the two men where he had hidden the money shortly after the rohhery. Apparently Sharp turned his back too long." Rome said.

"and the pair grabbed the loot." Workshop Nov. 3 Set On Volunteer School Libraries SUFFIELD. volunteer library workshop will be held Nov. 3 from 12.45 to 2.45 p. m.

in the Spaulding School auditorium to explain the value of libraries. in the elementary schools, they are organized, and what volunteer services are needed to operate them. Such libraries, staffed by volunteers, may he organized provided sufficient adults are interested in project. then workshop interested meeting is learn- open everyone in ing how libraries staffed by volunteers help to put more books into the hands of the children. Participating will Percival T.

Gates, "library chairman for the Connecticut Citizens for the Public Schools, Mrs. Samuel J. Orr, Mrs. George Gibson and Mrs. William Butler, all of Suffield; and Mrs.

Simon Berstein of Bloomfield, who is in charge of volunteer libraries there. The Suffield women named, in addition to planning the workshop and taking part in it, already have given explanatory programs at recent PTA meetings. It has been explained that the Board of Education has included funds for library books in its budget, and that some of the books have been placed in Spaulding and Bridge Street Schools. If there is sufficient interest to inaugurate the volunteer program, it is likely that it will be tried first at Spaulding School, where space is set aside in the cafeteria. Both Mrs.

Harriet Stark. principal of Spaulding, School Supt. William M. Farris, will speak at the workshop Nov. 3 which is in co operation with the Connecticut Citizens for the Public Schools, the Suffield Board of Education and the Spaulding PTA.

Suffield Soccer Team Champion SUFFIELD. Conn. -The Suffield High School soccer team became champion of the Charter Oaks Conference, Northern Connecticut League, when the game on Monday with Bloomfield ended in a 1-1 tie. If Bloomfield had won, Suffield and Bloomfield would have been cochampions. The tie with Bloomfield leaves the local team undefeated, with 11 wins and two ties.

Monday's game was a close contest in which Bloomfield scored Suffield's single tally was not made untill four minutes before the end of the game. The good-sized crowd and bright uniforms of the high school band lent A carnival touch to the championship contest. SUFFIELD BRIEFS SUFFIELD, Suffield Grange. will Mapleton have. Hall neighbors tonight at 8.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sikes and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stiles are the refreshment committee.

Troop 160 Boy Scouts will hold a Halloween party Wednesday at 17 p. m. at the Long House. The WINDSOR LOCKS, CONN. Catholic Women Plan Fair Dec.

5 WINDSOR LOCKS, Conn. Miss Kathryn E. Nolan, chairthe man of annual the general Christmas committee Fair of the Council of Catholic Women of St. Mary's parish, has anheld in St. School nounced that the false will bel Grove St.

Dec. 3, from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m.

Cochairmen of the committee are Mrs. Estelle McNamara, Mrs. Ann Furr and Mrs. Mary DelRosso. Miss Nolan has announced the following booth committee members: Tree of Fortune, Miss Patricia.

A. Logan; handwork, Mrs. Helen Siemionko, man, Mrs. Martha Gorry, Mrs. Florence Pincelli: religious articles, Mrs.

Mary O'Brien, chairman, Mrs. Mary Connor, and Mrs. Justine Buckley; mysItery package, Mrs. Furr, chairman, Mrs. Helen Sfreddo, and Miss Frances Graziani; candy, Miss Katherine Sgorbati, chairman, and Mrs.

Timothy Bozyk; kitchen, Mrs. Mary DelRosso. Christmas booth, Mrs. Marie Sullivan, chairman, Mrs. Marguerite Fillmore, Mrs.

Dorothy Murdock, Mrs. Dorothy Connor, and Mrs. Jule Ann Fiocchetta; food. Mrs. Ruth W.

Flanagan, chairman, Mrs. Beverly Buchalski, Mrs. Lillian Connor, Mrs. Alice Garilli, and Mrs. Patricia Skrabe; children's corner, Mrs.

Margaret Connor, chairman, Mrs. Julia Wielczka, and Mrs. Bernadette, bag, Hendershot: Mrs. Margaret chilCritz, chairman, Mrs. Virginia Rossi, Mrs.

Genevieve Malec, and Mrs. Mary Cressotti. 4 JA Companies Form and Elect WINDSOR LOCKS, Conn. Walter T. Connor of Elmwood coordinator of the Junior Achievement program in this district, has announced the selection of student company names and company officers.

There are four student companies. The JA-GA sponsored by the Gabb Special Products Co. and counseled by the Elmwood Civic Club, has elected the following: president. John Meehan; vice-president, Robert son; secretary, Shirley Young: treasurer, Judith Poulin; assistant treasurer, Robert Krebs. Company advisors are: business, Joseph Musco: sales.

Allan Hopkins; production, Jules Van Schelt. The Unac sponsored and counseled by Hamilton Standhas named: president, ert Sullivan; vice-president. RobGillis; secretary, Sandy Sampson; treasurer, Judith Gaetke: assistant treasurer, Nancy Manella. Company advisors are: business. William Ranney: sales, Richard Hooper; production, Walter Johnson.

The Junaco sponsored and counseled by Flight Enterprises, has named: president. Richard Quagliaroli; vice-president, Sandra Eigenbrod; secretary, Judith treasurer, Thomas Doane; assistant treasurer, Judith Stein. Advisors are: business. Turek; production, Cyri King; sales, Sidney Shafter. Winfield Starr Enterprises.

sponsored by C. H. Dexter Sons. and counseled by the Windsor Locks Junior Chamber of Commerce, has named: president, Robert Winston Senter: Corriveau; vice tary, Dagmar Woods; treasurer, Valerie McQuillan; assistant treasurer. Rita Crowley.

Advisors are: business, John Frankland: production, Jean P. Berard; sales, William J. Burke, program will get underbway here this week, and headquarters are at the plant of the Montgomery Co. on the canal bank. Taking part are 80 students from Windsor Locks and Suffield High Schools and Our Lady of the Angels Academy in Enfield.

Hamilton Family Day Is Attended by 20,000 WINDSOR LOCKS, Conn. The Hamilton Standard Division held a family day Sunday at its Windsor Locks and Broad Brook plants with nearly 20,000 sons taking part. Company officials said about 15,000 persons visited the Windsor Locks plant and about 5000 at the Broad Brook plant. About. 150 children of employces were given rides in the new Sikorsky S55 helicopter.

The aircraft took off from pad in front of the plant here. and from a nearby schoolyard in Broad Brook. The day's program included operation of some of the Hamilton Standard machines; a display of products. and exhibits by several of the airlines at Bradley Field. Air Force and Light Navy, refresments and welfare clubs.

were served. Lascell-Tancrati WINDSOR LOCKS. Conn. The marriage of Miss Janice M. Lascell, daughter of Mr.

and Charles A. Lascell of this town, to Vincent P. Tancrati. son of Rep. and Mrs.

Armond N. Tancrati of Springfield, took place in St. Mary's Church last Saturday morning. The pastor, Rev. M.

Finance, celebrated the nuptial high mass. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, was attended by her sister, Miss Althea M. Lascell, maid of honor, and Beverly A. Tancrati and Miss Barbara J. Tancrati, sisters of bridechana of town.

Miss Betty groom, Miss. Shirley Ann SusJane Winn and Miss Peggy Winn, both of Amherst, As bridesmaids. Carole Tancrati, another sister of thel 1. STAFFORD SPRINGS New St. Edward's Convent Open House Event STAFFORD SPRINGS, Conn.

Rev. Charles E. O'Leary, pastor of St. Edward's Church, announces open house at the new convent on East St. will be held Sunday afternoon.

Friends Invited Monsignor John J. Reilly, administrator of the Norwich diocese, will preside and will bless the convent. Parishioners and their friends are invited. Weather permitting, there will be Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament on the grounds. Visiting hours will be 3 to 5 p.

m. The blessing will be at 3 p. m. Parishioners and others attending. the open house are asked to leave their cars in St.

Edward School parking area on Church from where busses will take them to East St. for open house program. The bus, transportation will be carried on from 2 to 5 Fr. O'Leary announced. The color guard of Bishop McMahon Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus members of the Felix J.

O'Neil. Council, of Court Isabella Catholic Daughters of America in their robes; the Holy Name Society and St. Edward's Ladies Guild will participate in the program. Members of the guild and Catholic Daughters will also assist as hostesses and will serve refreshments. The new St.

Edward's Convent contains rooms and the property covers, a large area of spacious located on a knoll at 28 East St. The dwelling will house the Sisters of Mercy School. The teachers opening at St. of vent will mark the 82d year of al the Order of Sisters of Mercy in Stafford Springs. First Arrived in 1877 When the teaching nuns first came to St.

Edward's parish in 1877 they were located at 52 1900s they were transferred to Highland Ter. In the: early 106 High and in 1919 the parish purchased the Desmond property adjacent to St. Edward's rectory. After the house remodeled, the convent was established here for the four nuns who staffed the original two four classroom school. With erection of a new eight classroom school in 1954 and the increased teaching staff, crowded conditions have prevailed during the' past five years at the High St.

The present enrollment St. Edward's School is approximately 308 in the eight grades. Supervised by Sr. Grace bridegroom, was the flower girl. William.

Duncan of N. was best man. and David B. Suschana of this town was ringbearer. Ushers included Robert Duncan of Poughkeepsie, Stephen J.

Suschana of this town, Raymond C. Lascelle, brother of the bride, Kenneth, T. Rainey of Longmeadow, Mass. and Michael Tancrati of Springfield. Following the church services a ins reception was held at the in Agawam, and late in the afternoon the bride and bridegroom left on a trip through northern New England.

In CTO District Posts. Two members of the CYO of St. Mary's parish have been named officers for the Northern District of Connecticut CYO. Kathy Burke has been elected secretary, and Robert Gillis, treasurer. District president is Thomas McDonough St.

Mary's, Simsbury; and vicepresident is Molly Lawson of St. Therese's in Granby. The officers will represent the district at the archdiocese conference in Hartford. Teachers Elect The Windsor Locks Teachers' Association has elected the following: president, Edward Luke of the high school faculty; vicepresident, Mrs. Mary B.

O'Leary, Union School; secretary, Mrs. Frances Fitzgerald, high school: and treasurer, Edward Lanati. Southwest School. committee of the way's and means chairman, Joseph Corcoran, are Donald Dugas, Robert J. Dowd.

Gorman, Miss Lisa Bellissimo, Mrs. Martha White, Mrs. Barbara per--Driscoll, Miss Maureen Merriman, Mrs. Ruth Flynn. K.

of O. to Meet A regular meeting of Riverside Council, K. of will be held tonight at 8 in the home on Spring St. A program for the fall and winter will be discussed, and there will be awarding of the Century Club and tendance prizes. Refreshments! will be served, with Louis P.

Bevilacqua as chairman. Club Food Sale The Lions Club is sponsoring a food sale in Union School Saturday from 1 to 5 p. m. and a large selection of home-baked goods will be offered for sale. Proceeds will go to the club's assistance to needy.

Little League Banquet The annual banquet the Windsor Locks Little was held Monday night at the Polish National Home on First sponsored by the league's Women's Auxiliary. Speaker was Art McGinley, sports editor of The Hartford Times; The Tschummi championship trophy presented to the team, and individual trophies to members of the team and the Little League All Star team. The home run trophy was awarded to Dennis MacIntosh of Rotary. Members of the Rotary team were Paul Alfano, Thomas Fa-. hey, Marty, Margagnomi, John Mayoros, Louis Oliva.

David Wilson, Richard Blevins, Gary Handschumacher. Dennis MacIntosh, William liam Albani, Richard Kelly, ald Ollari, and James Mavick. Manager William O'Neil and Joseph Albani was coach. 1 Irma, the teaching nuns Sr. M.

Adrian, Sr. M. Margaretta, Sr. M. Gerald, Sr.

M. Richard Mary and Sr. M. Albina. Two lay-teachers make up the staff.

Fr. O'Leary purchased the new convent, the former David P. Mitchell property, during a the past summer and only minor changes have been made to the interior of the house. including the installation of a chapel. It is expected sisters be located at the new convent early in November, Fr.

O'Leary said. Women Attend Church Mission STAFFORD SPRINGS. Conn. -The mission for the women of St. Edward's and St.

parishes opened Sunday night and still continue until Saturday at Edward's Church. The mission is being conducted by the Paulist fathers of New York City, Fr. John Bradley and Fr. John Tarrant. Fr.

Bradley is a native, of Toronto, Canada. For last six years he has been stationed in of New York City as a member? the Paulist Mission Band. Fr. Tarrant is a native of Jersey City: N. and a graduate of St.

Peters College. F52 The hours for the mission are 7.30 p. m. with 6 and 7 a.m., masses daily. There will be a question box period each On Nov.

5 and 6 a retreat for the high school young men and. Paulist women conducted by. the, fathers. WILLINGTON, CONN. New Britain Driver Killed In Car Crash WILLINGTON, Conn.

chael J. Lynch, 70, of New Britain, died Monday night in Johnson Memorial Stafford Springs, of juries received when his car was in an accident on Rte. in Willington at 5.10 p. m. Monday.

According to state police, Lynch was traveling west on the highway when his car apparently hit a bump in the road. causing the vehicle to swerve. The car continued along the left side of the road for a distance of more than 200 feet and crashed into the side of the home of Floyd Phelps. in Phelpsitchen, the point where daughters were the car struck, and Patty Phelps. 17.

was injured and taken to Johnson Memorial Hospital. Her sister Jane, 14, also was bruised but was. not hosI pitalized. The car was sively damaged, and the also sustained considerable damage. Trooper Richard Powers Stafford Springs Barracks was investigating officer.

SOMERS, CONN. SOMERS. Conn. Effective last Thursday and for every Thursday, a bus under parochial auspices has been hired for the transportation of children to the weekly afternoon catechism classes at All Saints Church. It will leave the high school about 10 minutes after classes with seventh and eighth grade pupils only.

When their class has ended the seventh and eighth graders will board the bus again to be taken along the following route: Hall Hill right at George Wood right at: Four Bridges right at Springfield right at Main proceding directly back to the churchis of the second through sixth grades who reach the church either by walking from Somerville Elementary or by bus from Kibbe-Fuller, at the 4.30, conclusion will be of their transported class by about special bus. Those who live the greatest distance from the church will board first and the following route is to be taken: Proceed Main Somers; turn left at Maple Ridge left at Springfield proceeding to Roberts Corner; turn right on Turnpike right on Battle right on Main proceedling toward. Somersville; turn left on Ninth District covering if necessary Field. BillSec-ings, Pinney and Jobs Hill Rd. The schedule is for all Thursday classes at the church.

Catechism Class Bus Will Operate HAZARDVILLE, CONN. HAZARDVILLE Mrs. Henry J. Garrow of 99 Main St. is convalescing at her home following treatment at.

Johnson Memorial Hospital, Stafford Springs. Dudley Baker of Cedar St. is a patient at, Johnson Memorial Hospital. The Men's Brotherhood of Hazardville Methodist. Church will sponsor a supper for men of the church Thursday night at 6.30 in the vestry.

Reservastu-tions may be made with the pastor or George DeYoung. Frank Beaudry of will speak. OLD GAS LAMPS WANTED COPENHAGEN (P The old gas lamps that lighted Copenhagen's streets are going to chasers all over the world. The Town Council decided in 1957 to scrap all but. 400, of the 5200 gas lamps still in existence.

There has been a heavy demand for them. for decorative (use. Most of those sold so have gone to the United States, Sweden. Norway and The Netherlands. Stafford Springs Briefs STAFFORD SPRINGS, Both men.

were completely broke when they were arrested. according to state police. Murrel was arrested late Saturday and Richardson was arrested Sunday morning by Hartford police, but the new's of their arrest was not made public until Monday mornDeputy Prosecutor Robert Shea presented the men in special session of Town Court. and Judge Walter Dudek bound them over to Superior Court under $5000 bond each, on charge of receiving stolen goods. Five others had been bound lover to Superiour Court previously: Robert Saunders and Sharp.

the confessed holdup men. and Gilbert Davis, Miss ew, Henry Cauley. the last three Ethel el Mae Evans and her nephMurrel and Richardson, leused of receiving stolen goods. boy's may invite girls. The program is in charge of Buffalo and Mohawk patrols.

A movie, "Beaver Valley," by Walt Disney, will be shown. Troop 99 Mariner, S. S. Sunshine. has openings for new members.

Those interested in this senior Girl Scout troop may call the leaders. Miss Frances The next meeting troop Edgerton or Mrs. Donald. Stiles. will Wednesday.

A free hearing clinic is offered to residents of Suffield Wednesday by American Hearing Aid of Hartford. Testing will he done with an audiometer. operated by Barnett's Garage at High and Depot Sts. Memorial Fund Formed The Mrs. Beverly Cain Memorial Fund has been established Analysis and consulting will he offered.

The Emergency Aid Association has made its rooms High St. available for the clinic, which will be held from 9 to 6. Townspeople may call for a home appointment if they are sociation unable rooms. to get to the as- Zoning Hearings Tonight The Zoning Board Appeal will hold a public hearing tonight at 7.30 in the selectmen's office to act on the following appeals: Howard and Walter Hamilton of 517 Main St. for a variation to permit construction of a garage 20 feet by 24 feet on the rear of a a nonconforming house having frontal depth of feet instead of the required 50 feet in an RA-2 zone.

Russell K. Adams of 1362 North St. for a variation to permit construction of a garage and breezeway on the north side of a nonconforming house having a south side lot. dimension of 50 feet zone. 11 feet instead, of the required Clayton R.

Egan of 199 Green Windsor Locks. for public hearing as required by Section 4.7.7 to operate a filling station with a limited repairer's license at Depot St. and High St. in a C-2 zone. Alfred E.

Bushey of 33 Division Manchester, for a public hearing as required by tion 4.7.7 to operate a filling station and garage now 'owned and by QT Springfield. a mutual aid of ileostomy patients, honoring Mrs. John Cain of Suffield, the late founder and officer of the group. A past secrotary and program chairman of GT Springfield. Mrs.

Cain died on May 29. The fund is being raised by that. group, friends and relatives of the latc Mrs. Cain, and members of the medical profession. Contributions are being received by Mrs.

Barbara Madden. 35 Oswego Springfield. Scholarships to dent nurses training in the Greater Springfield area will be awarded from the fund. Medical members of GT' Springfield's advisory board will help to select the recipients. An all-day work meeting for the fair will be held the Friendly Guild today in Fellowship Hall, First Church of Christ.

Congregational: Dessert coffee will be served at noon. Baby will be furnished from 10 a. m. to noon. West Suffield Grange will meet tonight at 8 the Grange Hall.

-Kenneth Stone, director of the Stafford Athletic Association Little midget basketball program. has announced registration will be held Nov. 12 and 13 from 7 to at Warren Grades 5, 6, and 8 are eligible. Memorial Town' Hall. Boys in This will be the third successive year of the league and 60 boys will be accepted, Stone announced.

Jury trials will start Nov. 3 ins Tolland County Superior Court with the following county residents summoned to report for possible jury duty. Andover, Harold W. Walsh, Miss Helen Jewett; Botlon, Mrs. Anna M.

White, F. Volkert; Co-; lumbia, Clarence J. Maynard, Robert B. Russell, Coventry, Paul Judkins, Emil F. Strede; William J.

McKinney; Ellington, Robert W. Blake, Solomon Baron, Joseph Cohen: Hebron, Mrs. Elizabeth Dombrow-, ski, Miss Alberta C. Hilding: Mansfield, Mrs. Helen H.

Mrs. Edith S. Waugh, Mrs. Wilda E. VanDusen; Somers.

Paul! E. Nichols, Stuart G. Benson, Walter Blasewicz, Stafford Angelo Argenta, Miss Anne Reister; Tolland, Mrs. Helen Weber, Mrs. Barbara R.

'Farnham, Henry Kucko: Union Ste4 ven Szych, Frank Biercuk, Vernon, Robert T. Tucker. Miss Margaret S. McLean: and Wil4 lington, Anton Adamec Henry W. Fischer.

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Mur-. ray, of Winsted. former resin dents, are parents of a son, Mark born Sunday at.

Hartford Hospital. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Maurice C. Murray of Maple and: Mr.

and Mrs. Samuel Morton of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth er of Hazardville are parents of a son bon Monday at Johnson: Memoial Hospital. The First Universalist Church will be host to the Boy.

Scouts and Cub Scouts of Troop 85 at a Halloween party Friday at 7 p. m. at the church. Prizes will: be awarded for costumes and refreshments will be served. 4 Rev.

William' Grunden, pastor of First Methodist Church has' announced the 8 p.m. service Sunday will feature the gation singing of hymns set to Handel's music and special recorded by the Philharmonic Choir and Orchestra. A delegation from Staffords Springs Congregational Church will attend the Eastern Regional Meeting of Congregational Churches today. Wednesday and Thursday at Asylum Hill Congregational Church, Hartford. The theme will.

be "Christian resources for the space Stafford' High School student members of the Future Homemakers of of America dressed in Halloween costumes conduct tonight for the United Naat-Itions Children's Fund program. B. Poinney and his daughter. Eleanor, life-long residents of Stafford Hollow, left Monday for San: Francisco where they plan to make their future Lucien home. Carter will serve 4 master of ceremonies for the dinner meeting of Stafford Rotary Club Wednesday at 6 p.

m. A check for $31 has been: at the Maple Grove Inn. presented to the Stafford PubHealth Nursing Association fund drive by the Stafford Teachers 'Association. 37 Rev. Alexander Meek, pastor of the First Universalist Church; will and Mrs.

Catherine White represent. the local church at the General Assembly 'of the Universalist Church of America to be held in Syracuse, N. Tuesday to Saturday. The Men's Fellowship of. the Baptist Church will meet Wednesday at 7.30 p.

m. at the church vestry. Residents in the Stafford area summoned for possible jury duty at Tolland County Court of Common Pleas Tuesday are: Joseph Paradiso, Mrs. Margaret Vollans, Stafford Springs: Ray. mond Longley, Union; Howard White, Willington, and Wesley Kebbe and William H.

Hutton, Somers. 4 1 1-: 2 4.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Views: 5942

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (46 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.