The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

the the 2 22 THE SPRINGFIELD. UNION, SPRINGFIELD, WEDNESDAY, JULY 18, 1951 STAFFORD SPRINGS PROPERTY TAX MUST BE PAID BY AUGUST 1 Land Owners Warned of Deadline to Avoid Additional Penalty Stafford Springs, "July 17- Approximately one-half of property owners eligible to pay their taxes on property in the BorOugh of Stafford Springs have complied with the law according to announcement today by Murray. Collectakes on the list of 1950 must be paid by Aug. 1 in order to avoid an additional Penalty. The collector is at the in Warren Memorial Hall daily from, a.

m. until noon and from 1 p. m. until 4. p.

m. On Saturdays the session is from 8. m. until noon. Suffers Fractures In Elevator Fall Stafford Springs, July 17- Albert Hussey of Orcuttville, about 40, suffered a compound fracture of the ankles and feet, this morning when the on elevator ho was operat-! ing at the Track and Roach chicken farm in Orcuttville, sections sniped, causing it third to the first floor.

He was taken to the Johnson Memorial Hospital in the ambulance and was immediately transferred to Mercy Hospital, Springfield. FRANK SCHLEHOFER Springs, July 17- Stafford, Schlehofer, 71, of Mansfield Depot died last night in Johnson Memorial Hospital. He was born Czechoslovakia Feb. 27, son Joseph and Tessie Eichner Schlehofer and had been engaged in farming for a number of years. Besides his wife, Mrs.

Wilhelmina (Matoch) he leaves sons, Joseph and Edward Schlehofer of Mansfield Depot; six daughters, Mrs. Tessie Edgerton of South Coventry, Mrs. Barbara Loret Drs. Alice Vertefeuille, both of Willimantic, Mrs. Eva Paulsen Mansfield Depot, Mrs.

Rose Daross And Drs. Wilhelmina Daross, both West Willington; a sister, Mrs. Barbara Topich of Mansfield Depot; and 17 grandchildren. The funeral will be Thursday morning at 9 in St. Thomas Aquinas Church in Storrs.

Burial will take place in Storrs Cemetery. Friends may call at the Hallahan and Cardinal funeral home, Willimantic, Wednesday from 2 to 5 and from to 10 p. m. Otto Goltz, physical education instructor at Stafford High School, and director of the Rotary Club recreaation program at Hyde Park, will'speak at the dinner meeting of Stafford Rotary Wednesday night in Maple Grove Inn. John Patten will be master of ceremonies.

Plans are being made for the annual Rotary Club picnic. The funeral of John Marconi Willington was this morning at 8.15 at the Browne funeral home followed by a requiem mass in St. Edward's Church at 9 with Rev. Anthony R. Caron officiating.

Bearers were: John Casagrande, Antonio Posocco, Enrico DaDalt, Louis Baldrachi, George Panciera and Bepino Oldrini. Burial was in St. Edward's Cemetery with servicaron conducting the committal Boy Scouts from Stafford Troops who are attending Camp Quinnebaug. the Eastern Connecticut Council Camp at Preston, include: Richard Ziemba, John Hurchurla, Raymond and Robert Kuehl, William Matchett, Joseph Seth Schofield, Fred Turschmann, John Bouthillier, George and Jon Palm, Walter Squires all of Troop 50; Nello Spallacci, Robert Martorelli and Michael R. Smith of Troop 49.

John W. Zelz of Grant teller at the Stafford Savings Bank, is at Cape Mrs. Coded Andrews of Omaha accompanied by her gisters, Misses Margaret, Dolly and Catherine Resmond of Lincoln, Neb. have been visiting relatives and friends In town on their first visit her in 10 years. All former residents of Stafford, the Desmonds lived in the house on High which is now the convent for the Sisters of Mercy of St.

Edward's Parish. Miss Rose Pelizari of Park junior supervisor at the local office of the Southern New England Telephone Co. is at Hampton Beach, N. H. Mrs.

Laura DeCarli of treen St accompanied by her grandmother, Mrs. Poison and Miss Dora: Betto of Green St. have been vactioning at Lord's Point Beach. A special meeting of the Rev. Felix O'Neil Council, Knights Columbus, will be Sunday at 10 a.

in of Hall. Mrs. Andrew P. Cardone Land daughter, are vacationing at Watch Selection by the men's chorus, composed of the following from Stab ford Springs, will be presented at the opening of "Lady in the Dark," at the Somers Playhouse on Wednesday night: Dr. William Warmington, Richard Bissionette, Attilio R.

Frassinelll, John Sargent, William Doyle and Sharles Schwanda. According to deeds, Margaret J. Kashady has land on Westford to Frank Kurek and Lena Kurek. Stafford Springs, July 174 Charles Ungewitter, son of Mrs. Rose Ungewitter of Converse has been promoted to sergeant.

He enlisted in the Army in May, 1950, and has Korea since last January. WILLINGTON Willington, July 17. Announcement has been made of the marriage of Mrs. Camilla Stross of West Willington to Francis A. Johnson of Willimantic.

The wedding took place in St. Mary's Church, Willimantic, followed by a reception at the home of the bridegroom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Johnson.

The couple will reside in West Willington. Mrs. Benjamin Benton, who has been skying, with her mother, AIrs. Ida: M. Brown on Willington Hill, is a patient in Johnson Memorial Hospital.

Mrs. George. Wraight is staying with Brown. Mr. and Mrs.

James B. Duffy have returned to their home in South Wit- 8 LIGHTNING'S WORK--Loss estimated at $10,000 was caused when Elizabeth Dunay this large barn on the farm of Mrs. an electric in pump, Stafford which Springs was struck by lightning and destroyed by fire. The bolt, first hit was enclosed in a box in the foreground, then bounced to the barn. lington after a vacation at Southampton, Long Island.

Jr. and Mrs. Joseph Rada Mrs. William Navratil, all of Willington; Ir. and Mrs.

Charles and daughter, Betty Ann of Eagleville and Mrs. Theodore Littlefield of Lebanon, all motored to Preston on fishing party, during the week end. Alois Parizek, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parizek of West Willington has returned to his base at Geneva, I N.

after visiting his parents. Frank Triska, who is with the Army at Ft. Monmouth, N. has returned after visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Triska of Willington Hill. Miss Gertrude Lyons of Adams, is spending the summer at the of sister, Mrs. Henry Borvicka, of Willington, chester and Mrs. Glenn Mirtl of Manon July 10. She is the first a are parents of a daughter grandchild of Mr.

and Mrs. John Mirtl of West Willington. THOMPSONVILLE Chairman Named By K. of C. Head Thompsonvile, July 17--Hugh Combs.

newly installed grand knight of Washington Irving Council, of has anfor nounced his committee assignments the year. Alfred Cormier heads the entertainment; committee and other follow: admission, Howard J. Nash; membership, George Patterson: Catholic activity, Frank Novak; publicity, William Riley; house, Max Bielitz. Howard Nash also is chairman of the board of directors. Charles Reilly and Harold Cunningham comprise the sick committee.

HOME ON FURLOUGH Thompsonville, July 17-Sgt. Albert Vesce, who is stationed at Camp Pickett, with the 43d Division, is at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vesce of North Main St. on a seven day furlough.

Sgt. Vesce is In the radio communications branch. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hardaker and children, Ralph and Christie.

of Cook are at Hammonassett Beach for a two week vacation. Mr. and Airs. Clyde Lucia of Shaker Pines Lake, accompanied by Mrs. Lucia's mother, Mrs.

Albert Pelkey, and family, are spending the week at Crystal Lake, Ellington. Enfield is well represented in the cast for "Lady in the Dark," Wednesday through Saturday at the Somers Playhouse. Local residents in char. acter parts are Mack Krolisky, Miss Virginia Green, Peter Olsen, Alan Frey, Miss Joan Fahey, Donald Crichton and David Olson. Others from here included in a high school student group are Ruth Molinski, Nancy Pare and Stanley Davenport.

Paintings the Playhouse this week are by Virginia Vail, Enfield. Eddie Carlson will give football instruction at Lafayette playground Wednesday from 9 to .9.45, From 10 to 10.45 he will be at Memorial Park and from 11 to 11.45 at Hazardyille. The girls softball teams from the Memorial Park and Hazardville grounds will play at Memorial Park at 9.30. Patrolman Walter Skower and Mrs. Skower, Hazard are parents of a daughter, Karen, recently at Wesson Memorial Hospital, Springfield.

Mr. and Mrs. Kret, Wilbraham, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Skower, Hazardville, are grandparents.

WINDSOR LOCKS Ahern Ave. Project Will Get Streets Windsor Locks, July 17-New roads to be constructed here, as nounced by State Highway Commisa sioner Ahern Fern G. plot St. Albert between and Hill, Pearl North include Main at Ahern Suffield where 48 new homes were erected last year and several streets laid out. This contract also includes Jubrey Lane, which runs West Spring St.

C. L. Hale Construction Co. of Manchester is the parent low bidder, with $47,167.70 3450 feet of bituminous pavement. There also is 660 feet of storm sewer in North 2 Main adjoining the Ahern plot, to be constructed.

under state-aid plan. It is expected that work on this project will be started within the next week. A special town meeting will take place Wednesday evening at 8. in the high school auditorium, vote on the addition of three rooms to the present grammar school building and to borrow $86,000 for this construction. Tech.

Sgt. Andrew J. Gaudette, son of Air. and Mrs. Andrew Gaudette of Grove stationed with the U.

S. Air Force in Japan, has received the Commendation Ribbon. Mrs. C. Harold Wallace and daughters, Mildred and Carol, of North Main St.

and Miss A. Wallace Chestnut St. are on a motor trip through New Charles H. Wallace, son of Mr. and Mrs.

C. Harold Wallace is vacationing two weeks at Boy Scout Camp Pioneer in New Hartford. SUFFIELD Suffield, July 17-Mrs. Florence Cowdrey, Mrs. Floyd M.

Ineson, Mrs. Robert M. Robertson, and Mrs. James S. Coburn of the League of Women Voters attended a meeting today in Glastonbury.

The purpose of this meeting is training for finance service chairmen and committeemen. Mrs. John G. Lee of Farmington, president of the League Women Voters of the United States spoke at the morning session. In the afternoon Mrs.

Walter James Fairfield who is voters service director of the League of Women Voters of Connecticut and Mrs. Lincoln R. Young West Hartford who is state finance director conducted a discussion. Dr. Michael Bachrach, local dentist, and Mrs.

Bachrach leave on their vacation tomorrow for a Chicago and Pittsburgh. Dr. Bachrach will resume his practice on July 23. The office will be open to receive appointments by phone during the doctor's absence. Sgt.

FC Ralph B. Harrington of 65 Kent a member of B. Co. 64th Heavy Tank Battalion who 7, 1951 was decorated for bravery with a Bronze Star medal with device for heroism in action, landed at Seattle, Wash: today on the transport, Buckner. Harrington has been stationed in Korea.

lIe is the husband of Mrs. Martha Harris Harrington of Suffield. Miss Marion K. Fuller is studying cello at Harold Berkley String Music Colony in Bridgton, DIe. for a month under the direction of Mrs.

Dorothy Fidlar of Hartford. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Aldred and family of Main St. are on vacation in East Otis, Mass.

The Suffield Branch of the Hartford Chapter of the Red Cross Held 10 home unrsing classes and gave 83 certificates home care of the sick in the last year, Mrs. J. M. Rutherfurd reports that classes were provided to teach people home nursing care for members of. the family as advised by the doctor.

Suffield women interested in learning more about nursing may call Mrs. Rutherfurd. HAZARDVILLE PET SHOW FEATURE Hazardville, July 17-A pet show with 37 entries was staged this afternoon at the Hazardville Playground. A bantam rooster entered by Marie Clifford received the prize for the most unusual pet, and a bowl of fish of various kinds, entered by Bobby Conlin, was judged the most unusual combination. The prize for the best cat or kitten went to a "snowball kitten" entered by Rebecca Gowdy.

The judges were Mrs. Peggy McCue, Mrs. Marie Thrift and Mrs. Edna Goodsell. NORFOLK ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Norfolk, July 17-Rev.

and Mrs. James H. Potter announce the engagement of their daughter, Jane, to Sydney H. George Allen son of Mr. and Mrs.

Allen of Somerville, Mass. Miss Potter, a graduate of the Northfield School for Girls, is a senior at Tufts College. Mr. Allen, who was graduated from Tufts College in June, will continue his studies in the graduate school of the University of Massachusetts. Mrs.

Helen Byrne McDonald, elementary supervisor of the school district which includes Norfolk, is in Nashville, to speak at a read. ing conference at George Peabody Teachers College. Mrs. McDonald also will conduct discussions at four sessions on the general topic "Building a developmental reading program." Mr. and Mrs.

Harold Scoville and children of Cleveland, visited his mother, Mrs. Sarah Scoville of Grant St. Rev. George Dyer of St. Mark's Church in West Hartford is spending several days with his mother, Mrs.

W. B. Dyer of Greenwoods Rd. Car Crashes, Overturns Edward Nye, 60, and his wife, later transferred to ily Nye of 38 Enfield Thompsonville, suffered injuries when their cars overturned at Mapel and Fine this city, after a collision with another vehicle. Mrs.

Nye suffered a head injury and was shaken up, while her husband was also shaken up. Both were treated at Wesson Hospital, where they were taken in police ambulance by Patrolmen Gaetano Cannata and Robert Driscoll. Mrs. Nye was Mercy Hospital, and Mr. Nye was discharged.

According to police the Nye car, erated by Mr. Nye, was traveling on Pine St. when it collided with machine driven north on Maple St. Gerald C. of 33 Peekskill After the impact, the Nye car over at the northwest corner of intersection.

The fire department called in the event that the gasoline which ran onto the street should nite. Patrolmen William Morrissey and Frank Serafino investigated. A FOR SALE REAL ESTATE MARKET FLOPS--Time was when a value to old Army men with a good Korean foxhole was worth money in re- sale line flair for the fast buck. But all this "cease fire" activity has real estate market all to Seoul-and-gone. So M-S gt.

William H. Ellis, shot the fronthimself up against a hard bargainer in Sgt. Dimas Gonzales, of Jerome, left, of Fort Worth, finds market. (Photo by who knows it's a buyer's NEA-Acme Staff Photographer Walter Lea.) EASTHAMPTON. FREDS.

KNOTT. LONG ACTIVE IN TOWN, IS DEAD Former Builder Was Fire Alarm Superintendent 44 Years Easthampton, July 17-Fred Samucl of 44 Ward died at A nursing home in Northampton this noon after a long illness, Born on Dec. 26, 1873, he was the son of Samuel and Mary: (Cripps) Knott. lie came to Easthampton. as a child and has lived here since.

Built Many Homes He attended the local schools and a young man learned carpentry trade in the employ of the late A. J. Ferris. For several years hey was engaged in the carpentry business with the late Wallace I. Moore, and then continued in business for himof the homes in Easthampton and self for many years.

tia built many also remodeled many of the old houses. On March 11, 1898 he joined Fire Department and in 1904, when the alarm system was installed, became fire alarm superintendent, holding that position 44 years until retirement on Jan. 1, 1948. Mr. Knott also served as building and wire inspector for many years.

On Sept. 16, 1896, he married the former Carrie Weber of this town, who died in 1936. Mr. Knott was a member of Ionic Lodge AF AM, was a past high James Rogerson Royal Arch 'Chapter, and a member of the Northampton Commandery and of the Northampton Consistory. Surviving are a daughter, Harold R.

Robert of North Amherst; a son, Fireman Charles Knott of Easthampton; a brother, Frank A. Baker of Lakewood, N. four grandchildren, one great-grandchild; one nephew, and several nieces. Funeral services will be Thursday at 2.30 at the V. E.

Mitchell and Son funeral home. Rev. Benson Harvey, rector of St. Phillip's Episcopal Church, will officiate. Burial will be in Brookside Cemetery.

Friends may call at. the funeral home Wednesday from 3 5 and from 7 to 9. CANAAN C. Canaan. July 17-Dr.

Robert acting Sellow, health officer has been appointed North for town of Canaan to fill the vacancy caused by the death of his father, Dr. R. C. Sellew, who filled the for many years. Dr.

Carl Bornemann post was appointed health officer for Falls Village. 4 Dr. Sellew, Is Health Officer Freeman Dempsey has been reelected president of Canaan Savings Bank, The annual clambake for Canaan Exchange club members and guests will be Aug. 7 Lawrence J. Ranolde, general chairman.

Miss Elsie Lu Holmes and" John of native Peter of Plymouth, is the daughter was and Attilin C. Querze. She in 1915. divorced Her from Leonard W. Lahey who is the prospective husband, sie son of Harry C.

and Besfield. Curtis Lane, was. born in. WestBlandford, July 17-Mrs. Howard ford Waite, president of the North Blandannounced Old Home Day Association, has be observed that Old 'Home Day will the on Saturday, Aug.

18, in North Blandford Church. Other plans officers assisting Waite with the and are vice president, Harold Gibbs, secretary treasurer; Miss Burden Blanche Mecum of Springfield. The Daughters Bearers Circle of Kings will hold their annual Sale of function useful articles and grab-bag in with the affair. conof There was rejoicing in the Mr. and Mrs.

Philip Arcouette home of Russell Rd. Sunday when they received Robert, a telephone call from their son, who is in a base hospital. in his Japan due to illness. Robert informed folks: that he expects to be home about three weeks. Mrs.

Arcouette word stated that about one half, hour after being was received that the call was made, they talked with their son whom they have pot seen for several months and that the connection was very clear. Hank Lane, son of F. Curtis Lane of North has returned home following a vacation with relatives in Buffalo. Mrs. Fred Knittel and Mrs.

Sven tive Anderson, committee members of the executhe home department of the Hampden County Improvement League, attended the Order of, Pearls Juncheon and meeting in West Springfield today. Recent guests of Mrs. Francis: Buresh of Otis Rd. were brotherin-law and sister, Rev. and Mrs.

Lee Beynon, of Oswego, N. Rev. Beynon, pastor of the First Congregational Church of Oswego, recently accepted a call to the First Baptist Church in Saratoga Springs, N. Y. and will assume his duties there in September.

The couple has. two daughters, Barbara and Bronwyn. MRS. ERNEST E. STREETER West.fleld, July '17-Mrs.

Irene I. Streeter, 63, wife of Ernest E. Streeter of 7 East Bartlett tonight a in Hospital patter several weeks' illness, 2 Scott have returned after. spending a pal week at a conference of the EpiscoChurch young people. Rev.

and Mrs. Richard Moore have moved into the Pilgrim Church parsonage. Mr. Moore began his duties as pastor last Sunday. Mrs.

Kenneth Whitman and Mrs. Robert Harris have been receiving treatment at Sharon Hospital. Registrars of voters of the Town of Canaan will be in Town Hall Friday, July 27, from 8 to 5. BLANDFORD 12 FLOYD LANE TO MARRY (Special to The Union) New York, July 17-Mrs. Marion Querze Lahey, 39, of: 106 East 60th New York, and Floyd Curtis Lane, 38, of North Blandford, obtained a marriage license at the day.

The Municipal Building here yestercouple said they would be Hotel married at the Sherry Netherland here on. Aug. 4. Mrs. Lahey, A in Crash, Driver Faces Gun- Charge Easthampton, July 18-Robert Frederick of 92 Northampton St.

will be arraigned in district court Friday morning on charges of driving to endanger and carrying a gun without a permit. Frederick was involved in a collision with Mrs. John Russell of Main St. this morning at 10.25 in front of the Lovely home In Main St. Police AMHERST MUSIC LEAGUE PAPER DRIVE IS SATURDAY Hope to Defray $15,000 Cost of New Musical Instruments Amherst, July 17-The Amherst Mu.

sic sponsor a paper drive in Amherst, Cushman and Pelham on funds' Saturday, for the purpose of raiding to help defray the of $15,000 worth of musical instruments the league purchased for the Amherst music program last winter, All- Day Drive Robert Ames, president. of the League, reports drive will day, or as long as may be needed to make all the collections. Drive chairmen are hoping to have the use of several trucks for the collecting. Children in the Amherst music program will assist in the drive. Mr.

Ames said that the League can use many volunteer workers in the drive, and anyone who would like to help, may call Mr. Ames at his home, or leave their name with George Crockwell, at 15 North Pleasant St. Those having old newspapers or magazines to donate may assist the drive workers greatly if they would tie their old papers in bundle, Mr. Ames said. Sgt.

Goodhind Is Due Home From Korean Warfare Amherst, July 17-Sgt. Gilbert H. Goodhind, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Goodhind of 734 Main who has been in Korea for a year, is expected to land at Seattle, today.

Sgt. Goodhind has not been for two years. He was stationed Japan when the Korean war started and as a member of the 24th Division was in the front lines. He lost his jeep in the disastrous Han River Battle and had Sgt. Go Goodhind has been awarded the many narrow escapes from death.

Bronze Star for distinguished service. Born in 1925 in Canaan, N. he came to Amherst with his family 17 years ago. He attended the public schools and left the Amherst High School at the age to enlist in the navy. He served from' 1943 to 1945 as a gunner.

Two of his brothers, Richard of Northampton and Edward of Springfield, were in the Army during the last war, serving in the South Pacific area Sgt; Goodbind has another brother, Arthur Goodhind, who is also in Korea. They enlisted together in Springfield on Dec. 1, 1948. Gilbert sent to Japan in 1949 and Arthur was in the service until Jan. 15, 1950, and was recalled the active duty in October of that year.

arrived in Korea Dec. 20. The Goodhind received a letter from Arthur today saying he also expects to be returned to this country under the rotation plan. Rev. Nicholas Franklin will be in charge of a prayer meeting Wednesday 8 in the AME Zion Church.

Attending the Touth Congress to- I day at the AME Zion Camp in West Granville, today were Rev. Nicholas Franklin, Mrs. Samuel Jefferson and Mrs. Harvey Gentile. Attending the camp for a week has been Helen Bateman, Martha Dickens and Lorraine Crump, Members of the Church School who attended the congress were Charles Bateman, Mason Davis, Jr.

and Victor Ivy, of New York, who is visiting his aunt, Mrs. Jefferson. Capt. and Mrs. F.

D. Hawthorne and children, Douglas and Carol Ann, have returned to Stewart Manor, Long Island, N. after visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. David D.

Hawthorne, of South East St. In the near future Capt. Hawthorne, will be stawill tioned in Germany and his family join him later. Mrs. Nora Emmonds Girourd, a former resident of South Amherst, died in Athol.

Sgt. Richard Gould has returned to Valley Forge Hospital after a. leave There. Amherst Grange will have a picnic and outing Saturday at Lake: Wyola, Shutesbury. There will be a program of sports for young and old and swimming at Bennett's Grove.

Supper will be at 6 and in the evening Lawrence Kinder, the master, and Mrs. cards. Kinder, will open their home. for Mr. and Mrs.

Wilfred Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Robinson and Airs. Harry through Maine Robinson, and are a motor New Hampshire. HUNTINGTON MRS.

GRACE HIGGINS July 17-Mrs. Grace (Phinney) Higgins, 65, widow of. liam K. Higgins, died this afternoon in Noble Hospital, Westfield, after a short illness. She was born in Boston on 1886, daughter of Everett and Emily Phinney.

She was a momber of the American Legion Auxiliary, Unit 233. She leaves tive daughters, Mrs. Gladys Pease of Chester, Mrs. Viola Bergeron of Haydenville, Mrs. Bolsbert of.

Northampton, Mrs. Marion (Hathaway fHoquain, and (Mrs. Edith Phieler of North Chester and a son, George Rhodes of Clinton, Ia. Funeral will be at the Haley funeral home Thursday at 2. Burial will be in Ringville Cemetery, South Worthington.

Auxiliary members will meet in the Legion room at 6.30 Wednesday night to in a group at the funeral home. Friends may call Wednesday from 2 to 4 and 2 to 9 m. Are You Guilty? that Frederick was driving behind Mrs. Russell and, when she slowed down, passed her, striking her left rear fender and badly damaging the right front end of his own car. Investigating the accident P'atrolman Thaddeus Bourchowski found a gun on the front seat of the car, which Frederick said he had carried only one day, HAYDENVILLE CHURCH TO HAVE ANTIQUE DISPLAY Will Be One of Features of Centennial Event July 17-Plans for the centennial celebration of Haydenville Congregational Church on Saturday and Sunday, Aug: 11 and 12, are nearing completion it is announced by Mrs.

Leon B. Sanderson, chairman of the program committee. An exhibit of old pictures and historical objects will be arranged in the vestibule, and will include the old Pew Register, which 'is being restored. Anyone having old pictures, pictures of the flood, or other things of a like nature they would be willing to loan is asked to call Mrs. Walter Kellogg, Jr.

Rev, Albert J. Penner of the Broadway Tabernacle Church in New York City, former pastor. at Edwards Congregational Church in Northampton, hag accepted an invitation to speak Saturday afternoon and Rev. Clarence Fuller, a former pastor, will give an historical sermon. Music will be by the church choir with Miss Louise Mosher at the organ.

Members of the church and parish are asked to have papers, rags and scrap ready for the collection Saturday for the benefit of the anniversary fund. In case of rain the collection will be made Monday. Louis Hathaway and Raymond Lee are co-chairmen of the annual outing and hot dog roast for members and guests of the Gerald E. Larkin Post, at 1 July 28 at the William Grove in Ashfield Rd. Congregational Church Mothers' Club will hare a sewing meeting Wednesday night in the home of Mrs.

Roswell Jorgensen. GOSHEN Goshen, July 17-Mrs. Raymond Bradford is general chairman, of the annual Goshen Flower the benefit of Congregational Church, in Town Hall, Aug. 1, from 2 to 10.30 p. m.

Mrs. Henry Packard will be cochairman, Mrs. Samuel Merritt secretary and Mrs. Philip Porter in charge of entertainment. They will be assisted Mrs.

Charles Mrs. Willard Senecal, Floyd Merritt Brooks. Mrs. Gladys Judson, Mr. anal and Raymond Bradford.

Mrs. Thomas Barrus is chairman of the supper to be served at 5.30 and 6.30. The Holy Cross camp sponsored by the Holy Cross Church of Holyoke, began its second two-week session with about 150 boys attending. WILLIAMSBURG Williamsburgh, July 17-The question of painting the outside of the Congregational Church, and redecorating the inside of the auditorium at a cost of $4000, and plans for financing such a project, will be discussed at the corporation meeting Wednesday evening at 8. Mrs.

C. A. Buford has returned to Irving, after two weeks with her father-in-law, W. F. Tetro, of East Main St.

Rev. M. Grant Chandler, pastor of the Congregational Church, is taking courses in sociology at Boston University summer school. Nearly $100 was cleared on the recent food sale of the Women's Union. Word has been receired of the birth of a daughter, Sarah Jane, on July 6, to Mr.

and Mrs. Hallgrin in Gardner. Mrs. Hallgrin is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

George Hoxie of Northampton. Additional persons with tickets fo for the Grange supper Thursday night at 6.15 to the Honor Roll dedication, are Mrs. Walter Hathaway, Mrs. Richard Culver, Mrs. Vernon West, Mrs.

Leroy Leonard, Mrs. Anna Sornborger, Filkins Auto Body in Northampton and Rollins Filling Station in Leeds. PLAINFIELD Plainfield, July 17-The funeral of Pfc. Kenneth N. Robeds, who was ber, killed in action in Korea in Septem1950, was held in the Congregational Church, with Rev.

Philip Steinmetz officiating. Burial was in Hilltop Cemetery and was in charge of Ashfield Legion Post. The Pioneer Valley Promenaders, a square dance group, surprised Leon Burt on his birthday. Mr. Burt, a member of the group, was presented several gifts, Mr.

and Mrs. Hubbel Allen have returned after spending three weeks in Florida. Rev. Sylvester P. Robertson will supply the pulpit Sunday in St.

John's Episcopal Church in North Adams. A reception was held in the Town Hall here, on Saturday for Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Gawle, who were married in Sacred Heart Church, Easthampton. There were many out-oftown guests. CUMMINGTON Cummington, July 17- Guests in town this week are Mr.

and Mrs. Stanley Svobodo and son Peter of Hicksville, Mrs. Long Emil Island, N. and Mr. and Miska and.

two children, Daniel and Kathleen, of Ivorton, Conn. and Frank Sallak of Hadlyme, with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wolf. examination was held in Northampton for postmaster in Cummington." Taking the examination were, acting postmaster Herbert A.

Kenneth Mougin, George Adams, Robert Burnett and H. Allan Goldsmith. Mrs. Anne Drake, who had been postmaster, retired May. 31, A daughter, Cynthia, was born Saturday morning in Dickinson Hospital to Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Howard. Mrs. William Raynor has returned to Pittsfield after spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs.

Henry Morey. Mrs. Harley Freeman of Holyoke will be with the Moreys for several weeks, The Ladies Society midsummer Driving crrors will cause most of the traffic crashes in the United States this year. And the number of those crashes' may well set a new record. Are these some of the errors you make? (The pictures showing the errors were prepared by the Standard Oil Co.

of New Jersey). PASSING on curves and hills. WRONG SIDE of the road. 1 RECKLESS DRIVING This driver is "cutting in." OUT OF BOUNDS- -Running off the road is fifth on the list of highway killers. WRONG SIDE passing.

And the driver who hugs the center line is just as guilty. RIGHT OF WAY violation. This driver passed a stop Sign. IMPROPER SIGNALS -Driver of the black car signaled for a right turn, turned left. barbecue at the Alfred Morey, home was attended by over 250.

Fifteen from town attended the picnic supper and evening of fellowship at Mountain Rest in Lithia. Pvt. Levi Robbing has been ferred to Fort Bragg from Ft. Devens. ITARY.

FUNERALO Westfield, July 17-The military funeral of Edward B. Miles, 41, of 105 Elm Navy veteran who died Saturday afternoon after being struck by hit-run car Friday night, was held today at Robert E. Cusack: funeral home. Rev. Daniel Crowley celebrated the requiem high mass followling in St.

Mary's Church. Burial was in St. Mary's, Cemetery, with Rev. James Flahive offering prayers at the grave. William.

Yelinek of Westfield Legion Post 124 sounded taps. Bearers, representing the post, were: Joseph Swochak, John J. Murphy, Thaddeus Bocon, Francis Dooley, George J. Hickson and Charles Woodford. J.

J. in the The a 1:.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Annamae Dooley

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